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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Vandal Savage sent an invitation to the other initial members of the Light to join him, were any of them ever initially hesitant/skeptical about the offer and asked Vandal Savage, "What's in it for me?"

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's James Gordon:

#1. Is his full name James Worthington "Jim" Gordon?

#2. When did he first joined the Gotham City Police Department?

#3. How many years has he currently held the position of commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department?

#4. When did his partnership with Batman first started?

#5. Is he a smoker like his mainstream DC Comics counterpart in the comics?

#6. Is he currently married or divorced?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's Courtney Whitmore:

#1. Was she born and initially raised in Los Angeles, California?

#2. Are her parents' names Sam Kurtis and Barbara Whitmore; with the latter initially raising Courtney all by herself after Sam and Barbara got divorced?

#3. Did she initially disliked her stepfather, Patrick "Pat" Dugan, after he married her mother? How long did this last before she finally accepted him?

#4. Does she and her family currently live in Blue Valley, Nebraska? How long have they lived there thus far?

#5. What are the names of the high schools that she attended; before and after she and her family moved from California to Nebraska?

#6. When did she graduated from high school?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. When exactly did "Stargirl" (the pop culture television show hosted by Courtney Whitmore) first aired on television in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. Just for clarification, is Earth-16 the only known version of the DC Universe thus far in which Stargirl and Courtney Whitmore are publicly known to be one and the same person (if her interview with Beast Boy in the Season 4 finale is any apparent indication; since he did addressed her by her real name even though she was in costume)?

#3. I know that you previously refused to confirm the names of Courtney Whitmore's family members in the Earth-16 universe in a previous posting. However, what do they think/how do they feel in regards to her being the hostess of her own TV show and in regards to her superheroics as Stargirl and as a member of the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What was the exact year that Vandal Savage first encountered the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron? How more times did he encounter them afterwards and when did those encounters happened?

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Tom writes...

Hello Greg. I have a few questions for you.
1. Were Shining Knight (Sir Justin) and Vigilante (Greg Saunders) members of All-Star Squadron?
2. Are Robin (Tim Drake) and Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) a couple now?
3. When did they become a couple?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 versions of characters from "The Sandman Universe" line of DC Comics?

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Hafiz writes...

This Hafiz guy who posts a lot in the Ask Greg queue seems remarkably dim. The oldest question of his in the queue is in response to an answer Greg gave on April 1st about Jor-El and Lara coming to Earth and becoming the Kent's. Dude, April 1st is April Fools Day in America and it's a day Greg cuts loose and answers questions in a facetious manner. (Fair(on my defense i'm bengali and I don't understand sarcasm))

In his most recent post, he wonders why democracies/constitutional monarchies are portrayed more favorably than absolute monarchies and that Saudi Arabia treats their people better than the US. I know there's universal health care in SA, but it wouldn't do me much good if I was beheaded for witchcraft nearly a quarter into the 21st century. I'd also rather not be sawed up in an embassy for criticizing the ruler of the country. Will that universal health care put me back together? (Saudi follows God's law not some man made nonsense)

It's also tiresome when he quotes scripture and verse to conform with his conservative view of Islam. He should call himself Atatollah Bore-mani. He also seems like a MAGA chud when he complains about wokeness. (Sorry I reject democracy. MAGA people are insane as just like the left. Morality is nonexistent in secularism,)

As much as he enjoys the show, I hope he realizes it's all fiction, like the Koran, and he should stop berating Greg. Hafiz reminds me of the guy who attacked Rushdie today. (If I were to portray jews as greedy thieves and blacks people as thugs would the masses just watch as something fictional for the sake of story or would they boycott my story? I would have to pay for libel. As for Salman Rushdie how is that he can slander peoples belief and publish lies and go unpunished? don't get me wrong I don't condone their behavior. Random Muslims can't resort to vigilantism but at the same time Salman Rushdie shouldn't resort to lie to trick the ignorant masses)
Greg Weisman always will be one of my favorite writers up there with George RR Martin, Mark Twain, and Edgar Allan Poe but that doesn't if he makes a blunder I'm going to idly sit by and let him go scott free especially if he responds to fans and I know he makes retractions

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Anonymous writes...

This Hafiz guy who posts a lot in the Ask Greg queue seems remarkably dim. The oldest question of his in the queue is in response to an answer Greg gave on April 1st about Jor-El and Lara coming to Earth and becoming the Kent's. Dude, April 1st is April Fools Day in America and it's a day Greg cuts loose and answers questions in a facetious manner.

