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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is Dinah Lance's Canary Cry far more dangerous when used against individuals who have super-hearing (like Superman, for example)? I remember the Smallville version of Black Canary did that against Clark Kent in an episode of Season 7, and it caused him so much pain that he collapsed and his ears were bleeding.

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Anonymous writes...

if billy or Mary were to transform and stay in their transformed state for a year and then transform back into their normal state would their body' s have aged a year or would it just remain the exact same age before they transformed?

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Anonymous writes...

Step 1: beg all your fans to do all of the work to keep this series going time and time again and give vague promises that you'll get to certain characters eventually if we keep earth-16 alive to coerce people
Step 2: never deliver on those promises, keep adding more characters, continue to tease people that they'll get to all the characters instead of being honest to keep their hopes up and keep them watching on the slight chance it'll happen
Step 3: rage about fans "BITCHING" when they dare to complain

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Anonymous writes...

lol see your now trying to claim queen bee and noor harjavti are muslims to deflect from criticism about halo when there's nothing to indicate that they're muslim other than the fact that they're arab...you think arab automatically means muslim? you know that's a core component of islamophobia right? everyday you reveal your ignorance more and more, i don't know why you've got this reputation as one of the good white men.

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MadMod89 writes...

Given your previous stance with magus & death/war along with cost in conflict:


Why are we supposed to believe that theres any chance that you might bring wally west back given how he pretty much died under the same circumstances thematically as magus did?

Not only that but others that you work with like Christopher Jones. Have categorically answered that he died when asked similar questions.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

By the end of Season 4, Metron remains completely unaware the the Emerald Eye of Ekron is missing from his vault and is now currently in the possession of Ursa Zod. Once he finally realizes the truth, what lengths do you think he'll go to in order to get it back?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What is the name of the preschool that Jonny Kent attends in Metropolis?

#2. Was Johnny finished with a day of preschool when he came home with Lois and heard Beast Boy mentioning Superboy in the Season 4 finale?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following familial relationships within the House of El correct from the perspective of the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El? If not, please state the correct House of El familial relationships in your response posting.

Zor-El (Kara's father)
Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (Kara's mother)
Jor-El (Kara's paternal uncle)
Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (Kara's paternal aunt)
Kal-El (Kara's paternal cousin)
Lois Joanne Lane-Kent (Kara's paternal cousin-in-law)
Jonathan Samuel "Jonny" Kent (Kara's paternal cousin once removed)
Kru-El (Kara's paternal uncle)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of Apophis (the Egyptian Lord of Chaos); an antagonist from the "Injustice: Year Zero" comics?

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Hannily writes...

What year did Garfield logan's skin turn green in young justice timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Kara Zor-El sent to the Phantom Zone because all ships of any kind were banned from leaving Krypton following Jor-El's failed attempted warning to the people of Krypton that the red sun, Rao, would explode and take Krypton with it? If Zor-El sent Kara to the Phantom Zone, was it because he believed that Jor-El was telling the truth, and did Zor-El's wife (Alura El) also supported her husband's decision? Finally, if Kara had presumably suffered from zone sickness for over four decades while in the Phantom Zone, is it possible that the long-term exposure and her own inexperience (due to her youth) warped her mind so severely that it caused her to assume that her entire family had intentionally abandoned her in the Phantom Zone; thus leaving her open to possible further lies/manipulation by Darkseid after she was delivered to him by Vandal Savage? Could this then help explain why Grayven mentioned that Kara was "betrayed"?

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Anonymous writes...

Now that Cyborg is in the JL, can you confirm that his designation as an Outsider was D08?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that the SuperMartian ship has successfully went through the wedding phase of their relationship, when can we expect the newly happily married couple to have kids?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Superboy's decision to not kill Superman (despite General Zod's direct order) because, in part, due to the fact that Superboy had realized at that very moment (after he reflected on certain memories) how badly Superman's death would have likely affected Jonathan and Martha Kent, as well as Lois Lane and Johnny Kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Even though she was not seen using it in Season 4 during the Zatanna story arc, the "Wisdom of Solomon" is also one of Mary Bromfield's powers, correct?

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P.E.T.H. writes...

