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Anonymous writes...

Do you consider any other characters in Young Justice besides Amistad to be neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc)? Or in any of your works for that matter?

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Liam writes...

Hi Greg I have 3 questions (if this is the right section or is there another)
1) when or if carnage was introduced how would U of had introduced him

2) is the Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man crossover canon to the show

3) how you doing

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Aaron writes...

greg did you ever meet dwayne mcduffie when he was still alive? if so did he ever tell you what he thought about your version of static shock from young justice season 2?

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Christopher Leistner writes...

I have an idea involving spectacular Spider-man having a new character who also have spider powers along with me acting as that character.

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Ashley Cushnie writes...

What is Glasses's real name?

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Nicholas writes...

Do you think Miss Martian and Conner can conceive a child? Because as we know they're from different species. She is an alien and he is a clone created by the DNA of Lex and Superman. So I wonder if it's possible for them to become parents.

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Nicholas writes...

Why did Nightwing and Zatanna break up? I don't remember that they explained or even mentioned their break up. I'm curious to know the reason that made them end their relationship

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Mars Watchman writes...

Is there an afterlife in the Gargoyles universe and if so, what is it like?

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Anonymous writes...

1) I've seen some confusion online about the ethnicity of Young Justice's Madame Xanadu; various websites assume her to be black (I assume because she's voiced by Cree Summer?), but in the comics she's Romani and her skin-tone, to me at least, looks far closer to a Romani person than a black person, so is she Romani, black or another ethnicity entirely?

2) On a similar note, is YJ's Dick Grayson Romani? At the time the show was originally in production his Romani heritage was established but only in one story from after you stopped regularly keeping up with comics (2001 I believe?), so I could totally understand it being accidentally skipped over during research at the time, but in the years since then they've started emphasising it more, and since the show's no stranger to implementing characters or concepts from after its creation into the show's lore in the revival era, I could see that happening here too

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Anonymous writes...

1) Since Champs Élysées is meant to be a homage to Lexington, do you consider him to also be gay?

2) This is admittedly a bit more of a stretch, but I figured it was worth asking anyway; since Antonia Rodriguez is a stand-in for Velma Dinkley in the world of Earth-16, and Velma has been repeatedly depicted as either a lesbian or bisexual in recent years, do you consider Antonia to be queer?

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

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Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two