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Todd Jensen writes...

You indicated in one of your recent responses that Shangri-La came to mind as the site of a possible, but unmade, Avalon World Tour adventure. What I'm curious about is whether it'd be possible to include Shangri-La in "Gargoyles". I believe that it was invented by James Hilton in his novel "Lost Horizon", written and published in the 1930's, which could make it a little too recent to be quite in the public domain as yet, though I'm not certain on that.

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'm not certain either. Shangri-La was mentioned in passing in the comic book story that I wrote for Marvel, which was never published. That was allowed, because it was a "diminimous" reference.

Before I actually set an adventure there, I'd need to make sure I was legally allowed to. If in fact, Shangri-La was created by Hilton and wasn't in the public domain, I'd probably shift to something like Kun-Lun. Tell the same kind of story there.

You know, on a related note, we did check Brigadoon (which was mentioned in a similar diminimous fashion in the Gargoyles/Captain Atom/Justice League Europe parody story I wrote, which WAS published by DC Comics) way back when, as a kind of proto-Avalon. We found out that wasn't legendary, but a creation of the modern non-public domain musical. So I went with my initial plan and used Avalon.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in "The Gathering" when Goliath and co. arrived in New York what happened to the Avalon Skiff? did it sink as Arthur's skiff had done in London? if the just left the skiff in the lake or river could anyone have gotten in it and accidently gone to Avalon?

Greg responds...

It sank. But even if it hadn't, you need to know the incantation to get to Avalon.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the Himalaya w/ Coldstone episode and the Korean garg episode were there any other possible World Tour eps planned? if so, where would they have taken place?

Greg responds...

Define "planned".

Shangri-La comes to mind.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

when Derek was mutated into a panther like mutate did you have "Mark of the Panther" in mind? i found it really great that Diane was telling this story about humans turning into panthers, which is kinda what happened to her son, and then is still surprised when the were-panthers change, and again has seen Derek as a pseudo-gargoyle and still is shocked by the gargoyles in Nigeria with Elisa!

Greg responds...

We suspend our disbelief. And eventually, nothing seems too weird, I suppose. But from Diane's POV, I don't think that's automatic. It's a step-by-step process. One thing doesn't lead into another.

And no, we didn't have "Mark" in mind when we planned Talon. Talon developed out of a character called Catscan in our original development. But we did have Talon in mind when we wrote "Mark".

Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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matt writes...

how does the World Tour thing work? do the travelers return to Avalon after every stop in the real world, or only sometimes, or only when the spell is cast? who would cast this spell among Goliath and co. and Jade and Tequesa?

Greg responds...

They returned in between every "real world" adventure. Though sometimes only long enough to start out again.

Either Goliath or Angela would tend to cast the spell. Either Jade or Turquesa could do it, once they learned how.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Tanika writes...

Hello, Greg!

I was recently reading a Nigerian folktale, "Nana Miriam," (in the book "Not One Damsel in Distress," bu Jane Yolen) which reminded me of some questions I had about "Mark of the Panther," and brought up some new ones.

1. Specifically, two of the characters in the tale are named Fara Maka and Kara-Digi-Mao-Fosi-Fasi. What is the relation of those people/names to the character of Fara Maku and the city of Kara-Digi? (Were those the correct spellings of the names in the episode?)

2. Was the tale of Anansi and the panther woman an actual folktale, or did you (or someone else) write it for the show?

3. If it was written, what elements, such as the character of Anansi himself, were drawn from actual legend?

4. If it is an actual legend, what elements, if any, were changed or adapted to suit the purposes of the episode?

Thank you . . . this is something I've been wondering about for some time. :)

Greg responds...

1. You're spelling's correct as far as the episode's concerned. Those names came to the show from either writer Lydia Marano or story editor Brynne Chandler. I don't know where they got them from. But you could ask Lydia and Brynne at this year's Gathering in Los Angeles. (I'm really shilling up a storm, aren't I?) Both of them will be attending.

