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ANSWERVINGS 2011-12 (Dec)

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Mark writes...

Dear Greg,
Before I start asking questions, let me just say: big fan. Anyway...
1) We know the designations of Batman, Green Arrow, Red Tornado, Flash, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter. Mind telling us everyone else's numbers?
2) I'm curious about your choices for the members of the Justice League. For example, why John Stewart and Hawkwoman? Is it to reference the Justice League animated series? Is there any character you put on the League simply because you were a fan?
3) How far along were you in production before the DC reboot was announced to you? And do you plan on having the reboot influence YJ season 2? (for example, new costumes?)
4) Were there any characters you really wanted to add to the series but couldn't besides Wonder Girl? And were there any you couldn't add for reasons other than legal issues (ex: Zsasz for being too violent, the Endless because Neil Gaiman doesn't like other people using them, Batwoman because she's a lesbian)?
5) Are Black Canary and Green Arrow dating, despite the age difference?
6) Finally, I know you said that if you added a gay character, you would have to be subtle and very sneaky. So, is any already introduced character gay?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I mind.

2a We tried to put together a League that felt classic and EXTREMELY powerful. So two Green Lanterns, two Hawks, Captains Marvel and Atom, etc. We wanted them to feel like the gods coming down from Olympus at the end of episode 102.

2b. There's no one we put on SIMPLY because I was a fan, but there's no one on the League that I'm NOT a fan of either. I love all these characters. Obviously, I have a special affinity for Captain Atom, Red Tornado, Green Arrow and Black Canary, but that's not why they were included.

3a. I don't remember, but a while.

3b. No, we were way too far along for it to have any effect at all.


5. It's not THAT big an age difference, but, yes. Their relationship will be further explored in both the series and the comic book.

6. I'm not sure "sneaky" is a word I used. But in any case, I'm not going to respond to this, for what I think are obvious reasons.

Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, first of all I just want to say that I am a huge fan of Young Justice. My favorite episode so far would have to be "Terrors". I laughed so hard at Jr. saying, "Dude, that's your sister!".
Anyway, I have a couple questions to ask.
1. What happened to Icicle Jr. after Terrors? I mean, I know that he was put back in jail, but, what happened between him and the other prisoners?
2. Okay, please don't laugh at this question, even though it sounds stupid and possibly like I'm mocking you, because I'm not. Anyway, Does Superboy like pie? I ask this because Superman seems to like pie and... okay, next question!
3. This is another terrors question, what happened to the real Terror Twins after they were arrested?
4. As I was typing this, I realized that spell check recognized Superman as a real word, but not Superboy. Would Conner be mad at this fact?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Bye!

Greg responds...

1. Nothing pleasant.

2. I don't even know if he's tried pie.

3. Eventually, they were taken to Belle Reve while awaiting trial.

4. Life is short.

Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg! Just wanted to say that I really adored both Target and Terrors. The missions they're being put on really promote an international strike force feeling. I wasn't expecting that when Young Justice started, but I can see that Batman's quote in the beginning about them operating in a very low-profile manner wasn't an exaggeration, and I can't think of any other work quite like it.

For whatever reason, I'm also ADORING the News Report openers. You don't see much of that in other hero shows, and it really stresses the idea that their actions have fallout to others, that they're extraordinary to everyone else (which got a little diminished in Justice League for example, where you only focused on the powered people), and that there's just more going on in the world than these characters. Can't wait for more!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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Finister2 writes...

1) Could you give us a hint of whom is voicing the Joker, is it some who has voiced him before or someone from Gargoyles/Spider-Man?
2) Was Brick being honest when he said Joker from in Belle Reve, or was it part of his joke?
3) Will the rest of the Team know about Superboy and Miss Martian's kiss?
4) How did Ivo end up in Belle Reve?
5) Can you tell us who else was in Belle Reve that we did not see?
6) Who was the pony-tailed tattooed lady helping Killer Frost brake the Belle Reve wall?
7) Was Icicle, Sr.'s plan meant to fail, or was he actually expecting to escape?
8) Why wasn't the Riddler at Arkham Asylun if Freeze was?

Greg responds...

1. Brent Spiner.

2. It was a joke.

3. That specific kiss?

4. The Justice League caught him.

5. You exhaust me.

6. Devastation.

7. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.


Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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Bubbles writes...

Hi!!! First off, I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice, and I was just hoping you could answer some questions.
1. Are Superboy's powers every going to develop fully? Or at least, if not completely, will he at least gain some new powers or has he basically stopped developing?
2. Is Superboy going to grow at a normal rate from now on??
3. Are the teens' pasts and parents ever going to be explained?
4. In Targets, we learned that M'gann is a Green Martian, and that White Martians are a minority. Is this a lie (since it isn't canon) or is this just the way things are in the Earth-16 DCverse?

Greg responds...



