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POSTINGS 2008-09 (Sep)

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cartoonlover writes...

Hi Greg,
I heard from Animation Magazine (or at least that's what I heard) that season two of Spectacular Spider-Man will indeed air on CW. Is that true?

Greg responds...

I'm not allowed to say. I don't know why I'm not allowed to say. But I'm not. So I'm not saying. And if you think that's frustrating for you, imagine how frustrating it is for me.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Matteo writes...

Hey, I tried looking up Venus on the Ask Greg search, and only found one question from like 9 years ago that said you weren't sure of because you weren't writing for it back then. My question is after all this time is there any chance Hell will freeze over, and bring her into SLG?
BTW I love your sarcastic spin on your answers. Thanks.

Greg responds...

I have only the vaguest memories of Venus. She isn't one of my characters and hasn't any place in my plans.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Matteo writes...

I know you got a tad cranky the last time this was asked, but I was wondering if I could be a little more specific. You said that a gargoyle in stone sleep might still wake-up after taking MINIMAL damage (if not life threatening). My question is If Jackal succeded in altering Goliath's face into his own would he wake up looking like Jackal, or be considered dead?
If you don't want to answer that I understand, but while i'm on the stone sleep subject I was also curious about something else. If a destroyed gargoyle was ground down and resculptured would he be "reborn?"

Greg responds...

Jackal's makeover would probably have killed Goliath.

And, no, they would not be reborn.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Kaitlan writes...

My question is in the City of Stone episodes during the Flashbacks with Macbeth and Demona. Demona is shown having her own little clan but where did the other Gargoyles come from if Princess Katharine and The Magus take all the eggs to Avalon?

Greg responds...

They came from other Scottish clans, including a clan that had relatively recently spun off from the Wyvern Clan.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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dee thompson writes...

I apologise ahead of time, this is not an "artful" or creative question, but assuming I have hit an educated site, I am in need of information. I am in possession of 3 cels and numerous Gargoyle merchandise, and have an immediate need to sell them. I am humiliated, but we are down to 3 dollars and need to find a venue fast. I have no idea what they are worth, but would at least like a direction where they will be appreciated. We lost all ina fire and the insurance reneged. These items were stored specially with other like items so we are lucky to have them, but they are not saleable locally. Any suggestions would be helpful...thank you...and your site is great..my grown son is an artist and has long been a fan..

Greg responds...

I'm sorry for your troubles, and I'm sorry I can't be of much help - particularly two months after you posted. I don't know anything about how to sell stuff. E-bay, maybe? Or you could ask in the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Spectacular Spider-Man on DVD

I can't believe I forgot to mention this:

The first Spectacular Spider-Man DVD, "Attack of the Lizard" has been out for over a week. This does more than "collect" the first three episodes of our season, i.e. the ones featuring Vulture, the Enforcers, Electro and the Lizard. We've recut the episodes into a movie. I won't pretend it works as a film perfectly, but I really do think it plays well ... also restoring footage and sound effects cut for time and S&P reasons.

If you like my work on Gargoyles, I'm fairly confident you'll like what me and the team are doing with Spidey.

And I know this sounds ridiculously self-serving, but good Spidey sales raises my profile in general, which can't hurt us on the Gargoyles front.

Check it out!

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Unless you're Blaise or GXB -- and saw it live -- you might want to check out the podcast I did for ComicsonComics.com:


The high quality version is available on itunes.

I think it turned out well...

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Tay writes...

If the whole Wyvern Clan survived the massacre and ended up in Manhattan, what would have you named the other members?

Greg responds...

Joe Hypothetical. Jane Hypothetical. Hypothetical Doe. Hypothetical Smith. Hypothetical Jones. Jon Hypothetical. Etc.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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Litwolf writes...

You may have answered this in a ramble after I posted this question but I thought Id throw it out there. Youve said that its possible that the Gargoyles comic will leave SLG publishing and fall fully into Disney's hands. At first, I thought you meant the comic was going to die all-together and I nearly cried. But then, I realized you meant it might just be changing to a Disney publisher. I was relieved but still worried because, from the Gathering Rambles others have posted, it sounds like it would be a bad thing if Gargoyles got moved to Disney's publisher.

