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Anonymous writes...

This is sort of a followup to my previous question about "The Hound Of Ulster," because you did ask.... I don't know Diane Duane personally (*sigh* don't I WISH) but she's written some other stuff with a fairly accurate hand about the Celtic myths, including Cuchullain; I don't know how she could know all that and still get confused about the "hound of Ulster". As for what else was wrong... well, the name "Cuchullain" actually means "Cullain's Hound" (Cullain was a lord of Ulster), and to make a long legend short, Cuchullain was called so because he defended Ulster throughout his life like a protective hound. ...Of course, it wouldn't be hard to fit a gargoyle beast into the original story somewhere.... But I find it hard to believe that anyone currently living in Ireland would consider the Hound of Ulster (a) an actual hound, or (b) a frightening creature. Molly's "ghost story" about the "Great Beast, the Hound of Ulster" bothered me a lot more than the eventual revelation of the "true story" (even though as far as the stories I've read say, Cuchullain never fought a Banshee in his life). I don't mind if the current versions of the legend aren't much like what "really happened," but I would expect modern-day people to know the current version. That said, I suppose I'd better actually _ask_ something, since this isn't the "Tell Greg" page....
You said you had plans for Rory and Molly. Isn't Molly actually the Banshee, and isn't she currently sort of grounded on Avalon? Or is it that the Banshee temporarily took the form of Molly, who is actually an ordinary human Irish girl?

Greg responds...

I know the Cuchullain story now. I didn't then. Diane didn't call me personally to fill me in. Maybe she or Peter told Michael Reaves, but Michael didn't tell me. I think the "answer" is more or less what you said.
The truth and the legend may not match up. We may also have added a legend to the "Gargoyles Universe" that doesn't exist in our universe. I do know that I had the whole thing confused in my head with the Barghest, if that helps. At one point, I suggested titling the whole script "The Barghest" and using Barghest for "Great Beast" occasionally. Diane, Peter and Michael objected to that, so we didn't do it. But no one brought up the rest of it.

I do have plans for Rory and Molly. And the only Molly I know is the Banshee. Heh heh heh.

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering, in the Movie, thats on its way, is the Clan (Brooklyn, Broadway, Lex ect..) going to be in it?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

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Anonymous writes...

All hail Greg! To the point: how tall and heavy are Angela, Brooklynn, Goliath, Hudson, and Elisa? Will physical characteristics like this appear in your Encyclopedia?

Greg responds...

Numbers aren't my specialty, so no, I don't know the exact answers to those questions, and that kind of stuff isn't currently in the encyclopedia.

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Anonymous writes...

First off, Thanks for taking the time out to read this and second, I loved Gargoyles(so does my mom,my brothers, my fiance, and his Marine Corps buddies. 1.Are you in any way shape or form involved in the developing movie? 2. What is the projected release date? 3. Is Hollywood going to at least follow some of the storyline that the cartoon followed? 4. Even if the movie does get made(I hope!),who would you absolutely love to see portraying Goliath and Elisa? Thanks again for your time!

Greg responds...

1. A bit, but not much.
2. Summer, 1999, but that could change.
3. I don't know yet.
4. I'd love to see Keith and Salli reprise their roles, of course.

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Gotta few questions>1)If Oberon knew what the weird sisters had done relating to Demona and MacBeth, and the attacks on the Avalon clan, would he punish them for interfering in human affairs? If not, why not???
2)At what age would Brooklyn have met his mate, Katana? 3)What era is she from? 4)What part of the world is she from? 5)Have we met her or seen her on the show before? 6)What species is she? 7)You said awile ago that, in "Grief", Anubis didn't know gargoyles lived twice as long as humans, and therefore he aged them enough to kill them if they were humans. If he did that, then why did they look so old? He'd probably age them maybe 60 years which would make Goliath about 60 years old chronilogically and Angela about 48, making them only middle aged. But, after being aged in "Grief" They both looked positivly ancient! Why was this? Thank you very much for your time! :-)

Greg responds...

1. It depends on how it was presented and when. Oberon's not exactly Mr.
2. I haven't done the math in some time. Not too much older than he is now.
3. Feudal Japan.
4. Feudal Japan.
5. No.
6. Gargoyle.
7. That was Goliath's theory. Jackal was in control. He aged them a ton.
Enough, to kill them, he would have thought. He was wrong. You're doing math; Jackal-Anubis was tossing power around. I don't think he/they bothered with the numbers.

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Anonymous writes...

Thanks for answering my last question. Now I have another one. (1) Was Demona going to be a hero or villain in the Future Tense spin-off? If she is a good guy than what would her three grandchildren actually think of her?
You can proba ly tell that I really like Demona. (2) I mean REALLY How tall is the Eyrie Building? (3) How does your family feel about the show? (4) And I would like to thank you for the hardwork and dedication you put into 66 episodesand creating these wonderful charac ters (like Demona). And for answering our questions.

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. She'd be fighting on the side of the angels.
Whether that makes her a hero or not is subject to interpretation.
2. Tall.
3. They tell me they like it. But do you really think they'd say anything else? :)
4. You're welcome.

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Anonymous writes...

greg, i have two waves that sound like goliath and are gargoyle related, the word goddamit is used in this. If these are from an episode that never made air, can you tell me if these are real or not, if you don't know what i am talkin g about, i would be happy to mail you the waves.

Greg responds...

