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Mercy Burnett writes...

If the two ever met, would Owen Burnett (Gargoyles) and Mercy Graves (Superman: The Animated Series) become best friends and maybe something even more?

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Droga52 writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have a question for Flash's very small cameo in the season 4 finale. Is there a reason why he went back to his old suit?

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Lucius Varus writes...

1. In the show, Oberon is established to be one of, if not the most powerful opponent the Gargoyles have ever faced. Are there beings in the Gargoyles Universe even more powerful than Oberon? And if so, where do they all fall under the cosmic pecking order.

2. What do Fox and Hyena think of each other?

3. How do you feel about all of the people who ship Eliza and Demona together?

4. Since its implied that all myths, legends, and folktales are true in the Gargoyles Universe (Puck and the Loch Ness Monster for examples), what does this mean for all of the Monotheistic and Polytheistic faiths?

5. If souls exist in the Gargoyles Universe, then is there a singular afterlife for all people and creatures? Or do Humans and Gargoyles have separate ones?

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Josh writes...

What kind of rock or stone would you say the Gargoyles are made out of when they are in their stoneform?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False?: The Possible Origin of Earth-16's Superboy

As Superboy is a partial clone of Superman, and Superman's DNA was somehow acquired by Project Cadmus without him realizing it, one possible explanation is that they acquired the DNA from Superman's blood during the aftermath of a major battle that Superman was involved in; the enemy that Superman fought with was either equal to or stronger than him in terms of strength, or the enemy had access to Kryptonite-augmented weaponry (most likely in the form of blades). Whatever the reason, this enemy caused Superman to bleed during the fight, and Superman's blood was splattered all over the battleground. Then, most likely, someone who was disguised as part of a cleanup crew likely took samples of Superman's blood and brought it to Project Cadmus.

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Anonymous writes...

Having watched the young justice episode Evolution I was wondering 1. What is Cassandra savage's overall opinion of vandal's eventual upcoming battle with Darkside besides rooting for Vandal to win ? 2. just as Oylmpia did for her has Cassandra savage taken up a stepmom roll for a younger brother or sister in her care and tolled the story of vandal's past while she and her younger sibling both had on baseball caps or newsboy caps at the same time on occasion?

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reverse writes...

as per comic canon is meloni thawne (daughter of thaddeus thawne) bart allen’s mom and does bart have any relationship with his thawne family (atleast in his original timeline) ?

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uot789 writes...

During Barts disappearance from earth in S4, how did Jay, Barry, Iris react and when was he declared officially missing ?

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Hana writes...

1.Does Deathstroke's son, Jericho/Joseph Wilson exist in the YJ universe?

2. Will Raven and Starfire appears Young Justice if the series continues?

3. If YJ get greenlit for more seasons, will Jon and Damian have the their turn as heroes?

I really enjoyed how Mr. Greg woven the dynamic of hero/villian families and challenges in following their parents or rejecting them. My greatest wish is to see how YJ will handle Orion, Raven, Damian, and Jericho (children of the DC Universe biggest baddies) storylines and how they struggle against their family legacy.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Have you ever considered doing a "what if" scenario for any of your work like Gargoyles or Young Justice?
2A. This is a question that has been bothering me for years ever since the first time Young Justice got cancelled and as far as I can tell no one has asked you this question, did anyone actually take you up on your challenge of making a pie in exchange for a spoiler if the pie was good enough?
2B. Were any of the pies good enough?
Also I just want to say thank you for all of the hard work you and the crew you've worked with over have done to bring us hours of entertainment, I know the trolls are annoying but despite some minor criticisms that I have that I won't bother you with I enjoy your shows.

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Anonymous writes...

Are Zatanna and Rocket dating? I ask because I noticed that every other pair we see at Bibbo's Diner in the season three finale is either actively dating (Dick/Barbara, Kaldur/Wyndde, Conner/M'gann) or briefly expressed an attraction to each-other in that season (Roy/Artemis), making Zee and Raquel an odd outlier amongst the group if they aren't in a relationship.

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Anonimatus writes...

What happened with The Brain after being captured? Did he escape from Belle Reve and is still working with the Light?

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Clark Cradic writes...

Like in the myths, Odin exchanged his eye for wisdom? Was there anything specific he may have learned? Something that other Children of Oberon might not have known about? I guess I'm curious the nature of what he learned.

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE: Earth-16 Spectre

#1. The Spectre is a divine entity representing vengeance on behalf of The Presence (who is considered to be God in the context of Abrahamic religion).

#2. The Spectre was initially a demon named Aztar; he rebelled against God but later sought forgiveness and was granted a divine role.

#3. The Spectre is normally bound to a human host who assists him in judging the transgressions of humanity and other beings, determining suitable punishments; these judgments are often delivered in a harsh and creatively ironic manner.

#4. The primary host of the Spectre is usually James "Jim" Corrigan, a Gotham City detective.

#5. Another possible host of the Spectre is Crispus Allen, another Gotham detective; even though this man has doubts about God's existence.

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, even though his real name, his true nature, or his origins are unclear, is the Phantom Stranger's present-day secret identity named Philip Stark? If true, did his family (whom I assume are deceased in the Earth-16 universe) included his wife Elena Stark, his daughter Allie Stark, and his son, Tim Stark?

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Anonymous writes...


The "Young Justice" TV series (designated as Earth-16) is part of the multiverse that existed in the DC Animated Movie Universe, and it had been wiped out from existence in the conclusion of the animated "Crisis on Infinite Earths" trilogy. As such, it is for this reason (or at least, part of it) why the show was NOT renewed for a fifth season.

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necro mage writes...

are the average atlanteans aware that it was klarion who sunk atlantis?

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Master DC King 2009 writes...

Hey Greg, just a few questions. if Young Justice season 5 were to happen, would it focus on Wally West's return to the show, introduce Linda Park, Kyle Rayner, and The Reverse Flash. since Artemis is dating somebody else. what are your thoughts on this.

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Master DC King 2009 writes...

Hey Greg, which 4th Green Lantern Joined the Justice League In Young Justice S4. Is it Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, or Simon Baz

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Anonymous writes...

Do you consider any other characters in Young Justice besides Amistad to be neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc)? Or in any of your works for that matter?

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Liam writes...

Hi Greg I have 3 questions (if this is the right section or is there another)
1) when or if carnage was introduced how would U of had introduced him

2) is the Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man crossover canon to the show

3) how you doing

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Aaron writes...

greg did you ever meet dwayne mcduffie when he was still alive? if so did he ever tell you what he thought about your version of static shock from young justice season 2?

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Christopher Leistner writes...

I have an idea involving spectacular Spider-man having a new character who also have spider powers along with me acting as that character.

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Ashley Cushnie writes...

What is Glasses's real name?

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Nicholas writes...

Do you think Miss Martian and Conner can conceive a child? Because as we know they're from different species. She is an alien and he is a clone created by the DNA of Lex and Superman. So I wonder if it's possible for them to become parents.

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Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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