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Not so much a question, but a compliment: The ideas used in the series,
supporting charecters from the mind of Skaesphere, the words of Goliath,
and the themes in many epidodes do you good credit. A letter I'd read of yours
concerning the reasons for cancelation speaks in tomes of knowledge from
you, and gives you the rasply appearance of an extremly educated man.
Continue bringing these qualities to us. Don't fret over the fate of
Gargoyles, start anew. Breath new life into charecters and bring experince
and knowledge from your encounters here to a new program. Even if new life
isn't breathed into the Gargoyles, the genius mind behind them is in
lamen's terms "alive and kicking" I believe the adage is, "if at first you don't
succeed, try, try again?" But can we really difine your previous work as
not being sucessful?
Sigh. Thanks. Believe me I'm trying to bring you something new.
Been trying for three years. It's been very frustrating. But I haven't
given up. This is what I do.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Okay, I don't know if these questions have already been asked yet
(probably not), but I'm a busy person, and a 600k text file? That's not as big as
the old Doom FAQ, but then again, the Doom FAQ had a lot of extra stuff in
it... ANYWAY...my questions...
1. Okay, I don't care about who Angela chose as a mate and I've seen your
responses as to how Broadway treated her, etc etc. Well, I see a bit of an
anomaly here. You said something in the early archives to someone else
back when I used to have time to read this. You said "Broadway saw her for who
she was, Brooklyn, who he wanted her to be." Not to criticize, but how
were we to know that? There weren't that many episodes (20, tops, sorry, can't
get the number right off the top of my head) between the Gathering, when
she was introduced to the Trio and the Journey in which she fell for Broadway.
There wasn't much time for explanation of how Broadway seemed to prove to
be the better of the three between Turf and Journey. I'm not saying she
shouldn't have chosen Broadway, I'm saying how could she have chosen ANY
of them that early without much explanation? It just kinda puzzles me...
2. Okay, it basically came across that Demona and MacBeth were immortal.
Not invulnerable to pain and damage, but they were immortal unless they
directly tried to kill each other. Well, what if it was something serious? Not just
a little laser blast or bullet. How about nuclear radiation exposure? Or
plague? Toxic chemicals? I'm not suggesting any plots. I just want to know
how their bodies would react. Would the bodies be overwhelmed with pain
and permanently scarred?
3. Now I noticed that when gargoyles considered themselves "warriors" and
whenever they had these massive all-out slugfests with one bad guy or
another, it was pretty two-dimensional. Now they did have a share of
airborne battles, but take for instance when they fight Demona in "Long
Way To Morning". After Goliath gets singed by the laser, I could understand
that. But before, knowing that Demona had a laser, and was probably much
faster and more manuverable, why wouldn't she attempt an aerial ambush?
Sometimes gargoyles seemed too attached to the ground they walked on...
1. Well, I suppose that's a fair comment. But I wasn't setting out to
JUSTIFY (in capital letters) their relationship. That's what happened. I
think there were hints in Turf and Possession of what was coming. And
certainly there were hints as to what kind of suitor Brooklyn was if you
studied his relationship with Maggie objectively. But basically, I think
we showed subtle hints of the feelings Broadway and Angela were developing
from Gathering right through to The Journey. Possession put them in very
close proximity. It was probably a turning point of sorts. But let me
say, I wanted the kiss in Journey to be a bit of a surprise. Not a
OHMYGOD THATCANTBE shock, but I was hoping to catch you off guard. MAKING
SURE YOU WERE OK WITH IT wasn't my priority.
2. I've addressed this before -- multiple times. I'll forgive you
for not wanting to take the time to read the archives, if you'll forgive me
for not wanting to take the time to rewrite answers I've already related.
3. I don't agree with your basic assessment. We had our share of
air battles. Besides, Gargoyles can't fly and are dependent on wind
currents to glide.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
WAHOO!!! *waves* Allo, Greg! I dunno if you remember me (Heck, hundreds
of people are coming here all the time after all). I was that 14 year old
girl who wrote here ... wow, must've been around January or so... anyway, that
14 year old is now 15, and I still love the show. Some things just don't
change with age, right? :P hehe "Someday someone should ask me about the "HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE MINDS" episode that I never got around to doing."
Alrighty then ... *drumroll please* "So, Greg, what about that
Hobgoblin of Little Minds episode you were talking about?" :) Care to be so kind as
to tell us about it? I'd love to know... 'till next time! Lots of luck 'n'
prosperity *hehe*
1. Hey, Aerie. Glad to have you back. What was your question again?
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Heyas, Greg! Just after sending in my last question I thought of
something very intriguing. Oberon posted the Weird Sisters to watch over Avalon
while he was gone, right? So, my question is ... 1) Were they allowed to leave
the island at all during their guardian work (all that fuss with Macbeth,
Demona, and such in the real world) ... weren't they running a risk of
getting caught playing hooky? I wouldn't exactly want Oberon mad at ME
*smiles* Then again, who would? :) Dasdivanya! (Catcha later!)
1. There were risks, but I'm sure they felt that the greater risk
involved them having failed to prevent entry onto the island.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
1.what the heck is timedancer?
2.who is katana?
3.in the gathering what did titania whisper into foxs ear and PLEASE dont
say "im not telling" or "its a secret"
4.in the episode "grief" when the emir ordered the pack to kill the
gargoyles and elisa how did he expect them to die when he had death itself
penned up in the other room?
5.how did thailog survive the firery roller coaster falling on him in the
episode the reckoning?
6.in the episode future tense how did xanotos rise to power?
7.also in the episode future tense how did brooklyn and demona fall in
love considering the fact that brooklyn hated demona more than any of the other
1. It was a proposed spin-off featuring Brooklyn, bouncing around through
the timestream. It never actually got made.
2. If TimeDancer had been made as either an episode of Gargoyles or
as its own series, Katana would have been introduced as Brooklyn's mate. He
met her in Feudal Japan.
3. [This answer intentionally left
blank so as not to upset Rose.]
4. He wasn't thinking, and unfortunately neither was I. I should
have had the Pack shoot Elisa, Goliath, Angela and Bronx. And then just not
have them die. I don't know how I missed that obvious and perfect bit of
conflict resolution.