I don't know what you're talking about, but you don't need to bother mailing it to me. We never used that kind of language in any show. NEVER. So I'm sure what you've got is quite phoney. And by the way, there were no episodes that never "made air".

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Anonymous writes...

What is your stand on people using likenesses of your characters? Have you ever considered publishing your stories on the internet? If they can use it to sell useless crap like pornography, why not publish something worth while?

Greg responds...

Disney owns these characters, not me. I can't publish original material for profit, without getting permission from Disney.

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Anonymous writes...

Will Owen ever get a life separate from Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Who says he doesn't have one now?

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, were there any plans to better develop Owen's character in respect to his personal life?

Greg responds...

Sure, eventually.

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Anonymous writes...

A few more questions: 1. If you had done the spin-offs "Future Tense", "The New Olympians", and "Pendragon", how would you have ensured that they would not be confused with the "Gargoyles" episodes that went by those names? 2.
In "Leader of the Pack" and "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", Owen had a *really* sneaky smile on his face. Was this a little foreshadowing of his true identity? 3. Did you get a lot of letters from people before "The Gathering" who thought that Presto n Vogel was the result of a lazy animator copying Owen?

Greg responds...

1. Confused by who? You mean in a comment room someone might say, I loved FUTURE TENSE; then someone else might say, Oh, I didn't like it when Broadway was killed. And the first person says, not "Future Tense", FUTURE TENSE!!
And everyone says, huh? My point is, the press takes no note of episodic titles. It would seem to me that even the fans would have no real problem distinguishing the difference from the context of whatever comment got posted.
2. I suppose, but Owen is entitled to smile now and then. Owen is Owen.
The fact that he's also Puck, doesn't make Owen a cardboard one-note character.
3. Well, not letters. I certainly heard a bit of that on the Ranger List.
And also from people on the show who weren't in on it. (Jeff Bennett, by the way, didn't know Owen was Puck until he read "The Gathering, Part Two". We intentionally kept it from him. Aren't we stinkers?)

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I have a question about the gargoyle eggs, (not Angela and her rookery siblings). I have asked this Q before, anf if you have answered it already, sorry, I must have missed it. Anywayz, how many eggs can 1 mother lay at a time? Just 1, then wait another 20 years, or more?

Greg responds...

One every twenty years exactly.

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Anonymous writes...

I remember a "Steve Perry" in the writing credits for several Season One "Gargoyles" eps. Recently I have seen a "Stephen Perry" in the writing credits for "Thundercats" reruns on the Cartoon Network. Is this the same guy? Any chance the Gargoyles will move to the Cartoon Network (pleeeaazzzze not the Disney channel! I don't get that one!)

Greg responds...

I can't be 100% sure, but I'd guess it's the same Steve Perry. Gargoyles is currently running on the USA network.

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Anonymous writes...

What does "deslegrate mori tempte-et intervalia" mean i've tried for a month, looking in latin books, and asking teachers i think intervalia means between walls and mori (if thats how its spelled) means to die.
plese, please transla te. thanks for the time

Greg responds...

Well, it was bad latin to begin with, though we thought it was good at the time. It's not "mori", it's "muri". And it's not "tempte" it's "tempe". It is "deslegrate", but I gather it should have been "deflegrate" or something like that. It's supposed to mean something like "Burn down the walls of time and space." I guess sorcerer's latin is slightly different from the standard brand.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I just got 3 questions here. 1. When did you actually have the idea to make Owen to be Puck in disguise? Was it actually thought up in the beginning of the 1st season, or did the idea popped up during the creati on of the 2nd season? 2. In the episode "The Mirror", Elisa was dressed up as a security cop at the museum. When she was looking into the mirror, she turned around when she heard Demona attacking the male security guard. The image of Elisa in the mir ror did not move when Elisa turned around. Was that intentional or just a fluke? 3. At the end of "The Reckoning", Demona sacrificed her life to try to kill Thailog. Why did Goliath & Angela thought that Demona died even when they saw Elisa kill Dem ona to save both MacBeth and Demona from eternal demises in the episode "Sanctuary"?

Greg responds...

1. Almost immediately after we conceived the character of Puck, before "The Mirror" was written, probably toward the tail end of season one.
2. Very intentional. A little touch thrown in by the storyboard artist to hint at the mirror's mystic properties.
3. I've answered this before; check the archives for a more detailed response, but the short answer is that they just weren't sure.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. 1. In your mind, what does New York look like in 2158? 2. In what year did Macbeth arrive in America for the first time?
3. In what year did Demona arrive in America for the first time? 4. You said that Oberon let Pendragon stay on Avalon because he owed someone a favor. Who did he owe the favor to? 5. Did you get the movie script from Dean Devlin? 6. In what year did Demona meet Puck? 7. How old is Puck?
8. When did Puck reveal himself to Xanatos? 9. Did you have any plans for Beth Maza? Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.

Greg responds...

