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Vicky writes...


I live in the UK and I like to know when the Dvd's are coming out over here?

Greg responds...

I don't know. You might try asking at the S8 comment room. I think there are a few English fans, who might have the answer.

Response recorded on December 29, 2006

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Axem Gold writes...

Not too good doing reviews, so I'll post what I liked about Season 2 Volume.

Seeing the uncensored episodes.
Commentary for City Of Stone was fun to listen to. (I too felt the animation errors concerning Demona could be explained as the stress).

The music for the episode intros were creepy, but cool.

I kind of like the original ending of Vows. Even developed an explaination for that, which could be used for the flashback in Reawakening (You know, Hudson with his sword before the Viking attack?). Like some people who might dream about some memory, Goliath tend to have a lot on his mind when reminicing.

Anyway, thanks for helping to put the DVDs together.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. (And quite generous.)

Response recorded on December 22, 2006

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King Cobra3 writes...

Gargoyles, Season 2, Volume 1. My Personal Review, broken down into categories as any good review should be.

THE SOUND - It was very crisp. Very clear and 'new', considering that the episodes are now over 10 years old. The audio just floored me, from Goliath's opening 'speech' to the end credits. I felt very satisfied with the sound factor.

THE PICTURE - Very smooth. The animation was nicely done on TV, and it looks even better on DVD. Nice job there.

THE ACTING - Top notch. As usual, with Thom and Jeff excelling in the "voices" section. But then, Brooklyn and Lex were already my faves to begin with. *shrugs* Maybe for the next DVD set we could get "The Trio" involved in the commentary? :) *crosses fingers*

THE FEATUES - Great touch on the episode introductions, Greg. They were very cool and to the point in terns of each individual episode plot. The Cast and Crew featurette were very nice, and it was really cool seeing the VAs talk about their experiences doing the series, (Gotta feel sorry for Thom, though, since he doesn't know much about computers. :P) and I loved every second of it. I personally would've liked to have seen Laura San Giacomo, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Keith David, and Salli Richardson give their two cents, but that's just me. We can't have everything, after all. Though we damn near do with this spectacular set. :) Thanks for making these DVDs possible.

Sorry for the short short review, Greg, but I'm having a really busy day today, (and lately) and I only had a few minutes to write this review up. Hope you enjoy it.

See you at G2006.

King Cobra3

Greg responds...

Unfortunately, the two-day session to shoot the extras and record the commentary was scheduled on very short notice, and neither Frank, Salli, Keith, Marina nor Jonathan were available. I'm not sure they were even in town.

But at least we got Keith on the Season One DVD, and nearly everyone else on Season Two, Volume One.

Response recorded on December 22, 2006

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Shannon "Shan" Muir writes...


You asked for our comments on the DVD, and I think you missed the comment room the week I posted most of this information, so I've reposted here but tailored it to emphasize and de-emphasize areas as I think would better fit your personal interest and remove date specific wording. It also is presented in a single unit versus the three parts it originally showed up as in the Comment Room.

As to the "Gathering of the Cast and Crew" featurette, I think it was well edited though at times the backgrounds were hard on the eyes. This may just be a personal thing. The footage clips intercut throughout from the series fit incredibly and it really feels like they took the time to find the best bits. It drove me nuts at first that you were the only person facing screen right when everyone else faces screen left, but after multiple views I understood why. It's because you get the majority of screen time and they very likely wanted to create a balance between how often a person was on one side of the screen over the other. Your on screen percentage set it up that you logically should be the only one on that side. Had it been able to be more balanced as far as each person's on screen time, Michael Reaves and Frank Paur could have been on the same side as you, and the voice actors all facing the other way (sorry this is my Radio-TV degree training kicking in).

My favorite part is Frank Paur's ending on the whole thing about optimism. He said exactly why I think the show resonates with me, it's a lot like the way I try to look at life. One gets kicked, then get back up again and still believing there's got to be some good in the world. The most thought provoking line is Michael Reaves when he talks about most animation being people "just whacking each other on the head" and - all due respect to Mr. Reaves! - every time my gut reaction is to yell at the screen "then why don't you change it?" (Side note: it just makes me more aware of why I stay in the animation business and where my heart is).

