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ANSWERVINGS 2011-04 (Apr)

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Erica writes...

I feel sorry for you, having to answer to all those know-it-all smart asses.
Are u never irritated by that?

Keep up the good work!
Kind regards!

Greg responds...

Obviously, I get irritated. I think I've been incredibly incapable of hiding my irritation recently - even with folks who aren't abusing the system and have really done nothing wrong. And, for the record, I regret that. But I'll admit it has been tough, cumulatively, to stay sanguine on my end. I've been doing this (producing cartoon shows AND answering questions about them) for nearly two decades, and though of course I've dealt with the occasional obnoxious poster here at ASK GREG, I've NEVER faced the overall level of rudeness here that I've faced since Young Justice was announced.

I do not mean to group everyone in with that. Plenty of polite folks have posted too, including plenty who don't love what they're seeing on the series (which of course never thrills me, but doesn't make me crazy). But I'm afraid this time out the polite folk are in the minority. And the rude folk are kinda killing my mood and coloring how I read everyone.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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ShamarDJ writes...

ok i rewatched drop zone and i was wondering if this was the first time anyone on the Young Justice team has met bane? because it seems they have never heard of him oh and im loving this show lol its my new addiction this season isnt even finished yet and im already hoping for a season 2!! oh and thank you for taking the time to answer everyones questions!

Greg responds...

Bane is largely an unknown at this stage of Earth-16 continuity. He's never faced Batman, for example. It's early days.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Richard Jackson writes...

In "Golem", when Vogel reads the spell to transfer Renard's consciousness into the Golem, was he reading Hebrew in the original alphabet or a Latin alphabet transliteration?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I'd have to look at the episode to see if it's visually obvious.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions about the mentors in YJ

1. even though some of the leaguers are supposed to be each of the characters' mentor (except for Superman at the moment) why haven't we seen them mentoring yet?
2. I saw in a promo that Aquaman had long hair but his hair has been short since the first episode will he let it grow?
3. the league currently has 16 members will additional members be added as the season goes on?
4. since more characters will be joining YJ will they also have direct mentors?
5. will we ever get to see the watchower?
6. and when will it be known whether YJ is beingg picked up for a second season?

Greg responds...

1. Well, we have here and there. But, no, that's just not the focus of the series. We WILL fit it in when we have the screen time, and if you're following our companion comic book, you'll see more of it there, as well.

2. No current plans to change our model. Development artwork used in promotional materials doesn't count as canon.




6. Now. We've been picked up for at least ten additional episodes.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Kay writes...

in young justice amazing by the way, great everything. 1Kid flash were him and Robin close in the comics?
cause they have a great friendship in YJ especially when Kid flash tackles robin out of the way in android
2 when is YJ premiering on uk cartoon network? thanks

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Don't know. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Chip writes...

I was just wondering if you've been reading the Darkwing Duck comics. I know that you know about Goliath's cameo in #6, but I was curious if you were reading the series itself. If so, what do you think of it so far? My current pull-hold list includes Darkwing Duck, Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers, and of course, Young Justice.

Greg responds...

I haven't been. I just haven't had time to read ANY new comics these days. I've been reading OLD comics, doing research for Season Two of Young Justice. And of course, I'm still a TAD busy completing pre-production AND post-production on Season One while simultaneously launching Season Two. There just isn't time to follow Darkwing. But I'll always love Darkwing. That was the first television series that I helped develop.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I really liked that scene in Schooled where Bruce and Clark talk in the diner, but I was wondering Bruce talking to him was Bruce talking as a friend or as his boss?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Ugh I just saw another person complaining about the spanish in Drop Zone, and as a person who not only learned Spanish as their first langauge, but also studied it in school not out of laziness but for a better understanding of the language, I can assure you that it wasn't half as bad as some people are trying to make it to be.

There were some strange phrasing, but that like you said that's perfectly explained by there being tons of different dialects of the spanish language.
As for the accents not being perfect, I could be wrong but I assumed that for the members of Kobra spanish wasn't their first language.

Greg responds...

