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Spectacular Spider-Man, The

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Chris writes...

Hey Greg,

Just wanted to both thank you for the sheer awesomeness of Spectacular Spider-Man, which I think is both the best Spidey cartoon ever and your own best work (not that I don't love Gargoyles, mind you), and ask a couple (non Season 3 related, I can assure you) questions:
1. In "Gangland", what recording of Rigoletto did you use?
2. There are a couple moments in the series where the Green Goblin seems to break the fourth wall: in "The Uncertainty Principle" when he turns to the camera and says, "Anyone else getting deja vu? Oh well, let's run with it!" and in "Opening Night" when he looks up at the camera and says, "I'm in a rhyming mood tonight." Were these meant to have any larger significance or were they just fun breaking-the-fourth-wall jokes?
Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. The one provided by Sony, because they had the rights to use it.

2. Mostly they're just fun, but it's also being done to show what a Trickster the Goblin is.

Response recorded on February 01, 2010

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SpecSpidey546 writes...

You said that there's going to be new Sinister Six every season. That's great, but do you plan to make the original line-up?

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on February 01, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Question 1: When can you tell us if there is going to be a third season or not of TSSM at the most and the least.
Question 2: Is there any other possible plot details that you can tell us about the third season if it gets comminsioned besides that the Scorpion and the Hobgoblin are going to be in it and the Human Torch might be in it.
Question 3: Can you tell us if the story on Spiderman wiki about the third series of TSSM (tv series) is true or not.

Greg responds...

1. No idea.

2. "Can"? Yes. "Will"? No.

3. I just went to check Wikipedia and saw no story about the third season. But any story that said anything more than "We don't yet know if there will be a third season." is most likely false.

Response recorded on January 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I checked the archives and I didn't see these questions asked, but if they were and you have answered them already, sorry. I had some questions in regards to "The Spectacular Spider-Man". Please keep in mind, I'm asking you this on September 1st, but it'll be a while before this reaches you, so if any of these are answered in between the time it takes these questions to reach you to be answered, sorry for the repeat questions.

Warning, SEASON TWO SPOILERS herein:

1.) Now that Disney and Marvel have merged, does this mean you CAN use forbidden guys like Kingpin, The Incredible Hulk, Ant Man or anyone else like that? I hope so. I'd imagine the X-Men or Daredevil or any Marvel characters Fox owns might be tricky, but still, you never know, right?

2.) Now that Sony has given the Spider-Man TV rights to Marvel and Disney, do you think when (not if) you get a third season, you might be more restricted by Disney or less restricted on what you can and can't do on the show?

3.) Why is the Rhino an American? I know on the show he's Alex O'Hirn, but in the comics, he's a Russian named Mikhail Sytsevitch. Why was the nationality changed? I find it weird Rhino's a Russian but never has been on any Spider-Man cartoon series.

4.) You listed Ian Bassett as the voice of Cletus Kasady/Carnage for the Gargoyles/Spidey crossover, so I guess you do like Carnage after all. Stupid internet rumors and false reports. Would you be interested in having Mr. Bassett reprise the role of Carnage on "Spectacular", or maybe have him as another voice if he's available?

5.) Do you know when Season Two comes out on DVD? Have you been told yet?

6.) Can Doctor Octopus improve his harness now that he's bonded to it? Like can he add some kind of security system to keep Spider-Man from stealing his power packs, like he did in "Gangland"?

7.) This isn't a question. I just want to say that I hope you guys get a third season and that I hope to see multiple episodes with all of Spidey's returning and new foes in season two (Scorpion, Doc Ock, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Electro, Lizard, Rhino, Sandman, Tombstone, etc., etc.).

8.) Last question: If Disney and Marvel can work out a way to have Spider-Man on Cartoon Network's "The Super-Hero Squad Show", what would you think of Spidey being on there if he's allowed to appear? Do you think Josh Keaton could guest voice on there when he's not busy on a third season of "Spectacular"? I know this is speculation right now, but even so, I just wanted to know what you thought.

Thanks so muc for reading, sir. Best wishes with the series and I hope you guys get a pick-up for season three sooner rather than later. 'Nuff said.

Greg responds...

1. You never know.

2. I wouldn't think there'd be any change. We've been on Disney for almost a year now with no change.

3. It felt like we had enough Russians. I actually wanted to make him South African and black, but Marvel nixed that.

4. Ian was a member of the Gathering Players, not a pro. He did a great job, but I don't even know if he lives in Los Angeles.

5. I don't know.

6. Eh...

7. Me too.

8. I'm fine with it. And I'd never begrudge Josh the work.

Response recorded on January 28, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
I am really upset that I couldn't make it to the Gathering (no seriously, I am - and it was THE LAST ONE??? ;_;), but unfortunately, plane tickets ARE kind of expensive.... And I'm somewhat broke.... (No seriously, I really DO wish I could've gone! I don't care that I would've been a newbie there! I ACTUALLY wanted to go!)
What I most regret missing is that Spidey/Gargoyles crossover. I would've LOVED to be able to see that! (In fact, it was when I heard about that that I was convinced I wanted to go.) But then, just last night, I thought of this: Is there any chance that you could post the script here on Ask Greg?
I understand if you can't, but I would REALLY appreciate if you did, and I'm sure a lot of other people would too.
Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

Already done.

Response recorded on January 27, 2010

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The Fox Bandit writes...

I see there are two other questions about Disney buying Marvel - but I'm going to ask two other related questions:

(1) Were you aware ahead of time that Disney would be purchasing Marvel?
(2) I'm sure the legal complexities involved in this transaction are very... well, complex... as they interface with your show. However, to your knowledge, how does Disney's purchase of Marvel impact the possibilities of using previous off-limits characters on Spectacular Spider-Man? (Especially Kingpin, but also other characters you said you wanted to use on rare occasion, such as Human Torch.)

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No idea.

Response recorded on January 22, 2010

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Paul writes...

Did you ever seriously consider leaving Venom and/or Mary Jane Watson out of season 1 of The Spectacular Spiderman? I heard that you didn't want to use one of them (but I forget which) in the first season.

Greg responds...

Seriously, WHO did you hear this stuff from?

Response recorded on January 21, 2010

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Joltman writes...

Now that Disney is buying Marvel, do you think will affect, positively or negatively, The Spectacular Spider-Man's future?

Greg responds...

I really don't know.

Response recorded on January 21, 2010

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RSG(again) writes...

I also was wondering if you get the go ahead to produce a 3 season do you already know the fate of gwen stacy? like you have it all planned out on what will happen to her?

Greg responds...

I know what I want to do next with her.

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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Tomi writes...

I have heard a rumor that if Spectacular Spiderman continues, Tony Todd would possibly play Hobgoblin. Have you ever considered this possibility yourself?

Greg responds...

Where did you hear this rumor?

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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RSG writes...

I was just wondering if you get the go ahead to season 3 will you announce it on that same day? and if so how will you announce it?

And a side note I'm buying the season 1 DVD for support

Greg responds...

That's up to the companies involved.

Thanks for buying the DVDs.

Response recorded on January 20, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey again Greg! Got a few more TSSM questions here.
1) You have said in the past that you have a general map for the entire series. But of course, since there's no finite end, I was wondering how far your ideas stretched. Since you've set 5 seasons as your goal, is that where your plans end or do you have plans stretching into the possible DTVs/Season 6?
2) Regarding the potential DTVs, would you be allowed to get away with more things in there? I mean, you obviously manage to get away a lot in the series itself ("Don't get your goop in my hair!"), but there are some plots, like Kraven's Last Hunt, for example, that they would NEVER pass for TV. But would you be allowed to tackle these darker plots in DTVs, or would they still be censored to the same level?
3) Also regarding DTVs, how many do you think you'll aim for?

Greg responds...

1. The latter, but they are vaguer the further out you go...

2. I have no idea, but I would think so.

3. No idea.

Response recorded on January 19, 2010

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Anton writes...

Greg wrote:

"We have a Radio Play (that has nearly killed me to get ready in time) that presents an ORIGINAL Feature-Length crossover between Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spider-Man, with EVERY voice actor guest performing with fans."

Question, is it canonical to either side?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 19, 2010

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Jim writes...

So now that you've released the cast list/title of the Spidey crossover radio play, I have to ask: Is "Religious Studies 101" out of the running for arc titles?

Greg responds...

Probably, but not because of the Radio Play.

Response recorded on January 18, 2010

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Clark Cradic writes...

Have Peter and Aunt May ever seen the Cat Burgler after Uncle Ben's murder? I assume they would have been there for the his conviction.

Greg responds...

I imagine they went to his trial -- or more likely his elocution.

Response recorded on January 15, 2010

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Aidin writes...

Hi Greg,

I didn't know it until a few weeks ago, but I'm a pretty big fan of your work (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, The Batman, Men in Black: The Series, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man).
I was very excited last year when The Spectacular Spider-Man premiered on the CW, and I thought the first season was beyond fantastic.

I have a few questions for you and I hope you don't answering them.

First off, I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of doubt and uncertainty regarding future seasons, is there anything we as fans can do to help?
I'd hate for tSSM to die like the last spider-man series I enjoyed (Spider-Man Unlimited; which while heavily panned I enjoyed greatly.)
(Then again my opinion may be tainted being that I just a younger kid while that was still on the air;but I digress)

How long does it take to produce one episode, and a complete season?

What kind of animation is being used? Traditional pen and paper? Computer? or Hybrid?

Why is the airing of season two in the US being delayed? I just noticed that the next episode has been delayed until October 5th; which adds two months in between episodes.

What is your stance on creating original characters for the series? I do believe that every character has appeared in the comics in some form, and I'm just curios as to see whether you'd consider creating any new characters.

Will the series get any "darker" in tone and style as in progresses? Or will it remain mostly up-beat?

Would the series adapt the One More Day/Brand New Day (the greatest Spider-Man FAIL ever in my opinion) If the series were to continue that long?

Next to last, I'm starting to view tSSM as a series not unlike Batman Tas; that being said, do you thing tSSM could become the starting point for animated series based on other Marvel comics Characters; not unlike the way Batman Tas "spawned" Superman:Tas, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Justice League, etc.?
So Basically, Is tSSM to Marvel as Batman: tas was to D.C.?

And lastly, I've read several times that there won't be any cross-over with characters from other parts of the marvel universe because you don't have the rights to them. IF you had access to any Marvel character(s) in the Marvel Universe, would you have cross overs and what kind of cross overs would you have?

