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Geraghty writes...

Mister Greg a few questions. Why did M'gann use her shapeshifting powers to give herself shorter hair in young justice season two than the longer hair she had in season one of young justice ? How can Miss Martian have a stronger bound with Garfield after his mom died before begin he living at the cave if she didn't visit him often ?

Greg responds...

1. She felt like it.

2. Who said she didn't visit him?

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

Can Blue Beetle's armor create a grappling hook? I mean, he obviously doesn't need one because he can fly, but if he did?

What happens to the ammunition, like the staples, that Beetle leaves behind?

Where does the extra mass come from for Beetle's weapons and equipment?

Greg responds...

1. I guess he could.

2. They stay where he left 'em.

3. It has to be acquired.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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BigShadow writes...

How much Impulses "Act" became genuinely who he was
an was really happy to Barry for reasons other than his mission

Greg responds...

His "act" was mostly about being a time-tourist accidentally stranded in the past. The rest is who he is.

And, yes, he was thrilled to see his grandfather alive and well.

Response recorded on October 30, 2020

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Zuri writes...

Did Garfield's hair and skin turn on same day in young justice universe ?

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it. Certainly about the same time.

Response recorded on October 30, 2020

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mystery thunder writes...

Mr. Weisman, I just wanted to ask you a question about Young Justice S02E19 Summit: During the fight on Santa Prisca, Ra's al Ghul instructs his allies and followers not to resist because the heroes have no jurisdiction on Santa Prisca. I'm a bit stumped by this since the Team later arrests their defeated opponents and we've also previously seen the Team arrest villains after a battle that also took place on Santa Prisca in S01E25 Usual Suspects. So, was Ra's somehow mistaken about the Team's jurisdiction on Santa Prisca or what? It seems to me very strange that Ra's would be misinformed about something like that. If you could clarify what happened there exactly, I would really appreciate it because that question always bugs me.

Greg responds...

Things changed between Seasons One and Season Two. And between Season Two and Season Three. And between Season Three and Season Four, for that matter.

But it also depends on who protests and who listens to these protests, I suppose.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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Dark Light writes...

First of all, I am SO HAPPY Young Justice finally got a third season (God knows the show deserves it) and I can't wait to see what you've come up with (especially regarding Darkseid). So, I've been re-watching the series and I wanted to ask you a few questions about the episodes "Summit" and "Endgame":
1) In "Summit", Savage mentions that the Light bribed certain individuals on Rimbor (I realize he didn't say it was the Tribune, but who else could it be?) in order to ensure the League is found guilty. So why didn't the Tribune declare them guilty in spite of Conner and M'gann trying to convince them otherwise?
2) In "Summit", when the fight broke out on Santa Prisca and Klarion teleported himself, Savage and Teekl out of there, why didn't he also teleport Ra's, Manta and the Brain, given how important members of the Light they are?
3) In "Endgame", when Luthor contacted the League via United Nations transmission and offered them his help against the Reach, Atom said that he (Lex) and the Light are responsible for the current crisis and Lex replied: "Perhaps, but as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach." Lex said this in front of UN Secretary General Tseng via UN transmission, so my question is: doesn't this implicate Luthor in collaboration with known felons (as well as various other criminal activities) and couldn't it be used against him in the court of law? I'm asking 'cause Lex usually doesn't slip up.
Anyway, I hope answers for my questions aren't spoilers and that you can freely answer them because they really bug me when I start thinking about them. I've searched a great deal and I don't believe that they've been previously asked by anyone. Once again, I LOVE your show and the way you handle so many characters from DC's vast universe and am really excited about seeing what season 3 has in store for us :)

Greg responds...

1. There are three tribunes. And clearly, given the appeals the most verbal tribune was making during the trial, he still felt there was money to be made.

2. He's Chaos.

3. It doesn't seem to bright does it. I guess he's just that confident.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

What are the names of the following characters' species?:
a. Alanna, Sardath and other Rannians (is this a demonym, an ethnonym or a species name?)
b. Despero
c. Draaga
d. Galet Dasim
e. Gorilla Grodd (there are two gorilla species)

Greg responds...

a. They're Rannians.

b - d. Not sure.

e. He's a gorilla. I haven't done the research to be any more specific.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

Hi Greg!

I realize some of these questions may be spoiler requests, so I'd really appreciate it if you could answer any parts of the questions that you can.
If Outsiders has aired or started airing, could you please include information up to whatever date it currently is in series, as opposed to 07/05/16 (Endgame, S2E20)?

1) Can you confirm or deny, and hopefully correct, the numbering for the following heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre?
2) For heroes/villains missing their other names, could you please provide them?
3) For any heroes/villains who were missed in numbering (such as another Kid Flash between Wally and Bart), could you provide their numbers and names?
4) If there any other heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre that you're aware of, could you please share their noms-de-guerre, numbering and names?
5) Would you define Doctor Fate as the nom-de-guerre for Nabu, or for his hosts? Your response to this may affect the list below.

Flash I - Jay Garrick
Flash II - Barry Allen
Green Lantern I - Alan Scott
Green Lantern II - Hal Jordan
Green Lantern III - Guy Gardner
Green Lantern IV - John Stewart
Black Canary I - Dinah Drake (Lance)
Black Canary II - Dinah Lance
Atom I - ?
Atom II - Ray Palmer
Blue Beetle I - Dan Garrett
Blue Beetle II - Ted Kord
Blue Beetle III - Jaime Reyes

Robin I - Dick Grayson
Robin II - Jason Todd
Robin III - Tim Drake
Kid Flash I - Wally West
Kid Flash II - Impulse
Guardian I - Jim Harper
Guardian II - Jim Harper
Guardian III - Mal Duncan

Firebrand I - ?
Firebrand II - Danette Reilly / Red Inferno

Icicle I - ?
Icicle II - Cameron Mahkent

Thank you for your help!
By the time you read this, Outsiders will probably already be out, but best of luck!

Greg responds...

I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist.

1. All seems right.

2. Normally, I wouldn't be too inclined to do this, but these seem pretty obvious, so...

Atom I - Al Pratt
Firebrand I - Rod Reilly
Icicle Sr. - Joar Mahkent

3. I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist, so that you don't know whether or not something is missing.

4. Can't think of any off the top of my head.

5. Doctor Fate is the nom-de-guerre for Nabu AND his host-of-the-moment.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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boopbopbeep writes...

Out of curiosity: what do you think the members of the original team from Young Justice majored in, assuming they went to college. Like, what does Dick and/or Wally or Roy plan on majoring in/studying?

Greg responds...

Wally majored in Physics.

Roy/Will didn't go to college.

Dick majored in, uh... philosophy, maybe? Haven't thought about it too much.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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Marvelman writes...

