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Mike writes...

Why was there a 2 month hiatus with the 🧨 issue 11&12?

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Anonymous writes...

young justice season 4 was so good that HBOMAX did to not make a season 5.

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Skye4376 writes...

1. When did Aquaman first become King of Atlantis?

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Clark Cradic writes...

Did Demona have any trouble learning how to drive?

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Clark Cradic writes...

When the Magus ate the Grimorum, what did it taste like?

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Michael writes...

Hey, Greg. It’s amazing to actually ask you a question. I’ve seen a lot of the Specacular Spider-Man and it’s very great. I’m still furious at Disney for canceling it before the story was completed.

I actually have a few questions for you, regarding the plans of the show, since I noticed a lot of people have ask questions about your initial ideas for the show.

1. I’ve read that later seasons were supposed to introduce villains like Hydro-Man, Prowlwe, Sin-Eater, Scorpion, Carnage, Hobgoblin, Jackal, Morbius, Crime-Master, and Mr. Negative, did you have any plans to include characters like the Man-Wolf, Beetle, Shriek, and Alistair Smythe?

2. I really like the show’s take on Liz Allan. Were there any plans for her discovering the identity of Spider-Man or becoming Firestar?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did not make a young comic series based on the episodes of season two of young justice that you were not able to make for season two of young justice?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg, I’m sorry for what happened to your account on Twitter/X due to that hacker and hope the best for you going forward. I heard you’re leaving Twitter and honestly that seems for the best, but I hope you consider some alternate social platform so you can continue your character countdown and interaction with fans of your shows.

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Anonymous writes...

So when you were thinking of bisexual characters to add to your show your first thought as a grown man was to picture two drunk teenage girls cheating on their boyfriends…and you seriously thought there was nothing creepy about that? Or did you actually think that was normal because that’s the only exposure you’ve gotten of bisexual women in media?

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Dustin Peppler writes...

Order of the gargoyles back story
In real existence


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Ryan Cameron writes...

Are the Gargoyles' claws retractable?

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William Shaffer writes...

Why did you Mr. Greg believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other if you intend for their relationship to end in a permeant breakup instead of them getting married at some point in your young justice timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

1. You mentioned members of the League and Team receive stipends from the Justice League. Do reserve members of the League and Outsiders also receive stipends?
As of season 4,
2. Is the Outsiders’ HQ still funded by Beast Boy or the League?
3. Is there an in-universe explanation as to why the Outsiders need a den mother when all of them are adults except for Windfall and Terra?

4. What is the exact date (or month) that the Justice League Reserves was formally established (when the first member accepted to join, if you need a clearer definition)?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman, I want to suggest you join a new, better social media site called Spoutible. Twitter is clearly no help with protecting your account and Spoutible has a free two-factor authentication you can use to protect your account. It has all the features Twitter has and the owner is a progressive that is open, transparent, progressive, and prompt at helping the users there.

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Anonymous writes...

"Greg, if you had the chance to produce the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series again, would you follow the same plan you had at the time or would you make drastic changes to the plan? I believe I speak for everyone when I say that sticking to the original plan would be better instead of adding too many references to the MCU and having Peter no longer be the only Spider-Man in the series :(

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Julian writes...

Hi Greg,
This isn’t a question but I just wanted to let you known that your Twitter account is still hacked and the hacker has been leaking a lot of your personal information and other things Spider-Man related. I really hope you get your account back and deal with this situation!

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Dustin Payne writes...

When Will we get Young Justice FUNKO POPS?

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KalebWilson writes...

Hey Greg. Your twitter is hacked and they're posting your personal info. Are you fixking the problem?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, hope you get your account back soon; I was just wondering if you'd ever be willing to do a Character Countback for Spectacular Spider-Man like the one you've been doing for Young Justice?

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Dwight writes...

Why was it part of your plan of young justice for beast boy to have a permeant breakup with Perdita if you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other just like you believe miss martian and superboy were the right one for each other?

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JB013 writes...

In Young Justice did Crusher care at all about Artemis’ education like Paula did or did he not care if Artemis went to school at all and just concentrated on her physical training. It’s kind of hard to imagine Sports Master going to parent teacher night, oh and also wondering if Artemis first costume was supposed to be dark green or when her dad gave it to her she painted it that color?

