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KenRD writes...

Im interested in reading your book Rain of Ghosts because of my respect and fondness of you as a storyteller. I have yet to pre-order it however because I have not yet been able to find a summary for the story, so I was wondering if you had any idea when the details would start comming out?
Speaking of books what are your favorite authors?
My favorite is Sir Terry Pratchett, have you read any of his books? If not I would always recommend them as he has such and interesting take on the world and twists things in the most wonderful way.

Greg responds...

By now, I hope you've seen the synopses of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS on Amazon and here.


My favorite authors are William Shakespeare and William Faulkner. I'm also a fan of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, and many others.

I've never read Pratchett.

My genre of choice tends to be detective fiction. Among my favorites in that arena are the works of Ross MacDonald, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, Michael Connelly, Walter Mosely, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle.

Response recorded on November 25, 2013

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DanM writes...

Hey there Greg, 1 - how are you?
DanM again here, I'd like to thank you for spending your time to answer my questions. Much appreciated.
I know quite a bit from the comics' market, industry and its works, and used to assume that it wasn't that much different from the animation universe. But your answer really enlightened me a lot about it. For instance it never crossed my mind that being a Producer would earn you nothing, financially speaking, this certainly made the level of respect I already had of you go way up to the stratosphere! And thank you for that! To me that doesn't just show how much you care for your stories and characters but also to you fans. Really man, thank you very much!
Said that, I do know that the characters and the show itself are not your property to do as you please, I just thought that you might have certain leverage w/ the guys at DC comics, you know, seeing how awesome and well received, for the comic fans, your work has been. I've gotta say that so far the New 52, for me at least, has been ok… w/ one or another good story popping up. But YJ bests them all easy. Seeing how Geoff Johns went on board w/ Ivan Reis to do that new Aquaman title, when the character wasn't really in DC's plan at all (That I DO know for a fact). It was really a shocker to me that he did not sign you to keep working w/ DC, you know w/ him being said to be the Chief Creative Officer and all. Especially when I could see the same kind of treatment both of you gave the characters. Well anyways, I'm really sorry your pitches didn't really hit jackpot, like I've said before I would certainly enjoy them.
And perhaps we all are mourning a bit more than it is healthy, but if the Teen Titans show is coming back, then to me there is still a chance for YJ too. Just hope that that chance doesn't come without you and/or your team.
I really wish you the best of luck on your upcoming novel and of course your work hunt, I'm sure it won't take long for you to land your next solid gig man! And as soon as Rain hits the shelves here in Brasil, you can count I'll definitely do my part to make sure you're properly rewarded. That's the least I can do for all your work in YJ, which gave me and the family lot of good times. 
Just so not to miss this opportunity here are a few more questions:
2 - Could I send you my copy for you to sign? (That is when I get it, of course).
3 - Do you work with movie scripts also?
4 - What do you think of Tolkien's work? Have a favorite?
That's all for now… Once again, thanks!!!

Greg responds...

1. I'm good.

1a. I clearly have no leverage at all.

2. I'm sorry. I don't give out my personal address. But I come to many fan conventions throughout the year. Maybe you could get it signed at one of those.

3. I've never had one of my scripts made into a movie, but I've tried.


Response recorded on November 25, 2013

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btgr writes...

Have you heard that Karl Urban is starring in a JJ Abrams TV show called "Human"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Matthew writes...

Since you are a big Shakespeare fan, I thought to ask if you've read A Midsummer Tempest by Poul Anderson? It's set in a world where all of Shakespeare's plays really happened?

Greg responds...

No. And I won't, so as not to crowd my head with other folks' ideas. Sounds really cool, though. We were trying to accomplish the same thing (among other things) on Gargoyles.

Response recorded on August 26, 2013

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Nevets22 writes...

If you had worked on the shows "American Dragon: Jake Long" or "Teen Titans", what would you have done differently?

Greg responds...

No idea.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Whedonite writes...

I loved your Spectacular Spider-Man TV series. It was far by the BEST interpretation I've seen of Spdier-Man in any of the movies/Televison

1. have you seen The Amazing Spider-Man? Did you notice the little elements they used from SpecSpidey? Like the satchel and the blue shirt? What are your thoughts on that?

2. Would you work on a Spider-Man or a MARVEL show in general again?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know if it's fair to cite the blue shirt. I mean, it's a blue shirt. You might as well say "shirt". Even the satchel is pushing it. I did notice little things that seemed to come from our series, but the operative word is SEEMED. Everyone is working off the same source material, so the notion that two groups of creators might independently come up with similar approaches makes a lot of sense.

2. I'd love to. I love those characters. All Marvel has to do is ask.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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Feedback writes...

