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Anonymous writes...

when Dinah Drake died

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Hank writes...

Why don't the justice leage not disband the team for the team's actions of leting queen bee escape in season 1 which lead to marie logan death?

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Anonymous writes...

when Lioner Luthor was born

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Sally writes...

After the events of young justice season 3 Why didn't the justice league not punsh artimis for giving tara the choice to kill or not kill beast boy ?

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Gabe writes...

What the FUCKING HELL is it with you can this habit of racical, gender or sexuality changing guys.I don't get why anyone does that. Just make an expy character instead. That way, you and these other morons get their trival, meaningless and cancerous diversity AND not ruined how the actual guys are suppose to be like.It's seriously more pragmatic and generally smarter than changing that stuff about them.

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Polly Sturgeon writes...

Why didn't superman call and tell black canary to go council beast boy over beast boy depression over superboy's death soon after superman learn beast boy was not going on missions?

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Mikill writes...

Hello, I didn't see my question in the archives. Will there be a reissue of any of the SLG Gargoyles comics? I managed to get all but the last and the prices they're on eBay are absurd. I feel like I'm missing a ton of information between that and the newer Dynamite issues.

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Why was Ma'alefa'ak changed into being Miss Martian's younger brother in the Young Justice continuity? In the comics, Miss Martian doesn't have a younger brother named Ma'alefa'ak. Ma'alefa'ak is Martian Manhunter's brother in the comics.

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Is Miss Martian's sibling relationship with her younger brother Ma'alefa'ak broken beyond repair?

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Why would Emily Osborn have been given a bigger role to play in the scrapped third season?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did dc universe not want to make season 4 of young justice?

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Addie writes...

Why did you think is a good story to have beast boy lose his love relationship with Perdita as a couple over beast boy's drug use cause by mental health problems cause by beat boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars when you Mr. Greg knew superboy was still alive in the phantoms zone?

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Anonymous writes...

where Wonder Woman works on earth

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Mark writes...

I had some thoughts on Miss Martian abusing her powers that I wondered if you could respond to.

My interpretation of what we saw and were told in season two was essentially that Miss Martian has various levels of "brain blasting" and psychic interrogation. We know her brain blast of Psimon in Image left him incapacitated for years; even by the time of Legacy it seemed he was only partially recovered, and seemingly needed several more months before he was able to escape his hospital room permanently, as described in Beneath. Her attack on Kaldur seemed to be of a similar scale. Everyone seemed to believe he would not recover without outside telepathic aid. I'll call this a Level 2 brain blast for the purpose of this ramble.

On the other hand, the Krolotean she interogates at the beginning of Alienated appears fully recovered by the time he appears at the end of the episode to leave with the Justice League. Granted we don't see him talk or get any idea of his mental state, but he is standing, not drooling, and generally seems okay. Shimmer clearly has fully recovered from Miss Martian's attack in Beneath by the time of Before The Dawn. I'll call these Level 1 attacks.

My interpretation had been that Kaldur and Psimon were exceptional cases, where M'gann was driven by extreme anger that pushed her to go much further than she normally would. In virtually all other cases (unless perhaps hypothetically she were to encounter Queen Bee), her attacks would be at most like the the latter Level 1 examples, incapacitating the victim for hours, days, perhaps a few weeks at most, but they recover fully fairly quickly without need for external help.

This, to me, feels like the only way to make sense of the Justice League (and the rest of the Team besides Superboy)'s seeming indifference to M'gann's "abuses" of power. I can see why Superboy might feel that what she was doing was too much even at Level 1 and that he might fear, rightly as it turned out, that it would lead to greater excesses. But how many times must Superman or Batman or even Superboy himself have given an opponent a bad concussion, put them in hospital for days or weeks, or even a coma? Heck, how often do you come across stories of someone dying from one punch in a drunken bar fight? The heroes must realistically severly injure and kill some people accidentally from time to time, and not just by using lightning powers on a girl with an unkown heart condition. I can see why others might feel it hypocritical to call her out for doing something psychically that they do physically, especially if they aren't aware of how much control over it she has. It raises an interesting moral question.