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Paul Grillier writes...

Hi Greg, Lets get to the point: your Twitter/X account has been hacked! This was the quickest way I knew I could reach you. Hurry and stop this hacker, they’re threatening to leak stuff!

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Kromnulent writes...

Hi Greg, sorry this isn't actually a question, I just wanted to make sure that you were aware that your Twitter account has been hacked and this was the quickest way that I found to try to contact you. Ok thanks.

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Jon writes...

Heads up -- someone's hacked your Twitter account.

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Kennan writes...

Why do you think it was not an injustice to beast boy to have him to suffer the loss of his relationship with Perdita as a couple cause by beast boy depression and drug use cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars when you MR GREG knew Conner was going get back together miss martian and married at the end of season 4?

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Anthony dwyer writes...

I Greg,i'm currently living in Jamaica. I want to say I'm a big fan of young justice can give me any information as to when young justice is getting a 5th season.Well the comics yj targets give us a hint.And I hope superboy gets his power unlocked,might project match body degraded by transforming his power into supey body.Thats my thought though just keep me in touch keep up the good work.

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Jassy writes...

Hi Greg, I've been a fan of Young Justice for the longest time and it is one of my comfort shows. I hope you don't mind if i ask some questions.
1. Do Atlanteans have any slang
2. Where is Eduardo's mom
3.Will we ever see Ed's grandfather on screen
4.Do you think we'll ever see Conner and M'gann's kids
Thanks so much

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Steven writes...

We know Spectacular Spider-Man was going to have 5 seasons and movies in between seasons. However, if said movies were not approved, would there have been an extra season or two to make up for the movies, or would the movies' stories have been interjected into those same 5 seasons? Additionally would you have made a season 6 if the movies after season 5 were not approved or just ended the show with peter graduating in season 5 ?

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Pete writes...

Will you think of continue young justice story as comic series if you can't get any more animated seasons of young justice made?

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Joseph writes...

Are there any plans for Young Justice season 5 in the works or in the future?

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Zach writes...

Does Superboy human DNA restrict how much solar energy he can absorb cause Solar energy is how he and superman get there powers

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Lauren writes...

I'm aware of this rumor of live action Gargoyles going around. Apparently there's recent new one (again) over on James Wan's official Instagram account. October 16th, of this year, was the date.

Any changes to this or is still a rumor?

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Mark writes...

Hi again Greg,

Sorry I missed one on my last post about YJ characters:

1) Who is Rae Foster?


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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman, I wished to tell you that I love Gargoyles and I've been watching the series many times.
I would like to know a bit more about Preston Vogel, please.

Where and when was he born?
Who were his parents and does he have any siblings?
What kind of studies did he take and which college did he went to?
Is he going to make an appearance in the new comics?
After Renard's eventual death, what would Vogel do?

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FlashKing3000 writes...

Hi Greg, I am grateful for the opportunity you give us to reach out and ask you our questions. As far as I am aware, it is not something that other creators grant.

As Cyborg is now a member of the Justice League, his previous (and, if I am not mistaken, record-breaking) designations (B, D, and G) are retired. It has been confirmed that he held the G-08 designation, and it is assumed that he held the D-08 designation. In a previous response, you confirmed that Cyborg briefly held a B designation. What was it?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope this post finds you well.

Once again I have some questions from the YJ character countback.

1) Who is Jeff Kobi?
2a) Who is Stormy? Is it the giant seahorse Aquaman rides in the palace mural?
2b) If so, why the name change from the usual Storm?
3) Who is Prime-One? My best guess is the Mountain Hive's big Mantis-like Bug next to All-Widow in Beyond The Grip Of The Gods.

Thanks as always.

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Sam writes...

Why do you say young justice has no end when you have the complete timeline of young justice events on your computer?

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Ethan writes...

Dear Greg
I love Gargoyles and I was happy when learning about the comic continuation. I must ask if your planning to do the same for your other shows like The Spectacular Spider Man and Young Justice?

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Chris. A. writes...