Why is that bad? I mean, we'll still have the comic, just under a new name. So why is it bad that its moving? What would change if Gargoyles moved? There would still be the same artists, writers, and stories, right?

Also talking about the future of the comic, you've said that we'll see the other spinoffs if Bad Guys does well. So I wanted to ask how the series is selling (and for that matter, how is the main Gargoyles comics selling? Any idea how many issues of the main comics we'll see?) Also, I believe you've said that, after Bad Guys, you'll do Bad Guys (because of a nagging story, right? ^_^), Pendragon, and then TimeDancer. Any idea which spinoff (2198 and New Olympians) will be up after that, what the order will be following TimeDancer?

Thanks for answering these questions! Ive been dying to get some comic news since Ive read these Gathering Rambles!

Greg responds...

I never said it was a bad thing if Disney decided to publish Gargoyles on their own. But Disney has expressed no interest.

Gargoyles and to a lesser extent Bad Guys both did well for SLG in sales. Not necessarily in profits. Not enough to justify an increased license fee. SLG is done publishing individual issues, but the trades will come out and will cover all creative material that would have appeared in Gargoyles #7-12 and Bad Guys #1-6.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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Ragwood writes...

Does Molly/Banshee really care about Rory?
It's just that I noticed the sad looks she gave him behind his back when It was obvious he wouldn't let go and was about to discover the truth.
... Or is she just a dam good actor?

Greg responds...

She doesn't think she cares.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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klye tonarella writes...

what my question ment was will molten man have any connections to liz allen like he did in the comics and is there any chance the lizard might return

Greg responds...

No comments.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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Cerebros writes...

I know it's been two years since the announcement about Season 1 and Season 2 Part 1 needing 1000 sales to produce Season 2 part 2. How many more are needed at this point to warrant getting the second half of Season 2 on DVD? I'm planning on getting them shortly where I can find them.

Greg responds...

You're planning on getting as many as we need?

I can't give you numbers, I'm afraid. It's no longer as simple as reaching a number. We need to get Disney's attention to the property again.

And you can find them on Amazon.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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Litwolf writes...

I just did a few quick calculations. Now, correct me if Im wrong, I believe you have said that Brooklyn and his rookery hatched 958 and Goliath and his rookery hatched twenty years earlier, in 938. Then, in the 1997, Brooklyn begins his TimeDancing adventures (Im so excited to read the se upcoming comics!) and he travels and ages for fourty years to then return to 1997 five minutes from when he left. This would now make Brooklyn fourty years, two gargoyle generations, older than his leader Goliath.

Along with these calculations, I believe you have said that leaders generally pick their seconds from younger rookeries. This would make sense because they would want to be able to let their seconds rule if the leaders ever reach an old age when they cant lead (such as Hudson choosing the much younger Goliath). However, upon his return, second-in-command Brooklyn is now older than the leader of the Manhattan Clan, Goliath.

Because of this new age difference after the TimeDancing adventures, will Goliath pick a new second? Angela, Lex, and Broadway are all younger and Angela even has experience of being a second-in-command on Avalon. I dont want Brooklyn to lose his position as second but it does seem a likly step for Goliath to take. What do you think?

Greg responds...

1. Turned out to be closer to forty seconds as opposed to five minutes.

2. Brooklyn was about forty (twenty biologically) when he hit the timestream. He travels for forty years, aging twenty years.

3. Since Goliath is about sixty (thirty biologically) and Brooklyn - post timedancing - is about 80 (forty biologically),Brooklyn is now ONE generation "older" than Goliath.

4. As for your question, it's a definite issue -- but not in CLAN-BUILDING.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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Kevin Shane writes...

Why does Sevarius make clones of the Manhattan Clan for Thailog in "The Reckoning" after Thailog tried to kill him along with Xanatos and Goliath in "Double Jeopardy?" In that episode, Thailog told Goliath he had decided to hate him as he hated Xanatos and Sevarius. Why would Thailog ask Sevarius to help him?

Greg responds...

