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Lewis writes...

I have some questions regarding the Space Belts first seen used in Season 3 Episode 13 Influence by Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman and Superman as they assaulted the Orphanage and seen again in the latest episode Ego and Superego, Season 4 Episode 23. I have included two questions on similar technology.

1. Who developed this technology?
2. Was it based on existing technology or was it designed from scratch?
3. How do the Life Support functions work, ie where does the Oxygen come from.
4.How does Rocket's Intertia Belt's Life Support functions work?
5. How do Power Rings Life Support Functions work.

I wanted to thank you for season 4 which has basically been a bunch if arcs centred around all the subject matter I've wanted explored since season 1. I hope you get to keep doing what you have been.

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Eric Hogue writes...

Regarding the five between the five anchors (Aquaman, Nightwing, Artemis, Rocket, and Zatanna) and Klarion, it looked to me like Klarion was the aggressor/aggressive against the first four, but was more responsive to Zatanna, refuting her attacks instead of attacking her directly.

1. Was that a deliberate choice?
2. If so, was there anything about Zatanna specifically (such as Klarion being curious what she would do, having some grudging respect, something else)?

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Anonymous writes...

As bear's age was mentioned in the show I wanted to know more about how old are the gods.
1-how old is Darkseid?
2-how old is highfather?
3-how old is orion?
4-who is the oldest new god and how old is he?
5-how many years ago the old gods were born?

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Anonymous writes...

Child had a very poor relationship with klarion declaring that he was a Servant of order. This shows that there are lords of chaos who butt heads with each other. So are there other lords of order who are frustrated with nabu’s handeling of earth and think he is doing a poor job?

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TiredOfPeopleComplainingAboutHalo writes...

Hello there. I just read this on tumblr by user throwawayuntilfurthernotice:
"Young Justice: The Problem With Halo.
I am not going to beat around the bush, I don’t like the character of Halo/Violet in Young Justice. They aren’t the worst character on the show, but the way they’re written is so goddam frustrating.
The writers wanted to have their cake and eat it too when it came to Halo, for you see, they weren’t just the first Muslim character that has been introduced into the show’s universe, but they’re also non binary.
Now this raises a lot of problems, as Halo’s faith never really comes into play during Season Three, they’re only Muslim in appearance only. It also doesn’t help that Halo even states that they’re not Muslim in the episode “Early Warning” but they still continue to wear a hijab because.....reasons.
To the writers’ credit, they do try to address this issue in Season Four, by giving Halo their own subplot in which they try to learn more about Islam, but like most things in Season Four, it never really goes anywhere. As Khalid pretty much takes over as the newest Muslim member of the team during Zatana’s arc and Halo is just kinda left with nothing to do.
That is until the most recent episode, in which the writers basically told everyone that rightful criticized Halo and Harper’s interaction in Season Three to go fuck themselves, because Halo and Harper is now the endgame.
I fucking hate Harper Row, she really is the perfect example of how not to properly portray a bisexual character in media. And the recent episode really made her come off as an entitled brat, which I don’t think was the intention because the writers clearly want the viewers to root for Halo and Violet getting together by the end of the episode.
But to make a long story short, I personally feel like Halo could have been written a lot better as a character had the writers had a clear idea of what they wanted them to be from the beginning. Instead of just mashing various ideas together and expecting to be praised for surface level representation."
I know Halo/Violet has has been a complicated character for many to become fond of since their introduction in season 3. And it seems nothing you write or do with them is making anyone happy with them. I'm just going with the flow and don't think too much of them. The latest episode Ego and Superego, I believe was a good Halo episode. And I actually cared or more like was interested in what was happening in the episode with them. I'm not a fan of Brion or Harper either but to me they were also pretty ok this episode. I didn't hate them.
I'd love to know what's your opinion on this opinion (the tumblr post), please. How does it make you feel the frustration people have with Halo?
Btw, their new costume looks awesome!

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Anonymous writes...

Has klarion created anymore flesh monsters since he fought the outsiders?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

What do Carlo and his brother do?

