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Starfox writes...

Dear Greg,
I'm pretty sure this hasn't been asked, but if it has, sorry. Before Demona was affected by Puck's spell, she turned to stone during the day - as an immortal, she shouldn't have been able to die except by Macbeth's hands, so 1) Could Demona have died if someone had shattered her stone form during the day?

Greg responds...

Sigh... I don't know whether this specific question has been asked before, but a hundred like it have, i.e. "What if something definitive happened to Demona (decapitation is the usual favorite) that normally she couldn't possibly survive?"

The answer is "It hasn't though, has it?" Or some variation of the same.

Response recorded on March 18, 2004

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TaroMisaki writes...

Hi, I know this question was asked in forum but I don't know how long ago so maybe now it is available.

where can I get the soundtrack for Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Some of the music is available for free at:


But there's no soundtrack on the market.

Response recorded on March 17, 2004

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Blaise writes...


I liked having the "Part 1" addendum to the title. It whetted (sp?) my appetite for a longer and more involved story than usual. Plus, the "To be continued" at the end didn't piss me off nearly so much since I knew it was coming and had mentally prepared for it.
There's so much cool stuff in this episode, I hardly know where to begin. Well, I might as well start at the beginning.
The clan goes out on patrol, minus Bronx, as per usual, and Goliath--a bit of a surprise that. But then, the big G does seem like the type to want to finish book when he gets to the good part. I wonder what exactly it was he was reading (and how miffed was he when it turned out it would be months before he could get back to it?).
Bronx's saddness at not going with the others helped to underline this particular instance. You know, I guess it says something that I never realized how often Bronx was left behind. Well, this time pooch is getting exposure.
The Guardian. I knew it had to be Tom for the same reason I knew Brooklyn was going to be Second-in-Command--Disney Adventures (an article this time, as oppossed to a comic). The article also said that the show would feature gargoyles native to other parts of the world, including (fanfare, please) Avalon! So I had some idea of what to expect there as well. But I will say that Tom the Guardian's entrance was quite impressive. I love his armor, and the way he refers to the lead ruffian as "sirrah."
Laws of TV and movies at work: within about two seconds of the breaking of the store window, the police show up. Two patrol cars, and 2-3 cops on foot (including Morgan). Talk about being in the right place at the right time.
Morgan's interaction with the Guardian is great. Tom's initial accusation of them being lawless undercut by Morgan's identifying himself, and Tom's rather knightly way of submitting to the law. A nice dignified bit until Morgan drops the sword.
Morgan talks to Elisa, and I like the way he describes the Guardian as "differnt, good somehow." Morgan definitely has a rather insightful and perceptive quality to him.
I didn't pick up on the meeting by Belvedere castle as a clue of any kind, unfortunately. Nor did I believe that when Tom was referring to the "eggs" he meant it in the literal sense of the term (after all, gargoyle eggs hatch after ten years (this was in the article, too) so they must have grown at least a little bit).
Let me just finish with the article now--the revelation that gargoyles existed in other parts of the world really excited me. Now the characters were no longer "the last of their kind," so this was something of a new approach in a series for me (I hadn't gotten to see that much of the GUMMI BEARS). This turning upside down of what my expectations had been at the beginning of the series was really fun.
Back to the show, the Guardian eventually mentions the Archmage. This was a complete and total surprise to me. He was dead! How could he come back like this? If I hadn't been hooked already (and I was) this would have clinched it.
The flashback starts. It's interesting to contrast Tom's traveling in the back of the cart with the eggs here to Demona's memory of him sitting up front (aah, it's probably just two different animation studios/storyboards, but I like the idea of a POV prism). Tom's solemnity (sp?) about his vow is rather touching in its way.
I liked the little scene with Tom and the Magus pushing the cart through the rain. They were becoming friends as well, it seems.
First impressions at the dinner: The King was a nice enough gentleman (voiced by Morgan Shepard), while Constantine's brief appearance here was not enough for me to form any opinions about him yet. Finella aroused some distrust in me for some reason...maybe her hollowed cheeks (that's how they looked to me), or the hint of insincerity in her voice when she spoke to the king, OR the scowl she gave when Constantine proposed the toast to Katharine. Anyway, next to her there was Maol Chalvim--who definitely looked more than a little sinister to me. This might have something to do with his sour expression, hollowed face, stylized eyebrows and Xanatosian beard. Suffice to say, their turning out to be "good guys" in this episode surprised me a bit (but the knowledge that Maol Chalvim would kill his cousin and take the throne did not surprise me at all).