I find it much harder to see the League or other members of the Team either not noticing or not caring if she was frequently doing to enemies what she did to Psimon and Kaldur. Not without her psychically manipulating them, which you have previously ruled out.

There's also the issue of Nightwing. Beast Boy flat out tells him that M'gann psychically took Kaldur out in Before The Dawn, yet he is shocked when Conner later tells him M'gann fried Kaldur's brain in The Fix. My assumption was that Nightwing (and Beast Boy himself) assumed what M'gann did was the Level 1 version, when in fact it was Level 2. Superboy himself probably even thought that until M'gann told him the truth. It's easy to believe that if what she did to Psimon was a one-off, years ago, when she didn't have as much control of her powers. But it's hard to justify that if M'gann was doing Level 2's with any degree of frequency or recency.

However, many other fans of the show seem to believe M'gann was doing what she did to Kaldur quite regularly, and I've noticed a response or two from you that seems to suggest that the Kroloteans didn't recover and the other Kroloteans refused M'gann's help.

1) So was the Krolotean at the end of Alienated not as well as he appeared? Or was it just the Krolotean leader from Earthlings that didn't recover? Or did he recover and the Kroloteans just weren't telling?
2) Generally, was my original interpretation on the right track? Were M'gann's worst excesses limited to Psimon and Kaldur, or at least exceptionally rare?
3) If M'gann was doing the worst Level 2 brain blasts more often than I thought, were the League and the Team somehow largely unaware of it? If so, how? Would the League not keep tabs on captured villains and notice how they were in extended comas?

Thanks for indulging this long, rambling post.

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

In Alienated and couple of later episodes, we see the trophies the League has on display at the Hall of Justice. Many have been identified (https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Alienated#Trivia) but there are a few items that haven't been becuase we don't get a good look or they seem fairly generic:

1) In the far right cabinet there is what appears to be a golden... ball? (we never get a good look at this)
2) Next to that is a silver staff wth a round head.
3) In the far left cabinet is a pair of crossed staves which seem the same as the silver one, but gold.
4) Below the gold staves is a set of Japanese swords.

Can you tell us what these are references to, if anything?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope you are well.

There are a number of different types of Apokoliptan weapons that have made their way to Earth. I've tried to compile them all on the wiki: https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Apokoliptan_weapons

1) Do any of them have names used in the scripts or design process that you could share?

2) The device that Orion deploys from his belt to fly looks like the Astro-Harness from the comics. Is it called that on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

When was Red Tornado inducted into the Justice Society of America?

Since you've said Red Tornado was created in 1948 (based on the age you gave him) it must have been that year or later. In the induction flashback we see Doctor Fate, looking just like he usually does, but you've previously said Kent gave up the Helmet of Fate in 1945 and used a different helmet. (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=13668)

Was Kent's "fake" Fate costume visually identical to the original one? Or should he have been shown with a different helmet and/or costume?

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Pete writes...

If monkey the god did not choose garfield logam then what power would garfield get from the blood that miss martian gave garfild to live?

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Obrien Riker writes...

In the dc comics miss martian and superboy had a romantic relationship but in young justice they did so why did you have beast boy suffer the lost of his romantic relationship with Perdita over drug use cause mental heath problems cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars to be single just like his dc comic version after dc comic beast boy's time with dc comic Tara end to only show after that superboy is alive in phanothom zone and is renited with miss martian to miss martian and superboy get married at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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oskar writes...

Before wally west died on the mission to stop the reach weapon did wally believe miss martian would outlive all of her human teammates because wally knows martian's age slower than humans?

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Seabert writes...

If you got a season 5 of young justice made would you show more of vandal savages's past history in season 5?

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Gagarin writes...

If you can't get a anime season 5 for young justice made will you make a young justice season 5 comic series?

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Diania writes...