Why would Black Beetle be stronger than Blue Beetle? Are not all scarabs made equally?

Greg responds...

No. Warrior Scarabs are more powerful than Scout Scarabs. Black was a Warrior. Blue was a Scout.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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JSA Fan writes...

Was the original Jim Harper in the All-Star Squadron? If not, and the clone Guardian was never in the Justice League, why was his suit in the Museum of Justice in Cornered?

P.S. Thank you for answering my previous question, from what I gather through reading, your Gargoyles Time Travel worked similarly to the theory in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, predestination...Bart's story never seems to address that in the comics. xD Looking forward to S3 in Earth-16b!

Greg responds...

He was a hero, and he donated his suit. They accepted the donation.

Response recorded on March 09, 2020

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unbbc writes...

When superboy went to college,what did he major in?

Greg responds...

Hm. I'm thinking... Mechanical Engineering. But I reserve the right to change my mind.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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Liliond writes...

Why did Jaime Reyes keep quiet when the scarab was about to kill impulse? he stayed all the time trying to do anything but when he is about to kill his "best friend"(?) he just shut up- (it could be just something that have no sence but for me this is important) thanks (sorry for the mistaes, i'm portuguese)

Greg responds...

Are you talking about when he wasn't in physical control of his own body? Because if so, that should answer your question.

No one else could hear him but Scarab. Or are you asking why he didn't say anything to Scarab?

I'm sorry, I guess I don't quite understand your question.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, if possible, I'd like some clarification on a topic from S2Ep5 that I can't find an answer to. When assigning a squad to handle Queen Bee, Nightwing states that she has the ability to control men's minds, thus getting him in trouble with the girls for justifying their squad. However, I was under the impression that such a justification would not be accurate, given Batman's previous statement that her powers work "on some women." I believe this was proven to be the case in the comics as well, though I may be misremembering. If so though, did Nightwing mean to imply that the all-girl squad is also all straight? Or was it that he was generalizing or had forgotten the extent of Queen Bee's powers? Thank you for your time, and I hope you're enjoying work on YJ3, which I very much look forward to.

Greg responds...

Perhaps he knew (or believed he knew) that all the women on that mission were straight.

Response recorded on February 14, 2020

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PERLITHA writes...

English isn't my native language, but i really want ask you some questions.

I know you are color blind and maybe this question is more suitable for Phil Bourassa, but since both are currently working in Young Justice: Outsiders, maybe you should ask him if you can´t answer...

1)Why decided make the Bart's eyes green? In all the comics his eyes are yellow (except in New 52 where were red and that Bart at the end wasn't Bart). His yellow eyes were an important part of his design, even his googles are amber color in order to hiding his eyes color because were so unique what could reveal his secret identity. His eyes were the first thing we saw clearly in Bart´s debut in Flash #92 (and i thought he was a girl because this close up of big eyes and hair locks looked like an image from a romantic comic XD) Change the yellow for the green, is like turning Superman blond.

2) I've noticed the Reach Scientist's dress look like a hijab with a niqab, and according to Young Justice wiki, i'm not the only who think that. So Is this intentional?

2-a) All the Reach women dress like her?

It´s a bit hard to see a woman with a "hijab" being ignored, despised and silent by a man (although she was smarter).

3) Why Traci 13 was redesingned like caucasian to the season 3? She was asian american in the comics and Young Justice had being doing a great work including divertsity in the members of the Team

I love Young Justice and i'm very happy for the season 3. Thank you very much for your great work

Greg responds...

For the record, I'm red-green color deficient, not full on color-blind.

1. Maybe because of my color deficiency, I wasn't aware of Bart's eye color. I can't speak for Brandon, Phil or our color specialist James Peters, but it is certainly possible they weren't aware of that detail either.

2. Not that I know of.

2a. Not necessarily. No spoilers.

3. Look again. Thirteen/Traci Thurston is biracial in Young Justice. Her father is Caucasian. Her mother is Asian. I think that's always been true in the comics.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

1.you said Artemis knows Nightwing's secret identity in seasone 2 so why in the episode 'depths' while waiting for Wally, Artemis and Kaldor he pulled the picture from "homefront" that he took of her in Gotham Academy and repeated the same sentence? did they not laugh about it?

2.Why in the episode 'Depths' Nightwing performed on Artemis mouth to mouth? I saw that you answered that he did CPR because her heart stopped but did the mouth to mouth was necessary? he's her boyfriend's best friend and he knew she not really dead so...?

Greg responds...

1. They weren't laughing that day. It was a down moment for reflection.

2. He had to make it look good. Like he was trying everything.

Response recorded on October 18, 2019

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Aaron writes...

Why doesn't superman sound more like ma and pa kent if he landed in Kansas when he was a baby?

Greg responds...

Do they sound different? You've never heard Martha speak, and only heard a couple of lines from Jonathan. I didn't notice any significant difference in dialect, especially when you consider that Clark has spent recent years in Metropolis.

Response recorded on October 17, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

How does Jade feel about her sister date Kid Flash (Wally)?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on which season we're talking about. I'd say initially, she saw him as just another dumb hero dragging Artemis toward a mundane life. Later, of course, she would have seen how devastated Artemis was by Wally's death.

Response recorded on October 16, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

You once said you held auditions for Impulse, Blue Beetle, Tim and another. Was that Static?

Greg responds...

Yes, at the beginning of S2, we held auditions for Impulse/Bart Allen (Jason Marsden), Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes & Scarab (Eric Lopez), Robin/Tim Drake (Cameron Bowen) and Static/Virgil Hawkins (Bryton James). We already knew we wanted Mae Whitman to play Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark. And we already had Crispin Freeman for Arsenal, Logan Grove for Beast Boy, Yuri Lowenthal for Lagoon Boy, Alyson Stoner as Batgirl, Kevin Michael Richardson for Guardian, and Masasa Moyo as Bumblebee.

Note that for extra security/secrecy, we created a completely non-existent series for Jason, Eric, Cameron, Bryton and others to audition for. They had no idea they were auditioning for Young Justice.

Response recorded on October 15, 2019

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Marvelman writes...

How does Shimmer's power work? I mean... does she melt stuff, or does she disintegrate stuff? (I suspect it is the former, but if it is the latter that makes her very dangerous, doesn't it?)

Greg responds...

Neither. She turns elements to gas. And, yes, she's potentially very dangerous.

Response recorded on April 29, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

Due to being an official member of the Light, is Black Manta's designation L-5 (Ocean Master's former designation) or L-8 (assuming the position of L-5 is never replaced)?

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, the L-designations were never used IN SHOW. They helped us out for credit purposes. But if we followed our usual pattern, he'd be L-8.

Response recorded on April 25, 2019

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Cody writes...

How old are the Reach Ambassador and Reach Scientist?

