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Janelle writes...

I posted questions up here before that you answered, so thanks for answering them. Loving season 2 so far, the new characters seem fun and I hope the older charaters get some of the spotlight.
I only really have 2 questions so far, both relating to Miss martian.
1.) so, I didn't really get the design change until ep 2. is the reason for her change of appearance because she looked like Beast boys mom, and she changed her appearance so he wouldn't feel like she was trying to replace her. btw, love their relationship.
2.) She acted really dark. was that darkness the reason superboy broke up with her, a result of the break up, or just a new attitude she developed after 5 years as a superhero and seeing what most villans will do.
Really liking her character. I never disliked meg, but she was probably my least favorite in season 1, she didn't grow on me till failsafe. Keep up the good work greg, and thanks for giving us this series....MY LIFE NOW HAS MEANING.
ps. loved mae as wondergirl <3
unrelated to the show, did you watch avatar the last airbender, and if so then did you cast her because you liked her in it?

Greg responds...

1. I'm going to leave this to viewer interpretation.

2. Ditto, though by now you should have enough info to make an informed interpretation.

3. Thanks... but if YJ is what gives your life meaning...



Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Shellhead writes...

I've noticed Aquaman has yet to use his telepathic power over marine life. Is there a reason you haven't showcased his signature ability or has there simply not been a plot that calls for it yet?
I love the show. It's a worthy successor to JLU. Thanks for all the effort you put into it.

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. You're very welcome.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Maxwell writes...

Greg, I really admire what you've done with Superboy in the episode Earthlings. You've made him more calm and levelheaded as he is no longer an angsty teen. Its also good to see him step up as a leader, like Superman. Thank you for making this character more likeable.

Greg responds...

Uh, well... I've ALWAYS liked him. But thanks, I guess.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Harrison writes...

Dear Greg, I just watched Earthlings and was wondering if Match doesn't age physically like Superboy or if that's restricted to just Kryptonian-Human Hybrids.


Greg responds...

Wait and see... Match is appearing in issue #22 of our companion comic.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Beast Boy Fan writes...

I just saw episode 2 of season two that explained a little about Beast Boy, Superboy,and Miss Martian; and I have to say I did like this episode more than episode 1. The one thing I am curious about is Beast Boys appearance. I really liked the way Beast Boy was portrayed in the show Teen Titans, an easy going young teen who is a bit of a jokester but is a sensitive person to his friends, and from what I have seen so far you are continuing that very well. I will however say that when I first saw his appearance, prior to episode 1 airing, it was a little off putting, since he mostly resembled a humanoid chimp; but after I saw him animated the appearance didn't bother me as much. However, when I saw episode 2 and I saw the scene when he changes back into his "human form", albeit with green hair and skin; it made me wonder it maybe his Beast Boy "form" was really a shape shifted form that he just stays in similar to M'gann's green martian form. It could be a way of of him escaping the fact that in his normal human form he couldn't do anything but in his humanoid chimp form he is free to be himself again; similar to how M'gann doesn't roam around as a white martian. I was just wondering if this is true. My reason may be my own I just wanted to know if he decides to stay in a permanent shape-shifted form similar to how Miss Martian stays in hers.

Also on a side note, I hear rumors about upcoming heroes that will be added to the show, besides the ones that are already confirmed, and I believe Raven is one of them, though I may be wrong. I hope that she can fit in well with this universe and still has a relationship, somewhat, with Beast Boy. No response it needed for this, I would just love to see the whole Raven Beat Boy relationship again.

Greg responds...

For the record, we're NOT continuing anything from the Teen Titans television series. Since we're all operating off the same source material, there's bound to be elements in common in our portrayals. But that's it. To be clear, I'm not claiming any superiority. Just clarifying that YJ is it's own... Beast.

Beast Boy's monkey-boy form is a choice - but I'm not going to go into how CONSCIOUS a choice it is. I'll leave that to the viewers' interpretation.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, why do you hate your fans? What did we do to you? Although Earthlings made me burst into tears, you managed to make an episode that captured the mood of DC comics... *Sniff*

Greg responds...

I don't hate my fans, though they confuse me sometimes. For example, I can't even tell from your post, if you liked the episode or not.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Emotionaly-detached writes...

Beast-boy in episode 2... and then Bokorra the same day... I... I just really need a hug right now.