5. Without much difficulty, actually.
6. Violently.
7. Keep in mind that none of that was real. Just Puck trying to
rock Goliath's world.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
since gargoyles has been canceled, is there anyway I can get gargoyles
Search for it.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi, Greg! Well here are my questions:
1. The Arturian survivors. Are they: Arthur, Merlin, The Lady of the Lake,
The Fisher King, Morgana, Nimue, Mordred?
2. Patrick Stewart: Would he be the voice of Renard, Macbeth and the
3. Are we allowed to try and guess which clans would exist in 'Future
Tense'? Anyway here goes:
By 'Awakenings' 1) London 2) Ishimura 3) Guatemala 4) New Olympus 5)
Olympus, Greece? 6) Near an old Native American settlement. 7) Paris 8)
Avalon By end of 'The Journey'
9) Manhattan 10) Clones By 2158
11) With Nokkar on Easter Island. 12) Scotland, Loch ness?
13) A moonbase? 14) -?
1. Nope.
2. Nope.
3. Nope. Sorry Aris, you're down swinging though.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I know your probably sick of reading these questions so I'll get to the
point. In a previous answer you told us the ages of all the gargoyles.
Now, I did some math and the numbers I got don't make sense. For example,
you said that Goliath's Generation (Goliath, Demona, Coldstone, etc.) were
1058 (29) years old. That would mean that they were born in 938 AD. But
you also said that the Trio's Generation were 1038 (19) years old. That
would mean that they were born in 958 AD. So, the generations were 20
years apart. That makes sense. What doen't make sense is that when the Trio
were born, Goliath's Generation were only 20 (10). So they couldn't have been
old enough to reproduce (unless gargoyles mature really quickly). But
when you see the way Goliath acts around the Trio, it seems like he's
"fatherly". Could you explain why? Thanks for this unique oppertunity.
You could say he acts fatherly. But he's more of a big brother.
Think of Rex and Speed Racer. (All that math, and you're question came down
to subtleties of character.) Goliath's generation was not the biological
parents of the Trio's generation. They were among the biological parents of
Angela and Gabriel's generation.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Just one short question:
This is a debate that's been going on in a part of the fandom, since
someone posted about it recently. Who is the robed figure who goes to Hakon and
sabotages the Castle Wyvern defenses?
The Captain, of course. Who else?
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi Greg. I just have a couple short questions:
1)I've noticed that Goliath has 2 spikes on his eyebrow ridge, and so does
Demona(she rarely takes off the tiara but in the episode "Sanctuary" they
showed that she *does* have 2 spikes on her brow ridge). I'm not sure if
you already answered this question, but if both Goliath and Demona have 2
brow ridge spikes, then why does Angela only have one? I always thought
she should have 2. Also, in some episodes, it looks as if she doesn't even
*have* any spikes. Why is that?
2)I must be really obsessed to ask this question. On Demona's wings, the
spike on the elbow of her wing arm points up. The spike on Angela's wing
points down. Where does she get that from? If Goliath has no spikes on
his wings, could she have inherited them from a grandparent?
3)How old is Angela? Thanx for your time. Brianna
1. What's that called? A recessive gene.
2. Sure. Or from Greg Guler.
3. As of 12-31-96, Angela was 952 years old chronologically.
Biologically, she was 21.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hello Greg, I just viewed Golem again, and noticed that in the
flashbacksequence some of those ruffians persued a woman with
I doubt she had it coloured back then, was she one of Oberons children, or
simpley an animation error ?
1. Maybe the problem's with your tv.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Dear Greg, Here is my question.(I was never really good at intro's) I know
that Goliath and Elisa both love each other, but what I want to know is
how does Angela feel about this (if she even knows)? Angela really cares for
Demona, being her mother and all. Naturally, I thought Angela would hope
her biological parents would get back together (although highly unlikely).
I just want to know how Angela feels.
1. Angela's no idiot. How could she not know? I think she's happy for
both her father and Elisa. Elisa's more like an older sister than a
mother or step-mother figure, but keep in mind that Angela met Goliath and
Elisa at the same time. That relationship was firmly established in
Angela's mind long before she knew Demona was her mother.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I've been reading avidly since this started, so I'm fairly sure these
havn't been asked before ( apologies if I'm mistaken)
i) What were your outline plans (if any) for developing the
Elisa-Goliath-Jason 'triangle'.
ii)What were your plans for Xanatos' long
term relationship with the Illuminati ?
1. Well, you saw most of it. And as I've stated, step two (the
Halloween double date) might not have even included Jason. The Triangle
pretty much concluded with Hunter's Moon.
2. Too complex to relate here.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Since the Arthurian legend played a part in the background of the series
(Arthur himself, Avalon, Merlin, and for your future plans, the Fisher
King heading the Illuminati), I thought that I'd ask you - what is your opinion
on the debate over whether Arthur was based on a historical figure or not?
Do you think that there may have been a real "Arthur" in the 5th and 6th
centuries (if no doubt very different from his legendary counterpart), or
do you view him as more likely to have been purely a creation of the
storytellers of the age?
I feel strongly that there must have been an historical Arthur. And
that he must have been fairly impressive in his own right.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I'm asking this question separately in case it gets counted as an idea
(although I did my best when working it out to keep it from feeling like
one), but: If you had done the "Pendragon" spin-off, would anything from the "search
for the historical Arthur" (the Saxon invasions, the Battle of Badon,
etc.) have gotten into it, or would it have been strictly the legendary Arthur
of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Malory, et al?
Both, up to a point. (Keep in mind, that Geoffrey is still the best
source for any serious investigation of the historical Arthur. At any rate,
he's the starting point. Mallory, of course, is a whole other story.)
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I haven't posted anything related to Gargoyles in a over nine months. I'm
still a major fan, however. I just have a schophrenic mind as of always.
Anyway Mr. Weisman, this is an odd question that I haven't seen anyone
ask. This is stemming from a recent S. Baptisrs declaration and talks with my
friend about womens rights with hardcore Muslim groups. ANYWAY, THE
(1)How did the two sexes interact with each other? I mean, were the sexes
equal in respect with, . . .well respect, power etc. Were the males and
females afforded equal treatment or does one have dominion over the other.