Greg responds...

Unfortunately, because they were aliens and because I was swamped, I don't seem to have figured out birth years for them. But I'm currently working on a massive update of my timeline for YJ, and by the time I'm done, I'll probably have figured that stuff out.

As of now, the outline is 317 pages long. And counting.

Response recorded on April 25, 2019

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Stranger writes...

Hi Greg!
1. Does Sportsmaster realize he is bad (not good/perfect) father?
2. Does he care?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he doesn't think he was perfect.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on April 25, 2019

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YJ Nerd writes...

How do you pronounce Ra's name?

Greg responds...

I was taught - by Denny O'Neil, who created the character - to pronounce it the way we pronounce it in Young Justice, i.e. as Raysh-ahl-gool.

Response recorded on April 24, 2019

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Jack Carpenter writes...

Thank you for answering several of my questions now, it's really great to have my curiosity rewarded!

Can Beast Boy turn into an extinct animal? If so, would he need to see/study an accurate and detailed reconstruction of it first?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. He'd need to connect with an actual living inidividual of the species. If somehow one were cloned or something, that would make it possible. But a fossil or computer simulation wouldn't cut it.

Response recorded on April 24, 2019

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Stranger writes...

Did Artemis and Wally had sex before start to live together?

Greg responds...

Well... sure.

Response recorded on April 23, 2019

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Cassidy writes...

Was Marie Logan's death reported on the news?

Greg responds...

Yep. As a car accident.

Response recorded on April 23, 2019

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Mason writes...

Hey Greg, I have been rewatching The Batman and I just watched the episode you wrote, Meltdown. I noticed that at the start of the episode Batman stopped clayface with a pellet that turned him into a hardened white foam like material, then clayface darted his eyes back and forth, this exact same thing happened to clayface in the first episode of Young Justice Invasion. Was that an intentional callback? It was awesome either way.

Greg responds...

It might have been. I honestly don't remember now. Glad you liked it!

Response recorded on March 28, 2019

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KarrinBlue writes...

So I managed to finish streaming YJ on Netflix with my friends, just a day before it's taken off. Hopefully it'll return someday. But in the meantime - I still really love this show, and every time I watched it I think I noticed something new. A few thoughts:

-Kaldur at one point says 'blood is thicker than seawater' as a dig at Aquaman - but the original phrase, 'blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb' meant that families of choice are stronger than families of blood, so was that line meant to be a subtle nod to Kaldur not being a traitor?
-Artemis and Dick have some very fascinating parallels (Gothamites, unpowered, trained from a young age, both Kaldur's second in command at different points in time, and they tend to pair up to attack or recon after Homefront) which I don't think could've come up in any other show. It's really interesting, and I hope we get to explore their parallels and differences more in s3.
-Speaking of character decisions that'd be unlikely in the original canon - having Jade actually care about other people, having Beast Boy as part of M'gann and J'onn's family - even bringing in Sportsmaster as a legitimate villain. I'm really excited to see what's going to happen next, especially since I'm sure that I won't see half of what you have coming.

Now, for actual questions -

-Do the Team or League members get any sort of stipend or compensation as part of their membership?
-Is the public generally aware that Blue Beetle was controlled by the Reach against his will, or do they think he did everything voluntarily?
-If Zatanna has no secret identity, does that mean that everyone she went to school with knows her dad was Zatara and that she could do magic?


Greg responds...

1. I'd love to say so, but I never knew the whole quotation until now.

2. I'll leave that for the audience to judge.

3. How have you liked it so far?

4. They can.

5. The former.

6. Most people think the way Wally thought in "Denial" - but yes.

Response recorded on March 28, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

Eduardo Dorado Sr tells his son that he gained teleportation powers because the meta-gene is opportunistic. What does this mean? That the gene is sentient and somehow knew Eduardo Dorado Sr was working on teleportation tech so it gave his son teleportation powers as an ironic wink?

Greg responds...

Nope. Guess again.

Response recorded on March 06, 2019

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Steven writes...

Hey Greg, there has been some fairly new explanations to the Speed Force in the comics that might make more sense to you at why there is a force that makes people fast, but not strong, etc. - Basically, the Speed Force is a force, similar to gravity, except that instead of keeping us grounded to the earth, it's the force that moves time and space forward. The reasoning for it granting people powers is because as it moves time forward, it builds up excess energy that needs to be released, which happens when speedsters run and give off lightning. Basically, the speedsters are the Speed Force's "release valve". Without them to expend the energy, time would not function properly. I hope this makes sense to you and I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks!

Greg responds...




Except in the last year or so I've read comics that talk about the "Still Force" and the "Strength Force", etc. To me, and again, this is just my opinion - it's overly complicated overthink of something that made enough sense already. And keep in mind, this is coming from a guy who on YJ does everything in his power to ground his super-heroes and their powers in reality. GROUNDING stuff is one of YJ's prime directives.

So, the release valve thing seems to make some sense, I suppose. We did something similar at the end of Season Two. But when you start talking about people disappearing into it or other forces for stillness and strength, I start to glaze over a bit.

But I've tried not to close my mind to the whole thing.

I didn't much care for all the multi-colored lanterns either. But by the time I had finished watching the Green Lantern Animated Series with Razor, I was on board.

Too be clear, none of the above is meant as a spoiler of any kind in any direction for YJ. We're just talkin' theory here and how certain ideas strike me, at least initially.

Response recorded on February 27, 2019

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Snyder writes...

Did Garfield see Miss Martian on the news during the time after his mom was murder but before he started living at the cave?

Greg responds...

Why would he see her on the news?

Response recorded on January 24, 2019

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Jonathon writes...

I might be imagining things, but it seemed as though Jaime's Scarab seemed to genuinely enjoy Jaimes company, is this true?

Greg responds...

I think so. Most of the time.

Response recorded on January 24, 2019

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Marvelman writes...

There are some pretty smart and intuitive people on the League and on the team. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them suspected that Aqualad's apparent murder of Artemis wasn't what it seemed. There was Zatanna (who provided the glamor charm), Captain Marvel (who possesses the wisdom of Solomon), and Aquaman (who knew Kaldur as well as anyone and while not as brilliant as Batman still comes off as highly intelligent). Did any of them suspect the truth about Kaldur and Artemis?

Greg responds...

Largely no.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Regulus writes...

1) Were the Scout Scarabs sent out by the Reach prior to the treaty with the Guardians or would even that have been a violation?

2) Who actually needs to invite the Reach for it to be Guardian official? I imagine UN counts, but would a country's leader be valid to allow them into their controlled territory? Would a private landowner that wanted some friends be able to nullify Green Lantern jurisdiction?

