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Anonymous writes...

Is there a particular reason why Klarion's backward spells were reversed in post production since this changes one of his spells essentially into "Weed killer this kill, killer weed". which is not how the Zatara/Zatanna magic works, since the order of words doesn't change.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I was surprised that was no news whatsoever in regards to a possible Season 5 renewal for "Young Justice" by HBO Max at SDCC 2022. I guess we'll have to wait until SDCC 2023 for any official confirmation?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I just read on the internet today that "Gargoyles" is coming back to comics. Congratulations to you, man! This is absolutely incredible! I look forward to the new upcoming adventures of Goliath and his clan!

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Todd Jensen writes...

Congratulations on the good news from Dynamite. (It was a surprised to me, but it seems now as if we were getting preparations for it - the new "Gargoyles" merchandise such as the action figures and board game, the "Gargoyles" allusions in "Duck Tales" and "Amphibia", Lexington's cameo in the "Sidekicks" video, etc. Apparently "Gargoyles" appearing on Disney + made a big difference.).

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A Random Fan writes...

not a question, but what is probably just another in what is probably a flood of people coming to say CONGRATULATIONS! The Gargoyles comic is amazing news and we all know how hard you've been fighting for it. Thank you for keeping up that fight and I'm so glad it paid off

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Anonymous writes...

Not a question, but I wanted to send you a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING ABLE TO CONTINUE *GARGOYLES* VIA COMICS!!! When I saw that it was announced at 2022 SDCC, I couldn't believe my eyes! My twin sister and I grew up watching *Gargoyles*, bought the DVDs and the comics, and have waited for two decades for "Gargoyles* to come up! We're so excited to see *Gargoyles* return, and we're keeping our fingers crossed to see Brooklyn's TimeDancer adventures fully come to life!

Thank you so much for never losing hope that "Gargoyles" could return to us and always fighting for its return. Thank you, Dynamite Entertainment, for seeing its worth and working to spread the love of the show for long-time and new fans alike! :D

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Anonymous writes...

After project thrinos failed is savage still determined to conquer Atlantis some way or has he completely giving up for now?

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Anonymous writes...

When a light seat is vacant does the light ever consider multiple potential candidates to fill the seat?

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Elliot writes...

1. How big is the YJ Phantom Zone? Is it small enough that Superboy and Zod just happened to run into each other, or was their encounter something incredibly rare that happened in a large place?

2. How did Zod find Superboy?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

At any point during the time it was active, was the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America sometimes just simply referred to as the "Justice Society" or the "JSA"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the members of the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron, what is the chronological order of recruitment (and please also include month and year, if possible)? This question also assume there may be other members in this group who have not yet been mentioned in the Young Justice Wiki and have not yet been seen in the Earth-16 universe.

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Anonymous writes...

When the Legion of Superheroes chose to tail Superboy in the past, did they ever harbor any feelings of awkwardness or awe should they ever meet him face-to-face given he was their inspiration?

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Anonymous writes...

If Conner and M'gann had their mars wedding what were they planning to wear? Was Conner going to be wearing a suit or his standard outfit? Or was he going to wear some sort of special attire for the martian wedding and the same goes for M'gann?

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Roy willing to work with Dick after he kicked him off the Team in season 2? Plus in the audio episode it sounded like he still held a bit of a grudge?

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Anonymous writes...

I have some questions regarding "Greater Bialya".

1) When was the approximate date Queen Bee chose to invade neighboring Qurac?
2) How long did the campaign last?
3) When did it end?
3) Did the Justice League or the Team attempt to stop the crisis or were they held back by UN restrictions at the time?
4) Did its former president and current UN ambassador Sumaan Harjavti (Queen Bee's puppet) aid in some way with the conquest?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Megan is being advertised so much since season 3 even though the show was cancelled years ago. Are people becoming more interested in the show because of Beast Boy and if so are their any plans to do a reboot of Hello Megan?

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Cubby-chan writes...

What is Dick Grayson’s (a.k.a Nightwing) civilian job when he is not a vigilante?

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Apple Montag writes...

What's Tim Drake's ethnocultural background? I appreciate Chuck Dixon's interpretation of Tim as Jewish (on his mom's side), but that's rarely discussed.