2. I pretty much made that up. Though I tried to base Anansi's actions and responses on folk tales that I had read about him.

3. Mostly, Anansi. Other things which I had probably absorbed subconsciously. Again, Brynne and Lydia might have also added touches of their own from legend.

4. See above.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

[1] The first time I watched _Possession_ I pretty much took it for granted how much Coldfire and Coldsteel resembled 'Desdemona' and 'Iago'. It makes sense when you're used to half-baked comic book logic (not to disrespect your own fine work in the field), but Gargoyles takes great pains to create a more, erm, well-done and realistic (or at least snarkily pseudo-scientific :P) universe. On later viewings, I was compelled to contemplate further. The techniques used in creating the Steel Clan wouldn't apply here, I think. The techies at Scarab Corp. (or wherever) probably had lots of old security tapes of Goliath to pore over as much as they liked, but it's hard to imagine how that'd work with the Legionnaires. Was the likeness of design only in animation, then?
[2] Likewise, with the the WWII statue in London, which off-the-bat was recognizable as being of Goliath and Griff. Was its sculptor working solely off of Sir Douglas' accounts? (Pilots are generally more observant than the average bear, and from the impression he made on you as a kid, he musta made one heckuva eyewitness. It still is kind of a stretch, though...)

Greg responds...

1. You're forgetting Puck. And various memory chips inside Coldstone.

2. I always thought that that statue was funded by Leo and Una. Ostensibly as a memorial to the Battle of Britain, but really as a memorial to Griff and Goliath.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Ambrosia writes...

I was just driving around yesterday and something came to me that I thought I'd ask you.
In Sentinel, Elisa appears to be kidnapped by this huge... *monster* from the perspective of the doctor and Duane and co. No doubt all sorts of awful thoughts are running through their minds so when they find her again at the end of the episode, I'm sure they really want some answers. So when Elisa suggested to Nokkar that these people could be his new allies and he went off to talk with them, did Nokkar tell them the *whole* story? About who the gargoyles were and that he was the one who gave Elisa her amnesia? If they know about gargoyles now, they could be allies to the clan as well.
Thanks for your time! Happy Holidays!

Greg responds...

Very likely.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

how many eggs are in guatemala in 1996?
what year were the other clan members destroyed?
having the ability to function in daylight, wouldn't it be a top priority for the pendant wearers to watch over the pyramid, clan, and amulet during the day? why then were ALL four of them away the day the pyramid was raided and the clan destroyed? were they tricked?

Greg responds...

I don't think they were intentionally tricked, but it worked out that way.

I don't have the chronology solidified yet, but I figure there are between twenty and forty eggs.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Quite some time ago you told us some of the religions of the humans and you asked whether you'd missed anyone. No-one major, but I was just wondering if you've given any thought in the religions of the following people:

1)Margot Yale


3)Officer Morgan

4)Fara Maku



7)The Emir

8)Travis Marshall?

I know most of these are very minor characters and that you probably haven't given any thought into them, but I was just wondering.

Greg responds...

1. Wasp.

2. Wasp.

3. I'm not sure. Christian of some denomination.

4. He practices the ancient religion of his people.

5. Is this Tea? I don't think she practices anything.

6. I'm not sure who you mean?

7. I'm sure he was Muslim originally. He's dead now.

8. I think he probably comes from a Protestant background, but I don't see him as being very religious now. Godless media and all that.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Joxter writes...

Sooo... Why *was* Margot Yale in Paris? Coincidentally at about the same time as the Avalon tour group?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Was the Panther Queen a Fay

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Tim writes...

Just thought you might like to know that Toon Disney channel ran a marathon of each and every Gargoyles episode [Minus the Goliath Chronicles. :) ] on Friday the 13th of October from 7 at night to 5 the next morning. I was rather pleased and astonished to see this! Either this was a completely Halloween theme and they needed some appropriate cartoons, or we might actually be getting through to Disney through fan writing and letting them know that YES, we want this show back on the air! Either way it was pretty cool to see Gargoyles all in a row for a page on the T.V. Guide.

