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Suzie writes...

What’s your favourite storyline focusing on Conner and M'gann's relationship from each season?
Season 1 - The Beginning
Season 2 - The Break Up
Season 3 - Engagement
Season 4 - Marriage/Seperation
Which is your favourite and why do you like it. Supermartian is my OTP of Young Justice and I love their romance, but I would love to know what is your favourite storyline. Thank you for giving me one of my all time favourite couples EVER!!!!

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Hafiz writes...

What is Kru-El's exact relationship to Superman and What's his story?

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Steven writes...

In #20 of the young justice comics did mgann established a mind link with Marie

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, in the Earth-16 universe, is Superman's belief in the existence of Santa Claus about the same level as that of his DCAU (Earth-12) counterpart?

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Anonymous writes...

When you say religion is a part of many people's lives, and that's why you decided to put it in the show (young justice), I really disagree. I wouldn't object if that was all, but I think you went too far by showing actual prayers being recited like we were in church.
For example, sex is part of many people's lives (right ?) but you can talk about it without showing people doing it.
Why going into extreme with religion ? Why not simply put a symbol hanging at some character's neck and have him or her say : I'm muslim or I'm catholic and I like it?

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Anonymous writes...

I thought you had owned up to the mistakes you made with Halo…isn’t that why you hired MPAC in the first place, because you noticed the fan backlash and realized you needed to do better moving forward? Why are you all of a sudden doubling down on the bad choices you made and refusing to take accountability?

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Anonymous writes...

How old were M'gann's parents when they first met?
What year did they get married?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg, I have a few questions regarding the designations in the show.

1. Is there a specific person who updates all the designations in the JL computer? We learnt from S3 that Dick created the G series designation by hacking the Justice League computer, so does that mean everyone who has access to the JL Computer is able to update and create new designations or are only a select few allowed to do so?
1b. If so, who are able to do so if you are willing to list them?

Questions regarding the designation series created in S3:
2. Was there a reason Dick Grayson decided to use the letter G for his team’s designation?

3. Was there a reason Batman decided to use the letter Z for his team’s designation?

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Verdragon writes...

So what was the Manhattan Clan's reaction to seeing 4th of July or New Years' fireworks for the first time after reawakening from their thousand year slumber? I'd imagine it'd be pretty jarring for them to bust out of their stone forms at sunset to find the sky full of loud bursts of bright colors.

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Suzie writes...

With all the time travel plots you've done where a hero from the future travels to the past to prevent a disaster/tragedy have you ever thought about what if one of our heroes traveled to the future?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is Ice’s real name?
2. What is Metamorpho’s real name?
3. What is Hardware’s real name?
4. Is Ray Palmer’s full name Raymond Palmer?

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Fellipe writes...

In Young Justice Outsiders, are Bart Allen and Eduardo dating?

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Secret writes...

Aside from Lucas and Icicle Jr who else cried during the wedding because M'gann and Conner's vows were ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL?!?!? Did anyone from the original team cry!!! IT WAS THE BEST WEDDING EVER!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

In the first season the Watchtower was more brighter, but why after season 1 the lightning becomes more darker?

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Anonymous writes...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but to kill Vandal, it would suffice to put him an inhibitor collar and to kill him right after that (which any speedster could do in seconds).
And same question for the new gods, can they immortality be removed with a collar too ? Or does it just work on some species (meta-humans, kryptonians, martians...) and not on others ?
Thank you !

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg, I have been a big fan of the show since it first came out but I had two questions about M’gann and Connors wedding.

1) Why was Mal wearing the Guardian costume when everyone at the wedding knows his secret identity and not just wearing a tux.

2) Why was Mal, Wendy and Marvin sitting in the last row on the bride side instead sitting closer to the front since they have known each other for as long as 10 years compared to other heroes that they know.

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Dylan writes...

Hey Greg, first off I just wanted to say you and the YJ team kicked it out of the ballpark with phantoms. But I was curious, since Krypton was significantly more technologically advanced than Earth (before its destruction) what with them being interstellar and inventing the phantom zone projector, did the Kryptonians employ a zeta network?
After all Earth was able to create one with significantly less advanced technology and the only feasible in-universe alternative is boom tubes, which are restricted to New Genesis, Apokolips and their allies (since you need a mother/father box for).

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Matt Itelson writes...

Been meaning to ask: how'd you cast Quei Tann as Fury?

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Aprotny writes...

Hi Greg!
Thank you for continuing to answer our questions. I never thought a Season would surpass my love of Season One, but Season Four is now tied with it! It was so good.
My questions are related to the Magic School Bus.
1) does it have a name besides Magic School Bus?
2) what do you think the kids who were stuck in it thought when they saw it on tv in the Metropolis battle?
3) Did the Trolowags give it sentience, or is it just a flying school bus that had previously traveled through time now?
4) (not related to school bus) you’ve previously said you planned through Season 5 as of Season 1. At some point, I believe you said you’d planned through Season 7. How many seasons have you planned at this point?

Thank you for you and your entire team’s hard work at pumping out this product. Season four’s representation had me gushing and recommending it to everyone. I’m really looking forward to the tie in comics when they arrive in comic stores near me! (They’ll probably be out by the time you answer this)

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Anonymous writes...

boggles my mind how you get multiple muslim women telling you they were personally offended by halo and you have the audacity to argue with them that you know better. you, the man who didn’t even realize there was an issue with killing a woc graphically over and over, thinks he knows more about media representation than an actual muslim woman? oh wait, one woman said it was ok. with that logic, because trump has some black supporters, he can’t be racist.

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Suzie writes...

1. What year did Barbara and Jason start dating?
2. What year did they break up?
3. Since Barbara got back with her ex was Jason referring to Dick?

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Mar writes...

Considering that Raquel was one of M'gann's bridesmaids, and that Amistad was there, is there any reason why Noble didn't attend Conner and M'gann's wedding?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I made a mistake in an earlier posting in regards to asking about a Freddy Freeman's full name in the Earth-16 universe. Here is the correct version of the question: Is his full name Frederick Christopher "Freddy" Freeman?

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Dmoney writes...

Since the Red hooded ninja is Jason Todd what impact will he have and would that impact the Bat family

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

As of the time of this posting, it has been revealed on the internet that a new DC Comics character will be introduced in the third issue of "Dark Crisis." Nothing is currently known about this character other than the fact is that her codename is "Red Canary." It has been speculated that the secret identity of this character is likely Cynthia "Sin" Lance, a character from the pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth) who was adopted by Black Canary; but nothing has been officially confirmed at this point in time. My question to you is if you will ever consider eventually introducing the Earth-16 version of Red Canary; depending if her character is good/impressionable enough in the comics...?

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