In his most recent post, he wonders why democracies/constitutional monarchies are portrayed more favorably than absolute monarchies and that Saudi Arabia treats their people better than the US. I know there's universal health care in SA, but it wouldn't do me much good if I was beheaded for witchcraft nearly a quarter into the 21st century. I'd also rather not be sawed up in an embassy for criticizing the ruler of the country. Will that universal health care put me back together?

It's also tiresome when he quotes scripture and verse to conform with his conservative view of Islam. He should call himself Atatollah Bore-mani. He also seems like a MAGA chud when he complains about wokeness.

As much as he enjoys the show, I hope he realizes it's all fiction, like the Koran, and he should stop berating Greg. Hafiz reminds me of the guy who attacked Rushdie today.

Better put in my original idea, I think the Team should open a disco and invite the Dazzler from Marvel Comics to help run it.

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Anonymous writes...

In season 3 we started seeing more meta-human trafficking in relation with Apokolips, and now in season 4 getting a glimpse of (what I’m assuming) kidnapped humans and meta-humans on Apokolips. I was wondering, approximately how long have humans/meta-humans been being sent to Apokolips? Did it just begin around season 3’s time period or before that?
Thank you to you and the entire crew. Absolutely LOVE this show!

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Verdragon writes...

Whatever happened to Count Vertigo's cane sword after Wally turned it down as a souvenir in favor of the container for Queen Perdita's transplant heart? Since it's a priceless national treasure of Vlatava, is it in a museum? Is it in the Vlatavan royal palace? Or is it gathering dust in the Vlatavan royal attic because Perdita doesn't like having the weapon of her murderous uncle hanging on the mantle over the fireplace?

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Anonymous writes...

In season 3, I kept waiting to see Superboy in a tuxedo since Dick, Artemis and Jeff wore fancy clothes for their missions, but since we didn't see Conner wear a tux until the end of season 4, i'm curious did you do that on purpose? Did you want to make us wait until the waiting to finally see Conner in a tuxedo. HE LOOKS SO HANDSOME I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! THANK YOU FOR NOT KILLING HIM OFF!!!!

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Hafiz writes...

Why do you portray absolute monarchies as something malevolent (Bialya) while portraying constitutional monarchies and democracy as something benevolent(United Nation, America(implied), Vlatava) to their own people. Many could argue that Saudi Arabia (me included) the government (monarchy) treats their own people better than here in America (democracy)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 versions of heroes and villains from the 853rd century; as depicted in "DC One Million"?

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Paul writes...

In "Auld Acquaintance", Red Arrow speculates that Vandal Savage "paused to bask" and that this is the reason that the former was able to escape the Watchtower. Was Red Arrow correct, or did Vandal deliberately give Red Arrow an opportunity to escape?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg!

I noticed that Stephanie Lemelin's voice for the Computer changed for seasons 3 and 4 -- It was deeper-pitched in the first two seasons, and then higher-pitched (closer to her voice for Artemis/Tigress) in seasons 3 and 4. Was there a reason for this change? If so, what is the reason? Hope you don't mind my asking.

Thanks so much for all of your hard work on this show!

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Squid writes...

If you could do Disney WICTH season 3 than how would you do it?

If you could do Disney WICTH based on the arcs that haven’t been adapted than how would you do it?

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Anonymous writes...

Are we going to meet alien species that their hairs and/or eyes that change Color’s based on their mood/emotions in young Justice?

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Verdragon writes...

I assume one of Queen Perdita's first actions as monarch upon returning to Vlatava was to politely request her country find better cardiologists, so she wouldn't need to rely on a teenager running across the width of a continent if she ever had any more heart troubles?

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James writes...

1) Why was General Zod well-known amongst the Kryptonian military?

2) Was General Zod close friends with Jor-El at one point in their lives? Since she knew of Zor-El's daughter Kara, did Ursa Zod have a close relation with the House of El?

3) Why did General Zod grow fond of Kon-El/Superboy? Is it because he reminds him of himself during his youth as a soldier?

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James writes...

1) Did Vandal ever tried to find a way to prolong his children's lives? Maybe in the beginning of his immortal life, if so did the pain of losing his family countless times cause him to go down as a villain?

2) Is Vandal Savage afraid of one day losing his immortality? If so then who would he entrust to continue his vision for the Earth and humanity?

3) Does Vandal have an obsession in learning where the meteorite that granted him immortality came from?