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spector_tea_leaf writes...

Hey Greg!

Any tidbits on what Andie was talking about during her time in group therapy in the most recent episode? Everyone’s comments about it being a good talk got me curious!

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Clark Cradic writes...

Was there anyone in-universe against Logan and Perdita dating? Like people who thought it'd be too much of a security risk for royalty to date a superhero and/or actor?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the post-credits scene in "Kaerb Ym TraeH!," did you put Mary Bromfield into that position in order to set up her role to be similar to that depicted in "Final Crisis"? Or is Mary going to become one of the Female Furies of Apokolips? Regardless of what you decided, if she ends up truly becoming a villain, how worried should we be about Mary potentially wanting to get revenge on Zatanna; even the possibility of Mary likely going after Zatanna's father (Zatara) and killing him as a way to make Zatanna suffer and to mentally/emotionally destroy her...?

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Anonymous writes...

After Artemis was nice enough to invite Roy to rejoin the Team in that canonical AudioPlay called "The Prize". Are any of the heroes trying to make sure Arsenal (Roy Harper) doesn't end up like the Vandal Savage, Black Adam/Teth Adam, Ra's al Ghul, and Geo-Force/Brion Markov (The guys who started out as heroes, before becoming misguided and losing their most moral principles) after what happened in the episode "Nevermore"? Because I'm sure they remember the mistakes he made during Young Justice Season 2.

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Anonymous writes...

Do you know the difference between diversity and tokenism? Because this show is skewing towards the latter and it is upsetting to watch. Rocket being an ~autism mom~ was the last straw for me. Focusing on the poor, suffering mommy instead of the actual autistic person may get you praise from the neurotypicals but we are sick of our voices being drowned out. We are sick of being supporting characters who are depicted as a burden on our caretakers. Would be cool to get an actual superhero on the spectrum that has other traits beyond autism but that would have taken too much work right? And you have a billion other demographics to pander to this season, you do not have time to flesh any of the characters out, you need to cram in as many as possible.

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Isis:

#1. Is her name Adrianna Tomaz?

#2. Is her brother Osiris (Amon Tomaz)?

#3. Is Black Adam her husband?

#4. Is her citizenship identified as Egyptian?

#5. Is she the Queen of Kahndaq?

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Anonymous writes...

do you even know what your own show is about at this point one second you’re saying it’s about the young heroes then you’re saying it’s only about the main 6 then apparently the show was never about the team because the main 6 aren’t on it anymore but in season 2 the team was still the focus even though 3 of the ogs weren’t on it yet it wasn’t the focus in 3 and 4 even though some were still on it like ???? feels like you’re trying to cram your entire version of the the dc universe into one show which is never going to work. sorry you didn’t get all the spin-offs you were wanting. i wanted them too but not at the expense of all the character development and relationships you made us get invested in durinf season one. one episode the show feels like jlu or then other times it feels like it’s trying to be focused like teen titans, what exactly are you going for?

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Anonymous writes...

Wait. You said that Klarion and Child are both 9? Child I buy, but Klarion's tall enough to be a teenager. How does that work?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does a Green Martian who goes by the name of D'Kay D'Razz exist in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

How old is Kobolt?
Is he based on what comic book character?
How old is Wingman the dog and the sidekick?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. What happened to the real Wilhelm Vittings?

2. Are both Count Vertigo and Simon Ecks locked up in a Markovian Prison or did Brion have them both executed after he became King?

3. Why did Lizard Johnny leave the Meta-Human Youth Center and go to Markovia instead of joining the Team or the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. What part of Scotland does Looker come from? 2. What is Halo majoring in at Ivy University? 3. Did the movie the Box trolls help with creating the Earth 16 Trogowogs like Grimlins had as well? 4. Do You find it ironic as well i do when Superboy told Phantom girl to ''Kneel before Zod!'' as Nolan North did voice General Zod in the first Injustice Video game ?

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Anonymous writes...

