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WEISMANSWERS 2009-06 (Jun)

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Joltman writes...

Any more specifics on a season set for The Spectacular Spider-Man? Some people are worried that it's either not going to happen, or that all it will just be the four volumes repackaged.

Greg responds...

All I know at this time is that it's due out this summer.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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John Sett writes...

Another Fox Question:

Now, I personally don't care what Titania said to Fox. That is better left to the individual to decide. However, I do care about one issue right now:

Did Fox take Xanatos' last name when they were married? I cannot find this asnwer anywhere. Based on her personality, I would think not. However, any help you can give would be great.

Greg responds...

Like many women I know, the answer is variable depending on the situation.

Generally, no. She's still just Fox. One word. Fox.

But I don't think she objects to being referred to, when WITH her husband, as "Mr. & Mrs. Xanatos" or as "David and Fox Xanatos". Though it would be more correct to say "Fox and David Xanatos".

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Bazell writes...

Will you/did you participate in Free Comic Book Day and pick up the offerings? If so, what did you think?

Greg responds...

I don't know about this.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Bazell writes...

Sometimes when I write, I worry about how much specific influence other similar media has on what I'm working on. As a student and literary lover, I am well aware of the dangers of plagerism and feel very sensitive to it, but I worry about unitentionally drawing too much from source material in fiction writing. For example, if I was working on a story about a vampire, I would worry about how much I'm being influenced by, say, Interview With the Vampire, which is a personal favorite novel and series. It's important for ideas to be new and fresh, even if they cover subject matter already used in the past.
Like you, I produce what I'd like to consume, so how do you avoid copying your favorites? Any sagely advice?

Otherwise, also want you to know that I impressed upon my local comic shop the sheer importance of my obtaining the two trades coming out this summer. I talked up the series, of which he was alredy a similarly disappointed fan. Both trades are on my pull-list.

Greg responds...

I don't have a set of guidelines for you. I try to feel my way through it, I guess. If I am going to "lift", I try to be direct and on the head about it, so that I'm acknowledging the debt as opposed to trying to get away with something. But I also avoid seeing/reading newer interpretations of stuff I know I plan to write about. And as much as possible I stick with "source material," i.e. things in the public domain.

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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diane barret writes...

hi greg...
i was reading about the team atlantis and Gargoyles
What happened to that episode?

I knew that many fans have agreed to end the episode
if so, when and where we can see them?

send me the answer by e-mail

thanks for you attention ....

diane barret


Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I don't send any answers by e-mail, as that would mean giving out my e-mail address, which I'm not inclined to do for people I don't know personally.

Assuming, however, you check back here, to get your answer, the one and ONLY place to see this is at the Opening Ceremony of the GATHERING. For more information, check out: http://www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com/g2009/ .

Response recorded on June 30, 2009

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Spidey Ratings


THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN episode "Blueprints" delivered 1.57 B6-11 rating, up +76% from prior 4 week time period average, retaining 89% of Catch that Kid lead-in in B6-11 and delivering the time period's highest B6-11 Rtg in over one month… since THE INCREDIBLES on 5/4/09.

"Destructive Testing" delivered 1.86 B6-11 Rtg, its highest ratings yet on DXD, while up +54% from prior 4 week time period average, delivering the time period's highest B6-11 rating in over one year...

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hey, Greg!
I've got for you a very in-depth question: How did you get to where you are today? What kinds of steps did you take? If you could give specifics, I'd be quite happy.
You see, I myself would love to go into the business of TV and film, and I frequently identify myself with you (in a non-creepy way - I mean regarding style and that kind of stuff).

Greg responds...

I've answered this in depth and with specifics before. Check the archives for a more detailed answer.

Generally, I'd say the first things you need to do, if you haven't already are...

1. Finish your formal education.

2. Move to Los Angeles.

3. Read, write and proofread a lot. Practice. Learn that your first draft may suck, and that even your second draft may need shelving.

As for my specifics...

*Bachelors from Stanford in English with a Fiction Writing emphasis.
*Started working as a writer for DC Comics as a 19-year-old while still in college.
*Moved to New York to work in comics, cuz that's where THAT action was.
*Masters from U.S.C in Professional Writing with an emphasis in playwriting.
*Staff Assistant at Disney Television Animation.
*Eventually promoted to Director of Series Development.
*Developed Gargoyles and moved sideways to produce it.


Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

What do you think Xanato's opinion of Norman Osborn would have been, both as a business rival, a person, and a father would have been?

Greg responds...

I think he would have been appalled at Norman's parental approach. He'd of course have to admire his business acumen and respect his machiavellian bent. But I find it hard to imagine the two has friends.

Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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???????? writes...

greg before i ask my question i've got to say i like the work you have done espacially gargoyles and the spectacular spiderman, so my question is well...

how tssm doing raitings wise on Disney XD?

Greg responds...

The reruns did pretty well, as far as I know. Still waiting to hear how last week's Season Two premiere went.

Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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Lylat-Warrior-Galaxia writes...

Is David Xanatos in Watchmen? If he is, wow.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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