I liked that people (at least Maol Chalvim) tended to look askance at Katharine's care for the gargoyle eggs. And Maol Chalvim already suspected Constantine's treachery ("they can smell their own" sort of thing I guess). I liked Constantine's scowl after Maol's thinly veiled insult.
Details. You just gotta love details. The Magus is writing in the Grimorum (the story of his cursing the gargoyles, perhaps?) and stops to look up when Constantine enters. Then he remains in the background while the future-usurper talks with Katharine. He senses the same thing Finella does (not that Constantine does much to hide it).
I love how when Finella mentions the King's proposal of marriage to her, Constantine seems somewhat incredulous that she has not accepted. A telling bit of character that.
Then Constantine murders Kenneth (who saw that coming? *countless hands raise into the air*). I liked how Finella turned out to be a more sympathetic figure here, through her devestation at this turn of events. And Tom (details--the tears down his cheeks) sees it all. I know kids had to grow up more quickly then, but MAN! Seeing that has got to affect a kid, no matter what era.
Scenes of the usurpation occur, and of course show what a jerk Constantine is. Maol Chalvim kills a guard (off-screen, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened), and tries to get Katharine to flee. You're right, Greg, he is rather heroic here actually. I didn't see any smile though, after Katharine tells him to go for the last time. His face registers more a shocked expression. It's still an awkward transistion (especially because you only see it for half a second), but better than a smile.
Constantine tries to force Katharine into marriage, and it's only Mary and Tom that keep the Magus from rushing him (details again, yay!) while Finella runs away in, what seemed to me, a rather embarrassed fasion (one wonders if she, *ahem* gave more to Constantine than that one kiss).
About this scene, where Constantine is crowned, I find a contrast between this and Macbeth's back in CITY OF STONE. When Macbeth did it, I really believed that he meant those words. With Constantine, it seemed more of a PR thing. That could be just because we already knew what those characters were like before they took the oath, but I also think that Ian Buchanan just does good voice work here (and throughout the episode).
RE: The amount of broken crockery. Maybe Tom went and broke it for the plan to work. Or, hey, maybe Constantine and his boys are just a rowdy lot who like to break things (now THAT would be ironic). I like how the "magical glow" begins and ends with the eggs and their dopplegangers.
I loved the romantic moment between the Magus and Katharine in the next scene where he promises to take her beyond the ends of the earth. I did expect them to wind up together. Actually, I kind of expected it from AWAKENING PART 5--his anger there seemed very much like that of a man who lost his love.
Finella shows up and offers her help in the matter. I like her admission that she does it "more to hurt Constantine." True to the character, and a nice moment in an animated series.
Then the Magus tells us the "spiked-cider" plan. Actually, the Magus really gets to shine as a hero in this episode. He comes up with the plan to get the eggs to safety, and then, once Finella is brought in, comes up with the method to get Katharine out of the castle. Throughout all this, he has planned to take them all to Avalon, and when the Weird Sisters block their path, he is able to defeat them, not just with magic, but by skillfully weilding the steering pole as well. And then, for love, he gives up his magic book. It really isn't surprising that a fair number of fans really like this guy. Once he got past that "bigot" problem, he could be quite dashing and romantic (then again, since some folks take the same view of Brooklyn, maybe it's got something to do with Jeff Bennett).
I liked how Finella offered to take the book. This was a surprisingly noble gesture on her part. And not one that I expected. And then Mary offers to stay with her. I love her line, "One woman alone could get into trouble. TWO women can cause plenty of it." Mary is an interesting character. Like Katharine, once she got past the "bigot" problem she was quite a good judge of character. Also quite daring in her own right. I hadn't even noticed Kath Soucie voiced Mary until...I want to say the credits, but when Mary said "I'll stay with Finella" I half-thought that came from Katharine (leaving me very confused), until Mary's image popped up on the screen again. So that was how I figured they were both voiced by the same woman. Still, excellent work otherwise. Kind of sad that Mary and Tom had to separate, but then too, boys tended to become men much earlier in those days.
Back in the present, the Guardian spells out the time difference (fair enough) and Goliath asks about the Archmage, mentioning how that cad died before Tom was even born (a nod to continuity I was grateful for). Then we get to Avalon, and get our first glimpse of the new clan. I think I only recognized that we had a female, a male, and a beast, before Goliath's surprised face filled the screen. And excellent little cliffhanger that left me eager for the next episode as well.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it. I wonder if that Disney Adventures article enhanced or detracted from your appreciation of the actual episode.