3) Icon (at least) was referred to as the Cooperative Delegation a few times. Assuming that means that Earth was being evaluated for a place among the Collective, were they aware of the Rimbor Incident?

4) Was the Collector of Worlds from one of the worlds he mentioned?

Greg responds...

1. All of the above.

2. I don't know about a small piece of land, but I suppose if Russia or China or the U.S. gave them permission to be on their turf, it would be okay. (Honestly, I haven't thought about it before now.)

3. If by "they" you mean the Collective, then yes.

4. In a way, he was from all of them.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Christopher writes...

Hello from the UK Mr. Weisman.

I know we saw in "Depths" that Ms. Martian and Superboy posed as Martian Manhunter and Superman respectively for a press conference so that the public didn't know about their mentor's situation. While press conferences are one thing, superheroics are another.

So while the "Rimbor Five" were on trial for their crimes, who looked after their respective cities? Cause I doubt the likes of Joker or Poison Ivy would stop their criminal activities because Batman wasn't there to stop them.

For example, did Nightwing go around Gotham dressed as Batman while Bruce was on trial to keep up the illusion that Batman was still around? Or was Gotham Batman free for those in-universe months Batman was away?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Avid Wingnut writes...

Good day Mr. Weisman
I'm a big fan of Dick Grayson, and as such I've read most of the Titans and Nightwing trades, but my interest in the character was sparked by watching Young Justice, so thanks for that. I was wondering: how would you describe him as a character? There have been varying depictions in the comics so I was wondering how you think of him. In YJ Season 2 he was very serious which reminded me of Nightwing from the Wolfman/Perez era. Anyway, I just wanted to know your thoughts. Sorry for the length of this, thanks for your time, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Greg responds...

I could probably write a dissertation on Dick, but I'm not going to do that here. For the most part, I like to let the episodes and issues speak for themselves. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to justify anything.

But basically, I think Dick was a fun-loving kid who experienced a horrible tragedy, but had two adult male role (Bruce and Alfred) models who stepped up and gave him a way to work through his anger and grief and reclaim the fun-loving kid that he was

Dick is, to my mind, extremely competent, which was born out in both the Teen Titans series of the 60s & 70s and the New Teen Titans series of the 80s. And so with that competence, and with the hard-earned knowledge of the responsibilities of leadership learned as early as "Drop-Zone" and "Failsafe", comes the serious-minded Nightwing that we often see in Season Two.

But I don't think that's his natural disposition. Instead, I look to the Robin of the 40s and 50s. Dick is the acrobat. The trapeze artist. The performer. Dick is the kid who learned to disappear like Batman but finds it so funny, he can't stop himself from laughing. That's the real Dick Grayson. A kid/teen/young adult that is so winning and naturally guileless and honest that even his ex-girlfriends still love him. (That is his super-power, after all.) He knows how to do the other thing - and he's actually scary good at it. But he kinda hates that too.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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YOLO writes...

1. Were Wally and Artemis sexually active with each other in season 2?

2. Did they retired before or after start to live together?

3. Did Artemis used to forget Valentine's Day like Wally?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. No spoilers.

3. Not so much.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. I'm sure this question has been asked before. It might even be me who ask it, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere no matter how hard I search.

Why wasn't Wonder Girl abducted by Kylstar? Was it because he didn't consider her strong enough? Or, was it because that as a relative newb she was unknown to him? Or, was it because of some other reason?

Greg responds...

Basically, he didn't think she was mathematically strong enough.

Response recorded on May 17, 2018

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Mark writes...

Hey Greg. Today Is The Day!

Yeah these are gonna be Young Justice Question(s). Here are my Questions:

1.Why did, After Red Arrow and Green Arrow had to stop him from Killing Lex Luthor, they place Arsenal on the team when it was clear to the human eye that he was suffering from some form of Mental Instability?

2.Was Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl And Martian Manhunter going to court on Rimbor really Necessary? The League knew there was something going on with The Light and sending their big guns off world would severely limit their chances of trying to prevent The Reach from taking over the world.

Yeah these are the Questions me and my friend were discussing last night. We felt as though they were some big gaping plot holes in our opinion.

Greg responds...

1. When did they stop Roy from killing Lex? That's not how I remember things going. Maybe you should watch it again.

2. For starters, they didn't know about the Reach when they left. Besides, there was a need to clear their names. I guess "necessary" is in the eye of the beholder.

Response recorded on May 14, 2018

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KarrinBlue writes...

Hi Greg! Congratulations on getting season three, and hopefully many more.

1) Is the wildlife on the watchtower from the world it was originally stationed around?
2) What is Dick planning on majoring in?
3) Dick's standard override is RG-4 - RG presumably stands for 'Richard Grayson' but what does the 4 mean?
4) I noticed that Kevin Michael Richardson and Jason Marsden sang the Hello Megan and Reach commercial songs respectively. Were they picked because they had singing voices that fit the tone you were going for, for the symbolism of them also voicing J'onn and Bart, or a mixture of the two?
5) Did Marie Logan act in anything other than Hello Megan?

And, just as an aside - thank you for going to the lengths to represent different kinds of people. It really does mean a lot, even if it's in small, quiet details. I was honestly surprised at how much it meant to me to see in Face Your Fears that Kaldur would have trouble focusing with scents that the others barely noticed - I've never seen any characters that had sensory problems like mine, let alone a main character. It really does mean a lot, so thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Nope. It's from Earth.

2. No spoilers.

3. He's the fourth individual with an over-ride code.

4. Voices. Not symbolism.

5. Yes.

6. You're welcome, but honestly, my desire for diversity in my work is largely selfish. It makes for better/richer stories and a more honest depiction of the world.

Response recorded on April 11, 2018

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B_Schwaz writes...

You have said that Zeta-Beam transportation to Mars hasn't been set up yet because, until Sardath accidentally brought Adam Strange to Rann, it wasn't thought to be possible. However, you have also said that Martian Manhunter was initially brought to Earth via a Zeta-Beam accident. Shouldn't that have indicated to the League and Zeta-Beam scientists that it is, in fact, possible?

Greg responds...

Well, yes. "Possible." But the accident was not - at the time - reproducible, so it was "impossible" until Sardath figured out how.

Response recorded on April 11, 2018

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Somebody writes...

1. Does Wally know about Lian?

2. Have Lian and Wally met?

3. How does he feels about her? Does he think of her like his niece?

Greg responds...

1. At what point?

2. No spoilers.

3. You're overthinking things.

Response recorded on April 09, 2018

Bookmark Link

Somebody writes...

Did Wally ever told Artemis that she is his little spitfire?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 09, 2018

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Stranger writes...

I have some questions about Spitfire.

1. Who first said "I love you"? Artemis or Wally?

2. After how many months he or she said it since they start dating? Or it was less than one month?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 05, 2018

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Anonymous writes...

