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Dylan Zimmerman writes...

Hi Greg I have been a fan of Gargoyles since I was a kid and I have a comic book I am writing that I will be sending to Darkhorse soon and I was wondering if you would take the time out of your scedule and check it out now I am sure you get asked this millons of times a day so if no responce I get it no harm no faul but I would love an honest opinion from someone experenced if you want to contact me outside of your website my Email is Madprofecer340@aol.com but please leave it out if answer my question

Greg responds...

Sorry, Dylan, but I don't have time to do all the stuff I'm being paid to do. But good luck.

Response recorded on May 08, 2008

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Greg responds...

Ahhh, yes, the tragedy of A.S.D.

Really, I shouldn't joke. Cuz I have NO IDEA what the heck it is, but it doesn't sound funny.

Response recorded on May 07, 2008

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TAMEKA writes...


Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 06, 2008

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg, just thought I'd clarify something I read in one of your recent responses.

On the 14th of March you wrote "I'm not sure I know what 616 means". As I understand it in the context of Marvel's fictional multiverse, Earth-616 refers to the mainstream Marvel Universe that read about in the comics every month. As opposed to the various alternate universes like Ultimate Marvel and those old issues of What If? The term was allegedly first coined by Alan Moore in an old Captain Britain story.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 03, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Silverstar Online Lottery, from Hohannesburg,2040, South Africa a legitimate bussiness?

Greg responds...

Is this Michael Vogel posting this? Or Diane Crea? It's Vic, isn't it?

Response recorded on April 23, 2008

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Wesley Nichols writes...

Dear Greg Weisman,

I had a thought and would like to hear youre opinion. I had been to a site that listed cartoons from the eighties (Such as Thundercat, the Littles, and Bravestarr) and began to compare them to todays cartoons series. I wil admit that I don't normally watch cartoons, but I sometimes see the cartoons my young cousins watch and from what I can tell most of todays cartoons are sacrificing content for modern animationj techniques and political correctness. Admittedly, the snippets of the Avatar series, shows that it is one of the more unique series, but most other shows are either copies of older series (Spiderman, Batman, X-men) or possess very little complex plot.

I am not trying to insult you or accuse you of anything. I still think Gargoyles is one of the best young kid shows out there and one of the things I liked about the show is that it was one of the last shows that truly had a morale lesson (such as guns are not toys and there are always consequences for your actions)but alot of the cartoons shows I see seem to emphasize shallowness and I think encourages children to act spoilt and do what they want. For example, in many cartoon shows, such Fairly Odd parents, the main characters parents and adults in general are shown to be bumbling fools, and I saw an episode of Dexters laboratory that emphasized that Christmas was about materialism instead of spending time with family.

I hope I did not offend you and I admit that I don't normally watch television. I just want to hear your opinion.

Greg responds...

I think in pretty much any era there are great shows and crap shows.

Response recorded on April 22, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

How long does it take to get a divorce if you file it yourself in the Florida courts

Greg responds...

It's really hard to answer that question given how little information you've provided. And, uh, given that I have absolutely ZERO knowledge on the subject. So... did you see the big GARGOYLES logo at the top of the page?

Response recorded on April 18, 2008

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Chelsea Schuchman writes...

What's gonna happen to the show? Is it really gonna show some of Chiro's past? Will Skeleton King win? Are you really going to end the show. Will someone die again?I hope not. I don't want the show to end. What about the Alchemist? What about Valina, Mandarin, and Sokko?

Greg responds...

What the heck are we talking about?

Response recorded on April 14, 2008

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alex writes...

hey greg wats upp! ur a good wirter but bad guy. why did u end gargoyles u @ss. u suck really. come on ! u mad epeople sad when u ended it and now i will get my revenge lol joking.

Greg responds...

You're a riot, alex.

Response recorded on April 07, 2008

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Herr_Shredder writes...

Ever think of a TMNT-Gargoyles cross-over?

Greg responds...

Not really. Not much on crossovers, really, despite the semi-canon Team Atlantis crossover.

Response recorded on February 05, 2008

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Hello my frist qustion here writes...

hello Greg ,I was doing some research for my finals
and I had to look son zoidack symbols. so any way I notice that the star sings
have a color that is appealing to those borne under that specific sign.
anyway here is my question do you think the people borne under the sign of Scorqpio (fond of dark colors. dark reds ,blacks .ect )
would be more tempted to favor brooklyn, as a character, and or fiend him Physically attractive.
(hope I did not sound to perverted)

thank you for tacking the time to read this

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on January 21, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 25th...

William the Conqueror is crowned King of England.

The Stone of Destiny is stolen from Westminster Abbey by Macbeth and four Scottish patriots.