Dear Greg Wiesman

1.Why didn’t Megan take Mcomm with her to earth when she went to mars in 2016. Garfield was even able to him. Wasn’t it possible for Mcomm to go with years before he started to work Darkseid in 2018

2.In Torch Songs, Part 1. It took place August 2016. But If Megan, Garfield, Connor went sent to Mars in July 2016, shouldn’t have they returned to Earth in September 2016, if it takes 2 month to Mars and back with Bioship. And they confirmed they used the Bio-ship to get to Mars. Because the Bio-ship was excited about going to Mars like their previous trip before in 2016.

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Miguel writes...

Hey Greg, how are you? Do you think Disney can call you to continue the spectacular Spider-Man animated series, after your Spider-Man appeared in the film? I think about it, because the 90s x-men animated series is going to come back, do you have any hope of that happening?

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Anonymous writes...

This might seem like an odd question but have Miss Marian and Artemis both had there respective baseball caps (or newsgirl in Megan's case) on at the same time when greeting any newcomers to the team off screen during the 5 year gap and beyond ?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Klarion had the ability to time travel this entire time? Why didn't The Light take advantage of it to turn the tide of the war in their favour? And for that matter, what would they do if they found out Metron repaired Lor-Zod's Time-Sphere?

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Antiyonder writes...

So in the continuity of The Spectacular Spider-Man, was Blackbeard the Pirate a legend born from the time travel paradox of Ben Grimm/The Thing (ala Fantastic Four #5)?

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Ryan Leger writes...

How long would it take to clone and force-grow a Martian? Conner, in season 1, was force-grown to the age of 16 in 16 weeks. How long did it take to clone and force-grow Orim and Arion again? M'gann, in season 1, was 16 Mars years old, which is 48 Earth years old.

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Anonymous writes...

During Goliath's trial, why was Demona's actions during "City of Stone" not was used as an example of proof of contradiction of Goliath's statement that he and his clan seeks to live peacefully besides humans? Also, why didn't Margot Yale consider asking Elisa Maza if she was the only cop in the NYPD who knew about the existence of Gargoyles prior to their existence being known to the public; considering Matt Bluestone was the only other cop in the NYPD who found out and kept it a secret as well?

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Anonymous writes...

do you see the situation in gaza and see how little the world cares about arabs and muslims being systematically slaughtered? do you see understand that this is reinforced in the media by showing graphic violence against us so that people are desensitized when real life people are massacred? does any part of you actually understand the harm you did with creating halo? you added to this issue whether you ever admit to yourself or not. you should be ashamed of yourself but your ego will never allow it. you’ve had years of fans trying to explain as nicely as possible and you just threw a tantrum. i can only hope that some of your fans who defended you vigorously and silenced all of the muslim fans who tried to call you out will finally wake up and see.

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello once again Mr. Weisman! I read All the New Gargoyles Comics that Came out so far And I Think They are AWESOME!!!! And Now Here's a Question I have if you don't mind!

How Exactly was Margot Yale Allowed to to Be on the Gargoyle Taskforce and to Handle Gargoyle Cases At All?

After All She did publicly Claim that she saw them Up close and Surely she Reported Each and every claim she and her Husband had with them! So Wouldn't she have been Not Allowed to be part of the Gargoyle Taskforce Or to be Part of Goliath's Sentience hearing Due to Personal Interest?

Have to Say I'm Surprised Tobe Crest Did'nt bring that up against Yale! Unless She Had to Drop her Reports in order to Be part of the Task Force and to work the case!

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Ryan Leger writes...

Klarion has used his powers to turn Teekl into a giant Saber-tooth cat. Have Saber-tooth-Teekl and Wolf ever fought each other in the series? I mean, come on. It's a giant f***ing Saber-tooth cat and a giant f***ing wolf! How do you NOT have them fight each other?! In season 5, I hope Saber-tooth-Teekl II and Wolf fight each other. I'm a sucker for creature-on-creature violence.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Does The Light know Supergirl joined Darkseid's Forces?
They know Klarion handed her over to Darkseid as "tribute". But do they think she's dead?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Does every member of The Light have a "Psy-Back" or just the council members (& former council members in Orim's case)?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles on Disney+

All seasons of Gargoyles are available for streaming through Disney+.

Buy The DVDs

Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two