Greg responds...

You hope I don't answer them? Hmmm....

1. See the archives.

2. It takes between eight to ten months from start to finish to produce an episode, add a week or two per additional episodes and you'll get the total time for the season.

3. It's cel animation, but with computerized color and a few toon-shaded computerized elements, like vehicles or the occasional building.

4. I think they saved the later episodes for sweeps.

5. We made the decision early on not to have any original characters.

6. It is what it is.

7. I liked Mr. Negative a lot.

8. I'd be all for it, but no one's asked me.

9. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Anicomicgeek writes...

Hey. I wanna start off by saying I love our work, Greg, especially on Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man. Anyway, I know why you decide to diversify the cast and think it's okay.

So, it may be a stupid question, but was Jean DeWolff one of the characters whose race you'd changed? I mean, her skin seems darker, so I thought I should ask.

Greg responds...

We made DeWolff Native American.

Response recorded on January 04, 2010

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Natan writes...

Hi Greg!
I'm a big fan of Spectacular Spidey, and just like everyone else here, I really hope the show gets renewed and lasts for a really long time.

My question is, IF the show is not renewed, or IF the show ends earlier than you anticipate - will you continue the show in comic book form (similar to how you did with Gargoyles)? Or maybe continue the show with a series of straight to DVD movies?

Thank You!!! Best of luck with the show!!

Oh yeah - I was at the Spidey panel for Comic Con - great stuff.
Unfortunately I couldn't make it to The Gathering - is this a yearly convention also, or is it just a one time thing?

Thanks again!!!

Greg responds...

The Gathering WAS an annual convention, but it's over now... at least for the foreseeable future.

As for continuing Spec Spidey, it's not up to me. But I'd love to.

Response recorded on December 18, 2009

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amazing spider-man writes...

1.What type of animal is Kraven? I thought lion but he then I saw stripes on his face so is he a tiger or a combination of both?

2. You notice his animal form looks like Scar from Lion King? Was that intentional(since it's a Disney show) or no?

Greg responds...

1. Watch the episode again. He lists the animals he's been "built" from.

2. You'd have to ask Cheeks if it was intentional on his part. It wasn't on mine. The idea was to key off his original costume and the animals he was genetically borrowing from.

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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Josh writes...

Could you be more polite? I admire you, but every answer that you give to someone, you clearly seems irritated... we are fans.... just that.. we like what you do... by the way congratulations... i loved the first and second season from SSM.. maybe a third in the next three months?

Greg responds...

Okay, let me be frank. I find your post irritating. I do. I find a LOT of posts irritating. I try to be civil AND polite, but I also try to be honest, and I won't deny that sometimes my irritation is palpable. And frankly, though this isn't per se my intent, I'm okay with that.

And, yes, I get that people who post here tend to be fans, but there are certain categories of posts that do get on my nerves. These include (but are not limited to):

1. People asking questions that I've already answered ad nauseum, because they are too lazy to check the archives -- but feel I'm supposed to just put up with it, as if somehow I'm supposed to be okay with the fact that they're wasting my time even as they refuse to spend any of theirs.

2. People who seem to be asking me to confirm that me or my team screwed up in some way. (Especially when the real story is that their tastes and ours simply don't coincide.) I'm fine with someone who says, "That's not to my tastes." [For example, the previous poster wrote that she doesn't like it when characters break the fourth wall and address the audience directly. Personally, I think it's fun. But I have no problem with her having different tastes than I do. She wasn't telling me it was a mistake. Just that she didn't like it. Which, of course, is her 100% prerogative and just fine.] When someone instead says (even a more polite version of), "Admit it, Greg, that sucked," I do find it annoying. [I'm supposed to change MY tastes to match theirs? I don't think so.]

3. People who state something as fact that is either (a) dead wrong or (b) really just their opinion. Even if I AGREE with them, I find this approach grating on principle.

So yeah, sometimes answering questions here grinds on me. It does. THAT is a fact. But I keep at it, because I value the fans and want to at least try to give something back in some small way. If my means of doing it isn't to your liking... don't read it. That's not defiance. It's just common sense. But telling me to be more polite makes me want to tell you to be less presumptuous. And how does that make you feel? (My guess is, it makes you feel about how I feel right now. Irritated.)

Meanwhile, thanks for your kind words about Spider-Man. Of course, there's no way you'll see a new season in the next three months, or even in the next eight. But here's hoping that sometime in the next year...

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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Halo Child writes...

Greg what happened? Why did they stop airing the rest of TSS-M season 2? Why? The Gang War and the Return of GG arc will make it to Disney XD in October. Does this mean that we have to wait until November for season 3?

Greg responds...

November of what year?

Response recorded on December 16, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg!
What's Dr. Bromwell's first name?

Greg responds...

I forget.

Response recorded on December 16, 2009

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Spawn Guy writes...

Hey Greg,

I've always wondered how building a writing team works exactly. Obviously Sony liked your pitch for Spectacular (and I'm very glad they did)and we wound up with great efforts from Matt Wayne, Kevin Hopps, Andrew Robinson and Randy Jandt. But did you hand pick these people or were they provided for you by Sony? Or did they have their own takes on Spidey that convinced you that they, out of the many people who must have been vying for a spot on the show, had the right stuff for the series? And you guys had a pretty solid rotation system, so how does whatever selection process used differ from freelancing for a show?

Greg responds...

Hmmm.... the order of things...

I think it started with Randy, who had been my script coordinator on many previous series. We offered him the job of apprentice writer, a union position that would allow him to be a script coordinator but also take the next step up and write one script per season.

My next hire was Kevin Hopps, who was brought on as a staff writer. Kevin and I go way back to my Disney days. He's given me work; I've given him work. He's great and someone I can count on.

The rest of the "staff" was in fact freelance. Andrew Robinson was an obvious choice. He had done great work for me on W.I.T.C.H. I didn't know Matt Wayne, but my boss Michael Vogel was big on Matt's stuff... so I gave him a try (with great results).

Having chosen these writers, we did start something of a rotation.

I wrote the pilot and reserved the twelfth (origin) episode for myself. Then staff writer Kevin, was followed by freelancers Matt and Andrew for episodes 2-4 and 5-7. Randy took episode 8, a middle episode that would give him a chance to get acclimated on the series. 9-11 were taken by the "rotation". I did twelve. Kevin did 13.

For season two, I added Nicole Dubuc (another W.I.T.C.H. success story) as a freelancer to give us a another voice. While Nicole got acclimated, we began with the same Kevin, Matt, Andrew rotation for episodes 14-16. Randy did 17. Then we had planned to start the rotation again, with Nicole added in. (So the PLAN was to have 18-21 be Kevin, Matt, Andrew, Nicole). But by this time, Matt was getting pretty busy on other series. So Nicole also jumped in and took Matt's spot in the rotation, and 18-21 became Kevin, Nicole, Andrew, Nicole. We then started a new rotation without Matt. And Kevin, Andrew and Nicole took 22-24. I had reserved 25 for myself. And Kevin again finished out the season with 26.

That's the way I like to work. Have a small "staff" (mostly freelancers for budgetary reasons) that do multiple episodes. That way the writers really learn the show. We all break episodes together, helping each other out pre-outline. It really becomes a team.

Response recorded on December 11, 2009

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello once again, I just wanted to ask you did Chameleon know that Norman was the Green Goblin when he was hired? When Norman was unmasked, Chameleon had a look of shock that seemed like "THIS is what I was hired to pose as him for?!" before he turned to look at Harry. Or was his look just "The cat's out of the bag"?

Greg responds...

I don't think he was told or knew when he was hired, but I'm guessing he must have figured it out sometime before the mask came off.

Response recorded on December 11, 2009

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Mr. Nobody writes...

My post had a typo. It supposed to say and not an. I'm sure you'd figure it out but just thought I'd let you know anyway.

Greg responds...

THanks. My post has a typo too.

Response recorded on December 09, 2009

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Mr. Nobody writes...

If Spencer an Alistair Smythe appear what race will they be?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 09, 2009

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James writes...

If we get future seasons of The Spectacular Spider-Man, do you plan for the Spider-Slayers to appear at some point, or are they too redundant of Scorpion?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello once again sir, I have some small questions yet agin for the Spectacular Spider-Man series.

Roderick Kingsley is a CEO of a perfume company rather than a fasion designer, what inspired this change in occupation? If is something that will come up with his Hobgoblin stint, feel free to reply with "No Comment".

Same with Morris Bench, he's a demolitions expert rather than a crewman. Same rules apply, if it something that will come into play as Hydro-Man, just say "no comment".

Greg responds...

If you reread Kingsley's VERY first appearance in the comics, the answer should be fairly obvious.

As for Bench, yes, it's something that will come into play.

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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Alex Galucki writes...

Dear Greg,
My name is ALex Galucki, I am a thirteen year old from Georgia (USA). I already watched all of the epiosdes of the Spectacular Spider-Man Season 2 from both Disney XD and Youtube. And let me just say that it blew my mind away! It was that awesome! This is by far my favorite Spidey series! I thank you for making a great series.

Anyway, I know there is a chance you might be doing a season 3. And I have some good storyplots for a possible season 3. Which leads to my only question; could I possibly send you scripts for the episodes of season 3? If you say yes, please e-mail me at luckygalucki@bellsouth.net. If you say no, that's alright. I mean they're just ideas.

Alex "Lucky" Galucki

Greg responds...

Sorry, Alex, but no. I don't look at unsolicited submissions or ideas to protect myself from lawsuits.

Response recorded on December 08, 2009

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spidey450 writes...

Can you make Venom's Voice a little deeper and scarier ?

Greg responds...

We're very happy with Venom's voice as it is. (And by the way, it's pretty deep and scary now.)

Response recorded on December 07, 2009

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Phil writes...

Dear Greg I have a lot of questions around Spectacular Spiderman

There are plans for other villains appearing in the third season?

Other characters such as Ben Reilly, Captain America, etc?

When you think that the third season for this year or next?

What will happen to harry who is now discovered that his father?

And Peter and Liz?

The Hobgoblin's costume will be the same as the Green Goblin only color it orange?

If the fox loses the rights of the Kingpin, as I see it happening, could have a place in the series?

And finally, thanks for making this great series I hope to continue to develop even more

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. See the archives.