Yes! Thank you!

Bane's supposed to be a Spanish-first-language speaker and so is his one henchman (who has one line). But the Kobra Cultist was an Anglo, who spoke Spanish (at least well enough to be understood by Bane).

Again, I'm not saying we didn't screw this up. I really have no way of knowing. But I know we tried very hard to get it right, and I'll admit to being a little stunned at the notion that we got it SO wrong.

So I appreciate the support.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Edward writes...

Hey Greg, about the question if you guys did get the spanish wrong, its my first language and yes you guys got it VERY wrong. Yes spanish is spoken a bit different between different countries, I'm familiar with them its not much different than say Brittish or Aussie dialects that its still basically english that an American can understand, not sure where the accent was supposed to be from but grammatically it made absolutely no sense as if they had just used google translator (its actually insulting to google translator) and I had to read the subtitles to understand what they were saying

Now this sounds like I'm upset or bashing that the spanish was wrong, but I'm not I actually didn't think too much of it and I just assumed not much thought was put into it, I'm sure this happens in tons of shows all the time and to me it sounds like perfect japanese/chinese etc while a fluent speaker is going "what?" I'm just surprised that so much work went into something that came out so wrong. So just letting you know. I'd be happy to provide my email and I'd do a much better job and for free, though I assume theres a ton of legal issues not to mention NDA's that probably don't allow it but just in case I could let me know.

Greg responds...

Yeah, that's not going to work.

I don't know what to tell you. My own Spanish is limited to the three years I took in high school in the mid-70s, so all I can do is trust the FLUENT Spanish speakers that we have working on the series. They obviously disagree with you... or they're playing a big joke on me and the production.

Since we're on the topic of language, I've seen complaints on-line about the Atlantean being bad Greek in episodes 108 and 109. But that seems truly unfair. For starters it was NEVER supposed to be modern Greek. It's the Atlantean dialect of ANCIENT GREEK... keeping in mind that the Atlanteans and Ancient Greeks are separated by millennia and that languages are living organisms that change and grow as time passes.

No one's mentioned the Arabic we used in episode 109, which we also tried VERY hard to get right. I don't know if that means we succeeded or what?

Frankly at this point, I'm surprised more people haven't complained that we got the Martian Language wrong in episode 109.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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lissypooh writes...

Starting with episode 109 of Young Justice, can you list the character you are focusing on each episode?

Greg responds...

Well, it's not as cut and dry as it was from episodes 103-108, where we were making a concerted effort to highlight one of our leads each across six episodes.

As for 109, which has aired, by now you probably know that the focus character was pretty much Miss Martian, though we hope we gave good screen time to all the other leads except Aqualad (who's unconscious for most of the episode).

Cartoon Network has already teased that 110 features Red Arrow.

Beyond that, well... "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Bella writes...

Why did Speedy become Red Arrow instead of Arsenal? It makes sense if he broke off from Green Arrow and in not the best of terms he wouldn't be calling himself just like his mentor but rather make a name for himself. Or was it something DC mandated because he hasn't used the name Arsenal since One Year Later?

Greg responds...

There were no mandates. Brandon and I made the choice. Where would the IDEA of "Arsenal" come from at this point? He's not using an arsenal, is he? He's using a bow and arrows.

Red Arrow just felt more natural a transition for him.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Brett W. writes...

I've loved what you guys have done with Young Justice so far and can't wait to see what else is to come. I've always thought Batman would make an effective leader for the Justice League, although I can understand why the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited version might have preferred a more isolationist approach. I'm just wondering, is there any particular reason you chose Batman to be your Justice League's leader, rather than Superman who seems to be the "traditional" choice?

Greg responds...

When was the last time Superman led the League? Has he ever, actually? I mean obviously he's an important figure within the League, but leader?

Anyway, Batman seemed the obvious choice - to us at least. He's the strategist.

