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Greg Bishansky writes...

Not a question, but a comment. I was watching "Temptation" again, and when Demona first approaches Brooklyn she has this line "wasn't this like old times, fighting together side by side, comrades in arms..." and I have to say, kudos. Thanks to "Tyrants" and "The Gate" there so many more layers upon layers to that line especially. I could be wrong, but I never got the impression that they knew each other all that well prior to the massacre, so I used to wonder if the reference was generic or if she was just trying to make an appeal. Now, well... now the context of the line has changed, and for the better.

I don't know if the idea for their team up against Constantine existed in your head way back when "Temptation" was written, but I love moments of creative serendipity.

Greg responds...

It didn't way back when, but I ALSO think they fought side-by-side in the past from Brooklyn's POV. Keep in mind there's YEARS of adventures in GARGOYLES: DARK AGES.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

Recently I noticed that Brooklyn wears an eyepatch over his left eye when he's dressed up as a pirate in "Eye of the Beholder" - and wears one over his left eye for real when he returns from his Timedancing in "Clan-Building". When you worked with the artists on Brooklyn's post-Timedancer look, did you have the Halloween costume in mind? Or is it just a neat coincidence?

Greg responds...

Yes. And that's not all.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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LEXFAN writes...

are Brooklyn and lex getting along better in comic books ?

Greg responds...

Better than what?

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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brooklynfan21 writes...

Hi Greg, I've been a long time fan and have never had the opportunity to ask this question, but it's a question that I've had since I watched the series in its initial run. Why did Broadway ever end up with Angela? Was it a decision by a particular writer, a shift in the creative team, or something else? Brooklyn seemed to be the logical choice do to fan base, role as second in command, and overall use in stories. In episodes like "The Gathering Part II" and "Turf" Brooklyn seemed to be building a relationship (even a very small one) with Angela. Broadway seemed like the last possible gargoyle to end up with Angela (totally discounting Lex there). And yet he did end up with Angela. I guess this long rant has one simple question behind it, why not Brooklyn?

Greg responds...

Our plan was ALWAYS to pair her with Broadway. ALWAYS. It seemed right to us for all characters involved. For more details - CHECK THE ARCHIVES, as I've answered this over and over again.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Blizzard Sprite writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman.

My next questions are for Brooklyn, who was one of my favorite characters in the franchise. Not only did he come off as cool, but he was a relatable character who came off as a sort of rebellious youth. So, here are the questions.

1. I read in a 2008 interview that Brooklyn was quite popular with the fans of the show. How and when were you able to determine that? Nowadays, I figure it would be pretty easy given the pervasive nature of the internet and how fast information can be circulated. But back in the 1990's, during the show's original run when internet use was not as prevalent, how were you able to obtain feedback about certain aspects of the show, such as character popularity?

2. Brooklyn’s encounters and love interests in the twentieth century always seemed to have an unhappy ending to them (his initial encounter with Demona and his initial interests in Maggie the Cat and Angela come to mind). Because of this, he seemed to come off as the most unfortunate character in the original Manhattan clan, at least to me.

a. Do you think that all of these unfortunate letdowns were necessary in developing his character, and preparing him for what was to come in Timedancer?

b. Do you think that Brooklyn having fewer ties to (new) people in the twentieth century made it easier for him, mentally and emotionally, to jump around different points in time?

3. Were you concerned about the audience perception of Brooklyn when you had him return from the Timedancing adventures not only with a family, but an eye patch? I think one of the qualities that made Brooklyn such a likable character, in addition to his personality and his cool voice, was that he was a physically attractive and handsome gargoyle. One external change might not be all that drastic though.

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. From the internet. It may not have been AS prevalent back then, but it was prevalent enough. There was like an e-mailing list. Uh... for the Disney Afternoon in general, I think. Then my sister helped me find Station 8.

2a. It just felt organic to us.

2b. No.

3. I don't think he's any more or less handsome now. If you liked him before, I can't imagine the eyepatch would cause you to think he's unattractive now.

Response recorded on January 18, 2011

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TallHatGentleman writes...

Um, well wow never thought I'd get a chance to ask you one of the questions that been burning my mind for the longest of times. A question that could very well shake the fabric of reality.

Just exactly where did Brooklyn get that wicked Eye patch from in Issue 12 page 24 of Gargoyles the Slave Labor Comics? I'm not asking how he got the wound, but where the Eye patch itself came from? It's just been bugging me for the wildest of times.

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing that at this time.

Response recorded on December 02, 2010

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Charisma82 writes...

Did Hudson influence Goliath’s decision at all as to who should’ve been Goliath’s second in command?

If something had happened to Goliath before he had chosen a second in command, I would assume that Hudson would’ve become leader at first, but then would choose someone else to lead since he’s older and believes that a younger leader would be best (which is indicated in the episode Upgrade). If this was the case, who would Hudson have considered becoming the new leader of the clan? Would he have based his decision along the same lines as Goliath, or would he have looked for other qualifications?

Thank you for your time and all that you do,


Greg responds...

Hudson and Goliath are two different guys... but I still think Hudson would have ended up choosing Brooklyn.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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Deus Ex Maquina writes...

hey weisiman!

Long time watcher and short time question-asker-or.

Am I the only one who thinks Brooklyn is like some sort of dragon gargoyle? Did you intend this or is the big red beak just getting to me? haha

Greg responds...

He is what he is, beak and all.

Response recorded on June 08, 2010

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M. writes...

I'm curious if Goliath ever told the others in the clan besides Elisa and Angela about what happened in "Future Tense", considering that Brooklyn returned wearing EXACTLY the same armor. This was one of the most interesting revelatins from CBII. Throughly enjoyed everything you've done and looking very forward to more.

Greg responds...

I don't think he did tell much. And certainly not in the kind of detail that would allow Brooklyn to model his armor off of Goliath's story, if that's what you mean.

Response recorded on May 07, 2010

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Random Fan writes...

I'm kinda going on a question spree now that I have some down time and this is something else that poped into my head that I haven't seen yet. Are Brooklyn and Katana biologicly the same age when they meet?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 26, 2010

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