3. Huh?

4. I'm not spoiling.

5. Ditto.

6. Don't know yet.

7. See the archives.

You're welcome.

Response recorded on December 07, 2009

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randomspideyfan writes...

1.How much of the 90's Spidey series have you seen?

2. Do you like it?

3. Isn't Dr. Ashley Kofka originally from that show because I don't recall her being in the comics. If she is then that means you've seen its Venom and Carnage story arc correct?

Greg responds...

1. Very little.

2. I haven't seen enough to judge.

3. She's originally from the comics. I have no idea if she's in the 90s show, and, no, I haven't seen their Venage arc, though I think I did see the one scene (as a clip) where Carnage first appeared.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hi again, Greg! Thanks for answering the Goblin mystery question...although it just made me realize how stupid I was for not remembering that...lol....this ain't a question, I really want to say want an AMAZING job you've done with this show, every idea, every twist, is just spectacular (no pun intended) I really hope there is a season three, I can't wait to see what ideas await! Thanks again!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome!

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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Kyle S. writes...

Do you have any restrictions on New York locations you can use in Spider-Man? Obviously, you probably can't make any references to Ground Zero/World Trade Center, but I don't recall ever seeing the Statue of Liberty. While on the other hand we've seen Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station, Flat Iron (disguised as the Daily Bugle), etc.

Greg responds...

We licensed the Flat Iron. Other buildings we can use as part of the scenery, etc.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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BackLash writes...

Hello again,

1. Considering he was J. Jonah Jameson in one of the previous two Spider-Man series he took part in, did Ed Ansner try out again for JJ?
2. Without spoiling anything for S3, what's up with Miles Warren's brother Aaron? Was he created for the show or was he in the comic? I don't remember him from the comic, but then I didn't know Mr. Devereaux was from the comic either so.
3. Was Mayor Waters in the show a homage to the one from Spider-Man: Reign?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. But I always knew I wanted him for Uncle Ben.

2. Aaron Warren was in the comic, as, yes, Pete's high school science teacher.

3. I'm not sure "homage" is the right word, but that's where we got the name.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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David Sky writes...

This time I'm sure I have come up with a question unasked. Did Eddie like Gwen? He captures Gwen in the season one finale with the words "we know who you love the most" to Peter. Peter pleads with Venom with the words "c'mon bro you've always liked her.let me save her." Did Peter mean like as in LIKE? Furthermore Venom replies along the lines of "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? to get to be the hero" which seems to imply the bitterness he has of Gwen's feelings towards Peter. Remember also that Eddie offered to take Gwen to the dance. Eddie obviously was aware that Gwen loved Peter each and I think that made him jealous. Am I right?
Or am I reading too much into all of this?
At any rate Gwen is my favorite character in the series. Her cutest moment is when she giggles at the rumor of Peter being Spiderman.

Greg responds...

Pete just meant like, not LIKE.

As to Eddie's feelings, I'd rather leave that to everyone's individual interpretation.

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Greg writes...
"Norman's survival was a purely creative choice. Don't you get tired of characters "dying" and then inevitably returning. To me, it cheapens the very concept of death. So I didn't want our series to try to fool you on that subject (for more than a few minutes). You'd know right up front that he was alive and well, even if the cast all thought he was gone. That way no one feels cheated, right? I mean face it, if he had eventually returned would you really have been stunned? "

I am sooooooooooo happy you said that, Greg, 'cause that is EXACTLY how I feel! That the constant revival of dead characters diminishes the concept of death and takes all the meaning out of it! And you're right - really, NONE of the revivals in the comics came as a shocker (some as a temper tantrum, but none as a shocker).
Which is why I completely, whole-heartedly agree that to prevent that, there needs to be some level of foreshadow shortly after they died (even it's something as simple as "they couldn't find the body").
So yeah, just writing to tell you how happy I am that you said and ecstatic to see you're above that.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I try to be above most stuff. But the air is so thin up here...

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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Martin writes...

Two Spidey questions:

1) Does Norman know who is Master Planner?
2) I'm sorry, but aren't you like, pissed off because there are no news about season 3?

Greg responds...

1. At this point, I doubt it's still a secret.

2. Sure, as if that helps.

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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BlkAngl Bradshaw-Koo writes...

I just wanted to say that I like the new Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series concept. At first, I was skeptical; being that I am a fan of the 90's cartoon Spider-Man, but I like it..and so does my son. Secondly, I personally do not care for the idea of Peter Parker in a romantic relationship with Gwen Stacey. She's too drab for him. Yes, they are kind of cute together in an all too predictable way. And so, makes for boring T.V. drama. I'd prefer it if Gwen ends up with Harry instead. That would actually make for a more interestingly dramatic twist. The concept of Peter with Liz is not so bad. But being that this versions Mary Jane Watson is soo much more intriguing, I would love it if Peter ends up with her; or at very least, Spider-Man with Black Cat. Either or is fine with me. ^_^ I just hope that Mary Jane does not suddenly turn into a scaredy cat type. (Shudder...) ~_~
Thank you for your time in reading this and allowing me to submit our comments. Best wishes on your journey. Peace. - A Fan ^_^"

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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Jose Aranzamendez writes...

I made some mistakes when I asked a question earlier.I'm reasking the same question again with corrections

What will happen to Gwen Stacy in Spectacular Spiderman?Will She die just like she did in the comics?Or will she live and become Peter Parker's girlfriend?I curious because I'm a big fan of Gwen Stacy and wish she never died in the original comics.I hope that you will not portray her death in this excellent cartoon adaption.I'm getting tired of Gwen Stacy always dying in many new Spiderman comic series and adaptions;I would like to see something different for a change.I would like Gwen Stacy to live and actually marry Peter Parker!I also would like to see Peter Parker have aa wonderfully successful happy marriage with Gwen Stacy!

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

So yeah, I know how all the titles of TSSM are based off a common concept (like Lizard is Bio), and, by that way, that's REALLY awesome, but there are a few which I can't figure out how they relate to the episode. So, how do the titles of Catalysts, Nature v. Nurture, and Shear Strength relate to their episodes?
Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I think it's obvious. And if I'm wrong, then my trying to justify it won't help. Look up the meaning of those terms and if it's still not clear, then assume we screwed up.

Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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radioactivespiderman writes...

1. Will we see B list villains like Tarantula and Jack O Lantern? What about newer villains like Morlun or newer allies like Ezekiel?

2. Will you use Rocket Racer and Morbius as students and have them become villains later?

3. I heard you can't use Beetle why not?

4. Will Morris Bench become Hydro-Man and I doubt this but will Hobie Brown become Prowler?

5, Who is your favorite Spidey villain?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. Check the archives.

4. No comment.

5. I don't just have one.


Response recorded on December 01, 2009

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webhead writes...

1.Any chance you could grab Mark Hamill to play Carnage? Carnage has always been one of my favorite Spidey villains and one of my favorite villains in general and we all know Mark Hamill has the best animated Joker so I recommend him.

2. What the heck is going on with Kingpin? Is it fixed so you can use him? I mean the Daredevil movies are going nowhere so they seriously shouldn't hog him and let you borrow the rights. We don't need a lot of him like in the 90's series just for a season. Speaking of the 90's series when the James Cameron Spider-Man movie fell through they got to use Electro so do whatever it takes to get him. Don't give up

3. Will there be any other heroes in Spectacular Spider-Man? Again I don't mean like in the 90's series where the was a whole bunch of guest heroes. Just one like hopefully Daredevil he is best friends with Spidey after all. I heard a rumor that Thor was supposed to guest star in Season 2 but didn't. Was that true and will he appear in a future season? Just Wondering

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Let's see if we get any more episodes first, before we discuss casting, 'kay?

2. I have no news on this front either.

3. There was NO truth to the Thor rumor. I've answered this HUNDREDS of times. Check the archives.

Response recorded on November 30, 2009

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wall crawler writes...

Is there going to be to a Spectacular Spider-Man video game?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Is there?

Response recorded on November 30, 2009

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Derek writes...

Just wanted to say I love The Spectacular Spider-Man, and consider it the most true interpretation of the character in any media outside the comics. Spidey has been my favorite fictional character pretty much since my first issue at the age of 6, a reprint of Amazing #2, and is one of only two comic characters I grew up on (the other being Archie), so he holds a pretty special place in my heart.

I did have a few things I was curious about though:

1) What was your motivation in basing the burglar parts of the origin in "Intervention" on the movie version rather than the comics? To me, Peter refusing to stop the burglar out of pure selfishness and self-righteousness makes his comeuppance (in the form of Uncle Ben's death) more powerful than him doing so to screw the promoter over for not getting paid. However, I'm torn about Ben's death via carjacking vs. break-in. The break-in never geologically made sense, and I love that Ben dies waiting for Peter outside the arena (in essence, it adds another layer of him dying BECAUSE of Peter). But I still feel the carjacking takes away the sheer randomness of the break-in... sure, it's unlikely the burglar would break into Peter's home of all places, but that unlikelihood gives me a sense of this being fate as consequence for Peter's inaction. What was your take on each?
2) Was there a reason we have yet to see spider-tracers, and is this something you'd like to include in (potential) future seasons?
3) Do you have a plan in mind for how Peter developed his web fluid? I've always been one of the ones who found it unlikely that a teenager, even one as intelligent as Peter, was capable of singlehandedly inventing the stuff, although I vastly prefer the mechanical webshooters. I really love the Ultimate explanation for this, in that Peter based the fluid on his father's work for an experimental adhesive.
4) For that matter, are you able to say whether Peter's parents in this series are scientists or S.H.I.E.L.D. agents? I would assume the former, based on Eddie's explanation of how his and Peter's parents died.
5) I'm a little confused on Vulture's motivations as a villain. He started just wanting to get revenge on Osborn, and joined the Six to get rid of his opposition Spider-Man, both of which make sense, but then he's suddenly blowing up a facility in "Shear Strength" and helping Doc Ock take control of the underworld in "Accomplices" and "Gangland." Have Vulture's goals and plans broadened since the pilot?

Again, thanks for a great show, thanks in advance for any answers, and best wishes on getting another season!

Greg responds...

1. There's something to be said for Spidey being simply too arrogant to stop the burglar. But that's still in there with the movie version, and the motivation seems less random to me. And frankly, I think the carjacking is a huge IMPROVEMENT to Spidey's origin. Put's much more of the blame on Pete's conscience.