Thailog's smart enough to value an asset. And you can't trust everything Thailog says anyway; he's a bit of a performer.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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Kevin Shane writes...

You have stated that you made the Weird Sisters into a blend of three different mythical triplets: the Fates, the Furies, and the Graces. Furthermore, each one of the Weird Sisters focuses on a different one of these trios: silver-haired Luna represents Fate, golden-haired Phoebe Grace, and raven-haired Seline Vengeance. According to the commentary on GargWiki's "City of Stone-Part I" article, the shift in their characterization throughout the series is described by you as due to the shift in which Sister's influence is uppermost at the time.

What do you mean by this? Whose influence is supreme in which episodes?

Greg responds...

I would think that's self-evident, and if it's not then I'll leave it to each viewer's interpretation.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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Kevin Shane writes...

Why did Toon Disney remove the word "terrorist" from Goliath's conversation with the Weird Sisters in the episode "City of Stone-Part I?" Did "terrorist" take on a new meaning after 9/11? I thought this was puerile editing to the dialogue because I think it's important to refer to Demona as a terrorist.

Greg responds...

I agree with you generally. But you've also answered your own question.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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Kevin Shane writes...

Why is Prince Malcolm unintelligent enough not to see the threat from the Archmage and to not see the bad effect of him telling his daughter to be afraid of gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I wouldn't call him unintelligent. You don't know the history, Mr. Judgemental. The Archmage was an invaluable ally for years.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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Kevin Shane writes...

Did Xanatos share Owen's identity as Puck with Fox? I assume he did, but would there be a reason not to?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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CON-ODYSSEY: CopperCon - Monday, September 1, 2008

CON-ODYSSEY: CopperCon - Monday, September 1, 2008
12:45am - Said goodbye to Lanny and headed down to my room to watch some TV and read.

4am - Went to sleep.

6:45am - Wake up call.

7:15am - Had the complimentary hotel breakfast, which I had never gotten up early enough to get. It was good. Had a cheese, tomato, mushroom omelette. Plus scrambled eggs, bacon, raisin bran, cheerios, corn flakes, oatmeal, potatos, etc. Sat with Mara, Jennifer, Patrick, David and conchair Gary. When breakfast was over, I said goodbye to Mara, Jennifer and Patrick.

8:15am - Shane and Caitlin took David and I to the airport. We said goodbye to Shane and Caitlin, checked in and then I said goodbye to David.

10:05am - Got on the plane.

11:35am - Arrived at LAX. No car waiting for me. Called. Called again. Finally, the car showed up.

12:30pm - Made it home.

And thus ends my 2008 Con-Odyssey. I'm done for the year with conventions. Had a great time at all of them. But I'm ready to stick to home base -- at least until WonderCon in February. ;)

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CON-ODYSSEY: CopperCon - Sunday, August 31, 2008

CON-ODYSSEY: CopperCon - Sunday, August 31, 2008
2am - I went back to my room and read a bit.

3am - Went to sleep.

10:30am - Wake up.

12pm - Held a Spidey panel. Usually Q&A's easily fill the time, but the turn-out wasn't great, so I need to start preparing more.

1pm - Sat in on David Hedgecock's panel on producing a comic book. Lots of good info. Not a lot I didn't know, but still learned something new.

2pm - Shane took David and I upstairs to meet the constaff.

2:30pm - David, Jennifer, Greg, Lanny, Patrick, Mara and I went to Qdobe, where I had a steak taco salad.

3:45pm - We said goodbye to Greg Bishansky and then headed for Chase Stadium.

5:05pm - Marty & Lexy Lund bought us all tickets to the Dodgers-Diamondback game. It was me, David, Patrick, Jennifer, Mara, Lanny, Marty, Lexy and three of their friends: Kevin, Corey and Shasta. I had a kosher dog, water and a cheeseburger. Great game. Dodgers slayed the D-backs 8 to 1. After the game, we said goodbye to Marty, Lexy and their friends.

9:30pm - David, Lanny, Jennifer, Patrick, Mara and I went to the hotel restaurant for dessert. I had deep-fried cheesecake and chocolate ice cream (which may explain why I started a diet as soon as I got back to Los Angeles).