1) Was Jade holding back against Artemis in season 1? Because they are sisters and I'm sure they love each other.

2) Was Jade holding back against Artemis in season 2?

3) Was Artemis holding back against Jade in season 1?

4) Was Artemis holding back in season 2?

Greg responds...

1. Did she need to hold back, given what she was trying to accomplish?

2. When did they fight in season two? When they were faking it aboard the Manta-Ship?

3. Certainly not at the beginning of episode six, when she didn't realize Cheshire was Jade. After that, did she need to hold back, given what she was trying to accomplish?

4. When did they fight in season two? When they were faking it aboard the Manta-Ship?

Response recorded on April 05, 2018

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Kirk writes...

Did Garfield loss all his pictures of his mom when mount justice as destroyed?

Greg responds...

Not all.

Response recorded on March 16, 2018

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Josie Hersch writes...

When the first human members of the team became adult did Miss Martian at first have trouble acting like a adult around them because she still had mind of a teenager because she ages slower than a human?

Greg responds...

Everything's kinda relative and vague. Define adult. Define exactly when we become mature enough to behave as adults. I'm fifty-four, and I'm not always sure I'm behaving as an adult. Miss Martian was fairly mature for her age. Conner was - all things considered - extremely mature for his age. Wally grew a lot between seasons. Etc. Who's to say WHO hit adulthood first?

Response recorded on March 16, 2018

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Nemesis writes...

I see alot of people asking questions about beast boy and what happened to him after his mother. How do you feel about how all these people wanting to know about Garfield?

Greg responds...

I'm glad they care about the character.

Response recorded on March 14, 2018

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Cheri Bustos writes...

Beast Boy has seen the martian true forn in in last young justice invasion episode . Does Beast Boy like or dislike the martian true form?

Greg responds...

I don't even know what that question means, really? Aesthetically? I mean, it's like asking if someone likes or dislikes the true form of a flower or the moon or a person.

Response recorded on March 14, 2018

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Wally West writes...

Hey Greg.
Just wanted everyone to know that it's the 20th June 2017 right now as I'm writing this, and even tho the final episode of Invasion came out back in 2013, technically the date of the final episode was set on 20th June 2016. We all know what happened one year ago today.
Thanks for bringing back my favourite show Greg, I hope you enjoy working on it as much as I enjoyed watching it. Thanks

Greg responds...

I do.

Response recorded on March 08, 2018

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Greta writes...

How can Garfield have a picture the first members of the team in his mount justice room if the team is a secret group?

Greg responds...

I'm sorta forgetting what picture you're referring to, but assuming you're description above is accurate...

It's a secret picture of a secret team inside their own secret base. What's the problem?

Response recorded on March 05, 2018

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Shelby Holday writes...

Was Garfield still living in Qurac or some place in the USA just before he starting living at the cave?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on March 05, 2018

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B_Schwaz writes...

If the Atlanteans are most closely related to Ancient Greeks linguistically, then why do they refer to Neptune (i.e. Neptune's Beard, Neptune's Trident) when Neptune is the Roman version of the Greek God Poseidon?

Greg responds...

Etruscan influence?

Or maybe Neptune was another name for Posiedon even back then.

In any case, "Neptune's Beard!" is a translation. The saying in Atlantean is "Poseidonos Pogon!"

Response recorded on March 05, 2018

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Regulus writes...

A non Beast Boy question~

Been exploring Earth 16 Atlantis a bit, a few things that seem evident or a bit off.

1. The scene arrangement in Issue 14 seems to allude to the city state origins of several Atlanteans, are these correct allocations:

-Lori Lemaris: Tritonis
-Lagoon Boy: Neptunos
-M'Chiste: Crastinus

2. Wyynde has similar tattoo markings on his collar/chest to Lagoon Boy in Season Two, is his sorcery specialisation in the same area (puffer/strength)?

Atlantean differences are stated to be due to diverging evolutionary paths. We see multiple "Merfolk" type Atlanteans in addition to others more varied subspecies. Assuming there would be many of each of these subspecies, characters such as the Lagoon Boy would likely not have an unusual appearance when in the area where this subspecies developed/migrated to.

3. However, Lagoon Boy in particular seems to consider himself unusual. Does this line of reasoning not hold for his appearance, or was his strangeness just highlighted for character building purposes as an issue faced by real teenagers frequently and not entirely due to his Atlantean physiology?

Greg responds...

1. Lori's definitely from Tritonis. I don't think we established where La'gaan is from, though it's not Posiedonis. M'chiste is from Posiedonis, but Garth is from Crastinus.

2. No. There are subtle differences in their skin-icons.

3. He's not unusual at home among his family. But on the surface world - and during the time of the Purists in Posiedonis - he definitely did not seem to fit in visually.

Response recorded on March 05, 2018

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Eustace writes...

Why is it only years after Marie's death that Garfield starts living at the cave and not soon after Marie's death?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on December 21, 2017

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Lyla writes...

I genuinely hope the age difference is not a legitimate concern you have for Jaime and Bart's relationship. While yes, it can trigger an onset of issues for some people, plenty of couples receive copious amounts of support regardless of their gaps. (Sokka and Toph of Avatar: The Last Airbender as well as Katara and Aang, who happened to be 16 and 12 years old!) The self-internalized homophobic ones are mainly the belittlers of their relationship. I'm aware it's not a guarantee that you'll incorporate the ship into the show, but by the chances that you do, please do not let the age factor be a variable in your decision. I trust you'll develop them wonderfully since you've done so in the past.

Greg responds...

I've written and rewritten this response over and over. It feels like nearly ANYTHING I might say would act as a SPOILER.

So, I want to be clear that I'm NOT talking about Bart and Jaime.

Three years is an insignificant age gap if you're, say 26 and 23.

But I don't agree that it's insignificant when you're 16 and 13. I think it's very significant. I would not have allowed my kids (one boy and one girl) to date sixteen-year-olds when they were thirteen. (Not that it ever came up.)

Doesn't mean a relationship couldn't happen, but there would be repercussions with regard to that age gap. Of course, I've never had a problem dealing with repercussions in the series I've worked on.

Response recorded on December 21, 2017

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Philippe writes...

Has M'gann been to Garfield's nine or ten birthday?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on December 21, 2017

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tom writes...

does Zatanna and garfield ever spend time together

Greg responds...

Ever? Sure.

Response recorded on December 20, 2017

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Todd writes...

Why did Miss Martian didn't want to join the justice league at the beginning of young justice invasion?

Greg responds...

As she said, she was happy where she was.

Response recorded on December 20, 2017

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Stranger writes...

How many bedrooms are in Artemis and Wally's apartment in Palo Alto? Please be hones I'm not gonna tell Cartoon network.
And did they slept together?