It of course goes without saying that Jeff Bennett and Kath Soucie were invaluable to us. Jeff is so charismatic, no matter who he's playing. And so versatile. In that episode alone, he's Brooklyn, the Magus & Maol Chalvim. Kath is Katharine, Mary and all three Weird Sisters. (She got paid twice, in case anyone's wondering.) We were blessed with a stunning cast in general, but Jeff & Kath were two of our absolute rocks.

Response recorded on March 17, 2004

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Fan o' Gargoyles writes...

Hey again Greg, I was just watching the ep. Sentinel and I was just wondering if the sentinel (whatever his name is) will or would be included in Gargoyles 2098 if they ever came out with the series?

Greg responds...

Nokkar. And yes.

Response recorded on March 16, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were the uber-villains going to be for Roswell Conspiracies?
Do the Greys actually exist?
What does Trish Ainsely know that the rest don't?

Greg responds...

I just don't have these answers fresh in my mind. Sorry.

Response recorded on March 16, 2004

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Fan o' Gargoyles writes...

Hey Greg, its me again, I got a question for you I keep forgeting to ask. (Hope you can answer it)

the Gargoyles were completly devistaded by the loss of there clan in 994, so why didnt they try to go back in time and try to erase that event once they obtained the phenox gate?

I know the past is hard to change but it is possible (they did it with Griff)

Well, i was just courious thanx for trying to answer

Greg responds...

They didn't change the past with Griff, they played into it. Griff didn't die in WWII, he disappeared. So Goliath disappeared him to the present.

The gargs in 994 were massacred. Goliath learned he could NOT change the past.

Response recorded on March 16, 2004

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kate oxford writes...

I was wondering does Golith have a grandson ? Did I hear right or am I just making it up?

Greg responds...

He will someday.

Response recorded on March 16, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

Concerning the VAMPYRU why aren't they afraid of sunlight like traditional vampires?

Greg responds...

I don't remember, off the top of my head, either...
a) whether what you've stated is true or
b) if it is true, why.

Fact is, it's been a long time on a show I did NOT end up doing.


Response recorded on March 15, 2004

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Entity writes...


I agree with Todd that, in principle, I like that you identified the multi-parters as such. Looking back, it feels more honest and manageable that way. But I gotta admit, upon the FIRST viewing, the labeling always made "Part One" stick out. Once you knew it was a multi-parter, you set yourself up for something big, so it was less fluid. For instance, in "Avolon, Part One," I knew it was a multi-parter, so when they arrive at the shore of Avalon and glimpse the "eggs" I don't blow soda out of my nose, but rather say, "Oh, so they're finally getting around to tieing up that loose-end about the Wyvern eggs. Cool." For me, at least, the honesty of telling the viewer ahead of time that it is going to be a multi-parter "spoiled" me, so that I expected something big, rather than getting it rewarded to me.

Greg responds...

So, basically, you're saying 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other?

Response recorded on March 15, 2004

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Jacob writes...

Hi Greg,
did Gargoyles ever play music or are they uninterested in it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 15, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

1.Are the NOSFERATU suppose to be the inspiration for the nagas of Indian and Japanese legends? If not what legends were they suppose to be the inspiration for?
2.And the skray are they suppose to be the inspiration for the mermaids of legend?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly certain vampires.
2. More Creature of the Black Lagoon, in my mind. But I wasn't on the show long enough to work on the designs at all.
3. Very.
3. Couldn't agree more.