Is Marie Logan's son Garfield's y sperm come from vandal savage?

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Minami writes...

What is the relation between the monkey god and the lords of order in young justice?

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Lee writes...

Out of all humans of earth why did the monkey god choose garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

when zor-el was born

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Jan Rott writes...

In "City of Stone Part Three" there is a man on the 23rd Precinct who complains about the missing night and try the Weird Sisters to calm him down. Some people believe that this man is William Greene. What do you mean.

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Chad writes...

Is the monkey god that spoke to beast boy in outsiders episode nightmare monkeys one of the lords of order in young justice universe ?

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kim writes...

Is vandel savage still alive the future year were the young justice season 4 time travers came from?

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Jan Rott writes...

Hudson is already an old Gargoyle, the condition of his cells should also have an impact on his clone Burbank. So does Burbank have a shorter lifespan than the other clones?

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Storyseeker writes...

I was wondering if you had ever considered doing your own 'What If...?' comic series, for Gargoyles? I always enjoy watching/reading how things might have gone if things happened differently, and I am constantly wondering about what if, for example, Demona had succeeded in wiping out humanity in Hunter's Moon, what if the clan never met Elisa, what if Brooklyn had joined Demona in Temptation...etc? I think it would make a great comic series, as everyone loves a good What If! You only have to look up all the fanfiction online to see that.

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Steve writes...

Is vandel savage the biological father of garfild logan in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

where Joan Garrick worked in her youth

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necro mage writes...

how highly influential do you have to be to join the light? would a powerful crime kingpin like black mask be considered to be to low level to join the light?

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Anonymous writes...

what Jay Garrick studied

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Josh writes...

Why did you choose to use still images to show Vangel savage's backstory history in young justice season 3 and season 4?

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Krinn writes...

Why do you believe it was not realistic for the outsiders not to ask beast boy what was wrong with him and why he was not going on missions with them when the outsiders realise there was something was wrong with garfield and get garfield help before Perdita came to see Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
M'aatt M'orzz

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Anonymous writes...

Why did want to replace Garfield's love life of Perdida with Garfield's dog?

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Anonymous writes...

Just finished season 2 recently, love the show!

1. In the episode "Temptation" when Demona rips out a bunch of pages from the Grimorum, did she rip them out at random, or did she know where to turn in order to get those specific spells?

2. According to the different Gargoyles wikis, Demona used all of the spells she stole, save one. But why didn't she use that last spell? Was it a dud or was it going to be the plot of an episode, but then you had a change in plans?

3. I know the Archmage at the Grimorum (it still makes me laugh really hard) and now it's gone forever, but before that, it had changed hands several times, so is it possible that other pages were ripped out and saved by people before the Xanatos acquired it at the start of the show?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
J'ann J'onzz M'orzz

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anon writes...

when Artemis visited Wally's parents in "Endgame", did they already know about his death? or was she there to break the news? if it was the latter, why was she the one to do it?

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Jose writes...

Why was there no statute of beast boy in the future year where the tine travelers came from seen in young justice season 4?

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Cara writes...

Hi Greg.

May I ask and if you could tell us the Birthday and Hatchday of Goliath, Elisa and David Xanatos.

Thank you for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman How long has Artemis been a fan of the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice and has she ever worn her baseball cap at times wile watching the film at home including any birthday vewings?

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Anonymous writes...

where Martian Manhunter works on earth

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Dale writes...

If you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other than why did you to have their time together as a couple end over a breakup and not having them end up getting married later on just as miss martian and superboy did?

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Anonymous writes...

does Ra's al Ghul have a daughter named Scandal

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Tom writes...

Are any martian animal species have longer a lifespan than humans in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering: what was the reason behind making Sindella brunette instead of giving her her original blonde hair?

(I am aware that the New52 and Rebirth comics showed her as a brunette. But I never really understood the change.)

Is Sindella a natural brunette or did she dye her hair?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles on Disney+

All seasons of Gargoyles are available for streaming through Disney+.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two