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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, who discovered the Phantom Zone and gave it its name? When did this happened in the Earth-16 timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Zatara flashbacks during the Zatanna story arc, what exactly were the mechanical monsters that Superman defeated? I mean, who created them and for what purpose? Also, since they were not visually seen, please describe what the mechanical monsters looked like? Finally, when was the exact date the news segment of Superman took place on TV during that time?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Zatanna's mother passed away in 2008, did she ever wrongfully got angry at her father for not being there to say goodbye to her mother before she died; since he was away working at the time?

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Sam writes...

1) What was Katherine's plan for the Eggs when she got to Edinburgh?

2) Did Gargoyles ever have their own language before adopting human ones?

3) Are there any examples of Gargoyle architecture?

4) How large was the Scone clan by 994 AD

5) What would Katherine have thought of Maol Chalvim overthrowing their cousin Kenneth?

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Kevin writes...

1. What are the main differences between a Motherbox and a Fatherbox, is it just an aesthetic difference since they have Mobius tech/operating system or is there something only or the other can do that the other cannot?
2. Out of universe why wasn't Spectre and the Golden Age Hawkman part of the Justice Society of America on Earth 16? Not asking if they exist on Earth 16 only what made you decide not to use them as members of the JSA in this iteration?
3. On Earth 16 what does the Courage of Achilles and Stamina of Atlas do for the Marvels? Sometimes one provides invulnerability over the other and vice versa, so what are the main powers that they provide?

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Anonymous writes...

This is something that confuses me but basically The league of shadows have had a contract on Jade ever since she betrayed them to save Red Arrow(also said in young justice phantoms Artemis arc), now this happens as per Red Arrows Journal happens around May 26 team year 4 yet in young justice legacy 17 February team year 5 Cheshire is working with the League of shadows and even telling them to keep digging so did she just rejoin the league of shadows and betray them once again and the league of shadows just allowed her to rejoin them after her first betrayal so easily seems weird to me.

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Anonymous writes...

1) So in Secrets Mgann is dressed as a zombie and Superboy is dressed as a mummy wearing bandages is this an intentional reference to season 3-4 that is Miss martian embracing her white martian status and Superboy getting burns due to the lava.
2) If this true can I expect Wally to return as a werewolf.

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Anonymous writes...

1) So at first I thought it was a coincidence since English isn't my first language but Talia's accent in Catwoman Hunted and Young Justice Phantoms seemed different to me, Then I even checked with the Young Justice wiki page and they had a similar conclusion. So are the accents for Talia different or are we just reading too much into it since in Catwoman Hunted she sounds like she has a middle eastern accent.While in Young Justice Phantoms she has a british accent.
2) Is there a reason why the two accents were different was it to demonstrate that Catwoman Hunted is canon adjacent.
3) I have always wondered like when you make things that are Canon Adjacent why not simply make them canon it doesn't seem like it would be a particularly difficult task like I get Green Arrow Showcase is pre young justice so When you tabulated the young justice timeline you saw that more elements had to be at play and changed the version of events that happened on earth 16 or GLTAS which you didn't work on so you wanted the freedom to pick and choose the elements you wanted from it. But why make Catwoman Hunted canon adjacent instead of making it canon, I mean there are a few things that are difficult to place in earth 16 timeline since by the time Batwoman becomes active Cheshire has already betrayed the League of Shadows. So why make these decisions you could just as easily altered the story ever so slightly to make it canon, I mean you are the sole writer for it I think. This is not really a criticism since I loved Catwoman Hunted but something that I found curious nonetheless.
4) Also in case we get a 5th season and I really hope it does, you will hit the episode 100 milestone, hope that episode is celebratory.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What year was Sindella Zatara diagnosed with cancer?

#2a. Using the link provided below, what type of cancer did Sindella Zatara have?


#2b. If the cancer she had consists of multiple stages, which stage was her cancer in?

#3. After she died, where was Sindella's funeral held, and where was she buried?

#4. Did the Earth-16 version of Zachary "Zach" Zatara (Giovanni's and Sindella's nephew, and Zatanna's paternal cousin) attended Sindella's funeral?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I may be getting WAY ahead of myself by asking this question, but if "Young Justice" get renewed for another season, will there be at least one scene involving a special family bonding moment between Jonny Kent and Kara Zor-El?

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