10:30pm - We closed down the restaurant and headed up to Jen, Patrick and Mara's room to hang out.


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vik writes...

vik again, wil any other symbiotes appear?

Greg responds...

Not in Bad Guys.

Response recorded on September 11, 2008

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vik writes...

will carnage appear?

Greg responds...

Not in Gargoyles.

Response recorded on September 11, 2008

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Last night, I did a podcast for ComicsonComics.com. Greg Bishansky and Blaze came out to see the show. Don't know if what we did made a good podcast, but we had a good time. Check it out.

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CON-ODYSSEY: CopperCon - Saturday, August 30, 2008

CON-ODYSSEY: CopperCon - Saturday, August 30, 2008
12am - Back in Jennifer, Patrick and Mara's room with GXB and myself, we decided to watch WANTED on hotel pay-per-view. It was goofy fun, I thought.

2am - Went back to my room after the movie and read for awhile.

4am - Went to bed.

11:30am - Woke up.

12:30pm - Went down to the Dealer's Room to set up for David and my signing.

1pm - Re-set up for our signing. They changed locations on us Signed and sold a few comics and scripts.

2pm - Went to In N' Out for a Double-Double, Fries and Strawberry Shake with GXB, Jen, Patrick and Mara.

Throughout my hotel stay, I had housekeeping challenges. Because I was sleeping so late, I guess (being on the second floor) I was missing housekeeping's first pass, and they weren't automatically coming back for a second pass. The first day, I let it go. But I'm in a hotel, and I wanted my room made up. So I called the front desk, and the woman there accused me of never taking my DO NOT DISTURB sign off the door. I assured her that I had taken it down both yesterday and today, but that housekeeping had never come back. And she said AGAIN, "because if you leave that sign up there..." etc. etc. Coupled with the trick the hotel had tried to pull the day before, I got fairly ticked, that she was basically either not listening and/or accusing me of lying. Seriously, the proper response would have been simply, "I'll send housekeeping right away." That's what I was asking for. The hotel was very nice, but I was really NOT impressed with the front desk staff at all. (They also gave David a really dirty disgusting room initially. I won't go into what he put up with the first night - cuz it's just too gross.)

3pm - David and I had yet another Gargoyles panel. Struggling somewhat to fill the time. I've got to start BRINGING stuff.

4:30pm - Lanny, Jen, Patrick, Greg and Mara and I hung out in Jen, Patrick and Mara's room.

5:30pm - David and I met down in the bar to talk some business. More on this at a later date.

6:15pm - David and I went to the con's "Green Room" to begin judging the costume contest.

7:30pm - Masquerade. We gave out all the standard awards, but I had one discretionary award, so I gave Cutest Couple to a guy and a gal who were both dressed as "L" from Death Note but -- as far as I know -- didn't know each other. Hey, it worked for Tony and Andrea. You never know.

9:40pm - Greg, Jen, Patrick, Mara, David, Lanny and myself went to Chile's. I had Nachos, a root beer, fries, apples and Memphis dry rub baby back ribs.

11:30pm - I called Beth, and then headed up to Jen's room.


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Greg Bishansky writes...

My Gathering Journal. Part of this was written in the hotel on Thursday night. Part of it at the airport before heading home, and the rest from home. So if it seems a little disjointed, that's why.

My Gathering Journal, Day One.
So, I'm here in Chicago. Operating on no hours of sleep.

At 4am, my roommate, Dustin, drops me off at LAX so I can catch my flight to Chicago. American Airlines. I hate American Airlines. Been spoiled by JetBlue, and honestly, I've never before been nervous about flying. I had a window seat, and the wing looked like it was about to fall off. I couldn't sleep (and already I was up for twenty four hours). The guy behind me was sleeping well... everyone on board heard him. I tried to read, but couldn't concentrate, was just too exhausted.

