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Bringing Gargoyles Back

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Anonymous writes...

Will you restart the series?

Greg responds...

If I possibly can.

Response recorded on April 12, 2004

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Lavon Toliver writes...

I have been a "Gargoyles" fan for a Long while!
Is there chance if the gargolyes are coming back?
Is there going to be a movie about the gargolyes?
Is Goliath is goin have his own show?
If so, when are they coming back? How soon?

Greg responds...

Always a chance.
Maybe, some day.
He's already the lead in his own show.
Don't know.

Response recorded on April 06, 2004

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George writes...

Hey Greg, I was just wondering, if you had the opportunity to start up Gargs again would you start it from the end of the Goliath Chronicles or from the end of Hunters Moon III

Greg responds...

I've answered this MANY times before. But the short answer is: it would depend on the circumstances and requirements of the renewal. How we were developing the restart.

The Archives will have a more complete answer.

Response recorded on March 30, 2004

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Fan o' Gargoyles writes...

Hey Greg, I was just wondering. do you have any plans or ideas for trying to bring back Gargoyles?

If so what are they?

Can we help in anyway?

Do you thinks its possible?

Im sorry if my questions seems stupid, but im a big fan of your show and I really want to know if there is anyway to bring it back, and if its possible for us to help.

Thanx for your time.

Greg responds...

I'm constantly trying. I haven't given up. I think it's possible, though not likely in the near future.

The three best things that the fans can do to help are:

1. Attend the Gathering, our annual Gargoyles Fan Convention. This year, the Gathering is in Montreal. Check out their website:


2. Buy the DVD when it comes out later this year. Buy many, many copies. Give them as stocking stuffers, etc.

3. Watch Gargoyles on ABC Family's Jetix block. Ratings will definitely help.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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some guy writes...

if Gargoyles get put back on the air are are you going to use the idea of GARGOYLES 2198 for sure.

Greg responds...

"for sure" depends on how much freedom I have, I guess. But if I had my druthers, I'd eventually get to everything.

Response recorded on February 10, 2004

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Candy Kain writes...

Knowing my luck this question has been answered but hey I'll ask it again for good measure! Are there any more Gargoyles eppisodes written? If so, is there any chance of gettng them out? Any? Any at all?

Greg responds...

No. There was an issue I wrote for the Marvel Gargoyles comic, before it was cancelled. There was an episode of Team Atlantis that was written and recorded and featured Demona and Fiona Canmore that was never made. And there are tons of ideas floating around in my head.

But that's it.

Response recorded on February 06, 2004

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pizza girl writes...

greg hi i was wondering if gargoyles comes back if it would stil be on toondisney with new episods and if so when would this happen?

Greg responds...

There are no current plans to bring Gargoyles back. For now, it's just a dream I have. Not completely unrealistic, but still a fantasy.

Response recorded on February 04, 2004

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pizza girl writes...

is there a chance gargoyles will be aired again?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on February 04, 2004

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Mark: PRJibaroPapi69@aol.com writes...

Hey Greg! Long time fan first time posting! I was wondering, you said that Gargoyles is the total property of Disney. Does that mean that even though you are the creator, you can't do anything with the series unless they give the okay? If so, does that mean your unable to buy ALL the rights to the show? If not, do you ever plan to reair the show with all new episodes in the future? The reason I ask these questions is because Disney was stupid in pulling the plug on the series just because they wanted to move on to something new. But if your able to buy the rights, I'm sure there's more than enough studio's out there who are so eager for ratings that they'll finance the reintergration of the show back to television. The WB would definatly welcome the show to it's programing as it was aired on that station in New York. Is there anyway that, at the very least, you can create a book series of Gargoyle novels that bring a close to the storylines that were never closed while the series was on the air? I just think that if Gargoyles will never make a big TV come back that comic books or novels should be made in it's place that bring a big close to the universe once and for all. Well... an official close because we all know that Gargoyles will always live on in fanfiction. That's all I guess. Thanx for writing such a wonderful series. One more questions, although it's not documented, in your most best thought opinion since the Gargoyles are the guardians of Manhattan, how do you think they reacted when, upon waking up from their stone sleep, they saw a big gapeing hole and a huge smoke screen on what used to be the world trade center on September 11th??? I, and alot of the fans, would really like to know.

Greg responds...

Yes. Again. Disney owns 100% of Gargoyles. They don't sell their properties, and even if they did -- WHICH THEY DON'T -- the cost would be way prohibitive.

I don't know if they were stupid to pull the plug after Goliath Chronicles. I'm not sure they exercised much smarts in pushing me out the door prior to Chronicles, but that's a VERY complicated story and in any case, should be attributed to individuals who no longer even work for the Mouse. Including me.

I also think, unfortunately, that you're wrong about other networks like the WB wanting the show. It's a moot issue, because Disney won't sell, but I see no indication that there is a single network out there looking for something like Gargoyles. No indication at all. Gargoyles has the greatest fans in the world, and I'm hoping that the DVD release will make enough of a splash and attract fans, both old and new, to wake people up to the possibilities that the series represents.

In the meantime, I haven't given up trying to get the property up and running again in some way, shape or form, and publishing (comics or novels) is something I'm extremely interested in.

As for the fans, the best thing they can do -- at least until the DVD's release -- is to come to the Gathering (our annual Gargoyles Fan Convention), this August, 2004 in Montreal.

Check out their website:


The more fans that show up to the convention, the greater our collective voice, the more likely that Disney takes notice.

Finally, I've answered the 9/11 question many times. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 28, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

I don't know if you've heard of this show, but you've worked with some of its staff members on shows like "Men In Black" and "Max Steel- The shows called "Extreme Ghostbusters." It was 1997 spin-off of "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon. If somehow you were able to bring back "Gargoyles" in the same way, how would you do it? Do you think you'd be able to work around it considering TGC, or would you have someone help you or take the torch? If this possibility did happen, what would your concept of villains be?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand the point you're trying to make regarding Extreme Ghostbusters... I know of the show, know many people who worked on it, but I never saw it. Never saw much of Real Ghostbusters either, actually.

For more info on what I'd do to bring Gargoyles back, check the FAQ for my so-called Master Plan.

As for villains, I don't know how to answer this question generically. Do you have a specific villain you want to know about?

Response recorded on January 23, 2004

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julio writes...

hey greg

Do you know if gargoyles is gonna be on another chanel ecept toondisney

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on January 21, 2004

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Orin writes...

are all future gargolye projects dead at this point

Greg responds...

Let's just say "sleeping".

Response recorded on January 14, 2004

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Toastie writes...

Is Gargoyles Ever going to come back on-air

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on November 25, 2003

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Just wanted to say hi and ask something, I never really "wanted" to ask. I just hope Gorebash lets it in:
Do you still have "hope", and with that I mean are you... well... quite sure, that one day we'll get Gargoyles back? And if yes, do you think that it still will be Disney or maybe an independent corporation?
I just ask because I am quite sure, that Disney are to arrogant to put a show back on, that they just named as a "flop".
Well, Thanks for asking this hard question.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Let's start here. I don't think anyone at Disney ever labeled Gargoyles a "flop". They didn't think it was a home run, certainly, and because they had high expectations, they were disappointed in its performance, but no one ever would call it a flop. And in any case, there's an entirely different group of people in charge now.

They still air the show. Daily on Toon Disney. So it must do fairly well for them, even today.

For more details check the archives and FAQ, but, yes, I do think there's a chance that Disney will someday bring the show back in some way, shape or form.

Response recorded on November 13, 2003

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Roxz writes...

Where did you come up with such a good idea?
Are you going to start the show up again(If you do will you try toget it put on at a earlier)?

Greg responds...

Check the ASK GREG FAQ and Archives.

Response recorded on November 03, 2003

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Turbo writes...

Everyone is asking questions as if these Gargoyles spnoffs were on the air,(especially when they refer to specific characters and events) so is there some website that you are posting these spinoffs on, or am I just missing something here?
Also,are you really working on bringing those Garg spinoffs on the air or were they just ideas that you came up with while working on the show?

Greg responds...

Check the FAQ and archives here for more info on the proposed. (He says AGAIN.) It's the only place I've posted anything about them.

As to your second question, the answer is both. These were, largely, ideas that I came up with back in the day. But I'm still trying, periodically, to convince Disney to do one or more of these. I pick my times and my development executives, and so far I've met with no success, but I keep trying.

Response recorded on October 30, 2003

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julio writes...

sorry to bother you again greg but i wanted to know is there any chance gargoyles could come back on the air

Greg responds...

