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Showwatcher writes...

1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Jeremy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
What I love about Young Justice is the original organization of the Light. I am also I big Marvel fan so I was wondering what you thought would be a good lineup for a Marvel version of the group. I ask because I think the Cabal run by Norman Osborn is lacks the stability and effectiveness of Vandal Savage's organization. Thank you for reading this if you do.

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg!

In anticipation of the new Dynamite Gargoyles comic, and because of the Paris clan's inclusion in YJ Targets, I tracked down a copy of "The Flashback of Notre Dame." It was a fun little read! I'm a big fan of both Chris's and your work, so it was cool to see your first (I think?) collaboration.

Just a couple questions:
1. Why was the Brooklyn analog named Monmarte? I'm admittedly not super familiar with New York or Paris, but I assume there's a parallel between the two, in the same way as Broadway and Montparnasse or Lexington Avenue and Champs Élysées.
2. Same question for Bronx and Rive Gauche.
3. Between Coldstone and Coldsteel, which corresponds to Cyrano and which to Christian?
4. Is the Paris clan less antagonistic than the Wyvern clan? It struck me as odd that Diabolique and Thomeheb were still part of the clan despite being named "Demonic" and identified as the evil twin, respectively.
5. What is the exact text of the Archmagus's spell, including the "man of silver kissing his betrothed on the last full moon of February" caveat? (Kidding, kidding... unless?)

One final thought: have you seen the recent film musical adaption of Cyrano de Bergerac starring Peter Dinklage? I liked it a lot, though admittedly i haven't read the original play.

Thanks again, and I can't wait to read the first new Gargoyles story since I discovered the series! WE LIVE AGAIN!

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long has Fury served with the Infinitors and does she occasionally wear a baseball cap or newsgirl cap when not in costume or on duty ? 2. What does Angel o' day do for a living ?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Saturn Girl's race identified as Saturnian (assuming life somehow existed on Saturn in the 31st century) or Titanian (assuming they lived on Saturn's moon, Titan) in the 31st century?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, what are the names of Ursa's parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Did the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America ever encountered Vladimir Sokov/Red Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Joan Garrick's maiden name Williams?

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Anonymous writes...

Where is the Earth-16 version of Judy Garrick/The Boom; the daughter of Jay and Joan Garrick?

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Anonymous writes...

On the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was kryptonite poisoning (via green kryptonite) ever identified/acknowledged by Kryptonians as the "Green Plague"?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two