After a four hour flight that felt more like twelve, we landed. My day began getting much better, my suitcase was one of the first off the plane. That never, ever happened to me before. I caught a car service from O'Hare airport to the Hotel Orrington. My driver took the back roads, because the traffic on the freeway was murder, as the rest of the con staff would soon find out (Feel free to insert a joke about my driving here, Greg ;)). On the way, the driver and I discuss International oil politics and Barack Obama. We also drive through the town where, as he pointed out, Hillary Clinton was born.

Finally, I am dropped off at the hotel, and I immediately run into my fellow staffers, Susan Leonard and Patrick Toman. I check in, bump into Rob, and we catch up. It was fun. I shower, shave and change, because I'm rank from the flight, and greet Jennifer, Seth and Sammy. They check in and we take their bags up stairs. I get to hear all about how their plane was late taking off, and when they landed, they spent half an hour on the tarmac. I was glad I came on a different flight. And then, of course, they got stuck in traffic. Naturally, they were starved when they arrived.

Everyone kept trickling in. Karine Charlebois showed up, and Jen's roommate, Rebok. Eventually, everyone except Nikki was present.

So, we go to dinner. Sushi. There were about fourteen of us. Let's see: Greg Weisman, Jen, Karine, Thom Adcox, Seth, Sammy, Patrick, Rebok, Josh Silver (Hollywood producer and Keith David's agent) and eventually Keith David showed up with his wife and kids. We sat down, ate sushi, had a lot of laughs. Toasted to a wonderful weekend. Hey, any weekend that begins with booze and raw fish is incapable of sucking.

Except for one minor annoyance, this con looks like it's off to a great start. Now... well, we're all off to bed because, well, we're old... and tired. And have a long day tomorrow.

My Gathering Journal, Day Two
Writing from O'Hare International Airport in Chicago.

So, I woke up, showered, shaved and joined the staff for breakfast. An apple, coffee and pastries. The staff breakfast meeting is a tradition. Though we're mostly laughing while discussing business. With that over, the art show is set up, and, that minor annoyance from the previous night... got a short but stern talking to.

I'm mostly blanking out about the day, but I saw a lot of people. My roommates, Revel and Spacie arrived. I saw Aaron, Mara, Lynati, Emambu, CKayote, Matt, Mandi, damn... a lot of people.

At 5pm, Opening Ceremonies started. The staff sat in front of the room this year, which has happened previous years, but never when I was on. So, that was kind of cool. Susan introduced us, and the guests. Greg Weisman, Keith David, Josh Silver, Thom Adcox and Karine Charlebois. Then, Jennifer got up and introduced next year's victims... er, I mean, con staff, yeah. I am one of them, so, yeah... staffing another Gathering. I am a masochist.

As usual, Opening Ceremonies consisted of Greg's videos. The original Gargoyles pitch. The press release tape. The New Olympians and Dark Ages pitches. The Bad Guys animatic. And "The Last"... which the fandom is finishing for Greg.

Afterwards, I was starving. So, Aaron, Emambu, Lynati, and... er, two newbies whose names I don't recall went searching for pizza. I wanted to try the Chicago Pizza. I did, and it was good. I liked it. But, I like New York pizza better. I've actually gotten into the pizza debate before with my classmate and director, Bill Castanzo. He never tried NY pizza. I never tried Chicago pizza. But, like Harlan Ellison says, "you're not entitled to an opinion. You are entitled to an informed opinion." Well, now my opinion is informed. ;)

We returned to the hotel room, and were joined by Revel and Spacie. We chatted, chilled, watched Cookie Monster's appearance on "The Colbert Report" and, eventually I plead exhaustion and we kicked everyone out and went to bed.

Heh, reading that last paragraph... the real exhaustion will come on Sunday night/Monday morning. But, not getting ahead of myself ;)

My Gathering Journal, Day Three.
Again, got up early and I want to profess my undying love to something very important to me. Something which, without, I would not have had the same joy working on this con as I have. I am of course referring to coffee. The Con Staffer's best friend. The filmmakers' best friend to, for that matter.

So, after the staff breakfast was over, I spent the beginning of the day doing crowd control for the Radio Play auditions. Which meant getting to converse with people, and meet some new people... with one glaring exception, everyone was cool. Finally, I decided to audition, myself. Not seriously though, considering that I already knew what this year's Radio Play was, I knew I had no chance in hell. So... I decided that I would just have fun, and provide a laugh for Greg, Thom, Keith and Jen. I auditioned for Angela... and sucked... but we all laughed.