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Andres writes...

Does melissa garcia like me.

Greg responds...

She hasn't said anything to me, one way or another.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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zach writes...

do i have power if not how ca i get them

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 17, 2007

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Kristen Brown writes...

I Wanted To Know Is There Going To Be A Season 4,5,6.... Of Winx Club Because I really Like That Show And I want To See Season 4,5,6...? Please Answer This Question As Soon As Possible.

Greg responds...

I have no knowledge of Winx Club at all.

Response recorded on December 11, 2007

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odd baller writes...

what is your opinion on gargoyles xxx rated content??

Greg responds...

It depends on the context. We're not going to put even single x rated content in the series. But if fans want to do it, well, more power to them. I won't be reading it, as I don't read any fanfiction, but I've got no problem with it.

Response recorded on October 22, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

how are gargoyle and dragon relations,good/bad?

Greg responds...

You're assuming facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Joyce writes...

I have a situation I don't know what to do with. I am what is known as a reborn doll artist. Recently, I came across an outfit by a well known seamstress on Ebay. I purchased the outfit to put on one of my dolls I will be creating to sell on Ebay. The problem is, the outfit has Minnie Mouse in the material. Will I be in infringement of a copyright if I use it?

Greg responds...

I guess. But I'm not a legal expert.

Response recorded on September 04, 2007

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Derek writes...

Could you list the following characters in order of natural intelligence?
Sevarius, Xanatos, Fox, Goliath, Angela, Broadway, Hudson, Elisa, Brooklyn, Lexington, Delilah, Demona, Desdemona, Coldstone, Coldsteel, Gabriel, Ophelia, Princess Katherine, Magus, Tom, Titania, Oberon, Halcyon, Puck, Fang, Talon, Claw, Maggie, Finella, Mary.
P.S I know its an odd question but i'm just curious about a lot of hypothetical questions and i think this could clear things up for me. Just some examples of the questions i think could be cleared up by this question.
1)Could Goliath have the same potential for magic as Demona? 2)Could Demona have the same potential for science as Sevarius etc.
I'd assume Hudson and Broadway or Fox and Xanatos would have roughly the same natural intelligence level in cases like that could you list character of the same intelligence in a row.
I didn't include the clones with exception of Delilah because they'd all have the same level of natural intelligence as their counterparts wouldn't they?

Greg responds...

Ranking intelligence?

No thanks.

Response recorded on August 24, 2007

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brooklyn the red one writes...

greg do u think if there was a medical procedur to change a human in to a gargoyle,(full blown everthing glowing,eyes'stone skin,ect)
peopel would it do you think most of all the fans would do it. how would you feel about fans turning them selfs in to real gargoyles
would have it done
thanks for your time

Greg responds...

Seriously? Tattoos make me squeemish.

Response recorded on August 24, 2007

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Zach Baker is a Jeopardy GOD!

Some of you may remember fellow fan Zach Baker. He's been to multiple Gatherings, performed in multiple Radio Plays, married a fellow Gargoyles fan (and had a kid with her, thus insuring us future generations of fans). He's a former student of mine, and a very funny guy.

And Zach Baker has been kicking butt and taking names on Jeopardy the last two days. He's won $44K already. So tune in tomorrow to your local Jeopardy station and send Zach your psychic best wishes. (It's a syndicated show, so check local listings. It's on ABC, channel 7 at 7pm in Los Angeles.) And yeah, I know the episodes were taped weeks if not months ago, but it's good karma! Trust me.

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever seen, or are you a fan of Stargate SG1? If you have and/or are, what did you think of their use of the Arthur legend in the shows last two seasons?

Greg responds...

I do watch SG1 -- but in syndication on broadcast, not on SciFi channel, so I'm a year behind. I've got no real opinion of how they've used Arthur stuff in the season I've seen. Not enough info for me to get where they're going with it. Ask me again in a year.

Response recorded on July 05, 2007

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Cyoti writes...

Is there any chance of you writing the Aquaman Sword of Atlantis book?

Greg responds...

I doubt it. Not that I'd turn it down, but it seems they've already got a great writer on that book.

Response recorded on July 05, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I asked you what your favorite rides are at Disneyland and when you said a Small World and the one where you go into the snowflake, I had to write back. (I might as well put in here that we were at Disneyland over Spring Break and it was great; the scavenger hunt made it even more interesting). For the snowflake one, I asked my parents and they said it was called the molecule ride. They said there was some sort of microscope involved. I think that's the ride where Star Tours is now. I know this because they pay tribute to the molecule ride by putting the microscope on the Star Tours ride. I don't know if you've been on the Star Tours ride or not, but when you first take off in the space station and drop for the first time, look to the bottom right corner and you'll see the microscope on the screen. I didn't think it'd be a big deal, but I looked for it, and sure enough, there it was!