2. I do eventually have plans to intro the spider-tracers.

3. I have a VERY specific idea for Spidey's web-fluid.

4. Dad was a scientist.

5. I think for better or worse he's tied his boat to his buddy Otto's pier.

Response recorded on November 30, 2009

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Nick Piers writes...

Hey Greg,

I've been a big fan of Spectacular Spider-Man from the beginning and truly belive it's the best rendition of the character in ANY medium.

I'm happy to report that I've bought my copy of Season 1. Additionally, I've been on various forums that I visit to report of its release, several people have already made plans to buy it if they haven't already. So, I very much hope these efforts will help bring about a third season.

Finally, one big question. Everyone else is jumping on the "will bring in Character X" but the answer is usually "Nuh uh! We can't because that character had a movie and we don't have the rigths." Which brings me to:

When will we see Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur? Season 8? 9?

Nick Piers

Greg responds...

<sigh> I don't even have a funny comeback or smart-ass remark.

Response recorded on November 30, 2009

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MasterGandalf writes...

I've been loving Spectacular Spider-man, and I've got questions about two of the most important villains:

1. In "Final Curtain", Osborn says that the version of the Green he took prevented the same kind of instability that Harry exhibited- but throughout the episode Norman exhibits instability of his own, albeit more tightly controlled. Was he wrong about the formula not making him nuts, or did aquiring superpowers simply give him an outlet for pre-existing psychosis?

2. In his first appearance, Tombstone was shown to be able to easily defeat an off-guard Spider-man. Later on, he shows no real pain from taking a bunch of the Goblin's weapons in the back and is shown to be able to go toe-to-toe with three opponents who were all enhanced in some manner. Do you see him as having some degree of superstrength, or simply as a very well trained combatant with a high pain threshold? Or was it deliberately ambiguous?

3. Just for fun- what exactly was going through Tombstone's head when Venom crawled in through his window? Sure, this is a guy who never loses his cool and finds a way to make use of everyone, but still- a hideous perversion of Spider-man isn't something one sees every day:).

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that for your interpretation.

2. Deliberately ambiguous.

3. No, it isn't.

Response recorded on November 25, 2009

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've heard that the radio play at the Gathering this year will be (or was, by the time you read this) a crossover between "Gargoyles" and "The Spectacular Spider-Man", which apparently you wrote. If this is true and you did indeed write it, I wonder how you felt about writing that encounter between two sets of characters you've worked on. (I do suspect that it wasn't hard to get them to meet, since both series are set in Manhattan!)

Greg responds...

It was fun, but, frankly, a brutal chore as I did not have nearly enough time to write the script.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Robby writes...

My brothers and I are impressed by the fluid animation in Spectacular Spider-Man. We imagine it must be very expensive. How much does it cost to do those cool action scenes?

Greg responds...

I can't spit out a number for the action scenes in a vacuum. SpecSpidey had a fairly standard "per episode" TV Animation budget. We tried to get as much bang for our buck as possible.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey Greg! Quick question, though I'm not sure if you can answer it (you might be able to though): Since the Connors left for Florida, what's the news on Electro's cure? Is Curt still working on it or did he pass the job onto Miles?

Greg responds...

Curt's still working on it. I don't think he'd trust anything with Miles.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

So, I noticed someone asked about why included Emily and that made me thinking: Why did you include Joan Jameson? Is it just because you weren't taking the "My wife was killed by someone in a mask, so now I hate people in masks" angle on JJJ or is there another reason?

Greg responds...

I definitely wasn't taking that approach. But it had more to do with the effect having a wife has on JJ's character. I think the effect is demonstrable, so I won't comment further.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

this is a random question but you said daredevil doesnt exist yet...i understand punishers family not being dead, and the fantastic four only dealing with cosmic things or whatever, and tony not doing his demonstration and all of that but how doesn't DD exist yet, he was around the exact same time spidey was in the comics, i just wanted to get your excuse.

anyway great shows, loved gargoyles and love spectacular spiderman, and the episodes you were involved in the batman were great too:)

Greg responds...

It's not an "excuse." Frankly, you haven't done your homework.

Daredevil #1 appeared in 1964, two years after Spider-Man's debut. If you're asking me if Matt Murdock exists, than of course the answer is yes. But he hasn't put on a costume yet.

In contrast, the FF pre-date Spidey, premiering in 1961. Spidey premiered in 1962. Iron Man (for example) in '63. Daredevil not until '64.

So in OUR continuity, Spidey first appeared in public (at the Venue) in May or June of Peter's sophomore year. Our two seasons take place between September and March of his Junior Year. So the FF are around already, fighting COSMIC BIG BADS. (They probably made their debut in November of Pete's sophomore year.) But guys like Iron Man, Thor and Daredevil have yet to debut.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Greg Rhoads writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, (I like the first name! ^_-)

First, I'd like to congratulate you on doing an truly spectacular job with the Spectacular Spider-Man and am crossing my fingers for seasons 3, 4 and 5! Having said that, I do have some questions. Some Spidey spoilers below!

1. I heard that you originally wanted to use Kingpin for the role served by Tombstone. If you had been allowed to use Kingpin from the beginning, would you have found a way to use Tombstone in a different capacity and if so, what?

2. I was most curious at those who were chosen to give interviews. I practiculary noticed the touch on Norman's face, who immediately answers "No", but you can clearly see a little bit of curiousity has been pipqued in his mind.... foreshadowing? Heh. I noticed though that due to time restraints, not everybody could get an interview. Was it planned for Mary Jane, Sally, Randy or anybody who wasn't asked in the episode that were cut for time?

3. Somebody said to me that Norman is lot like Xanatos from Gargoyles. Did you base this version of Norman off of Xanatos in some way?

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work!


Greg responds...

1. Probably, but we never got that far in our plans for him, since we learned early on we couldn't use Kingpin.

2. No.

3. I've answered this before. Check out this IGN interview: http://tv.ign.com/articles/103/1034739p2.html

QUOTED here:

IGN: Another reader email here from C.R., who writes,

"Was the Incarnation of Norman Osborn in this show inspired by David Xanatos from Gargoyles? He seems very similar to him. He even has an Owen Burnett like assistant! Was this intentional of you?"

Weisman: Well, I can see why people feel that way. He's not the first person to bring that up and I get it and god knows Xanatos is so in my head that there's some influence there. But the truth is that Osborn predates Xanatos. I was reading Norman Osborn in comics long before Xanatos was a glimmer in my eye, so to speak. Even the thing about having an assistant… Osborn had that assistant in the comics. I didn't come up with him and stick him in. Donald Menken played that exact role in the comics â€" one in fact might argue that Owen was slightly influenced by Menken, although I don't actually think that was true, because Menken was pretty obscure. But when I went back and re-read the Spider-Man comics, after I got this gig, Menken was there.

And as for how similar Osborn and Xanatos are, I think the similarities are somewhat surface. Yes, they're both incredibly wealthy, incredibly smart businessmen. But I think of Xanatos as being amoral and I think of Osborn as being immoral. And I think there's a big difference in that. Xanatos has said revenge is a sucker's game. I think Osborn kind of likes the revenge idea. Osborn is a really, really crappy father. And I think David is actually a really loving father. He's got lots of flaws, and I'm not saying some of those flaws won't impact how he raises his son, but David is going to do his damndest to raise that boy in an environment that's loving and warm and supportive, and it's obvious that's not Norman's point of view on things. Norman refuses to apologize or take responsibility for anything at all, and David's not like that either.

It makes it sound like I think David's great and Norman's awful, and that's not how I feel at all. I think they're both great characters, but I do think that in real, fundamental ways, they are very different personalities. What they have in common is they're both very, very smart.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

In "The Uncertainty Principle" when the Green Goblin steals the Inhibitor prototype, there is a man with orange hair standing next to "Norman Osborn." Is that Donald Menken? Also, in Blueprints, there is a Chinese girl who looks like Sha Shan talking to Gwen and Mary Jane right before Pete arrives. Is that Sha Shan?

Greg responds...

Yes, that's Menken and Sha Shan.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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MARVEL-FAN writes...

Greg, if we get more then 3 seasons, will Spider-Man appearance change? Like being bigger, and less skinnier. I'm not saying I dont like him skinny. Just when he gets older.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Paul writes...

Hi, Greg! Just a few more questions for you, if that's OK:

1) How did Beck and Mason escape from police custody after being apprehended in "Persona"?
2) Kraven acquired the ability to track Spidey's scent in "Destructive Testing" and told Miles Warren that he could smell Spidey's scent in the ESU lab. Why didn't Miles put two and two together?
3) By tracking Spidey's scent, Kraven could ambush him again in no time. So why hasn't he sought out Spidey since their last encounter on Christmas Eve?
4) In "Opening Night", the Green Goblin quoted A Midsummer Night's Dream by saying, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!". But how does he know the line, since it turns out that he's not Harry?
5) Will Peter ever feel guilty about Eddie's transformation into Venom or Norman's apparent demise at the end of season 2?

Greg responds...

1. That was revealed in a scene cut for time that we showed at the 2009 Comic-Con in San Diego. They used holograms to escape prison.

2. Who said he didn't?

3. Other things keeping him busy.

4. It's a pretty famous line.

5. He already does.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...


Okay, I watched "Final Curtain" again, and something Harry said at the end got me thinking.

"Dad was sick, a victim of the green. No one knows how that stuff can change you better than I do."

And, considering that Harry obviously did not hear his father's confession to Spider-Man about framing him, it makes me wonder.

Does Harry believe that he was the Green Goblin before his father? Or does he know it was dear old dad all along.


Greg responds...

I think the latter.

Response recorded on November 23, 2009

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Kyle S. writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman, love Spectacular Spider-Man. One of my favorite episodes was Opening Night. I loved the Shakespeare interwoven with the story. Now, my friend just played Flute in a community production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I thought it was fantastic, but it was very untraditional. The play opened with the 'How now spirit' line, and then broke into song out of the fairy's speech, and then proceeded to Act 1. Theseus entered setting up a hole of golf and Hippolyta was reading a fashion magazine. This was all very funny, but the one quirk I almost didn't like was that Puck was a puppet. Seriously, he was a little green muppet-looking guy operated by a girl wearing black to blend in with the background (even though her head and hands could be seen since it was outside in broad daylight). In a lot of cases, it worked out for the best, but it was odd. The dialogue was mostly unchanged (some parts were abridged), but my mom was able to understand the entire thing because it was so untraditional.
Which brings the question: what is your favorite adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream? Oh, and are the guys who played Lysander and Demetrius named characters from the comics? Were any other minor name characters given roles?