1. That's a big old design question. More of the same, I guess. I view the show in 2158 as being international (if not intergalactic) in scope, so I haven't given that much thought to the specifics of Manhattan.
2. I don't know yet.
3. I don't know yet.
4. His son.
5. I never saw it. And it's moot now, because Dean's been replaced by another writer, Jim Kouf.
6. I don't know yet.
7. Very old.
8. Shortly after Owen left Cyberbiotics.
9. Yes.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. 1. You said that Coldstone and Coldfire would join a clan. Could you give us an idea where in the world that clan is located?
2. What is the true identity of Mr. Duval? 3. How long would Brooklyn spend in 2158 and in feudal Japan? 4. What does Macbeth do for a living?
5. When the New Olympians reveal themselves, how will the world react?
How will Nokkar react? 6. In 2158, what is the relationship between New Olympus and the human world? 7. How many eggs are ready to hatch in Guatemala? 8. Would we see Odin again? 9. What was Macbeth's reaction to Shakespeares play about him? 10. What was Demona's reaction to Shakespeares play 'Macbeth"? Thanks for answering these questions.

Greg responds...

1. Not right now.
2. The last Fisher King.
3. I actually haven't calculated that yet. I have a rough idea though.
4. Largely he manages his investments. He also works occasionally as a medievalist, and even as a stage actor.
5. With surprise to say the least.
6. Tense but peaceful.
7. I haven't counted recently.
8. Maybe.
9. He was highly amused.
10. Interesting question. Let me think about that. Ask me again later.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. 1. Would Banshee regain her voice? 2. Would we see Cu Cullian again? 3. What happened to the werepanthers? 4. Can you give us some info on Nokkar's galactic war? 5. In 2158, are all the clans in existance k nown to the world? 6. Is Hakon gone for good? 7. Would we see Xanatos' father again? 8. What were the original purposes of the praying gargoyle and the fullfilment spell? 9. What happened to the vial of virus the Demona created? Thanks for answering these questions. I really appreciate it.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Plenty.
4. Not right now.
5. No.
6. Yeah.
7. Sure.
8. There's a story in each of these. I'm not prepared to tell them right now.
9. It was destroyed.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, Hi. I have to say Gargoyles is a great show. And it will be remembered. I only have two short questions. 1). Did you have any further plans for Owen? Maybe a life beyond Xanatos? If so can you please say?
2). What about Matt Bluestone? Did you have any further plans for him beyond The Society and the NYPD? If so can you give me a little hint to what it was? Thanks for the show and it will be remembered by those who take the show seriously.

Greg responds...

1. I did have plans for Owen. I had plans for everyone.
2. Including Matt. No hints right now.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello yet again. What adventures did King Pendragon and Griff plan to go on after they left the last time? I know you said the grail and Merlin, but were they ever to really achieve a goal (such as the "true king" returning..or playing a big role in the story?)

Greg responds...

Arthur hadn't thought past the immediate goal of finding Merlin. In fact, I think he was putting off thinking about it until he had his trusted advisor back by his side. The Grail was NOT one of Arthur's goals. Just Excalibur (which he now has) and Merlin.

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Anonymous writes...

Why do Gargoyles turn to stone? What's the reason behind it?

Greg responds...

Why do you fall asleep? It's a biological function.

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Anonymous writes...

I know you had no say in TGC..but.. in an earlier episode, Hacker called Xanatos "one of the Illuminati's lower members" implying that he was only in it due to his money (and obviously his trip back in time). But on a TGC episode, he h ad one of the chairs in the main council! What level of the society did YOU plan to have him on. Thanks...

Greg responds...

The stated implication is yours and not particularly accurate to my way of thinking. As you said, in my episodes he was a lower echelon member.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman: How did you get Jonothan Frakes and Marina Sirtis to be on the cast of Gargoyles? Do you know what they're opinions of the show and their characters are? If so what are their opinions? Are there any episodes or characters that you regret doing?

Greg responds...

They auditioned, and we cast them. I wouldn't presume to speak for them, but I think they like the show and their characters. And no, I don't have any substantive regrets about anything we did in the first two seasons.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I have a few straight-forward questions: 1. What other projects, animated or not, have you been involved in in the past, or are currently?
2. I finally found the Gargoyles Movie...took 2 months special order...I noticed, which I think is from The Awakening Part II, when Elisa is in the park with Goliath, a jogger passes by, runs in place, and remarks that he's never seen that statue there before, this seemed to be cut out of the "movie". There was also a part I recall when Elisa distracted the people chasing her, and Goliath, away from Goliath, she took her jacket off and hung it on a branch to knock out one of those people chasing her, was that also cut out, or am I thinking of another ep? 3. This jogger, is there some reason he shows up in quite a few of the episodes? Inside joke, or something like that? 4. I've noticed on the mailing list that there are different endings for some eps, or minor changes...what are these eps?
Thanx in advance for answering my questions :)

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this in detail. Check out the archives for this page. But the short answer is that I worked at Disney in development for @five years.
Starting with Duck Tales, I worked in some capacity on every Disney tv cartoon right through to Mighty Ducks. Before that I worked at DC Comics, primarily on CAPTAIN ATOM. Recently, I wrote a single MiB episode. My newer projects haven't progressed far enough to talk about yet.
2. I've talked about this before. There are two versions of "Awakenings".
The five parter that aired on television, and the "movie" version which was used for the home video. For more details, check the archives for this page.
3. Combination inside joke and the practical necessesity that we don't constantly design brand new characters for the sake of a quick bit. As time progressed, it became fun to see characters (even minor characters) over and over. Fun for us, and I think more fun for you all too.
4. There aren't different endings per se. There are a percentage of episodes that had to air with some mistakes still in them. Sometimes these mistakes were at the end. Sometimes they were in the beginning or middle. I think maybe mistakes at the end are more noticible. We'd always try to minimize any "damage" in post-production, but sometimes they just had to go out with errors. When the corrected footage came in, we'd replace the mistakes with the new footage for subsequent airings.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg if Owen Burnett has a middle name what is it? Just curious.

