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Annie Mouse writes...

1) Why is Catwoman: Hunted “Young Justice adjacent” and not set on Earth-16?
2) Is there any possibility of a direct to video Young Justice/Earth-16 movie?

(Loved Catwoman: Hunted btw!)

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Anonymous writes...

It's my understanding that Outsiders was meant to be an allegory for the Syrian refugee crisis. So can you explain your reasoning behind the choice to have Gabrielle take a bribe to let an assassin into the castle? A refugee that commits a crime, betrays the country that showed her mercy, and gets her benevolent white saviors killed doesn't exactly elicit sympathy for refugees (or immigrants in general.) In fact, it supports the case for not taking in displaced people by feeding into the false narratives surrounding people fleeing from Muslim countries.

Was the idea that Halo becoming a hero would make up for Gabrielle's actions? If that's the case, I don't think that works because Halo is not a refugee or Quraci or Muslim, so she does nothing to redeem those demographics in the audience's eyes.

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Anonymous writes...

Did either Spoiler or Orphan go by the Batgirl mantle before taking their current respective names?

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Fantomask writes...

Hi Greg ! Hope you're fine !
I recently discovered a post where you said you were thinking about including covid pandemic in YJ. Don't you think it would be impossible and illogical ?
Because in season 1, for instance, the team has created a vaccine that countered a starro-tech in some days. So whipping out a virus like that would take hours in YJ world...

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Aside from taking on various aliases throughout history, did Vandal Savage also worked from behind-the-scenes and tried to secretly manipulate and steer numerous people of various expertise towards the direction of his grand vision for Earth in order to further advance/evolve the planet and fulfill his overall goal?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Vandal Savage was once known as Blackbeard the Pirate, then that would also mean that he would've been known by the other name Edward Teach, correct?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to Vandal Savage's two sons, Jochi and Tolui:

#1. Is their mother's name Borte?

#2. What are their powers and how exactly do they work?

#3. Did they ever knew about their father's true name and his origins and millennia-long history, or did they only know him as Temujin/Genghis Khan?

#4. Aside from their encounter with the forces of Apokolips in which they clearly survived, did they live and die in a similar manner to their counterparts in our world? If not, what differences were there?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Is the full name of Raquel's son Amistad Augustus Ervin?

#2. Is Noble Davis the man that Raquel married during/after the events of Season Two?

#3. Why does Raquel not go by Raquel Ervin-Davis in the Earth-16 universe? I mean, what exactly happened between her and Noble?

#4. Considering their mentor-protege relationship, did Raquel ever named Icon (Augustus Freeman) as Amistad's godfather after Amistad was born?

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Family writes...

What day did Queen Bee's invasion of Qurac take place?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When was Robotman revived?
Did he join the Justice League? And if so, when?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. If Cheshire had not introduced Lian to Red Arrow in Season 2, would he have sank down even lower to the point of potentially committing suicide due to his inability to locate Speedy for five years?

#2. Just so I can understand correctly, Cheshire's fear of Lian potentially becoming exactly like herself caused her to become suicidal to the point that she tried to get herself killed by someone else's hand before Artemis finally talked her out of it?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the timeline where the Reach successfully took over Earth, are all the members of the Justice League and the Team dead? If so, was it in part due to the disastrous outcome of the undercover mission that was secretly created by Aqualad and Nightwing; which likely resulted in massive distrust amongst the heroes? If not, then what was the actual reason for their deaths?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Previously, Bear was the only member of the Forever People whose real name was confirmed by you as Tabore-Kadan. However, my personal assumption is that this name is specifically based on the language of the New Gods when not translated into English. As such, for the other members of the Forever People, what are their real names?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Orion's biological mother, is her name Tigra; like in the comics? Also, what is her age; both as a human biological equivalent and in actual Earth years (since the New Gods are actually older than they look)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is the name of Darkseid's signature attack called "Omega Beams," which are red, target seeking beams that continuously follow their target until they finally reach and instantly kills and completely disintegrates their target (unless the target has some resistance to it)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. When and how did Orin first met Mera?

#2. Was Mera originally sent by her father to kill Orin like in the comics; if so, then why did she not follow through with her mission?

#3. When did Orin and Mera get married?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, was Orin born in Amnesty Bay; a small coastal town located in Maine?

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Crossoverparinglover writes...

Question about the Atlantian states and their level of independence. Could they, if so inclined, open their own embassies and conduct official relationships with other nations?

Like, as a silly example, if Sha'ark wanted to open an embassy in Australia, negotiate participation in the Olympics, have Nanueve join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, or have a state team participate in the FIFA world cup, which, if any, would he legally have the power to do and which is the exclusive right of Poseidonis?

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DCQuinn writes...

How is Jay Garrick still alive? He was born in 1918, doesn't that make him over 100? I know Joan died but I'm surprised he is able to still be in the Justice League.