Now for the Small World. I'll never be the same since the last time I rode it. I got on with my family and I ended up in the very back seat. I stepped in and water poured in over the edge and got me soaked! I had no idea why until I looked ahead of me and saw that there were 3 men who were over 300 pounds each in the middle seats. You'd think the people working on the ride would've caught this, but they didn't. We got into the first room and our boat stopped. I could hear the boat scraping the bottom of the ride. Every time someone moved, more water sloshed into the back of the boat. The people sitting on the sides of the boat had to grab the sides of the ride and push the boat along. It took us over 45 minutes to get to the end of the ride. There were no boats in front of us and a lot of boats held up behind us. When we finally finished the ride and heard the song "It's a small world after all…" over 20 times, all the people in the boats behind us started clapping and cheering while we took turns giving bows and waved as we crossed the bridge into the Small World store. That is why I won't get on the ride for another 10 years.

Thank you for you time.


Greg responds...

Sounds like a nightmare. And yes, the snowflake ride was replaced by Star Tours years ago...

Response recorded on June 06, 2007

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Meg writes...

I know you've said that Demona cast a spell on the Manhattan Clan right before they woke up in the 20th century that allowed them to understand modern English. My question is, how does Angela understand modern English? I would assume that she grew up speaking Old English, as she was raised by Tom/the Magus/Katharine.

Greg responds...

Avalon compensates when it sends people to where they need to be...

(How's that?)

Oh, and by the way, Demona casting a spell is just a possible answer to the original modern English question. Not a definitive answer.

Response recorded on April 26, 2007

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Silvia Song writes...

Sorry, me again. Incase you want to see my Facebook group, here's the link;


Thanks again.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm not sure what a facebook is. Gotta check with someone who knows to see whether I can look without creating potential legal trouble for myself.

Response recorded on April 20, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

I read somewhere that you've been to Disneyland many times. What is your favorite ride there?

Thank you in advance for your answer and for your time.


Greg responds...

I'm not sure I have one favorite. (Today's questions don't seem to be provoking much in the way of definitive response.) I enjoy a bunch of rides, including but not limited to Pirates, Matterhorn, Haunted Mansion, Peter Pan, Small World (yeah, you heard me!), Space Mountain. There are rides that are gone now that I used to love, like that Innerspace one where they shrunk you down into a snowflake, etc. I'm probably forgetting some...

Response recorded on April 13, 2007

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Gantros writes...

I was watching "Hellboy: Blood and Iron" on television when I noticed that the businessman Oliver Trumble is almost identical to Xanatos, differing only in a few personality traits. Do you think Gargoyles could have had some influence on the character, or is just a coincedence?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I haven't seen the movie myself, though some good friends worked on it. I don't know whether the character you're referencing pre-dates Gargoyles or not.

Response recorded on March 30, 2007

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Danny Dyche writes...

I noticed that Weird Al's song "Cable TV" mentions a show called "Celebrity Hockey".

Greg responds...

News to me.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Danny Dyche writes...

I've read a book which might interest people who understand certain references in "Gargoyles". Ruled Britannia by Harry Turtledove is an alternate history novel in which William Shakespeare writes a play about Queen Boudicca.

Greg responds...

Sounds cool.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Antiyonder (AKA Axem Gold) writes...

It was habit to type here as Axem Gold, so here's my current alias. It's based of:

Beyonder (from Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars)
Anti-Monitor (from Crisis On Infinite Earths)

The idea to merge the names were based of a crossover Marvel and DC Comics did from 1995 to 1997 called Amalgam Comics. Ever read the Amalgam Comics? Anyway, on to the topic.

Given that you address a lot of the Gathering attendees as your enemies, do you have any Steel Clan robots or Grimorum spells to back up your comments? Just joking.

Greg responds...

Never read Amalgam, I'm afraid. Did it really start in '95? I didn't really stop reading comics regularly until '96, so it's odd that I would have misse the early issues...

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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tommyfear78@sbcglobal.net writes...

Is there a club in NY to save gargoyles from bldgs. being demolished?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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nivekious writes...