Greg responds...

I ... don't know who Bokorra is, though I'm guessing it has something to do with Legend of Korra. And PLEASE, DO NOT SPOIL this for me. I'm still slowly working my way through Season Two of Avatar, the Last Airbender. I'll get to Korra after I'm done with Avatar.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Evan writes...

Hi, Greg!

I have a question about Lagoon Boy:

You said it was a bit of a shock to Aqualad when he started breathing surface air, so was it harder for Lagoon Boy, since he's more...uhm...fishy?

Greg responds...

No. Don't be fooled by superficial appearances.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Was that Noor and Bibbo in the water with Tseng at the end of Happy New Year?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In a recent response, you said that there were at least seven major characters you wanted to include in season 2, but couldn't because there wasn't space for them. My question is: were those seven characters B08, B09, B10, B11, B12, B13 and B14? Am I right about some of those guesses but not others, or am I completely wrong?

Greg responds...

Well, B-Zero-Eight is Zatanna, and B-Zero-Nine is Rocket, who are both in the show with significant supporting roles, so you're clearly wrong about them. But, yeah, you're right about some.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Where does John Stewart live and fight crime in on Earth 16?
2. Where do Hawkman and Hawkwoman live and fight crime in on Earth 16?
3. Where does Captain Atom live in and fight crime in on Earth 16?
4. Where does Black Lightning live in and fight crime in on Earth 16?
5. Where does Guy Gardner live in and fight crime in on Earth 16?

Greg responds...



3. WASHINGTON D.C. is where he lives. When not with the Justice League, he's kind of an international spy/hero type.

4. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. (But the answer is coming soon in the YJ:I comic issue #21.)


Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How old is Black Lightning?
2. How old is Randy Eiling?
3. How old is Peggy Eiling?
4. What is the name of their mother?
5. How old is Tseng?

Greg responds...

These questions have now officially gotten complicated with the new season. So, what follows are their ages at the END of Team Year Five, i.e. December 31st the day before Season Two starts - ASSUMING they're still alive AT ALL. Unless you've seen them, no guarantees:

1. Black Lightning was 28.

2. Randy Eiling is 50 if still alive.

3. Peggy Eiling is 46 if still alive.

4. Angela Randall Adams Eiling.

5. Tseng Dangun was 59.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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C writes...

When you were developing season 2 episode 1 and decided to leave Roy, Kaldur, Artemis, and Wally out, did you expect the reaction and the amount of questions (that I'm assuming will all be answered as the season goes on)that you're getting?

Greg responds...

Pretty much. We certainly WANTED the audience to be extremely curious to know where they all were and what was going on with them five years later.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

On this posting, there will be no questions. However, it seems only fair that I’d tell you something that I feel you may want to know. You may recall from at least two postings that I telling you about the post-Flashpoint DC multiverse. My suspicions were correct; DC Comics appeared to have cleaned the entire DC multiverse and are starting fresh. Here’s what I do know thus far and wish to share with you:

a. First, we have our mainstream DC universe (aka. DCnU), but we still don’t know if its designation still remains as New Earth/Earth-0.

b. We have Earth-23, which was introduced in Action Comics #9. The Superman of this Earth seems to be modeled after our current President. His Kryptonian name is Kalel (and that’s how it’s spelled within the comic), while his human name is Calvin Ellis. I’d like to tell you other things I found out about this Earth, but I not that good at explaining it in great detail. Also, other parallel Earths were shown in that comic, but unfortunately there were no designations shown.

c. The last one is the re-imagined Earth-2, which is introduced in the new title, “Earth 2.” Just like the first Justice League story arc when the relaunch started, the first issue took place five years in the past. Apokolips is the threat once again, but here, Steppenwolf, and not Darkseid, is leading the invasion. Earth-2’s Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman die stopping the invasion, while the Supergirl and Robin of Earth-2 (who become Power Girl and Huntress as will be shown in “Worlds’ Finest”) follow an unknown person through a Boom Tube and end up stranded in the mainstream universe (at which in this point in time the events of the first arc of the relaunched “Action Comics” was taking place). Also, we get see the new younger versions of Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, and Al Pratt before they became the heroes they are supposed to be.

