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Michelle writes...

Hello! I’ve been wondering for the past five minutes about Fury (Rosa), mostly about her golden gauntlet. It’s multiple questions about it actually. 1)Why does she wear it? 2)Does she need to wear it? 3)Related, did she lose her lower left arm and that’s why she wears it? 4) Or does she just like wearing it? I mean it looks super cool so I wouldn’t be surprised if a younger Rosa just wanted it for the coolness factor. If you do ever get to continue your markovia storyline I’m super excited to see what you have planned for her and Brion! (Don’t feel bothered to answer if this does go into spoiler territory)

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Bee writes...

How old was Troia when she joined the team?

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NamineNasha writes...

Hello, I hope you're doing well and have many more chances to show the world your creativity.

My question for you today is about Gargoyles, more specifically David Xanatos, the Lex Luthor to Golaith's Superman.

I'm not asking for any specifics or anything, but did you create a mom for David?

I know he has one, because his dad didn't exactly make him on his own (as far as we know, of course). I'm just curious if she was actually a fleshed-out character in your mind. Did you put thought into her, make up a history for her, have her be an influence on David? Think of any storylines using her?

Or did you decide that she wouldn't have a role in Xanatos life from the beginning and just left her as Xanatos's Mother and nothing more?

I hope you don't consider this a spoiler, I've been really curious about her, ever since we saw his dad and was introduced to their rocky relationship.

Thank you again for your wonderful creations!

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Anonymous writes...

young justice season 4 was so good that a season 5 was not made.

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James Kastner writes...

It is truly is an honor to be writing to you Mr. Weisman I really admire your work on the animation you do for shows such as the spectacular Spider-Man and young justice tv series . Yah you did a marvelous job on both them hope you keep up the good work .

1.) In spider verse where it shows Captain Stacy would die I kinda was stump on that one perhaps if the series does come back we can keep all the characters alive no one can die ?

2.) will Peter friends and their families discover his secret ?

3.) will Eddie Brock harry Osborn flash reconcile with Peter .

4.) Will their be new characters such as Clash Silk Anya Miles morales Martian lee beetle hydro man madam web bystander carnage

5.) will sable formed the wild pack ?

6.) will doctor Connor’s get his lab back from Miles Warren with Gwen Stacy getting evidence

7.) does Peter have a sibling called Teresa Parker

8.) will Norman return for revenge and become the Goblin King for the Goblin nation with all Spider-Man’s enemies as his commanders .

9.) will Mj be with Peter as his girl friend ?

10.) if we have a movie with spectacular Spider-Man and Marvels Spider-Man how will play out ?

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Tom Groves writes...

Where's the DVD and bluray release of YJ season 4? I know you said one was in the works, but I am getting very annoyed with the empty slot on my shelf. Please get us all a concrete answer before the shelf slot becomes an empty slot on HBOMax.

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P.A.G. writes...

How old were Jor-El, Lara El, and Zor-El when Krypton was destroyed?

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Tyson writes...

1. Superboy is shown and stated to be weaker than superman, how strong is he compared to other average kryptonians? If they were a 10 what would Conner be?
2. In the finale of the S4 vs the house of zod, he holds his own against the zods despite being weak from the phantom zone and prior damage, and only a slight recharge. In a 1v1 fight against a full kryptonian would he be able to hold his own?
3. Finally regarding Jon (superman son) he was mentioned to have heat vision in one of the credit scenes of an episode in s4, is there any reason he would heat vision and Conner wouldn’t when they are both half kryptonian? Is it just chance like genetics like how one “brother” can be taller than the other?

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B writes...

Are dragons the Lost Race, or are they counted with gargoyles?

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Anonyme writes...

Salut Greg

Qu'as fait Bumblebee à sa fille?

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg Have You Try Streaming Disney+ & Max For Your Shows?

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GhostyBoy writes...

Has Bart Allen befriended Tye Longshadow since both are essentially best friends with Jaime Reyes?

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Kara writes...

Does Brave Bow exist on Earth 16?

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Alpha Godzilla Buddies writes...

1. What are the names of the members of the Bumblebees cheerleaders, besides Megan Morse, Wendy Harris and Karen Beecher?

2. Do Raven and Starfire exist in Earth-16?

3. Could there possibly be a reboot to the Young Justice animated series with teen comedy?

4. Will Batman meet his son, Damian?

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Olivia Ahern writes...

I really liked your books A Rain of the Ghosts Novels. I read both yours books I would have loved to see how they figure it all out and the conclusion of the finding of the zemis. Sorry to hear you not continuing with the series again would have loved to read them. Thank You. Have a good day. oliviaahern2003@gmail.com

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg Have You Watch Morbius Movie?

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J. L. Polacek writes...

I was thinking about "Vendettas" and I was wondering if there was still a village nearby where the castle once stood. Is the village still the same one that Captain Robert and his daughter lived in? If so, does the village still stand by the time Wolf finds Hakon and his axe?

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Alex writes...

Have You Play Marvel's Spider-Man For PS4?, Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales For PS4 and PS5? & Marvel's Spider-Man 2 For PS5?

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Olivia Ahern writes...

I really liked your books A Rain of the Ghosts Novels. I read both yours books I would have loved to see how they figure it all out and the conclusion of the finding of the zemis. Sorry to hear you not continuing with the series again would have loved to read them. Thank You. Have a good day.

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of the Young Justice episode evolution has Cassandra savage ever been to the history cave under Khuiten peak and monalonged her favorate parts of Vandal's backstory to herself there while wearing her baseball cap or newsgirl cap from time to time ?

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Jan Rott writes...

In the episode "Turf" you see Pal Joey twice. Once in the attack of Dracon's car slaughterhouse, where there is a Joey on the roof before being stunned by the gas and another Joey with Glasses inside. When the train is attacked you can see both of them next to each other.

I assume it's an animation error. But can we avoid the fact that Joey has a twin brother who also works for the Dracons?

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Anonymous writes...

Was 'Humanity' (Young Justice season 1 episode 15) influenced by the climax of Pluto (a 2003-2009 Japanese comic series)?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I have some questions regarding Young Justice.

1. Are Mist and Livewire lesbian and a couple on Earth-16?

2. Are Wonder Woman and Catwoman bisexual on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Garfield learn that kid flash's name was wally west before or after Garfield begin living at mount justice?

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Liz writes...

After reading Gargoyles Dark Ages, I have to ask. Did Lexington choose his 'new' name because his childhood human friend named him 'Alexander' and the 'Lex' part reminded him of her?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two