Hello, first congrats on the fourth season, loved it and hoping for a fifth to be announced.
Second, my question is about the gap between the B and D designations, which I hope you can answer unless you consider them spoiler questions.
For the B designations there is a gap between B33 (Terra) and B36 (Orphan). We know that originally members of the Outsiders had B designations before the change to D designations. Is it possible to speculate that the remaining B designations, B34 and B35, belong to El Dorado and Cyborg respectively?
The other one is that, as we know, there are 3 D designations we don't know. D02, D06 and D15. From what we can speculate, D02 and D06 belong to the original Outsiders, and giving that the ones we know have a similar feel to the order they had as B designations can we speculate that D02 and D06 belong to Wonder Girl and Geo-Force?
Can we also speculate that D15 belongs to Windfall, since she is the only other Outsider we do not know the designation to?

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Kyle writes...

Did Stargirl and J'emm J'axx flirt at Conner and M'gann's wedding?

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Lofgren writes...

Did Garfield logan learn kid flash's name was Wally west before or after Garfield begin living at mount justice?

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Taylor Schwab writes...

if i could pay hbo max to greenlight two more seasons of young justice how much would it take?

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Anonymous writes...

How come non of the Superheroes ever thought of asking Doctor Fate to magically open a portal to the Phantom Zone so that they can save Conner? I mean if Klarion can use his magic to teleport into the Phantom Zone then I'm sure Doctor Fate can do it as well.

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JDH writes...

1. Was Freddy invited to M’gann & Conner’s wedding?
2. What does the E Designation represent?
3. Is Kit Freeman brother to Freddy?
4. Are Spoiler & Robin dating? (Looked pretty cosy at Conner & M’gann’s wedding)
5. Do you have a subtitle in mind for Season 5?

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Jake writes...

How and when did wendy harris learn that conner was superboy in young justice timeline?

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JODEY writes...

Why did Black Canary not ask Garfield to come to her for concealing soon after she learn that Garfield stop going on missions after he return from mars?

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Marvelman writes...

So you worked a Shakespeare reference into one of Zatanna's backward spells... You, madman! Will nothing stop you?

Seriously, though, is there some sort of master-list listing all of your Shakespeare references?

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Anonymous writes...

I just didn't understand why the team played dead while Superman was getting almost killed. And Conner was in life threat too so... Why did they wait to act, taking the obvious risk Superman and Conner be killed ?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Depending on you handle Kara Zor-El's story arc in "Young Justice," do you intend to let her stay in the present day, or do you plan to send her to the future? I remember what happened to the DCAU version of Supergirl, and I was utterly heartbroken when she stayed behind in the future and left a goodbye message to Superman.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What are the names of the mothers of each of Darkseid's three sons? When were they born and when did they died?

#2. When were each of Darkseid's three sons born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. I thought I had a decent understanding of how time travel works in YJ, but after the season 4 finale I’m not so sure. How different does a timeline need to be in order for a time traveler to return to be trapped in the past? How were the Legionaires able to go home if Lor-Zod changed so many things?
2. In some shows that use time travel, characters meet their kids or grandkids, and later on it’s implied (or outright shown) that after they return to the past/future, those kids/grandkids would be the exact same people in the future, which is pretty unlikely (their parents would have to meet and conceive them EXACTLY the same way they did in the unaffected timeline). Does time travel work the same way in YJ, or does the butterfly effect still occur in the case of future descendants?
3. Why did Bart move in with the Garricks rather than the Allens, especially if the Garricks were so old? Were the Allens uncomfortable with taking care of Bart?
4. Did the Garricks ever have kids? If so, would they be speedsters too?
4. Do Barry and Iris consider Bart to be their grandson from an emotional standpoint? Or do they treat him as a younger family member or family friend?

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Anonymous writes...