Greg responds...

1. One bedroom.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 18, 2017

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Mathan writes...

Did Garfield tell his sister M'gann that Queen Bee killed mom before the YOUNG JUSTICE INASION EPISODE EARTHLINGS?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying who told whom, but both knew before that episode.

Response recorded on December 18, 2017

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Connor Lambert writes...

Also in Young Justice I'm wondering if a regular hero without speed would have run by the speedsters while Wally was siphoning off the energy would the non speedster hero die instead?

Greg responds...

I doubt he or she could have summoned up enough kinetic energy to siphon off any of the energy.

Response recorded on December 18, 2017

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Peter Thomas writes...

What was Garfield Logan's age when Bruce Wayne started paying for his schooling?

Greg responds...

Answering this would - in essence - create a spoiler.

Response recorded on December 18, 2017

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Kim Lee writes...

Did you always planed to name young justice season 3 as Outsiders?

Greg responds...

Always? I guess not. When we started, we didn't even know that subsequent seasons would have subtitles like Invasion and Outsiders.

Response recorded on November 15, 2017

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Andy Gose writes...

Did Garfield have super power to transform into animals for a time already before miss martian gave him that bio-suit he wears ?

Greg responds...

Not for very long. That could get embarrassing.

Response recorded on November 15, 2017

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Higbie writes...

Was Garfield ever at one of the Conner's birthday parties that Megen made for him?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 15, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

One of the things I noticed about the Team's dynamics in season one was how Miss Martian's psychic link made everything so much easier. So I want to applaud you for not including her in the whole Aqualad is a double agent conspiracy ring. It would have been extremely convenient for them to play their ruse in front of everyone. Thank you for not taking the easy way.

Greg responds...

We try to honor and service character. It's not really about easy or hard.

Response recorded on November 15, 2017

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Ruhle writes...

Who did teaching of the young justice beast boy to control his power to change into animals? You MR Greg said it took young justice Garfield years to control his power change into animals right?

Greg responds...

I don't remember saying that, but it took some time, though it came quicker than it had any right to. Miss Martian helped teach him, but his power is somewhat unique, so to a great extent, he's self-taught.

Response recorded on November 15, 2017

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Reba Parton writes...

Did Garfield get those toys in his room at mount justice before moving into mount justice? Did he still play with them when he became a member of the team?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on November 14, 2017

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Samson P. writes...

I'm a very big fan of your work, and am extremely excited about the third season of YJ. Here are my questions:

1) Was Atlantis "discovered" recently on Earth-16? Like, was Aquaman's aiding in the Appelaxion invasion what brought attention to the underwater nation or was it well-known beforehand?

2) Was Aquaman raised as Arthur Curry on the surface world or was he raised in Atlantis as the prince from the start?

3) Does Queen Mera ever work alongside the League in battles and such? It always confused me that she never appears to be associated with the League despite having (in my opinion, of course) way better powers than her husband.

4) Regarding the Wildstorm character you snuck into the first season somewhere, how old was he/she when he/she appeared?

5) Did the Team (or at least some of the Team, not including Conner and M'Gann, and potentially not including Karen and/or Mal) attend Conner and M'Gann's graduation from Happy Harbor High School?

Thank you for your time, and I hope you're having an awesome day.

Greg responds...

1. There's a story in that, so... No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. I'll just say that not everyone is as eager to come to the surface world. But by using the word "ever," you've automatically generated a No Spoilers.

4. Did you really think I'd answer this?

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on November 06, 2017

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Nathan writes...

So with the sad passing of the wonderful character actor, Miguel Ferrer, I would imagine that the character of Vandal Savage will be recast, but just curious how much, if any interaction do you ever have with the myriad voice actors on your shows? Do you have any noteworthy Ferrer anecdotes to share? Just curious, Im gonna miss that guy being a regular fixture in american media

Greg responds...

I won't comment on what we are or are not doing with Vandal in Season Three.

And I'm afraid I don't have any anecdotes of Miguel, though I can recall (imperfectly) a few anecdotes that he told.

What I will say is that Miguel was always a complete pleasure to work with on both The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice. He was SO good and a lot of fun.

There are other people, including our voice director Jamie Thomason, who knew Miguel much better than I did. But he is missed.

Response recorded on October 31, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

In Summit, was Miss Martian keeping a psychic link with the Team while she was disguised as Deathstroke?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 25, 2017

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Abigail writes...

Why did Megan cut her hair

Greg responds...

She didn't cut it; she morphed it.

Response recorded on October 24, 2017

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Granger writes...

Did Miss Martian visit Garfield after his mom was killed by Queen Bee before he started living at mount justice ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 24, 2017

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YJ fan writes...

Am I wrong to get a ominous feeling over Artemis choosing to wear a villians costume over her hero's gear?

Greg responds...

You feel what you feel. I can't dictate that. Otherwise, no spoilers.

Response recorded on October 24, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Can you elaborate on how Bumble Bee's tech suit works? Are the wings made of hard light or nanotechnology?

Greg responds...

For now, I'll leave that to your interpretation. But for the most part, she's making use (with additions) to Atom's tech. And it's Bumblebee. One word.

Response recorded on October 09, 2017

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Regulus writes...

First off congrats on Season 3. Just piecing together what we can from the timeskip betweeen S1 and 2 before having another thrown in, thought I'd ask about a few logistical pieces.

1) Can the Zeta Network support people with the same active designation in the same authorisation tier, ie. it can have Blue Beetle 22 for Ted Kord, Blue Beetle B22 for Jaime, but would multiple Kid Flashes or Robins with a B designation cause issues (if they were not deceased, causing them to be inactive designations presumably)

2) You have given the designations for the members of the Team, giving an order for when members may have joined. Would you give the year that they joined for those missing?

B01-B09: Team Year Zero

B10-Tempest: ?

B11: Aquagirl: ?

B12: Troia: ?

B13: Robin/Jason: ?

B14: Lt. Marvel: ?

B15: Sgt. Marvel: ?

B16: Batgirl: ?

B17: Bumblebee: ?

B18: Lagoon Boy: ?

B19: Beast Boy: ?

B20-B22: Team Year Five

B23-26: Team Year Six

3) Do certain members of the Team have falsified public records such as birth certificates? Specifically I would imagine Megan Morse, Connor Kent, Bart Allen, the Roys and perhaps Donna Troy would require them to attend school, marry and become legal guardians.

Greg responds...

1. If I'm understanding your question correctly, then no. There are multiple Green Lanterns within the no-prefix-letter designation. And it gives the computer no problem.

2. No.

3. I'm not commenting on "Donna Troy." I've never confirmed or denied that "Donna Troy" exists. Troia exists. That's all you know.