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Apple Montag writes...

Hello Greg,

I'm writing to tell you I appreciate Nightwing's arc. It wasn't what I expected, but portraying Dick as a lighthearted, competent operative and leader that can easily push someone to use the full force of their powers on someone is refreshing. I get the sense he's more self-assured and has a tighter social circle than in other portrayals of the character around the same age.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. How is old is the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El; both biologically and chronologically?

#2. Where on Krypton was Kara Zor-El born, and what is her citizenship on Krypton?

#3. Did Kara knew a female Kryptonian by the name of Thara Ak-Var, and were they close friends prior to the destruction of Krypton?

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering if there was a possibility to make a video game to continue the story of The Spectacular Spider-Man? I was just recently playing Ultimate Spider-Man and that idea crossed my mind.

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hey, Mr.Weissman how are you doing,today.
One question I ask you:
Why put Rocket and Icon in Young Justice?

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Mikey writes...

Now that spider man is on Netflix and is having great success, do you think there might be a revival to the series?

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, why did Cassandra Wu-San choose the codename "Orphan?"

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Chandra writes...

What is your issue with bisexual women, Greg? With the magic the gathering book you managed to get away with it by blaming the company but there is no one else to blame for harper and violets disgusting drunken predatory cheating kiss on young justice but you. At least you apologized for the first one, but that was just because it had become a major scandal right? With young justice you argued with fans and dismissed their concerns and you still got away with it, amazing.

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Anonymous writes...

Did Perditas heart naturally give out, or did Vertigo arrange it to do so?

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Anonymous writes...

How is it that Conner and M'gann had been together for 5 years and yet Conner didn't meet her parents until 2016? Did her parents know they were together? Did they know about their break up?

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Mar writes...

What month in 2011 did Guy Gardner, Black Lighting, and Blue Beetle join the Justice League?

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Anonymous writes...

Why is beast boy's dog worried for beast boy when beast boy speaks to wonder girl in young justice comic targets issue two?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Prior to receiving the powers of Shazam, what did Billy Baston, Mary Bromfield, and Freddy Freeman wanted to be when they grow up? Lawyers, doctors, athletes, etc.?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Doomsday exists in the Earth-16 universe, is his origin story based on that depicted in the comics (either his pre-Flashpoint or post-Flashpoint origin), or is it based on one of his live-action counterparts (such as in "Smallville" or "Krypton")?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Which version of John Henry Irons' family from the comics is also canon in the Earth-16 universe?

Pre-Flashpoint DC Comics Continuity (New Earth):
Butter Irons (grandfather)
Bess Irons (grandmother)
Clay Michael Irons (brother)
Blondell Irons (sister-in-law)
Natasha Jasmine Irons (niece)
Jemahl Irons (nephew)
Paco (nephew)
Tyke (foster nephew)
Darlene (foster niece)

Post-Flashpoint DC Comics Continuity (Prime Earth):
Clay Irons (brother)
Natasha "Nat" Irons (niece)
Ezekiel "Zeke" Irons (nephew)
Lana Lang (fiance)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In comparison to what happened in the comics, what were the reasons why Earth-16's John Henry Irons created his Superman-themed suit?

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Suzie writes...

1. Why did Billy give up so much of his powers to Mary and Freddy in the first place?
2. What year did Freddy leave the Team and why did he leave? Did he quit to help Mary or was there another reason?
3. Does Billy regret giving Mary his power and does he know she joined the Furies?

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Anonymous writes...

How much of Rictus body is robotic?

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Anonymous writes...

Was Miss Martian planning on wearing a different wedding dress during her and Superboy's wedding on Mars?

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kim writes...

