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Unknown fan II writes...

Do you think in the future Amistad will pick the mantle of Rocket and become a superhero like his mother or the first black autistic superhero?

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Unknown fan writes...

Are Lian,Anissa,Arthur,Jon, Jennifer,Amistad and Don & dawn best friends?

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Anonymous writes...

Were there ever any plans for Will to receive his own arc in Phantoms? Why was Will the only member of season one's team (besides Wally of course) to not have an arc this season?

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Daniel MacDonald writes...

I know this may count as a spoiler, but who are the two reserve Leaguers who's faces are blocked when Superman and Black Lightning are looking at the screen? My personal theory is La'gaan and Detective Chimp, but that's just head canon. Also, is La'gaan fully part of the League as Aquaman III now, or is that just an idea?

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Anonymous writes...

When did Guy Gardner enter his coma?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Can you tell us anything about Young Justice's version of Tim Drake's background? I know that some might be spoilers, but since the show is mostly focusing on different characters, I don't think it would be that big a deal.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Was the crack in the Helmet of Fate meant to be an indirect nod to what happened to the New 52 Earth-2 version of the Helmet of Fate; in which it was damaged by that universe's version of Bizarro?

#2. If the Helmet of Fate ends up being completely destroyed, does that mean that Nabu will die and cease to exist? If not, what would actually happen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is green Kryptonite the only form of kryptonite that is known in the Earth-16 universe? The reason I am asking this question is because I am aware that other forms of kryptonite exists in the comics, and I assume that they also exist in the Earth-16 universe, but they have probably not yet been discovered.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. If the Earth-16 version of Lor-Zod is currently 16 years old, does that mean that in the original timeline of the 31st century, he was born in the year 3004; assuming that he time-traveled to the past from the year 3020? Also, was Lor-Zod born BEFORE or AFTER the Kryptonians were settled on Daxam?

#2. It seems that in the Earth-16 universe, prolonged exposure to kryptonite causes Kryptonians to lose consciousness and their skin color to become a discolored pale green; as seen in the case of Lor-Zod. However, how come we don't see any blood veins pop up and turn dark green; assuming that kryptonite poisoning likely also affects a Kryptonian's blood inside their bodies? Did you decide not to do that because showing such a high level of severity of kryptonite poisoning would be considered too graphic?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does "The Circle" (a clandestine organization composed of five powerful cosmic beings and intergalactic rulers; first introduced in the six-issue mini-series, "The Man of Steel") exist in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 versions of the Arrowverse characters, Zeta-Rho (The 1st husband of Lara Lor-Van) and Tal-Rho (son of Zeta-Rho and Lara Lor-Van, and maternal older half-brother of Kal-El)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Although Superboy will obviously survive the events of "Young Justice: Phantoms" because he will appear in the six-issue comic book mini-series "Young Justice: Targets," the main concern is whether or not his mental state (which is messed up due to his time in the Phantom Zone) will be alright by the time "the big event" happens on May 14th, 2030 at midnight in Happy Harbor; an event that he is destined to participate in and which will in turn inspire the formation of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century?

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Anonymous writes...

1 what are the chaos lords opinion on the phantom stranger?
2 what are the lords of order opinion on the phantom stranger?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. In regards to the Earth-16's version of the Guardians of the Universe, are its known members (Appa Ali Apsa, Ganthet (formerly), Krona (formerly), Sayd, and Scar) presumably the same as those seen in "Green Lantern: The Animated Series, since this series is canon-adjacent?

#2. With the introduction of the Earth-16 version of Tomar-Tu (son of Tomar-Re), should we be worried about the possibility that he may one day become a member of the Earth-16 version of the Darkstars; like in the comics?

#3. As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, what Space Sector does Tomar-Tu protect?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does Rogol Zaar exists in the Earth-16 universe? If so, then how much of his history is the same as in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Is Darkseid considered to be the second ruler of Apokolips; succeeding his father, Yuga Khan (real name Zonuz)?

#2. Thus far, Dru-Zod is shown to be familiar with New Genesis, but not with Apokolips. Why is that?

#3. Where is the Earth-16 version of Nubia?

#4. Where is the Earth-16 version of Myrina?

#5. Does Grail (the daughter of Darkseid and Myrina) exists in the Earth-16 universe?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hello Mr Weissman,it's John Paul again.

I want to tell you some questions about a few characters from DC comics if they appear in  Earth-16(Young Justice):

•when we are going to see the Thall Sinestro and his Yellow Lantern Corps?

•Is Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne on the DC Earth-16?

•Do Deathstroke has a long lost son named Jericho/Joe Wilson?

•where is Slade's illegitimate daughter, Ravager/Rose Wilson?
•Are gonna see the members of the Blood Syndicate like Wise Son,Tech 9,Boogie Man,Third Rail,Fade,Flashback and Dogg in the Young Justice?

