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Kyle writes...

So is Phantom Girl named that because of her connection to the Phantom Zone? Or is that just the biggest coincidence in the universe?

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SuperFan16 writes...

Just watched the finale of Phantoms, great job to you and the rest of the crew responsible. Quick question, how old is Brainiac 5 and is his name Querl Dox like the other continuities?

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Secret writes...

1. What year did Bear and Dreamer become a couple?
2. Is Zatanna currently dating anyone by season 4?
3. What year did Kaldur and Wyynde become a couple?
4. What year did Kaldur and Wyynde begin living together?
5. Have Kaldur's family adopted Delphis?

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Secret writes...

1. How did Conner's hair regrow in the last episode? Was it Zatann's magic?
2. Where are Conner and M'gann going for their honeymoon?
3. Are Garth and Troia are couple?
4. Has Superboy rejoined the Outsiders following his return in the finale?
5. Does everyone know that Mary has joined Darkseid and the Furies?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

On a scale of 1 to 10...

#1. ...how angry do you think Kal-El and Kon-El will be once they find out that Vandal Savage gave Kara Zor-El to Darkseid?

#2. ... how angry do you think the Justice League, the Team, and Outsiders will be towards Zatanna once they learn about the lengths she went to in order to get her father back (as depicted in her Season 4 story arc) and how Mary's turn to villainy is directly connected to Zatanna's actions?

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BatFan2099 writes...

When did Mal Duncan and Karen Beecher marry?

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Bionicblade2099 writes...

How do Hal, John, and Guy feel about Alan Scott. Did they approve of his actions as Green Lantern? Also do the Guardians know about Alan Scott and if so, do they condemn his actions? Last question, how did Guy get into a coma? I really hope I didn't ask for any spoiler questions

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the Bio-ships on Mars supposed to the equivalent of Earth's whales? I swear that certain sounds they make are very similar to the sounds that whales make.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1 Does Big Barda get along well with Super girl and Mary or are they both a bit to brash for her tastes ? 2. Does Lady Shiva occasionally wear a baseball cap when mentoring new members of the league of shadows ? 3 Besides Dubbilex and kraig did any other non Harper Genomorphs attend the wedding in season 4's final episode ?

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Ash writes...

First off I want to preface this with saying that I completely love what you've done with Khalid, how his story is interwoven into his magic style and even mannerisms like berating himself for missing Trogowog aftercare, how his faith has been integrated and everything he means to people.

That said I had some mixed feelings based on how he is as an adaption, and was hoping you could shed some light into the thought processes that were carried out when adapting him, to hopefully put those mixed feelings to rest.

1) So, the first question is about how his religion was adapted. But hopefully something a little different to what youve been defending ad nauseum. In the comics, Khalid isnt muslim, instead he doesnt really have a personal faith, but struggles due to the influences of his muslim father, christian mother and the Egyptian Gods who make themselves known to him and the role hes to play. And, with angels, jimm, and ofc Bast, looking over him ans his role. I have a particularly strong connection with the Egyptian faith, so that was a major appeal to me.

So my first question is why the decision was made to simplify Khalid's religious experiences for Young Justice as seems to be the case?

2)Speaking of Khalid's christian mother, in the original she is Elizabeth Nassour, with her connection to Kent making her a little more in the know to the entire sorcery elements including Bast's presence, while her occupation as an archaeologist not only fit well to the history of the Nelson family, but let her show her own personal strenth and specialication.

For YJ, it appears as though you have replaced her with Jane Nassour, who seems to have a very different approach to the Life, in spite of sharing Elizabeth's connection to Kent so seeming to be intended as the same character. I am curious to the reasoning on this change, particularly the name since that seems like an odd thing to change even irrespective of the other changes?

3) I had always gotten the impression that the Khalid Nassour Doctor Fate was largely created because someone wanted to do a story about Ibis, but DC wanted the bigger brandname; due to how the series retconned (which was retconned back) Nabu to simply be a priest of Thoth/Zehuti, with a perculiar staff akin to the Ibistick being instrumental in their arsenal, and the blood of the Pharaohs, that made him the candidate. The Ibis family, or at least the Ibistick, is commonly seen among Zatanna and Zatara's possessions.