But keep in mind, it's not a permanent appointment. We've been following the League in the series so far from early July through early September. That's only about two months. Over time, the League will certainly have other leaders.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I'd like to ask how skilled & powerful are Demona and Katana compared to one another? I realize with the comic canceled for now we may never get to see these two in action against eachother, so I'd like to know in your opinion how well the two gargoyle femme fatales would fare against each other one on one. Would it be an even fight or would one dominate the other?

Greg responds...

I'm not interested in HYPOTHETICAL QUESTIONS OF PROWESS or in OFFERING UP SPOILERS to my future plans. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Dragomir writes...

Hi Greg, I realize that Demona is the villain and thus HAS to lose in the end, but I've always been confused by how well Elisa Maza is able to handle herself in battle against Demona. We know for a fact that gargoyles possess far more sheer brute strength and durability than a human being, we see Goliath and company throw gangsters and mercs and various other bad guys around like rag dolls all the time. Even the Pack, who were basically at peak athletic condition for humans before they underwent their "upgrades," were little match for the gargs. Now, I am aware that there are humans who can take gargs on one on one, but they are usually exceptional fighters like MacBeth who has centuries of experience and skill plus padded armor under his clothes, or have armored exo-suits like Xanatos or Dingo to even the odds. However, Elisa Maza possesses neither of these things, she's no wimp of course, she's a cop trained to handle New York's baddest of the bad, but she shouldn't be in the same league as Demona. I mean, her combat experience & skills comes from her police training and experience dealing with criminals, but Demona has over a thousand years of fighting experience at her disposal PLUS all the strength and durability that comes from being a gargoyle, and yet, when she and Maza fight it usually ends up with them wrestling on the ground & Maza fairing far better than she should against someone more skilled and powerful than she is (and equipped with claws that can rip through stone and steel). If Xanatos or Macbeth pulled something like that on Goliath he'd rip them to shreds & beat them senseless, yet Elisa gets away with it with Demona...I guess I just find it confusing and inconsistent with what we've seen in regards to how well the gargoyles handle their human foes. I know Demona has to lose in the end cuz she's the villain and that during some of their battles there were extenuating circumstances (like Demona being in human form or Maza in gargoyle form), but I still find it unrealistic & hard to believe Maza could fare so well against someone so much stronger & more experienced/skilled than she is...Even Goliath himself finds her to be a challenging opponent to face, we're talking about a lady who can lift boulders with her bare hands and chuck them at people, I can only imagine what she could do to Maza with strength like that.

So yeah, sorry for rambling, I really do love the Gargoyle series, but Elisa's ability to "manhandle" Demona despite the obvious strength and skill difference has always irked me. I mean, even when angered Demona tends to fight even harder than before, just like any other gargoyle, and usually that makes them a decisive edge unless they face someone like Oberon who can't be fazed by brute strength & ferocity.

Can you please explain to me how Maza's able to get away with fighting Demona one on one & hand to hand and get away from it in one piece?

P.S. thanks for your time & congrats on Young Justice, I'm totally loving that show thus far, Miss Martian rules! And Cheshire & the Witchboy were awesome villains, hope we see them again.

Greg responds...

Uh... when has human Elisa fought one-on-one with gargoyle Demona? I seriously can't think of one time this has occurred. I mean you can't count when both were gargoyles or both were humans -- at least not in terms of your above complaint/confusion. Are you sure you haven't just ... well... imagined this problem?

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Jamie writes...

Hey greg,first of all, you're awesome, i remember when i was only 5 and i would re enact your gargoyles haha good times.

If you were to compare Young Justice and your other works, would young justice be in the top 5?

How many views are you having on Young justice ?

Greg responds...

Wow, did you just make me feel old...

Yes, YJ would be in my top five, along with Gargoyles (of course) and in no particular order, Spectacular Spider-Man, W.I.T.C.H. and Captain Atom.

Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, Hi, Just want to say thanks for being so kind and taking time out of your busy schedule and answering our questions. Really appreciated. If we are impatient and demanding at times forgive us. It just means we are interested and enjoying what you all are doing so far.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Dew writes...

Is it true that Beast Boy going to be a main charter in Young Justice later on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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no. 1 batfan writes...