Regarding Dexter, I still think Deb poisoned herself. I think having Hannah admit it was her was the actual red herring.

Hannah took the blame because Dexter had already betrayed her. What's done is done. Dexter wouldn't have believed her even if she said the truth. Why even bring it up?

She was already planning her escape. She doesn't need Dexter's help or acceptance. Now that she escaped, I'm guessing she will get revenge on Dexter, and when Dexter finds out about Deb's deception, it will be a turning point in the 8th season. You think this is plausible or do you think I'm reading too much into it?

P.S. I loved the season, but I would have liked to see a little more development on the fact that Debra helped Dexter kill Jordan Chase. Dexter should have brought it up every time she complained about his killing.

Greg responds...

That thought has crossed my mind too.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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Liam writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

Sorry to hear about Young Justice not being renewed for a third season. I really enjoyed its entire run, just as I enjoyed the two seasons your previous shows were given. I look forward to the next two we get as well.

I'm kidding, of course; I certainly hope you get more than two seasons in whatever project you work on next. It is frustrating, however, that shows of the caliber that you produce are consistently robbed of a longer run. No matter what happens in the future, I know your fans can rely on you to give us some quality entertainment.

On that note, consider your book bought, by the way. I very much look forward to reading it.

My question to you is this: Have you gotten a chance to see the film Cloud Atlas? I ask mainly because Keith David has a few supporting roles in it, which i found very enjoyable. From my own family and friends' reactions to it, I'd say it is rather a "hate-it-or-love-it" film, but I liked it, and I'd think you might, too.

Thank you, and good luck.

Greg responds...

I didn't see it. I did read the book some time ago. There was a lot I loved about it, but a few things I had problems with. Enough that I didn't run out to see the movie.

Response recorded on May 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

For real? Young Justice is being replaced by Teen Titans, Go...For real?

A much as the fans may feel like theyre getting slaped in the face so some three year olg can get a good giggle...you must feel like Cartoon Network just took a big ole' dump on your face...

As much as I'm sad that YJ is almost over, I feel 10 times worse for you. I mean, I know youll go on to create something else prpbably just as incredible that we'll all fall in love with...but...for real? Teen Titans, Go. For REAL?!

Which imbicil(s) at CN that decided this should be fired and never allowed to work in television again.

Greg responds...

Wow, such pleasant imagery.

Anyway, I'd give TTG a chance. I haven't seen it, but there are some great people working on it. It's not meant to replace YJ, nor is it even vaguely meant to be the same kind of show. But that doesn't mean it won't be terrific in its own way.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If each member of the Team on Young Justice were to be replaced with a character from Marvel Comics (regardless of which universe they are from) who would act as their potential equivalents (in terms of similar skills/abilities), who would they be and why (in one sentence per character)?

Greg responds...

Why are you asking me this?

If this is an exercise that interests you, go for it. But I have no inside information on something so arbitrary.

Guys, please, I appreciate that you want to have fun with these kinds of things, but that's not what ASK GREG is for. Creating make-work for me - because, I can only assume, you think I'll enjoy it - is not going to get a positive response here. And all it really does is clog the queue.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I thought I might want to let you know about this. It's seem kind of funny when I think about it.

It seems that anything DC Comics-related is recently making the strange use of the number 5.

How do I know this? Well, to recap things:

A. Following the events of the DC universe-changing Flashpoint on 2011, it is stated that the age of heroes began FIVE years prior to the present day (which would be about 2006).

B. The first issue of "Earth 2," which was released on May 2012, also took place FIVE years prior to the present day (which is about 2007), and then the rest of the series takes place in the present day.

C. The time-skip between Seasons One and Two of Young Justice was FIVE whole years, a period of time of which whatever happened to our heroes (both old and new) remains mostly a mystery (probably about 90% unsolved by my guesstimate)...

D. Recently, DC Comics has just started a prequel comic for the upcoming video game called "Injustice: Gods Among Us" which will comic out in April. The first chapter (which was released digitally) came out the week prior to the date of this posting (on a Tuesday). The events of the prequel comic happens to take place FIVE years prior to the events of the game.

Does it seem like a coincidence that the number 5 is being used in such a manner by DC Comics?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting. I'm interested to hear your opinions.


Greg responds...

It seems like five is a nice round number for a time skip.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

You said that Macbeth found the play bearing his name to be rather amusing in how it got most about him wrong. What do you think his view on the Highlander film would have been?

Greg responds...

I think he would have found the notion of Sean Connery playing an Egyptian Spaniard, while Christopher Lambert played a Scottish Highlander, hilarious.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Eclectic Emma Ellason writes...

Hi Greg,

I have no idea if this has been asked or answered before but, have you read/watched the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling? And if so, what Hogwarts Houses do you think the Team (2010 and 2016) belong to?