You explained that the family was communial but were the females allotted
the "homemaker duties." Was Society basically matriarchial ar
(2)Going on that same strand even further, how much impact did the human
customs affect it. Would gargoyles pattern their "family values" after the
culture that was nearby.
1. Gargoyles were generally a warrior race. Males and females can both
be warriors. Leadership and Seconding was decided on the basis of
leadership capabilities, strength and prowess. Males and females both
could qualify, as I think we demonstrated. That doesn't eliminate the
difference between the genders. And males don't have breasts for nursing
new hatchlings, but everyone participated fairly equally in raising each
new generation.
2. I'm sure it was different in different locations. Some
traditions remained. Some did not. Individual gargoyles might have bent
more than their clans. There's no one answer to this question.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
One of the things I have always liked about Gargoyles is the relatively
logical way the events in an episode started. The main characters didn't
get involved in what happened by mere chance, unlike the main characters of
many other series, who often just happen to be nearby whenever their arch-enemy
plots to take over the world again. However, It did seem like a big
coincidence that Elisa's father has a connection with Coyote the
trickster. And Titania's daughter marrying Xanatos of all people also seems like a
big coincidence. So my question is: Is there some logical explanation for this
other than simple coincidence. I'm not asking for a full explanation if
there is any, since you probably wouldn't just give it anyway, so just a
'yes' or 'no' would make me happy. (And anything more would make me even
Were those things coincidences or simply the way the world works?
What about Vinnie or Brendan & Margot? I intentionally tried to create a
Universe where everything was interconnected, even if those connections
aren't immediately obvious. Kinda like the Simpsons. Does that help?
(GDW / 7-22-98)
This is one topic involving "The Hound of Ulster" that has received a fair
amount of debate among Gargoyles fans, and I was curious about your
opinion on it.
What were the Banshee/Molly's feelings towards Rory Dugan? Did she have
any tenderness towards him, or develop any during the time that she was Molly?
The fact that she chose to fight and destroy him only as a last resort,
when her efforts to delude him into staying an ordinary human had failed,
suggested that to many fans; what's your take on it?
Dang, you guys are sharp. I think she thought she was using him.
But given the opportunity, I had plans to do a further exploration of their
(GDW / 7-22-98)
A few quick ones.
1. I know you probably want to be elusive about the "Hobgoblin of Little
Minds" episode. But was it the "very strange little two-parter" that you
once said was "too risky" to be made? If so, in what respect was it risky?
1b. Was Puck the hobgoblin of the title?
2. I've forgotten if I've asked this before. Oh, well. Have you remembered
yet what book Goliath was reading in "Avalon" pt I when he stayed behind
in the clock tower to finish it?
3. You've mentioned before a story you had in mind dealing with the
clocktower itself. Since the clocktower has been destroyed and you can't
do the story (so you wouldn't be spoiling anything we'd have a chance to
see), would you mind telling us what it was about?
4. Will you be at the Gathering 98? If so, are you planning on showing the
same videos (BAD GUYS leica reel, etc) that you did last year? I wouldn't
mind seeing those again. :)
IP: grmn-105ppp69.epix.net
1. No. That two-parter wasn't risky per se, but it was highly
sophisticated even by GARGOYLES standards. I think we could have done it,
but the higher ups rejected it. It was the ONLY plotline they did reject.
Given how cooperative they were otherwise, it was hard to argue the point.
1b. It's not that simple.
2. No. Maybe the next time I see the episode, it'll come back to
3. I just answered that one. It might be in this very post. IF
not, check the recent archives.
4. I hope to be there. I have my plane tickets, as of today (7/22)
I'm waiting for a confirmation on my hotel room. When I get that, I'll make
an official announcement. I will bring those videos again. If the majority
want to see them again, I'll show 'em. But I'm planning to bring some stuff
none of you have seen as well.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hy Greg, here´s another bunch of questions:
1.) When you state the age of a gargoyle, is this age counted from the
hatching, or from the laying of the egg?
2.) When the Emir enprisoned Anubis, Anubis stated, that with him
locked away, nobody would die. Does this a) mean that death is "unnatural" and
onley happens because the third race doesn´t want to have to many of
the first two run around, or b) was Anubis simpley connected to death
3.) If the answer is b, then how did this connection start?
4.) Would Anubis be able to let one of the third race die at all, if
Oberon would object ?
5.) When Demona and Xanatos reanimated Coldstone, the souls of three
gargoyles were reanimated within one body, cause they used parts of
three shattered Gargoyles. Coldstone also stated, there were nothing he
remembered after going to sleep this morning, so he didn´t have any
afterlife experience at all. a) Does this mean that a gargoyle who is
shattered during the day is not "technically" dead and b) that his soul
is still present in the shards?
6.) Does Xanatos have anymore parts of shattered gargoyles in his
7.) When Xanatos tried to make ammends by seperating the 3 souls, why
did he go for robot bodies instead of extracting the DNA from Coldstones
bodyparts and cloning "real" bodies from it? I take it, he hasn´t quit
genetics completeley after Sevarius went his own ways...
1. Hatching.
2. The latter.
3. Now that would be telling.
4. Huh?
5. Not necessarily.
6. Nothing significant.
7. Can't clone stone.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
in the episode the mirror it showed that there were three races
humans,gargoyles and oberons children if the new olympians from the
the new olympians arn't any of those then what are they?
I've answered this before. Broadway didn't know about the New
Olympians when he explained the three races to Elisa. But at any rate, the
New Olympians are a hybrid race.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi! First of all, I love the show! : ) Anyway, just one question: Why did
Thailog have Sevarious make Delilah look like Elisa instead of Demona? I'm
Mostly to torture Goliath and Demona. But also cuz Thailog has some
serious issues of his own to work through.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi! It's me again! : )
1. I saw that in another question that you've answered, you said that
Brooklyn's son(?) would've been named Nashville. Have you ever been there?