3. To some degree, as we go. Plus you'll get more background info in the companion Young Justice Comic Book.


Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

In "Terrors" M'gann had her telepathic ability and yet she didn't pull information out of the villains' heads. Was that due to limitations on her part? Or a plot hole?

Greg responds...

We've established OVER AND OVER that M'gann cannot read someone's mind without them being aware of it.

Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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Caitlin writes...

Ok, this is not so much question as it is theory, but follow me for a bit if you like.

I've been reading through the biology archives and I had some thoughts regarding the stone sleep. Being a Zoology major, I tried to analyze some things, such as one particular factor- bodily functions like metabolism. A fan once asked if the metabolic functions still took place while they were in the stone slumber, and you were unable to answer, not being a biologist. I mean that in no harmful or derogatory way. I am just giving some insight from a biologist's perspective (I hope). I think that we can look at some analogues from real life- bats. I know it's not a perfect analogy, but some bats do go into a state of torpor (semi-hibernation) and some others actually go into a true state of hibernation. During hibernation, body temperature drops and metabolism slows to a near stop. The heart rate may also drop significantly.
Now, given that all of a gargate's tissues become the organic stone-like material, this means that even the blood is stilled, seeing as the muscles of the heart no longer pump. This seems like a hibernation to me. The fact that the tissues are "stone" probably means that the tissues do not need to constantly be fed oxygen or other nutrients via blood, and therefore do not need blood to flow or metabolism to run.
The "stone" state of the cells is also reminiscent of the dormant states of some bacteria. Essentially, the bacteria will create a "shell" when conditions are not right for survival and will become active again once conditions improve (if). The dormant state has no biological functions going on (that is if I remember correctly).

In short, the gargates are completely dormant until they awaken, and therefore are, for all intensive purposes, "stone".
I hope this was insightful/useful. I love thinking about these kinds of things. Feel free to ask me to elaborate or de-mystify anything biological (in this post or otherwise, if you'd like). My email is dbznut@carolina.rr.com

Greg responds...

Thanks, Caitlin. It sounds good to me.

Response recorded on December 05, 2011

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lLight writes...

Hello, Greg

1. In “Drop Zone”, while Kid Flash was examining the Kobra Venom properties, he notes that it is three times stronger than the Blockbuster formula, and permanent. Man, was I surprised when I saw Desmond in “Terrors” still in his mutated form. I am guessing the Blockbuster formula is permanent, too, right? If so, what was the point of differentiating the Kobra Venom from Blockbuster on the grounds of one being permanent and the other not being permanent?

2. In “Independence Day”, when Aquaman tried to calm Roy down, Roy angrily talked back to him, and made sure to tell him he was not his son. Roy then turned to Green Arrow and said, “I’m not even his.” Roy is adopted in this universe, correct? Why did he have to bring that up to Green Arrow? What was the point?

3. Is Superboy’s birthday Independence day?

Greg responds...

1. Kid Flash was differentiating Kobra Venom from Venom (i.e. what Bane uses) not from Blockbuster.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Nope.

Response recorded on December 01, 2011

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no.1 batfan writes...

Hey Greg.
Earlier today, Cartoon Network released a synopsis for the episode entitled "Humanity" saying something about the team suspecting Red Tornado as being the mole. Given the fact that this could be considered a spoiler, I was wondering if you knew who writes the synopses (not sure I spelled that right) for the episodes?

Greg responds...

Well, I write or at least edit synopses for every episode. But there's no guarantee they'll use the ones that I provide.

Here's what I wrote for "Humanity":

"THE TEAM is on The Hunt for RED TORNADO, determined to find out once and for all whether the robot was the mole â€" even if it means kidnapping new friend ZATANNA and dragging her along on their quest!"

Response recorded on December 01, 2011

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Huge DC Animation Fan writes...

How well do you know the DCAU series, particularly JL and JLU, and how much do you take it into account where writing YJ?

Greg responds...

I've seen all the episodes of JL once. I started watching JLU, but production kept me too busy to finish.

As to how much we take it into account - pretty much not at all.

Response recorded on December 01, 2011

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Joe writes...

I've looked for the answer to this question and couldn't find it. Maybe you've already answered it but can the Gargoyles see when their eyes are glowing or do they have some extra sense that humans don't have?

Greg responds...

Yes, they can.

Response recorded on December 01, 2011

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Tim writes...

It was explained in Terrors why Freeze was transferred to Belle Reve from Arkham. Is there a reason Riddler was at the prison rather than the Asylum? From the end of the episode, it seems you have some plans for him...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 01, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Love the newest episode of YJ! I like having Amanda Waller in there, she tends to make episodes fun. And I'm gonna enjoy playing guess who with all the convicts. Storywise, really enjoyed Icicle Jr., he's a fun guy. And I liked how you mess with people's expectations by making Connor & Megan's first kiss be when they're disguised as siblings. Kinda kinky, but nicely done. Look forward to the next episode!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 01, 2011

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