A few questions! {A}What exactly did Raven want Queen Florence Island for? {B}Was it his nature as a trickster to oppose Grandmother? {C}What was he going to do with it if he succeded?

Greg responds...

Everyone should e-mail and/or snail mail Toon Disney to say thank you. Did they air "Deadly Force"?

A. His domain.

B. More the other way around.

C. Party!

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

In the episode Mark of the Panther what was the Panther Queen? was she an ordinary panther or a fay? I was just wondering because the Panther Queen seemed to have the feelings of a human since animals doesn't have human feelings in any sence of the word

Greg responds...

How do you know?

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Ed writes...

You established that the Himalayan Coldstone adventure was such that it wouldn't affect the continuity of "POSSESSION" very much. But were there any new parts of the tapestry that would be brought back later on?

Greg responds...

It was designed to fit seemlessly. Eventually, that story would have had repercussions. Still might for that matter.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Ed writes...

Did you have any further plans for the "WALKABOUT" Shaman?

Greg responds...

Yep. Particularly in Bad Guys.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Does the survival of the Loch Ness Monster have anything to do with the fae or the Lost Race?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

skiff questions:

I noticed that there was a face on the Sisters' barge that resembled the face on the skiffs.

1a) Are they of the same person/being? b) Is this person/being a Child of Oberon? c) What is this person/being's name? d) Is he (if it's a "he") still alive at the time of "The Journey"? e) Does he have any associations with sailing or water?

2a) The Princess and company originally left in three skiffs, but Mary and Finella took one back to the mainland, leaving two at Avalon. So how was it that there were three skiffs at the end of "Avalon, Part 3"? (one for the gang, one for Macbeth/Demona, and one for Arthur) b) Why would they need the extra skiff at Avalon? c) Did the Princess or Magus or any of the "eggs" ever accompany Tom to the outside world?

3) Since the incantation to reach Avalon is referred to as a "spell", and the Magus orginally read it from the Grimorum (which may have acted as the necessary conduit), how is it that Tom could invoke the spell, not being a wizard and having no conduit? (in addition, the Magus worries about whether "Constantine or his *sorcerers* get a hold of [the spell]", implying that his sorcerors might be needed to cast it.) For that matter, how will Jade and Turquesa be able to cast it?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.

b. Maybe.

c. I'm not saying.

d. Perhaps. (That's a new one, right?) ;)

e. Obvioulsy.

2a. You can never have too many skiffs.

b. There is no b.

c. No.

3. Magus was able to teach it to Tom. Angela also knew it. She could teach it to Jade.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Jherti/Patricia writes...

You asked for a confirmation on the meaning of 'yama' in Japanese. Well, I'm no Japanese, but I know that Mount Fugi is called Fugiyama. So I guess Mountain means Yama.


Greg responds...

I knew that.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Axem Gold writes...

You remembered how you said that the events in Turf and Vendetta could have happened at the same time.

Did Avalon Part Three and Kingdom occur at the same time? Here's what I mean.

1. Talon asked Xanatos where Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx were. He didn't know. So that mean Goliath and company didn't disturb his projects in Eygpt, Scotland, etc.

2. Goliath, Elisa, Bronx, and Angela were probably fighting The Archmage's group while Brooklyn, the Manhattan clan, and the mutates were fighting Fang.

Greg responds...

1. Kingdom clearly took place before Golem, which took place before Grief. I'm not sure, Xanatos had a way of finding out what exactly went wrong in Loch Ness or Giza, however. Who would have hung around to tell him?

2. I don't think it was quite that early, but I haven't worked it out so precisely yet. I'm working on that now, slowly but surely. Ask me again in the spring.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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deb writes...