Greg responds...

Jason Ionello played Lysander in the M-cubed Dream. We never had to figure out who played Demetrius.

I've seen the play MANY, many times. I don't have one favorite production.

Response recorded on November 23, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

"There were many reasons, but the main inpetus was being attacked and kidnapped by Vulture. He (Norman Osborn) did not enjoy being that vulnerable. There was a line to that effect in Final Curtain, but it was cut for time."

Could you post that line in the archives, or is that a legal issue in that you can't post it.

Greg responds...

No legal issue, but I'm afraid I don't remember it off the top of my head.

Response recorded on November 23, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

So I've been sitting here watching and loving my first season Spidey box set (I bought all four single releases too, just doing my part) and pining away for season three. If the world turns upside down and this fantastic show does not get renewed, just how far in depth are you willing to go with us about what your plans would have been for it? On the one hand, it would be like torture hearing every cool story/character bit we might miss out on, but on the other, it would be equally hard to not know. :) Is that something you'd be willing to share with all us nerds? :)

PS: Here's hoping that by the time this gets answered, it's rendered moot by a third season pickup.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to make any decisions now.

Response recorded on November 19, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...


Another question: In Final Curtain, there was one line which no one seems to be able to understand. It went like this:

Peter: "You framed your own son??"
Norman: "I was protecting Harrry! If I'd gone to jail, who would've made a man out of him? Just look at what he's done today - I've never been prouder of the boy!"
Peter: "Oh, please! You were saving your own sorry butt!"
Norman: "Po-tay-to, po-tah-to. Once you're out of the picture, I'll make everything right."
Peter: "You had no/wouldn't know right to/if it blew up your ----!"

So.... What WAS Peter's last line there? It was just as he was putting the pumpkin bomb in the glider.... 'Cause we fans are STUMPED!

Greg responds...

Didn't I answer this one already too?

"You wouldn't know right if it blew up your glider!"

Response recorded on November 19, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

And NOW I realize that I already asked about Electro and the gene-cleanser! Silly me!

Greg responds...

Wow. Not only did you not check the archives to see if someone else had posted your question, you didn't even check your own memory to see if YOU had already posted the question?

And people wonder why it takes me so long to catch up on the question backlog.

But you're forgiven. <grumble, grumble>

Response recorded on November 19, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

I was really surprised when the gene-cleanser worked on Venom. I figured that since he was technically two entities, it wouldn't make a difference, but I guess that since they're bonded I was wrong.
First question: If/When the symbiote tries to rebond with Venom, would it work normally or will the gene cleanser in Eddie's system create an obstacle? Similarly, should Dr. Connors get more injections of the Lizard serum for whatever reason (not asking if that will happen, just hypothetically), would the gene-cleanser again prevent from working? Or is all that "No comment" territory?
After the gene-cleanser worked on Venom, it got me wondering about the other super-dudes runnin' around.... So here's a load of others:
2) Would the gene-cleanser be able to cure Electro? My guess is "no", since you once (a loooong time ago) said that Connors is still looking for a cure.
3) Would the gene-cleanser work on Sandman?
4) I'm going to operate by the assumption that it wouldn't work on Rhino since he's technically wearing a suit. But I've got to ask anyway: Would the gene-cleanser work on Rhino?
5) Would the gene-cleanser work on Gobby?
6) Would the gene-cleanser work on Ock?
7) Would the gene-cleanser work on Tombstone?
8) Speaking of Tombstone, are we ever going to hear his origin story? Or is that "No comment" territory?
9) Would the gene-cleanser work on Kraven? (I'm assuming so....)
10) Would the gene-cleanser have worked on Colonel Jupiter? It would've been a much cleaner resolution for sure....
11) Would the gene-cleanser work on Molten Man?
Thanks for your help, Greg!
(PS: You rock!)

Greg responds...

1. No comment territory indeed.

2. It doesn't seem to work.

3. No.

4. No.

5. No.

6. No.

7. No.

8. Maybe.

9. Yes.

10. Obviously, it didn't.

11. No.

Response recorded on November 18, 2009

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Will Keaton writes...


:Spidey Spoilers:

1. Spectacular has a very large cast. Was there any particular character you had an especially hard time casting?

2. During the Gargoyles World Tour arc you introduced a lot of characters on the off chance they may get their own spin off series. If you could make a spin off from Spectacular Spider-man starring any character you wanted who would it be?

3. There are a lot of nameless extras in Spider-man and many characters with little to no dialogue. Is there any one person who has received way more fan attention than you expected for their almost microscopic role? I am personally a huge fan of Hammerhead's car door. That thing KO'd both the Green Goblin AND Silver Sable. At this rate by season 4 it'll be single-handedly defeating Galactus.

4. This is probably better suited for Stan to answer but I'm sure you've considered it at some point. What exactly does Pete wear on his feet underneath his spider-onsie? Shoes? Really thick socks? Is he barefoot when he takes off his suit? Exactly how much danger are his feet in when he runs around New York city?

5. Some of the villains in Spidey's rouges gallery have some origin stories that not only spit in the face of science but beat it up with a large blunt object. Is there any villain that made you say "okay, there is no way anybody in this day and age is going to believe that is even close to possible. We need to make this slightly more realistic"?

6. "Who ordered the chopper?'
"Oscorp kinda thinks you did."
"Where's the pilot?"
"You're the one who insisted I get my pilot's licence."
"But how did the chopper get all the way here from Oscorp with no one flying it?"
"I don't know dad. Maybe you should ask Greg Weisman."

7. In episode one there was indication that Octavius and Toomes knew each other for quite a while before the series began. Any other sciency type people know each other? Did Otto ever bump into the Connors at a science convention or something or both get invited to the Osborn's for dinner one evening?

8. Back in Persona Chameleon spoke on the phone with a (possibly Russian) general who wanted the symbiote. Do you ever plan to reveal his identity or was he created solely to give Chameleon a reason to be there that night? Cat was also trying to steal the symbiote for a "captain of industry" and dialogue from the opening of Accomplices suggests it may have been Tombstone; though Osborn is another likely candidate. So, who was it? Or is that classified info that would spoil the surprise later?

9. Did Norman ever take any theatre courses in high school? Acting like a nut while in the Goblin costume helps divert suspicion away from the dower Osborn; when people are there to see him act crazy. But quoting a Midsummer Night's Dream and speaking in nothing but rhyme while hundreds of feet in the air with no witnesses? Obviously he's just doing that for fun. Or he's in denial about the gas not having any side effets.

Back in the 90's Spider-man series that aired on Fox Spidey would occasionally hang out with a (always stone) gargoyle named Bruce whom he claimed was a "great listener" and to whom he would confess his frustrations at leading a double-life. Now, 15 years later you're head of the newest Spider-man show. Funny little coincidence that. And ya know if you ever need Pete to verbally express his frustrations to someone who won't reveal his identity to the general public, well I wouldn't mind seeing Bruce again. Plus the guy can totally keep a secret.

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. The Homunculi.

3. No surprises for me.

4. He wears boots with soles. They're on the softer side, but he's tough.

5. Shrug. We do our best to adjust as we go. You could argue that about most of the characters, including Spidey himself.

6. It was dropped off, and the pilot left. I mean, really, that required a trip to ASK GREG to figure THAT out?

7. Shrug.

8. No comment.

9. A little from Column A. A little from Column B.

10. That would be a bit odd coming from me, I think. But I won't rule it out.

Response recorded on November 18, 2009

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Michael Byrne writes...

If Season 3 returns, do you think that the villainously eccentric Green Goblin might like his own musical number? :)

Greg responds...

Who wouldn't?

Response recorded on November 18, 2009

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Ming writes...

With Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) presumed dead, what's the current situation with the rival factions in the underworld, especially Tombstone?

Greg responds...


Pretty much the way we left it.

Response recorded on November 16, 2009

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GreenGoblin45 writes...

"We've seen Felicia out of costume and probably will again."

Could you point out which episode and which scene Felicia is out of costume? I don't think I could find that tidbit myself.

Greg responds...

"Opening Night" - It's not hard to find if you watch the first act. (It's not a case of us being subtle.)

Response recorded on November 16, 2009

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Derek writes...

Hey Greg -

I've been watching the Spectacular Spidey First Season DVD-set, and I realized that the laser sound effects haven't been replaced with gunshots, like you said the plan was. What happened? I've read in interviews that you didn't really have much input in the DVD (which is why the extras were so scarce...and I'm really sorry for that, because I'm sure you and the others on the show would have provided some entertaining material!), but I had just been under the impression that the gunshot thing was a sure deal.

Greg responds...

We remixed everything for the MOVIE edited DVDs, not for the Season One set of episodes. Unfortunately after the first release, Marvel and Sony scrapped the Movie edits, so now ALL the DVDs have their original as aired sound mixes, including effects.

Response recorded on November 16, 2009

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Bazell writes...

You have a strong Shakespearian background, so hopefully you'll see where I'm going here. About Romeo and Juliet, there is discussion as to whether it is a tragedy of character or situation. That is, was the tragedy the circumstances in which the titular character found themselves caught in, or was it the characters' own folly in their youthful rush for love (seemingly damn the consequences)?
A similar argument could be made about Spidey. Although Spider-Man is the iconic hero, the story is largely the tragedy of Peter Parker. Over and over through the decades the fabled Parker Luck (though I don't think you use the phrase in your show) has always been there, overshadowing Spidey victories with Parkers personal woes (be they emotional, social or something more serious). How would characterize the situation? Is the Parker Luck a product of Pete's own foibles or is it more entwined with his surrounding circumstances?

Greg responds...

My thinking is more... holistic than an either/or answer can provide. We act, we react, etc. to varying stimuli -- some in our control and/or range of influence, some completely outside it. And then all that gets mixed together. We blame ourselves for things we can't control. We shift blame for things we might have. And everything in between. That's how I view life: as a mess, basically. So when I read about either Romeo & Juliet or Spidey/Peter my thinking runs the same way. Not either/or but characters (hopefully recognizably HUMAN characters) struggling to make sense of the mess.