This now leaves the place of at least two pre-Flashpoint parallel Earths within this new DC Multiverse in question (or at least, in my mind, it does):

a. Earth-16 is the first one. While this world was introduced with existing information post-Infinite Crisis, this world was never touched upon again until you “rebooted” it for the setting for “Young Justice.” I might say that was the best decision you’ve ever made. You may recall from an earlier posting that I asked if you or your co-workers have ever confirmed with the higher-ups at DC Comics on whether or not your interpretation of Earth-16 still exist within the new DC multiverse. I’ll probably find out your response to that particular posting when it comes.

b. Earth-1 is the second one. This parallel Earth is the setting for DC: Earth One graphic novels. It’s hard to describe, but what I can say is that it’s sort of like the equivalent of Marvel Comics’ Ultimate Marvel universe (by way of being introduced to new readers, among other things). I think J. Michael Straczynski was the guy who started this parallel DC universe.

Hope you didn’t mine me telling you all this. I just felt that you needed to know what’s been going on in the new DC multiverse.

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I haven't always had time to keep current. None of this effects episodes of YJ, which was all locked long ago.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg

As someone who is interested in writing episodic stories, I was wondering if you could share your approach on how you write a season for a series like YJ. I remember seeing an image on Brandon Vietti's blog where he had post-it's on a board mapping out all of season 1.

1. Do you start with the season's overall story first, eg. "The Light wants to take control of the Justice League and Red Arrow is the mole who will help them" and then do you just come up with plot points/events that move the story forward and scatter them across episodes?

2. Do you come up character development separately or in tandum with the story? I ask because in my own writing I have growth of some characters mapped out but have struggled to come up with plots to tie that growth in with the overall story arc.

3. If you're able to recall, would you be able to share some of the content on the post-it's from a particular YJ episode?

4. And what are your thoughts on "filler story episodes". My interpretation was "Secrets" and "Performance" were filler, in that they didn't drive the overall season story forward, but did have character development. Do you think it's important in writing for a series to give the audience a break from the story arc at regular intervals?

Thanks for your time Greg on sharing your writing process.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, more or less. (For example, I'm not sure Red Arrow was the FIRST thing we came up with, as your example implies, but it was pretty early on.)

2. In tandom. Though we have a pretty clear idea of who all the leads are when we start.

3. Okay, first, not post-its. INDEX CARDS. Second, that board came down to make room for the Season Two board some time ago. And when I moved offices, even the Season Two board came down. That stuff's all boxed at the moment. But I do have issues #20-25 up on the board now. And since issue #20 has seen print, I'm willing to spoil THAT one here. Now the comic is slightly different. Particularly within this truly jammed-packed six-parter, my index cards literally broke things down page-by-page, and everything is color-coded to make it easier for me to refer to where a particular sub-plot left off:

I'll transcribe it all here, exactly how it's written on the index cards:


"Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble"

PAGE ONE - WHITE - Y0 - Cave - DG's Bday. Z kiss on cheek. KF told Z.
PAGE TWO - YELLOW - Y5 - Blud - DG's Bday. WW, AC call. BK exits bedroom.
PAGE THREE - YELLOW - BK & Gotham Academy Yearbook.
PAGE FOUR - YELLOW - Cave - Splash, Logo, Subtitle. Nw, Sb, MM, Bb, LB, Rob, BBoy, Bg, WG, MD, W. Comp announces Z & Roc.
PAGE FIVE - YELLOW - Leaguers Z, Roc enter "slumming". Nw's ex Z Bday kisses Nw on mouth.
PAGE SIX - YELLOW - Ex Roc kisses Nw on cheek. Rob to join Bm. Roc pix of AE. Nw talks to SB, MM.
PAGE SEVEN - YELLOW - Sb, MM can work together. Nw starts briefing.
BLUE - Metro - Beta - Meg links Con, KB, BG in crowd. Camo'd B-S...
PAGE EIGHT - BLUE - Bored LB at helm. BBoy as warbler is on edge. NH fundraising. QB a threat.
PAGE NINE - WHITE - Y0 - Logan Sanct - GL, Monk watch TV re: RH's impeach. ML tells GL: Meg, Con here.
YELLOW - Y5 - El Paso - Alpha - Nw, WG, S-C.
PAGE TEN - YELLOW - New recruit WG glad to be w/Alpha, recruiting next recruit. Reveal Blue.
PAGE ELEVEN - BLUE - Metro - Beta - Meg alert, longing Con.
WHITE - Y0 - Logan Sanct - Meg, GL, Monk hang; Con w/Sumac.
PAGE TWELVE - WHITE - Meg kisses Con. Reveal Clark, JO interview ML.
PAGE THIRTEEN - WHITE - Intros. ML calls Meg her daughter. Clark & Con meet.
PAGE FOURTEEN - WHITE - JO intro. Clark requested Logan gig. Clark, JO cover impeach. Clark offers ride to get to know kids.
PAGE FIFTEEN - WHITE - Meg turns down ride. Clark may see them in Dhabar.
BLUE - Y5 - Metro - Beta - Clark greets Con.
PAGE SIXTEEN - YELLOW - El Paso - Alpha - DG, CS wait for and discuss Blue/JR.
PAGE SEVENTEEN - YELLOW - Blue into JR. CS greets JR. CS, DG confront JR.
BLUE - Metro - Beta - JO, Meg, Con look no different. Clark linked, spots Dev. Clark to suit up.
PAGE NINETEEN - BLUE - Dev vanishes. Sm vanishes. Con vanishes. Meg reacts.
PAGE TWENTY - GREEN - Br Ship - Orb-One sends First Leader Ks' go ahead to Br. Reveal Br. Logo, Title, Credits.