Because this question hasn't been answered yet, I'd like to re-submit Jeff Lenihan's question:

"2)In "Grief," Anubis states that that which is dead and gone cannot be brought back. Why, then, was Demona able to bring the spirit of Coldstone (and those of Coldfire and Coldsteel) back from the dead? Was Anubis trying to say that he is under some sort of magical restriction similar to Oberon's law of non-interferece that prevents him from bringing back the dead, or something else entirely?"

Greg responds...

Anubis refused. And he had good reasons, as the Emir realized after he became the Avatar. I never said that ghosts don't exist. Coldstone is still dead.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg.

My last question (edited)

"Bruno writes...

2- Why every one of them join the group? Blackmail, redemption, who is who?

Greg responds...

2. Bruno, I don't give novel-length responses here. And if you don't know who is who then what makes you think it would be a good spin-off?

Hunter is a highly trained human (and former gargoyle hunter) who first appeared in "Hunter's Moon". She's Scotish.

Dingo is a former mercenary and member of the Pack who first appeared in "Thrill of the Hunt". He's Australian. Both Hunter and Dingo have prison sentences hanging over their heads.

Matrix is an artificial intelligence comprised of millions of nanotech robots. He/it first appeared in "Walkabout". He is a friend and ally to Dingo.

Yama is a Japanese Gargoyle from the Ishimura clan. He was banished from Ishimura after the events of "Bushido".

Fang was an American human mutated by Sevarius in "Metamorphosis". He was one of the Redemption Squad's first opponents. After being defeated, he was recruited.

recorded on 09-16-00"

A small comment about my last question: You're right. My second question about the 'Redemption Squad' was bad written. It really sounded how if I didn't knew who was Fang, Matrix, Yama, etc. But I know. The trouble is that, when I realized my mistake, I'd already posted it. My mistake. I'm sorry.
And, well, yes, I have a fairly, yet vage, idea about these guys' motivation. Except for Yama. If that's alright to you, I'll especulate a bit about him, ok?

Yama is in a quest, searching for his own honor - for both a gargoyle and a samurai (or Bushido warrior), one of the top important things in the world - then why should him join up with the Bad Guys? (and the Squad leader is Robyn Canmore, the Huntress!! Funny, huh?)
He should may had given up of his honor, but I dont't believe this. I believe that this was a voluntary action. Yama believe that "If I can teach some honor for these felons, maybe I can recover my own". And the Director may wish to have a true Good Guy in the Squad, why not?
Then I believe that he will be the group "conscience". And that, eventually, he may just leave and come back home. (But he will not make this, off course: The contrast among him and the others can make great storys.)
Well, that's it.

PS. When I watched 'Bushido', it was recordered in my VCR. But a trouble in the tape erased the sound. Yes, video but no sound in all the episode. And do you want to know? Even without sound, I could understand the story basis perfectly: The friendship among the gargoyles and humans in Ishimura, the idea of a theme park with the gargoyles, and the great final fight. The scene where Yama and Goliath argue in the 'Wyvern castle', I near could ear Goliath talking something as "It seems to me that he wants you and your clan as animals in a circus". Congratulations: These great storys survive everything, even lack of sound.

PS2. In the fight, one of the gargoyles, an old female, has a beak. Coincidence, or a descendant of Brooklin and Katana? (Sorry, silly question ^-^)

PS3. Another thing I noticed: Taro burned ALL his money with that park. For this, he could not mind with the fact that some gargoyles didn't want to be part of that. He must be paying the money losses until today. (he, he :-)

Greg responds...

Bad Guys is the title of the show. But an earlier title was "The Redemption Squad". The idea is that working for the good guys (even if you're working WITH bad guys) offers each of these characters, but particularly Hunter, Dingo and Yama, a shot at redemption. That's the carrot. But there's also a stick. In the case of Fang, Hunter and Dingo, that stick is a prison sentence. In the case of Yama it's a threat against his clan.

