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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. You said that, in the Earth-16 universe, one of Alfred's greatest regrets is that he refrained from parenting Bruce; as such he treated Dick differently. Did he treated Jason Todd and Tim Drake (and presumably Cassandra Wu-San; since she moved to Wayne Manor after defecting from the League of Shadows) in a similar manner like he did with Dick?

2. When Lady Shiva damaged Orphan's vocal cords, was the damage permanent, or will the damage take a very long time to recover before Orphan will eventually be able to finally speak?

3. Since Cassandra Wu-San moved to Wayne Manor, did she technically become Bruce Wayne's fourth legal ward?

4. In the comics, Orphan's father is David Cain; who is one of the world's premier assassins, paid to eliminate some of the most famous and powerful people on the planet, no matter how seemingly impossible the task. However, since the Earth-16 version of Orphan has her mother's surname instead; I'm curious to know why the Earth-16 version of David Cain is not a part of Cassandra's life; even though he IS Cassandra's father. I mean, did Lady Shiva forbid David from seeing his own daughter, or was there another reason why David Cain hasn't been introduced in the Earth-16 universe yet?

5. In the Earth-16 universe, does Lady Shiva have an older sister named Carolyn Wu-San, an uncle named Shiruto, and a godfather named O-Sensei?

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Gabriel writes...

Hi, I love the expansion of Martian lore and culture that your series did in season 4. I would like to know more about this topic.

Are there a equivalent to schools in M'arzz? If they exist, does they have specific classes for learning how to use their species natural abilities like the telepathy and shape-shifting?

We know that J'onn used to be a M'hontrr, but does M'Gann count as a M'hontrr since she was trained by one of the greatest M'hontrrs in martian history? Independent of the answer, are the A'ashenn allowed to be M'hontrr? If they are, does they face prejudice by the G'arrunn members in the force?

It has been stated that martians breeds large families, so, is it safe to assume that prince J'emm has at least some siblings?

Since M'Gann's bio-ship was originally promised to her uncle, can we say that the bio-ships are a symbol of high status in martian society? Also, are bio-ships rare? If they are, does M'arzz has laws about connecting with them?

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Elisa writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a great fan of Poison Ivy and I would like to know more about her version in the YJ universe.

Is she named Pamela Isley like in the comics, or is she a new character?

Did her powers came due to a meta-gene or due to a scientifical experiment like her New and Prime Earths counterparts? In case it is the second one, was Jason Woodrue responsable for it?

Are the concepts of the Green and the Red existing in the YJ reality? If they exist, is it safe to say that YJ's Poison Ivy is related to the Green?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False?

1. In what could potentially be an ironic twist in the Earth-16 universe, Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle) is a direct descendant of Ma’alefa’ak (M'comm M'orzz); due to the fact that Ma’alefa’ak's faction of White Martians will live in Durla in the 21st century.

2. In the Earth-16 universe, the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes are Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn), Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen), and Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz).

3. In the Earth-16 universe, Brainiac-5's real name is Querl Dox, and he is the descendant of the Collector of Worlds.

4. In the Earth-16 universe, the Collector of Worlds is the ancestor of Brainiac-5.

5. In the Earth-16 universe, Saturn Girl's home world is Titan; which is the largest moon of Saturn and the second-largest moon in the Solar System.

6. Even though Kara Zor-El was still in the Phantom Zone in the original timeline (before Lor-Zod went back in time and changed history by attempting to kill Superboy), it is possible that she had likely tragically died in the Phantom Zone at some point prior to the 31st century; hence her lack of appearance when the other Phantom Zone prisoners were finally released by that time.

7. The introduction of Kara Zor-El in the post-credits scene of the Season 4 finale seems to suggests that her presence is part of the 0.16% chance that the timeline was not completely restored to its original state; which was something that Chameleon Boy was (rightfully) concerned about.

8. In the Earth-16 universe, Big Barda's depicted personality in Season Three of Young Justice is likely in part because she has not yet met her future husband, Mister Miracle (who is the son of Highfather and Highmother, and the foster son of Darkseid).

9. Big Barda will most likely eventually question her loyalty to Darkseid and Apokolips; in part due to the fact that Superman had risked his own life to save her without any hesitation.

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Walter writes...