Greg responds...

I'd guess Alan. But I'd want to check that with Michael Reaves.

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Anonymous writes...

First, I'd like to thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us, as well as answering our questions! =D Now the questions! 1) Does Titania and Oberon have any biological children together? It would seem only.....well, proper to have an heir to the throne of the Fey and Avalon. 2) How did Oberon and Titania come to rule the fey? 3) Was there a leader before them?
4) We know that Titania married at least one human during the banishment, but what about Oberon? Thanx ever so much!

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Although Oberon doesn't acknowledge the need for an heir.
2. Oberon overthrew his predecessor.
3. Yes. Oberon's mommy.
4. He's not the kind to kiss and tell. Well, actually, maybe he is. But I'm not. At least not today.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Why are there so many male gargoyles and so few females? And how can lex wear that loincloth?? His wings go all the way down his legs how does it stay on??? Is it magic?

Greg responds...

Lex's wings are pierced.

Female gargs do seem to be rarer, I must admit. You could either attribute that to us Disney-folk not remembering to balance out the population. Or we could start attributing it to internal "universe" factors. In pre-modern times was egg-laying as dangerous for a female gargoyle as childbirth was for a female human? Is the ratio of male gargoyle births to female gargoyle births more like 3 to 1 as opposed to the nearly even 1 to 1 ratio we humans enjoy? Is there another possible explanation? Those are all real good questions. Let me give them some thought.

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Anonymous writes...

This is another one of those state of mind questions, and probably a little stuoid too. In, Paris just how far would Demona have been willing to go with MacBeth to convince him that she really wanted him? Or is MacBeth the type of noble who waits until his wedding night to consumate his love for someone? I know there is no way you would have gone near this subject for T.V. I was just wondering how low Demona sink to get what she wanted.

Greg responds...

Ever read "The Rules". I haven't, but I think they might apply to someone who's trying to trick someone else into marriage. For his part, Macbeth is an honorable man, but not a saint.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg! Thanks for all the great effort you've put into Gargoyles and answering our questions. Each question has some long and excessive comments with it, but I only need an broad answer for each section. (1) Did the Magus live in the castle with Katherine and Tom? (2)If so, did he isolate himself away from the two and the clan? We saw him in Avalon II eating with them, but he didn't seem very invovled and may have been just visiting. (3) Why didn't Katherine and Tom have any offspring? (4) Did they know how the Magus felt about Katherine and worry about his discomfort, (5) were they genetically incompatible, (6) was having children something they didn't mutually agree upon, or something completely different? Perhaps some sort of mix. Hmm...
(7) One last question, though very odd and may link itself to the previous question. Could Katherine and Tom have children, through science or sorcery someday? I'm not asking if you think it is possible, through magic or genetics, but if it is something that might be considered for Gargoyles in the future (optimistic, I am), not regarding individual beliefs and viewpoints. (If this part seems like an original idea, please dispose of it, Gore, so I can get some answers I'm waiting for. Edit it as you see fit or just pass it to the Master). Thanks a Bundle for your time.

Greg responds...

I added numbers to your questions to make everyone's lives easier. PLEASE EVERYONE, if you're going to ask multiple questions in a single post, do NOT just list the questions as prose. Number them and use your return key between each question. THANKS.
1. I assume we're talking about Oberon's Palace in "Avalon" and not Castle Wyvern in "Awakening". If so, the answer is yes.
2. "Isolate" is too strong a word. He was an active third parent to the gargoyles, but he did give T&K their space, for his own sake more than theirs.
3. There's a story in that.
4. I think deep down Katharine must have known how the Magus felt. I don't think any of the three of them ever acknowledged it out loud. It had no influence on why they didn't have children.
5. No.
6. I'm not prepared to go into this in anymore detail at this time.
7. Gore probably should have kicked this whole post. (He's not allowed to edit questions, just kick posts or forward them.) But he didn't, so I'm stuck with having seen it. Raymond, you knew question 7 was an idea when you posted it. YOU KNEW. You did it anyway. Please don't do that kind of thing again. Fortunately, I have no intention of giving Katharine and Tom any more children. Remember they've already raised thirty-six children. They've earned a bit of rest.

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Anonymous writes...

1.)Is a live action film REALLY going to be out ? and when ? 2.) And who will play the characters ? 3.) Do you think Speigberg might be interested in this movie ?

Greg responds...

1. They ARE really WORKING on the script. No guarantees that the movie will happen though. The "when" is also up in the air, though I think the current target is summer 1999.
2. It's way too early in the process to know anything about casting.
3. No.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg - just another behind the scenes question that occurred to me. You said that Elisa's character design was based on Salli Richardson - did the same go for Xanatos and Jonathan Frakes? When was Jonathan cast, and whose idea was it? (Brilliant piece of casting, whoever's idea it was...) Oh, and a totally unrelated question. You said that a gargoyle's stone skin absorbs solar energy during the day. This gives the gargoyle the strength to fly, etc. Obviously they can go without being in the sun for at least one day without suffering noticeably for it (eg Broadway in 'The Silver Falcon'), so just how long can a gargoyle go without sunlight? And what would the effects of sunlight deprivation be, exactly? Thanks again!