PS1 - cool

ps2 - lots of gargs with beaks.

ps3 - Maybe not all. Limited liability partership and all that.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In Puck's "Future Tense" illusion, was he attempting to use guilt as a weapon against Goliath to break him down, as well as shock and grief? Brooklyn and Lexington both berated Goliath severely for "running away" and leaving the clan and Manhattan defenceless against Xanatos, making it clear that in their eyes, it was all his fault that the city was in the condition that it was. Lexington also implied (at least, how I saw it) that Goliath's "abandoning" the clan was a reason for his turning evil. So, was Puck attempting to fill Goliath with guilt to weaken him all the more?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Phil writes...

Hi, Greg.

I love the show; thanks for answering our questions, etc.

Now that the clans contest is over, I have a question. In "Bushido," Taro built a gargoyles theme park. The first few times I watched it, I was too enthralled by the new Japanese gargoyles to notice the backgrounds. Recently I realized that the park was more than a re-creation of Ishimura. The castle looks just like Wyvern, Notre Dame de Paris can be seen, and there were a few other buildings of various architechtural design.

1) Did Taro really know there were gargoyles at Wyvern, Paris, etc. or did he just guess?
2) If he did know, how? Is he acquainted with Xanatos, the Illuminati, or someone else who knew?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. It's not Wyvern. It's Edinburgh, I believe. And no. He was creating different "lands" for his theme park. So he picked a medieval Scotish Castle. And he picked a cathedral in Paris that is famous for his gargoyles. And currently, there are no gargoyles in either location.

2. No.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Kalafarski writes...

Finding myself lost in that massive "Old Ask Greg Archive," I stumbled across a mention of a missing World Tour episode featuring Coldstone in the Himalayas. What would've happened there?

Greg responds...

An entire story.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

Before I say anything, I'd like to apologize for the impersonalness of my last two guesses for the Clans Contest (about a dozen posts previous). I just figured a preamble was unnecessary, but looking back, it feels cold.

Anyway, I wanted to ask about the unrealized Tibetan adventure. Did it have to do with:

1) Religion
2) Politics/Current Events
3) One of Oberon's Children

Also, how far did it get in development before it was canned?

The revelation that this story was cut for episode volume is disheartening, especially since we won't get another World Tour, even if the show returns.

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. No.
3. No.

At Disney it was just a springboard. It never went any further than that. But it wasn't canned. We just decided that we had other stronger stories to tell.

I later wrote it as a comic book story for Marvel's GARGOYLES comic book. But the book got cancelled before the story was published.

Don't be disheartened, it'll see the light of day sometime. It was already a flashback story when I wrote it for Marvel.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Matthew Smith writes...

At the end of "Mark Of The Panther" was that little spider scurrying away Anansi making an unnoticible escape, or was it just any other spider?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 13, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Was watching my tape of "Golem" recently, and found myself wondering about something in it for the first time. After Renard finishes the ritual that transfers his soul into the Golem's body, he tells Vogel to keep his original body safe, because they might need it later on. My question is: what was he planning on needing it for?

Greg responds...

Nothing specific. But maybe in the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was wrong. Knew that he'd probably have to reverse what he had done.

Also, as a scientist, he wouldn't want to just throw something like that out. And this was probably his rational excuse.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

How did the Banshee get around Oberon's non-intervention edict when she kidnapped Goliath, Elisa, and Angela, and took them to Cairn na Culainn for interrogation?

Greg responds...

Her excuse was she thought they were agents of Oberon. The scent of Avalon was upon them, so she thought she wasn't interfering with mortals. Just with Oberon. Of course, she did this at her own peril. But there was nothing magical preventing her from doing it.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Bud-Clare writes...

1. What were the names of the four members of the Guatamalan clan before they were given the pendants? (It's odd that I'd ask you a question that I don't really expect you to have an answer to. Consider it definitive prove that the universe is a silly place.)

2. Will they revert to their old names when they "retire"?
(2b. Am I correct in assuming that, unless they die, they'll eventually pass their pendants on to younger gargoyles?)