4. There's no such thing as filler episodes on any series I've ever done. There ARE change of pace stories, but even they wind up playing into the larger tapestry. For example, one could easily view "Targets" as a change of pace, focusing as it does on Red Arrow, Sportsmaster and Cheshire with just a little Aqualad thrown in at the end, but obviously, it wound up being crucial to the season as a whole. Neither "Secrets" nor "Performance" were filler in our minds. Both advanced the overall story, the arcs of multiple characters, the dynamics between those characters AND held clues to what was still to come. They clearly drove the season forward. Having said all that, I do think it helps to have 'breathers' in there, where some plotlines and/or characters are rested, to allow time for growth, to build suspence, to let off-screen events take place, etc., etc.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Blake95 writes...

im just curious, in hindsight, are you happy with the timing of the s1 finale/s2 premiere, coming out in the same month as issue 14-5? im just saying caus we didnt know ocean master and orm were the same but orm was said to be on their side in the finale, and now we learned some cool things about lagoon boy too before his role expanded

another lagoon boy question - when you had him played by yuri lowental in downtime, did you already know you werre going to use him in s2?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not UNhappy with how it turned out.

2. I believe so. That is, we knew we were going to use Lagoon Boy. We didn't make a final decision on Yuri until just before we began auditions for our Season Two cast. That's not meant as a reflection on Yuri AT ALL. We simply didn't discuss who would be playing what until then, at which point Jamie Thomason and Brandon Vietti and I sat down to figure out which characters we'd need to hold auditions for, and which we were already good with, which of course included Yuri.

Response recorded on October 02, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Why did you choose the particular six leaguers that you did to tear up Rimbor? Was it a shout out to Bruce Timm's Justice League? Was it because many of them have proteges on the team? Or something else?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"But for example, the six Leaguers chosen to be missing for 16 hours was definitely influenced by the cast of the original Justice League series."

[Response recorded on September 12, 2012.]

Response recorded on October 01, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Dick Grayson half Romany?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"NO COMMENT on Dick's backstory for now."

[Response recorded on October 20, 2011.]

Response recorded on October 01, 2012

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btgr writes...

In "Satisfaction", Lex Luthor's security force were seen holding guns that strongly resembles the French "FAMAS" assault rifle.

Any ideas why they personally prefer French guns over American?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I don't know enough about guns to tell you."

[Response recorded on February 6, 2012.]

Response recorded on October 01, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Will a 20 second intro for Invasion (like that of season 1) be made for use on the eventual DVD release(s)?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We never did a long version for Season Two."

[Response recorded on September 4, 2012.]

"I have no control over what appears on the DVDs. None."

[Response recorded on July 24, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

So is Mercy a robot...or does she just have a weapon for an arm?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


[Response recorded on September 20, 2011.]

Response recorded on September 30, 2012

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longbowhunter writes...