Response recorded on November 13, 2009

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Paul writes...

Will the events of "Identity Crisis" be referenced again in future seasons, since a lot of people in Peter's life ought to think of the whole incident with Peter and Venom whenever they think of Spidey? I'm asking this because "Accomplices" almost felt like a fresh start after "Identity Crisis", as though it was avoiding the subject of people pondering the connection between Peter and Spidey.

Greg responds...

So the Captain Stacy stuff felt like avoidance to you?

Everything is part of the background radiation of the show. And more specific repercussions will also be present in future seasons, assuming there are future seasons.

Response recorded on November 12, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) Eddie's transformation into Venom in season 1 felt a bit sudden; he had been shown to be a warm and friendly person in other episodes, like "Interactions", when he's trying to calm Max Dillon down at the hospital. It seemed a bit strange that he would go after Aunt May in "Nature vs. Nurture" not long after checking up on her at the hospital in "Intervention". Would you say that Eddie was just masking his anger with a 'nice side' all along, and that the theft of the symbiote in "Persona", him getting told to "shove off" by Peter in "Intervention" and Spidey trying to kill the symbiote at the end of "Intervention" brought out his nasty side? It's just that Eddie going from liking Gwen and Aunt May to trying to hurt them seemed like a bit of a leap. It made me wonder if it's more a case of the symbiote having him in its thrall (giving him the 'love' that he can't get from anyone else, since his parents are dead and he didn't have a replacement father figure like Peter's Uncle Ben) than Eddie really despising Peter enough to hurt people that both he and Peter like.

2) When Gwen thought that Peter had lied to her about going to the Fall Formal in "Catalysts", Eddie looked pretty mad that Peter had upset her. Did Eddie harbour feelings for Gwen at any point in time, or were they always just friends?

3) At the end of "Identity Crisis", Eddie claimed that he was Venom. Did Gwen find out about this claim? If so, did she believe him?

4) Why did Doc Ock's motivation go from wanting to kill Spiderman (in "Reaction" and "Group Therapy") to wanting to conquer the world ("Shear Strength") to wanting to rule the criminal underworld ("Accomplices" and "Gangland")? Is it a case of the formerly weak-willed Otto Octavius wanting to make up for lost time by demonstrating his power to as many people as possible and making his name known and feared far and wide?

Greg responds...

1. Well, let's start with the notion that I don't agree with the premise of your question. I think if you watch carefully, Eddie's descent (or whatever you want to call it) is laid out with many, many clues planted along the way as to his true character and his many issues. Which is not to say, it MUST work for you. If it didn't, it didn't. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with you. But, yes, generally you're last sentence is correct. The influence of the symbiote is paramount.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Yes, she found out. As to whether she believed it, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

4. His motive never changed. In "Reaction", Spider-Man was incorrectly perceived as an immediate threat. In "Group Therapy", he was perceived as an obstacle that must be taken out of the way. But Ock's megalomaniacal motivations are established pretty much from moment one in "Reaction". He had a big plan in the first arc of Season Two, which was thwarted. After that, he simply is asserting his place in the world of crime, collecting fees for super-villain services, etc. I'm sure he has more BIG PLANS in the future, but not every hour of every day is filled with that. But again, your last sentence makes sense to me.

Response recorded on November 11, 2009

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The...!!? writes...

I hope to God that by the time this question gets to you season 3 is commisioned.
I wanna believe that there is gonna be a season three but everybody keeps saying given enough episodes, all depends on the ratings on disneyxd (that frightens me the most). The Spectacular Spiderman is my favorite tv show and i will hate to see it get taken off the air for crap like...whatever they are airing.
anyway, if there is a season 3 i do have questions...

1. on wikipedia it says you guys expressed interest in using heroes like cyclops, beast, ant-man, hulk, etc. is this true?

2. are hobgoblin and scorpion already drawn and if so are you happy with there looks?

3. is there a possibility that you will ever be able to use kingpin at all.

this all i can think of right now...

Greg responds...

1. Yes, we expressed some interest in all the characters you listed plus Human Torch, Captain America and Professor X. Others too, I suppose. But if allowed guest heroes, we'd start with Human Torch and work from there.

2. No, they have not been drawn yet for the show.

3. Anything's possible.

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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Doceinholeite writes...

HI Greg I like all your Spectacular Spider-Man work i whant to know what do you plan on doing after all 65 episodes?

Greg responds...

Right now, I'm just hoping we get an episode 27...

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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Paul writes...

Does the timeline of The Spectacular Spiderman follow this pattern?

Biology 101: September
Economics 101: October
Chemistry 101: October
Psychology 101: November
Engineering 101: December
Human Development 101: January
Criminology 101: February
Drama 101: March

I'm asking because it's hard to pin down which month some episodes take place in. "Market Forces" and "Competition", for instance, could be set in September or October, but it's unclear which, and "Accomplices" could be set in January or February, but it's unclear which. Likewise for episodes like "Subtext" as well.

Greg responds...

That's basically right.

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Also, in a previous post, someone asked about your thoughts on the Crimemaster, and you responded, "I do not not like him." (or something like that - not verbatim.)
Was this a typo, meant as "I do not like him." or did you intentionally use the double-negative?

Greg responds...

Intentional use of double negative.

Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hi, again, Greg!
Just wondering: Why is it that so many characters are all in the same bio class? Clearly Midtown doesn't separate its grades as much as mine does, but shouldn't Peter and Gwen and Sha Shan at least be in an advanced class, without Flash and Liz? And didn't they already Bio last year? 'Cause if so, shouldn't they be taking a different science now?
It probably doesn't matter (and I wonder if anyone else ever even noticed), but I was just wondering.
Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

It's advanced bio, a class designed to be taken by Juniors. Flash and Liz are taking it ... and doing poorly. Pete and Gwen are taking it ... and doing very well. Sally's taking it, and it's not clear how she's doing. Sha Shan has clearly skipped ahead to take it. (She'd normally be a year too young.) We assume she's doing well, but not as well as Pete and Gwen, though given the fact that she's a sophomore, I'm sure her work is still impressive.

You'll notice that neither Kenny and Rand (both seniors) nor Hobie (a sophomore) is in the class. Neither is Tiny, though he's a junior too. (Obviously, not the type to even try and get by in that class.)

In any case, we tried to be consistent.

Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

*** SERIOUSLY! ***
*** I WARNED YOU ***

So, I've recently been debating Norman's mental state. Specifically his sanity or lack thereof. Mostly because I've seen a couple of individuals saying that you gave Norman Osborn Roderick Kingsley's personality. Norman was insane, Roderick was stone cold sane.

Naturally, I disagree with them. Sure, Norman doesn't come out and say he's insane. He even says he's in control. But don't most of those suffering from insanity and megalomania feel that way?

Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive, and do not conform to social, moral and legal norms. They may appear to be quite normal and often even charming, a state of adaptation that psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley named the "mask of sanity".

Or, as Gobby himself said, "We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which is real? The one that hides your face or the one that IS your face?"

That's how I see Norman. Your Norman as well. And while we haven't seen much of Kingsley yet (and I'm not asking for spoilers on plans for him), I am sure that they're both very, very different people. Just as different as they were in the comic books.


Greg responds...

I agree they're different.

I feel Norman's more of a sociopath than a psychopath, but maybe I'm splitting hairs.

Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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Stephen writes...

In a question i asked about using tombstone you answered "Have you seen Tombstone?"
Yes, I have of course i have i seen every episode like 30 times, and i love him i was just wandering why, my only reson was fosswell couldn't fight spidey and tombstone has the kinda muscle and speed, agility, etc. so that's why you used him, but seriously don't get me wrong he's one of my favorite characters in your show...maybe 6 or 7 in the top ten

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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akif khan writes...

In this picture. Eddie has a case/prosthetic limb. Why was it like that and what made you change your mind to make him normal/perfect condition.

Greg responds...

Curt Connors has a prosthetic limb, not Eddie. We never intended for Eddie to have a prosthetic anything.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Jim writes...

At what point would you say Stacy deduced Spidey's identity?

I always figured his "I know who you are, Pete" at the end of the Master Planner arc as having a double meaning. I can't decide if he knew during Thanksgiving dinner, it seems like it could go either way. But while he had certainly been studying him prior to "Persona," I didn't get the vibe that he had figured it out at that point.

So is there a definitive moment or time period you can point to that says, "He has figured it out now, we just won't let the viewer know for sure until 'Identity Crisis?'"

Greg responds...

I don't see how I can comment on this one way or the other, as it seems to take for granted the idea that Stacy knows Spidey's secret identity.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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friendlyneighborhoodspidey writes...

1. While Kraven was stalking Spidey I noticed his spider-sense didn't go off. Is that an OOPS or what?

2. Is Kraven turning into an animal supposed to be similar to Puma? (look him up if you don't know who I mean)

3. May I suggest asking Robert Englund to play Carnage? He'd do a great job because Freddy Krueger's personality is a lot like Carnage's.

Greg responds...

1. Stalking doesn't activate spider-sense in our show. As I've said before, Pete was bitten by a genetically altered spider, not a genetically altered psychic. We limited spider-sense in our series to incoming blows.

2. I know who Puma is, thank you.

3. Robert is already our Vulture. I'm not ruling out your suggestion, but I wouldn't want the voices to be too similar.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Spidey#1fan writes...

1. If you can't borrow Kingpin what crime boss will you use? Owl?

2. I heard something about Beetle and Boomerang being in SSM is it true?

3. You think you will use Morbius and Manwolf?

4. How heavily "toned down" does Carnage have to be to be in the show?

Greg responds...

1. As of the end of Season Two, I couldn't use Owl either. But I've got plenty of crime bosses already.

2. Seriously, WHERE did you hear that? Or did you just make it up? Anyway, Beetle's currently unavailable: officially he's not a Spidey villain. I'd have to check on Boomerang.

3. No comment.

4. How heavily toned down did you want him to be?

And just curious? Is there one question above that I haven't already answered? Let's check the ASK GREG Archives.

Hmmm... Nope. All been answered before. Some of them multiple times.

Response recorded on November 03, 2009

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Big Boy writes...

I have some questions considering the censorship of Spectacular Spider-Man. I don't think they will reveal any spoilers (I hope not). If they do, then you don't have to answer them.