As to the Introductions. Generally I think they work, especially as someone who didn't watch the series years ago and only caught up more recently on the Toon Disney airings. For people newer to the show, I think they help you feel "caught up" or refresh your memory if you haven't seen them all in order. I also like the fact you can select them in isolation without watching the episode, in case you didn't choose it initially but then want to back up and find out what he said after viewing. But... I'm sorry, but I find it hilarious you can watch just all the Introductions back to back. I mean, I like and respect you and all, but I don't see a point! My boyfriend Kevin had an awful lot of fun with this, making a joke along the lines not to watch it too much and get obsessed with Greg Weisman. (I couldn't let it pass without comment. I feel safe enough since you know both Kevin and myself, so I feel safe bringing it up just for you to ponder.) This is my one major question abotu the set: can you illuminate more as to why the option of watching all the Introductions was included?

As to the "City of Stone" commentary: Very good overall. Thought the wrong Demona model issue was a tad overemphasized, though I think this couldn't be helped because of the conversation between the three of you (which was a definite plus over hearing just one person's take). And to be honest, I wrote most of the animation errors off as a overstressed Demona and the effects of the loss of the last of her innocence by making the choice she made, I never really noticed until the three of you brought it up. And I'm usually REALLY picky about continuity, as it is part of my job when I work on shows. And I did learn some new things as well about the series, mainly from Mr. Reaves and Mr. Paur as fresh voices.

Overall, I am pleased with the sound quality and visual quality of the episodes compared to how I saw them aired on TOON DISNEY, with the obvious exception of "Vows". Mistakes happen, I know, but the wrong ending making the DVD submarines a powerful story, in my not so humble opinion. I say that as a writer even more than just a fan of the show. I know there's no real way to correct this box set, but I think there should be something addressing both endings as a bonus on the last disc (should it be made), talking about the whole situation of why the ending was changed for subsequent airings and presenting both endings. Provided of course, you can sell Disney on even addressing this (or that you even see this in time to make any impact on that level, given the queue backlog). It would (semi) satisfy those more knowledgeable of the series that have precisely forgotten the intended ending (though obviously not included in the episode), be more trivial bits for those into that kind of thing, and educational for those wanting more behind the scenes information about the animation process and the kinds of things that can happen. And I say that as an animation professional, a fan of the show, your former student, and someone who has written about the animation industry for non-artists.

Anyway, I hope that information and insight is of some help to you.

Greg responds...

I have no idea why the option of watching all the intros in a row was put in. But I have to admit, I like it. Cuz personally, I wouldn't want to watch me introducing (and sometimes spoiling) things. But after the fact, it's convenient to be able to just watch 'em all down and see what a goofball I am.

Response recorded on December 21, 2006

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Todd Jensen writes...

Here's a few comments on the second Gargoyles DVD.

One thing that I find a little startling is the "introduction sequence", which contains what may be the first case of 3-D animation that I've seen for "Gargoyles", in the form of a 3-D representation of Goliath in his stone sleep - which then breaks away to reveal a more conventionally animated Goliath beneath. It's certainly taking a little getting used to.

I've been watching the DVD, at any rate, and enjoying it, particularly its clearer animation than my old tapes enjoyed. The first thing that I saw, of course, was "City of Stone" with the audio commentary on. The comments from you, Frank, and Michael were mostly familiar information from "Ask Greg", though I got a kick out of the remark that the only ones happy about Demona's spell upon the city (besides Demona herself) were the pigeons! (I was also pleased that you allowed the audience to hear Demona's two most important lines in the four-parter - perhaps two of her most important lines in the series - "What have I - what have they done to you?" and "The access code is 'alone'.")

I also enjoyed the "Gathering" interview with cast and crew. (One bit that amused me was Brigitte Bako's comparison of Angela to such Shakespearean heroines as Desdemona and Juliet. Her particular choice of those two struck me as appropriate, since Angela gets possessed by Coldfire/Desdemona in "Possession" and she and Broadway are reading "Romeo and Juliet" in the library in "The Journey".)

And I certainly hope that sales will be good enough for Disney to come out with the final 26 episodes of Season Two this December (the December of 2006) so that we can have the entire set. At any rate, my congratulations for an enjoyable product, that definitely beats my old tapes from the nineties (except that they use the original ending for "Vows").

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm still hoping for the new set to be released. But as I've stated we need to get Disney's attention ALL OVER AGAIN... by increasing sales on the first two sets so much that they can't imagine not releasing the third set. So SPREAD THE WORD!!

Response recorded on December 20, 2006

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dph writes...

1st, I want to thank Greg Weisman very much for answering my timeline question, even though by the time you read this post it will have been a couple of years since you answered it.