Response recorded on March 12, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

I liked your latest instalment of the "Roswell Conspiracy" Bible, with the description of the various alien races. (I got a special chuckle out of the description of the Vinae. I might have known that you'd include something like that in there somewhere).

I also had fun identifying the various "mythical originals" of the alien races. (Most of them did make it into the cartoon that actually aired, based on what I saw of it, though I only saw a few episodes, and so can't be certain that they *all* made it in - the finished product included a few extra ones, such as a voodoo-mythology-related race, and I read that they also included an "Aesiri" race, numbering Odin and Loki among its members, and a "Minotaur" race with "Cerberus" hunting-dogs, though I never saw the episodes that they appeared in).

Greg responds...

I'm trying to remember why i called them Vinae. I know I had a reason, but it escapes me at the moment.

Response recorded on March 12, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

My thoughts on "Avalon Part One".

First off, a little about the eggs. I honestly hadn't expected to see anything further with the eggs at this point. The reason was that I'd always assumed that the eggs were indeed all gone, as Xanatos had claimed in "Awakening Part Two", even after we found out what he was really like, for this simple reason: the thousand years between the Wyvern Massacre and the Awakening. Since I didn't think it likely that gargoyles live naturally for a thousand years, my assumption always was that the eggs had hatched long ago and that the gargoyles that had hatched from them had grown up, lived out their lives, and died long before as well. I hadn't taken into account the possibility of a place where time moved slower.

(Of course, thinking over it some more, I should have expected the eggs to return, simply because, if they weren't going to, their inclusion to date would have been almost pointless. After all, they'd had no real impact on the storyline in "Awakening" - the mere fact that the video version was able to edit them out is proof enough of that - so that would have to mean that something further with them would have to be done, or else why include them in "Awakening" at all?)

Regarding your multi-parter comments: I also prefer it when the first episode of a multi-parter clearly labels itself as "Part One". That way, I'm already prepared for the "To Be Continued" part. So I'm glad that you always labeled the multi-parters as such.

I was a bit amused to notice the Brigadoon alternative to Avalon, in light of the fact that you did manage to use Brigadoon as the Avalon-substitute in your "Gargoyles meet Captain Atom" story. And, yep, I was definitely looking out for King Arthur to show up at some point in this story, given that the thing that Avalon is most famous for is being his resting-place. (More about that in my ramble on Part Two when it comes).

Needless to say, I enjoyed the flashback. More 10th century Scotland! And more real Scottish history! In some ways, it was even more fun than the Macbeth backstory in "City of Stone"; after all, I already knew about the historical Macbeth before "Gargoyles" ever came out, but I'd never heard of Kenneth II and Constantine III before. After seeing this episode, I eagerly looked up everything on them that I could at the local library (although I wasn't able to find much, thanks to the scanty records for this part of Scottish history).

Constantine definitely struck me as shrewd when he provided a very convincing "innocent reason" for the secret meeting in the drying-house (the argument that it would be better for Kenneth's dignity to have Finella turn down his suit in private, rather than before his entire court). I thought he made a good antagonist here, even if for only one episode.

(I haven't seen the McKellen "Richard III" movie, by the way, but I do have a book that McKellen wrote about the making of it, including the screenplay, which I found fascinating reading.)

I also liked the mention of Michaelmas, which added to the medieval flavor of the story. (It's things like this that make me regret the fact that you never got to make the "Dark Ages" spin-off. Of course, I suppose that an animated series set entirely in 10th century Scotland wouldn't be all that commercially viable, more's the pity.)

I'm looking forward to your rambles on Part Two and Part Three, as well.

Greg responds...

I have that same McKellen book. I've seen the movie of course, but I found the screenplay and his commentary on how and why he made the decisions he made, very informative.

I don't know that Dark Ages wouldn't be commercially viable. I do know it's tough to convince Network Executives that it's commercially viable.