(It's my hometown.^_^)
2. I also noticed when you said that you think that Derek would have had
trouble with Goliath and Elisa's relationship. Why?
3. How did you and Gorebash meet?
Thanks for taking time out to answer my questions! Bye!
1. Nope.
2. Open-minded Derek?
3. Well, it depends what you mean. I didn't actually meet him
until last year's Gathering. We first communicated before that via e-mail,
I think. (Gore, feel free to add your memories of this below. [Heh, now
we'll see if he's paying attention when he posts this stuff.]) I think Gore
somehow contacted my sister Robyn, who hooked me up with him.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
(Gorebash Talkin. Yah I do pay attention... sometimes. Greg's sister somehow
came across my web site one day and gave me an e-mail telling me how she thought her brother
might like the page then added 'he created gargoyles'. heh. So what else is a freak like me to
do but ask "HEY! Can you maybe let him, then, take a peek at it?" and instead of just getting
a "sure" I get his e-mail address with a 'why not tell him yourself'. So I did. The rest is
Hi Greg - I'd like to ask you, who is the creator of the GARGOYLES video
game? I noticed it was made by Buena Vista, but the plt is all wrong! It
sythe Eye of Oden was made by Vickings, for one. Just woundering.
Patrick Gilmore was the producer. He ran most of the basics by me
and Frank. It's an adaptation for his medium. As for the Eye, well, they
came up with that concept, so one could argue that we screwed it up.
Except, I don't think the two versions are mutually exclusive. And I
actually liked their visual design better than ours. It was more Odinesque,
more Viking. I always thought ours looked vaguely Egyptian.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Is there a way I could get ay least one of the Goliath Chronicle episode I
really miss that show.
Is there any update on the Gargoyles Movie.
1. I didn't have much to do with Goliath Chronicles. EVERYONE GET
THAT?!! And at any rate, I can't get anyone video tapes.
2. And I have no new information on the movie.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi again Great One!
[1] You answered -who- made the Phenox Gate with "not who." In that case,
what, when where and how. I know I proably won't get much of an answer to
many [or any] of those, had to try.
[2] Why was Lex part Cyborg in Future Tense? Thanks!
1. It was created with the Timestream, perhaps as a pressure valve of
2. Mostly cause it was shocking as hell.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
What part would Coldstone, Coldfire, and Coldsteel have played in the
whole scheme of things
would they have become more often recurring characters in your master
There would have been a period when Coldstone and Coldfire would be
borderline regulars, but that wouldn't have been permanent. Coldsteel would
have been a recurring villain.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hello Greg! I was wondering about the Isle of Avalon again! I was
1). why the third race or others call upon Avalon as if it was a person?
Example, when the Magus in Avalon PT3 said: "Mystic Avalon, hear my plea,
fill me with your energy!", the Magus called to it and it responded in the
way a person may respond?
2). Can you say that Avalon is alive and knows the difference between
and wrong? I know that you might not understand what im asking but anyway!
Thanks once again!
1. It seems to have a spirit. Maybe they're just hedging their bets.
2. I get it, but I don't think there's a definitive answer to your
(GDW / 7-22-98)
This is not a question ( my apologies for that ). I just want to thank u
for this great show. I never saw it before ( it's on now ). I leave to see the
next episode, recording every one of them. Thanx, and if u will have a
chance to continue "Gargoyles", do not hesitate. By the way, sins I'm in
US only for one year ( I'm from Russia ) - "Gargoiles" is an internacional
show . I'm leaving in three days, so I have only one more episode to see:
"Reawakening II". Prey for me, I will be without your clan from
now on. Thanx again. Bye.
Sorry to see you go, Pasha. (Do we tell her there is no Reawakening
II? I guess she's gone by now.)
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Just one quick question, Did you have anything to do with the making of
Invasion America? I know Micheal Reaves. Thanx
I know Michael too. As to Invasion, Uh, really, no. Not with
what's on the screen. I briefly was attached to the project, but left when
Harve Bennett came on as Executive Producer.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
A thematic question that I've been wondering about for some time. In the
series, many characters were "immortal", including Oberon's Children,
Demona, and Macbeth. Oberon's Children were, for the most part, a petty,
arrogant, and often downright nasty lot, who treated mortals as mere
playthings. Demona was a crazed and ruthless genocidist and Macbeth did
his own share of shady things such as stealing the Scrolls of Merlin and
capturing the gargoyles to use as bait for a Demona-trap. Not to mention,
furthermore, that the "immortal-at-last-Xanatos" of "Future Tense" (even
though it turned out that it wasn't the real Xanatos but an illusion of
Puck's) was far more evil and ruthless than the original Xanatos ever was.
What I'm wondering is: was this intended as a major "moral" of
That immortality (or rather, physical, bodily immortality) is a corrupting
1. Eh, I don't know about that. Macbeth has his moments, but he's not
such a bad guy. I rather like Coyote. A trickster, but with a more
clearly positive bent than some of his fellows. Citing Oberon, ignores
Titania. Citing the Sisters ignores the Lady of the Lake and Grandmother.
I think you're assumptions are a bit flawed on this one, Todd. Hey, Todd
and I disagree. That's got to be a first.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
A quick question about gargoyle evolution that you might of answered. Ok,
I've noticed that Goliath's clan, the Japanese gargoyles, and the
Guatemalan gargoyles(excluding that snake like guy whose name escapes me) all look
like retiles(the wing structure more than anything), while Griff, Leo and Una
all look like birds(their wings have feathers/ploomage). Then there are people
that say the birds evolved from reptile, or dinosaurus, and Goliath's
little wing fingers look like the ones on a Peradactyle(I have no idea how to
spell it, the flying ones). I can understand how Goliath and Co. might have
missed out on 1,000 years of evolution(not that it would be much), but not
Japan's gargoyles. So I guess London's gargoyles just evolved differently, can you
clear this up for me?? And I guess this is question #2: Are there more
than three gargoyles in London?? Thanks for your time.
1. Superficial and cosmetic differences are easily influenced by local
2. Yes.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hello! I'm a rather informal person, so may I call you Greg? Or should it
be Mr. Weisman? Oh, never mind. I've got a few questions for ya (like you
don't know.)