3a. Megan, Conner (with an e) and Bart must have public records to go with their secret identities. I suppose you could say they're falsified.

3b. Clone Roy has been using the original Roy's paperwork. Whether that changes now that Original Roy is back, I'm not saying.

Response recorded on October 09, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I was wondering if Beast Boy was 13 at the start of Team Year Six or if he was in the same boat as Bart with the whole assuming he lives to the end of Year Six, that he will have turned 13 during it?

Greg responds...

I think it's safe to say now, given what we revealed at SDCC this past summer, that Garfield survived to age 14 by the end of Team Year Six.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Shalhoub writes...

Who was Garfield Logan's guardian before Megan Morse?

Greg responds...

You mean after Marie but before Megan? Assuming there was one, NO SPOILERS. Assuming there wasn't, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 02, 2017

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Melissa Sisemore writes...

I asked a question back in February that was removed from the site. I mentioned this in the comments section of your Facebook page. So here it is again: In light of the fact that you say there are LGBTQ+ characters on Young Justice I would like to know if there are any Christian and/or homeschooled characters on the show? As I said on your Facebook page you don't have to give me a favorable response I just want a response at all.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what "In light of the fact" is supposed to mean, but, yes, the Wests, Allens, Garricks, Zataras, Ervins, etc. are all one denomination of Christian or another, as are many - if not most - of the cast and supporting cast, in light of the fact that Christianity (in all its forms) is still the majority religion in the United States.

Actually, I seem to recall I've broken down the religious denominations of all the leads. Check the Ask Greg Young Justice archives.

Beast Boy was homeschooled.

And, just so you know, I haven't been on either of my Facebook pages in over a year. Even before I began my social media hiatus this year, I had to give up on Facebook, because it kept crashing my phone.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Does Blue Beetle have super strength? Because Black Beetle went toe to toe with Mongul who is stronger than both Superboy and Wonder Girl so I'm just wondering if Blue Beetle's scarab also gave him this super strength or not.

Also did the Justice League find out about Belle Reve being infiltrated by the light?
And how did Icicle Jr, Mammoth, Shimmer, Devastation and the Terror Twins break out?

Greg responds...

1. Not as much as Black Beetle or Mongul, but his strength is above a normal human of his size and build.

2. Yes. In the show. On screen. Didn't you see it?

3. They didn't "break" out. Otherwise, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Did you choose the 6 six Leaguers who went to Rimbor as like a homage to the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoons since they were the core Justice League members on those shows? (I assume you didn't send Flash so you can do the whole Impulse arc)

Also would Wonder Woman and Hawkwoman have been at Rocket's bridal shower had they not been at Rimbor? Or are they not that close to Rocket? (I am wondering because it could be the latter and Canary could have been there because she used to train the team and all so naturally they'd have a closer relationship to her)

Finally, how do the Hawks maintain a secret identity if any at all with these huge wings?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, largely.

2. I'm sure they were invited. It's still a relatively small sorority.

2a. They're not AS close. But they're close enough.

3. You're assuming they have secret identities, to which I say NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Fangirl writes...

Hi Greg!I have only one question.
1. How Artemis and Wally separate their household duties?

Greg responds...

With egalitarian finesse.

Response recorded on September 25, 2017

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Ann writes...

Hi Greg! First, I just want to say that I am so excited for Young Justice season 3! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. :-) I just had a few questions about Bart Allen, if that's okay, since I saw you explain in a response that he does not have the same hyper-active metabolism that Wally does & doesn't have to eat/keep food handy like him:

1.) Does he still have to eat/drink more/more often than a non-speedster would, or would he dehydrate/be affected by hunger more quickly?

2.) Do illnesses, medicines, sedatives, poisons, etc. affect him differently? Like, do they have little to no effect, the effects not last very long, or something else?

3.) Similarly, does he have any accelerated healing? For example, would a broken bone heal much more quickly for him (though posibly incorrectly if not set right) or a cut not last very long?

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Greg responds...

1. He's hungry a lot. Whether that's a speedster-metabolism thing or a teenager-metabolism thing, I'll leave to your discernment.

2. We'll have to address that on a case by case basis.

3. I would think so.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

When Megan shrunk due to water pressure, was that just to cover an animation goof? It always felt so out of place.

Greg responds...

Nope, not a goof. We did it consistently in the companion comics and in the show. The depth/pressure compressed her.

I don't know why you felt it felt out of place.

And it wouldn't have been an animation goof, because script and voice recording come WAY before the animation. It was written that way, recorded that way, storyboarded that way and then animated that way. All on purpose.

Response recorded on September 19, 2017

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JSA Fan writes...

Dear Greg,

You've said recently-ish that your take on time travel is a multiverse-level hypertime-like theory most similar from what I can tell to that of Dragonball Z, where going back in time creates another universe...I have been wondering about this since the end of Invasion, because of the end of Bloodlines. I wrote a history for the original timeline that led from the death of Barry to the events at the beginning of that episode, because I figured it was simply a new timeline in the same universe, Earth-16's. Is Impulse not from Earth-16? If not, why did the timeline change in forty years, after he left?

Greg responds...

Well, I've got no familiarity at all with Dragonball Z, so I can't comment on that.

And to be clear, the rules we used in YJ are not my preferred rules of time travel. For those, see GARGOYLES.

But the YJ rules were based off the best I could manage to codify off of the DC Universe's rules.

Earth-16 had a history that Impulse thwarted. You can view his original history as Earth-16a, I suppose. Or you could just mark it up as GONE.

Response recorded on September 18, 2017

Bookmark Link

Stranger writes...

Did Wally take Vietnamese lit because Artemis is half Vietnamese?

Greg responds...

In part. And in part because it interested him. But mostly because it was a class they could take together.

Response recorded on September 11, 2017

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Earth 16 Stalker writes...

I read somewhere that the reason Impulse is friends with Blue Beetle, despite everything Blue has done in the future, is because he has Stockholm's syndrome. How true is this?

Greg responds...

I don't even understand how that applies.

Response recorded on August 28, 2017

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Carmen writes...

Hey Greg!

1. How could Nightwing afford to have an apartment of his own (as seen in issue #20)? Did his parents leave him money or does Bruce help him financially?

Greg responds...

I'm sure his parents left him something, but I doubt it was very much. On the other hand, Bruce could have helped him invest it wisely. In fact, Dick has had a (relatively) generous allowance from Bruce, and most of that he invests wisely too. The notion that Bruce helps him financially while he's in college, is a given, however.

Response recorded on August 28, 2017

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Just a girl writes...

Does he have it now?

Greg responds...

Still haven't given it any real thought.

The good news for Lian is that her grandfather isn't particularly interested in her yet.

Response recorded on August 15, 2017

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Mée writes...

