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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, great job so far. Ignore the people who whine or think they know better than you do. The effrontery and rudeness and arrogance of some fans always amaze me. Your show is successful because of the way YOU are writing and plotting and not because what they think something ought to play out. I know I don't want to see something that has been done over and over in comics and in former cartoons. What is the point of that? I like YJ because it offers up something fresh and modern and it is part of the multi-verse? Earth-16? So nothing has to follow anything that is on other earths or continuity, right?

Greg responds...

Right. Thanks. (Though I should point out that I'm not a one-man show here.)

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there! I have two questions, if you don't mind my asking.

1.Why did you decide to call Hawkgirl "Hawkwoman" instead of "Hawkgirl?"
2. I recently learned that in some continuties, Thanagarians' wings are attached to some sort of harness. Are their wings genetic or artifical in this world?

Greg responds...

1. Since both names are legit, we wanted to push the adult characters toward names with "man" and "woman", to save the "boy"s and "girl"s and "lad"s and "kid"s for the Team.

2. Genetic.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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mortaltype writes...

Young Justice Questions - Atlanteans and Fish:

1. In episode 3 of season 2 was Black Manta eating fish (1b: with hollandaise sauce and white wine)?

2. Do Atlanteans (in this continuity/earth 16) generally eat fish?

3. If so, is this something subject to regional variation?

4. What sort of reasoning is there behind the choice to eat/not eat fish?

5. Do Atlanteans supplement their diet with vegetation (i.e. seaweed)?

(Thank you - and the whole team - for this wonderful show. It serves as my weekly bribe for making progress towards completing my dissertation and has honestly helped me through a rough couple of months. By the way, searching the archives for the word 'fish' produces some interesting results.=)

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall.

2. I would think so.

3. Doubtlessly.

4. No different from real life reasons.

5. Of course.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JAC writes...

Mr. Greg,

Quick question after reading some of your responses (which seem to ba all over the place on this issue)...when recreating a charicter that has a firmly established history in the DCu (as apposed to say Lagoon boy, who existed but didnt even have a real name until now), how MUCH of that history - if any - do you feel "obligated" (for lack of a better word) to include "nods" to that history?
For instance...and if this seems like a spoiler question, im sure you can think of another example that isnt...the Clark/Lois relationship is practically written in DC stone (as it should be!)...basically my question is: are you the kind of writer that respects the CHARACHTER when writing them, only what you petsonally like about them from the past, or do you like "leave your own mark" even if that means totally reimagining them?
Using the Clark/Lois idea as a beromiter, where do you stand? (ie, if you would never change anything THAT iconic, where do you draw the line?
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I have no interest in "leaving my own mark" and every interest in trying to get to the core of each individual character and portraying them with (what I see as my version of the) truth.

The trouble, of course, is that most of these characters have decades of continuity, created and supervised by dozens of individuals that weren't always in perfect synch with each other or - frankly - even with the character.

So, yes, Brandon and Phil and I get to make choices about what we believe is "right" for any given character. Keeping what's essential. Leaving out what may not be, and ditching what we flat-out feel doesn't work. There's no doubt that my personal biases come into play. (NO SUPER-COLD BREATH EVER!) But I try to be as objective as possible (given what a subjective topic we're dealing with here) about what plays to the core of each character.

But events in a pre-established comic book continuity, i.e. "a firlmly established history" are more up for grabs. We're in a different parallel universe, and some things did happen... and some did not. And some things that never happened in comic book continuity DID happen on Earth-16. I'd hope the character's responses to any given event would be on target, whether or not the event happened in DC's (many) pre-existing continuities.

Relationships are even more complicated. I'm not going to guarantee any character exists on Earth-16 that hasn't been seen or mentioned in canon. So how can I guarantee a relationship between two characters, when one might not exist? But to use your example, we've seen in the comics that Lois exists. And of course Superman exists. So then the question is what if any relationship do they have and does it match up with continuity. And the answer is... YES. But what does that mean? Superman and Lois have (since 1938) had all sorts of different relationships at all sorts of different stages, ranging from strangers to marriage. And both have, at times, dated other people. So I would try to be true to BOTH characters, but I'm not going to guarantee where they are in their relationship at this moment in time.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is it true that Linda Parks name is written on a list somewhere in one of season one's episodes?

Greg responds...

Does this rumor even exist, or are you starting it here and now?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Celestia writes...

1.-Is there a version of you on earth 16
2.-Is there a an alternate version of every one in real life on earth 16?
2b Is there a version of me on earth 16?
3.-Is there a version of marvel comics (as a coomic book company) on earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. <sigh> I suppose.

2. Not EVERYone.

2b. I don't have a complete list handy.

3. Coomics are very popular on Earth-16.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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People's Choice Awards

Would anyone like to see Young Justice win a People's Choice Award?

Write in your vote for our nomination here: http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/nominations/vote.jsp?pollId=120024

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J the Drafter writes...

Does being Nabu's host prevent someone from sending or recieving thoughts via telepathic link? For example, if Martian Manhunter linked up the Justice League, would Zatara be able to talk to Dr.Fate's teammates?

Greg responds...

Honestly, not sure.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Sarai writes...

Hola Greg,

Alright I went through the archives and I didn't see this question (sorry if I missed it/or if it's a Spoiler request but I don't think so)

1. On Earth 16, does the whole concept of "if an Amazon is bound to a man, she loses her powers" still true?

2. In the comics there's various versions as to why Amazons wear the cuffs/silver bracelets, why do Amazons wear them on Earth 16 (besides using them to dodge bullets and what not...I mean does it have to do with a reminder to be enslaved...or something of the like?)

(sorry if these are questions asked but not responded to but there's over a 1000 of those...and I just finished going through over 200 related Wondy posts...)

Greg responds...



Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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Neil Cailey writes...

Hi Greg,

I've finally hunted you down,im a 30 year old weight trainning coach from Manchester England uk and i wanted to say that Young Justice is'nt just a great show it's the best show (animated or not). ALSO ....

Hope you don't pay any attention to all the "where is K.F" and "we dont like the chances in the show comments" Young Justice is the cleverest show i've ever seen i love how your twenty steps ahead of the audicence.

My question is ..... Where do you come up with Robin's fantastic quotes like "feeling the Aster" (oppisite to disaster) "whelmed" and "well get taught" oppiste to distaught)

Thank You
Neil Cailey

Greg responds...

I came up with "whelmed". It's something that's always made me wonder. After that, a number of folks contributed, including our writing staff and even my wife and kids. Try it. It's fun.

Response recorded on October 25, 2012

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