Next, I went to Karine's panel on Comic Page Layout. As a long time comic book reader, who has mostly paid attention to the writing aspect, this was very informative. She's a talented artist, and while at one point she got quite envious of Greg Guler's "powers," I am confident that she will get there. Her comic art is getting better with each issue she does, and I say this as someone who has always been a fan of her art.

There was a brief incident during the panel, where someone tried to steal the comics she had on the table. I watched him slowly, and subtly stuff them into his bag. I wasn't going to interrupt Karine's panel to call him out on it, but I had full intention of making him give them back the second the panel was over. But, Karine noticed they were gone, asked who had them, everyone pointed at him, and he gave them back.

Afterwards, I spent time helping out in the Art/Dealers Room. A lot of great art. I bid on pieces Karine brought. An awesome shot of Hunter, and page 3 of "Bash," Thailog and the clones standing over a fallen Goliath trying to hold his guts in, and blood dripping off Thailog's blade. Or, as it was later known... "Keith on Keith right after penetration." ;)

I went to the men's room somewhere around here. Normally, I would not report on this, but, this will be funny at the end of this entry. Trust me. The urinals made this creepy scream that could be heard as the urinals flushed. Again, bear with me.

Finally, it was time for the Radio Play. Issues 7, 8 and 9. Chronological order. The play was terrific. Keith was Goliath and Thailog. Phoenix Talon reprised her role as Elisa from last year. Jen was terrific as Shari. Thom as Lex. Seth did a great job as Amp. Emambu turned on his Scottish as Macbeth. Laurean as Constance... awesome.

The play itself, I liked. But, now I understand why Greg chose to tell the story in the comics the way he did. It just did not work in chronological order. We had several Shari stories in a row. Good thing Jen is great at monologuing. And every time she got up to tell one of Shari's stories... the wind and the rain could be heard. Something supernatural was going on there ;)

Issue 9... wow. Just... wow. I'm not saying another word until it hits the stands.

Once the Radio Play was over, it was time for the staff dinner. Susan bought the staff dinner at Pete Miller's steak house. Damn... best meal I've had in ages. I had a lobster bisque to start. And a medium well Fillet Mignon. The mashed potatoes were awesome, garlic was mashed into them. The scotch was great. It was a good time.

Greg left early to get back to the Blue Mug. Eventually, the rest of us got back, a little drunk, but hey, the Blue Mug is always better when you're drunk. I say we have an open bar at it next time, get everyone to lower their inhibitions. Let's see how naughty the questions are then ;)

Greg left to use the men's room and came back and reported the same thing about the urinals but was able to place that scream. The urinals sound like that scream the Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs make when they explode. Creepy.

Eventually, we went to bed.

My Gathering Journal, Day Four.
You know the drill. Woke up, had breakfast. Talked about the previous night and the day's itinerary.

First up was the "Gargoyles & Bad Guys" Comic Book panel with Greg and Karine. Some news was divulged.

- The future of the comic is uncertain. SLG wants to renew. But, Disney is now starting their own comic book company and might no longer want to license their properties out. Also, if Disney raises the licensing fee, SLG will have to decline. Greg is cautiously optimistic.

- Issue 9 will probably be David Hedgecock's last issue. For no other reason than he has problems meeting deadlines.

- The next spin-off is no longer "Pendragon." Greg has this "Dark Ages" story he needs to tell.

- There was another revelation, but... gotta wait for #9 to come out, folks ;)

Personally, if I had my pick, I'd make "Bad Guys" an on-going book. I am loving everything about it.

Next was the "Spectacular Spider-Man" panel. Greg told the story of Norman Osborn's chauffeur. The worst chauffeur ever. I'll admit, I cringed at first, because he's been making fun of me over this for five years now. But, then I realized, you know what, I am a moron. It's the good kind of poking fun, and it was in an episode of Spider-Man. Laughing with me, not at me. So, I got up, and took a bow...