About the december dvd release

I loved the commentary on CoS. I was hoping for commentary on Avalon as well, but having it just on CoS was pleasing.

The only 'complaint' about the dvd release that I have is the lack of links to scenes within the episodes. That way I can jump straight to particular spots within episodes without having to fastforward through the episode.

I was very pleased on have unedited versions of quite a few episodes. I actually im'd GXB when I saw "Leader of Pack" because the tape I had of that episode had selected edits (Toon Disney) and I didn't remember what the original episode looked like towards the end. I also enjoyed watching "Eye of the Beholder", again, because of problems with the quality of the recording that I had with that episode.

Overall, I enjoyed/am enjoying the release of those dvds.

On the next dvd release, I would love to see commentary on both The Gathering and Hunter's Moon, but if I had to choose between the two, I would choose Hunter's Moon.

I am looking forward to seeing you in person at the 2006 Gathering of the Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

I would have loved to have done commentary on EVERY episode of the 65, but Disney didn't want to spend that money. I guess scene selection was also too costly. But, hey, the big prize is the episodes themselves. The rest is all gravy.

Response recorded on December 20, 2006

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Anonymous writes...

On the Gargoyles Season 2 Volume 1 DVD, what's up with the wrong ending of VOWS on the DVD? Was is just an error?

Greg responds...

Yes, it's an error. Don't know how it happened either.

Response recorded on December 20, 2006

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Greg Bishansky writes...

My thoughts on the DVD.

First off, I've been anticipating this set for a long time, my favorite episodes ("The City of Stone" Four-Parter) are on it, so having it on DVD is a real treat.

The episodes themselves all look great, the picture is sharp, and the sound is awesome, and keep in mind, prior to this, I was watching these episodes on decade old VHS cassettes, all from the original Disney Afternoon airings. So I was always hearing a sound effect I hadn't heard.

One little thing, I finally have all of "The Cage". I taped the episode when it aired, but the day I taped it, the cable decided to go out for fifteen seconds during Goliath and Elisa's talk at the Clock Tower at the beginning, and I never caught a re-run, so this was my first time seeing the entire episode.

I loved the audio commentary for CoS. Greg, Michael and Frank are all fun to listen to, though I am surprised that Michael (and for that matter, many fans) never noticed Demona was off model a few times in CoS Part One. I noticed... but then, I always payed very close attention to Demona ;)

Hmm, Greg things Demona was a little bit in love with Macbeth in the CoS Part Four flashback. Curious ;)

Overall, a very solid DVD release, Disney is being very good to us with these. The only thing that annoys me is the wrong ending for "Vows" being used for this set. But thankfully, I have found no further mistakes (Yaye, the mouth on Xanatos's armor isn't moving!), and that's a minor complaint (but hopefully one we'll see corrected for the eventual Blue Ray or HD-DVD release)

Of course I can't wait for next set. ::Crosses his fingers for Hunter's Moon commentary::

Greg responds...

I do hope, should we ever get the next release, that we'll have the correct "Vows" ending on it as a bonus.

And HEY, I made it to 2006. For one brief window, I am less than a year behind. So I'm gaining on you all!!!


Response recorded on December 20, 2006

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Jen writes...

Is there going to be a relise of the second seasion of Gargoyles?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

Season Two Volume One is out and available now. Volume Two is not scheduled.

Response recorded on November 29, 2006

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Jason writes...

For my questions to whomever,
1. If in the event that season two is released, would it be 1 whole set or multiple sets? My reasoning for this question is because of the fact that there are so many episodes in season 2.

2. If you read a little below you would see that I have the ability to watch the episodes when ever I want. With that aside, I have noticed that once and a while the animation style changes from episode to episode. It would mainly be in the solid and dark type setting but in some episodes, the animation changes to a more "goo'y" style that you would find in a show like Gooftroop. Can this be explained?

Now for my review of the first DVD set. I give it a 9.9. My only reason for not making it a 10 is because I was hoping there would be the featurette from the original VHS tape with the few voice actors and actresses talking and the background story narrated by Jonathan Frakes. That was my only real gripe.

I was surprised to see the video about the 2005 event on the DVD. I wanted to attend so bad, but there was no way I could afford the airfare. (Kind of bummed about that.)

Other then this, the DVD rocks. I will be very honest though, (Please don't hunt me down) I never thought that it would ever come to DVD so I looked around the vast internet and was able to acquire the episodes some time ago. Even though I have done this, I still bought the DVD because I feel that if it is worth buying, then the money should be spent to support the people that created it. This will go the same with season 2 and 3 when they come out (note I say "WHEN" wink, wink.)