1) Can you get away with Carnage being a serial killer in the show?
2) Can you get away with Morbius being a vampire that bites people and drinks blood in the show?
3) Can you get away with someone like Morlun in the show?
4) Can you get away with someone dying?
5) Did you keep Norman alive because you weren't allowed to keep him dead or did you keep him alive for the future?

Greg responds...

1-3. Hasn't come up yet.

4. Yes. We already have.

5. Why would I kill off Norman?

Response recorded on November 02, 2009

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Rinso writes...

Hi, Greg.
I must say that “The Spectacular Spider-Man” is the best superhero show I’ve ever seen. I totally love it. But I have two questions about it that has been sort of bugging me lately.

In Season 1 episode “Intervention”, after Peter rejects the symbiote, he returns it to Connors’ laboratory and tries to kill the alien by freezing the camera where it’s held. Eddie Brock sees him doing this and is enraged, because by killing the alien, Spider-Man destroyed his last chance to get back his job and thus his education in college. But less than a minute later, it turns out that the symbiote is unharmed and it’s actually fine. My question is â€" why did Brock had to free the alien and bond with it in order to pursue vengeance against Spider-Man? I mean, since it turned out that it was apparently alive and healthy, why couldn’t he just leave it in the camera? He would have gotten his job back and everything would have been fine with his life.

And my second question. Spoiler alert!

In “Final Curtain”, the final episode of Season 2, the identity of the Green Goblin was revealed for real. He was (of course) none other than Norman Osborn and it turned out that Harry’s unmasking in Season 1 was a red herring meant to throw Spider-Man (and the fans :P) off. Back in Season 1, during his last fight with Spider-Man, Norman faked a leg injury before escaping and later he found Harry unconscious, dressed him up in the Goblin costume and injured his leg, so he would limp in front of Spider-Man. My question is â€" why did he faked the injury in the first place? Did he knew before the fight with Spider-Man that Harry was laying unconscious back at home and planned to frame him as a back-up plan? Or did he found him when he came back after the fight? The latter doesn’t make much sense, because in such case there was no explicit need to fake an injury, but still, I wonder.

Sorry, these are probably annoying questions whose answers are “Just because!”, but still, they’re nagging me.

Fingers crossed for Season 3 happening. And 4, and 5, and…

Greg responds...


1. The "camera"? Anyway, Eddie heard the symbiote calling to him... and released it... pretty much in a semi-trance. At which point, it twisted his already semi-twisted thought processes.

2. He faked an injury with a plan to find a scapegoat later. Harry presented the perfect opportunity.

Response recorded on November 02, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Mr. Weisman, here are the following questions for you:

* I got your response for the Sinister Syndicate question. While Boomerang, Hydro-Man, Leila Davis (who became the second Beetle), Rhino, Scorpia, and Speed Demon are Spider-Man's enemies, you might be right about the other three. Outside of Beetle first appearing to fight the Fantastic Four and later fighting Spider-Man when getting revenge on Human Torch, Blacklash is an Iron Man villain who Spider-Man helped fight in Marvel Team-Up #72 and #149. Constrictor first appeared in Incredible Hulk #212 and fought Spider-Man and Moon Knight alongside Ringmaster in Marvel Team-Up Vol. 3 #7. Just giving any side info there in case you gain some inspiration for one of the possible future seasons.

* When it comes to other heroes appearing, the closest any series has got is when Peter Parker is a student at Empire University. If your show is successful, what season would have Peter attending attending that university?

* When it comes to your part on the show's characters, it would appear that you've amalgamated some of them to make the show interesting like when you had Montana become Shocker or making Walter Hardy the burglar that shot Uncle Ben (referred to as Dennis Carradine in the Spider-Man films). A similar thing occured in "Wolverine and the X-Men" where Nick Fury was an amalgam of the Earth-616 version and the Ultimate Marvel version (the latter version was also a supporting character in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics). If one of the other Marvel villains in the future season (the one I described in the note above) includes a certain Latverian monarch, would you do the same for Beetle (meaning combining the Earth-616 version and Ultimate Marvel version like you did with Doctor Octopus and Electro) and make him a mercenary to the Latverians? Of course we haven't heard anything in the development of that since the issue before the "Ultimatum" storyline.

Greg responds...

1. Thanks.

2. After Season Five, I suppose. If each season is 13 episodes.

3. Again, I do NOT have access to either Beetle or Doctor Doom, so I certainly haven't made any plans for them. And by the way, this comes VERY close to an idea posing as a question, so please reread the rules here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on October 29, 2009

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Geoff writes...

I enjoy your work a lot, Greg. But, a few things have been bugging me about Spectacular Spiderman:

Why didn't anyone ask Peter why Spiderman supposedly makes time before fighting lethal supervillains to call a teenager to come take pictures of him like he said in "Identity Crisis"?

Did you ever feel the animation for Spectacular Spiderman was too simple and, for lack of a better term, goofy? I read that the animation style used was to make the fight scenes more fluid, which they were, don't get me wrong. Yet, a couple of moments in the fight scenes began to look very wacky. And, I mean the Donald Duck & Goofy in a boxing match kind of wacky.

Greg responds...

They did. Pete said Spidey was a "gloryhound".

The animation is fantastic. I think you're referring to the design style, which is something entirely different, but nevertheless, to my mind, also fantastic. I think your Donald and Goofy comparison is pure hyperbole -- and yet NOT a bad thing per se.

Response recorded on October 28, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) Did Tinkerer escape after Spidey interrogated him in "Shear Strength"? (Since he appeared again in "Probable Cause", I'm guessing he did.)

2) Is there a voice modulator in the Green Goblin's mask? (Surely there must be, since it's hard to believe that Norman puts on the Goblin's voice himself).

3) Would you say that the Norman Osborn in The Spectacular Spiderman is more influenced by the Norman of the 60s comics or the post-"resurrection" Norman of the 90s comics?

4) Would you say that the Green Goblin in The Spectacular Spiderman is more influenced by the Green Goblin of the 60s comics or the post-"resurrection" Green Goblin of the 90s comics?

Greg responds...

1. Asked and answered.

2. I believe so.

3. Some of each. But mostly the earlier stuff.

4. Mostly the earlier stuff.

Response recorded on October 28, 2009

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Nick writes...

I love this Spidey series, the animation, fight scenes, character and story development, and the theme song is just, well, Spectacular.

Can't wait for a Season 3 and 4, 5, hope it gets as many as possible, and I do have a couple of questions...

1. In the DVD things you have planned after this series is over are they gonna be more mature and maybe show an older peter ya' know him going to college and everything like that?

2. would you still need permission to use kingpin in the dvd's?

3. would you consider your venom more ultimate or amazing.

Greg responds...

1. There's nothing "planned". There's just a bit of wishful thinking on my part. But yes, I'd like the series to cover the high school years. And then do DVDs of the college years.

2. Yes.

3. It's a meld of many canon sources.

Response recorded on October 27, 2009

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MARVEL-FAN writes...

Greg, how come in the Spectacular Spider-Man it doesent use realistic gunshot sounds? But, Batman: The Brave and The Bold it uses realistic gunshot sounds, other Batman cartoon shows.

Greg responds...

Different networks have different rules, I guess.

Response recorded on October 27, 2009

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Pete writes...

forgot a few things...

1.) You said you couldnt think of anything u couldnt do beyond realistic gun shots, so can you say the word die, death, kill, killing, etc. (because the 90's series couldn't) and it seem you have been avoiding like electro saying i'll fry you for that freak, and Walter Hardy saying the night i ended ben parkers life.

2. Are you aloud to kill people, even if it is off screen.

3. Who is your favorite Goblin? (Green Goblin, Green Goblin II, Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin II, Demogoblin, I'll even count Mad Jack, etc.)

4. Who is your favorite symbiote?

5. In The Uncertainty Principle, was that a Man-Wolf cameo, and if it was, whos idea wass it.

6. In Destructiv Testing what did Calypso say to Kraven when he awoke in the car and said this change I...? All i got out of it wa "then I suit you love."

7. I love how these battle scenes are from the comics like Mysterio in the warehouse, Kraven in the park (when he trapped him in the webs in the trees), How he defeated Venom by tricking him, and others. Also love the other battle scenes, so my question is are you for making animated series and movies as close to the comic as possible?

this is all i can think of, hoping for a season 3, 4, 5, 6,....100, lol

Greg responds...

1. "Kill" is still, I'm guessing, verboten. I didn't even try to use it though, because I'm so used to the answer being no. So, who knows?

2. Yes. And we did.

3. No comment.

4. No comment.

5. No comment.

6. Something like "The eyes suit you, my love."

7. When it makes sense for us.

Response recorded on October 27, 2009

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Pete writes...

back again, just want to rephrase some of my questions and ask a few more, hope its not to much...

1.) If you could use any one else in the marvel universe for his or her own show who would it be?

2.) Same as question 1 but DC?

3.) Have you ever read Amazing Spiderman To Die a Hero, when F. Fosswell dies? I just want to know what you think of it, I personally think it's one of the better comics from the Lee/Romita stories right next to Spiderman No More.

4.) Which issue was the Kraven mutation I've read a few Ultimate comics. I just ordered Issues 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8. I already have 1,2 and 6.

Greg responds...

1 & 2. The list is nearly endless for both Marvel and DC. I've been reading those comics since I was a kid. Not every character has as rich a history as Spidey, but even the ones with less canon... leave me free to develop them more.

3. Yes. I like it.

4. I don't remember off the top of my head, and I don't have my Ultimates with me at this moment. Besides, that's research you can do on your own.

Response recorded on October 26, 2009

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Big Boy writes...

Who's idea was to use the flashbacks with Uncle Ben and all that in "Intervention"? THAT EPISODE WAS PURE GENIUS!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!! BEST EPISODE EVER MADE!! That episode alone blows the whole Spider-Man: TAS right out of the water. Congratulations! I can't believe they didn't use that idea in Spider-Man 3 and in TAS.

Greg responds...

Thanks. It was my idea.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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Jim writes...

Is your version of Eddie Brock named for his father? Both the movie and Ultimate editions of the character were juniors, and yours obviously borrows a lot from the Ultimate line. I don't think his full name has ever been stated on the show, which of course doesn't confirm it either way.

Greg responds...

I'm thinking he's a junior.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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Chris Krause writes...

Hey Greg.

First off, Kudos for finally making a media incarnation of Spider-man that really captures the essence of the character. I haven't enjoyed any of the other cartoons, nor the movies as much as your show.

