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Yojimbo writes...

1) Would the unidentified alien race who sent Tiamat to Earth figure into a story in season 3?

2) Based on Black Manta revealing his part in helping collect statue fragments was a stepping stone into the Light, is Ocean Master no longer a member of the Light during the events of Legacy?

3) After she was rescued in Gotham City by Alpha Squad, was Dr. Sandsmark given an A-designation by the Justice League?

4) Red Arrow's third journal mentions a report of Blue Beetle joining an "illustrious fraternity" on November 1, Team Year One. Is this confirmation he joined the Justice League (just wanted to know for sure)?

5) Was Klarion seeking to collect the Tablet of Destiny for the same reasons he sought the Helmet of Fate back in season one?

Greg responds...

1. We had plans, but I'm not going to be specific.

2. He is not.

3. No.

4. No. Red Arrow meant he had joined the "fraternity" of super-heroes more generally.

5. Yes and no.

Response recorded on January 31, 2014

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg! A few YJ questions:

1) If Little Orbit make another Young Justice game and start discussing potential DLC characters, do you think you might entertain the idea of including Troia and Sergeant Marvel as DLC characters? If the show and the comic don't come back, the games made by Little Orbit might be the fans' only chance of seeing them, even if they're just thrown in there for non-canon fun like Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl were for Legacy. I realise it's probably not your call as you're not an employee of Little Orbit, but maybe this is something you could suggest to them if they get in touch again please?

2)Just out of curiousity, why did you opt to put Troia in the 'Junior' class, when the other original Titans from the comic (i.e. Dick, Wally, Garth) made it to the 'Senior' class'? Having Jason Todd, the Marvels, Batgirl etc. as 'Juniors' makes sense to me, but Donna's a bit more iconic due to her comic book counterpart's affiliation with the founding Titans, so I was just wondering what the rationale was for not having her make it past 'Junior' level.

3a) Why wasn't Donna Troy used in the companion comic book, once it became clear that you wouldn't be using her in season 2?
3b) Did you consider including her in any issues?

4) With Troia and Sergeant Marvel originally planned to be included in the bridal shower scene, I wondered if we would have heard Mary say, "Shazam!", to shatter the ice that Captain Cold had formed around them? Was it planned for her to say that, either before or after Zatanna's 'garb us for battle' spell, had she been in the scene?

5) I read online that the reason for Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel not being on the Team in season 2, from what you said at Wondercon, is that there wasn't enough room for their story arc. My question is, since Batgirl, Beast Boy, Robin and Wonder Girl didn't have arcs in season 2 but were included nonetheless, why didn't you keep the Marvels around in minor roles too?

Greg responds...

1. It all depends on content, I would think. But I'm not opposed to the idea, especially as fun DLC extras. The problem is that those characters were never designed. And we'd all want Phil Bourassa to design them in collaboration with Brandon Vietti. Or maybe Chris Jones or Jerome Moore in collaboration with Phil and Brandon. In any case, I'm happy to make the suggestion, if and when.

2. The fact is, as I've said many times before, both Wonder Girls (Donna and Cassie) were off-limits to us when production began. By the time they got ON-limits, it was too late to include Donna in Season One. So she became a "Junior", so to speak, by default.

3a. Well, keep in mind, that didn't become clear until partway through production. We had planned to use her in two episodes (208 and 220) of Season Two until it just became a production impossibility. Anyway, had the comic continued - or the series for that matter - we would have definitely have introduced her. But both ended before we had the chance.

3b. None that came out. But we have plenty of stories.

4. She would have said "Shazam!"

5. Weren't we already crowded enough?

Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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a red arrow fan writes...

Hi Greg,
Just played the YJ Legacy.
Collected 3 Red Arrow journals.

Then a strange question came to me.
As player we can see the journal content by the computer in the Cave.
But in fact, I mean the team's fact, do they really find some Red Arrow's journals and read it?
Or they didn't really got some journal in the missions. The journals can only be seen by Player. As some player reward?

I asked this because that would be a bit weird if the team really read the journals of Red Arrow and still did nothing to help their friend. And also Red Arrow would be careless to put his digital journal every where.

Anyway, I like the idea of Red Arrow Journal.
I would like to get more and more side story about some sub characters in this show, in any way.

Greg responds...

I don't think the Team read the Journals. They are a treat for the audience/player. And the entries themselves are canon. But they were never assumed to be read by members of the Team or the League.