Hey Greg! I am a big fan of both the Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice. I am hoping that Young Justice does not suffer a similar fate that the Spectacular Spider-Man did. Like a lot of people, I am racking my brain trying to figure out who Artemis is. However, instead of simply throwing a name (or group of names) at you and asking you if it's her, since, knowing you, you would probably say "no comment," I thought I'd try a more subtle approach. So here goes:

1.)In the mainstream comics, is Artemis in any way associated with Green Arrow?

2.)Roughly what decade was Artemis first introduced?

3.)Will Artemis's identity be revealed by the end of the first 26 episodes?

These next two questions don't have to do with Artemis, but I thought I'd ask them anyway:
4.)Why did you decide not to have Robin in the episode "Denial"?
5.)Given the current ratings for Young Justice, would you say that the chance that Cartoon Network would order more episodes is good?
I am hoping that you answer each of my questions, even if some of them are no comments. At least that way, I would know that you are taking the time to read my questions. Thanks for your time, and I can't wait for March 4's episode "Downtime"!

Greg responds...


4. First, to establish that these characters have lives outside the Team to varying degrees, and many are still having adventures with their mentors. Secondly, to make it clear that not every character will be on every mission. Thirdly, for the pragmatic reason that one less player means more screen time for the others. As for why Robin specifically was chosen, it was felt that he knew Wally too well and would create a better bridge for him to the rest of the Team. With Robin gone, Wally becomes more isolated - which is good drama, you know?


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Denial is probably my favorite episode so far. Mainly because I knew who everyone was and I got to hear some claasic Gargoyle voices again! I loved Ed Asner's performance as Kent Nelson and Thom did a fantastic job as Klarion! I really hope we get to see more of him in the future! And I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Very cool, but I have a feeling Wally isn't gonna get to keep the helmet. Oh, and the way you handled the helmet and Nabu-very cool. Keep it up, man!

Greg responds...

Thank you, we'll try.

Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Doc Ock 2099 writes...

Hi, Greg!

In the episode "Drop Zone", we heard a Light member with a French accent speak to the Sportsmaster near the end. However, the designation number and voice actor were not listed in the credits. Would you please share these? Thanks.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg, I have two questions to ask you about Avalon. The first one is actually something another poster asked, but the rest of their post violated rules and it got deleted. I was curious so I'm reposting their question.

1. Is the water around Avalon salty or non-salty?

2. Are there any other "magical equivalent of animals" on Avalon besides will-o-the-wisp, or are the will-o-the-wisps the only ones there currently?

Thanks as always for your patience and answers!

Greg responds...

1. It's probably a mix of both. ;)

2. Time will tell, I hope.

Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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British Fan writes...

1) Will we be seeing Captain Marvel Jr (CM3) any time soon? Or Captain Marvel?

2) With the evolution of Speedy into Red Arrow. Would it be possible in future, for other sidekicks to progress to their next stage? I.E. Robin (Dick) to Nightwing? Mostly because I would love to see Tim Drake get entered into the show. I'm a big fan of the Young Quadrilateral (Tim, Conner, Bart and Cass).

Greg responds...


1b. You've already seen Captain Marvel, and - as previously revealed - you'll be seeing more of him.


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Pluph writes...

Will Static be making a cameo in Young Justice? Or will Slade Wilson?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Pursuing a random theory on the identity of Artemis, (but not asking because there wouldn't be any fun in that)...

Is Artemis her actual name or a code name separate from that?
Is Artemis the name she appeared with in print?
If it is a code name or a replacement name of the print name, is there a clear connection, even equivalency, between her real or original name and code name?

(Problem with trying to match up an obscure character in the DCU is that I don't actually know much about my obscure candidate. I'm basically going on who is pictured holding a bow and arrow and is drawn looking halfway Asian.)

Greg responds...

Moot now, right?

Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Xera writes...

I found on gargwiki that Xanatos and Fox are 11 years apart in age, how old were they when they started dating and did Fox date him originally because she wanted to date him, or because she thought it would annoy her father?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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