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Gengar writes...

What happened to Max Steel's Parents?

Greg responds...

His mother died in a boating accident. His father died in an explosion -- or at least that was my original plan. I don't know what the new team has in mind, if anything.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Nillaberry2000 writes...

Hi Greg! I have one major question. What is going on between Max, Rachel, and Laura? I'm so confused about the whole situation. If you could please answer this one question, it would be greatly appreciated:) Thank you so much!!

Greg responds...

Well, it might help if they aired the episodes in order...

And now that the new seasons' starting, I have no idea what they have planned.

But in the thirteen I did...

Josh was dating Laura since before he got his powers and became Max. After becoming Max, he was teamed with Rachel, who he was physically attracted to, at a minimum. Josh was still dating Laura but there was now an entire chunk of his life he couldn't share with her. And in fact, to cover his dual identity, he was now standing her up and lying to her on a regular basis.

Among his lies, was one where he described Rachel as an old lady. When Laura found out that wasn't true, she got very jealous, but Josh talked his way out of that.

Later, during an adventure that brought up a lot of painful memories for Josh/Max, he kissed Rachel. They both immediately regretted it. It screwed up Team Steel. They got passed it, but Max felt guilty enough that he (Josh) eventually told Laura. She broke up with him. Wouldn't talk to him. So he tried to ask her out as Max. (And that's where I left off. Don't know what the new team plans. If anything.)

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Kayless writes...

1. With all the Star Trek actors doing voice on Gargoyles, was John 'Q' DeLancie ever considered for a role? I personally consider Q a trickster.

Greg responds...

1. John, who is great, did a role for us on Max Steel, as L'Étranger. It's possible that he was briefly considered for a roll on Gargs, but nothing that sticks out in my mind.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Ashley AkA NeoGold2000 writes...

Hey Greg.

Max Steel is my fav show, and I've been watching it sense the first season. My question is:

Is Josh's last name McGrath -or- Geraurd? Because I was watcing the show and Max groaned about "Another Geraurd" When he was on vacation with Laura

Greg responds...

His last name is McGrath.

Guerard is his English Lit professor. When he said "another Guerard" he was referring to the Prof. And in fact these other Guerard's turned out to be his professor's sons.

Sorry, if that wasn't clear. (Did you miss the first few minutes?)

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Laura 'ad astra' Ackerman writes...

I while back I asked about the Ntek company emblem in Max Steel, a thumbs-up. I noticed it had four digits, namely 3 fingers and a thumb and asked if it was a Gargoyles reference or in-joke. You nit picked on my grammar and asked if I was saying a thumb had four digits. Here is take two- that hand with four digits instead of the human average of 5- were you having fun there, or was that somebody else's doing.

Greg responds...

The logo was designed by Mattel before I got involved, so whatever it is, it's not a gargoyle in-joke.

Sorry about the nit-pick.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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MXONE writes...

Hiya, I was just surfin' around, and I found this. I had a couple questions.
1. Why'd ya have to make Mairot the DREAD spy?! I liked him!
2. Psycho is Josh's dad, isn't he?

Greg responds...

1. I liked him too. And in my continuity, he wasn't a Dread spy. He was going undercover. But I don't know what the new regime plans to do. If anything.

2. No. Not in my version of the show.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Coyote the Bando writes...

Oh, and just for good measure, one Max Steel question based on something I noticed in your reply to the question about the production company ...

Was it a conscious decision to have all the episode titles in the first season begin with "S?" Or was that a pure fluke?

Greg responds...

Concscious. (that would have been one heck of a fluke.)

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Quickswitch writes...

Max Steel questions:

Hi mr. Weisman. By now, I learned that WB did not invite you to continue on Max Steel for the second season. How do feel about WB's decision? Do you know who will take over the show? Will you become a consultant for Max Steel, just like you were in Gargoyles: TGC?

I'm concerned about the show's future. It's all seem deja vu. The last time someone took over one of your show, it got pretty ugly...

Greg responds...

1. Originally, I was pissed off. Not so much that I wouldn't be doing the second season [because participating in the first season was so unpleasant], but because I wasn't being given the option of deciding for myself. Now, I'm just glad to be free of it. I don't miss it at all.

2. The new story editors are Tom Puggsley and Greg Klein. I know Tom. He's a good guy.

3. No. I have no involvement in the series now. In fact, this time no one even called to ask me what I had planned for the second season. They're on their own.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Laura 'ad astra' writes...

Funny little thing I noticed: The thumbs up on the suits on Max Steel have four digits (three fingers and a thumb). Is that a coincidence or an in-joke?

Greg responds...

Thumbs have four digits?

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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Whm writes...

Where can I get the "Max Steel" episodes and the descriptions of the episode?

Greg responds...

Well you can watch them Saturday mornings on the WB. You can also take a look at the Max Steel Archive on this site. And you can run a search on the internet.

As far as I know, the episodes are not available on home video.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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