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Not Wallace writes...

I know you've said you can't actually show LGBT characters on the show, but I think I saw you said that there was one who was just closeted. Would you ever "out" this character outside the show itself? Or would you not be allowed to? I think it's pretty horrible that you aren't allowed to have LGBT characters, it's the 21st Century and considering how isolating being young and gay can be, with no role models it can be incredibly difficult! But I understand this is not your fault.

Greg responds...

We show LGBT characters on the show all the time. We just can't acknowledge it. There's a difference. And I never said the LGBT characters on the show were closeted. I never said anything one way or the other about whether or not they were closeted - or at least, I don't remember saying anything about it. A character like Marie Logan can be out as far as she's concerned, without mentioning it out loud on the series.

And, there. I think I've just answered your question. (See also: Lexington.)

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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J writes...

I was just reading through the recently answered questions, and something struck me as a little odd. You seem to be interested in the specifics of things that are activly shown on-screen (eg. a charactors background in gymnastics as opposed to acrobatics, and how that difference is portrayed), yet there is an "Ask Greg helper" who answers questions for you with your quote "I'm not personally intetested in those type of specifics" which was your answer to a comoletley different kind of question (probably something like "what is Superboy's favorite type of pie")....my question is:
How much discression do you give your helpers to answer questions with responses that a) conveys your personal opinion AND b) you have not already answered and was never revealed in the show?
Specifically, I am refering to a question about how much water Aqualad's pack holds...how does your helper know your not intetested in that? Was there a meeting in which this topic was discussed?
The reason your stories are so good is because you pay so much attention to the details of things on-screen (in my opinion, anyway), and that seemed like a perfectly legitimate question to something regularly appearing on-screen, and given that, would most likley intetest you, at least a little (ie. I would think that you would write Aqualad keeping in mind there cold only possibly be a finite amount of water in his pack).

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

[A NOTE FROM AN ASK GREG HELPER: You are operating under a false assumption. We will only answer a question if Greg has answered that same question in the past. This was the case with the question about Aqualad's Water-Bearers. Here is the full context.]

DC Hero writes...

"How much liter's can Aqualad's water bearers hold."

Greg responds...

"I'm personally not interested in being that specific."

[Response recorded on March 29, 2011.]



Response recorded on March 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Well I was wondering something about Superman and Superboy. Most versions Superman can run at about the Speed of Light. 1. Can Earth 16 Superman run at Super Speed?
2. If so can Superboy as well?
3. If Superboy does have super speed is he faster than Wally or is that power weaker like his strength is compared to Superman.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. BTW Your show is by far the best show on Cartoon Network.

Greg responds...

1. It depends how you define super-speed. He can run faster than a human, certainly. But nowhere near as fast as Kid Flash. Speed of light? No chance.

2. Same answer, though he's not quite as fast as Superman.

3. See above.


Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

So we know that Miss Martian came to Earth by stowing away on Martian Manhunter's ship. But there's one thing that I am unsure about.

1. Did she have her parents' permission to leave them to stay with her uncle or did she run away from them for that purpose?

Greg responds...

1. She ran away without telling anyone. After J'onn discovered her, he contacted her parents, and they agreed that M'gann could stay on Earth.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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John writes...

How old is detective Jim Daniels?

Greg responds...

By the end of Season One, Detective Daniels was 34.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Amanda writes...

Queen Bee claimed that after the team steals the cycle, that more tech would appear that would put it, and possibly Superboy, to shame.
Has this tech been shown yet?

Greg responds...

Some of it.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

There are certain characters that were created specifically for Teen Titans. If you wanted to, could you bring those characters into YJ, or are they not up for grabs? Just curious, because I'd love to see your take on characters like Kyd Wykydd and the like. I thought you might be able to, since you sort of adapted TT's Cheshire mask, but I know that's a pretty different situation, as Cheshire's been around much longer than the Teen Titans show. Anyway, let me say that I really appreciate how you read your fans' questions, and I hope you're able to answer mine.

Greg responds...

I assume we have access to everything, unless I'm told otherwise.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Finister2 writes...

You say that while making the Gargoyles comics you like to pretent to cast a voice actor in your head. (or something like that.) With that in mind, did you "cast" anyone as the voice of...
1) Hawkman
2) Selena Gonzalez
3) Psycho-Pirate
4) Henry Yarrow
5) The Collector of Worlds (AKA Brainiac)
...in the Young Justice comic book series.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't written any issue where Hawkman speaks.

2. I didn't write that issue.

3. I didn't write that issue.

4. Charles Hallahan. (I realize that's not a practical choice, but that's who I heard.)

5. Patrick Stewart.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. In Insecurities (one of my faves of S1), Artemis was upset because she thought Batman & Green Arrow took her as a pity case, was she also thinking the whole team was in on it? Or just the Leaguers?
2. This is weird haha but I really liked the lighting at the end of that episode when she and her dad were talking, those shadows and that score, one of the best composed scenes for sure.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think she really thought it out at all.

2. Thanks.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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FnGs writes...

Hi Greg.
Big fan here, and I am from China mainland. Where people can't get to watch Young Justice at first hand legally because we don't have Cartoon Network here.
Most of us watch it online or download from foreign websites.
and I am translating Young justice into Chinese subtitles and provide it online so more people could enjoy the show.
so I want to know how you feel about this.
Does it bother you because I know all these action are not legal nor the right thing to do.
But it is the fact that this is the only way we can catch the show as all of the fans do.
If you read this, I'd really hope you could reply with your thoughts and feelings. Many thanks!

Greg responds...

Hey FnGs... I don't know how to answer this. You're telling me about illegal activity and, what, looking for me to condone it?

Obviously, I'd love for as many people as possible to see (and understand) the series. But I can't go on record supporting an illegal act. You see that, right?

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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