Greg responds...

No. Xanatos was fully designed before Jonathan was cast. Jonathan auditioned for the role. We cast him. It was a mutual decision between myself, Frank Paur, Michael Reaves, Jamie Thomason, Bruce Cranston and Gary Krisel.

I don't know the math on the sun thing. It hasn't been explored yet. Maybe someday.

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Anonymous writes...

Well is there anyway there will ever be any more gargoyles not the goliath C. but gargoyles. Also if you have any say in it dont let them make the movie the way they have it planed make them make it with the same plot as your great story has. Also try to get Big daddy in the movie.

Greg responds...

There's always a chance. I don't have any real control over the movie, but I can all but guarantee that Big Daddy won't be in it. I certainly wouldn't recommend his inclusion. Sorry.

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Anonymous writes...

1)Did Oberon have any children during his 1001 years spent off Avalon?
2)Why were the weird sisters chosen to guard the gates of Avalon? Thanks for you time.

Greg responds...

1. Maybe. He definitely had at least one kid before that: Merlin. Oh, and by the way, Oberon's mother is Queen Mab. (No one's asked me that in a while. I hope it doesn't screw up TGS too much. I've been skipping over any comment room posts about TGS, but I couldn't help noticing the Queen Mab name coming up. And I assume Merlin's in Pendragon. I've hinted at this stuff before of course, so I'm curious... Did everyone guess this? Did anyone?)
2. They were considered to be trustworthy and doggedly responsible.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. I remeber in a previous answer where you told how you came up with Angela fallin love with Broadway. You had said that in that episode it was obvious because he had never called her "Angie." However, when she first arrived in Manhattan, he was the one that started that nickname for her.
So..doesn't that, in a way, contradict your answer to whom Angela's mate was going to be?

Greg responds...

No. As I myself have said before, Broadway did come up with the nickname, but by the time of "Turf" he had ALREADY realized that Angela didn't like it. He had already dropped it. The others hadn't caught on and kept using it. I'm not saying Broadway's perfect, and he certainly isn't psychic. He's just more sensitive and attuned to who people really are. He's a good judge of character. Better than Brooklyn, Lex or Goliath, even. Angela, Elisa and Hudson are pretty good at this too, but the best judge of character in the series is probably Bronx.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I would like to ask a question, What is BAD GUYS?

Greg responds...

BAD GUYS was a spin-off series which I developed at Disney. It would have been set in the same "universe" and featured characters already introduced in the GARGOYLES series, specifically Robyn "The Hunter" Canmore, Dingo, Matrix, Fang and Yama. These five would have formed a team of expendable "bad guys" who were given a choice between prison and working on the dirty missions no one else could handle. We actually made a short leica reel as a demonstration piece. But Disney cancelled the project just before the reel was completed. I finished the job on my own and showed it to everyone at the GATHERING in NYC this past summer.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg. I love Gargoyles, season 1 and 2... not 3. I have heard that there is a Gargoyle live action movie that is being worked on. I don't know if anyone else has brought this up, but here are my questions. 1) will there be a Gargoyle movie comin out? 2) will you be involved in the makin of the movie? 3) will the live action movie take place in New York as well?
4) would u be involved in casting the actors? (hehe, i'm an actor... and would love to be in it.) 6) would Oberon, Titania, Puck and all the other Avalon creatures be in the movie?.... i bet a ton of other people have asked these. ahh well... please Email me Greg. Cenan@bobbyt.com. thanks

Greg responds...

Apropos of nothing, I saw the moon last night. Hunter's Moon. Gorgeous.
Scary Yellow thing. Pretty cool, huh? Now, on to your questions.
1. Maybe. They're working on it.
2. Peripherally. Officially, I'm a co-producer, but that doesn't seem to mean much.
3. Yes.
4. I think I've mentioned that requests for employment (tongue in cheek or not) aren't appropriate for this forum. But to answer your question, I have no reason to believe that I'll have any real influence on casting. Frankly, my one serious goal for this project is to try and convince them to hire Keith David to play Goliath.
5. There is no number five.
6. Not as far as I know.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Will Puck ever remove the humanity spell on Demona? 2. Would it be possible
to change history, with the aid of the Phoenix Gate,besides the occourences in Vows? 3. What happened to Demona and Macbeth in WW1, The English Civil War, the War of the Roses etc. and who did they side with (if anyone).
Apart from those mentioned are there any other battles that they involved themselves in? 4. Would Castaway ever change his views on the Gargoyles, and would he ever suceed in killing one? 5. Is the Quarrymen assosiation legal?

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. No.
3. I'm not going to make novel-length responses in this format.
4. Maybe.
5. The association is legal. Not all their activities are.

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Anonymous writes...

I know that you had a large role in the series "GARGOYLES" but when the idea was talked about taking "GARGOYLES" off the air what did you do to stop it or do you have no say at all.

Greg responds...

I no longer worked at Disney by the time it was decided, but it didn't come as a shock. In fact, the shock was that they did a third season at all. If Disney hadn't purchased ABC and suddenly required a quick fix influx of material for ABC's Saturday morning, I'm quite sure they would have stopped producing Gargoyles after the standard 65 episodes. At the time, I was trying to convince them otherwise. Trying to convince them to let me do a spin-off, that would carry the series forward but represent another batter at the plate. Another chance for the big commercial homerun they wanted (and didn't get from GARGOYLES). They didn't go for that. Since then, I've been trying to work with fans to help keep the flame alive. I've also been trying to kibbitz a bit on the live-action movie in the hopes that that will renew interest in bringing the series back. I can't think of anything else to do.