I am happy to say that I am a Gargoyle fan (not as much as some but I'd like to think so) and will some day find my way into the amazing world. Thanks for the awesome work and the sheer genius of the Gargoyles Series.

Greg responds...

1. By now... I HOPE you know that Season Two was broken into two releases. The first release, SEASON TWO - VOLUME ONE, was a three-disk 26 episode set. The second release, SEASON TWO - VOLUME TWO, was also slated to be a three-disk 26 episode set. But it has not been released and isn't scheduled yet, due to mediocre sales on Volume One.

2. With the possible exception of a few scenes in "Enter Macbeth", I don't think we had any animation in the first two seasons that would have fit inside "Goof Troop". We did have a variety of overseas animation studios in multiple countries working on episodes. There's no doubt that our best stuff came from Walt Disney Animation Japan. But we got some VERY good stuff from a Korean Studio as well ("City of Stone") and other places. But we got some stinkers, I'll admit. But none that looked Goof Troopish. I do recall that there was an episode of the Goliath Chronicles that I think was done in Australia that had a distinct Aladdin flavor to it. But I've only ever seen the Goliath Chron eps once each (except for THE JOURNEY).

3. You're welcome. And THANK YOU. I do appreciate that you pitched in and paid for the legit DVDs.

Response recorded on November 28, 2006

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Jonny M. writes...

When does Gargoyles Season Two come out on DVD on what release? Will it be one whole set for Gargoyles Season Two on DVD or spilit Gargoyles Season Two into sets? Thank you.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

Season Two Volume One is out and available now. Volume Two is not scheduled.

Response recorded on November 18, 2006

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joshua cochran writes...

i have been following Gargoyles since the beginning and love it alot. u guys did an amazing job. I bought season 1 special edition(very very good job btw), my question is, are u(and i hope so) are u planning on releasing season 2?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

Season Two Volume One is out and available now. Volume Two is not scheduled.

Response recorded on November 18, 2006

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Zel writes...

As of today you have cleared 100 questions in about 3 months with 775 left to go. If you can maintain this pace, You could be current within a year! I know the likelyhood is low. I'm pretty sure that you have much less free time than the entire collective fanbase combined. And the more Q's you answer the more Q's we post. Here's hoping that you're much more caught up by the time you get to this one. Although I would prefer that you are way too busy to post because of all the gargoyles projects Disney is about to greenlight because us fans showed them what a cash cow they've been sitting on all these years. I have to tell you that the DVD itself is causing more Gargoyles awareness, at least in my corner of the universe. I've decloseted three of my friends who were secretly loving the show. They didn't really follow the show when it first aired, but they always watched it when they happened to find it. Now that they can come over to my place and watch the whole thing in order, they are full blown fans. Maybe now that the show has very likely generated some new word of mouth, NOW is the time to really market the show loud and clear. And not just on some obscure cable channels. Cardboard standees where ever DVDs are sold, Commercials that really tap the real target audience-- the Sci-fi croud! Ads durring Buffy, Stargate, Star Trek (of course), Justice Leauge, stuff like that. I'm not saying that Toon Disney isn't the right croud to Advertise to, But that's no where guys like my friends are going to see them. My friends dig dig stuff like the Matrix, Lord of the Rings, and Batman the Animated Series. Not stuff like Teamo Supremo and Filmore. Were there no focus groups? I understand that they didn't think that a large campaign was worth the gamble, but I'm pretty sure the same money could have been spent smarter. Ok. That whole thing turned into a rant. Thanks for loving the show enough to keep it alive in this way. And I wish you luck in whatever you end up doing by the time you read this.

Greg responds...

Money could have been spent smarter? What money? The advertising budget for the Gargoyles DVD: ZERO. ZERO. Let me say it again: ZEEEEERRROOOOOO!!!!

Now, you can widen your eyes and get upset at Disney/Buena Vista Home Entertainment for spending nothing, or...

You can acknowledge that WE (me, backed by the fandom) convinced Disney/BVHE to take a chance on these releases. Told them that if they released them, we would come. That WE would SPREAD THE WORD. Had they known that an ad budget was required, they wouldn't have released the DVDs in the first place. It was ALWAYS up to us. And let's be honest, collectively (not individually) we dropped the ball. The first season DVD set sold well enough. The second season, volume one DVD set did not.

