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Katy writes...

When is Garfield Logan's birthday?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I generally don't give characters birthdates unless it matters in a specific story."

[Response recorded on December 21, 2012.]

Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Dear Greg like to say the Idea to Keep Kid Flash and Artemis together and Break up with Superboy and Miss Martian be in Season 2 was bad Idea some of us think it when ban better it was the other way around

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on January 04, 2013

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Di writes...

In issue #22 of the YJ comic, Nightwing and Batgirl use a pretty awesome device to communicate through hologram. Is this tech used solely by the Batfamily? Or do several members of the team and league have it?

Greg responds...

Nightwing is still using a version of the mobile holocomputer he's been using since he was Robin. The current Robin and Batgirl both use something similar. This is Batcave tech that I'm sure Batman would share with other Leaguers if they asked. So far no one has.

Response recorded on December 31, 2012

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Young Hero XD writes...

In five years there was no heroin good enough to get into the Justice League?
I know that there are five women in the league, but also twenty-five men, which makes a number unfavorable for women...
Unlike the team that has a nice number on the issue of men and women, for example, at the end of the first season, the team had eight active members four men and four women, and at the beginning of the season the team had ten active members, four women and six men, a number that remains favorable for women.
It seems with the entry of Zatanna and Rocket have entered the league, there was no heroin in five years time to get into the league!
I would like the heroines in Young Justice had another look at them now, grateful!

Greg responds...

We are, at least to some extent, limited by the source material that we are adapting. We try to create as much balance as possible - especially with the Team, as opposed to the League.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

In the YJ comic Players, Chapter Four: Do Not Pass Go, Barbara Gordon said "Please. I always beat him." Was that really meant to be an indirect Kim Possible reference?

Greg responds...

Not that I intended.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

I have a quick question about Earth-16's Beast Boy. From what I've read, I've understood that Beast Boy needs to see and be in some form of contact with an animal before he can transform into it at any time he wants. Unfortunately, I've also understood that he cannot seem to use this ability to transform into any dinosaurs, and I'm assuming that he can't use it to transform other extinct prehistoric creatures as well. Is there an in-universe explanation as to why such limitations were placed upon the abilities of Earth-16's Beast Boy? Could the limitations in animal transformations have anything to do with animal DNA (perhaps a complete DNA sequence is required for Beast Boy's transformation?) or is it something else entirely?

Thanks for taking the time to reading this posting,

Greg responds...

He needs to grok the animal, which he can't do from a distance - especially from a distance of millenia.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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Mirami writes...

Thought I'd share my thoughts on issue #23!

Team Year Zero:
Artemis and Barbara seem like they're getting along swimmingly. Hopefully, there's a great friendship about to form from that! Also, Alfred with the pizzas got a good chuckle from me. And it was really nice seeing Bruce wanting to stick around for Dick's birthday; just about warmed my heart.

The scene in Dhabar was also great. That one panel where M'gann explains to Clark how she caught onto him was subtly tragic: we learn that Conner doesn't keep mirrors or looks at his own face often, M'gann has memorized and learned every single one of his details and she hates lying to him even though she is.
1. Was thatDeadshot targetting Rumaan?

Team Year Five:
What a creepy place Batman and Robin are in. I've seen people speculate about it being Harvey Dent's home. I wouldn't really know, but I'm sure (or at least, I'm hoping) we'll know either by the end of this arc or find out about it in the show.

These last five years seem like they have been very unkind to Match. And I'm guessing these next few minutes/hours won't be kind to Barbara either.

I love the fighting dynamics between our abducted heroes. They have great synergy together, which of course means we're going to be gettinbg more awesomeness from them in the next issue. I see in the queue that someone has already asked why Icon was removed from the cover for this and a previous issue of YJ:I. To be honest, he was the one I was looking forward to the most, but I digress. I just hope nothing from the story was lost with his removal.

The bioship with La'gaan and M'gann was exactly what I had been waiting for! Even though I was pretty devastated with Superboy and Miss Martian's break up at first, I still felt that pairing her up with someone like La'gaan was an interesting idea and I was really curious about what would happene next with them.
However, aside from the cute crab cakes moment and M'gann trying to save him (I believe both are scenes from "Depths"), there wasn't much else about them so far that called for my attention. Add to that how my impression of La'gaan at first went a little bit south during the second half of "Happy New Year" and the fact that M'gann is still very hung up on Conner, I wasn't very sure how to feel about it anymore.
But this scene was just what I had been needing. It was sweet, it was touching and it explained the connection between them. I also feel really bad for La'gaan. I suspected he'd be a social outcast. It sucks and it's unfair, do I know. And as I suspected, M'gann understands perfectly. This is one of the reason why I had been so excited over the prospect of them being together. Hope we see more of this in the show.

Beast Boy's concern for Noor... Considering Bibbo and Noor were amongst the people Robin, Lagoon Boy and Blue Beetle rescued in the Invasion premiere that takes place a month later, I suspect he was right to worry.

And last but not least, the Collector of Worlds has given Martian Manhunter, The Flash and The Atom a real beating and now they're falling off to their doom. So not crash.

All in all, a superb and thrilling chapter! Can't wait for more!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Icon was originally one of the abducted along with the two Captains, the two Supers and Wonder Woman. I was forced to rewrite him out of issues 21-25, and I do think it loses something in terms of chemistry and interaction. Same with Rocket, who was with Zatanna throughout. But NOTHING was lost from a plot standpoint. The story didn't change.

Oh, and again, just to be VERY clear: this stuff only effects the comic, not the television series. All the episodes are already animated and approved. CN's decision on when and where to air the series has nothing to do with DC's decision about the comic.

Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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Paul writes...

Has Beast Boy seen Miss Martian's true form?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 2012

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Mika writes...

1. What happened to Garfield's dad?
2. You mentioned in an earlier reply that Gar took his mother's maiden name. Would his dad's name still be Mark Logan?

Greg responds...


2. That would be some coincidence, huh?

Response recorded on December 28, 2012

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Ryoki writes...

What city does Wonder Girl live in?

Greg responds...

Washington D.C.

Response recorded on December 28, 2012

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