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Anonymous writes...

1) You've been asked several times if it's possible for Goliath and Elisa to have children. You've always replied that maybe they could, not naturally, but perhaps through science or sorcery. So my question is: Will they? I understand if you don't want to reveal something major like that yet. 2) What did Hudson's mate die from? 3) Will any of the main characters that we know know come to violent ends? If so, who? Not that I want them to or anything. : ) 4) How much longer will Halcyon Renard last?
5)How long will the main character that we know now live? What year will each die in? I understand if you don't want to reveal this. 6) Will Goliath ever meet any of his grandchildren (I'm thinking of Samson in particular)? 7) What would the world of Future Tense have been like? 8) As of now, what's the average world population of Gargoyles? Thanks for your time! : )

Greg responds...

1. They could. Not naturally, but maybe through science or sorcery, or maybe via something a lot less exotic. I'm not going to say now.
2. Lack of life. :)
3. Yes. But I'm not saying anymore.
4. It depends on when I get to tell his last story.
5. You didn't really think I'd answer this one, did you?
6. Maybe.
7. Cool.
8. Average as of now? Less than 400, I'd say.

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Anonymous writes...

I hate hate hate it when you just answer "yes" to a question. I can see the way you then lean back and smile evilly... :-) So, about Owen's lovelife: I don't suppose you'll tell us the whole story in this forum (that would be no fun a t all), but would you at least reveal whether she was human, one of Oberon's children or gargoyle? And do we already know the character or have we at at least heard from her? And finally - is this a new love interest or has she just not yet graced oursel es with her presence? Thanks for answering, and know that you have a large fan community here in Germany as well, despite the horrible foreign dubbing (thank the deities for satellite TV)!

Greg responds...

She's human and, no, you haven't met her yet.

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Anonymous writes...

HAH! You said that one of Brooklyn's children was to be named Tachi. Sounds Japanese to me, either for "long sword" or a "small castle". You already said that TIMEDANCER would have included a visit to Japan's feudal period.
So, am I ri ght in assuming that Brooklyn's mate will be a female member of the Ishimura clan at that time?

Greg responds...

Yes. Katana.

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Anonymous writes...

greg, okay, what were the general circumstances under which you would have had owen and his true love meet? would she have been a former enemy, working for another corporation or what? also, how would that have affected owen's re sponsibilites to xanatos and alex?thanks for your answer!

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer that one at this time. Sorry.

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Anonymous writes...

ok, heres another Question for you; I've been reading your recent "Gregs Ramblings." I notice that 2 familiar names are in it. Katherin and Malcom.
Is malcolm suppose to be the same Malcolm from Gargoyles (princess kathirens father)?
IF so, does that mean Kathiren (Yikes I'm a good speller =) was named after her grandmother?

Greg responds...

Yes and Yes. (And it's KATHARINE and MALCOLM. See above.)

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Anonymous writes...

In "Avalon" the king of Scotland was overthrown. Was the new king Duncons father? If no, how did Duncon become king? On that note, I f I remember right "mac" is used in Surnames as son. In your rambiling there was a Duff.
is he the fat her of MacDuff (the general of Duncuns son)?

Greg responds...

Constantine III overthrew Kenneth II. The tyrant Constantine was later overthrown by Kenneth III (the sun of Duff) with help from his cousin Maol Chalvim (the son of Kenneth II). Maol Chalvim later betrays Kenneth III and becomes High King. Maol has three daughters, all of whom he marries off strategically. Each daughter has a son, thus Maol has three grandsons (Duncan, Macbeth and Thorfinn) and three potential heirs. In "City of Stone", I had originally planned to include Thorfinn, but I just didn't have the extra screentime to fit in his part of the story.

MacDuff was not the son of King Duff but I'm sure he was related. He might have been a grandson, or a cousin or grandnephew or something.

This seems like as good a time as any to continue the story:

"Once upon a time there were three brothers..." PART THREE

Five years have passed since Duff was crowned High King of Scotland at Scone.
The year is 967 and the kingdom is at peace. But for how long? Duff is 55 years old. He has many, many daughters, but no sons. Word comes from Ireland: Indulf is dead. But Culen is not. Culen seems to get along well with the Irish. It is -- well -- an uncomfortable situation.

An heir must be chosen. And in Scotland in 967, a daughter will not suffice. Duff turns to his thirty-five year old brother Kenneth. Kenneth is strong, faithful. Kenneth also has a five year old son, Maol Chalvim, so succession will be secured into the next generation. Little Prince Maol is told that someday he will be king. Little Prince Maol is quite pleased.

And what of the third brother? Prince Malcolm is thirteen years old. And life for him has improved immeasurably since that frightening day when he was buried alive in Edinburgh Castle. He's been to every corner of Scotland with his brothers. He's seen sorcerers and gargoyles and maybe even a glimpse of the Loch Ness Monster. Katharine, his mother, is honored throughout the land for her intelligence and bravery; in many ways, she is the de facto Queen of the realm. His two royal half-brothers welcome him at every council meeting and even take the time to personally coach him on his swordsmanship.
Frankly, in the Dark Ages, it just doesn't get any better than this.