Response recorded on March 12, 2004

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Jeremy Masters writes...

Where can I find free downloads for Gargoyles episodes? And where can I find the compleate history of Goliath?

Greg responds...

I give up. Where?

Response recorded on March 11, 2004

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Jacob writes...

Hi all. Hello Greg.

Nice to see you doing all these rambles, they make some forgotten memories come up to my mind again. I would do some, too, if I got a chance to watch the episodes again. But neither are their re-runs here (I've asked my way through: they want to spend the money on new things, though I always see "Doug", "Darkwing Duck" and so on), nor is my internet connection fast enough to download the episodes (if there are any to download) and a faster connection is by now too expensive. But after all the years without Gargoyles I do still remember some things that I liked or liked not that much.
First the things that I did not like: though there was a continuing plot, sometimes it was all too much the same. In short and very sarcastic: "It was a nice evening. The birds were singing and everyone liked each other. Then suddenly a dark cloud brought evil to our main characters. But after a short and hard fight the evil was defeated and everything got back to normal." That's why I like the "Awakening", "Avalon" or "City of stone" parts. These eps were so interesting because there was enough time to create a very interesting story and a really cool atmosphere - BTW City of stone was my first touch with Gargoyles. I saw the scene where the weird sisters speak as statues of children with Goliath and later crush as Brooklyn touches one of them (I hope I'm not mixing something up). My brother thought it was stupid and switched it off and I pretended that I thought it was stupid, too (Hey, I was just a child which did not want to argue). But I guess I liked the characters and the whole atmosphere. - Of course I don't want to say that the whole series should be one continuing show, but I had liked to see more five-parters.
But of course there are things that I liked very much. Most characters do change during the show and keeps being surprising. Everyone is part of a complex story (sometimes it was too complex for me, but after seeing it the second time I knew what was going on. But unfortunately some eps were mixed up so that suddenly we saw Angela, though the world tour was not even started). One of the things I like most are the fantasy elements (BTW Was the dragon we saw in "Pendragon"(?) a real dragon or just brought to life by magic??) Time travel, magicians, fae and of course the Gargoyles (clear why Fang said "I love this body"!!)
I just hope the new episodes will go on air someday. Maybe until then I can watch a few re-runs.

p.s.: some things might sound meaner than they are meant. I'm not good in being polite when I am writing in a language that I don't use often enough.
And sorry about any mistakes:)

p.p.s. Anything new about the real life movie?
What are you by now working on?

Greg responds...

The dragon in "Pendragon" was animated by magic.

The live-action movie has been shelved for the time being.

Right now, I'm working on "The Batman" for Warner Bros.

Response recorded on March 11, 2004

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John writes...

Oh, yeah, another question:
Whats your favorite EP?
CU, John

Greg responds...

EP means episode, right?

I've discussed this before too. I like them all, especially the multi-parters, but if I had to pick the single episode where I think we fired on ALL cylinders, I'd have to choose: "The Mirror".

Response recorded on March 10, 2004

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
I think this post should come out around 2003 ;) Have you ever thought about hiring an assistance for awnsering the questions?
Well, two more hard questions for you:
1. What story part/episode/character etc. would you change if you could remake Gargoyles?
2. Is there an scene/episode, you are really p*ssed off today? (just asking because some people in a gargs chat were cursing about the EP with the alien on the easter-island, don't remember it's name)

So then, greet your familly. May Disney release Gargs on DVD :D
CU, John

Greg responds...

Try 2004.

Hiring an assistant isn't necessary. I have plenty of volunteers offering to help.

We just need to change the whole system, and that's up to Gorebash, who owns and operates the site.

I like all the episodes from the first two seasons. I'm okay with "The Journey" from Season 3, though I wish they hadn't re-edited it. I don't like the rest of the Goliath Chronicles.

There are little errors, probably in every episode. A couple of minor story points which I got wrong, I think, but which I've already discussed in some detail.

But overall, I've got no major complaints.

Response recorded on March 10, 2004

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Spalding & Paul

We lost two greats yesterday.

Actually, we lost Spalding Gray over a month ago, we just hadn't confirmed the loss until yesterday.

