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Hi Greg. I'm glad to hear that Gargoyles is *FINALLY* getting its well deserved release to DVD. I've enjoyed every episode ever since they first aired, and ever since I saw the 'final' episode, have desperately been wanting more. (kinda shocking to hear this from a 22 year old isn't it? ;)) I do have a couple of questions though.
1. Will the 'banned' episode "Deadly Force" be released in the season 1 boxset?
2. Will we get to see the entire episodes? (The series has been repeating on Toon Disney for some time now, but the horrible edit jobs are blatantly obvious. Its obvious that the episodes in their entirety aren't being shown.)
3. Will we get to see the episodes in widescreen? (I'm a big pusher for 16x9 only formats.)
I apologize if any of these have already been answered as I haven't had time to search the archives.
Guys, guys, you have to look ahead at the questions already asked. I have RECENTLY answered this question multiple times. RECENTLY. Even a quick perusal would have revealed that you needn't have bothered typing this up.
And seriously, what's the point of apologizing for not taking the time to check ahead or check the archives. Instead, why not TAKE the time? Or if you don't have the time, then hold off asking your question until you can take the time -- saving everyone time. All you've really succeeded in doing is delayed new questions from getting answered, adding to the nearly two year delay that will likely prevent you from even seeing this response to your question. And, Chris, I don't mean to pick on you personally. But your post, nice as it was, is emblematic of why ASK GREG is so far behind and why the question-asking function is shut down now. I'm not absolving myself, but I'm also not getting much cooperation.
1. And so again, YES, it was.
2. Again, yes.
3. Again, the episodes were NEVER made for widescreen. So what would be the point in putting them in widescreen now? They were ALWAYS formatted for a standard television screen.
i want to download gargolys series, but i can´t find anyone. have you an idea where i can find gargoyls series. or where i can watch the whole serie? the best would be when it anywhere on earth the gargoyles are to watch in german.
please help me.
i was searching for 3 houres on day...
I don't have the answer to these questions, and if I did, I'd hardly be likely to encourage illegal downloads, now would I?
I recommend the DVDs.
hey, it's me again, the mexican guy, I wana know if they're going to bring the DVDs to Mexico too, cause they're a lot of fans too, but I didn't told that are going to be in DVD cause I don't know if it's going to come here too.
By the way, Who made the goliath chronicles? sorry, but a lot of them suck, I only like "The journey" and "runaways", but the others, I hate it, and, if it's not going to be in mexico, it's right if I search for the episodes in the internet? or it is illegal? cause in mexico I can't find some channel or videos(at least in VHS "piratas"(illegal copy)) cause in Disney Channel Mexico it doesn't appear, thanks to read all this thing(todo este rollo) I hope you can respond me this
I don't know what the international gameplan (Mexico included) was or is. Sorry.
Goliath Chronicles was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, but with the exception of the voice cast, nearly the entire crew was replaced. The new crew had very little time even to familiarize themselves with the existing series.
You may be interested to know that Disney is currently airing an ediitted scene in "The Gathering Part Two". When Oberon is fired at with the iron projectile, the section in which the iron punctures his body has been removed. Instead we see the weapon being fired and flash to Oberon removing it from his body. I was pretty upset by the edit.
Your thoughts?
I'm annoyed by ALL of the edits. That's why I'm recommending the DVDs.
I already understand that the first five episodes are planned to be put on the first DVD. Does the eighth episode have a chance of being recorded on one of the DVDs? I'm asking this because it is not being shown in the reruns for some stupid reason and I believe, hopefully not starting the blame game again, Disney has destroyed it so it could never be shown.
I recently answered this. Check the archives. The entire first season appeared on the first DVD. No exceptions. No cuts.
And of course Disney didn't -- and would never -- intentionally destroy an asset.
You don't have to be a fan of the company to believe that.
Can the fans raise money via a campaign to purchase the rights to Gargoyles and get the series produced again since Disney is not interested in producing it again thus far. Or can a fan representative initiate doing this by petitioning another company to buy it! Is it unreasonable to try this approach!