What happened to Conner's clothes and belongings after his "death"? Did M'gann put them in storage or did she donate them?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Even though his case had gone cold was investigating Superboy's death and trying to find his killer still a priority of the Justice League, Team and Outsiders?
2. How did the rest of the Outsiders handle Superboy's death?
3. How did the rest of the Team handle Superboy's death?
4. Who told Perdita about Superboy's death?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Superman ever bring his son or parents to the Watchtower to visit Conner's memorial?
2. Is Icicle Senior still active or has he retired?
3. Does the rest of Happy Harbour know Superboy and Conner Kent are the same person?
4. How many memorial services did Superboy get?
5. Who was present/attended the lighting of Superboy's memorial in the Watchtower's grotto aside from Dick and Kaldur?

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did Icicle Jr. feel about Superboy's death?
2. How did Lex Luthor feel about Superboy's death?
3. How did Psimon feel about Superboy's death?
4. Who told the Forever People (Bear, Dreamer, Vykin) about Superboy's death?

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Anonymous writes...

1. How often did M'gann visit Conner's memorial?
2. Did M'gann and Artemis ever visit Conner and Wally's holograms together and did they become closer than ever since they lost their greatest loves?
3. How often did Superman visit Conner's memorial?
4. Minus Kaldur, but did the rest of the original team greet M'gann when she returned to Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

I know there was a lot of crying in the first half of the season and I LOVE the finale, but why didn't you give us a scene where everyone had a moment to cry happy tears over the fact Conner is alive or finally allow themselves to properly reunite him after the battle was over like a group hug with the original team?

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Secret writes...

1. Did M'gann ever have a moment on the watchtower where she weeped at the memorial grotto, mainly Conner's hologram just as she did at their wedding altar on Mars?
2. Did Wolf ever sleep at Conner's memorial like he previously did with Wally's hologram in season 3? And if so did Wolf sleep there regularly, like Hachiko the Dog?
3. How often did Gar visit Conner's memorial?
4. Does Lois have access to the Watchtower?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Karion's form really supposed to be a nine year old boy??? He doesn't really look nine

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Anonymous writes...

Are Robin and Spoiler in a relationship?
I’m asking this because I saw the two of them looking like a real cute couple during the Conner and Megan’s wedding.

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Captain Comet writes...

1) Why the warworld didn't turn "phantom zone colors" ? Is this because of Klarion's magic ?
2) Wait so... Klarion can teleport a small planet ?!!??! Just like that ?
3) How did the Light capture kryptonians so easily, given they were trained for decades in the zone, yet it seemed easy for Vandal to master the phantom zone rules better than them...
4) Does Superman have longevity far superior to a regular human or does he ages like everybody else ?
5) If you've answered "yep" to question 2, I'll be a little frustrated. I wanted details about his powers limits.

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Bretly writes...

Is Klarion's physical form really nine years old? He looks just as old as the other adults in the show,just wondering.

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Verdragon writes...

Have you ever been given creative restrictions or an executive directive and thought 'okay, this will be a fun challenge to write around' or 'this means I'll just have to do something more obscure'? If so, any notable examples?

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Anonymous writes...

How old is Blue Beetle? You have said multiple times that he was born in 1999 but in Season 3 him and Static were said to both be 18 on December 31, 2018.

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walkie writes...

I'm a huge fan of YJ, and seeing all of the recent criticism and praise about the show in regards to the representation of various faiths, sexualities, genders, etc particularly in the last 2 seasons, I had a few questions about your thought processes behind some of the choices you made with regards to it. I want to say that while I personally have a few quibbles with the way that some of it is done, its ultimately your show, and you're still doing a great job making it entertaining.

1. Do you feel like you've consciously "ramped up" representation of all of the things mentioned above (or at least visibility of them) in seasons 3 and 4? If so, why, or of not, why not?

2. Do you see a difference in representation that is interwoven into the ongoing story at hand and that which is not? Or do you consider the whole show to be one big story, so anything about anyone in the show is in your opinion relevant?
As an example, one of my minor personal quibbles with season 4 was the Violet stuff in episode 4x14, not because of the content of it, but because it seemed kind of out of nowhere and out of place and (so far) has led to nothing. I would personally contrast that to how you portrayed Native Americans in season 2, or even L'gann this season, where representing characters of different ethnicities and sexualities was interwoven into the story at hand, and particularly in the former, essential to not only the journey of that character, but the overarching plot as a whole. The fact that Violet, a character who represents a unique faith and gender is the character who we pulled away from the story to seemingly randomly focus on for half an episode seems to make that part of the show more of a PSA or educational aide than a part of the plot or character's journey, especially when you consider the content of the conversation.
3. Why Violet? There is a ton of other characters whose unique personalities or traits could have been highlighted, why was she specifically chosen, particularly when she was not a central character this season? I would also contrast that to Khalid and Zatara, whose tangents about their faiths were not only nicely symmetrical but also felt more organic and central to their characters and the decisions that they had made and would go on the make, which shaped the entire story of that arc. Obviously this is all my opinion, and my biases for or against certain characters probably shape it.