1. Where did the idea of putting a few Shakespeare bits here and there
come from?
2. I read in a magazine (Comic Scene) that five episodes in the Avalon
world tour were possible ideas for spinoffs (I think they were "Pendragon," "New
Olympians," "Bushido.." can't remember the other two). We already know
about Pendragon. Were these really plans, or Comic Scene mess up? (the have
been known to do that, but don't tell them _I_ said that!) and
1. Me. And Greg's fine.
2. There were only two that were sort of INTENTIONALLY made as
back-door pilots. Those were THE NEW OLYMPIANS and PENDRAGON. One might
argue that WALKABOUT and BUSHIDO were both precursors to BAD GUYS, in that
they introduced characters that would have appeared in that spin-off, but
it's a stretch to refer to them as pilots. I mean for starters, Yama was a
late addition to the Bad Guys cast. And if you count them, why not count
HUNTER'S MOON, which introduced Robyn Canmore? What else could have been
referred to? "Future Tense" was definitely not a pilot for the FUTURE TENSE
spin-off. Two totally different takes on the future. There was no DARK
AGES back door pilot. No TIMEDANCER pilot either. So I think that brings
3. Uh, which part?
4. You're slo-mo must not work to well. Our composer was the
talented Carl Johnson and his credit's clearly visible on every episode.
5. I've answered this in some detail in the archives. I like
almost all of them.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hello again, Greg, I have just a few more questions to ask ya. I'd also
like to tell ya that I'll be using this site more often because I'll never
get to see ya in person(I can't go to New York for the Gathering which
makes me so @#^%$ mad!) I'd also like to beg forgiveness if any of these
questions have been asked before. So here we go.
1) How long before the Eyre Building was built did Demona know Xanatos?
2) How long exactly did it take to build the Eyre anyway?(I've heard it
was six months but I find it hard to believe that a skyscraper that big could
be built in that short of time.) And two personal ones:
3) Do you ever get tired of answering our questions?(Sorry I had to ask
that one. Considering you've already answered a zillion of them.)
4) How would I go about getting my fanfic on the internet? (I've only had
the internet for a short time and I'm still learning how to use it.)
1. I haven't done the math.
2. The whole skyscraper or just putting the castle on top?
3. No.
4. I have no involvement in fanfiction.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi! I've enjoyed "Gargoyles" ever since it brightened up TDA's darkest
days in 1994. I do have a few questions which I hope have not yet been asked
here. Here they are:
1) In "Enter Macbeth," Xanatos has October 31 circled on his calendar as
the day he's released from jail. However, in "Double Jeopardy" the computer
date on the log shows Noember 15 and Xanatos is still in jail. Since the most
Xanatos got was a six-month sentence, he couldn't possibly have been in
jail November 15 of any year.
2) Is Jon Castaway one and the same as John Canmore? It's been my theory,
but he looks and sounds quite different.
3) Is Duval, the leader of the Illuminati, immortal? I believe you said
somewhere that he was, but that didn't mean he couldn't die. Huh?
4) If "Timedancer" had been produced, what would have happened to Brooklyn
in the "Gargoyles" series? Would he not be on it as he was time traveling?
And when he returned would he be older than Broadway & Lexington on
"Gargoyles" as well (I know he's already older, but I mean considerably).
5) Where can I obtain a copy of your "Master Plan?"
6) What other Disney shows have you worked on? I know "TaleSpin," and I
think "Darkwing Duck." Any others?
1. Haven't I answered this?
2. He doesn't look very different at all, since we used the exact
same model, changing only his clothes, the way his hair is styled and added
a mustache. As to sound, we even tried to duplicate that with a different
accent. Yeah, it's the same guy.
3. Right.
4. He's not "already" older than Broadway and Lexington. They all
hatched at the same time, give or take a day or two. Brooklyn would have
returned from ALL of his timedancing a mere five minutes after he departed.
He'd be forty (or twenty) years older, but he wouldn't have missed any of
the GARGOYLES adventures.
5. I don't know. Gore, can you just duplicate it below once and
for all. (Last time I suggested this, Gore ignored me.)
6. Geez, I worked on a ton of them in one capacity or another. I
was at Disney for seven years, most as an executive in charge of either
current programming or development. I worked on Pooh, Gummi Bears,
DuckTales, Rescue Rangers, Talespin, Darkwing, Goof Troop, Bonkers,
Marsupilami, Raw Toonage, Schnookums & Meat, Little Mermaid, Aladdin, the
Duck Tales Movie, A Goofy Movie, Mighty Ducks, Timon & Pumbaa, at least. Am
I leaving anything out from that era? Oh, yeah, Gargoyles and Goliath
(GDW / 7-22-98)
****Blaise walks in.**** Hello again Mr. Weisman. Sorry to ask a second
set of questions before my first set is answered (I strive to avoid that
so I don't bog you down with endless questions), but I have a few things on
my mind that I wanted to get down before I forgot. First of all, I won't ask
about the HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE MINDS ep because a bunch of other people
have asked about it, and it would be redundant. Next, I can understand
your...disconcertion (?) with revealing suprises (like Merlin's
parentage). That's pretty much why I try my best to avoid asking questions about the
future in GARGOYLES and try to focus on the "Why and wherefore" (or
whatever) of the show (I don't ALWAYS succeed). So, I come to my Q's.
Both are pretty much about the show's evolution from the "comedy" development
into what we have today.
1) First, Elisa Maza: a) When the Archive first came out, you gave a
very nice explanation on why you made the name change from "Elisa Chavez" to
"Elisa Maza." However you never explained why you changed it from the
original "Morgan Reed," or where the surname "Bluestone" appeared in
there, nor why you made those changes. So, why those names and why the changes?
b) In addition to her name, Elisa went through a lot of concept changes
as well: school teacher, firefighter, museum worker (or something), mother,
descendent of Princess Catharine (please excuse my spelling on that),
etc.. Why so many changes and why those particular changes.
2) Now for Xanatos's original: Originally, Xavier was supposed to be a
descendant of the Magus (or whatever his character was called at the
time), and was supposed to be rather petulant; "Captain Hookish." Why the change
from this to the Machavellian, arguably Edmundish villain with no ties to
the Magus today?
