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Cu Chullain, Rory Dugan

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Doug writes...

Dear Greg,

I am a huge fan of Gargoyles. However, there is something that I was always curious about. What did Cu Chulainn shout when he was charging the banshee in the episode The Hound of Ulster. It sounded celtic to me but I don't know for sure. I cant find a script and this I would really like to know what he said.

Greg responds...

It is - as I recall - a gaelic expression put in the script by Diane Duane and Peter Morwood (or maybe by Michael Reaves). I'm afraid I can't remember the exact words, let alone their spelling. And my Gargoyle scripts are all in storage. Wish I could be more help.

Response recorded on October 21, 2019

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B writes...

Since from what you've said it sounds like Banshee wouldn't have been the villain of the piece in Heroes of Ulster, would you please shed some light on who or what the antagonists/challenges would have been?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. Sorry.

Response recorded on September 21, 2016

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Algernon writes...

Hey again Greg,
Being an Irishman myself, I've always always wondered. Presumably Rory Dugan and his father live somewhere in Ulster but on which side of the border? Are they in Northern Ireland or the Republic? I tried looking for some subtle hints in "Hound of Ulster" but I couldn't find anything definitive.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 29, 2010

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Matt writes...

I asked some questions about Rory/Cuchullain and Banshee/Molly a while back and when your responses were discussed in the Comment Room, Ed pointed out that the Rory-Banshee spinoff was the only one of the spin-offs (that we know of) that you never gave a name to. So, do you have a name for that spinoff at this point?

Also, would there be any gargoyle or beast characters in this spinoff? Besides Rory and Banshee (and I suppose Mr. Dugan) do you know any other members of the main cast?

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

I have answers to a lot (though not all) of these questions, but I think at this time, I'll refrain from answering. As a working title, i.e. something to refer to it by, let's call the spin-off "Heroes of Ulster".

Response recorded on September 30, 2008

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Ragwood writes...

Does Molly/Banshee really care about Rory?
It's just that I noticed the sad looks she gave him behind his back when It was obvious he wouldn't let go and was about to discover the truth.
... Or is she just a dam good actor?

Greg responds...

She doesn't think she cares.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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Matt writes...

1. In what spinoffs would we see Banshee and Rory Dugan?

2. Why is the Banshee's voice more painful and even lethal to humans while gargoyles seem to be less affected by it (though still painful)?

3. In your timeline you've indicated that Banshee informed Puck of the coming Gathering. How did Banshee discover that the Gathering was soon at hand?

4. What is the Banshee's relationship with Puck? Why did she inform him of the Gathering?

5. While the Banshee has Oberon's metal plate over her mouth, can she still transform into Molly or Cromm-Cruach? If so, does the plate remain in place or is that strictly a feature of her Banshee form?

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not saying. Though I ALSO have an idea for them to get their OWN spin-off.

2. That sounds like a good question for our Gargoyle Biology and Culture panel. Although the easy answer is that gargoyles are just tougher monkeys.

3. From Goliath, Elisa and Angela. Of course, she's actually misinterpreted their appearance in her midst. So she's only accidentally correct when she tells Puck.

4. They are sympatico on one point. They didn't want to return to Avalon at that time.

5. The plate adapts to her form. Oberon knows she can change shape, so I can't imagine he wouldn't have taken something that fundamental for granted. Of course, instead of transforming into Molly, she could glamour into Molly and make the gag invisible. But she still wouldn't be able to talk.

Response recorded on August 05, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

February 6th...

After a week of licking her wounds, the Banshee is able to reform herself. She flees Ireland in order to hide from both Oberon and Cu Chullain.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 29th...

It starts to snow. Elisa Maza gives Derek Maza a recording of Fox's revelations. The gargoyles hide the helicopter - permanently. Jackal and Hyena are arrested on charges of attempted murder.

Rory Dugan wakes, unsure if his previous night's adventures were a dream. That night, he and Molly enter the Cairn, and Rory recovers Gae Bolga, the Spear of Light. The Spear transforms Rory, revealing he is the reincarnation of the ancient Irish hero Cu Chullain. In order to defeat him, Molly becomes first the Banshee and then the death-worm, Crom-Cruach. With Bronx's help, Cu Chullain defeats Crom-Cruach, banishing the Banshee. Cu Chullain transforms back into Rory, but he keeps possession of Gae Bolga and will remain the Hero of Ulster. The travelers return to Avalon, where it is morning. The gargoyles turn to stone.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 28th...

Lexington begins to repair Jackal's helicopter. Elisa Maza confronts Fox in prison. Fox reveals that David Xanatos created the Pack, and is using Jackal and Hyena to cement Derek Maza's loyalty. Elisa records Fox's conversation. Derek flies Xanatos to his upstate retreat, 'Xanadu'. Again, Jackal and Hyena attack. And again, the Manhattan Clan intervenes, using the repaired helicopter to defeat and capture the twins.

In the morning, Rory Dugan returns home and argues with his father, Mr. Dugan. That evening at sunset, Elisa Maza, Goliath and Angela wake up to find themselves trapped inside Cairn na Chullain by the Banshee, who is convinced they have been sent by Oberon to bring her back to Avalon for the Gathering. Rory, looking for Molly, encounters Bronx instead. When the Banshee realizes that Rory and "the Great Beast" are together, she appears to Rory and lures him away from Bronx.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 27th...

Derek Maza starts working for David Xanatos. Jackal and Hyena attack them, but the Trio intervenes. Lexington manages to land Jackal's helicopter and hide it.

In Ireland, Rory Dugan and his girlfriend Molly steal a jacket from a local shop and manage to elude the police - just as the four travelers arrive from Avalon. The Banshee quickly captures Elisa Maza, Angela and Goliath.