Greg, this is my first time posting here, but I've been a fan of the series for a long time. I was wondering if you have ever spoken to anuryone about getting a Gargoyles level put into a Kingdom Hearts game. The games feature various Disney worlds, and many people play them that have probably never heard of the show before. If "Gargoyles" were to find its way into one of these games in one form or another, it could spark an interest with a whole new group of people, which might lead Disney to realize that there is still plenty of potential left in the series. Also, I'm not sure how all the rights stuff works, but the games are currently produced by Buena Vista which might make things slightly less complicated.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

I think it would be great, but I have no idea how to make it happen. Don't even know whom to talk to about it. If Disney or Square or whomever decided to include Gargoyles, I would hope they'd come to me. But I can't be sure they would.

Response recorded on January 11, 2007

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Flip Books...

Our good friend Dennis Woodyard, one of the producer-directors on the second season of GARGOYLES, has a website I'd like to plug...


Check out his cool flip books!

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kool writes...

why does pop go flat

Greg responds...

Cuz his kids won't stop hopping on him, right?

Response recorded on January 02, 2007

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Axem Gold writes...

These questions are about comics/comic related material:

1. Have you watched the following Marvel Films? If yes, what were your thoughts on them?
1a. X-Men 2
1b. Daredevil
1c. Hulk
1d. Fantastic Four
1e. Batman Begins
1f. Daredevil The Director's Cut (The novelization is closer to this version, than the theatrical)

1g. Not a Marvel Movie, but "Justice League Starcrossed The Movie"
2. What were your thoughts on Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends. Frank Welker did quite a bit of voicing for this one (Bobby Drake/Iceman, Flash Thompson, Ms. Lions and Matt Murdock).

3. I believe a copy of your resume mention you doing work on the Spider-Man Animated Series from Sony for MTV.
3a. What episodes if any did you help with?
3b. Any opinions on the series as a whole?

4. Did you get a copy of "The Batman VS Dracula"?

5. Last question. Did you think the DC Comics Universe was better with or without the Multiverse? I prefered the multiple earths. I recently picked up the Trade Paperback "Crisis On Multiple Earths The Team Ups", which made it possible to finally read Flash #123 (Flash Of Two Worlds).

Greg responds...

Geez, this could take me hours to answer...

1a. Saw it, and generally liked it. My main complaint on all three X-Men movies is the casting of Scott Summers. He's blown off the screen by Wolverine, and thus in X-2 is relegated to a very minor role, and in X-3 is unceremoniously killed off (for no good reason).

1b. Saw it on an airplane, and I'll admit I'm less picky on airplanes. Not a great movie. Was a bit disappointed in Kingpin. That guy so looks the part, but he seemed feeble to me.

1c. Haven't seen it. Would like to, actually. I'm curious.

1d. Ugh. AWFUL. Honestly, I've seen both the new version and the old version that was never released. Both are equally awful. Production values may have been better on this one, but the story is atrocious. The characterizations pathetic. And would it have killed them to make Johnny Storm blond? I mean Jessica Alba died HER hair. Also, Reed is horribly miscast. So is Doom for that matter.

1e. I've talked about this one elsewhere. I'll admit it's the best Batman movie to date, but I'll point out that that's not saying much. I found much to like. Much that raised the bar. But ultimately a movie that did not make it over the bar it raised. (Still, better to try and fail then not try.) The ending for me was particularly disappointing and non-sensical.

1f. Not sure what you're talking about here. But I guess I haven't seen it.

1g. Never heard of it.

2. I doubt I saw more than an episode or two and it was ages ago. I don't remember caring for it much -- Frank's work aside -- but then I wasn't exactly the target audience either.

3. I did briefly, but nothing I did ever made it on the air. My story editor on that show was let go, and the new story editor wasn't interested in pursuing anything with me.

3a. None. See above. I wrote one outline. But I'm not sure anyone ever read it, because my story editor was fired the same day I turned in my outline.

3b. I've never seen more than a couple of clips. No opinion.

4. Nope.

5. I preferred multiple earths. I think they made a classic error at the time. They would have been better off RENUMBERING their Earths. With what was then known as Earth 2 changing to Earth 1. The then current Earth 1 changing to Earth 2 and then SIMULTANEOUSLY launching Earth 3 in the eighties. The idea being that the "Heroic Age" begins anew on a new world every twenty years. That way they don't have to rewrite existing continuity, but they can still start fresh, i.e. have their cake and eat it too. And they'd still be able to do the occasional cross-over. (If you're stingy with this, it's really not that complicated.) They'd have two lines, but what's wrong with that? In essence, it seems to me, that's what Marvel did with Ultimates. The side benefit is that it also allows your characters to age naturally. It bugs me when characters can't grow. That's why Gargoyles is fixed in more-or-less real time.

Response recorded on December 22, 2006

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Shannon "Shan" Muir writes...

About four years ago now, we had a lively discussion about the portrayal of disabilities in animation. With the queue briefly open, and with the episode initially featuring Jeffrey Robbins ("A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time") now out on DVD, I wanted to revisit that subject.