•Time Travelling is real in the Young Justice universe,are you going to introduce Rip Hunter and Booster Gold in the next YJ season

•Are we going to have animated debut with international meta squad from DC comics, Global Guardians?
•are the Justice League going to recruit more metahumans and Viligantes such as Vixen, Firestorm, and Doctor Light?
•Do Captain Cold will formed a organization composed of the Flash's enemies called The Rouges?
•Will the light recruit Brother Blood in their ranks?
•Will the Outsiders or Team recruit a young green Lantern named Jessica Cruz?
•Do Darkseid have a illegitimate daughter who is half Amazonian called,Grail?
•Are we see our fan favorite Titans, Starfire and Raven joining the Outsiders or Team in the next season of Young Justice?
•When is our antithesis of Batman, Prometheus is coming to Young Justice?
•Are going to see the Girl of Steel aka Kara Zor El in the next season of Young Justice?

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Nick writes...

Is Megan’s telepathy much more powerful than her brothers?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hello Mr.Weissman,
My name is John Paul Ritji Gontor.I'm a first-generation Nigerian American and I'm on the Autistic Spectrum. I'm a pop culture fan of comic books, anime, and video games,
ten years ago, I watched Young Justice Season 1 & 2 on Cartoon Network in Nigeria.
Also, I watched your classic cartoon show you made for disney in the 90s , Gargoyles and it was the best underrated classic cartoon I ever watched. It had great action scenes, dramatic moments, Shakespearean themes, diverse & complex characters, the voice cast of famous actors, and sci-fi and fantasy elements.
You did a great job with this show and a lot of Disney fans like it.
After Young Justice, are you going to revive Gargoyles for Disney like you did for Young Justice for DC and Warner Bros?

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, how did Batman become the legal guardian of Jason Todd and Tim Drake?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Arrowverse character, Ryan Wilder? If so, what would her superhero code name be; if not Batwoman?

#2. Where is the Earth-16 version of Green Arrow's half-sister, Emiko "Emi" Queen?

#3. Does the Circle of Eternity/Council of Eternity exists on Earth-16? If so, who are its members?

#4. Does the Quintessence exists on Earth-16? If so, who are its members?

#5. Were New Genesis and Apokolips used to be one world called GodWorld/Asgard/Urgrund?

#6. Was New Genesis formerly known as Galactica (as indicated in the "Green Lanterns" storyline, "Lost in Space")?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's Lobo:

#1. Is he from the planet Cznaria; like in the comics?

#2. Is he the last of his people?

#3. Which space sector is his home planet located?

#4. When was he born?

#5. Is his real name unpronounceable; like in the comics?

#6. Does he have a half-Czarnian, half-human daughter named Crush (Xiomara Rojas)?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Carrol Ferris:

#1. Is her full name Caroline "Carol" Ferris?

#2. Is she the current owner of Ferris Aircraft; with the previous owner being her father, Carl Ferris? Also, how long has she been the owner of Ferris Aircraft?

#3. Is her mother's name Christine Ferris? Also, what is her mother's maiden name?

#4. Did she have an ex-husband named Gil Johns?

#5. Is she currently the only human member of the Star Sapphire Corps in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Assuming all ten Lantern Corps exist in the Earth-16 universe, are the following power ring A.I. greetings and Lantern Corps oaths provided below correct? If not, what are the correct versions in the Earth-16 universe?

Green Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to overcome great fear. You have been chosen. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.”

Oath: “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!”

Red Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have great rage in your heart. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps.”

Oath: “With blood and rage of crimson red, ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, together with our hellish hate, we’ll burn you all, that is your Fate!”

Orange Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You want it all. Welcome to the Agent Orange.”

Oath: “The power is mine, this is my light, be it in bright of day or black of night! I lay claim to all that falls within my sight, to take what I want, that is my right!”

Sinestro Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to instill great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.”

Oath: “In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what’s right, burn like his power, Sinestro’s might!”

Blue Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to instill great hope. Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.”

Oath: “In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright!”

Indigo Tribe:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to feel great compassion. Welcome to the Indigo Tribe.”

Oath: “Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur, natromo faan tornek wot ur. Ter lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
taan lek lek nok, Formorrow Sur!”

Star Sapphire Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have great love in your heart. Welcome to the Star Sapphires.”

Oath: “For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in Blackest Night. Accept our ring and join our fight. Love conquers all, with violet light!”

Black Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. Die.”

Oath: “The Blackest Night falls from the skies. The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise. By my Black Hand, the dead shall rise!”

White Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. Live.”

Oath: Unknown; not mentioned in the comics.

Ultraviolet Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: Unknown; not mentioned in the comics.

Oath: “By shield of day, and shield of night, we feed and grow, beyond all sight. Your darkest self shall be our knight. Wield the sword of unseen light!”

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Shyan writes...

Hi Greg,

I really enjoyed your post about how Brandon Vietti is a "MASTER OF STORY," and how he was the one who thought of adding Olympia into the "Evolution" episode of Young Justice: Outsiders.

Do you have any other anecdotes you could share about Brandon having cool ideas or just otherwise doing amazing work on Young Justice?

Also, fantastic work on Young Justice: Phantoms to you and rest of the team, I'm really impressed by the writing this season.

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