It's okay if you aren't that knowledgeable about it and don't want to delve into that specificity, but I - as a fan - am just curious. :) Love your shows!

Greg responds...

1. I have read all seven books (and the Deathly Hallows follow-up), listened to all seven books-on-tape and seen all eight movies.

2. Your guess is as good as mine.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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I should have posted this days ago, but I just want to strongly recommend Volume 4 of LOVE AND CAPES (subtitled "What to Expect") by Thomas F. Zahler.

I'm a huge fan of Thom's work, and this book is just great.

I wrote the introduction to the volume, so I won't repeat it here, but I will say that this saga of super-heroes and romance just keeps getting better and better. Other fans include Mark Waid and Kurt Busiek, two of the best writers in comics.

You should really check it out.

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Tyler Chun writes...

Hi Greg, as a big fan of your work, Id love to hear your opinions on certain films I love:
-Terminator 2
-Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula
-Fight Club
-Silence of the Lambs
-The Shawshank Redemption

Hope to hear from you soon and thank you

Greg responds...

Terminator 2 - Best movie ever!!

Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula - Did not once induce uncomfortable snickers!

Fight Club - I've seen it!!

Silence of the Lambs - Did not care for the lambs.

The Shawshank Redemption - Was that the one with Dingo, Matrix, Yama and Fang?

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Donna writes...

Is it a possibility that you can make a comic out of the Steam Lantern storyline/Universe?

Greg responds...

Me? The YJ guy? Um. I suppose anything's possible, but (a) that wasn't my story or my series, so (b) I have no connection to it other than being a viewer who enjoyed that particular episode of GLTAS, which suggests that (c) I wouldn't be the guy to pitch it to DC, and in any case (d) it's not at all up to me.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

These 2 are related...

1. While on the topic of inspirations I have a question about your series Gargoyles. When it originally came out I really don't remember it because I was really young, but I did always know of its existence. When I learned that you, who are producer of YJ, also created Gargoyles I was motivated to watch the series and I am doing so know (soon I hope to see SSM too!). It is very interesting and I really like your character portrayals and interesting plots. Now the question I have about inspiration is did you derive anything of Gargoyles from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series, and if so what? I apologize if the question seems strange, but I notice how both series were produced in the close time frames, they both take place in NYC, and in essence both show are about groups of outcasts by society who in turn fight crime. I think what merely stood out for me is that when I see Elisa Maza and her friendship with the gargoyles it kind of reminds me of April O'Neil and the turtles. Besides there are mutants in both series, most cool stuff happens by night (for the turtles so they won't be seen); Gargoyles because they don't have a choice, etc. Anyway these are the similarities I see and I just wanted your opinion on them.

2. While on the topic of the TMNT, have you seen the new CGI series, and if so what do you think? I think it's a cool adaptation.

Greg responds...

1. Not so much, because as you say, both were being produced at more or less the same time. There may have been some influence in little things, like when we started saying Jalapeña all the time - though the origin of that (as discussed elsewhere) was nevertheless very different. And I won't deny the two series have things in common. But just as often we tried to AVOID having things in common with Turtles. If the series started to veer in that direction, there were plenty of people (Frank Paur, especially) who would make sure to course correct.

2. I haven't seen it - or, frankly, most any version of TMNT. That's not meant as a critical comment. I just haven't had the opportunity.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Who are your favorite legionnaires?

(Mine's Matter-Eater Lad with Arm Fall-Off Boy a close second.)

Greg responds...

Hm. It's been so long since I've read any Legion of Super-Heroes books. Always liked Ultra Boy, I guess. But I liked a LOT of the Legionnaires.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

No question, just wanted to say I noticed your name on the Spiderman 700 cover. (Well, on the Comic News Insider with the full size image of the cover.) It's a nice acknowledgement.

I meant to tack this on to another post but kept forgetting. Since the last time I saw a similar nice reference I took so long to remember I totally forgot I realized I should just post it on it's own. (The last had something to do with either Love & Capes or Lions & Tigers & Bears, but for the life of me I can't remember which or what it was.)

Greg responds...

I'm guessing it was something to do with Love and Capes, which I'm a HUGE fan of, as opposed to Lions & Tigers & Bears, which I'm completely unaware of. (The latter's not a value judgement. I just don't know anything about it.)

The Spidey 700 thing was nice. I feel honored to be included, particularly since I've only ever written half of an issue.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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btgr writes...