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DL writes...

I've got two questions about the designation series

1) Did El Dorado get a B designation when he joined the Outsiders or did he keep his A designation until D designations were created?

2) If I remember correctly, D designations became operational after Geo-Force left the Outsiders, but he's gotten a D designation number anyway. Why haven't they kept his B designation number since it was becoming inactive?

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Verdragon writes...

Two questions, both about Ice.
1. Since Tora got her start at the age of fifteen, was she ever considered for possible recruitment by The Team?
2. Was Tora inspired to become a superheroine by the actions of The Team, particularly things like what they did Misplaced or Wally's cross-country sprint in Coldhearted?

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Al writes...

Regarding the Markovian Ambassador Baazovi and him carrying out the Light's plans in Markovia:

1) Was Baazovi controlling Brion and taking over Markovia the plan all along for the Light in the episode 'Nevermore' or was that something he managed to achieve despite the loss of Terra?

2) Since he's clearly controlling Brion, did he use his powers on Gregor to banish Brion from Markovia in the episode 'Eminent Threat'?

3) If he could control others, why couldn't he have subtly manipulated Gregor into carrying out the Light's plans while Gregor was serving as king?

4) Did Baazovi ever work for DeLamb or the Light in the first place or was he a separate player that fell into the Light's good graces?

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Mysterious DC fan writes...

Hey Mr.weisman
One question I have to ask you
Is Young Justice canceled again or you are trying to reveal the next season in the final issue of Young Justice:Targets?

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showviewer writes...

1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the "Young Justice" Season One episode, "Agendas," we see how the voting process works for heroes who become future members of the Justice League. As such, for the Justice League members that joined AFTER Season One onwards, which previous Justice League members recommended each of the new heroes to join and what was the reasons for each person's recommendation? For example, which Justice League members recommended Captain Atom to join the Justice League and why did they specifically chose him? You probably might think that I am thinking about this too deeply, but I'd still like to know anyway.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Ice's real name is addressed as "Tora Olafsdotter." However, if her full name is based on the Icelandic naming tradition (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_name), then shouldn't her full name actually be properly addressed as "Tora Olafsdottir," thus replacing the "e" with an "i"? The reason I'm asking this question is because I was concerned about the accuracy of Ice's surname and I want to know which version of the surname is correct in the Earth-16 universe.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Vandal Savage was born about 50,000 years ago, would he be considered by scientists to be an early modern human (EMH)/anatomically modern human (AMH)?

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Anonymous writes...

1 Since familiars are essential for chaos lords to remain in the mortal plane they are always very close to their chaos lords, but would it be possible for a familiar in a certain situation to be seperated from their chaos lord by like a country wide distance or are the magically forced to remain a certain distance close to each other
2 what did teekl 1 think about child before she died
3 What did flaw think about klarion before it died
4 When klarion learned child had arrived on earth he responded disappointedly that of all the chaos lord she was the one sent. Does this imply that klarion dislikes child the most out of all the chaos lords

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Anonymous writes...

I’ve bought Books 1 and 2, as well as the first three issues of Targets (which I’ve really been enjoying)! I wish there were more comics. It’ll be a while before you get to this question, but:

1. Do you know if Targets has done well enough for DC to order more mini-series?
2. If they order more comics, are you more inclined to tell stories in 2020 and beyond, or are you willing to tell stories that take place in-between seasons that have already aired (I prefer the after since it allows more neglected characters to get some action)?

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Mar writes...

What's your favorite family/family-like bond out of these?

Dick and Bruce
Zatanna and Zatara
Conner and Clark
Artemis and Cheshire

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Anonymous writes...

Did m’comm create the white martian resistance or did it exist before he became rebel?

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Anonymous writes...

1 Since it seems chaos lords don’t really get along with each other. Does nabu get along with other lords of order?
2 instead of using a object as a anchor could a lord of order enter the mortal realm using a familiar or can only chaos lords do that?
3 it is stated that lords of order and chaos are above conceps like good and evil, but chaos lords like klarion and child have been shown to be quite sadistic. My question is if it is possible for a lord of order to be capable of cruelty like them?

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Anonymous writes...

When brion became king did he hold any grudges against zviad for having him banished?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Jane Nassour:

#1. Is her full name Jane Nelson-Nassour? If not, what is her correct full name?

#2. Why is her first name changed from Elizabeth (in the comics) to Jane in the Earth-16 universe?

#3. Is Kent Nelson her paternal or maternal uncle?