With the huge strides that have been made in Assistive Technology for those who are impaired, do you think that it provides more opportunities for storytelling? Or does it in any way reduce the level of dramatic opportunities available to you as a writer?

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know, as I haven't dealt with these technologies in story. Which may say something not-so-positive about how inclusive I've been in my storytelling recently.

Response recorded on December 21, 2006

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Brenda writes...

What is the diffenece between reptiles and leathery birds also what is the same about them?

Greg responds...

Probably lots of stuff.

[Okay, I grant that the name "Ask Greg" is pretty generic, but how would one get to this website and what about the look of it convinces people that they're going to get any useful timely answers to general questions? I mean "useful"? "Timely"? From ME?!]

Response recorded on December 18, 2006

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Betty writes...

Have you heard any new movie roles in the future for Gerard butler? After
"Burns" I've heard "Marlowe" anything else been offered to him

Greg responds...

Uh... Phantom of the Opera?

O.K. you're totally in the wrong place, but I do seem to recall that he was in that movie.

Response recorded on December 11, 2006

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everything is connected...

So is Paris Geller (of GILMORE GIRLS) related to Monica and Ross Geller (of FRIENDS)? And if so, would she also be related to Rachel Green the mother of Ross' child? And is Rachel Green related to the late Mark Green (of E.R.)? I mean, it can't just be a coincidence that Mark's eldest daughter was also named Rachel Green, can it?

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courtney writes...

What is a chimeras

Greg responds...

You mean in the Gargoyles Universe?

Response recorded on November 02, 2006

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J. Pattison writes...

I looked at your resume and saw that you worked on Robotech: Mars Force. Is there any information you can divulge about that project? Such as when it might come out on TV. Any info about the show would be greatly appreciated.

Greg responds...

I signed a confidentiality agreement, so the ONLY info I have for you on the project is that my development was passed on.

Response recorded on October 25, 2006

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BB writes...

Do know any international, national, and or local heroes here in the town of quincy?

Greg responds...

Quincy, Mass?!

Response recorded on October 20, 2006

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Matt Hancock writes...

What's the best pie?

Greg responds...

The funniest pie is Banana Cream.

Response recorded on October 17, 2006

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Stu writes...

Hey Greg,

You recently announced that you had previously worked on a 'Spider-Man' series in 2002. Is this the same show that Jeff Masuta worked on, based on some designs on his site?

What happened to the show?

How much was done?

Greg responds...

I briefly worked on the MTV Spider-Man series. I'm not sure if Jeff also worked on that one. (I've worked with Jeff on other shows.) The series did indeed air. But none of my work saw the light of day, as the story editor I was working for was booted before I even got my outline approved.

Response recorded on September 18, 2006

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Joshua writes...

What is the highest point in North America

Greg responds...

I give up. What is the highest point in North America?

Response recorded on September 12, 2006

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Lord GargFan writes...

How would the gargs vote in the election 2004? Also please include the votes for Owen, Elisa, and Xanatos.

Greg responds...

I'm still back in 1996.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Michael Melnikoff writes...

My question relates to the video game "Kingdom Hearts" made by Disney and Square-Enix. For those who haven't played it, the game features worlds, plots, and characters from Disney's many movies and cartoons, even going so far as to get many of the original voice actors to voice the characters. Disney/Square are currently making the sequel Kingdom Hearts 2, and if that game does as well as the first, possibly even a Kingdom Hearts 3. It may be entirely possible that the Gargoyles could be added into one of these two games. Would Disney even consider doing something like this? If it happened, would Disney contact you about a possible plotline for the Gargoyles section of the game? Thanks a bunch.

Greg responds...

I think it would be great, but I have no idea how to make it happen. Don't even know whom to talk to about it. If Disney or Square or whomever decided to include Gargoyles, I would hope they'd come to me. But I can't be sure they would.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Sam writes...

What kind of buildings were gargoyles found on originally?

Greg responds...

In which culture?

In western culture, mostly cathedrals and castles. But there are a ton of gargoyles on less impressive buildings as well.

Response recorded on August 21, 2006

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GargFan1995-Present writes...


I have some questions about Gargoyle TV viewership.

1. Did the Gargoyles watch American Idol?
a. If they did, who were they cheering for in each season?
2. What feelings, if any, did the Gargoyles have about the finale of "Friends"?

I would like to thank you so much for answering our questions.

My guess on when you answer this - June 2006!

Greg responds...

How'd December 2005?

But I'm sorry, but I just have no opinion on this stuff.

Response recorded on December 16, 2005

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