Why does Black Canney and Green Arrow not have any children together during the years between the time they got engage in 2010 to 2020 in universe of young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the children of the heroes in the Earth-16 universe, who ended up being their godparents?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth), the Justice Society of America has a comic book run that lasted from 2007 to 2011. In the first issue of that run, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were trying to convince Flash, Green Lantern and Wildcat to reform the JSA because of their importance in training the next generation of heroes. Batman pointed out in that issue that while the Justice League was a strike force, the Justice Society was a family. Wonder Woman pointed out in that issue that the next generation of heroes needed a moral compass. So my question is this: if the children and/or successors of the original Justice Society members are somewhere out there in the Earth-16 universe, why have they not considered the possibility that a modern-day Justice Society may someday be needed, and why haven't they come together yet? The reason I am asking this question to you is because I strongly feel that it may somehow become extremely important/relevant and may end up being addressed in a future season of Young Justice (for which I assume there will be a very good in-universe explanation), and because, to be quite honest with you, I really/truly do want to see a present-day incarnation of the Earth-16's JSA; even if you might end up thinking otherwise.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, does the Earth-16 version of the Dark Archer (Arthur King/Malcolm Merlyn) have a son named Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn; like in the comics and in the Arrowverse? If this is true, then does the Earth-16 version of Tommy Merlyn also follow in his father's footsteps and has also become an archer and a villain, and was the Earth-16 version of Tommy once the best friend of Oliver Queen?

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Mark writes...

Apparently the blurb with the Sportsmaster action figure stated that he was a freelancer who did some work for the League of Shadows. On the one hand, this makes some sense since he did not bow to Ra's in Targets unlike every League assassin we've seen with Ra's. On the other, he seems very closely associated with the League, so I just wanted to confirm.

1) Was Sportsmaster a member of the League of Shadows?
2) If so, when did he leave?
3) Was Huntress a member of the League of Shadows?
4) If so, when did she leave?
5) In Young Justice: Legacy, Sportsmaster has a number of minions dressed similarly to him. Does he generally have a group of his own mercenaries, or are they League of Shadows assassins dressed specially for the occasion, or just something in the game and not canon? Or something else?

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Mark writes...

A few questions regarding Sorry Excuse and DC Showcase: Green Arrow. Both contain a scene of Sylvester the Skyman reporting on the traffic with fellow radio presenter Pat.

1) Is Sylvester the Skyman actually Sylvester Pemberton/Skyman/Star-Spangled Kid or just a reference to him?

It's been suggested that Pat either is Pat Dugan/Stripsey/S.T.R.I.P.E., or is a reference to him, but Pat is voiced by a woman in the film.

2) Is Pat in Sorry Excuse a man or woman?
3) Is Pat actually Pat Dugan, or a reference to him?
4) When was Sylvester born?
5) When was Pat born?

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Shannon writes...

Has there been any discussions or floating ideas of rebooting the
Legion of Super-Heroes? The second half of the season would have a
good lead in to the Legions adventures.

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Kaylle writes...

1. In Failsafe, is Bioship in the mental training exercise with them? Or is Martian Manhunter just simulating her along with the other characters besides the Team?
2. Does Bioship participate in training exercises for her own education? Not just for a team member to log time learning to fly, but for her to learn/practice something?
3. Was Wolf in the training exercise?
4. Does Wolf participate in training exercises?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since Klarion and Child talked about Earth-17 in Zatanna's Season 4 story arc, does that imply that the both the Earth-16 versions of the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos are most likely aware of the multiverse and that they have counterparts in other universes?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Arrowverse character, Nia Nal (aka. the superheroine, Dreamer)?

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Anonymous writes...

Since we didn't see her in the second half of Phantoms can you tell us what Em'ree/M'ree had been up to since arriving on Earth?

1. Did she meet any of the members of the original Team?
2. Did she learn more about Supermartian's love story?
3. Did she move out after Superboy was revealed to be alive or is she is still living with them?

Please feel free to enlighten. I really like her character and I'm sorry she didn't appear again until the finale.

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Anonymous writes...

On what day and month did Conner purchase his engagement ring for M'gann?

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BatFan2099 writes...

In Young Justice Wiki, there's a thread going on about whether Green Arrow and Black Canary are married, seeing as DC Showcase: Green Arrow has been confirmed canon thanks to Targets #2. Can you confirm if they are married now or not?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

In Young Justice: Phantoms, Lor-Zod says that he was born 8 months after his parents were released from the Phantom Zone. Normally, I would take that as meaning Ursa Zod was 1 month pregnant when she was imprisoned, but seeing as she is an alien, not human, I felt I should ask this question:

Was she indeed a month pregnant when sent to the Zone, or do Kryptonian babies only take 8 months to develop in the womb?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles on Disney+

All seasons of Gargoyles are available for streaming through Disney+.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two