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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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Pupz writes...

Hi Greg - Thanks for answering our questions.

I love Wonder Girl in Young Justice. She's awesome!! I think shes my favorite character now!!
But I was wondering about her strength?
Because Superboy is the product of Superman, (and he's stronger than everyone!!!)
Does that make Wonder Girl second strongest in the Team after Superboy?


Greg responds...

Yes. And a sorcery-powered puffer-mode Lagoon Boy is going to give her a run for her money too. But she's young. Give her time.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Derek writes...

I have a question about Gargoyle genetics and cloning. Apologies if this makes your head hurt, it's made mine hurt.
In Marvel comics, when they cloned X-23 they used just Wolverine's X chromosomes as the Y sample was damaged and a male clone wasn't viable.

I was looking up reptiles, as Gargoyles as I understand it are closer to reptiles than mammals. In reptile genetics it's the females(ZW) that have two different chromosomes not males(ZZ). So if Sevarius had a sample of say Angela, but only the Z was viable would he'd still be able to create a male clone of her, right? Females clones for Gargoyles would be the trickier of the two?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles are NOT closer to reptiles than mammals. They are GARGATES. So your entire question is pretty much moot.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

Out of curiosity, Mr. Weisman,

Have you ever considered doing a Marvel animated series which could take place in 2099 (or whatever year it would now be in that then-alternate future)?

Greg responds...

I haven't. But I'd be willing. It is, of course, NOT UP TO ME!

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Brian writes...

Hey Greg,
i have absolutly fallen in love with Young Justice. Lex Luthor has always been my favorite DC Character and I love the way he is portrayed on your show. So I have a couple of Lex centric questions.
1) In the Young Justice universe is LexCorp one of the world's leading scientific organizations/companies? Similar to Wayne Enterprises and Star Labs
2) In Agendas Lex states "I'm the new chairman of the board for Project Cadmus, was that just to gain Superboy's trust or does the Light consider him the head of that particular project?
3) Again one more Lex type question, was Lex and the Light involved with the founding of Cadmus or did they just take over an existing organization?

Greg responds...

1. We think of Star Labs, differently, but yes, it's similar - theoretically - to Wayne Enterprises.

2. He's definitely the head. It was the word "new" that was bologna.

3. They founded it.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Janelle writes...

I posted questions up here before that you answered, so thanks for answering them. Loving season 2 so far, the new characters seem fun and I hope the older charaters get some of the spotlight.
I only really have 2 questions so far, both relating to Miss martian.
1.) so, I didn't really get the design change until ep 2. is the reason for her change of appearance because she looked like Beast boys mom, and she changed her appearance so he wouldn't feel like she was trying to replace her. btw, love their relationship.
2.) She acted really dark. was that darkness the reason superboy broke up with her, a result of the break up, or just a new attitude she developed after 5 years as a superhero and seeing what most villans will do.
Really liking her character. I never disliked meg, but she was probably my least favorite in season 1, she didn't grow on me till failsafe. Keep up the good work greg, and thanks for giving us this series....MY LIFE NOW HAS MEANING.
ps. loved mae as wondergirl <3
unrelated to the show, did you watch avatar the last airbender, and if so then did you cast her because you liked her in it?

Greg responds...

1. I'm going to leave this to viewer interpretation.

2. Ditto, though by now you should have enough info to make an informed interpretation.

3. Thanks... but if YJ is what gives your life meaning...



Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Shellhead writes...

I've noticed Aquaman has yet to use his telepathic power over marine life. Is there a reason you haven't showcased his signature ability or has there simply not been a plot that calls for it yet?
I love the show. It's a worthy successor to JLU. Thanks for all the effort you put into it.

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. You're very welcome.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Maxwell writes...

Greg, I really admire what you've done with Superboy in the episode Earthlings. You've made him more calm and levelheaded as he is no longer an angsty teen. Its also good to see him step up as a leader, like Superman. Thank you for making this character more likeable.

Greg responds...

Uh, well... I've ALWAYS liked him. But thanks, I guess.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Harrison writes...

Dear Greg, I just watched Earthlings and was wondering if Match doesn't age physically like Superboy or if that's restricted to just Kryptonian-Human Hybrids.


Greg responds...

Wait and see... Match is appearing in issue #22 of our companion comic.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Beast Boy Fan writes...

I just saw episode 2 of season two that explained a little about Beast Boy, Superboy,and Miss Martian; and I have to say I did like this episode more than episode 1. The one thing I am curious about is Beast Boys appearance. I really liked the way Beast Boy was portrayed in the show Teen Titans, an easy going young teen who is a bit of a jokester but is a sensitive person to his friends, and from what I have seen so far you are continuing that very well. I will however say that when I first saw his appearance, prior to episode 1 airing, it was a little off putting, since he mostly resembled a humanoid chimp; but after I saw him animated the appearance didn't bother me as much. However, when I saw episode 2 and I saw the scene when he changes back into his "human form", albeit with green hair and skin; it made me wonder it maybe his Beast Boy "form" was really a shape shifted form that he just stays in similar to M'gann's green martian form. It could be a way of of him escaping the fact that in his normal human form he couldn't do anything but in his humanoid chimp form he is free to be himself again; similar to how M'gann doesn't roam around as a white martian. I was just wondering if this is true. My reason may be my own I just wanted to know if he decides to stay in a permanent shape-shifted form similar to how Miss Martian stays in hers.

Also on a side note, I hear rumors about upcoming heroes that will be added to the show, besides the ones that are already confirmed, and I believe Raven is one of them, though I may be wrong. I hope that she can fit in well with this universe and still has a relationship, somewhat, with Beast Boy. No response it needed for this, I would just love to see the whole Raven Beat Boy relationship again.

Greg responds...

For the record, we're NOT continuing anything from the Teen Titans television series. Since we're all operating off the same source material, there's bound to be elements in common in our portrayals. But that's it. To be clear, I'm not claiming any superiority. Just clarifying that YJ is it's own... Beast.

Beast Boy's monkey-boy form is a choice - but I'm not going to go into how CONSCIOUS a choice it is. I'll leave that to the viewers' interpretation.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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Feedback writes...

Can you edit the site so there are different sections for questions? One for "Gargoyles", another for "Young Justice", another for "Spectacular Spiderman", another for "Young Justice: Invasion" and a final one for "Other questions"?

Like that, you could answer the questions in a more organized manner. Plus, you could answer the types of questions you want to answer whenever you want (i.e. You're sick of YJ questions, so you'll start answering Spiderman ones)

Overall, I think you should implement this or a similar system so the archives and unanswered questions can be easier to navigate for you, for the mods and for the fans.

Greg responds...

The archives are ALREADY broken up exactly that wayr. What other 'organized manner' is required? First come/first serve seems fair to me. And I don't have any particular preference as to which show I'm answering about.

Basically, I am not having any navigation problems. Neither are the moderators. And if you've spent even five minutes looking at the site, neither would you or any other fan. Navigation was never the issue.

Response recorded on October 03, 2012

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