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VanDee writes...

Oh I forgot to add, I just bought the YJ tee-shirt! I love it with a passion. I'm too happy to finally have some merchandise!

Greg responds...

I bought it too!

Plus I also have my YJ crew t-shirt, and my "Hello, Megan!" crew t-shirt. (The latter was made for us by Nicole Dubuc.)

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

With the introduction of the Forever People and Desaad in "Disordered," the introduction of Gordon Godfrey in Young Justice: Invasion, and the use of Apokoliptian technology in several episodes of the series thus far, the hints of a coming presence of the New Gods seems to be making itself clear.

I know that, as I have read in the AskGreg Archives, you have stated multiple times that Young Justice is not affected by the New 52. However, I thought you should need to know about what the New Gods are doing in the New 52. Please read below.

The New Gods that have appeared thus far in the New 52 & what they have been doing:

Darkseid - In the New 52, Darkseid was re-introduced as the main antagonist in issues #1-6 of "Justice League." He led his forces to attack the mainstream DC universe in an effort to search for his daughter, who is apparently a new character in the comics. Thanks to the efforts of the Justice League, Darkseid was sent away via Boomtube, but not before he swore to return. It also seems that Darkseid has been acting behind-the scenes during the flashback events that happened in issue #1 of "Earth 2," given that he made no actual appearance in the issue. Darkseid has not yet made any future appearances since then... though it is easy to suspect that the search for his daughter still continues throughout the multiverse…

Desaad - His only appearance in the New 52 thus far was in issue #6 of "Justice League," in which he was involved in the brutal torture of Superman. I don't think he's been seen or heard of since then…

Steppenwolf - He also made an appearance in issue #6 of "Justice League," in which he was also involved in Superman's torture. With the failure of the Apokoliptian invasion of the mainstream DC universe, he makes his next appearance in issue #1 of "Earth 2." Aside from personally leading an Apokoliptian invasion on this parallel Earth, he had a notable role in personally killing Earth-2's version of Wonder Woman. When the invasion was stopped by Earth-2's version of the Trinity (at the cost of their lives), Steppenwolf was not seen or heard from again. I've heard that issue #8 of "Earth 2" is going to show off Steppenwolf again and that the issue was going to explain what he has been doing on Earth-2 for five years after the failed invasion.

Orion - Orion was re-introduced at the end of issue #12 of "Wonder Woman." Oddly enough, as he rises from the snow, picks up his helmet, and leaves somewhere via Boomtube, the dialogue in the last couple of pages in that issue implies that the fall of the Olympian Gods (at least, the ones exiting in the mainstream DC universe) gives rise to the New Gods. Honestly, I have no idea what it could mean. Anyway, Orion seems to play a role in some issues of "Wonder Woman." From what I think I understand, it seems that Orion has been given a mission by the Highfather to prevent the end of The Source itself… Pretty strange if you ask me…

Darkseid's daughter - Quite honestly, there's not much that is known about Darkseid's daughter. She has made no appearance thus far, and her name has not yet been given… Finding her is apparently Darkseid's top priority, as evidenced in issue #6 of "Justice League." The Apokoliptian invasion of Earth-2, as shown in issue #1 of "Earth 2" seems to suggest that Darkseid has launched an assault on ANY and ALL parallel Earths in the DC multiverse; all for the sake of finding his daughter. To further support this evidence, in issue #6 of "Justice League," Superman, upon being rescued from torture, stated that he saw images of a multiverse faced with death and torture at Darkseid's hands. This means that the mainstream DC universe and Earth-2 were not the only victims of assaults from the forces of Apokolips.

Thanks for taking the time to reading this posting. I'm not sure if this may be relevant to you or the Earth-16 universe, but I hope you didn't mind me sharing this with you.

Again, thank you,

Greg responds...

You know, I appreciate the thought, but I DON'T need to know any of this. Earth-16 is NOT in continuity with the New 52. That's NOT a value judgement. It's just a hard fact of when we began and completed production.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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btgr writes...

What did Wade Eiling and Alec Rois do during the Cambodian-Vietnamese War and the Soviet-Afghan War?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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Steph writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman

Two questions:

1. Did you give Slade a ponytail because you wanted to increase his sass level?

2. In another question someone asked where Artemis was in Image and you said "Does it matter? Anyway, hopefully I'll get to tell that story some day." and now I'm curious as to what that story is but I'm guessing that's a SPOILER request. So instead I'll ask was it a story that was meant to be told on the actual show or in the tie-in comics?

Greg responds...

1. <chuckle> Actually, I don't usually talk out of school here, but I was AGAINST the ponytail from the start. But I was over-ruled by Brandon and Phil. Later, when Phil was designing Deathstroke again for one of WB's DVDs, he told me I was right. Fat lot of good THAT did, huh? ;)

2. Comics.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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New Zealand police officer writes...