Has anyone mentioned or planned Full-Season DVD releases for YOUNG JUSTICE?? I would LOVE to get the show collected in some nice season sets with a ton of extras....I am NOT a big fan of the DVD's with just a few episodes on them.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I have no control over what appears on the DVDs. None."

[Response recorded on July 24, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Tim ever going to talk?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

TIM DRAKE: "Just happy it worked."

[From "Young Justice" episode 201, "Happy New Year." Originally aired April 28, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 30, 2012

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GH writes...

1. When did Wally and Artemis started to have feelings for each other?
2. When did they realised it?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"To begin with, I think you need to go back to Artemis' introduction in 'Infiltrator'. She saw a cute boy enter and that made her insecure, so she cracked a joke. He reacted VERY badly to being embarrassed, and that put them at odds, but I think that both were attracted to each other from moment one. We tried to show that without telling it - or at least without being on the head about telling it.

Then they challenged each other. Not just her challenging him, but him challenging her. And I think she came to admire his intellect - even when it was misdirected, as in 'Denial'. There has to be a reason that she kept at him. If he was of no interest to her, why would she bother? Then you have Kent Nelson. Both Wally and Artemis HEARD what Kent had to say, and it wasn't lost on them. But they didn't want to cop to it, because both felt the other didn't like him or her. So that insecurity pushed them both further into denial.

Then you have 'Bereft'. Here, as I've discussed before, they meet again for the first time without the negative first impression. They genuinely like each other, trust each other and are attracted to each other. When their memories return, so do their insecurities - neither will risk being the first to admit they like the other. But it's not like they forgot that (positive) time spent together. And it's not like their deaf to Robin's 'Get a room' line either.

And so on. Artemis saved the day in 'Homefront'. But she couldn't have done it if Wally hadn't provided the science. (And given her interest in science, revealed in "Denial", I think that would mean something to her.)

Plus, let's not forget the double-whammy of 'Failsafe' and 'Disordered'. Here we reveal just how intensely Wally feels for Artemis, and just how much interest each has in the other. The trick is neither is prepared to take a risk. Rejection from Superboy (such as it was) is nothing compared to the fear Artemis has over being rejected by Wally.

Wally meanwhile is afraid to admit his strong feelings for Artemis, so maintains focus on the safer Miss Martian. Artemis does the same toward Superboy. Both then have to be disabused of the notion that their crushes are viable. I tend to think that deep down, the revelation about Conner and M'gann's relationship was less of a shock to each then it seemed. They didn't want to admit to themselves what they were probably sensing deep down. One reason for Artemis' extreme reaction to the knowledge, I think, is that she was trying SO hard to think that Superboy was a possibility BECAUSE Wally clearly seemed NOT to be, and so she wanted to have something she could use to push Wally out of her mind.

So in 'Coldhearted', Wally learns some big lessons. Miss Martian is out of the picture - and that helps clear his mind. But mostly, he matures solidly in the episode. Now he's ready to behave differently. And in 'Insecurity', he's willing to take a risk. And Artemis rewards that risk taken, by meeting him part way. But she has other bigger insecurities in the way, and they REALLY get in the way, so that by the time we get to the beginning of 'Usual Suspects' - they're still at odds. But one of the reason they are SO at odds, is because for them, the stakes seem very high.

So when the truth finally comes out, it's a HUGE relief. She sees that he accepts her. He doesn't even have to say it. She can see that he does. And he sees that the reason she's been a pain have little to do with him. The deck is cleared.

Then they partner up in 'Auld Acquaintance', and they're a good team. All of which leads really easily into the kiss on New Year's Eve. (Another excuse to do something that they otherwise might have been scared about.)

From there, it's fairly clear sailing. I'm not saying there weren't any ups and downs during the five year gap, because there were. But they both know they have a good thing now. And they stick with it.

The irony is that a lot of fans seemed to think this was about opposites attracting. But we never saw it that way. In fact, we saw it as quite the reverse. Artemis and Kid Flash had so MUCH in common, it was nearly impossible for them to get together. But once they did, it felt very right."

[Response recorded on August 29, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did Wally and Artemis ever have a tiny break up during the 5 year gap, or have they been going strong for 5 years?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"From there, it's fairly clear sailing. I'm not saying there weren't any ups and downs during the five year gap, because there were. But they both know they have a good thing now. And they stick with it."

[Response recorded on August 29, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 30, 2012

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