Obviously we know some of the character's birthdates (Dick, Wally, Superboy) because they were plot points in the show or comic series, but have you put thoughts into specific dates for other characters? I'd be hoping to know for the rest of the OG team at least (Artemis, Zatanna, Raquel, etc.)


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Scott writes...

What made you want to engage with fans in this way? And then to *continue* to do so? It must be truly exhausting sometimes!

What was the writing/decision process like to have Phantoms be comprised of more-or-less independent 4 episode mini-arcs?

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Fallenlegend writes...

Hoy Greg just curious about the creative choices you made with the Marvel family.

1.-Why did you decided to make them weaker by sharing the power? Not judging just curious.

I recall that, for example, Mary often got her powers from a bunch of goddesses in other versions and Billy didn’t seem any weaker for sharing his powers with Freddy, including in the original Fawcett run.In the movie he even shared them with 5 family members.

Just curious on why you deliberately make the 3 weaker. Was it so they wouldn’t be too powerful for villains to be a credible threat?

2.- Hypotethically, if Shazam/Captain Marvel was injured, say but Billy transformed again to his normal self, and then back to Shazam/Captain Marvel would his powered self be “fresh” and without injuries?

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Ashanti writes...

Hi Greg! You have so much fun making a believable and specific timeline for Young Justice (or you seem to--more pertinently, you put a lot of effort into something that is fun for me to read). I wanted to ask you what is hopeful a fun and lighthearted question about which historical events have happened in Young Justice and which ones you might want to leave yourself open to having an alternate history version for.

1. Which American presidents have served that office in the Young Justice universe?

Hopefully explaining the reasoning behind my question will make it easier to answer. I am not asking you to confirm whether or not Biden or Trump or Obama, etc. exist in YJ and how they feel about superheroes or otherwise try to get you to give your political opinions on modern political figures. I am, however, under the assumption that, as a writer, it's easiest for you to write under the assumption that Young Justice's history is the same as ours except where specified, and that the farther back we go, the more likely it is that the Young Justice timeline aligns with real-life (again, except where specified). So I guess my question assumes that, for example, some version of George Washington was the first president, and some version of Abraham Lincoln served during the Civil War, and some version of Franklin Roosevelt served during WWII, because that would explain why Young Justice's world looks so similar to our own. But how close to the present can we get to where those assumptions are no longer valid? Is there a historical point where this question becomes a spoiler request but before it is fair game? For example, could we assume that every president from George Washington through Harry Truman served in Young Justice but after that you don't want to confirm or deny anything? Or is it all a spoiler request?

Anyway, this question is just a fun thing for me to think about and I hope it's fun for you too. I tried to keep it more historical and less political because I know the latter is a messy topic on the internet.

Thank you for all your work on this incredible series!

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Gregory writes...

Are you considering adding more characters to Season 5?
Because I have some ideas for people who should definitely appear by then.
Just wanted to show my love for the series.

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Anonymous writes...

In the final episode of season 3 black lightning exposed that lex luthor created infinity inc to the UN. So Why is it that at the end of phantoms episode 18 superman asked if the infinitors could be trusted?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How old is Lizard John (i know his real name but John sounds more mature to me) and how did he make it to Markovia ? 2. How long has Beast Boy had his Corgi and did Miss martian Robot Man and Wonder Girl ever apologize to Beast Boy in kind for trying to both guilt him and force him back to duty because of what they wanted instead of asking him if the hero life was something he still wanted to do? 3. How old is Every man and what part of new York does he come from?

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Anonymous writes...

I've loved all of your shows since I was a Gargoyles-obsessed 6-year-old, but was a little disappointed to see Rocket get an "autism mom" storyline--no offense or shade intended, its just that media depictions of autism tend to skew HARD towards prioritizing parents of autistic children & how their autism impacts the parent's experience, rather than actually focusing on the autistic individual themselves & what life is like for US.

Any hope for an autistic character in hypothetical future seasons who isn't just a complication for his mother's storyline?

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Coombes writes...