How often does the Justice League visit New Zealand?

I asked you this question for a number of reasons:

1. The most obvious one is that most superheroes do not use guns and unlike America, most of our police force do not carry guns and we will continue not to carry them. Our general policing is not and will never be the culture of the gun.

2. Crime still happens in New Zealand even though we are a very safe nation.

3. We handle terrorism, gun crime, police brutality and corruption very seriously.

4. We frequently show wanted faces and serious crimes in a popular and successful TV show called "Police Ten Seven". &

5. We are one of the least corrupt police forces in the world.

Cheers bro.

Greg responds...

Sounds great.

But it also makes it sound like New Zealand is a place that doesn't need the Justice League all that much.

But I'd sure like to go!!

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Erica writes...

How much research did you have to do before starting on Young Justice? How did you go about doing research (ie wikis, movies, comics, etc)?

Greg responds...

I feel like I've answered this before, but...

I read a ton of comics, starting with the big black and white Showcase Teen Titans reprint volumes and all the Young Justice comics that I could get my hands on, plus a few other random things, including most of my own collection of New Teen Titans, Flash, Green Lantern, DC Comics Presents, Captain Atom, etc. I also watched a bunch of episodes of Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans. (Although this was mostly done to avoid copying what they had done.) I also read through (or at least skimmed) pretty much the entire DC Encyclopedia. Occasionally, I'd do a quick check of something on Wikipedia and/or ComicVine or my own old issues of Who's Who. And when I needed to go deep - John Wells was there to help out.

Plus, keep in mind that I'm a huge geek that's been in this game professionally since 1983 and reading comics since, 1969ish... So I knew a lot of stuff already. Plus there's Brandon and Phil and a ton of other geeks that worked on the show.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Artemis strong in science?
2. With all of her trick arrows, is she good in physics or engineering?
3. Where does she get her arrows?

Thanks for Young Justice :D It is my favorite show right now.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Probably.

3. She makes a lot of them. Green Arrow makes some of them for her.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Young Justice: Volume 3: Creature Feature

Christopher Jones said it so well, I'm just cutting and pasting his pimping:

In Stores NOW: Young Justice - Volume 3

Young Justice: Volume 3 - Creature Features is in comic book shops and book stores TODAY! Volume 3 collects issues #14-19, featuring our Atlantis, Kobra Cult and Gorilla City storylines. Carrying a cover price of $12.99, this volume joins Volume 1 (issues #0-6) and Volume 2 - Training Day (issues #7-13).

Young Justice: Volume 3 is written by Greg Weisman, drawn by Christopher Jones, colors by Zac Atkinson, and a story drawn by guest artist Lucciano Vecchio.

If you can't find a copy at your local comic shop or bookstore, you can ask them to order one, or order it on line from a source like Amazon.com!

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Pimping John Wells

John Wells, as many of you may have noticed on the credit lists I've posted for Young Justice, has provided invaluable research on the DC Universe for those of us working on the YOUNG JUSTICE comic and television series.

He's written a book: American Comic Book Chronicles: 1960-1964, and he's recently been interviewed by KC Carlson about the book, his secret origins and the work he's done in and for the industry. (Coincidentally, KC was - once upon a time - my associate editor on CAPTAIN ATOM.)

Anyway, here are links to the three-part interview:


Check 'em out! And congratulations, John!

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Anon writes...

Did Wally ever attend Dick's birthday parties? Also if he did, did he ever run into Artemis?

Greg responds...

Dick probably had multiple parties since he has multiple identities.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How old was Jason Todd during Season 1/Team Year Zero?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Brianna writes...

Before I ask my question, I just wanted to offer an explanation about something. I see a lot of confusion from people who aren't shall we say denizens of the internet regarding "trolling". Trolling is doing or saying something to rile someone up for humorous purposes, and everyone seems to be familiar with the cruel, schadenfreude usage of this. It can also be used affectionately- your friend could troll you by calling you that embarrassing nickname in front of your new girlfriend. When people say you are trolling the fandom, they're not calling you mean- it's saying you're kind of messing with us, playing with our heads. In a sense, it kind of means you're doing your job really well as a creator.

My actual question is that I was wondering about Green Arrow and Black Canary in earth-16. I actually also really love Black Canary, and ship them together really hard, and I was wondering
1) what their first impressions of each other were like. 2)Do they live together, currently, or do they have their own places?
3)What is your favorite relationship dynamic for them?
4) How long had they been together at the start of season one?
5) Who are they probably closest to, within the league?

Thank you for looking at this!

Greg responds...