3) Now Owen's first, Mr. Owen: An aardvark? What prompted that? I know
that the "comedy" development was a "no-go" and it's all pretty much a
moot point now, but I'm still curious. I mean, I like finding out something's
origins and seeing how it evolved. See you later, and I hope my questions
aren't too much of a bother. Have a nice day! ****Blaise dissolves.****
1. Morgan Reed was part of the comedy development. It pre-dated
Goliath's inclusion and therefore pre-dated any Beauty/Beast thread to the
series. When Goliath entered, Morgan's name switched to Elisa for purely
aesthetic, sonorous reasons. Meaning, I just liked the sound of it for the
new way the character functioned in the show. Chavez was her working last
name, because I intended to make the character hispanic and again I liked
the sound. When we cast Salli Richardson, we dumped Chavez, because Salli's
not Hispanic. Paul Lacy compiled a short list of possible Native American
surnames, including Bluestone, which was my bosses' early pick on my
recommendation. Later, he changed his mind and we went with Maza.
Obviously, for the hell of it, I wanted to preserve all the old names in one
way or another. So our beat cop became Officer Morgan. Maggie was Maggie
Reed. Maria was Maria Chavez. And Matt was Matt Bluestone (which is also a
Jewish name).
2. Like Elisa, he was put through the prism of Goliath. The old
traits fell away, and he emerged as Xanatos. It was a process, but it felt
3. Aardvarks are funny, don't you think? When you're developing a
comedy, you don't need much of a better reason.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hey, Greg. I just wanted to start out by saying that I loved Gargoyles.
Still do. Unfortunately, I'm not in your target age range. But there's at
least one college student who raves about the show regularly. I especially
enjoy the mythology you've weaved into the series. I haven't seen all the
episodes yet, but I plan to eventually.
Now. On to the questions.
1) Here's my stab at the Arthurian survivors. Seven, right? 1) Arthur 2)
Merlin 3) Fisher King 4) Lady of the Lake 5) Morgan le Fay 6) Nimue 7)
2) a:You've mentioned that you've tried to get Gargoyles in other media.
I'm curious. If you had the option of using any medium, TV live, film live,
books, comic books, TV animation, film animation, which would you pick?
I'm aware that in real-world terms, you take what you can. But if you had the
choice, which would best fit your story? b: Along similar lines, do you
see parts of the master plan changing depending on which medium you get? I
read a novelization of Batman's Knightfall thread, that said that it changed
some stuff because the different media required different pacing and other
stuff.... Any similar changes for you that you can see? If there are, care
to elaborate on those?
3) Have you even seen all the episodes of TGC? I haven't, myself. Though I
found out I have one on tape.
4) Would Disney allow you to do Gargoyles on another medium anyway? I
thought they owned everything related to Gargoyles...? Do you think they
would have a reason to not let you write a Gargoyles book or something if
you got the opportunity?
1. Nope.
2a. Given my imaginary and otherwise-non-existent druthers, I'd
like to go right back to TV Animation, though I'd rather be in prime time
with one hour episodes. After that, I think comics would be fun, but I
might prefer to just go the novel route.
2b. I don't see the basic plan changing, but what I chose to depict
would definitely be effected by the medium.
3. Not counting "The Journey", which I've seen a few times, I've
seen the other 12 each exactly once.
4. I would think that Disney would let me do anything that didn't
damage the property and which generated some income for them. They're not
going to let me do anything without being compensated. And I don't blame
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Dear Mr.Wiseman
I am a Gargoyle fan ever since watchng gargoyles! maybe before that I
have now started to look into gargoyle history and learn more aboutt hem as I
can even try t get some from the show. I was wondering if the Gargoyles
series would have still been on today would you have the seris branch off into
diffrent direction's?(example TGC Focus on the gargoyles and human's
living together, Gargoyles focus on Elisa's and Goliath's relationship)
Also I was wondering where did you get the main Idea for Gargoyles? cause
heard certian thing's how gargoyles came to be. But I was wondering if any
of the main Idea's that helped you along came from a book. If so what
That's Weisman, not Wiseman.
Most of the Gargoyles mythos is my own invention. Inspired by
hundreds of disparate sources, but not by any one book or whatever. I'd
have loved to explore, as I think we did, all sorts of different themes and
relationships, but Elisa/Goliath would have always been one of the prime
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi, Greg! I'm glad I found this one, and to find I'm not the only
Gargoyle-fan in the world (and not the ony one in Germany!). So here are
some questions of me (trying to be short):
1. Not knowing if the ratings went down with the 3rd season or before - if
they were already down in the second season, why DID Disney want a third
season made?
2. One concerning your (possible) future work on the spin-offs - where did
you want to take your time for all those things (and possibly even write
more eps of the original Gargoyles)? Or haven't you planned anything for
this case?
3. Just if I'm guessing right - I know that female Gargoyles are fertile
once every 20 years, and I know that Gargoyles mostly die in battle (or at
least get killed somehow before getting old). Am I right that those
females, besides of that 20-year-rhythm, are fertile until they die, even when
dying of age? If not, at what age ends their fertility?
4. You answered one time that Tom had centuries to learn one or two little
spells, like the one for the boat he used. Perhaps it really was not
complicated, because Goliath learned it by hearing Tom cast it. But
couldn't have Tom or one of the Gargoyles living on Avalon learned some more spells
from the Magus (who actually remembered some without the Grimorum)? Or if
casting spells IS that complicated, how could Goliath do it that easy (he
even was able to control the Phoenix Gate - well, control is perhaps the
wrong word, should be something like invoke or use, I guess)?
5. Finally (for now) a question about this wonderful phenomenon named
"time". The past cannot be changed. But when Brooklyn arives 2158 in
TimeDancer, 1996 IS past and cannot be changed. Sure, he returns there
(then - whatever), but having at least partially seen the past, can he
change the future, and so change the past from the 2158-point-of-view?
Thanks for your time both making the show and answering the questions.
Hope the movie will come and Disney will get you back to make us happy again
with new eps. Until next time!