Which of course means, that it can't last.

Malcolm is riding along the western shores admiring the sunset. By his side, as usual, is his best friend Robbie. Corporal Robert is 21 years old, and has grown into a true bull of a man, complete with a new bushy mustache and a commission in the King's Guard. Malcolm is looking out to sea at the falling sun, but Robbie directs his attention to a cliff a few hundred yards distant. As the sun sinks into the water, the rocks on the cliff seem to move, to flex, to grow. A great collective roar echoes down the coastline. Malcolm's eyes go wide; Robbie laughs. It's a gargoyle rookery, he explains. They're waking from stone.

"Have you been there?" Malcolm asks.

"Aye," Robbie responds. "Even talked with the head of the monsters' clan. I liked him. He's a warrior. You should meet him."

"What's his name?"

"Hasn't got one. None of them do. They're not like the Gargoyles in Scone or Loch Ness. They're rougher. Harder."

"Good peasant stock like you."


"Then lead the way."

They ride on. The moon rises over the hills: a small crescent, a pitiful thing. Nevertheless, its light catches something out in the water. Many somethings. Ships. A fleet.

Both boys see them in the same moment. And in that moment, both boys truly become men. They don't have to talk. They turn their horses in unison and ride off at a full gallop. They'll exchange horses at camp and keep riding.
The King must be told. Invasion.

At the court, there is celebration. Duff's wife has just given birth to her ninth child. But this one is different. This one has a penis. This one will someday be a King. Little Prince Maol is confused by this. He's going to be the King, he knows. But everyone else couldn't be happier, including Duff's brother Kenneth. Kenneth immediately relinquishes his role as heir to the throne. And swears to serve the infant prince until his dying day. Duff is deeply moved and names the boy Kenneth, after his brother and best friend.

Then the shouting starts. Malcolm and Robert burst into the room. Within the hour, the King and his brothers are riding west at the head of an army.
A small army. There has been no warning. There is little time to gather their forces.

Culen, now forty-five years old, leads the Irish troops. He has come, he says, to regain his rightful throne. His armies have swept inland with surprising speed, like a dagger plunged into Scotland's back.

At Gaine, they meet the King's Men.

The first battle is brief and bloody. One would think that God would be on the side of the Scots, but Culen's Irish get the better of it. Duff is wounded in the leg. Nothing serious, but he's carried from the field.
Kenneth fights like a true Thane. Malcolm gets his first taste of combat.
He kills one man. Stands over that man. Wonders if the man's wife has red hair. Corporal Robert uses his shield to block the cudgel aimed at Malcolm's contemplative skull. Robert shoves Malcolm to the ground and kills the attacker. Malcolm stares at his friend. Then nods. Now he understands.
Retreat is sounded. Malcolm picks himself up. He and Robbie fight there way back behind the Scotish lines.

That night, in council, Duff once again names his brother Kenneth as his heir. Kenneth protests: there is a new heir, a new Kenneth. Duff shakes his head. If anything happens to him, the kingdom will need a king, not a wee babe. Kenneth protests: the kingdom will NOT need a new king.

"It might," Duff states. "We're fighting tomorrow."

"You can't walk, Duff!"

"We've ordered a litter. The men need to see their King."

Kenneth, exasperated: "Duff!"

"We've ordered a litter. The men need to see their King." The final word on the subject.

There's fog in the morning. Four huge Guardsmen carry the king on his litter. The battle is joined. Kenneth pushes forward in a berserker rage.
Malcolm flanks him, keeping pace. He kills his second man. His third. His fourth. His.... He realizes consciously that it is time to lose count.
Robert is never far from his friend. NEVER. It's going well. The Scots have rallied. They are going to win.

Suddenly, in the midst of the fighting, one of the King's Guardsmen, the one on the left at the rear, simply steps back and lets go of his burden. Caught off guard, the other three drop the King onto his back. Left-and-Rear draws a dagger, and before anyone can move, before anyone can think to move, he plunges it into Duff's heart.

Left-and-Rear. Nameless. Soon to be quite faceless. What was this man thinking? What was he promised? How did he think he'd survive? We'll never know. He's set upon immediately. Killed. Shredded, practically. But the damage is done. Word spreads like wildfire. The King is dead, betrayed by one of his own. The Scotish line breaks, folds in. Shatters, like a mirror bringing seven years bad luck. (Well, four at least.)

Kenneth, Malcolm, Robert and a handful -- a handful only damnit -- barely escape with their lives. Culen has won. Won the battle. Won the war. Won the kingdom. Allies defect faster than rats off the proverbial sinking ship. Kenneth flees with his extended family down into Northern England. They are not welcomed there, but they are tolerated. Enroute, Malcolm's mother Katharine takes a chill. The chill becomes a fever. The fever, a delirium. And then... she's gone. Malcolm is an orphan.

Frankly, in the Dark Ages, it just doesn't get any worse than this.


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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I just wanted to tell you that "The Mirror" is my all time-favorite ep. But just one question - was it's production rushed? I ask this because Puck's character design seemed to be in flux through out the entire show.
Actually, it still seemed to be changing in his two other eps. (by way of eye size/ height etc...) Was this due to different animators or lack of time to develop him?

Greg responds...