9 ! On the episode 23 of season 4, on Nightwing's arc, Dick spoke 9 times. And I counted the time he appeared on screen : 1 minute and 18 seconds, and most of the time he just stands out in the background. I calculated, that gives about 5% of the episode for him.
For a Nightwing fan like me, this is pretty hard and sad...
Don't you think you've just sacrificed Dick's character because of the importance and the need to tell the plot ?

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Hafiz writes...

This is a response to episode 23 of phantoms: There are no boyfriends and girlfriend in Islam. People literally have been punished for their deviance of pre martial relationship and sometimes even executed based on the magnitude of the crime. So when you showcase their "relationship" you're mocking our belief. Ironic isn't when you talk about respecting beliefs. There are no muslim theys or whatever goofy nonsense liberals like to come up with.
"And by Him Who created male and female;" Quran 92:3. This verse refutes theys, xi and whatever goofy nonsense liberals come up with. Originally I was going to bat an eye to this issue but you guys just wanted to milk this lgbtq non binary woke nonsense and had to go involve islam with that which in return made me get involved in this response. Again nobody asked for "Muslim representations" but you just had to meddle with forces beyond your grips of understanding. If it does get renewed for a 5th season I probably won't watch it if you involve Islam. Again nobody asked you to represent Muslims but sir you just had to go there. This is what Hollywood doesn't understand. Just basic things. I guessing your "Muslim" writers and actor don't understand basic rulings of Islam otherwise they wouldn't be in this industry

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Anonymous writes...

Did dr jace have a back up plan if voilet had told the heroes she was dying?

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Anonymous writes...

1 was lena luthor one of the light’s associates invited to the warworld for project lifeboat
2 did ultra humanite have any other apprentice’s besides Helga?
3 what was nabu’s relationship with his sister Ishtar?
4 was nabu and vandal’s relationship different before klarion showed up with starro? Which ended nabu’s mortal life

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Matt Itelson writes...

Why did Robin decide not admonish Arsenal for his recklessness?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When a Green Lantern power ring choose someone, does its A.I. give the following message below; like in the comics?

"[Person's name] of [Planet of origin]. You have the ability to overcome great fear. You have been chosen. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

On the "Daily Planet" page on Wikipedia, the following employees in the comics are as follows:

Clark Kent - Reporter
Lois Lane - Reporter
Jimmy Olsen - Photographer and Cub Reporter
Perry White - Editor-in-Chief
Lana Lang - Business Columnist and editor
Cat Grant - Gossip Columnist and editor
Ron Troupe - Political Columnist and editor
Steve Lombard - Sports Columnist and editor

On the "Daily Planet" page on the DC Database Wiki, the following people who work there in the comics are as follows:

Pre-Crisis, Earth-One

Staff Members:

Bill Stoker
Brad Hunter
Clark Kent - TV anchor, former reporter
Connie Hatch - puzzle editor
Dave - crime columnist
Freddy Jones
George Taylor - former managing editor (prior Perry White)
Hobb - former managing editor
Jack Smart - reporter
Jimmy Olsen - photographer
Lois Lane - reporter
John Corben - former reporter (actually an infiltrated villain)
Margaret "Meg" Tempest - reporter
Morton - former managing editor
Pete Cromwell
Percival "Percy" Bratten - reporter
Perry White - managing editor
Ryan Lowell - obituary editor
Steve Lombard - sports commentator
Ted Mailerway - former reporter
Tom Weaver
Wendall Walters - reporter



Mr. Bratten - majority shareholder
Bruce Wayne - former owner
Lex Luthor - former owner

Staff Members:

Alice White - intern
Bob Harley - investigative reporter
Bostwick - reporter
Briscoe - staff member
Cat Grant - gossip columnist
Clark Kent - investigative reporter
Ed Byrnes - former managing editor; later night time editor
Franklin Stern - publisher
Harley Quinn - love columnist
Jack - cameraman
James McCullough - former city editor
Jamie Gillis - photographer
Janice Denton - features editor
Jennifer Owens - receptionist
Jimmy Olsen - photo-journalist
Joyce - staff member
Justin Moore - cub reporter
Kara Zor-El - intern
Lana Lang - Business Editor
Lois Lane - investigative reporter
Marilyn - James McCullough's secretary
Mark Spencer - "gofer"
Perry White - managing editor
Ron Troupe - reporter
Sally Winfield - Perry White's secretary
Simone D'Neige - reporter
Steve Lombard - Sports section editor
Whit - staff member