Hi Greg, I was reading the YJ wiki and started to wonder about some things:

1. Is Queen Bee a meta-human? In case she isn't, what's the source of her pheromone powers?

2. About Ice, is she part of a Romani clan like her New Earth counterpart? Also, is her power ice magic or meta-gene related?

3. Does Earth 16's Soultaker absorbs the souls of those killed by it?

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Gabe writes...

What is your deal with changing the racial ethnicity, gender and, worst of all, sexual orientations of characters when you do an adaptation or remake of something as opposed to making an expy. Why ruin what does not need to be fixed? At least with expys, you can basically have a character that you want to use while not sticking to what makes them them instead of your own thing

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Lauren writes...

Hi Greg.
I'm currently annotating the YJ tie-in comics while using the wiki as a resource, as it contains citations to previous Ask Greg Questions. I ask only because I think it was never clarified. I find the wiki to be a wonderful resource, so I wouldn't ask if it was clearly stated on there.

I am currently on Issue #5 (aka the origin issue) and needed something cleared up about Wally's origin. Did Wally have unfettered access to Barry's lab notes when recreating the Flash experiment, or was he simply going off of his memory of the notes he saw when he first found them?

Barry blames himself for Wally's "accident," but how responsible was he really if Wally only carelessly recreated it without supervision.

Thanks for your transparency for all these years, and I hope this is a question that can be answered.

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, writes...


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Mystic Tame writes...

Hi greg! I loved gargoyles growing up but i was wondering something about the clans of gargoyles. is their a term or name for the gargoyles who don't have a clan like Demona? I don't mean exiled but like how Demona is alone. She doesn't have a class. is it simply clanless or is there a term for it?

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Alexander N. writes...

Hi Greg.

Was Harley Quinn ever considered for Young Justice?

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Alexander N. writes...

Hi Greg.

How would you feel if Spectacular Spider-Man cameoed (Space Jam style) in Avengers Secret Wars as a minor cameo (like multiple animated characters having small but meaningful cameos, to show the animated characters also helping save the day)?

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Lee writes...

when queen bee came to take marie logan with her to have marie kill were was Garfield at the time

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J. L. Polacek writes...

When did Demona discover that Burnett was Puck? was it before or after Puck gave her his "gift" in "The Mirror"?

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TJF writes...

When it comes to Avatars and the Children of Oberon, does it always have to be someone hijacking the Third Race member in question and taking control of the power solely by themselves like Jackal and the Emir, or is it possible for a more symbiotic relationship between Avatar and Child to exist? If so, is that one possible loophole for Oberon’s law?

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Kyle Dawson writes...

In Young Justice what exactly are Everyman's powers? He seems to have some form of shapeshifting but he seems to only turn into monsters.

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Mat writes...

Hello Mr. Wisemen I have been along time fan and I have been wondering three things about young justice.
1. How in did the league get so many new recruits between season 2 and season 4

2. Will we ever see David Cain and orphan talk to each other

3. Will more comics for young justice come out

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Anonymous writes...

Unintentionally Unsympathetic
1) Few people are shedding tears for Silas Stone after Victor lashed out at him for turning him into a cyborg with the Father Box. From what we see of his relationship with his son, he's shown to be pretty apathetic and distant to the point he barely knows anything about Victor's school life (for reference, he chastises Victor for not doing well enough at school when he has a 4.0 GPA). And although we can forgive him for turning Victor into a cyborg out of desperation, he loses sympathy points when he instead tries to pin the blame on the Justice League for Victor's condition since they gave him the Father Box, even though the League warned him of its dangers.

2) M'gann may enter this territory in "Nevermore." She attempts to give back her engagement ring to Conner, heartbroken that he still can't forgive her for how she abused her powers in the past, while Conner immediately declares otherwise and they happily reconcile. Only problem with that is in just the prior episode she abused her powers to deceive Artemis by letting her believe she was communicating with Wally's spirit when it was really just a construct created by M'gann from Artemis' own mind. Conner, of course, doesn't know this but it's difficult to imagine he wouldn't regard the plan with similar distain when he considers her lying to everyone to be little different than her abusing her powers, and her actions in "Overwhelmed" are her abusing her powers again. Thus M'gann can be seen as receiving forgiveness even while she continues her previous behavior, only this time sucessfully keeping it hidden from Conner.

