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Iris writes...

Love young justice watched it since I was a kid.
Is Artemis’s dog named Brucley or Bruce Li cuz I feel like those names are easy for people writing Wikipedia pages to mix up.

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Kalito writes...

I know that before the events of the last episode of YJ Season 3 the Justice League got restrained in dealing with problems, even with helping with humanitarian efforts after disasters, thanks to restrictions placed by the United Nations ever since Lex Luthor became UN Secretary-General. But did the League ever think of trying to expose him for his criminal activities in the first place so that he can be removed from his position and maybe even arrested?

Note: I thought of this from that episode of Young Justice Season 2 called "Summit" in which the Reach finally got exposed for their evil nature after the young heroes got the evidence they needed to do so and it didn't take years to do that. Plus after remembering Benson Fuhrman (Who's real last name is Hairmore) from an episode of Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated Season 2 called "Scarebear".

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Kalito writes...

Should there be a Teen Titans or Young Justice in the DC Extended Universe? Because I think it would be pretty interesting if either one of those young superhero teams were to appear in it.

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Anonymous writes...

How well does Superboy fight underwater?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why didn't Superboy report Miss Martian's abuse of power in season 2 after they broke up?
2. When M'gann apologised to Conner on the Bio-Ship for what she tried to do to him was that the first time she apologised for what she had done. From the sounds of it it sure seems like it?
3. Are Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris a couple?
4. When M'gann and Conner eventually got back together when did they let everyone know? Was it right away or did they keep it a secret for while like when they first got together?

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Suzie writes...

When Artemis agreed to fake her death back in season 2 I keep wondering how and why would she agree to particate in that kind of mission, letting everyone. Friends, family, teammates etc think she was dead. What she said at the start of the episode, “I'm needed now”, she acted like this was a typical mission when it wasn't.

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Anonymous writes...

What are those rock display in the M'orzz home on Mars? Do M'gann's parents collect them and if so why? I always wondered about that?
Also is that the home where M'gann grew up and if so how did they managed to house at least 30 kids!?

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Michael Broder writes...

Who else attended Wally's funeral?
Was Beast Boy an actor yet?

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you decide to make Miss Martian bald in season 3?

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Anonymous writes...

1 - Where was Artemis when Dick was exposed to the X-Pit. Everyone went to the Premiere Building after learning the news, except Artemis? Where was she and why didn't she come?
2 - When news about the Anti-Light were exposed and M'gann and Conner were arguing what exactly were they saying?

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Anonymous writes...

How did Nightwing managed to keep everyone at bay in regards to Miss Martian's kidnapping? I'm curious that clearly everyone would want to rescue M'gann from Black Manta and she was held hostage for 2 months from April to the end of May. How could Nightwing handle the sitaution to those who didn't know the truth that M'gann was restoring Kaldur's mind without comprising the deep cover mission?

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Anonymous writes...

Did darkseid order granny goodness to become a member of the light or did she volunteer herself? If it is the latter then why?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Assuming Metron considers the Fatherbox to be his "son" and the Motherbox to be his "daughter" due to regarding Cyborg and Halo to be his "grandchildren," then how old would both the Fatherbox and Motherbox be in terms of human biological years?

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Secret writes...

Was M'gann planning on taking Conner's last name once they were married? or was she planning to hyphenate? M'gann Kent or M'gann M'orzz-Kent?

Also is it the same with Lois? Is she Lois Kent, Lois Lane-Kent or just the same old Lois Lane?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Vandal Savage:

#1. Since he was born around 48,000 BCE, that would've during the time of the Late Stone Age (Upper Paleolithic), correct?

#2. Was he born in what would eventually be known as the Perigord Noir region of France?

#3. In regards to the cave bear that attacked him, is it from the same species of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) that would become extinct in Europe by around 24,000 BCE?

#4. When the meteor that gave Vandal his immortality crashed on Earth, where exactly on the planet did this take place; assuming that it was not in the same region in which he was born?

#5. Just like in pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth), was he a member of the Blood Tribe (even though the tribe would probably likely consist entirely of Homo sapiens on Earth-16; as opposed to Neanderthals, like in the comics), and did he inherit the name Vandar Adg after the death of his own father (who previously held the name)?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Has Jamie ever introduced Traci to Tye?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Light...

#1. I am assuming the "ancient" incarnation of "The Light" only consisted of Vandal Savage and any and all of his descendants of his bloodline over the millennia who willingly joined his cause?