Lex Luthor - owner
Marisol Leone - former owner

Staff Members:

Cat Grant
Clark Kent - journalist
Clark White
Heather Kelly - reporter
Jimmy Olsen
Lois Lane - journalist
Lois White
Miguel Montez - intern
Perry White
Ron Troupe
Steve Lombard
Trish Q - gossip columnist

As such my first question to you is this: In comparison to the comics, which people from the lists above worked in the Earth-16's version of the Daily Planet, and what are their respective job positions?

For my second question, how long has the Daily Planet been a newspaper for Metropolis in the Earth-16 universe?

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, if Cyborg moved out of the Premier Building, where does he live now? Does he attend college?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Jimmy Olsen, is his full name James Bartholomew "Jimmy" Olsen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cat Grant, is her full name Catherine Jane "Cat" Grant?

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Verdragon writes...

Knowing the exact location of Vandal's hideout, did he position it on an international border (or rather, did he perhaps position the international border on the mountain) in order to create a jurisdictional conflict in the admittedly highly unlikely event it were to be discovered?

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Marvelman writes...

1) Was the changing Captain Marvel's name to Shazam a voluntary move on your part or was it mandated by WB?

2) If it was a mandate, would it preclude some character on-screen acknowledging that the Shazam Family used to be the Marvel Family? I ask because of Mary's response to Khalid in "Odnu!" I didn't know if this was just your or the writer being a smarty-pants or whether there was some other concern.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When was the Javelin (the Justice League's spacecraft) first created and who built/designed it?

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey there greg.

I just read that you said that you wanted the same actress to be able to play Mary Bromfield and the chaoslord child

My question is, does this has any plot/ story significance, like How Superman and Superboy are played by the same voice actor? Or was that due to budget or union reasons?

I can see why with superboy being a clone and all you would want the same voice actor. But I don't see any link berween Mary and child, besides the latter liking the power hungry side of her.

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Anonymous writes...

1 how would you describe jace and ultra humanite’s relationship?
2 how does Helga view her former mentor?

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Suzie writes...

Exactly how many Kryptonian prisoners are there in the Phantom Zone? Is it just Dru-Zod, Ursa and their handful of followers or are there more of them spread out into the Phantom Zone?

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Prince Ritji writes...

Do you or your children even played Street Fighters or Sonic the Hedgehog?

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Chief Owonubi writes...

What is the title of the next episode of Young Justice Phantoms?

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Connor Greencorn writes...

Hey Greg, I’m Connor, loving season 4 right now and I’m just wondering after hearing Thirteen reject an offer to join the Outsiders, did anyone else receive an invitation to join and haven’t yet or was it just her?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

For each criminal in the Phantom Zone whose name was identified on-screen and in each of the episode credits in Season 4, exactly when and why were they sent into the Phantom Zone, and exactly how long were each criminal's sentences? I'm not specifically asking for any lengthy explanations for why each identified criminal was sent into the Phantom Zone; a short summary (maybe a few sentences) for each criminal should work.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since Damian Wayne became Robin at the age of 10 in the comics, does that mean in the Earth-16 universe that Tim Drake will keep the mantle of Robin until then? Or will Tim Drake become Red Robin, and the mantle of Robin will likely go to the Earth-16 version of Duke Thomas (who is currently known as the Signal in the comics; although he WAS Robin in "The New 52: Futures End)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Aquaman and Mera have a daughter named Andrina "Andy" Curry. As such, what are the chances that we will one day see the Earth-16 version of this character?

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Sydni Nelson writes...

I am a child the 90s so Gargoyles was one of my top favorites. I revisit it often and wish for its continuation. Is there anything us fans/viewers can do on our end to help continue Gargoyles?

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