But the notion that the Team and League didn't try to help Roy is clearly false. You saw one of their efforts on screen in the series.

Response recorded on January 28, 2014

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Riyan writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm happy the question block is open again.
Congratulations on YJ:Legacy.
I bought the PS3 version game and completed it.
It's quite hurt to learn the story when Aqualad know who his father is and then Tula's death. Though we know what happened already, but when seeing the details, still heart breaking and it almost make me cry.
Do you know, I just can't help thinking that you may be too cruel to Kaldur.
Since the end of season 1, it seems only terrible things happened to him. Especially on the screen time. and we cannot see the off screen time so we don't know if he had met anything happy and smiled. (Maybe I should watch through season 2 again to say this, but as far as I remember, I never saw him smile in season 2.)
And without season 3, we don't know if he would became happy again, but with defeating his father and with great loss in the team, I doubt.
It's good to see your answer about he sure would re-new his friend ship with Red Arrow. I think this is one thing may give him a relief.
And I'd like to ask if there is anything good and happy happened to Kaldur. But I'm quite sure I'd got a "SPOILER REQUEST" answer. So, I'm just hoping YJ came back and you can treat him well.
The above is not complaining, or maybe kind of...
But what I really want to say is: it's a great ability to create and develop characters to let people love them and cry for them. I love Kaldur even more in season2, because he sacrificed a lot of himself and go through miseries to do justice. This makes him a greater hero.
It feels sad and hurt to see what he suffered, but it's also the reason I love this character, not for his appearance or powers or ability, just the greatness in his spirit.
I just want to thank you for creating such a great character.
And here I got some questions about the Young justice after the ask section is closed. And also some for YJ:Legacy.
1. I saw several times you said among the first 4 sidekicks, Aqualad is close to Speedy, and Robin is close to Kid Flash. Is there some reasons like:
a) Aqualad met Speedy first and Robin met Kid Flash first so they are close to the one they met first.
b) Aqualad and Speedy spend more time with each other in their mentors' missions, so did Robin and Kid Flash.
c) Personality. Speedy is the oldest and Aqualad is more mature than the other two, so their personality get along easier and better than with Robin and Kid Flash?
d) Maybe all above?
2. This is one question I got when I re-watch the end of S1. When Ra's said that the real Roy Harper "might still prove useful,as well".
So... was he 'useful' to the Lights in S2?
Or he wasn't because Red Arrow and Cheshire rescued him before Ra's can plan anything?
If Ra's already made a plan, and the rescue was also a part of the plan, what exactly did he want?
I didn't see anything like plan happened on Arsenal. Though he messed up a mission in Lex Farm, and also messed up Reach's plan to abduct all the young heroes. But both looks like accidents, not like a plan.
And League and Team surely would do a thoroughly check on Arsenal before he join the Team, so the Lights couldn't plant any program in his brain.
I guess the question "what exactly did Ra's want" would get an "Spoiler" answer.
So I just want to know, is his plan worked in S2 or not because Red Arrow and Cheshire's rescue.
Or... did Ra's totally forgot he had frozen a young hero in one of his base?
3. This question is for YJ: Legacy.
I looking forward to this game so much before it came. But as a game player and also a YJ fans, honestly, the game is terrible.
Not criticize the plot. I think the plot is good.
But the game system and cut scenes performance is far away from good. No need to mention so many bugs.
It's like some half developed project. Many improvement can be made and it would be a better game. We all know it's been delayed once, and now still lot's of problem remain in the game.
Do you know if there are some issues in the developing period?
Is it because the budget is limited or Little Orbit hasn't developed this kind of game before?
If the budget is not enough to make a good performance game, would it be enough to make an one episode or 2 to tell the same story? I think the plot of this game could be tell in one or two episode.
I would rather see a short animation of YJ rather than a terrible game. I don't know if you played this game or not, but as a normal gamer, it's not a game I'd willing to play. Not like LEGO Batman or Batman Arkham, even my friend who don't know batman, she also enjoyed the game itself.
4. Still for YJ: Legacy. No more criticism. Let's talk about some other things.
It's great for the idea of Red Arrow Journal. I think this is one great motive to play the game.
I haven't collect all the Red Arrow Journals yet but I've saw other's collection. so I read them all.
That's the 2nd heartbreaking things in this game other than Kaldur's suffering.
And then I got a question, when Jade leave Roy, she's already pregnant. And later in the mission, we met her and fight with her.
Is that okay to fight a pregnant woman? I mean, wouldn't we accidentally kill Lian? I think I would never go play this fight again.ad
And also, did Jade know she's pregnant when she left Roy?
5. Have you watch the "Justice League Flash Point Paradox"? Did you see Kaldur's cameo in it? Though no one said it's Kaldur but we all know it's Kaldur and Tula and Garth. Cheers for them!
Do you know the team of Paradox would use Kaldur as a cameo?
What do you think of it?
I mean, Kaldur is an original character you created in Young Justice, right? It's like your own child.
When he is used in other DC works, would it make you proud or a bit complicated?
I think I'd be most happy to see him in YJ season3, but if not, it's also happy to see him in some other animation works. But I'm not sure if I would be happy to see him became not Kaldur in other works. I love what he is in YJ, but in other works without your writing? I'm not sure.
okay. I think that's all I got now.
I'm looking forward to your novels and Star Wars Rebels.