"The Mirror" wasn't anymore rushed than any of our other second season episodes. We were on a very tight schedule in general. We had 10 months to get the first 13 episodes on the air. Then we had 10 months to get the next 52 on the air. We also had to ramp up our staff, since we had only planned on producing six episodes for the second season originally. So time was an issue, although not development time per se. Another issue is that many different artists worked on the show. And although each artist is theoretically working off the same model sheets, their individual styles are bound to shine through a bit. In fact that individualism is probably key to making a character like Puck really come alive in "The Mirror". I haven't noticed a great deal of flux in Puck specifically, at least no more than in, say, Goliath.

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Anonymous writes...

Just another Q from your local Puckateer :-) : You said that Owen *would* have a lovelife, now would she be fae, human, gargoyle or another race I've failed to mention or we haven't met yet? Thanks!

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

This question has been bugging me for god knows how long. First of all, let me make sure I have a few things straight about the restraint on Owen/Puck.
He cannot go back to Avalon- that is what is meant by eternally banished.
He c annot use his powers unless he is prtecting or teaching Alexander. Am I correct, or have I missed something? There are a few details I'm curious about. Alex can only learn so much. I assume that once you've got the basics of magic down, everything e lse, more or less, is pretty much covered. There's only so much you can do. In which case, what is poor Puck going to do when he has nothing left to teach? More or less, he's pretty much stuck as Owen forever. . . Unless, of course, if I understand correctly, Owen is mortal. In which case, if Puck remains Owen for too long, will he die? Will just the Owen facade "die" or will Puck actually die? On the topic of Owen's mortality, if someone were to slice off Owen's head, and working under the a ssumption that Puck dies when Owen dies, who's left to teach/protect Alex? Would Oberon start the whole kidnapping ordeal again, or would he just sort of forget about it?
Speaking of which, does he monitor Alex's teaching, or is that mostly Titania, or is it anybody? Oh, and just a quicky "yes or no" answer; was Fox ever going to learn to use her magic or is she uninterested? Thanks.
Marie Treblast

Greg responds...

It seems you've got the rules straight, but the notion that Alex can only learn so much seems preposterous to me. I'm 34 and constantly learning new things, even new things about things I thought I had wired. Learning is a lifelong process.

Owen is mortal. But everytime Owen becomes Puck to teach Alex something, he kinda resets Owen when he changes back. So Owen's never gonna age all that much. It's a loophole, that allows Owen/Puck to continue to teach and protect Alex as long as Alex lives.

If Owen gets killed (like shot in the back or something) while he's Owen, then both Owen and Puck die. The situational question you ask is tougher to answer, because it depends on what else is going on, how old Alex is at the time, etc.

I don't think Oberon monitors much unless it strikes his fancy. Titania probably plays closer attention.

As to Fox, I think she'd be very interested, up to a point.

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Anonymous writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. One thing that fascinates me most about "Gargoyles" is the attention to, (and characterization of), minor characters. Especially for the gargoyle from the flashbacks of "City of Stone" who wore plates of armor . (I'm assuming he was second-in-command, if Demona even bothered to choose one.) Seeing how this gargoyle was characterized inspired my question. It seems that, throughout the flashbacks, he has something he wants to say to Demona, but is afraid of how she'll react, given how she reacted when he spoke about making peace with the humans. The question is: What exactly was Demona's relationship with the clan that she rebuilt after the massacre at Wyvern? Some seemed afraid of her, and there was one cene in a melee where she said something like, "Come to me, my warriors!", which made it appear as if she owned them. Also, Macbeth once referred to Demona as the gargoyles' queen. Did she rule over the clan? Did she consider those gargoyles as her "l yal subjects,"
or as equals?

Greg responds...

Demona's never been particularly egalitarian. If the question had been posed to her at the time whether she was Leader or Queen, I'm sure she would have said Leader. But I've no doubt, that she acted like a tyrant. I also think the others allowed her to act that way, because the situation was quite desperate, and she was clearly the toughest warrior they had.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Demona sleep at all? You'd think that she'd get tired. 2. I understand the divorce laws in France and Italy are pretty stiff. They like a lot of face to face counseling and attempts at reconciliation before a divorce is gr anted. Said rules are doubly ture if the ceremony was Catholic and you have to go through the church. That being said, are Demona and MacBeth still legally married? Somehow, I don't see the two of them going down to a lawyers office together to have th s thing enulled.
Plus, Demona might very well derive some perverse pleasure in forcing MacBeth to remain her legal husband.

Greg responds...

1. Yes. She does have to sleep now, though she gets by on a few hours per day, (I get about five). Doesn't really improve her mental outlook, if you know what I mean.
2. No. The marriage had not been consumated when the bride tried to kill the groom for his money before disappearing without a trace, so getting a unilateral annulment was surprisingly easy. And Demona doesn't get pleasure from a lot these days.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I have a weird Q for you. Or actually several. When I really think about Owen's stone arm, I wonder how he would accomplish certain things like putting on his tie, tieing his shoes, drying his back after a shower, cutting hi s food, and stuff like that. In the series, he doesn't seem too bothered by his disability. Were there any plans on showing how it changed his life?

Greg responds...

In a twenty-two minute episode, there isn't much room to depict the daily tasks of a supporting character. But we might have gotten around to it, if there was a story reason. To some extent, I don't know how Owen manages, but there are a lot of people out there with less than two hands, and I'm quite sure that they manage just fine. If we had shown some of the things you mentioned we would have tried to do our homework to make sure we were depicting things with accuracy.

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