I like to think so.

Response recorded on October 30, 2003

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Chris writes...

Would you consider ever putting out any more "episodes" of gargoyles on the web as a continuation from the journey? If not, is there any fan fiction you would recommend as bbeing fairly close to what you had intended?

Greg responds...

I don't read any fan fiction at all as policy, so I can't recommend any, one way or another.

I'd love to find a way to continue Gargoyles and I'm still searching for that way...

Response recorded on October 07, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is something of a musing that I've been pondering for some time about your hinted-at plans to bring Prospero (and other characters from "The Tempest") into "Gargoyles" (it's more a ramble than a genuine question, actually). I was not the least bit surprised by your mention, when you first started up "Ask Greg", to include Prospero in "Gargoyles" somewhere; after all, a series that had already made use of "Macbeth" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in its framework would obviously have to bring "The Tempest" in somewhere as well. What I do find myself wondering, from time to time, is the role that Prospero (and Ariel and Caliban as well, if they were to show up - and it's obvious that they would also) would have played in the series, in relation to the other characters.

Because I noticed that the other major Shakespearean characters (Macbeth, Puck, the Weird Sisters, Oberon, and Titania) were actually made an important part of the framework of "Gargoyles", linked up strongly to the central and near-central characters. Macbeth and the Weird Sisters were part of Demona's story (explaining, in particular, how she survived from 994 down to the present day). Oberon, Titania, and Puck were part of Xanatos's story (or Titania at least as Fox's mother and Puck as Owen's true identity, not to mention that Oberon and Titania's attempt to kidnap Alex was what led to the end of the feud between Xanatos and the gargoyles). From this, I believe that we can safely presume that, when Prospero, Ariel, and Caliban would have shown up somewhere in the series (if it had only lasted that long), they would have likewise had strong links with the major characters in the series as part of the framework.

I won't ask what those links were, of course (I know that you don't want to reveal that yet, at least, not in this forum), but that's one reason why a part of me still hopes that you can find some way of continuing "Gargoyles" some day; I'd certainly enjoy finding out when/if that happens just where Prospero, Ariel, and Caliban fit into the Gargoyles Universe, and which major figures in the series they are linked to, at least initially (of course, everybody tends to wind up getting linked to everybody else anyway - Puck with Demona in "The Mirror", the Weird Sisters,Oberon and Titania with the Avalon clan, Macbeth with King Arthur, etc.)

Greg responds...

There's truly nothing I'd like to do more, professionally, than to find a true forum (in some medium) for bringing the Gargoyles Tapestry back. I have so many stories still to tell, including those involving Prospero, etc.

And just so you know, so you all know, I'm still working on it. I haven't given up.

Response recorded on September 24, 2003

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Katie writes...

Why was gargoyles canceled

Greg responds...

Check the FAQ, it'll lead you to here:


Response recorded on September 15, 2003

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RenegadeEXER writes...

Hey Greg,
What would you change and do if you were to start a new gargoyles project and what would it be?

Greg responds...

What would I change about what?

Whatever, I could sell.

Response recorded on September 09, 2003

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B.J. writes...

When is there going to be new Gargoyle shows on the air.

Greg responds...

I just refuse to answer this again. Check the darn archives or the FAQ.

Response recorded on August 26, 2003

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RenegadeEXER writes...

I there a way that you can continue the series in some form or fasion or obtain the rights to use the series from disney

Greg responds...

Sigh -- I have never stopped looking for ways to "continue the series in some form or fashion", but so far I have met with no success. I'm still trying. Cross your fingers.

Response recorded on August 26, 2003

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RenegadeEXER writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

The Gargoyles show is the only show that i can truely say will remain in my mind to have been produced by disney. I appreciate you creativity and input on a show of this kind.
My questions are:
Are there any plans at this time involving the Gargoyles series.
- What happend to the relationship between of Goliath and Elisa

- Did you really want to end the series the way you did when you did.

on a personal note the 3rd season skipped over me as the show and time changed along with the station that showed it but the hunter's moon series in my opinion showed the series in a light that wasn't always typical in a disney associated production, I guess thats why I liked it more.

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. I'm going to refer you to the archives or the FAQ for the answers to your questions. It's all been covered before.

Response recorded on August 22, 2003

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Deliha/Elisa Fan writes...

Hi I love the show Gargolyes but do plan on bringing the show back. If u do will it be a revamp of the show(Same charecters?) Or a new clan hopefully with Deliha.

Greg responds...

I'd love to bring the show back, as I've stated many times before. Take a look at the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive here at ASK GREG.

I like Delilah too, by the way.

Response recorded on August 08, 2003

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Sam writes...

If the series were to come back on, would the show acknowledge what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 since the world trade centers were in NYC?

Greg responds...

I know I've answered this before. Check the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archives here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on July 31, 2003

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gv-ne-ge-i writes...

Are there going to be new episodes of Gargoyles? That questions as probably been asked already, but I can ask again can't I?

Greg responds...

I guess.

And I hope someday in some form the answer is yes. But there are no current plans.

Response recorded on July 24, 2003

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Diego writes...

Why don't you throw a brick through Eisner's window, then when he looks at the brick, he sees it's not a brick, but a small statue of Goliath. Then he'll have no choice but to bring back the show.

Greg responds...

You must have taken Logic in school.

And I'd love to leave it at that, but I'd like to once again make the point that Eisner is not the bad guy keeping Gargoyles off the air. The decision making is no longer done at his level but at three or four levels down at least.

Response recorded on July 23, 2003

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Zira writes...

I know this is going to sound stupid, but are you ever going to make new episodes or a movie to see what happens between Elisa and Goliath? I mean like does she get transformed into a gargoyle permanently? And what about the gargs on Avalon, the New Olympians, Coldstone,Coldsteel, Coldfire, or the alien invaders the dude on Easter Island was supposed to protect Earth from?

Greg responds...


Try checking the ASK GREG archive "Bringing Gargoyles Back" for an answer to a question I've answered about 100 times.

Response recorded on June 20, 2003

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Aislinn writes...

I'm new to this site I'm a great fan of your show. This question may have already been answered in the past but I'm curious. Will there ever be any new shows or serious?I also wondered about the future gargoyle pictures that I saw were did they come from?

Greg responds...

I don't know where you saw future garg pictures... unless you're talking about the episode "Future Tense".

Otherwise, I'm just going to refer you to the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on June 19, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Mind telling us what the the opening monologues thingys are for Gargoyles 2198, Pendragon, New Olympians, Bad Guys, Timedancer and Dark Ages?

Just curious who would be reading the opening monologues for Pendragon, Dark Ages, G: 2198, Bad Guys, New Olympians and Timedancer?

Greg responds...

I totally don't know whether or if there would be opening monologues for these shows. That's a formatting issue, that I haven't begun to get into mentally, since none of them are happening at this time.

Response recorded on June 04, 2003

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Benjamin Gilbert writes...

Suppose, for the sake of argument, that Gargoyles came back on the air next fall, in a one-hour prime-time slot (i.e., potentially large mainstream audience). With you running the show.

How would you deal with continuity? It will have been several years since the beginning of the series, and you can hardly expect that more than a small percentage of your audience will have seen the original episodes. And you can't exactly open the show with "Previously, on Gargoyles: the clan and the Magus and sleep spells and Xanatos and Demona and Macbeth and the Weird Sisters and the Pack and the Coldtrio and City of Stone and Avalon and the Third Race and the World Tour and Fox and Alexander and Owen/Puck and Sevarius and the mutates and Derek Maza and the clones and the Hunters and Hunter's Moon." But if you ignore all those things, you're essentially starting the series over, with a blank slate. And it seems to me that there are limits to the amount of back-story that could be worked in gradually; for people who haven't seen The Gathering, for example, I'm not sure how you could explain Owen/Puck's situation without making it look artificial...


Greg responds...

Ah, ye of little faith. And ye, who doesn't check the archives to know that I've answered this BEFORE!!!!!!

Look, I'd treat the series as brand new with a new audience who knows nothing. I simply would be loyal to the already established continuity for the existing fans. I have faith, even if you don't, that I could work in the necessary backstory over time.

I also have been thinking about picking up more or less exactly where I left off. In 1996. I simply wouldn't date it or show shots with the WTC in it. That is, I'd save the dates for the hard core fans here on the internet. Eventually, we'd catch up to the present.

Ultimately, I haven't decided what I'd do. And I'm not going to unless or until it happens.

Response recorded on June 02, 2003

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alexandra writes...

is it true that gargoyles is coming back and if not is there a chance it ever will?