#2. I am assuming that Vandal Savage (L-1) and Ra's al Ghul (L-2) became co-founders of the "modern" incarnation of "The Light" after their conversation with each other (which took place at some point between 2006 to 2007), and the other original members (L-3 through L-7) were then invited one by one in the years that followed?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Lex Luthor:

#1. Is his full name Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor?

#2. Is his mother's name Lillian, Arlene, Letitia, or Leticia Luthor?

#3. Are he and Jimmy Olsen distant cousins; like in the post-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity?

#4. When exactly was he invited to join The Light?

#5. Because of the Starro-tech, does he now know that Clark Kent is Superman and, if so, has that changed anything in regards to his animosity towards Superman (assuming it happens in the Earth-16 universe)?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Martian Manhunter know Miss Martian was really a White Martian when they first met? If so was he okay with letting her pose as a Green Martian?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman,

Since Marvel Studios is reviving the 1992 "X-Men" TV Series as "X-Men '97" on the Disney Plus streaming service in 2023, in your honest opinion, do you think that Marvel Studios should also revive "The Spectacular Spider-Man" TV series at some point in the future? Have you ever considered contacting Marvel Studios to discuss the possible idea?

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Family writes...

After Guy joined the League, (and probably quickly proved how annoying he can be) did Hal and John ever take a moment to say "We told you so?"

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Anonymous writes...

Do the Justice League regret inviting Guy to join them
Has the Justice League ever kicked out a member before
Have they ever considering kicking out Guy Gardner from the Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

What year did Psimon and Devastation become a couple?
How long have they been dating by season 3?
When was Onslaught team officially formed?
Who is the leader of Onslaught?
Does Icicle Jr still have a crush on Tuppence Terror or is he finally over her?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I want to thank you so much for clearing up the matter on the designation numbers for the members of The Light. I had read your response that you did on March 14, 2022, and I had read your thorough explanation on it. So now, whenever new members join the ranks of The Light, it should hopefully be much easier to keep track who comes and goes from this point onwards... assuming the next time-skip that occurs in the series does not complicate things...

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Nightwings's eye colour now silver in season 4?

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Anonymous writes...

What was Miss Martian's reaction to finding her and Conner's home in shambles because of Victor and Halo? Also did she blame them or Conner?

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Green Beetle's bio-ship smaller than Miss Martian's bio-ship?

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Anonymous writes...

Does the light hold black manta accountable for the damage kaldur did as a double agent?

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Bee writes...


Since Giovanni and Bruce are friends...I was wondering if Dick and Zatanna have met before she first visited mount justice?

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Anonymous writes...

What was Miss Martian doing during the group's mission in markovia?

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Suzie writes...

Why did Miss Martian have long hair in the Torch Song comic when she still had short hair at the end of season 2? Why did M'gann have long hair again? Did she bring it back to get Conner's attention or was that just an error?

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Anonymoose writes...

Hi Greg, I hope you're well! I have a few questions related to the everyday life of the Manhattan clan.

1. When they lived in the Clocktower, how did they get food? Did Elisa simply buy them groceries? Did they ... take what they needed... from nearby supermarkets? Something else?

2. In the clocktower, did they take turns doing chores to maintain the place, like cleaning/dusting, washing dishes, etc.? If so, did they have a schedule or just did things as needed?

3. Did Broadway do all or most of the cooking, or did the others also cook sometimes?

Thank you!

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Anonymous writes...

Since Conner works from out of his home as a motorcycle mechanic does this mean he is his own boss and doesn't work under anyone. In short, does Conner have his own motorcycle business?

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Anonymous writes...

I'm confused about Em'ree. She was the only one of M'gann's siblings who was willing to attend her and Conner's wedding, but at the same time, she also showed she wasn't entirely supportive from their argument in episode 3. In short did Em'ree really support or approve of relationship?

Also did her views really changed when Conner died and she saw how heartbroken M'gann was over his death?

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Anonymous writes...

By 2020 do Artemis, Nightwing, Superboy and Miss Martian still have the option of joining the Justice League?
Why did Conner decide to join the Outsiders
Why was Artemis chosen to lead the team inside of Dick?

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Antiyonder writes...

In regards to the mention of Superman mistaking Captain Marvel as being a Kryptonian in "Agenda", I figured it's (mostly) referring to some of the surface similarities between the two.

Was that by chance also a reference to Supes believing Power Girl to be Kryptonian, but she really wasn't at least following "Crisis On Infinite Earths"?

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RebeccaðŸ'- writes...