1. The 2nd season ratings didn't go down, per se. They just
weren't as high as some people at Disney had hoped. And it was ABC that
wanted Goliath Chronicles. WDTVA and BVTV were prepared to let Gargs fade
away after two years. (Different divisions have different agendas, no
matter how hard the Uber-Corporation strives for synergy.)
2. I know you're trying, but I'm not sure if I understand the
question. If you're asking how I could possibly have supervised the writing
on seven separate series simultaneously, the obvious answer was that I
couldn't. But I never thought that all seven would go. I was really hoping
for two: Gargoyles and any one of the spin-offs (Bad Guys/Redemption Squad
being my first choice, but any of them would have been fun). Of course,
they wound up doing nothing but Goliath Chronicles, and they wound up making
that so unattractive an offer that I didn't do those either. (Of course,
now I regret that tremendously. Live and learn.)
3. I don't think it's endless, but I don't want to be pinned down
4. Some spells are easier than others, but all take some effort and
concentration. And a large amount of desire. Others take years of study.
5. Brooklyn's new 2158 friends make a concerted effort to keep the
past from him. Brooklyn cooperates. Exceptions to that effort would be
interesting to explore. But it won't change the basic rules of the
Gargoyles Universe.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
[1] Are the Illuminati aware of Alexander Xanatos' unusual
itage? -1a) By extension, would they then also know about Owen
Burnett's and Anastasia Renard's secret identities?
[2] Why is Fox half-Oberati (hehe, that -does- sound like an Italian
sports car! :P), if Titania is supposed to be fully human in her Anastasia form?
1. Not yet.
2. The magic is always present, no matter the biology.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
[1] What would Merlin's new form have been? :)
[2] You said in an old "Ask Greg" that Puck was 'pretty old. Over five
hundred years at least.' But 1998 - 995 = 1003. I'll bite: why not
'over one thousand, at least'?
[3] How does the Phoenix Gate 'know' how history really went/goes/will
-3a) Is the Phoenix Gate what most people would deem as sentient?
1. Not saying.
2. O.K. Over one thousand at least.
3. Who says the Gate "knows" anything?
3a. I don't think so.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Oh, and another one: Did the NOs' meeting with Elisa significantly affect
their attitude towards her race?
It had an affect.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Eeee! Run away! More questions! ^_^
[1] How did the museum know enough about Titania's Mirror so that they
could publicize it (as such)?
[2] Given that there would be only twelve clans by the time of the
"Future Tense" spinoff, what effect would the comparatively limited gene pool have
on the survival of the gargoyle race?
[2] About how long does it usually take for a gargoyle egg to be laid
after its fertilization? i.e., is there some kind of gestation period? (I know
next to nothing about biology, BTW. :P)
[3] What happens to eggs that are left unfertilized?
[4] Do gargoyles all over the world (excluding the Avalon clan & the
TimeDancing Katana, maybe) operate on the same 20-year fertility
le? -4a) Okay, what about Angela?
[5] Here's a horrible morbid question -- have gargoyle eggs ever been
filched in order to make giant breakfast omelets? :9
O.K., but no more food questions.
1. From the Museum's point of view, it was just the traditional
name for this ancient work of craftsmanship. They weren't aware of any
magical properties.
2. They'd be on the verge of a minor comeback thanks to some
careful planning.
2 #2. I haven't yet established the internal gestation period of a
fertilized egg. I imagine unfertilized eggs go through some process akin to
menstruation. But I haven't given it any thought.
3. No number 3.
4. Yes. 4a. Angela will have attuned to the normal gargoyle cycle
by 2008.
5. Omelets? I doubt it. Food, probably.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Thanks in advance for putting up with me-- I mean, *us* :)-- and our
endlessly inane questions, Greg!
[1] Do the other London gargs also exhibit heraldic characteristics? And
if you feel like revealing it right now, what sort of fauna would they
have taken after?
[2] We were discussing various eps of TGC in the Comment Room a while
ago. One of the topics that came up was Taurus' shocked reaction to the
meat-packing house in "Seeing Isn't Believing". It amused many of the
commenters, but I felt that it seemed entirely out place and that the TGC
writers simply couldn't resist sticking in that little joke. I'm aware
that you didn't supervise the production of the other 12 episodes, but I'd like
to hear your take on it.
[3] Of course, the question of anthropomorph cannibalism in animation
soon (and perhaps inevitably :P) arose. F'rinstance, examples of Donald Duck
happily munching on roast turkey legs and such are rife throughout various
Disney cartoons. I'm curious to know how this apparent lack of taboo
might apply to "Gargoyles", a much more serious show. Would Taurus necessarily
object to gnawing on a big ol' tasty chunk of top sirloin? And would it
repulse any of the London gargs to eat their respective animal
ounterparts? --I'm guessing unicorns, lions, and griffins aren't too
common around the English countryside, but it's still something to wonder about.
[4] Are the Guatemalan gargs vegetarians (if they eat anything at all)?
[5] Totally unrelated to the theme I got going here, but oh well: Do you
care to relate any details about the little clocktower-fixing ep idea that
you scrapped after "Hunter's Moon"? I love those little story bits that
you have every now and then!
1. I think we showed a pretty fair cross section.
2. I don't know. I don't feel very strongly about it.
3. I haven't thought much about eating habits. I guess it doesn't
interest me too much.
4. I don't know.
5. It was just a notion that the city keeps sending someone to try
and fix the clock and the chimes. The gargoyles keep disabling the chimes
because they're deafening them. Might have made a good Vinnie episode.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hello Mr. Weisman!!
1) Can I call you Greg?
2) I was really in a little weird spell when I watched Hunter's Moon.
Demona, apparently, had been collected artifacts over a course of 500
years. First the Midichi (I probably didn't spell that right) Tablet in Italy and
then the Praying Gargoyle in France and then the CV-1000 and DX stuff in
the 90's. What I'm wondering is, obviously, the CV-1000 and other thing
wouldn't have been developed when Demona started stealing the stuff for her master
plan, and (unless she invented it) she couldn't have expected them to be
developed, so do you have some explanation for that that I missed?