Greg responds...

Disney Home Entertainment is planning a release of the first season of Gargoyles on DVD in 2004. That's all that is currently planned, to my knowledge.

Is there a chance of more? Sure.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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Zelandonii writes...

Have you written any novels? Have you thought of writing one in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

I have written the first draft of a novella. I'm about halfway through the second draft, though to be honest, I haven't worked on it in almost a year.

I have started a number of other novels, without finishing them. It's an unfortunate fact that I have trouble motivating myself without an externally enforced deadline.

I would absolutely LOVE to write a Gargoyles Novel. A series of them, actually. I've got a number of stories in mind. All I need is an interested publisher. I can't justify writing a book based on a property I don't own without one.

Response recorded on May 21, 2003

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Meteo writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Do you see Disney's acquisition of Fox Family as increasing the chances for more Gargoyles? Thank you!

Greg responds...

Long term, perhaps.

Short term, no. I've inquired and they're not currently interested. Actually, the ABC Family guys were briefly interested in BAD GUYS. But their Disney Channel bosses put the kibosh on it.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something that I've occasionally wondered about the general "bring-back-Gargoyles" attitude that is so strong in the fandom. I've pondered, from time to time, the possibility that the general disappointment that nearly everybody in the fandom felt over the "Goliath Chronicles" may have been a major factor here, that one of the leading reasons why so many "Gargoyles" fans want the show to return is that they were disappointed with the episodes that followed "The Journey", and wanted to see the events following the gargoyles' revelation to the world and the formation of the Quarrymen done "correctly". Do you think indeed that this could be a major reason for this attitude?

Greg responds...

You got me.

I guess I hope it has more to do with what we did right in the first 66 episodes than what they did wrong in the last 12. But beggers can't be choosers. Whatever keeps the fandom going is good news.

And just a reminder, the BEST thing you can do as a fan is to attend one of the yearly Garg conventions. Info on this summer's con can be found at:


Response recorded on March 20, 2003

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Anthony Albert Kilgren Gutiérrez writes...


Greg responds...

Short answer: Not anytime soon.

For a longer answer, check out the archives.

Or better yet, attend the Gathering this summer in New York.

For info, check out


Response recorded on March 18, 2003

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The Cat writes...

Hey Greg,

Ok, this might be a bit of a wake up call to the rest of fandom, but I don't think that it is even a possibility to get Gargoyles back. I mean with there about to be a war and all. It is hard to tell. Perhaps later, but I don't think so.

If so, will The World Trade Center be in the show or not?
And, what would the gargoyles think about one of New york's buildings getting smashed to rubble?

Ok, Bye

Greg responds...

Well, with months of hindsight since you wrote your question, let me start by saying, obviously, that the two factors have little connection if any.

As to the WTC, it's presence would appear in any flashbacks dating before 9 Sept 2001. And would not appear in anything dated after that.

As for the gargs reactions, I think they'd be pretty obvious. With the exception of Demona, our cast would feel helpless and horrified. Angry, etc. Everything that the rest of us felt, I imagine.

Response recorded on April 29, 2002

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Airportman writes...

OK, Greg--

Don't laugh, but I have an idea about how to get Gargoyles back on the air. Here's the lowdown:

I've been looking through the archives, specifically the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" one, and I've come across a lot of questions like, "What can I do to bring Gargoyles back?" The answer, howerver, is always the same: "Write letters to Disney, or Buena Vista and ask for the show back, or petition a DVD release of the series." We all know letters are more efficient than emails at these sorts of things, but idividual letters won't do anything compared to an organized, letter-writing campaign. I'm guessing that most of the time you tell people to write in, they don't, because they don't have a clue as to where to start. No address or anything. I suggest that we organize a campaign right here on ASK GREG. I suggest that a new addition to the main page be added, with information about addresses and people to whom we should write. If this info were advertized on the Station 8 Gargoyles page, I'm sure all these people who read ASK GREG would write in; I know I would. Maybe we could persuade some of the other Gargoyles fan pages to advertize it too. I think if we concentrate on a few key Disney and Buena Vista addresses, and absolutely flood them with mail, the message might get through. I'd be willing to help coordinate the campaign, but to be honest, I don't know where to begin. I know you're not in charge of designing the page or anything, but I'm guessing whoever is is probably reading this. Tell me what you think of this idea; I think it can work.

Greg responds...

Lots of thoughts -- in no particular order...

1. Thank you for caring about this. It means a lot to me.

2. Don't count on the notion that Gore reads all these questions. He may not have seen this suggestion. If you're serious and want his help, contact him directly.

3. An organized letter writing campaign would be terrific. I would start with a small focus, a small goal. Get the series released on DVD. I'd recommend contacting Walt Disney Television Animation, Walt Disney (or is it Buena Vista) Home Video and Michael Eisner.

4. ASK GREG is definitely not the site to organize this. Sorry. But if the campaign seems to have been generated by me or by something so obviously connected to me, then it won't look like it's coming from the fans. It'll look like I'm being self-serving. (Which I suppose I am in a way, but it's best if we keep that between us.)

5. Airportman, if you're interested in coordinating this effort, then I say go for it and thanks. You say you don't know where to begin, but you seem to have outlined many of the steps above. You need to figure out (a) what to say, (b) where to send the message and (c) how to publicize the campaign so that you get as many people involved as possible. Good luck.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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This is something I wrote YEARS ago. But I don't think it's here in ASK GREG, or if it is, it's only in the old archives. Vash dug it up recently, and I thought I'd reprint it here, verbatim, I've added a few notes in [brackets]:

Life in the real world.

I know I've said this stuff before. Please read this carefully. I have a real fear that this might sound defeatist or condescending, but you can't possibly succeed in "saving" the show if you don't come to terms with these hard truths. I don't know what you've been told by other people. But I do know a few things about today's animation market. I've told you before that I did not believe that Gerry Leybourne was single-handedly responsible for not renewing the show. Dean Valentine is also not single-handedly responsible. Neither is Eisner. If the fans insist on looking for a VILLAIN to blame, they stand no chance. [Neither Leybourne or Valentine are at Disney anymore.] You say you're looking for a straight answer. But really you've been given and have ignored straight answers and what you are looking for is for simple answers. There are none. Here are some (but not all) of the many factors that have probably played into the non-renewal:

1) Quantity. A normal syndication package for any children's show is 65 episodes. If you don't make it up to 65 then you are considered something of a failure. If you make 65, then you have created a show that can have ongoing library use. That's a success. Anything above 65 is gravy and NO SHOW makes more than 65 episodes without significant financial incentive. They made 78 gargoyles (including Chronicles). The financial incentive for the last 13 was that ABC needed a boys action show with some "Marquee" attached to help fill out it's Saturday Morning line-up. You'll notice that no new episodes were made for syndication. There was no financial incentive in syndication. So they didn't make any more for syndication. [These days a syndication package can be as few as 39.]

2) Ratings. The ratings for Goliath Chronicles are, or so I'm told, lousy. Forget about the why for a moment, and just absorb this fact. If the ratings are lousy, we've just lost the financial incentive to make any more beyond the 13. On that level, Goliath Chronicles objectively failed. Gargoyles did a bit better in its day, but it never broke out and knocked down the competition. Aladdin did better business for Disney. And they're not making any more new Aladdin tv episodes either.

3) Shelf space. The Disney Afternoon, as we know it, is dead. The rise of FOX, the WB and UPN ate up almost all of the existing independent stations that aired the Disney Afternoon or (in lieu of the full two hour block) the individual shows that made up The Afternoon. We've known this was coming for awhile. Existing contracts kept the Afternoon alive through the end of this season. But after that it is gone in it's present form. Now, as I understand it, Disney has made a deal with Kelloggs to do a reduced version of the Afternoon. I think it's supposed to be an hour and a half long, with one new show and two library shows. The new show for next season is 101 Dalmations. For fall of 98, it's supposed to be HERCULES. There isn't room for new Gargoyles in syndication. ABC has similar problems. As a broadcast network, they've committed to air 3 hours of FCC/Kid friendly programming per week. That means 3 hours of their morning have to be reserved for that kind of programming, because unlike Fox, they don't have any other place in their schedule to air this FCC stuff. That only leaves them with about one and a half hours to fill their morning. They have an existing commitment to the Bugs Bunny cartoons that they air for an hour. That leaves them with one half hour slot to fill. Given Goliath Chronicles ratings, it just doesn't make sense to fill that one slot with a show that's failing, when you can take a chance on something new that might succeed.