So my third question is if this were a partial inspiration for the connection that you forged between Zatanna and Khalid?

4) I found the usage of water in Khalid's Test particularly inspired, given the way that death by drowning is treated in Islam. The comic had somewhat similar notions in the first story, with Anubis' floods and Mohammad Nassour trapped in it until being rescued.

I was curious if this particular element was inspired by the comics usage of water, or if MPAC and other resources lent towards this particular meaningful affect (or other reasons I am not considering of course)?

5) Khalid being from Egypt ethnically was a fairly significant point to his comic character, with a further struggle between the balance between Fate duties (to an Egyptian Goddess guardian), modern american med student life with his girlfriend, and his childhood friend with an unrequited crush trying to push him towards social activism against the atrocities being committed by the Egyptian government. Along with immigrant elements, with his father (which would fit quite well with Giovannis story).

So, my question is somewhat tangential to that. Egypt has a high proportion of Sufi Islam, which has elements of mysticism understood to come from Allah, which feels very reminiscent of how Khalid and Mohammed felt that his sorcery was a gift from Allah that needed to be used for his purposes. I was curious if this Sufi connection had been discussed with MPAC and integrated accordingly, or if it is just a happy coincidence?

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Jaime writes...

What are your favorite Gargoyles and spectacular Spider-Man episodes?

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Lee writes...

Is most of the human population of the 31-century meta human in young justice universe?

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Jimmy Struckman writes...

Out of all the semi-obscure comic characters to introduce into the show, why did you pick the Bad Samaritan (not a complaint, just wondering)?

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Streaky-L writes...

How old is Supergirl in "Death and Rebirth"?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy ever tell Superman that he chose Conner Kent because of Kent Nelson and not Clark Kent? If so, what was Clark's reaction?

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Anonymous writes...

1 did vandal savage ego grew after he sucessfully managed to convince the lords of chaos to drop their support of child?
2 Was a part of the reason Why vandal savage thought the lords of order wouldn’t intefere with project thrinos because he thought he thought he managed to convince them and the lords of chaos to be on his side(or at least that they wouldn’t side against him) during child’s rampage?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Young Justice gets a fifth season, would you ever consider creating a funny situation in which Icicle Jr. becomes romantically interested in Supergirl, and then he asks Superboy to help him out in the same way he previously did for Marvin White and Wendy Harris in their own romantic relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Assuming that he is no longer identified as Kaizer-Thrall or Mother-Thrall now that he is rescued and among superhero friends, what superhero codename will Danny Chase call himself?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

This will likely have happened off-screen, but after Superboy and Miss Martian got married, where did they go to spend their honeymoon? Also, is Miss Martian now legally known as Megan Morse-Kent on Earth? Is she also now known as M'gann M'orzz-El?

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sam beckett writes...

Why Greg was part plot of young justice phantoms that black canary would no council beast boy on his depression before Perdita came to visit Garfield at the hub?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Jonny Kent born in Metropolis General Hospital?

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed Perdita perhaps making eyes at Terra during the wedding. Am I looking too deeply into this, or is that who she moved on with?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that the Season 4 finale officially confirmed that Jonny Kent's full name is Jonathan Samuel Kent, can you now confirm that his first name honors his adoptive paternal grandfather (Jonathan Kent) and and his middle name honors his maternal grandfather (Samuel "Sam" Lane)?

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Anonymous writes...

I know you've implied Traci is still LGBT+ in the show, but it's a bit disheartening to see a character who has canonically been a lesbian in the comics for years dating a guy with no mention of her sexuality. I still appreciate your dedication to portraying LGBT+ and particularly bi characters, though, and was very glad to see Harper and Violet get together. Are there any characters in the show that are lesbians or otherwise LGBT+ (besides Ed and [redacted character you haven't been allowed to make canon] that you can discuss? I've always gotten a feeling about Mist and Livewire, idk why.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I think I may be getting ahead of myself, but I suspect that when Kara sees Kal-El and Jonny Kent, I think that she will assume that the former is her uncle, Jor-El, and that the latter is her cousin, Kal-El; assuming she has already seen Kal-El as an infant prior to Krypton's destuction. I don't know what she'll think about Kon-El if she sees him, but I hope that she does not have a hatred for clones like her New 52 counterpart...

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