3) How do you do it?!?!? I've watched gargoyles since it first came out.
There might be a single line mentioned in the first ep that comes back to
haunt us in the second season. For instance, in "Temptation" Demona
mentioned that she had watched Humanity evolve, but we didn't learn what
she meant till "City of Stone" or the mentions of Oberon in "The Mirror," it
made me, personally, see Oberon as some non-corporeal, all-seeing being
who created and de-created with the wave of a hand. But then we meet Oberon.
The moment I saw him, even before I heard his name (but I got a few hints from
the "Previously, on Gargoyles .. .") I knew who he was. Just the way you
design the series. You can't miss one episode without missing a huge story
line. How do you plan it like that?
4) Do you think fanfiction is a good idea Thanx for your time, bye-bye for
1. Please.
2. Demona gathered lots of stuff, including the Praying Gargoyle
and the Medici Tablet. She figured it would come in handy eventually. She
was right. I never said she had that specific plan for all that time.
3. Well, I think you can miss episodes, it's just more enjoyable if
you don't. As to how... well, it helped that you had one guy, me, in charge
of story for 66 episodes. Thus with all the multiple voices that come into
play, you do get a single voice providing consistency. Also, to be honest,
it helps just to keep your eyes open and remember what you've done. Michael
Reaves sticks a line about the Illuminati into a 1st season script. I
decide to bring that to life. Also it helps to plan ahead and listen to
your people for good ideas. I had a lot of help. And I had a lot of ideas
for this thing. It came together pretty well, don't you think?
4. I have mixed feelings about fanfiction as I've stated before.
But if it keeps people interested in the show, then I'm all for it.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi I'd like to thank you for answer fan questions. You Rock! All Hail
Greg! Um okay now that that is out of my system here are my questions:
1)When did Demona come to the U.S.?
2)How is it that Tom seemed to have grown up and aged faster than the
Magus or Katherine?
3)What are those sheild symbols that surround the room in which the Magus
4)Why was the land dying in "Heritage"? Well that's it for now. Thank you
1. A while ago.
2. He didn't. They all aged the same amount. The Magus was 72.
Katharine was 62. Tom was 52. In 994, the Magus was 28. Katharine was 18.
Tom was 8.
3. I don't know exactly.
4. Natsilane had abandoned his duty to his tribe, leaving the
island in Raven's control. Raven wanted the tribe to abandon the island, so
that no new Natsilane would show up and try and take it from him.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Almost forgot, what happened to that container with the virus from
"Hunter's Moon Part III"
It was destroyed.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
A few more questions:
1. I've noticed that one of the questions you seem to be asked most often
was "What did Titania whisper to Fox?" Now, you'll be relieved to know
that I won't ask you what she whispered. What I will ask instead is: Did you
expect to get a lot of questions about what Titania whispered when you (or
whoever else on the production team had that idea) came up with that idea?
And am I correct in the assumption that it was deliberately intended to be
an eternal mystery that would never be answered?
2. You mentioned in your last batch of responses an episode that you'd
planned to make, but never did, entitled "Hobgoblin of Little Minds". Was
that the same as the never-made controversial two-parter that you
mentioned elsewhere?
3. What inspired the concept of gargoyle beasts?
4. What inspired the concept of English gargoyles looking like winged
lions, unicorns, and other heraldic animals?
5. Any particular reason why the production team chose Lexington as the
traitor in "Future Tense"? I can see easily enough the reason for one of
the gargoyles being a traitor - a great way to really shock Goliath and
break him down still further - but what made you choose Lexington over any
of the other members of the clan?
1. Maybe, kinda. But I didn't anticipate all the questions,
because I didn't particularly anticipate the fandom at all.
2. No. Just another notion that came to me later.
3. It was always part of the concept. Two distinct species of
gargoyles to help us account for what appeared to be two basic types of
actual stone gargoyles. Some that seemed to have human-like intelligence
and others that seemed more beast-like. In fact, my boss Gary Krisel wanted
to divide things into even more species. A more humanlike species that
would have included Goliath and Demona, a less humanlike one that would have
included the trio, and the beasts. I found that disconcerting, so ignored
it without ever actually telling him.
4. English gargoyles that looked like unicorns, lions and griffons.
5. To some extent, I could say it was the dictates of story.
Xanatos is the villain, but he turns out to be a computer program. If you
want to shock one better, than the true villain has to be the man behind the
curtain. The guy who runs the computer. Only Lex qualifies. But having
said all that, I also think there's always been an element of kismet or
truth to gargoyles story-telling when we were really firing on all
cylinders. Nothing else works because that was the right way to go. How
that bodes for the future of the real Lexington is a question for another
(GDW / 7-22-98)
[1] Does the New Olympus clan share the same hatred of humans as the
others on their isle?
[2] Why are the NOs hatin' on humans so much? They apparently haven't
had any contact with humans for centuries... -2a) uh....right? :P
[3] The New Olympians are an astonishingly diverse bunch of folk. Some
have strange forms (Ekidna), others display startling abilities (Proteus),
and still others seem to exhibit odd local phenomena (that dude with the
flaming head). Is this solely due to their roots in the 3rd Race? -3a)
Are the (non-garg) NOs able to successfully interbreed? -3b) Is there
a pattern to which (and how) their offsprings' traits are inherited?
[4] Does/Did Taurus' mother share her son's bovine features? -4a) If
not, what does/did she look like?
[5] What would have prompted the New Olympians to send their
representatives to the UN?
[6] Feel like disclosing any details about the Romeo/Juliet relationship
right now? We'll understand if you still want to stay quiet about it. :D
1. They can't be too fond of humans, or they wouldn't have chosen
to join the others on New Olympus.
2. Historically, they have plenty of reasons to hate and fear
humans. That doesn't make it right.
3. It's pretty cool isn't it? (Yes, they can interbreed to a large
4. Probably.
5. Terry.
6. Thanks for being so understanding.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Well, I guess I'll give this 'lil Arthurian contest a go. My humble
guesses are Arthur, Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, Mordred, Lancelot, Nimue, and Morgana.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
: Displaying #1 - #50 of 702 records. : 50 » : 500 » : Last » :