4) Resources. The fans seem to regard Disney as this Giant that can do whatever it wants, and that's true up to a point. But Disney TV Animation has limited resources. There are only so many talented animators and storyboard artists out there. There's only so much money they can spend without profits to justify the expense. From Disney's point of view, Gargoyles had its shot. You and I may quibble about how that shot was handled. Whether it could have been handled better. I think everyone would acknowledge that mistakes were made. But not intentionally. EVERYONE at Disney wanted the show to be a huge success. IT WAS NOT. I wish I could tell you different. Creatively, I'm very proud of the show. We touched a substantial group of people. But an even more substantial group preferred POWER RANGERS on a consistent basis. They cleaned our clock. Disney has to decide how to allocate limited resources. If Gargoyles had 78 shots to be a hit, and didn't quite make it, you can see why they might think it's time to allocate their resources to something else.

5) Quality. Resources came into play with Goliath Chronicles. The decision was reached to allocate priority resources to shows and home videos that they believed had a better chance to break out. That's why Chronicles looks the way it does. In my opinion, the show is inferior to the original on almost every level. This doesn't mean that a lot of good people didn't work their butts off to make it as good as it could be. But limited resources result in limited success. The resource issue was the major reason why I walked away. I regret it now. The animation has been weak, but I should not have passed up the opportunity to tell twelve more of my stories. But that's spilled milk. Eric Lewald was under the gun from the moment he came on board the show. There wasn't adequate time to make the show at its previous quality level. There wasn't even adequate time for Eric to become as familiar with the show as I'm sure he would have liked to. I tried to help. I was paid to consult. But...

6) Time. Along with limited resources, the main reason Chronicles isn't up there is Time. The show didn't get a go ahead until late november '95. I began "The Journey" in December. Eric didn't really come aboard until January '96, as I recall. Look at where we are now. It's late February [1997]. Do you really want to see the GARGOYLES episode that would result if it started from scratch now and had to air in September [1997]? I WOULD NOT.

7) Expectations. I do believe that Disney in general views the show as a disappointment. They had tremendous high hopes for it. They rushed 52 episodes into production for it's second year despite my warning that they'd have to air a lot of reruns in between new episodes. The reruns, the weaker stations we were on and many other factors, including series content resulted in a solid but decidedly unspectacular performance. I do believe that the high expectations that many at Disney had for the show, led to greater disappointment in its real failure to break out and its perceived failure in general. That disappointment doesn't make a lot of people feel inclined to make more.

8) Strategy. O.k., I'm not at Disney anymore, so I'm not privy to their strategy meetings, but from outside observation, it doesn't seem like Gargoyles fits in their overall strategy plans. Maybe it never truly did. Now we can be mad about this. We can even try to change it. But first and foremost, we should be glad they made the show at all. Next we should realize that if it doesn't fit their plans, they aren't going to be too inclined to change them IN THE SHORT TERM.

9) Management. (The one I suppose you've been waiting for if you still insist on playing the blame game.) There has been a lot of management shake ups at Disney. Jeffrey Katzenberg, Rich Frank, Gary Krisel and Bruce Cranston all left. So did I. We were all supporters of the show. But Eisner didn't leave and he was a supporter too. I haven't talked to him recently. I don't know what he thinks about the show. Maybe he's disappointed. Maybe he's not. Maybe for him it's just the resource issue. Gotta take a shot with something new. Maybe he's not involved in this decision in a significant way. No way to know. But I wouldn't be so quick to label him a villain. It doesn't hurt to let him know that you love the show, but it can't help to blame him for its demise.

I don't know Gerry at all. I've never met her. I'm also a little vague on her responsibilities at Disney, thought I've heard she's responsible for scheduling ABC's Saturday morning. But before you blame her, or even guess at what she personally feels about the show, reread all the above, particularly the section on shelf space, strategy and ratings. Now she may not like the show. I have no idea. Neither do you. If she doesn't care for the show, I'd personally be curious to know what she bases her dislike on. Goliath Chronicles? Gargoyles? Both? Whatever, she's entitled to her opinion.

I've met Dean. I've heard that Gargoyles isn't his thing. I've heard that he believes that it may not be Disney's thing either. But I don't know any of that. And again, Dean's personal view of the show is, positive OR negative, way down on the list of reasons not to make more. See above.

Buena Vista. Mort Marcus ran Buena Vista at the time I left Disney. I have no idea if he's still there. Mort was a big early supporter of the show. He was also very disappointed when it didn't perform up to expectations. Buena Vista is taking its next shots with Dalmations and Hercules. But even if the Afternoon had survived, there wouldn't be any new episodes of Gargoyles in syndication. Look at the Disney Afternoon's history. A new show premieres with new episodes. Over the next few years, the reruns move down through the Afternoon. That's cause they couldn't afford the MILLIONS of Dollars that it would take to make new episodes for early time slots that don't deliver very many kids. If there aren't any (or many) butts sitting in front of the t.v. then advertisers don't want their products advertised there, in which case they don't pay much for commercials. So networks won't pay much for the shows, so the shows operate at HUGE budget deficits. Gargoyles operated at a huge deficit. Ultimately, I'm sure it will make an overall profit for the company. It may have already. But let's not pretend this was the LION KING.

Other divisions. Some did better than others. But no one is clamoring for more gargoyles product, so none of the other divisions are clamoring for more shows.


We begin by admitting, at least to ourselves, that in the short term, we lost the battle.

Then we go on and try to win the war.

We have one big chance and a general small chance. Both are long shots.

The Big Chance is the Touchstone Live Action Feature. If this ever gets made and if it succeeds, then there will be renewed interest in the show.

The general chance is that television is cyclical. He-Man rules until DuckTales comes along. Rescue Rangers rule until Batman comes along. Soft and quirky is big now. But times change. And Gargoyles has a marquee. (It's a trifle damaged, but it's real.) There's a chance it could come back.

The best thing we can do is keep the flame burning. Keep executives, particularly if there's any executive turnover, informed that there is a fan base for the property. Write letters to Buena Vista, to Eisner, to ABC, to Disney TV Animation, to Touchstone. Write letters to local stations, asking them to air reruns. Write letters to the Disney Channel for the same thing. If the reruns are airing in the U.S., we have a much better chance of someday making new episodes. Keep these letters respectful. Don't try to assign blame. My god, what difference does that make. If I thought it would help I'd take 100% of the blame myself. I certainly deserve some of it. Just let people know that you loved the show. Praise it's virtues. Show "Deadly Force", "Lighthouse..." and "The Green" at grade schools. Make the GATHERING a yearly event. Increase it's budget and scope on a slow and steady basis until it becomes an important event. (Don't try to get too big too fast. If you go bust early on, you won't get a second chance.) Keep the fan base excited about the show. (This to me is the main virtue to the whole fanfic thing, which I have many mixed feelings about. If it keeps the fans interested, great.) Don't let the fans marginalize themselves with hostility or esoterica. If they get territorial they keep new fans out. No new fans. No new episodes. Prove to Disney that you are part of that great consumer demographic that they are hunting for. BUY STUFF. Buy all the stuff you can find. Prove that the show can still make money for the company. Buy all the videos off the shelf. Then write Disney's home video division and have them make more. More copies of existing tapes and more episodes on tape. Show those taped episodes to new fans. Particularly young fans. Adults and college kids are great too, but if kids don't like the show, we are doomed. Try to convince Disney records to release Carl's music on C.D. Buy animation cells from authorized Disney dealers. Talk it up.

As for the petition, hell, make copies. Send it a lot of places. Buena Vista for sure. Don't worry about whether or not it's read cover to cover by the president of the division (Mort Marcus, I think). It'll make an impression. But I don't see why you shouldn't send it to Gerry too. Send it to Dean Valentine at Disney T.V. Animation. Send it to Barry Blumberg (at the same place). Have someone in every market send it to their local ABC affiliate. Gerry isn't giving you bad advice there. If the local stations want the show, they'll make their voices heard at the network. (But remember, you need locals to send it to local stations. A petition postmarked Newark won't be taken very seriously in Cleveland.) Send it anywhere you think it might help. But you might want to read it over first. If it's full of hostile and antagonistic attacks, then we've marginalized the petition. Also try to make sure that there's no doubling up. If people signed the petition twice and Disney figures that out, then they'll figure the entire document is compromised, and they'll freely ignore it. If it's a rational statement from real existing fans than I promise you it'll make a positive impression.