All of that said, I still think the show is great, and thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Anonymous writes...

Try to keep in mind that people having such strong emotional reactions to the choices this show makes ultimately means that they’re passionate about it. People in all fandoms have meltdowns if they feel like something “let them down” i.e. the Game of Thrones and How I Met Your Mother finales. This is not personal towards you, even if it feels that way. I think you just make yourself far more accessible than the average creator with this forum and if it’s becoming too much then it might be time to set some boundaries.

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Anonymous writes...

For Season 3, episode "Evolution", I have two questions -

1. Is there a name to the alien race controlled by Starro or should we just consider them an 'unknown alien race controlled by Starro"?

2. Based on the design of the armada ships, was that based off of something in the DC universe or formed by the creators and yourself?

3. If Savage failed to defeat Starro, could he have actually fallen under control of the creature?

4. Does the Starro creature have a gender?

5. Seeing Starro is contained in the stasis pod, is it actually dead? (But I understand if this is no spoilers answer)

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Princeton writes...

Greg why was it decide as part of the plot of the young justice comic story Targets that during the beginning of the story young justice comic Targets that Garfield would still have his pictures of queen peridia on his phone if was decided that the ending of the story of the young justice comic Targets was going to be that Garfield was not get to back together with Perdita in a dating relationship?

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Onomastics FTW writes...

I see many people asking about much of this, but they seem to all buy misunderstanding Kryptonian naming customs, so I'll ask it a bit differently.

Many are confused by the names Ursa Zod and Lara El. First, I understand what you're doing there, especially after the reveal of Kara Zor-El.

Clearly, Lara El's full name would be Lara Lor-Van El, or perhaps you've decided on Earth 16's Krypton women drop the father's name entirely. Either way, that explains the lack of a hyphen.

My questions are:
1) Which is it? Do they keep the father's name as a middle name, and just not say it all the time, or drop it all together? Or am I way off?
2) What was Ursa's father's name?
3) A little less directly related, does Non not have a house? If not, why? I realize this was the case in the comics, but I don't believe it was ever explained there, so I'd love to know how you'd explain it.
4) Not about names at all now, but I'm sidetracked on Non now: since Zod and Ursa were surprised to learn of the destruction of Krypton, it's clear they didn't have anything to do with Jor-El's predictions as they did during the New 52 era. This suggests Non also has a different backstory than that period (he doesn't have much of one at all right now, from what I can find). In that, he was Jor-El's teacher and was banished (and labotomized) for continuing to warn about the end of days after the Science Council forbade Non and Jor-El from doing so. It's clear that much of that doesn't work in your continuity, but how much of that is held over? If that's a spoiler request, I do apologize.

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Riker writes...

Who takes care of Garfield logan's dog Wingman when beast boy is on outsiders missions?

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Bionicblade2099 writes...

Has Dick Grayson ever contacted his uncle, Richard, since his family died? Also how old is Brainiac-5?

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Anonymous writes...

Is it possible that the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El was somehow exposed to black kryptonite and her dark side had been brought out to the surface; thus explaining why she joined the Female Furies after she was given to Darkseid by Vandal Savage? I remember Lex did that to her in the comics, but in that particular case, Kara's dark side was SPLIT from her and was its own separate entity; who claimed to the good Kara that she was who Kara truly was all along and she also claimed that her true mission was to kill Kal-El.

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Anonymous writes...

1 Has granny goodness been demoted after her failure with the anti life equation?
2 How long did desaad torture granny goodness after her failure?
3 does granny goodness hold a grudge against desaad after he tortured her?

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