Both suggestions, sweet as they are, are completely unrealistic. If fans collectively have that much disposable income at hand, I urge them to spend that money on the two DVDs, the upcoming comic book series from SLG and CCC and on the Annual GATHERINGS. In lieu of money, please help to SPREAD THE WORD!
At this point in time, these are THE best methods for increasing the series' profile and giving us a REAL chance at bringing it back.
Ok, there are three things I know:
1. Disney owns the rights to Gargoyles
2. Disney is releasing the DVD's in 2004 to coincide with the 10th anniversary
3. Disney doesn't like the epiosde "Deadly Force" and stopped showing it on TV
That leaves me with two questions.....
1. Is Disney even going to include this episode in their DVD release?
2. And if they are, is it going to be censored like it was on TV?
1. True
2. The first season, yes. Volume One of the second season is being released on December 6th, 2005.
3. That's not quite accurate. Obviously, for a time, they were gunshy (pun intended) about showing it. But I understand they show it now. Besides, Disney has a lot of divisions. What the S&P department at Toon Disney feels, doesn't necessarily reflect what the folk at Home Entertainment feel.
1. It did. The episode is present on the first DVD released last year (December 7th, 2004).
2. All episodes are uncut, uncensored.
I'm bringing up the DVD question again. I know you say all over this question not til 04 and likly only the first season. However recently a friend of mine said he found all seasons on DVD @ wal-mart... Has the release date changed, comments?
Your friend's "find" back in 2003 sounds suspicious at best. I'm sure one can acquire bootlegged DVDs of the whole series, but I doubt you could find those at WalMart.
The first season was in fact released on December 7th, 2004.
Volume One of the second season is scheduled for release on December 6th, 2005.
One would expect Volume Two in 2006, but that's not definite and will, I'm sure, be dependent on the sales of Volume One.
Will the Gargoyles DVD (2004! Woo!) be available in Region 2?
I don't know what that means.
u have mentioned that Gargoyles Season1 will be out in 2004. Will this be as individual DVD's, or will a box set be released? and will it be all at once, or a series of DVD's brought out over time?
Thanks for your time.
The first season (13 episodes) of Gargoyles was released on December 7th, 2004 and is still available. It's a two disk set.
The first half of the second season (26 episodes) of Gargoyles will be released on December 6th, 2005. It's a three disk set.
Whether the rest of the series will be released, will unsurprisingly be determined by the sales of these first two sets.
And although you didn't ask, I'm going to take this opportunity to clarify what I view as the fandom's role in making these sets a success.
Obviously, I'd like to think everyone'll want a copy.
But I've never wanted or expected individual fans to spend money they don't have or that they need for life's essentials. (Food, shelter, education, etc.)
If you can afford to buy only one copy, then that's all you should buy.
If you can't afford one copy, then don't buy one copy. Maybe over time, you could save up. Maybe not. But I'm not asking you to spend money you don't have.
If you happen to have more disposable income and can afford multiple copies -- well, frankly, I still don't know why you'd buy more than one for yourself.
But perhaps you have friends you could turn on to the series. Instead of buying them that fruitcake for the holidays, you might send them a DVD. Etc.
But spending money isn't really what I'm asking the fans to do here. As I've said before... if ALL the truly hardcore fans went out and bought ten DVDs a piece... and if that's all that we sold... we'd fail. FLAT OUT.
We need sales to pass beyond the hard core fan. And that's what I see the hard core fans doing for the property: SPREADING THE WORD.
GO INTO STORES AND ASK THEM TO STOCK THE DVDS. (You don't have to buy one.)
I don't view the hardcore fans as a wallet to tap. I view them as missionairies. That's what I need you guys for. Not for stuff that costs you money. But for reaching out and preaching the good word. Not to the already converted. Not just to each other. But to people who may not know us.
Remember, not a single penny from the DVDs goes into my pocket. This isn't about money to me. This is about the long term health of the property. Money talks to Disney, and that's about numbers... about increasing the overall size of the fandom. Some of those new fans won't be able to afford DVDs either. But some will. And if we grow enough, we've got nothing to worry about.
Anyway, that's it.
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