Look, I'm not saying I wouldn't have liked to have seen commercials in all the places you listed... but that was NEVER gonna happen. That's not churlish, that's simply the reality. It's on US, people. You want to see Season Two, Volume Two, you have to SPREAD THE WORD. Whatever it ONCE would have taken to convince BVHE to release the next set, we now have to achieve and substantially SURPASS. Because far from proving that there was a huge market, we proved to them that there wasn't. So now we have to get BVHE's attention all over again. (And it took me ten years to convince them the first time.)

I know this is depressing, for me as much as anyone, but HARD realities can be depressing sometimes.

Wow, mine turned into a rant too. Please know that this wasn't directed at anyone personally. As I've always stated, I don't expect people to spend money they don't have or that they need for essentials like food, shelter, education, etc. But if you're reading this you have internet access and that means you can help SPREAD THE WORD.

Response recorded on November 17, 2006

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James Jones Jr writes...

I would just like to ask about the status of the first season DVD. Has it sold well? My indication would say yes, since I'm watching Deadly Force on Toon Disney, an episode previously banned from the channel. So how are the chances of us getting the rest of the episodes released, and do you want them to be released in one set or in separate volumes?

Greg responds...

This has been answered before. Check the archives.

Response recorded on November 10, 2006

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The Bifolchi family writes...

I'm writing this on behalf of my entire family of five in response to the release of Gargoyles first season on dvd. Back in 1994 I was only 8 years old but even now I still remember the characters of Gargoyles and how much rewarding it was to sit down and watch Goalith and his clan figure out the ways of New York. My whole family watched the show since it always caught our attention and interest, but when it was cancelled my family felt sadden since it was the one cartoon that my whole family had enjoyed.

It's been 11 years since the series was created and I or my family have never seen a cartoon come close to beating Gargoyles was back then, but when we found out that season one was being released for dvd I got it straight away and we enjoyed it and hope that disney will deeply consider putting out season 2 & 3 for dvd. If not my family would still like to thank you for bringing this wonderful series back into our home once more and allow us to see something that had affected our lives so much.

Thank you,

from the Bifolchi family of Canada

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on November 09, 2006

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Kkatman writes...


I just wanted to voice my thanks and appreciation for the release of the Gargoyles Season One on DVD! I just discovered this, and purchased it immediately.

What is the current word and (hopefully) ETA on the release of Season Two. I have several friends whom I will be introducing Gargoyles to through the DVD set. I hope to promote it enough that they will want it for themselves.


An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

Season Two Volume One is out and available now. Volume Two is not scheduled.

Response recorded on November 09, 2006

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Sam writes...

I'm just curious about this and well, ARE there any real chances of the second season of Gargoyles series being made into a DVD for comercial sale by disney or whoever is manufacturing the DVDs? I have bought the first season DVD, so now I'm waiting for the 2nd season, and I will not waste money buying multiple copies of the first season to drive up sales. I don't have that much money.

Greg responds...

I never asked anyone to spend money they didn't have. I asked them to help SPREAD THE WORD.

And, yes, as you I hope by now know, Season Two, Volume One is out. If you want Season Two, Volume Two, help us SPREAD THE WORD.

Response recorded on November 08, 2006

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Justin Cole writes...

How soon can we expect seasons 2 and 3 to come out on DVD?

Greg responds...

Season Two Volume One is out and available now. Volume Two is not scheduled. Season Three (i.e. the Goliath Chronicles) isn't even a glimmer in anyone's eyes at the moment.

Of course, this question has been answered MANY times before.

Response recorded on November 07, 2006

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Hannah writes...

Hi. I read that you are going to send these to Disney Executives and that they may or may not release a Season 2 of the Gargoyles. So, I just have to say that you absolutely must release a second season of Gargoyles on DVD. Not just for the little kids who like to stay up and watch it just because they saw it on TV and decided they liked it; but for those of us who grew up on it, that were introduced to it by older siblings or cousins or whatever, those who may or may not still be with us today. We grew up on it. I was about six I think when it first came came out, and watched it with my older sister who read the comics. My friend and I have lived withit most of our lives, before we can remember. We were once the little kids that stayed up passed their bedtime, just to watch it. As Highschoolers, we don't get the time to stay up and watch it. So when we heard it was coming up on DVD, we were ecstatic. It was a part of our childhood and with the dvd's we get a glimpse back to it. It would do you more harm than good to not put the others out. Do you remeber in the first season when the dude who kept on getting robbed and never closed down? And when Goliath asked why, Alisa told him it was because that store was the only food store in the community, that the people needed him to survive and Goliath decided then that he would protect the people of Manhattan. That's kind of how it is here. Not only would you make a profit off of the DVD's (instead of being robbed), but the people would be happy and grateful, whether the gratitude would be silent or not you would still be appreciated. So I am asking you people who work at Disney- Please don't discontinue any of the production. It would only break our hearts.