Greg responds...

1. They had no names. They're Gargoyles. ;)

2. See above.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Entity writes...

Why was the visit to Tibet not shown in the World Tour? Considering it's only one extra location, I doubt it had to do with episode volume. Was it an idea you thought of afterwards?

Greg responds...

It very much had to do with episode volume. We only had 52 episodes (only, jeesh) in the second season. We couldn't tell all the stories we had. It's not like I could say, "Hey, I've got a Tibet story. Can we do 53?" Well, I could have said it, but every one would have looked at me like I was a moron.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) What was it that allowed Sevarius to discover the LNM(Loch Ness Monster) when so many other people have failed? Chance? Better equipment?
2) Who funded his expedition?
3) What were his main purposes for finding the LNM?
4) By the time of the Future Gargoyles Series, whenever it is set now, would the world know about the LNM publicly? Meaning would they have been discovered and even slightly studied by the scientific public post-Sevarius..
5) Do any of the fae seen on the show know about the survival of the LNM?
6) Does the Illuminati know?
7) Does Xanatos?
8) Does Demona?

Greg responds...

1. Better equipment and a bit of luck.
2. Xanatos.
3. What he said in the episode. Genetic field day.
4. I hope not.
5. Probably.
6. Probably.
7. He does now.
8. Does it matter?

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Emmlei writes...

Quick questions.
1. Were there any plans to use some eastern European and/or Russian folktales during the foreseeable course of the series (any series actually)? I can think of at least 3 stories that might have come up, with two possibly Fae related.
2. I hope this isn't going to come off as an idea, but were you going to do anything with the Romany (aka Gypsies)? They have to be the one of the most mysterious group in all of European history (for a number of reasons).

Greg responds...

1. Yes. Baba Yaga for sure.

2. Eventually.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned in one of your most recent responses about the Rory/Cuchulain business reminding you of Thor as portrayed in Marvel Comics (and wanting to handle his transformation differently if you ever got to do Rory again). That part intrigued me because I'd been wondering for some time about the fact that there did seem to be a certain basic similarity between Rory/Cuchulain and Marvel's Thor (whom, I confess, I'm not that familiar with, but, because of my interest in Norse mythology, I did read up a fair amount on the Marvel Comics interpretation of the Norse myths). I did see the resemblance in the fact of a seemingly ordinary human transforming into a "real" mythological figure (Thor for Dr. Donald Blake, Cuchulain for Rory Dugan) through the use of a staff or cane that was really the traditional "magical weapon" of that figure (Mjolnir/the Gae Bolga). In your opinion, was there some influence there?

Greg responds...

Probably. Probably a certain lack of imagination too. Most likely, just a lack of time. Easy (familiar) solutions come to mind, and there isn't always the time to figure out something more unique. So again, we wind up heavily influenced by the great Jack Kirby. Now there are worse influences, by a long shot. But since all of American Comics have been influenced by Jack's work, I wish I had had time and thought to come up with something different. Of course, since then I've had plenty of time. And I have a few new ideas, but I'd need an artist to help me flesh them out...

I love how Banshee looks, by the way.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

How long did it take Sevarius to find the LMN?

Greg responds...

A while.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your first season Gargoyles Bible, you raised the question of whether gargoyles fought in the Battle of Britain, a notion that eventually became "M.I.A." in the second season. This indicates that the notion of gargoyles protecting London from the Germans in 1940 was one that you'd had quite early on in the history of making the series.

Is there any particular reason why you had thought of gargoyles as participants in the Battle of Britain?

Greg responds...

It was cool.

(I know that's not too deep, but that's the truth.)

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Justin writes...

For starters I love the show and I was deeply saddened when it was canceled.My question is that you mentioned that one Zafiro's descendants would play a role in 2158.
1)Who exactly would his/her parents be?
2)Will any other descendants of clans from the world tour play a part?
3)Who exactly is/was Zafiro's mate?