1. Favourite Simon Pegg movie besides JJ Abrams' Star Trek movies? My favourite is Hot Fuzz.

2. Favourite Karl Urban movie besides JJ Abrams' Star Trek movies? My favourite is Out Of The Blue. Out Of The Blue is a 2006 New Zealand movie that was based on the terrible 1990 Aramoana Massacre. If you do watch the movie on youtube, keep an eye out for a police officer named "Nick Harvey", that is in fact Karl playing that officer. Plus in 2008 Karl won a New Zealand Film and TV Award for his role in that movie.

Greg responds...

1. Um. Well, I haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I'm going to have to probably say Narnia, because I haven't seen a lot of Simon Pegg films.

2. Haven't seen Out of the Blue. I guess The Two Towers.

Clearly, I don't get to the movies very much.

Response recorded on March 20, 2013

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Props to GLTAS

I just want to extend my congratulations to a great season of Green Lantern The Animated Series.

I had no involvement in it, other than as a fan. I watched it every week on DC Nation, and really enjoyed it. And I think their last episode was just killer. I've been really impressed with the work that Jim, Giancarlo, Bruce and the rest of the crew has done all year, and with a core voice cast of Josh Keaton, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jason Spisak and Grey Delisle, it just doesn't get any better.

Obviously, I wish they were making more, but that doesn't change the fact that what they already accomplished was stellar!

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Rob In Chicago writes...

Hey Greg,

Once again, you and your team are incredible. Each new episode of YJ is better than the last. I'm sure that you are bummed about the unscheduled hiatus, but I (and I'm sure everybody else who has followed you since Gargoyles) will be there Jan 5th, feeling like it is Christmas morning. Perhaps absence will make the heart grow fonder. But enough of the propers, as I've had a question that I've been wanting to ask you for months.

1) Have you seen Looper? If not I STRONGLY suggest that you do. I would imagine it is right up your ally.

2) If so, I wanted to hear your take on the time travel aspects. How does its interpretation of multi-verse/multiple timelines mesh with your working theory on Gargoyles. You have talked at length about working vs non-working paradoxes. As the movie suggests, "I don't want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we're going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws." So, let's face it, it isn't an exact science.

2)Obviously, it doesn't hold true to your interpretation, based on the ending (I'm not going to spoil it for anyone here), but do you think that it implies a working or non working paradox? If you see it and are like "WTF?", there is a great piece online, where they actually lay it out with straws that I would suggest.

Just wanted to see if you had checked it out and get your spin.

Thanks once more to you and your team (and The Team) for Young Justice. I have a feeling that it is going to come back to serious fanfare and you'll be answering questions about Bibbo's blood type for years to come. At least I hope so.

Happy New Year! I know this next one will be a big one for you!

P.S. You teased something about Gargoyles a few weeks ago... anything? Just a tiny taste? A morsal for a long time fan?

Greg responds...

1. I have not.

2. (You had two question twos.) But since I haven't seen the movie, I can't respond to either.

P.S. I did? I seriously don't recall. What did I say?

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Jakon writes...

Hi greg,

As you worked on spectacular spiderman, i assume that you're a fan of spiderman comics and how do you feel about peter parker's death in the ultimate comics and miles morales taking up the mantle as the new spiderman?

Greg responds...

I haven't read it, so I have no opinion.

Response recorded on March 07, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

Do you remember what the first superhero comic you ever read was?

Greg responds...

Nope. It'd be cool if I could though.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anthony Tini writes...

*** Dexter Season 7 spoilers ***

Hey Greg,

After two lack luster seasons of Dexter, I thought Season 7 had some great writing and I really enjoyed all the call backs to previous events. Most of the episodes had me on the edge of my seat especially during the Dexter/Deb scenes and during the later Dexter/Hannah scenes. I was fairly certain that Deb took a page out of Dexter's book of deception and poisoned herself to frame Hannah. I felt that the writers were building toward the complete corruption of Deb, but I never realized that it would be in the way that it would happen in the finale. I loved how Dexter used Hannah's words on Deb which felt like honesty with a hint of manipulation. The overall theme of the latest season laid the groundwork for the final season while still providing great satisfaction with each plot element. Sadly, the season was not without flaw as while the main characters shined, the minor ones did not get that same opportunity. I really have no idea how the show is going to end and I like that. I want to be surprised. I don't want to see it coming. What did you think?

Thanks for taking the time to respond and good luck with the second half of season 2 of Young Justice: Invasion. Take care.

- Tony

Greg responds...

Well, for starters, I wouldn't agree that the last two seasons of Dexter were lackluster. I enjoyed both thoroughly. But I also thought this season was great. I thought it was structurally VERY odd - with characters building to less (and even more) than you'd expect - and like you, I thought Deb had poisoned herself, but I think that was a red herring that they wanted us to think.

I do wish that in the very last scene, both Dexter and Deb had been wearing a change of clothes, but...

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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