Have you and Brandon Vietti watched or heard of a Japanese animated film (created by Mamoru Hosoda and produced by Studio Chizu) called Belle (2021 film)🎼🎶 by any chance? I'm just being curious.

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Suzie writes...

1. What year did Conner and M'gann move into the apartment above Lucas Carr's house?
2. What year did M'gann become a student counselor at Happy Harbour High School?

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Suzie writes...

If Season 2 had 26 episodes instead of 20, would one of those 6 additional episodes had feature Miss Martian and Superboy getting back together on the show instead of in the comics? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the comics and again THANK You for reunting Supermartian in them, but sometimes I wonder what would it be like to actually hear the actors voice the lines and to actually hear the song play. Also what is the official name of the song that M'gann sang in the Torch song comic where she expressed her sorrow and regret/her love for Conner.

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Marvelman writes...

Hi, Greg.

There is a part of me that feels badly for levelling any criticism against you or Young Justice because I'm just glad we got a season 3 and a season 4 and, hopefully, a season 5. But, I'm going to do it anyways.

The still-scenes really bug me. It seems to me that there were a lot of them in Phantoms part 1. If they are there to lighten the workload for the beleaguered animators then why not give them a few more months to work on the show? Yes, I would like more Young Justice as soon as possible, but I'm also prepared to be patient and wait for higher quality work. I'm sure there are other fans who feel the same way.

Or, is it not that simple?

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Anonymous writes...

Is ultra humanite still interested in experimenting on halo and cyborg?

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Family writes...

When did Troia become Wonder Woman's sidekick?

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Anonymous writes...

When I was checking out some info about the characters of Young Justice in TV Tropes I found this on La'gaan/Lagoon Boy (Shown Below).

"The Friend Nobody Likes: He’s constantly berated for being whiny, constantly ruining the mission, and he can be found unbearable. Even those who he usually doesn’t interact with have clear implications that they dislike him for some reason (Take Beast Boy who's a Shipper on Deck for M'gann and Superboy). Aqualad is probably the only one who likes him."

I know that La'gaan sort of had a bad attitude and not completely a friendly guy (Nor completely bad either), but did all of members of the Team really hated him completely and that Kaldur might be the only one who likes him? I know that Superboy and Beast Boy didn't really like him, but I did think everyone one else hated him that much.

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Joed writes...

Hello Greig.
Fisrtable i gotta say that you're an amazing cartoon writter, i have enjoyed Young Justice and Spectacular Spiderman in special.
My question is:
I'm so newbie on Animation, how can i approach a work on those incredible series that you worked for, what does it takes?

With no more questions i want to thank you for your time!

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Anonymous writes...

What year and month did Tula and Garth become a couple?
Did Kaldur ever stand a chance at getting together with Tula before she got together with Garth?
Did Tula have any feelings for Kaldur or did she always see him as just a friend?
Did Tula know about Kaldur's feelings for her based on her brief talk with Garth in Downtime?

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Anonymous writes...

Who are your favourite couple on Young Justice and why do you love them?
Who are your least favourite romance and why do you dislike them?
Do you ever regret separating Wally and Artemis at the end of season 2?
Why did you decide to separate Conner and M'gann in season 4? Why make M'gann suffer the same pain and heartache of losing the love of her life as Artemis once did?

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Anonymous writes...

In what year and month did Robin and Wonder Girl break up and to confirm was Wonder Girl the one who ended the relationship?
Does Robin ever regret not telling Wonder Girl the truth about the Anti-Light team and keeping her in the dark?
Prior to their trouble in season 3, what were they like as a couple in general since we know very little about them due to their lack of screentime?
Do you ever wish they had more development in their romance and if you had the chance what would you include to expand on their relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Season 2 related questions for Red Arrow and Cheshire relationship
What year did Red Arrow and Cheshire get married?
In what year before season 2 did Cheshire leave Red Arrow?
Where did they get married? Was it a city hall marriage?
Who knew about Red Arrow and Cheshire's marriage in season 2?

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Anonymous writes...

What year did Traci Thurston/Thirteen join the Team?
When did Traci and Jamie become a couple?
How long have Traci and Jamie been dating by the start of season 3?
What were your thoughts on the Bluepulse ship and did you ever consider getting them together?
When did Zatanna take Traci on as a protege?

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Anonymous writes...

Are their any couples on Young Justice you wish you had more screentime for like Red Arrow and Cheshire, Mal and Karen or Robin and Wonder Girl? If you could expand on their relationships/romantic storylines would you include for them? Also do you think there's a chance for a eventual reunion for Red Arrow and Cheshire.

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