#4. What are the names of her parents?

#5. When exactly did she first meet her husband (Muhammed Nassour), and when exactly did they get married?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The DC Animated Movie Universe (DCAMU) movie, "Batman: Bad Blood," shows that Alfred Pennyworth can fight despite his old age. As such, can we assume that the Earth-16 version of Alfred Pennyworth would be able to fight as well?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When exactly did Atlantis revealed itself to the rest of the modern world in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Where exactly on Earth is Themyscira located in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. Where is the Earth-16 version of Victoria Elizabeth "Vicki" Vale?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. If any of the members of Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron had children and/or grandchildren in the Earth-16 universe, please tell us who did and what are the names of their children and/or grandchildren?

#2. What is the exact date of the anniversary of the founding of the Justice Society of America?

#3. Are there any Amazon tribes that do NOT live on Themyscira in the Earth-16 universe? If so, what are the names of these tribes, and who are their most notable members in these tribes?

#4. Has Wonder Woman ever encountered Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva)? If so, when did this encounter take place and what were the exact circumstances that led up to this encounter?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When you say that Alfred refrained from raising Bruce during the latter's childhood, does that also mean Alfred never had a moment to do what is shown in the flashback scene in the video link provided below?


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of Jason (son of Zeus and Hippolyta); even though he would NOT likely be related to Wonder Woman in the Earth-16 universe?

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Carlos writes...

Hello Greg
In relation to https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=26206
Yeah, basically Superboy doesn't think about that option, doing it all by himself.
But not to put this post with this alone:
1-Miss Martian never considered that the other members of the team/leaguers/heroes will see her actions badly?
2-I understand that her actions were unknown among the heroes, but for the Light (for example) after incidents like Psymon's, it was known? and was evaluated as a risk or a possibility if it one of their “agents” came in contact with her?
Sorry for the English, I hope it’s better than the previous times

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Anonymous writes...

A few Superboy and Miss Martian Season 2 questions.

1. Why did Superboy choose not to reveal to Nightwing or the Justice League about Miss Martian's abuse of power in season 2? I know it was stated he was hoping his own disapproval would make M'gann see what she was doing was wrong, but when that didn't work, including their break up and how she tried to erase his memories, I still don't understand why Conner wouldn't say anything?

2. Did he keep quiet because he didn't have solid proof of her abuse of telephay or did he stay quiet because simply because that despite everything, he still clearly loves her?

3. When they were broken up in season 2, wasn't the rest of the Team (mainly their longtime friends) ever curious about why they broke up? It's clear M'gann and Conner kept the true reason a secret, but what did they tell everyone when questioned about why they ended things?

4. Did everyone finally learn what M'gann did to Conner after they got back together. We know that Conner told Gar in the Torch Song comic, but did everyone else ever find out the truth and if so how did they feel after learning how M'gann basically betrayed Conner's trust as well as her actions towards him?

5. Did the rest of the Team ever feel stupid or idiot that they never saw or realize that Miss Martian's abusing of power? How could they have let it go on for so long and not try to stop her or confront about what she was doing! When Artemis saw what she did to Kaldur, she was shocked, upset and very disappointed with M'gann!

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Anonymous writes...

Were you always planning to have Conner have a different hairstyle when he and M'gann finally got married? Or were you just going as the story followed? Also why this hairstyle, was it done to make Conner look more mature?

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Nik writes...

At what point did the Team stop needing League-appointed supervisors/den mothers at Mount Justice? I assume that eventually Dick and M'gann would've taken on mentorship roles and acted as the "guardians", but I was wondering if you had a specific time that that had happened in mind.

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Verdragon writes...

Where were Zatana and Zatara living before the events of Misplaced?

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Verdragon writes...

Your answer to a recent question regarding Artemis, Robin, and Aqualad's whereabouts during Agendas made me wonder, what does a Bat-family Thanksgiving look like? Also, what did Kaldur's Thanksgiving look like, assuming he celebrated it in Shayeris. I doubt the traditional Thanksgiving turkey would work as a dish when surrounded in cold seawater.

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Soryu man writes...

Hi greg, big fan of your work

One question, what do you think about avengers earth's mighiest heroes.

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Anonymous writes...

Was Kid Flash going missing a public thing or kept private among the hero community? Was Bart declared missing as a civilian as well as Kid Flash? If he was, did there need to be a cover story once he got back? If not, was there a cover story for why Bart Allen suddenly wasn't around?

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