1. This question requires an entire story in response. And this just isn't the format for me to be telling stories.


3. Um... together?

4. See above.

5. Each other.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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GhostDog401 writes...

Are Flash and Atom (the shrinking guy) friends? Cuz you always see him (atom) riding on Flash's shoulder or is this just the best place for Atom to ride?

Greg responds...

Yes. They are very good/old friends. Though you will see Atom on other shoulders as well.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Kenneth writes...

1. Do you keep and update your timeline in a notebook, or are they files on your computer.

2. If the second option is true, do you design the appearance of your timeline? (special font, for example)

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. Um... I'm not sure what you mean by designed. It's all Times font, although I use different sizes and bold and italics for various things. It's nothing fancy, but it's functional.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Vulko?
2. How old is Whisper A'Daire?
3. How old is Wilcox?
4. How old is Daddy Lidz?
5. How old is David Reid?

Greg responds...

1. Vulko was 69 at the end of Season One.


3. If you mean the prison guard, I'm not tracking him. If you mean Dr. David Wilcox, the STAR Labs scientist, I haven't added him into the timeline yet.

4. Who?


Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Singh Manh Li?
2. How old is Xiaping?
3. How old is Biggitz?
4. How old is Hauser?
5. How old is Cooper?

Greg responds...

At the end of Season One:

1. Singh Manh Li was 67.
2. Xiaping was 45.
3-5. Were these all Belle Reve Prison guards? In the script, they weren't named characters, and I'm not tracking them at this time.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Artemis and Robin were to spar without any kind of weapon, who would win?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him."

[Response recorded on December 14, 2012.]

Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Katy writes...

When is Garfield Logan's birthday?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I generally don't give characters birthdates unless it matters in a specific story."

[Response recorded on December 21, 2012.]

Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Dear Greg like to say the Idea to Keep Kid Flash and Artemis together and Break up with Superboy and Miss Martian be in Season 2 was bad Idea some of us think it when ban better it was the other way around

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Ok, so I'm just kinda weird about stuff like this, and this has bothered me for a while.

How much water can Aqualad carry in his water pack to use for his Water Bearers? Like, what is its maximum capacity?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm personally not interested in being that specific."

[Response recorded on March 29, 2011.]

Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How many hairs does Superboy have on his head?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I haven't tracked this with the kind of specificity you're asking for."

[Response recorded on April 13, 2012.]

Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Nelson writes...

Does it bother you if anyone decides to nickname Wade Eiling "America's Osama Bin Laden"?

Greg responds...

I guess I would. But it makes no sense whatsoever. So...

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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Kevin writes...

Why did you decide that Aquaman should only have telepathy with marine mammals instead of all sea life like he does in the comics?

Greg responds...

It's what makes sense to me.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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Daniel C W writes...

Dear Mr. Wiseman,

I know that these kind of shows are a big team effort, so just thanking the head-writer or the credited writer is not enough. So if you ever talk to your colleagues about how the audiences react to Young Justice, please tell them, that there is at least one viewer, where you exactly hit the right spot, and pushed his emotional buttons. As I said, there is at least one, but probably thousands, or millions, but I can only speak for myself. Especially the episode "Coldhearted" got me up and down a few times, so thanks to everyone involved for that.
Looking forward for more of that ...

And a thank you to you for interacting with us - even if it is just for you ego :)

I also got some questions.
Actually, think of them as cues, please. Feel free to write as much as you want about the topics I raise in those questions, please.

1) What exactly do we see during the endcredits, and what else can you tell us about them?

2) I see that you, and many other writers and producers, usually do not know much about the success of your show as seen from the business side of things, for example the ratings, or if your show has been sold internationally.
Do you not care about it, or is it acutally difficult for you to get this kind of information?
Or do you even try to avoid it, to not risk any (bad) influence?

3) From another reader's question I know that you were responsible for some English dubs. Does that experience affect your writing? Do you sometimes wonder how something you just wrote could be difficult to handle for those who translate your work into other languages (or cultures)?

I would have asked that question anyway, as I try to ask every author I can reach about it. But now that I know, that you know both sides of the problem, I am more inclined than ever, to hear your thoughts about it.

Thanks in advance :-D

Greg responds...

1. Not sure what you mean: they're end credits; what you see is what you get.

2. I care very much, but the bosses aren't always forthcoming.

3. Words always matter to me. But though languages fascinate me, I'm decidedly monolingual. (Though not proud of that fact.) So the short answer is no. I focus on making it work in English and otherwise cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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EXALT writes...

According to a recent question, Zatara started fighting crime twelve years before Team Year 0, the same year as Superman. Was that a reference to the the fact that the first appearance, for both of them, was in Action Comics 1?

Greg responds...

In essence.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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