Moving on, I had a question concerning both the Stacy's. I've really enjoyed the relationship you've set up with Peter and Captain Stacy. It reminds me very much of a Gordon/Batman-esque relationship, with Stacy all but saying he knows who Spidey is (much like Gordon has done throughout the years with Bats.) Now, I think we all know the future of Captain Stacy in the comics, but I was wondering if you were toying around with the idea of sparing this particular Stacy that fate.

Being a comic fan, I naturally shy away from changing big events like that, but I can't imagine Batman without Gordon, and after seeing the relationship you've established between Stacy and Pete, I'm not sure I want to see a Spider-man without a Captain Stacy.

Leading into that, we all also know the fate of Gwen in the comics. I've read that you were toying around with doing this in a direct to dvd format, after you get to do a full run of the series, which I think would be a great idea, because I personally think The Death of Gwen Stacy story could be great material to rival other great animated superhero movies like "Mask Of The Phantasm."

Going off the first question, I was wondering, if you do decide to do a Gwen's Death movie, if you've considered leaving Captain Stacy alive for that as well. Watching how Stacy has (apparently) deduced Spidey's identity, it made me wonder how he would react to Peter since Peter's involvement in his daughter's life lead to her death.

Any who, thanks again! I really hope you get picked up for a third season. Watching Spectacular Spidey makes me wish they had picked up you to write the movies. When they reboot the Spidey series (probably 20 years down the road) you should jump on that!

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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adham writes...

When will the spectacular spider-man season 3 come?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Please check the archives.

Response recorded on October 21, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

You know, normally I don't do this, but this recent answer about Xanatos and Norman Osborn tickled me on a fanboy level:

"I think he would have been appalled at Norman's parental approach. He'd of course have to admire his business acumen and respect his machiavellian bent. But I find it hard to imagine the two has friends. "

The comparisons between Xanatos and Osborn are obviously easy. But comparing and contrasting Demona and Osborn seems to intrigue me a little more... especially on a parental level.

Now, I don't think it's a stretch to say that both of them love their children... albeit in a twisted, almost possessive way.

This is almost tough since we've gotten really only one episode of Demona and Angela ("The Reckoning") and several episodes of Norman and Harry... not to mention forty three years of comic books delving into them. But, for now, I think I'll stick to "Spectacular" in this topic.

Up front, one key difference is that Demona never got to be a parent. She met Angela for the first time when Angela was already an adult. Contrary to Norman, who raised Harry since birth but was never a good father to him.

Both Norman and Demona are willing to commit unspeakably horrible acts and rationalize them by saying they're in their children's best interests. In Demona's case, she cited protecting Angela in "Hunter's Moon Part Three" and Norman justified framing Harry because if he'd been sent to prison, who'd have made a man out of Harry.

Would Demona risk herself to protect Angela? We know she would. We've seen her do it. Would Norman risk his life to protect Harry? In the current comics, the answer is definitely no. In SSM, I'm... not sure. I'm really not.

I tend to think that both of them see their respective children as property. There are several instances of Norman treating Harry like property. And Demona did use the phrase "she belongs to me" when Thailog threatened Angela.

I definitely think Demona loves Angela more than Norman loves Harry (Hell, Norman doesn't even like his own kid). But even there, Demona was more than willing to risk Angela's life at the end of "Hunter's Moon Part Three" to escape... there was no guarantee Goliath would have been able to catch that vial.

Now, I realize I'm answering a lot of my own questions and I have my own interpretations here, but I'd be curious to read your thoughts here?

Greg responds...

It still feels a bit like Apples and Oranges to me. Let's face it: Demona is really f***'d up. Norman isn't. He knows his options and is doing exactly what he wants, is being exactly who he wants to be.

As for parenting, Norman rationalizes... a little. Demona's entire life is a rationalization, with Angela being only a part. If Angela could meet the Demona that Demona and Goliath met in "Vows", we might see a very different dynamic. But at best now, D's playing catch-up.

Response recorded on October 20, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

Just to clear one thing up before writing my little ramble on Criminology.

You said in response to my ramble on Engineering 101:

"We were absolutely NOT going for the idea that his arms were the Master Planner. What we were going for was the idea that Otto was a big, fat faker in "Reinforcement". And I would think that his conversation with Electro in "Shear Strength" made that pretty clear."

Just to be clear, I was speaking about when the arms show up during Reinforcement. *Prior* to watching Shear Strength, I didn't believe that the arms themselves were responsible for what was going on, which is what other people I spoke to seemed to believe, I wasn't even sure what the show was trying to imply with that scene. It was just to confuse us, wasn't it? All I was saying was that, that didn't particularly confuse me. I mostly just thought it was a big red herring.

Anyway, hope that didn't sound harsh, not my intention. Trying to spread clarity not disparity!

Now, on to what is arguably my favourite arc of this season.

**Spider-man spoilers**


Love Captain George Stacy. Everything he says is cool, everything he does is cool. My only real complaint (and this is barely a complaint, it's certainly not legitimate) is that we're not seeing enough of Norman Osborn to see the contrast between Peter's two father figures, but I guess there just wasn't room.

Speaking of people not appearing, I personally thought Tombstone took a little too long to show up, and his limited role in his grand return, as well as his sudden disappearance an episode later were both a bit disappointing. I know that there's just so much stuff to cram into 13 episodes, but as someone who's only mildly interested in Peter's love life, and who's very interested in the shenanigans of the mob bosses, I didn't particularly appreciate this.

Anyway, now that I've got my very minor complaints out of the way! Time for the praise. I really did enjoy Tombstone's lines and demeanor as usual. And Jeff Bennett's Shocker is as always a real treat. (Josh Keaton's reaction and mockery of "Squash the Bug" had me howling with laughter.)

Also really liked Silvermane. Loved his voice, made me think of an old tough, street thug. Also really liked Silver Sable. Nothing in particular, but the design, voice and personality really added up to a pretty cool character. Also loved the history involved in the gangs. I wonder what Tombstone's story is. Probably something to explore in season 3.

All the fights were good, and I loved the opera music and the Black Cat cameo. Though when I originally watched this I wondered if that was all we were going to get of her this season. I figured we'd see her again, though.

George Stacy and Foswell made nice narrators for this arc. And I liked that we got to see a bit more into Foswell's history here too. Just as it's nice to see Stacy behaving like a real detective, it's nice to see Foswell as a real investigative reporter. And I love Stacy's 'something wrong, Son?' to Peter. Also the muscial theme that plays whenever Stacy implies he knows Spider-man's secret is unintentionally hilarious, but I love it anyway.

Oh, and though it's unlikely, I'd love to see an OST of the series. The Green Goblin's theme, the theme that played through out Accomplices and George Stacy's theme are all awesome.

Overall, by far my favourite arc so far (that I've reviewed) of this season, and nothing but good episodes therein.

Couple of questions this time.

1) Would you say that Venom is something of a bastard? I initially thought of him as more of a trickster (especially when he was posing as Spider-man) but then it struck me that maybe he was more of a failed trickster (i.e. attempting a tactic that somebody else has already tried, and doing a not very good job at it.) so I've come to the conclusion that he's actually just a bastard.

2) Why the fusion between Silvermane's daughter and Silver Sable? As I said I enjoyed the character, so this isn't a complaint. (Though I was a fan of the Silver Sable in the Ultimate Spider-man video game as well)And I'm not actually familiar with the 616 version of the character, so was this a large change for Sable? Was it a large change for for Silvermane's daughter? Was it a case of needing an identity for Silvermane's child, or was it a way to make Silver Sable more relevant to the events of the arc? (Or more likely, was it both?)

3)Was there a specific reason for Tombstone's absence during most of the season? Or was he just occupying his usual role of manipulating things from the shadows?

I had more questions, but I can't remember them right now, so look forward to those in future rambles!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond, Greg.

Greg responds...

1. More of a sonnovabitch than a bastard.

2. In a cohesive world, like the one we're trying to create on this show, it just didn't work for us to have Silvermane and Silver Sable not be related. Nearly fifty years of continuity gives the two comic book characters enough breathing room to have no connection, but a mere 26 episodes did not. So we conflated Silvermane's offspring and Sable. Having said that we also extrapolated BACKWARDS for Sable, to show her origins. This is where she starts, folks. Not where she ends up.

3. He's exactly where he needs to be in our opinion.

Response recorded on October 20, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) Will the deal between Tombstone and Venom in "Nature vs. Nurture" be brought up again in future seasons? I was surprised that it wasn't referenced in season 2.

2) When the gang war arc for season 2 was being scripted, was it originally intended for the Fisks to be used as the crime family attempting to reclaim their power, instead of the Manfredis? The way Silvermane was written in season 2 strikes me as though his role was originally intended for Kingpin, just as Tombstone's role was originally intended for Kingpin. So were you hoping to use Kingpin in the gang war arc, only to find that you couldn't? (I guess this is 2 questions, rather than 1.)

Greg responds...

1. Kinda was cancelled when the Symbiote was concreted.

2. No. By this time, we knew that Kingpin was off-limits. And Silvermane was always slotted to be Silvermane.

Response recorded on October 20, 2009

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fred writes...

hey greg, huge spectacular spiderman fan, loved it since day one. although i have some questions...
1. are ratings the only thing this show needs to continue?

2. is it possible that spiderman could be commisioned for a season 4 and 5 at the same time as 3?

3. if someone approached you and asked will you come up with a story for a spectacular spiderman game would you accept?

4. if norman's body was found and everybody knows he's the goblin inside and outside the animated universe than there is really no possibilty he will come back is there?

5. would you like stan lee to have any more cameos?

6. how big of a fan are you of carnage, i know you like him but is he like goblin level or shocker level?

7. last question, the DVD things after this show is over, are they a for sure or just a maybe?


Greg responds...

1. As far as I know, that'll be the main deciding factor.

2. Anything's possible.

3. Sure.

4. No comment.

5. Yes.

6. I'm not big on quantifying subjective things.

7. Just something I'd like to do.

Response recorded on October 19, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Typo in one of my previous question. Instead of typing "call Blackie" I typed "a simple Blackie". I was at first going to say a simple Bookie, but I just ended up changing the question without editing the line. Didn't want that to be misunderstood by anyone to mean something else.

Greg responds...

Uh... okay...

Response recorded on October 15, 2009

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