Greg responds...

1. Gargoyles.
2. Yes.
3. Obsidiana.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Were any golems created before the Golem of Prague?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Here's something I've been wondering for a long time, Greg. You see, my native language is Spanish, so I started taping the show in Spanish, then in English. I've got several questions about the translations of the names and all, but I'll stick to the questions I need an answer for.

In the episode "Mark of the Panther," or "La Marca de la Pantera" as the case would be, there's Tea and Faramaku. Well, in the Spanish translation, she calls him "father," and in English, "love." Well, I'm pretty sure that you wanted them to be daughter and father to reflect Goliath and Angela's feelings, but in that last scene, they hug each other so tightly, and talk to each other about love and all, that it's hard to tell whether they're related or not.

Sorry if I spelled the names wrong, but they're always changing them in Spanish. And I do mean always. Like "New Olympus" and "Nueva Olimpia," "Goliath" and "Goliat," "The Pack" and "La Manada".. little details that are hard to keep track of. But hey, I try. ;)

Thanks for your time, Greg. :)

Greg responds...

No. Fara Maku and Tea are not father and daughter. If the Spanish Translation suggested that to you, it was a mistake. They were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Personally, I'm lousy at languages, but they fascinate me.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Abigail Thorne writes...

During the World Tour, Goliath and Co. ran into many members of the Third Race and screwed up their plans. Did Oberon find about about that? I was just trying to figure out if he'd find it amusing or if he'd be irritated. From his point of view, the gargoyles had already invaded his island--now these four puny mortals were besting his powerful children? I don't think he'd take that lightly, but maybe I'm wrong. What do you think?

Greg responds...

I don't think anyone went into very specific details. Kinda embarrassing, and runs the risk that Oberon might say: "Were you breaking my non-interference edict?"

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

Hi mr. Weisman

In Mark of The Panther, Goliath killed "Anansi". He used a spear, but was it in iron? If not, how could a spear make him disappear like that?

Greg responds...

It wasn't iron. So Anansi wasn't killed. But it still hurt, so he reverted to a small spider to escape.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

In Hound of Ulster was Cuchulainn lying when he said he use to have a hound similar to Bronx? According to Celtic myths he never owned a hound, but he did kill one.

Greg responds...

Maybe the Celtic myths were incomplete.

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Avalon World Tour Questions and Comments

1) When did Goliath, Bronx, Elisa, and Angela finally arrive in New York on The Gathering Part One? What I mean is did they arrive at the same time Oberon gone to the Eeire Building?

2) You mention that if the Gargoyle Comic Series continued there would be an Issue where Goliath and Company were sent by Avalon to the Himalayas to run into Coldstone. If and when you get to continue doing Gargoyle episodes would you consider converting the issue into an episode?

3) During the episode Golem Goliath was hoping that Renard could help them get back to New York, but then he realizes that fate has guided them to every place on their journey and they must see it through to the very end. Here's the question though why didn't he consider using the Phoenix Gate to get them back to New York? Plus they would have returned to New York a few minutes after the left for Avalon.

P.S. I have more questions on the way.

Greg responds...

1. In the neighborhood.

2. Yep.

3. He had, at that time, sworn that no one would use the Phoenix Gate again. He broke that vow in London. But at that time, he was determined to keep it.

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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LSZ writes...

If these questions have been asked before, they aren't in the old or new archives, though I'm sure at least the first has been asked before:

1) How long were Goliath, Elisa and Bronx away from New York on the World Tour?
2) What was Elisa's explanation to Chavez and her friends?
3) How many places besides the ones we saw did they go to?
4) Care to name some of the unseen ones?
5) Is there any significance to the carved face on the skiff?

Greg responds...

1. Less than a year, though I haven't made precise calculations. Coincidentally, I plan on making precise calculations within the next three months. Ask me again later.