But I don't want to kid you. We are probably past the point of no return, at least for this coming fall [1997]. I appreciate that you refuse to give up, and I'm not telling you to. But if you want to save yourself some heartbreak, I think you might want to start focusing on the long term instead of the short term. Even if we could change everyone's minds overnight, we've all but run out of time to put new episodes of any quality on the air by September. I don't like saying that, but I figure it doesn't help anyone to beat around the bush.

Now let me say in advance that most of this won't work. Sorry. The odds are against us. I take some consolation in knowing I was involved with 66 episodes that I can be proud of. I told the stories I wanted to tell. Not nearly all of them, but many. I ended it with Hunter's Moon and Journey, in a way that gave us some small closure but left it open in case I get another shot. A shot I'm longing for. All this offers some consolation. I hope you and the other fans feel the same. It's something to hold onto through what's bound to be a LOT OF REJECTION. There are no guarantees that we'll ever get the show back on the air in any form. But what I've written above is the most practical plan I can think of. If I can help in any way, let me know.

Otherwise, Good Luck. You are going to need it.


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Lucy Valko writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman!
I am a great fan of your "Gargoyles" and the fact that the show has been stopped still (in 2001!) breaks my heart . Realistically, is there any hope of its ever coming back?

Also, I haven't been in North America in 1997 to see the final (so far...) "Gargoyles" season ("The Goliath Chronicles"), and it's not on the re-runs. Do you know where/how I could get a chance to see the last 13 episodes?

And one final question: the "Gargoyles-Fans" website contains "The Gargoyles Saga" which by plot goes far beyond the last tv episode. Does this Saga have any relation to what the actual show might have been if the series haven't been cancelled?

Thank you for your patience!
PS: PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE bring the gargoyles back !!!!
a heart-broken fan :(

Greg responds...

Thanks for being a fan.

Yes, there's hope. For a more complete answer check the ASK GREG archive "Bringing Gargoyles Back".

And no I don't know how to arrange for you to see the Goliath Chronicles. Sorry.

And no, I have nothing to do with The Gargoyles Saga, though I understand they've made use of certain things I have revealed. I haven't even read it.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Acheron writes...

hey there

Has it ever been proposed to you to purchase the rights to Gargoyles from Buena Vista TV? Perhaps start a fund the fans could contribute to in order to raise the money. After all, they sure don't seem to be doing anything with them.

Call it a suggestion I guess, but since it's not story related it's okay, right? ^_^; Just a thought.

Greg responds...

It's been suggested many times. Often right here at ASK GREG. Check out the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive.

It's not realistic. First off, Disney doesn't sell off it's animated properties -- EVER!!!

Second, if they did it would cost a fortune.

Third, they ARE developing (slowly) a live action movie. Whether or not that ever sees the light of day, you can see that Disney hasn't completely lost interest in the property.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

Sorry about all the questions, I just discovered the world of Garg fandom and am curious to learn about one of the best cartoons of my youth. But last one this month, I promise:
If Disney goes under, what would happen to the Intellectual property rights over "Gargoyles." And are there any other people (cartoonists, producers, Disney execs) that are as enthusiastic about bringing back the Gargs as you?

Greg responds...

There are a lot of pros who would love to bring it back. If Disney 'goes under' (a fairly ridiculous notion) than the property becomes one of their assets. Maybe after the bankruptcy court is done I can get it for a song, eh?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

What do you think the chances are of reviving the gargoyles series?
If you don't manage to revive it did you ever think of pitching to another company using the same characters shamelessly copied but changed to avoid lawsuits?
If you ultimately fail to make it a reality, would you ever consider releasing a series of original novels set in the universe?

Greg responds...

Long term, not bad. Short term, dismal.

No. For starters it wouldn't work, and I'm actually not that dishonest. Sorry.

I'd love to do original novels. Know any interested publishers?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
In an awnser, you've written some days ago, yoe've mentioned something, that got my interrest:
>>If anyone's confused about contradictions between TGC and the new stuff, they can check out the internet site that we will have to clarify all this stuff.<<
Well, in my memory, you've never mentioned this site, and I've also found no post or ramble about it. Can you please tell something about it?
OK, that's all. have a nice day.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Did you read the entire post or just the part you quoted?

I was talking about IF the series went back on the air, then we'd have a website to clarify all this stuff.

Or you can just ask questions here.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You realize of course that giving us vague information on future gargoyle stories and the six spinoffs only hypes gargoyles beyond proportion making it impossible for you to satisfy your audience or at least those who have read about the master plan. I mean some people are expecting your to deliver something rivaling Babylon 5 which is nearly impossible and also TGS and the other fanfics are also setting your vision so if you do something which will make the fanfic universes appear off track like that owen being puck thing then you'll alienate a lot of hardcore fans. Example of this is Star Wars fans who grew up on the sequel novels and comics which is in someway fan fanfiction since they aren't exactly canon are demanding the appearances or cameos of novel or comic characters in the prequel movies or the legitimazation of the non canon novels and comics.

1.Do you understand what I am talking about?
2.Have I changed your mind about revealing more secrets of the gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

1. I understand exactly what you're talking about and it's a fear of mine. But what's the alternative? Seriously? What?

2. I'm moody. Sometimes I'm in the mood, sometimes I'm not. I've given away too much already to pretend that stopping now will chill the effect you're discussing.

On the other hand, almost EVERYONE knows that I have a policy to not read any FANFICTION including TGS, so I don't think anyone's expecting, say, Jericho (who I've heard of but never read about) to appear in Gargoyles should it come back. I'm not going to legitimize anyone's anything except my own, because I can't. The fans know this. So I'm not particularly worried about alienating them by not including their creations.

On the other hand, disappointing them is a very real possibility.

As for 'rivaling Babylon 5' -- I'm uninterested in competing. All I want is to have a chance to tell my stories. Some of the shock value, the surprise, is gone. But if you liked how I told the first 66 stories, than I think you'll like how I tell the rest. Even if you're more aware of what's coming.

Response recorded on September 03, 2001

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Phil writes...

Another little ramble.

The last page of the Gargoyles 2198 proposal is more about the business side of the show. You wrote that WB has DC and Marvel is piecing out its characters; Disney has nothing to compete, "but Gargoyles was designed to be that competition."

I've been thinking about that statement and it does seem odd to me that Gargoyles is one of the few properties that Disney isn't taking full advantage of. Their animated features have be released and re-released on video and it seems that every new release is followed relatively quickly by a direct-to-video sequel and/or an animated series. They're even giving the sequel treatment to classics like Lady and the Tramp and Cinderella.

I wonder what it is about Gargoyles that prevents Disney from giving it similar treatment.

Greg responds...

Well, you don't see Darkwing getting that treatment either.

There generally hasn't been as much support for believing in their tv properties.

Also, I think they still, STILL, don't quite no what to make of or do with Gargoyles.

Do I believe they are missing a bet? Absolutely. But the climate to change their minds hasn't surfaced yet.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Meteo writes...

Dear Me. Weisman,

You recently mentioned that the most pragmatic thing to do currently would be to petition Disney for a DVD release. Who and/or what departments at Disney would you suggest writing to? Thank you!

Greg responds...

I'm not 100% sure, actually.

Buena Vista Home Video, perhaps.

Walt Disney Television Animation.

Starting points...

Response recorded on August 24, 2001

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zakhur writes...

I know you've been asked this before, but because I don't know if it has changed, what else can fans do, to try to get Gargoyles back?

Greg responds...

As I've said, the best thing they can do is attend the Gatherings. Nothing tops that.

But if anyone wants to initiate a worldwide snail mail letter campaign, I'd currently emphasize putting the series out on DVD. That's a realistic short term goal that would contribute to our overall goal.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Do you consider the Gargoyles show to have come to enough of a close to be carried on by Spin offs, or would you want to tie off more lose ends? Basicly I asking if the show came back, would you rap up Gargoyles, or go straight to Timedancer or Pendragon?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters I'd take what I could get. I'd love to do more Gargoyles AND TimeDancer AND Pendragon AND etc.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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(handel)Luna Wyvern writes...

Why was Gargoyles canceled off the air?
Will it ever be on ever again?
Can I do something about this situation?

Greg responds...

Start by taking a look at the archives for a good answer.

At this point, I might suggest that the most pragmatic thing people could do is to petition Disney for a DVD release. Politely.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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Q writes...

Will the gargoyles series ever be available on DVD?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Rob Irwin (the Sloth) writes...

1. were all the episodes in TGC a "mutation" of your ideas.

2. You said before that if the show started agian, you would discard these eps. Does this mean you would use the same ideas that were put in thoes shows but make it the way you wanted to?

Greg responds...