Greg responds...

1. D. All of the above.

2. I'd say he was useful, yes. But I'm not going into any details of plans or no plans.

3. I really don't know anything about game production in general. And in terms of YJL, my involvement was limited to story and voice.

4. Yes, Jade knew she was pregnant when she left Roy. It was one of the main reasons she left.

5. I have not seen it, though I heard about Kaldur's cameo and saw a screencap. And I was thrilled when Phil Bourassa told me that he and Garth and Tula were appearing.

Response recorded on January 21, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I've a question about some of the Legacy mooks - don't know how much you were involved in their desigm and stuff.

1 Do they have names/ranks? There's regular Shadows, white Shadows, red Shadows... were they meant to have a name?
2 Some of the League of Shadows minions (that appear in the museum level and higher) have red hair. Are they more Roy Harper Clones?

Greg responds...

1. They're all just shadows. The gear they wear is mission dependent, largely. Or it is in my mind, anyway.

2. No.

Response recorded on January 17, 2014

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Tom writes...

Have you played Young Justice: Legacy? If so, what did you think of the gameplay? I'm sad to see that fans are saying the game is glitchy on many review sites. I would have still bought the game myself, but it was cancelled for all of the systems that I owned a few weeks before the release date. Even so, I hope that they can make more games to continue the story somehow.

Greg responds...

I've watched it but haven't played it, I must confess, because I personally am not a gamer. Frankly, my hand/eye coordination sucks for this kind of thing. I doubt I'd survive the first mission. (Tetris is more my speed. And I'm not all that good at that.)

I haven't heard any glitching complaints. And it seems to be getting high marks for story.

Response recorded on January 17, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Mal isn't in Legacy. Does that mean he became the mission control later? If so, around which month?

It's a pity you didn't get to tell the story of his first time in the Cave.

Greg responds...


And it's a pity that we didn't get to tell a LOT of stories.

Response recorded on January 13, 2014

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hey, Greg.

Considering you can choose your own team for YJ Legacy, I was wondering if there were certain teams that you, Brandon Vietti or Little Orbit consider canon for each mission? Like, for example, Nightwing, Superboy and KF are the canon team for mission 1; Miss M, Artemis, Aqualad for mission 2, etc.?

I haven't played the game yet, as I ordered it from Amazon, but I should have it by Thanksgiving. And trust me, I'm going to play that game like it's my job.

Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it that way. Obviously, if I ever did a comic book adaptation of the game, I'd have to nail it down. But so far, it hasn't come up.

Response recorded on January 10, 2014

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Reiena writes...

I am curious about something with young Justice Legacy.

I was wondering how the Team Years went, is it from July 4th to July 4th each year, or is it from january 1st to january 1st each year.

Got young Justice Legacy for the 3DS and I have to say, was not seeing this storyline coming. The trailers did not give anything away, and I'm happy with the story so far.

Greg responds...

January 1st to December 31st, just to preserve my sanity.

Glad you like it!

Response recorded on January 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

the cast list for legacy was just actors, no roles, and was missing some names associated with characters that did appear like Killer Frost and Riddler. And you did a part as well.

Can you put up a ramble with the precise cast list?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure if I have a document for that or not. I know I don't have it here at my TeamDisney office. I'll have to check my files, the next time I'm in Beverly Hills.

Response recorded on January 08, 2014

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