I was (and continue to be) a huge Spalding Gray fan. His acting was decent, fun. But his monologues were always brilliant. I remember once laughing so hard at "Gray's Anatomy" during the Indian Sweatlodge riff that I thought I was going to die of asphyxiation. Everyone should rent his seminal "Swimming to Cambodia". Everyone. Then move on to "Monster in a Box" or some of his other great filmed monologues. They're amazing. But nothing like seeing him live. He will be missed.

As will Paul Winfield, a truly amazing actor. I met him twice when he came in to perform the roll of blind novelist "Jeffrey MacClain Robbins" on GARGOYLES. It was a joy to watch Paul and Ed Asner play off each other. Winfield brought tremendous dignity and humanity to Robbins. And he helped us tell our tale of literacy without making it too preachy. I still remember fondly the following exchange when Hudson is amazed at how Robbins can find Macbeth's address in the phone book.

Hudson: Magic book.
Robbins: Aren't they all?

Simple, but mighty.

Spalding, man... Paul... You left us too soon.

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J.R. writes...

Where can I find an image of the praying gargoyle?


Greg responds...

I give up. Where?

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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Arystella writes...

You know, Bronx' eyes have always looked weird to me.
Why are they always white? He's not always angry, I know that.
Just kinda bugged me, thats all.

Greg responds...

Get over it. It's the way Garg beasts are.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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Fan o' Gargoyles writes...

Hey Greg, I was just wondering. do you have any plans or ideas for trying to bring back Gargoyles?

If so what are they?

Can we help in anyway?

Do you thinks its possible?

Im sorry if my questions seems stupid, but im a big fan of your show and I really want to know if there is anyway to bring it back, and if its possible for us to help.

Thanx for your time.

Greg responds...

I'm constantly trying. I haven't given up. I think it's possible, though not likely in the near future.

The three best things that the fans can do to help are:

1. Attend the Gathering, our annual Gargoyles Fan Convention. This year, the Gathering is in Montreal. Check out their website:


2. Buy the DVD when it comes out later this year. Buy many, many copies. Give them as stocking stuffers, etc.

3. Watch Gargoyles on ABC Family's Jetix block. Ratings will definitely help.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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matt writes...

woohoo! its my birthday, though by the time you read this it'll probably be either November 22nd, 2002 or January 3rd, 2003... am i close?
some more questions on "The Price":

1. what actually WAS the "magical" powder that the Macbeth robot tossed on Hudson?

2. why did Xanatos only program the MacBeth robot with a few sentences. Coyote can have long conversations, but Macbot (as i've started calling him) only knew a few words? wouldn't programming him with more dialogue made him more believable to the Clan?

3. would Bronx's stone skin worked in the Cauldron spell?

4. besides stone skin and water were there any other ingrediants for the spell? if so, what were they?

5. do you think Goliath and the Clan could've convinced Demona to help them break Hudsons sleep spell had it been real and they had sought her out?

thanx Greg!

Greg responds...

It depends if you consider between 17 and 14 months close.

1. Glitter.

2. Sure. But resources are more limited than you might imagine.

3. Sure.

4. Like I'd tell you.

5. Kinda moot. But it's possible. She hated Macbeth, afterall.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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Silverbolt writes...

Hi Greg.

I 2 have a question about the Delilah of 2198. If Delilah is a decendant of the first Delilah.

1. Who was Delilah's mate.

2. How and when did Delilah escape from her stone sleep virus type thingie?

3. Is the original Delilah still around during 2198?

Greg responds...

1. Not telling.

2. I don't consider that canon.

3. No.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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Marcus Palmer writes...

OKay, First of all, Vulcan is the Roman God of what?

Please Answer ASAP..

Greg responds...

The Forge.

And that's ASAP. Less than two years. Worth the wait?

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

1.Is it a coincidence that the elder Samson disappeared in ireland in the same year that Siobhan was born?
2.Did Erich die in the same mission where the elder Samson disappeared?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't recall. It's been six years on a project I didn't end up working on. It's possible, I never worked out all the details.

Response recorded on March 08, 2004

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