1. It seemed that way. Though some were mutated to the point of unrecognizability.

2. I think so.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Wingedbeast writes...

With regards to bringing back Gargoyles episodes.

A. I'm all for your choide to get rid of TGC. The show went way downhill from that, probably because Disney decided story arc and evolving characters was too much quality.

B. To who's ass do I email a kick saying "Bring Gargoyles back into production"?

Greg responds...

Well, no one. NOt with that attitude. A hostile letter is going to be ignored as a crank. If you're interested in helping, then a reasoned appeal might help a little. But an organized letter writing campaign would help more. NOTE: Letters. Not e-mails.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Blah writes...

Okay... I know that you mostly thought up Gargoyles, but it is essentially owned by Disney right?

You've said that you had this grand plan to continue Gargoyles and have a bunch of nifty spin offs and such, and that you still hope for this to happen one day. What my real question is, if Gargoyles does eventually get the chance to be continued, would the company producing it *have* to be Disney, or could another company not associated with Disney take over?

Greg responds...

It's not essentially owned by Disney.


It would have to be Disney unless Disney allowed someone else to do it. Realistically, the latter won't happen.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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kim writes...

why don't you put the show on ABC.Because some people that hade Toon D. and loved Gargoyles and don't have it no more. wuold greatly like it if you would put the show on ABC or CBS. the bigest fan of gargoyles please!!! please:)

Greg responds...

Not up to me. Right? Not. Up. To. Me.

I'm glad you're a big fan. But you might try reading the archives on "Bringing Gargoyles Back".

Response recorded on April 09, 2001

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Lilly writes...

why don't you put the show on ABC

Greg responds...

Why don't you? You've got as much clout as I do, certainly.

Response recorded on April 09, 2001

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MR writes...

Where are reruns of Gargoyles shown in New York City?

Greg responds...

Toon Disney, maybe?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Wouldn't it be cool if gargoyles was done in amine?

Greg responds...

Do you mean "anime" or maybe "mime"?

And what exactly do you mean by that? Do you want bigger eyes?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Cleo writes...

Do you think Gargoyles will ever come back on the air?and if so will there be more episodes on the Goliath-Elisa relationship? P.S.Gargoyles ROCK!

Greg responds...

Yes, I hope so, and yes, I hope so.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I agree with Chris Maune's post. Gargoyles on the Cartoon Network would be a great thing! It would give a chance for some healthy "American animation" to replace some of that mindless Japanese anime that is polluting the minds of our younger generations in the Toonami block. Kids these days just don't know good cartoons when they see them...

Greg responds...

If you say so.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Chris Maune writes...

As you have mentioned in your responses before, Disney would never sell the rights to Gargoyles to another network (and I am not saying I would want them to), but would they let another network air episodes of a Disney produced Gargoyles?
You have mentioned before that Toon Disney does not currently have the budget to air original series and it does not look to me like the current Disney Channel line-up has anywhere Garoyles would really fit in. It seems Gargoyles would fit in well thought in something like Cartoon Network's Toonami block (I know you said before Gargoyles on Cartoon Network would never happen, but that was almost a year and a half ago). Since Disney let USA air Gargoyles before do you think there is any chance Disney would allow Gargoyles to air on Cartoon Network now (and vice-versa that there is any chance Cartoon Network would air a Disney produced series)?
I was wondering if there was a chance if it would be any help to petition, etc. Cartoon Network's Toonami, or somewhere else, to order episodes/new episodes of Gargoyles to air from Disney. (I would come to The Gathering if I could, maybe in a couple years when I have some money)
Also, I wanted to apoligize for not labeling my last post Gargoyles 2198 Contest.
Thank you!

Greg responds...

Actually Toon Disney will soon be airing their first "original" series, i.e. non-rerun series: TARZAN. Based on the movie, it's an action show with humor. If it does well, that may open up opportunities.

But I don't see any real chance that Disney will allow another corporate entity to air original episodes based on characters that are their property. Briefly letting the reruns go to USA is one thing. Taking the chance that someone else will have a smash with their property (thus making them look foolish) is something else.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Matt writes...

Hey, is there any chance of the gargoyles show being brought back to life?


Greg responds...

Yes. See the archive entitled: "Bringing Gargoyles Back".

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Baal writes...

At times, have you considered NOT working on new Gargoyles stuff and just leaving the series as is? I would understand if you gave up, tho I'd be a little disappointed (among others). It would be a shame, but thats life. Tho it seems like you've come close already with one of the spin offs.

Greg responds...

Sometimes I think it would be more healthy if I just gave up. Then if it came back it would be a pleasant surprise.

But I can't give up. Just can't.

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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Vic writes...

If the Gargoyles property was bought from disney by some other company, if they asked you to work on it, would you? Would there be certain stipulations?

Greg responds...

Yes, of course I would. But that's NEVER going to happen.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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SEM writes...

Given what you learned from STARSHIP TROOPERS and MAX STEEL -- if you were told that you could do GARGOYLES again but only if it could be done in 3D Animation would you? Do you think GARGOYLES could even work in 3D?

(I know it's a hypothetical, but this was the main selling point that got VOLTRON back on the air after 10 years as VOLTRON: THE THIRD DIMENSION for 26 episodes.)

BTW for the person who asked what program MAX STEEL is rendered in -- I know Netter Digital (now defunct) used Lightwave, and that Foundation Imaging used Lightwave for season one (as well as for the work they did on STARSHIP TROOPERS). I presume its still being used for the current season but not sure. Lightwave's major competitor is a program called Maya.

Sorry if I wandered too far off topic, Greg, but since I knew this came up thought I'd answer it for the archives.

Greg responds...

Yes, I think Gargoyles could work in 3-D. And if that was my only option for bringing it back, I'd jump at the chance.

If I had multiple options, however, I'd use the animation style that best suited the subject matter of the series.

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering.
1) In the event Gargoyles makes a come back would you try to re-do the episodes from "TGC" that still held basic ideas that you wanted to work with?

I read that some of the episodes were actually supposed to happen, but that they were made differently.

2) Or would those episodes just be considered spilt milk?

Thank you

Greg responds...

1. One way or another, yes. But they were so different, you might not even be aware I was REDOING. For example, if I hadn't told you about the connection, would you recognize "TimeDancer" in "Runaway".

2. Yeah, that too.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Greg James writes...

Hi there

You have a lot of questions to answer already so I'll try to be brief but I doubt I'll succeed.
How did the Gargoyles series come to Disney? Did you aproach them?
Also, Disney has cancelled some fantastic shows in the past, what was the reason for them cancelling Gargoyles, and will it ever come back in series or movie form?

On www.imdb.com there is a Gargoyles movie with the date 1999 on it but no other info? Which one is this?

Lastly, I think we should storm the Disney execs and get them to release the Gargoyles series and movies on Special edition DVD'S! Sometimes I just can't understand their thinking!


Greg responds...

I was already working for Disney as a development executive when my team and I created and developed the show.

As to why it was cancelled and whether it will come back...

I've answered that so many times. Did you even glance at the archives?

Briefly, it was cancelled because the syndication package was complete and the third season (on ABC) performed poorly in the ratings. And I do hope it will come back and am working conscientiously to bring it back.

I don't know what imdb.com is. So I have no response to that question.

"Storming" isn't such a good idea. But petitions wouldn't hurt. But I'll tell you, the best thing you can do is to attend the Gargoyles convention this June in Los Angeles. If we get a high enough attendance, we'll invite the Disney Execs and let them see first hand what a huge following the series has.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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demona writes...

if the show where to come back on the air would u be appart of the show ?

Greg responds...

I got that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

what i ment was S.O.G.(save our gargoyles)? sorry did'nt finish last question

Greg responds...

I got that.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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save our gargoyles writes...

hi have u herd of my group S.O.G.?

Greg responds...

Sort of. I think I saw a mention of it in the Comment Room, right?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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demona writes...

i herd from someone that there was some consideration for geting the show back on is that true?

Greg responds...

There is no official plan for that at this time. But I have hopes, and I am pursuing those hopes on at least three fronts. One way everyone can help is by attending (or supporting) the annual gargoyles convention: THE GATHERING. This year's convention is in Los Angeles. We have over twenty-five guests scheduled to appear from the cast and crew of the show, including Star Trek's Marina Sirtis (the voice of Demona) as well as the voice actors who portrayed Brooklyn, Owen, Broadway, Lexington, Hudson and Angela, among others. We also have many members of the crew coming. Artists, directors, producers, composer, etc. And we're not done recruiting guests. You really don't want to miss this.