3) Black Lightning, the show treats him as a more moral and honest counterpart to characters such as Batman who work covertly with secrets, but many fans found him to be a hypocrite since he engages in many of the same things for the majority of the season, such as joining Nightwing's covert team after calling out Batman for making one, and only seems to have a problem with secrets when they're being kept from him, by the end of the season when Jefferson becomes leader of the Justice League many fans feel it was unearned due to his previous actions and behavior.

4) Don't get me start with Garfield/Beast Boy and his behavior during the events of Young Justice Phantoms.

I don't know if you're ever gonna make a Season 5 or more Seasons for Young Justice, but if you do then you better find a way to make up for all this shown above. Okay please?

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Thanksgiving delay reasoning writes...

About the comic Unequivocal Success (of Quest). I have a question: What was you reasoning for delaying the comic to November 2024?

Reason why I asked is because the comic brings up the missey feelings on Thanksgiving.

On one hand, I liked you brought it up because since of course part-Native Elisa would have mixed feelings on it and that her Native father doesn't do it. So the messy feelings on Thanksgiving has to be brought up at some point and they do need to be adressed.

On the other hand, I think it would have been better to release the comic on August/September (aka not the actual Thanksgiving months of Canadian!Thanksgiving on October and Amercian!Thankgiving on November). You realized the risk that bringing up mixed feelings about Thanksgiving near Thanksgiving is just asking for some fans to accuse you of "ruining their October/November on purpose with soapboxing" right?

Meanwhile if the comic was relased on Aug/Set instead, the risk of that accusation happening is far lower and people would be more will willing to listen about the mixed feelings on Thanksgiving.

I am just asking what was you reasoning for delaying the comic to November 2024 (as opposed to releasing it on Aug/Set) even though it has content that talked about the mixed feelings about Thanksgiving? Do you think it is worth it to relase it on November instead of Aug/Set?

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galen marshall holloway writes...

hi greg!huge fan of your work! i know this is a shot in the dark but im hoping and praying that you will consider being a guest on our youtube channel HERO MODE PODCAST https://www.youtube.com/@heromodeACTIVATED

i KNOW your very busy and time is previous but weve been huge fans of gargoyles, young justice and spiderman and would love an hour to pick your brain...my email is galenholloway99@gmail.com

again no pressure but id love to have u as a guest.please and thanks-galen

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Tambry Pines writes...

I know this is probably a weird question, but what do you think of Supergiant Games' popular Hades games?

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Mercy Burnett writes...

If the two ever met, would Owen Burnett (Gargoyles) and Mercy Graves (Superman: The Animated Series) become best friends and maybe something even more?

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Droga52 writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have a question for Flash's very small cameo in the season 4 finale. Is there a reason why he went back to his old suit?

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Lucius Varus writes...

1. In the show, Oberon is established to be one of, if not the most powerful opponent the Gargoyles have ever faced. Are there beings in the Gargoyles Universe even more powerful than Oberon? And if so, where do they all fall under the cosmic pecking order.

2. What do Fox and Hyena think of each other?

3. How do you feel about all of the people who ship Eliza and Demona together?

4. Since its implied that all myths, legends, and folktales are true in the Gargoyles Universe (Puck and the Loch Ness Monster for examples), what does this mean for all of the Monotheistic and Polytheistic faiths?

5. If souls exist in the Gargoyles Universe, then is there a singular afterlife for all people and creatures? Or do Humans and Gargoyles have separate ones?

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Josh writes...

What kind of rock or stone would you say the Gargoyles are made out of when they are in their stoneform?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False?: The Possible Origin of Earth-16's Superboy

As Superboy is a partial clone of Superman, and Superman's DNA was somehow acquired by Project Cadmus without him realizing it, one possible explanation is that they acquired the DNA from Superman's blood during the aftermath of a major battle that Superman was involved in; the enemy that Superman fought with was either equal to or stronger than him in terms of strength, or the enemy had access to Kryptonite-augmented weaponry (most likely in the form of blades). Whatever the reason, this enemy caused Superman to bleed during the fight, and Superman's blood was splattered all over the battleground. Then, most likely, someone who was disguised as part of a cleanup crew likely took samples of Superman's blood and brought it to Project Cadmus.

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two