Is Lian Nguyen-Harper, Jade and Roy's daughter, named after Artemis?
We could see Artemis' second name, Lian, engraved at her tombstone in the episode "Satisfaction".

Greg responds...

And so, what, you think it's just a coincidence?

Response recorded on August 08, 2017

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Earth 16 Stalker writes...

Where exactly is the "onscreen kiss" between Blue Beetle and Impulse? Because I've seen Endgame at least four times, and I've never seen it.

Greg responds...

There is none. Why would you think there is?

Response recorded on August 04, 2017

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King_Joey writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

As a deeply devoted fan of your work I have to say that I believe Young Justice is your best show yet! The changes you made in the D.C. comics Universe-16 that differ from the mainstream continuity of D.C. comics make sense and honestly, D.C. should let you write for them A LOT MORE OFTEN! In my humble, admittedly bias, opinion:)

I especially love the down-to-earth or, to paraphrase one of your responses, "original power level" changes to the characters various superpowers and origins. Having a Superman that can move planets with his strength or run as fast as a speedster would be boring and redundant. Having Mars still alive and well as a planet was PURE GENIUS. Also, unlike many D.C. fans I think your decisions regarding the "Speed Force" on Earth-16 was very wise. Ditto the Superman breath powers thing. Don't let ANYONE give you a hard time about the choices you made while making a universe all your own BASED on D.C. comics characters! It's your universe you can make whatever rules you want! (mostly :)) Your real fans are all behind you.

With that out of my system, my question is this...

From what you displayed to the audience in the Young Justice episode "War" and what you've stated in your previous responses, I feel that it's safe to assume that Mongul's yellow sun related increase in strength and invulnerability is a trait common among his unnamed alien species.

1. I would like to know if Despero's "super" strength, invulnerability, and third-eye based telepathy are traits common among his unnamed alien species? Or unique to him?

2. I would also like to know if Kylstar's "super" strength, invulnerability, and energy absorption/redirection abilities are common traits among his unnamed alien species? Or unique to him?

I realize that there is variation even in traits common to all members of any species. However, the reason I ask is because I cannot assume that all members of their respective species have super powers, like them, based upon only seeing one member of each species.
That would be like a group of Rannians seeing Flash, Black Lightening, or Black Canary in action and assuming all Earthlings have powers like theirs. Or me seeing only Black Beetle and assuming all Reach have Superman-level super strength.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

But thank you for all your kind words.

Response recorded on July 06, 2017

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Lexi B. writes...

Hey Greg! I can't believe YJ has been approved for another season, I've kept your twitter tab in my phone through those years just to make sure I never missed the announcement! Anyway, thank you for developing Ask Greg because I have some questions about YJ, if you would please answer.
1). Why did you and the other writers for YJ decide to jump ahead to YJ:Invasion?
2). When developing the characters for YJ: Invasion, did you guys ever keep the stories that they went through just in case you would get a chance to say what happened or did you never plan on saying what happened in between the two seasons?
3). Did you amazing writers know immediately upon planning for YJ that something as big as what happened in the no of season 2 would happen or did you guys go through a bunch of different possible endings for the season finale?
4.) When you look back, is there a character that you wish you would've added into maybe the Team or into the plot in general in seasons 1&2 that you didn't?
5). More of a statement, but thank you so much. Your dedication to these stories that you've seen told and created is inspiring. You've produced my favorite childhood shows and for that I can never thank you or tell you how much that means to me enough. I hope your future endeavors are plentiful and please now that there are fans out here that you helped shape their childhood. Yet again, thank you, have an amazing day (or night) whenever you read this!

Greg responds...

1. As opposed to...?

If I get what you mean, you're asking why we did the time jump? If so, this has been answered before, so I'd check the ASK GREG archives for a more detailed answer, but the short answer is that for a show about growing up, it allowed us to grow the characters up. Plus intro some new faces.

2. We largely did say what happened between the two seasons. Not comprehensively, of course. But everything that truly mattered to the telling of Season Two. We have more stories in mind for the gap - that we do hope to cover eventually, maybe in a new companion comic, if that ever gets approved.

3. "in the no of season 2"? I'm sorry, I'm assuming there's a typo there or something, but I don't understand what that means. But we had the basic ending for Season Two in mind from the beginning. We don't really wing it on this series at all.

4. I can't do that. What ifs abound, I suppose. But I'm happy with how everything turned out. I do wish we had more screen time for nearly every character, but we get what we get.

5. Thank YOU!

Response recorded on July 05, 2017

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YJ Nerd writes...

I've been wondering about this for quite sometime. In the episode the season 1 episode Humanity, we see Red Volcano melt and basically "die". But in the season 2 episode Runaways,Red Tornado is back and trying to take amazo. Was he rebuilt sometime during the 5 year time skip?

Greg responds...

Feels like you answered your own question.

Response recorded on June 30, 2017

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Curiousity writes...

I've noticed this question asked a few times pertaining Gargoyles, but not Young Justice, so here I am. I don't think these count as spoilers since both Season One and Two have ended, but if they are, feel free to ignore them. Anyways:

1. Was Wally a virgin through Season One? If yes, did he lose it to Artemis between the first two seasons?
2. Was M'gann a virgin through Season One? If yes, did she lose it to Conner between the first two seasons?
3. Was Kaldur a virgin through Season One? If yes, did he lose it between the first two seasons?
4. Was Artemis a virgin through Season One? If yes, did she lose it to Wally between the first two seasons?
5. Was Dick a virgin through Season One? If yes, did he lose it to Zatanna between the first two seasons, or was Bette his first on his 19th birthday?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. I'm only answering this one, because it seems so damn obvious to me.

1a. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

2a. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

3a. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

4a. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

5a. No spoilers.

5b. No, Bette was not his first. (Again, that seems dead obvious to me.)

Response recorded on June 26, 2017

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Anonim writes...


Greg responds...

Got it.

Response recorded on June 21, 2017

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Anonim writes...

Artemis was said she is not a car fan in season 1 but in season 2 she became Tigress. Did she changed her mind or it was becose she is Tigers in DC comics?

Greg responds...

I'm assuming "car" is a typo for "cat."

And don't take the banter too seriously. Artemis is clearly a dog person and not a cat person when it comes to actual pets. But mostly she was just talking smack with Cheshire, (as I recall).

But that doesn't mean she wouldn't take the name Tigress.

Response recorded on June 21, 2017

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Fangirl writes...

In one question you was said that Artemis and Wally wasn't officially engaged. Is that mean they have planned to get marry or it was verbal agreement for when they are ready?

Greg responds...

All I meant was, they were not engaged. I think long-term both thought of the relationship as long-term. But they were still young enough that marriage wasn't really on their radar yet. They weren't even through college.

Response recorded on June 21, 2017

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