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Kylie writes...

3 Questions
1) By any chance have you and/or Brandon Vietti watched or heard of a Japanese animated film called Belle (2021 film)?

2) If you have then do you agree that Justin (one of the film's antagonists) and his gang (Who deserve the name Justice Jerks) are false heroes who are ignoble, unjust, and villainous unlike the Justice League and that it would be better if they were somehow replaced by a group of As (Another Self) who are truly heroic.

3) Would any of the young superheroes of Young Justice (TV Series) be interested in watching Belle (2021 film) and maybe like it?

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Anonymous writes...

Something I have always wondered, while you guys did the 5 year gap and got the show to be as vastly developed and to be as diverse as it is know. I have been very curious however about why not do two gaps and no I don't mean any offence or trying to criticize you, it's just I wonder like if you had done the second season during year 2/3 introduce Jason, Tula, Garth, Freddie and Mary as members of the team along with new jl member Ted Kord. And then do your usual story arc and then skip after that to Invasion with season 3 as it is would not the shock factor of how much we lost during the time be greater. Cause for me there would have been two risks for me if I had to jump to year 6 directly one alienating the audience who watched season 1 since I recall a lot of my friends not realising until way later that Nightwing is Robin from season 1 and also the missed opportunities like I always felt why skip to year 6 which now in retrospective seems odd to me since to me the the time/year depicted in the seasons as of season 4 are 0,6,8,10. This number sequence for someone since the gaps are not uniform makes me a little curious. Was season 2 made to be like a proof of concept like look here it is not jub about the original character but also the whole earth-16. Like why not keep a uniform pacing. Once again I am not trying to tell you messed up or did something wrong or disagree with you because I think in a lot of ways it seems a great choice to do season 2 the way you guys did and I would honestly not have it any other way. But I am still curious about your thought process like what convinced you and Brandon to do it this way was it because you guys wanted to adapt the invasion, or did you worry that doing a season during year 3 and then going to year 6 will make you miss out the shock factor of aging heroes you got from the audience. Or was it simply that the story during year 3 was less interesting based on the timeline you made. I don't know how clear I have been with my question but I do think one advantage you did get was the mystery of what happened during the five years to drive the plot forward. Anyways hope you have a good day and really hoping for a season 5 and 6 and 7 and just however many you can/want to do.

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Anonymous writes...

Now in an interview you revealed Artemis liked the Kingsman the Secret Service, so
1) Did Wally like this film.
2) Did Artemis watch this film with Wally.
3) Now you also said Artemis didn't like the second as much as the first one, the second movie was one she watched post Endgame assuming the movie released on Earth 16 the same time it released for us. Was it sad for her to watch this film or something that made her long for the past and made her nostalgic/melancholic seeing as the movie was just not as good as before and one she couldn't discuss with Wally.
4) Would Wally have liked this film.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Recently, Polygon published an article diving into what media M'gann, Artemis, Gar, and Klarion enjoy watching and reading when they're not "saving the world or dealing with their trauma." It's a very fun read, but it got me thinking about the favorite shows, movies, and books about some of the other characters.

What media do the other members of the Team Year Zero crew enjoy when they're not on duty as heroes?

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Yojimbo writes...

1. What year did J'emm almost get married?

2. What year did Jason Blood last summon Etrigan prior to episode 10 of YJ Phantoms?

3. What year did Merlin bond Jason and Etrigan?

4. What year did Orin first come to Atlantis?

5. What year were the Arion and Orm clones made?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

As I'm sure you've noticed from some of the hateful comments you have received, LGBT rights are a sensitive issue in the Muslim world. We absolutely need more queer Muslim rep, because we do exist and have existed throughout history, but I believe it needs to be handled by someone knowledgable about the subject who can accurately portray the identity and defend themselves against the fundamentalist crowd.

With all due respect, based on Violet Harper's portrayal, I am not sure if you're the best person to do that. How knowledgeable are you about this topic? Do you know the reasons why the Muslim world is currently so anti-LGBT and the history of how we arrived at this point? Do you know what Wahhabism and Deobandi Islam is? Do you know the scriptures that people cite to support their hateful stance and how to refute their argument? Do you know what the Hadith is? Do you know the details about the oppression LGBT Muslims experience in their countries? Do you know about the Islamophobia LGBT Muslims experience in Western countries from their queer white peers? Do you know what a big deal it is to have an LGBT Muslim character on a show and how crucial it is to get it right? Are you willing to learn about all these things in order to improve any LGBT Muslim characters you may create in the future?

If not, do you not think the reins should be handed to someone more knowledgable about this perspective? You have to understand, this is a matter of life or death in some parts of the world. It needs to be handled with care. Otherwise, the fundamentalist movement will seize the opportunity to decry it as Western propaganda bastardizing Islam and use it to stir up anger.

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