And if our attendance goal of 500 is reached, we'll be bringing current Disney execs to the con, to give them a sense of JUST WHAT they're missing, by not putting Gargoyles back on the air.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
At first, I like to wish you a happy Xmas. Now the question:
If Gargoyles ever gets back (and I hope so), will you get in more things for the older fans, like love scenes and things like that?
CU, John
P.S.: Is it allowed to ramble about The Goliath C`s?

Greg responds...

I suppose it's allowed to ramble about Goliath Chronicles, but I'd prefer you didn't.

As to your question, John, it sorta depends what you mean. If you mean sex scenes, than obviously not. If you mean will we deepen the budding romances between various characters, than yes.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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GuardianX writes...

Are there any plans at all to continue Gargoyles? A movie, picked up by another station, has Disney come to its senses?

Also, if the show had continued, what was the direction the Goliath/Elisa thing was going to go?


Greg responds...

Check the appropriate archives.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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demona writes...

GREG DO U THINK if the show would have continued that there would be vmore romance? if so who would be together?

Greg responds...

Always, there is romance.

Anything else would be telling.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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JADE writes...

Percent-age wise what's the chace of Gargoyles coming back on the air. Is they do come back will the Gargoyle voices still be the same? Will add any new Gargoyles? If so what might be their names? Would it be a female or a male?

Greg responds...

I see no point in trying to quantify this thing. But down the long haul, I think the odds are good that the show will come back. In the short term, not good at all.

If it comes back and I'm in charge we'll be using as many of the original cast as we feasibly can.

There will be some new characters, I'm sure. A lot depends on what form the bring back comes in.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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JADE writes...

Do you have any plans for the future as far as trying to get the Gargoyles back on the air? I mean have you talked to anyone within the last year or so about it? If so or not what do you think the % is of haveing Gargoyles come back on? If they were to come back on would you re-play sesons one and two and make up a new third seson, or keep the third seson the way it was?

Greg responds...

I am working conscientiously toward getting the Gargoyles Universe going again. I'm not in a positition to discuss details at this time. But I'm attacking the problem on multiple fronts with multiple people. (I know this sounds like vague baloney, but it's not.)

As I've mentioned recently, I haven't decided what to do about Goliath Chronicles, but my current leaning (and that's all it is) is to dump those episodes, and use the internet to handle any questions that arise out of that decision.

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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JADE writes...

Hey Greg!
Um, I was just wondering, I heard a rumor at school that Gargoyles would start back up again of Kids WB, is that true? My freind said she heard it on her T.V., on the Disney Channel---is that true? (I don't have the Disney Channel) I hope so!

Greg responds...

No. Sorry.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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demona writes...

just information from the inside i have a clan of my own they are me demona anglia titanya and elisa aney information would help in our quest and i bet u have herd this befor i will not give up i never have given up on aneything in my life and i will not stop now

Greg responds...

Uh, great.

(Was there a question in there?)

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Well, you have understood me wrong in my last question. I`ve ask you about what spin-off you would choose, if there is too less money, and you could only create one. You thought, I meant even to less for one. But I don´t meant that. I meant, there is only enough money for ONE spin-off show. So you could create one with all the voice actors, special efects etc., but only ONE. So, Which one would you choose?
Hope, now you´ve undertsood me.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Yes. Now I understand.

Right now, it feels like the answer is 2198, because I'm immersed in that. But honestly, I don't care. I just want to get back into these characters, this universe. I'll take anyway in that I can get.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Lets say, you get the show back, but Disney (or whoever got the show then) says, you could only make one of your spinoff shows, because of a verry low budget. Which one would you take?
CU, John
P.S.: Thanks for the awnsering of the question with the Wyvern-Gargoyle.

Greg responds...

Wait... the one spin-off will have a very low budget? So I'm making my decision based on which show would work the best on the least money?

That's not a fun hypothetical even if I liked hypotheticals.

Which I don't. Sorry.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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demona writes...

greg do u want to get the show back

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Alexandra Freeberg writes...

please let gargoyles be back on the air i will do aney thing e-mail me at avalon@rome.com

Greg responds...

I'd do nearly anything myself. But I don't control the property. Again, Alexandra, if you really want to help than PLEASE attend the GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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John Edward writes...

Hey Greg,...I am a Gargoyles Fan, and i wanna know about some future proyect, you know, like a movie or more Chapters of the serie......Thanx a million

Greg responds...

There's a live-action movie in development at Touchstone Pictures (a division of the Walt Disney Company). I hope to bring the series back in one form or another some day. And I'm working to that end.

The best way you can help is by attending the Gathering 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Aaron E. writes...

Thanks for answering all out questions Greg, mine is somewhat production related. I'm not real familiar with the way Disney handles it's licenses, but It's occured me (and perhaps a hundred others I'm sure) that the possibility exist to see if the License for Gargoyles could be sold to another studio, such Warner Brothers, or Paramount. While the inherent dangers exist of production control being in flux, it might be a start to possibly getting Gargoyles back on the air. Any thoughts on that? Thanks :)

Greg responds...

I think it's beyond unlikely.

First off, I doubt Warners would want it. (And Paramount doesn't even have a studio.) But also, Disney doesn't risk letting others be succesful with their animated product. They'd look too foolish.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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chris writes...

why don't you make more gargole shows i really enjoyed them please repond at cobra89y@aol.com

Greg responds...

Suddenly, we've got either a whole new set of fans here, or else one person with a lot of aliases.

Anyway, see my last few responses.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Cjay writes...

I was just wondering if you are going to make any more gargoyels its one of my favorite shows please keep making them

Greg responds...

I hope to some day.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Damien writes...

Disney Channel UK has just introduced Toon disney UK and tahat means gargoyles is back on in the UK!!! And instead of being on in the middle of the night, they're showing two episodes a day at 6:00. Who know's with the Friday the 13th gargoyles marathon in America and gargoyles returning to televisions in the UK, that we may someday see new gargoyles episodes on our telvision screens.

Greg responds...

I hope so. Keep the faith, offer praise when Disney does something with the show. And attend the Gathering!!

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Selen writes...

im a big fan of yours and i love gargoyles. im begging you to please make more. i get addicted to watching them like when i read Harry Potter books.(BIG compliment)i like mermaids and gargoyles. i wish i could give you a suggestion but i want you to read this. i will never see, ever have any of your merchandise (i do want some though), but i want to tell you that i love the work. keep new gargoyles coming on tv.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Unfortunately, Disney isn't making anymore right now. But some day...

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

i keep hoping that disney will do an all day thing on toon disney of gargs, but im afraid ill miss it. (i dont have TV til i move back in with my parents, next weekend). the thing is theres no way they can fit all the eps, even of season2, in 24 hours. SO:

when we ALL go to G01 is our ONLY focus to be getting gargs back under your belt? or can we fall back on "well if you wont make new eps can we PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE have the second season on tape?"

Greg responds...

We'll take whatever we can get.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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The Mighty Thor writes...

Hey just a question that i was thinking about
With all the talk of starwars (don't worry this question ain't about SW) it made me think, well we all love the original SW-tri. just like we love the 66eps of Gargoyles for us fans it's like a part of culture, well for me it is, and I have read the SW books 80+ and, well SW isn't the same I don't like the idea that Luke, Han, and Leia will grow old and die, latter in the books Chewie dies!!! For some reason I don't want the same thing to happen to Goliath and the trio and Elisa, don't get me wrong but in order to do all this continuing of the story our original cast is gonna grow old and die, personaly I'm glad that the show was stoped, not cuz it was bad, but because it was one of my favorite shows and had great characters and everything, and I don't want to SEE it die.
This probably sounds like sacrliage but I just thought I'd speak my mind. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Not sacrilege at all.

But if you trust me, I think you'll find that it can be wonderful to see characters grow, change, even age, and (in a horrible way) maybe even die, if the deaths seem "right". Plus new characters are always going to be introduced. New characters born. Etc. Kinda like life.

One of the things I'm sure you liked about the first 66 episodes was the way the characters evolved over time and stories. If you liked that, I'm betting you'd like what follows.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Heather N. Allen writes...

When someone mentioned that "Gargoyles" had been reduced to only one episode on Toon Disney, you replied:

"They were showing two as recently as a month ago. Are you sure?"

Well, I'M sure. Sure as heck irritated, too. I think it had to do with them bringing the "Hercules" animated series onto the Toon Disney bandwagon, so they did LOTS of rescheduling. The 'rock block' of Gargs is no more, having been reduced to one ep at 9:30pm CST, and the same ep repeated at 12:30am CST. This especially sucks, since I was just about to start recording them. Now it's gonna take twice as long! :(

Can you suggest anyone in particular to write to in order to get this 'problem' fixed? Edited or not, I want an hour!!