Greg responds...

See, Disney, see!

Response recorded on November 07, 2006

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Megan writes...

Just wanted to express my love of gargoyles and my new favouite christmas gift, The first Season of Gargoyles on DVD. I have already watched the season numerous times and shown many of my close friends this wonderful show. I really cant wait for the second season to come out, with many of my favourite episodes in it, so i can show all my friends that as well

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 06, 2006

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Angelo Bifolchi writes...

Hi I am from the west coast of Canada, and I have to say I am so happy to see the Gargoyles series has gone to dvd. Currently I am 19 and when I saw the first season on dvd I was overwhelmed with excitment. I always cherished the series and was deeply sad when it was taken off the air. But now with the first season on dvd I can rewatch all my favorite eposides. I know this isn't a question, but I wanted to show my support for Gargoyles, and the hopes that disney will allow season 2 to be put onto dvd. I can tell you right now if I see season 2 on dvd I would buy it in a second without thinking twice.

Lastly I would like to say thank you to Disney and Greg Weisman for bringing back the series that I most cherished when I was growing up. Thank you so very much.

sincerely your,
Angelo Bifolchi

from British Columbia, Canada

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. 2nd Season Volume One is currently available. Go forth and SPREAD THE WORD!

Response recorded on November 03, 2006

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Angela Maza writes...

Why does Brooklyn hate Demona so much?

Greg responds...

For the answer to that, purchase the Season One DVD (there's a link on this page) and watch the episode "Temptation".

Response recorded on November 03, 2006

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Lady Brooklyn writes...

I just wanted to post a review for the Gargoyles DVD... something I waited for, and with great relish purchased, after 10 years of waiting! This DVD is awesome! I just finished watching (and listening to) the commentary track.... and was blown away by the factoids and the care that the creators still have for the show. Like many others... Gargoyles had a big influence on my life and artistic career! I certainly hope that Disney will satisfy my desire and put the rest of the Gargoyles episodes (yes the ENTIRE second season!) on another DVD set!

Thanks so much! Take care!

Greg responds...

Thank you. Hope you picked up Season Two, Volume One....

Response recorded on November 02, 2006

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Mike writes...

First off, thank you for a great show. It was truely one of the best ever and doesn't seem to have as much cred. as it deserves like Superman or Batman, but then again I am bias ;) I am very happy that there is a DVD release.. now my old cruddy tapes which are worn from viewing can be put away and replaced with non-wearing DVDs ^_^ Just gotta worry about keeping them scratch-free o_O.

Anywhoo, onto my question. Do you think that if by some chance Gargoyles was brought back into production, or one of it's spin-offs... with as cruddy as cartoons are today, particularly with the "modern" style of animation that seems more blocky and fake.. an example would be Kim Possible and Fairy Odd-Parents, do you imagine Gargoyles would end up being of the same quality or much like the original?

In my view, Gargoyles should be laid to rest simply because I think if it were to be brought back into production, it'd just not be the same Gargoyles. :/ I feel a dvd release of all 78 eps would best so they're all preserved on dvd and that be the end of it, unless of course the style/quality would remain unchanged.. but I doubt Disney would opt for that.

Greg responds...

Well, there are of course no guarantees, but personally I would jump at the chance to do more stories in this universe, and one of my few professional regrets is not sticking around to do the Goliath Chronicles.

We'd strive to keep the quality high.

But for now, that's all moot. We have the DVDs (some of them anyway) and the comic (yes, issue #2 will come out soon, and we should be back to a bi-monthly schedule thereafter). That works for me.

Oh, and by the way, BIG KIM POSSIBLE FAN HERE. I've written two of them, so I'm not unbiased. But I really like the show.

Response recorded on November 01, 2006

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Mitch Mack writes...

I looked through the archives the best I could, but found nothing of this question. Basically I wanted to know "IF" and "WHEN" the second DVD is greenlit, would it be possible to get Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis for the commentary or even an extras docomentary like the Gathering?

Greg responds...

It was not possible on Volume One. They were invited but unavailable. We can cross our fingers if and when Volume Two is prepared.

Response recorded on November 01, 2006

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