... later on I told Greg that I received a phone call saying my house blew up, pieces of pumpkin debris were all over the place, and the neighbors reported the sound of a gigantic urinal. ;)

After that was over, I learned that Susan won the bidding war. Thailog and the clones standing over a bleeding Goliath was hers. I did end up going home with the beauty shot of the Eyrie Building from #5. And the page with Thailog's "moi".

After that, I was starving and needed lunch. A large group of us, Aaron, Mara, Revel Spacie, Lynati, Mandi, CKoyote, and Kimberly went to Paneira's for lunch. I then hurried back for the end of the auction and got my comics signed.

My favorite autographs:

"Worst chauffeur ever!"
- Greg Weisman
"But best reference finder ever!
- Karine Charlebois

Finally, it was down to my room to get ready for the banquet. Suit and tie, as always. The food was good, the company was great, and the trivia contest was fun to watch. By the time the thing ended, we were writing up new questions just to get it over with. Greg and I both wrote up the last question which ended the contest. I can't disclose that question here because it ties in with #9.

Afterwards, it was time for the masquerade. Mara, Aaron and Lynati came back to my room with Revel, Spacie and I to change. And then it was back down. We didn't have many costumes this year, but what we had was terrific. D.Taina was the spitting image of Shari; Odin had a fun skit; the Tourist Garg was great; but, my favorite had to be Karine as Hunter. If she were allowed to participate, she would have taken Best in Show in a heartbeat.

After that, it was dancing time. You know it's a nerd con when half the people are dancing, and the other half are in the corner playing video games. Guess which I did? I tried dancing. I have never danced before in my life. But, I figured I'd give it a try. I sucked at it, but I am thankful to Mara, Karine and Spacie for the quick dance lessons. I will do it again, of course.

Aaron did lure me over to the Mugen JEB brought with a challenge. Megatron vs Galvatron. We'd finally settle it. I was Galvatron... and I kicked his ass. Galvatron wins! ;)

Things wound down, people started going to bed. But a very small group of us ended up in Susan Leonard's room where we talked, laughed, drank a little and just enjoyed each other's company until 4am.

Gathering Jounal - The Conclusion
Wow, I was so overdue in finishing this.

So, after staying up till 4am the previous night, once again I was up at 8am. Grabbed a shower, and packed. Today was the last day of the con, and there was much to do.

First I raced upstairs and met up with Jen, Karine, Nikki and Patrick, and we went off in search of breakfast. I had bagels and lox. It was a good breakfast. While eating, the waiter over heard us talking about "Spectacular Spider-Man" and we pointed at Jen and said she worked on the show. After breakfast, it was up the art room to collect the art pieces I won. Two original pages from the comic, and an awesome piece of Hunter. All by Karine. Good stuff.

With all that out of the way, Revel and I searched for a non-existent Fed-Ex Kinkos. When we discovered that it was indeed non-existent, we ran for UPS so I could send a package home and get myself some big envelopes to protect the art I bought. As a result, we were late for the Blue Mug Productions panel.

The Blue Mug Productions panel was a lot of fun. On that panel were, as they've been dubbed, the three angels: Jen, Karine, and Mara. Also, we met Edmund Tsabard. Very fun panel.

Finally, it was time for Closing Ceremonies, which are always bitter sweet. Edmund ducked out, and Greg Weisman returned. Awards were given out. Revel, Karine and Mara cleaned up at the art awards. I won three awards for the two music videos I entered. "Gargoyles Comic Intro" won third place in action, and "Kill David" won both second place in action and third place in comedy. Susan Scoggins' "Demona - 1985" won a well-deserved Best In Show award. Now, I am plotting for the next music video contest. I have two ideas.

Finally, we talked about Gathering 2009, which will be back in my newly adopted city of Los Angeles: http://www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com/g2009/ so everyone register. After that, I made my way around the room saying my good byes. Lots of hugs. But, I had to run. My cab was waiting out front to take me to the airport.

And so, another Gathering come and gone. Well, until next year, anyway.

Greg responds...

FYI, Josh is Keith's manager, not his agent.

Response recorded on September 10, 2008

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