Greg responds...

No. I no longer know anyone there. And I'm not sure it's worth the letter writing campaign. Save your energy. I may need it later.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Greg writes...

Ok, so I'm quite new to this. I'm from South Africa and we only got one season of Gargoyles and then I bought the feature film (Heroes Awaken)That's all I've seen. I love it, they are all brilliant. I was wondering as I always do wether there were any plans to release the series (in full) and all the movies on DVD. Come on, you know you want to!!! mickeyandme@hotmail.com

Greg responds...

I know _I_ want to. Not up to me. The first season was released on video. The movie you rented, plus four other tapes with two episodes each covering all 13 eps of the first season.

But as far as I know, Disney has no current plans to go beyond that. But we're gonna try and change their minds, particularly at this summer's Gathering in L.A. I know South Africa is pretty far away, but how 'bout making a family vacation out of it?

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Dracolich writes...

OK, I've spent the last couple of hours hunting through the Bring Gargoyles Back page. I know what is needed to bring the series back. But here's a short-term question. What is the proccess of getting a television channel to air a syndicated show? I say this because I don't have either of the Disney channels, and considering my current standing with my parents, they won't be willing to fork out MORE money for more stations or satellite service. Perhaps a more general-audience channel, like the failing Fox, or maybe even Scifi, would attract a more general audience and increase viewership. So, who do I have to write to?

Greg responds...

The process is very complicated. But going on Fox and/or SciFi wouldn't BE syndicating.

Syndicating, as I understand it, is market by market, making deals with local stations or station groups. That means you might be on Fox in, say, New York. But in Miami you might be on the WB, and in Dallas UPN. While in L.A. you might be on an unaffiliated independent station.

Syndication is almost dead for kids programming however because Fox, WB and UPN ate up most of the independent stations and station groups. Today's syndicators have a devil of a time "clearing" stations (i.e. getting stations) in a high enough percentage of the country to make the show financially worth pursuing.

Disney currently has five or six distribution outlets for their tv animation.

1. ABC Saturday Morning.

2. UPN Afternoons. (They have a deal with UPN, at least for the time being. In part this came out of the fact that Disney TV Animation was run for a time by Dean Valentine, who then left to become the boss at UPN.)

3. Disney Channel.

4. Toon Disney. They don't currently have the budget for original programming, though that could change over time. And they will be the U.S. home for the new TARZAN series. But they didn't pay the big bills for that.

5. Foreign. Markets outside the U.S. have slightly different wants. They loved Aladdin. I hear gargoyles did fairly well. They payed the bulk of the tab for Tarzan.

6. Home Video.

It is highly unlikely that Disney would sell an animated series to either Fox or SciFi. (Especially Fox.)

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg:)

If "Gargoyles" ever comes back on the air (new ep's I mean) what do you think would be a good way with dealing with the time loss? IE: Gargs was doing a fair job of fallowing OUR universes time line. Is that 'universe' currently frozen time wise? Example: We get new ep's of 'Gargoyles' in 2002..would it still be 1996 on the show?

probably a dumb Q..I doubt you would skip all that time..but still

Lexy ^-^V

Greg responds...

Most likely, on the air, I would just set it in a vague "contemporary" time. But on the internet, I'd let the fans know it was still 1996, at first. Then quickly, much more quickly than we went back then, I'd bring us up to a truly contemporaneous time. Most of the audience wouldn't know, notice or care. The Fandom would be given the inside scoop on the net. By the end of the First-Season-Back, we'd be back to being in step (more-or-less) with the airdates.

At any rate, that's my current plan.

The net frees me up to do things, that I wouldn't have thought possible four years ago.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Spells writes...

Hey Greg,

are you planning to make any new eps?

Greg responds...


But you might check the archive here "Bringing Gargoyles Back" for a more complete answer.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

This is a question, and a ramble as well. :)

If the show comes back on the air, will it have the same title? Would the show be called "Gargoyles" or end up with another title just like, dare I say, "Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles"?

I hope it is titled "Gargoyles." Most of the shows that are renamed for reasons unknown to me, end up with idiotic titles that include the word "adventure" in one way or another. Those kinds of titles make the show look idiotic, or simply for kids, even if the show is good.

For example, "The New Batman/Superman Adventures." It deals with lunatics, with a dark city, but the title makes it look childish, like it was meant for kids only and not for young adults as well.

Yes, the dreaded word in titles: "adventure." Every time I see that word in a title I cringe. I don't know why, I just do.

There are also other words that can make a show look childish. Such as: "new," "fantastic," and of course, the word "man" after an adjetive, verb or noun. "Batman," "Superman," "Iron Man," "Spider Man," "X-Men".. I could go on and on.

I like shows with short titles; titles that get to the point and are easy to write. And not only shows, but with fanfics, even artists.

If I can't come up with a one-word title for something, I always try to shorten it to two words. Strong, dramatic words that explain the whole thing. :)

There was, and I think there still is, a show on Kids WB with the longest name of them all. "The Cat and Birdy Warneroonie Pinky Brainy Big Cartoony Show." Or something close to that. I think they changed it later on to "Cat and Bunny Superloonie Pinky Brainy Big Cartoony." It was so confusing..

I admit it was amusing to hear those characters sing that name over and over again, along with the little rhymes, but it gets old quickly, doesn't it?

Long words, along with titles, can, at times, be fun. For example, Mary Poppin's Supercalifragilisticespialidocious. :) I used to sing along with her and her friends. Just that word, over and over again. I could never sing the rest of the song, because, well, my English wasn't good enough to understand the whole thing. [laughs]

Back to "Gargoyles." Short title, and it goes right to the point. Not to mention that the word "gargoyle" alone sounds very dramatic and gothic, just like the show itself. :)

Ooh, I'm rambling. Well, back to the questions. :)

1) Will Gargoyles have the same title if it comes back on the air?

2) And if it doesn't, will it have a dramatic and short title?

3) If not, will it have the word "ADVENTURE" on it? [prays that you say yes to #2]

I think odyssey is the best replacement there is for the word "adventure," but that's just me. :)

Anyway, thank you for your time, Greg. :)

Greg responds...

1. Obviously, there's no way for me to know that now. But assuming we're not doing a spin-off series, that would be my first choice. As I'm sure you know, I'm fond of one word titles myself. (Although, I hope I'm not quite as rigid about it.)

2. No, a flacid paragraph.

3. That was sarcasm up in two.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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DarkElf writes...

Will Gargoyles Ever Return either to TV or to Video?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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aXvXia writes...

*hope you enjoyed the gathering cause i couldnt go! poop!*

I know what you're thinking, mr. weisman: "NOo! Not another August 7th post! I'm just one man, dammit!" i totally sympathize with you, but i just have to ask:

**How much money (on average) would you say it took to produce an average episode of gargoyles with the normal character cast having speaking parts??
I just wanted to know, cause i know alot of people who would, if they knew where to send it, give money to see GARGOYLES back on the air.

Thanks for your time and efforts Mr.Weisman, and if there is anything you need for me to do for you (posts,etc) just say so in your answering post.

Greg responds...

You mean just the voice recording or the entire episode?

If the latter, it cost just under half a million dollars per episode.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

It is so nice to see my own questions answered. Especially when I know I posted my first few in a rather large batch and should have more to look forward to shortly. Thank you.

In answer to my question you wrote- "I haven't given up in any way, shape or form. I'm still in there trying to come up with ways to bring the show back in some, well, way, shape or form. In fact, I've got a new nefarious plan in the works now with Doug Murphy, a former GARGOYLES (and BAD GUYS) storyboard artist. Too soon to talk about now, but give me time."

Well I certainly hadn't thought you had given up- just that you didn't have much in the way of hope. I am glad neither is true. And as or evil and/or nefarious plans… well those are always good. As soon as you are willing to share them I am ready and willing to hear them.

As you said, the fans have not given up either. I wish I could go to the convention. There is only the very slimmest chance. I would have said no chance, but dangling guest artists in front of me is a real temptation. Still, I will start informing the Dreamer Clan, (and anyone who might listen), about the importance of the LA con.

Greg responds...

I have (at minimum) a three-tiered plan right now.

The main way you guys can help is -- here he goes again -- by attending the GATHERING 2001 in Los Angeles next summer.

But I also have two other things in the works that I hope to unveil between now and then. Or at the latest at the convention itself.

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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