2. To Chavez, it was "personal time", and not much more. Which didn't sit well with Maria, but Elisa was still one of her best detectives. To Matt she told the truth (and he helped defend Elisa to Maria). What other friends were you referring to.

3. At least one, Tibet. But that's probably it.

4. Tibet.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is about your mention once that King Arthur and Griff would visit the South Pole during their quest for Merlin:

1. I understand if you don't want to answer this question, but I'm a bit curious as to why they'd think of looking for Merlin in Antarctica. Back in the 5th century, nobody in Britain would have been aware of Antarctica's existence, so it would be a rather unlikely place for Merlin's Crystal Cave. Why would Arthur and Griff consider it a candidate, then?

2. Was your decision to include the South Pole on Arthur and Griff's itinerary influenced at all by the fact that Antarctica was the only continent that Goliath and Co. never visited on the Avalon World Tour?

Greg responds...

1. Nobody in Britain? Or nobody with normal resources?

2. Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris (repost by Aris) writes...

This comes with some delay but better late than never... Concerning Morrigan (to give credit where due) Todd had already guessed that in the Gargoyles Universe she may have been Banshee... I had my doubts, in part because I hadn't guessed that the 'love' part in their love/hate relationship went back to their earlier life...

Anyway... So, the Morrigan of legends is an amalgation of Banshee and the Weird sisters... interesting and ofcourse quite fitting. (I also wonder if the idea of the Weird Sisters in love with anyone could ever pass S&P - it would seem a bit like a group orgy or something... :-)

I was intrigued (and quite pleased) when I found out that you had further plans for Banshee as Molly - the episode had left me rather unsatisfied, Rory transforming into Cuchullain and attacking/killing the Banshee as if Molly had meant nothing to him... it felt kind of a letdown (especially since I quite liked Molly while the Banshee seemed two-dimensional). So I'm glad this is not the end of their relationship, even though I agree with you that it would be difficult to near-impossible to focus a whole series on the two of them.

Hmm... here are a couple of questions. Does Rory know that the Banshee is still out there or does he think that he has killed her? And that 'transformation' into Cuchullain... would you have it happen again, or even on a regular base? (I rather disliked the transformation - I didn't much like Cuchullain's form...) And how does Rory feel now about Molly/Banshee/Crom Cruach?

Thanks btw, for the compliment on my usage of English... However the specific post concerning the Morrigan was in great part a copy-and-paste job from a mythological website... :-)

Greg responds...

I think to the extent that Rory is only just starting to remember his past life, he probably realizes taht Cuchullain has "killed" her before and will probably have to "kill" her again. He doesn't expect Molly to reenter his life though. That should come as a surprise.

Some transformation will be part of the equation. But I too wasn't satisfied with what we had. For starters, it seemed to much like Marvel's Thor to me. And I wasn't wild about the Cuchullain model either. It was servicable, and we were on deadline. But I'd like to come up with something stronger. Something that mixes Rory and Cuchullain more. Something that better integrates the Spear of Light. I have some ideas about it, if I ever get the chance to revisit.

As for Rory's current feelings, I think he largely felt betrayed by Molly. Felt she had been using him, felt she never had any real feelings for him. I think she thinks that he's right about that. But "going undercover" as Banshee did gets complicated. Nothing's as cut and dry as either of them think.

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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Demona (repost by Aris) writes...

Hi, Greg! I have a quick question for you -- why did Avalon send Demona and MacBeth to Paris? Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx were sent to Paris because of Demona and MacBeth. So, why were Demona and MacBeth there? Thanks!! :)

Greg responds...

Thailog. And a need for them to confront each other one more time.

Response recorded on August 01, 2000

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LSZ writes...

At what period in history was Karadigi built?

Greg responds...

The long ago period...

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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LSZ writes...

What's the Emir's real name?

Greg responds...

Why do you want to know?

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Justin writes...

The guatemalan clan was almost nearly wiped save four.
did any eggs survive? If so, how many?

Greg responds...

A full rookery of eggs survived.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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