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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Lillia writes...

soo, this isn't so much a question as it is me saying sorry about the hiatus, as it seems cartoonnetwork is doing to your show what they did to generator rex. havent heard of that show b4, just blame CN. sorry again for the hiatus, it sucks.

Greg responds...

It is what it is. Onward and upward.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

On this day of this posting (which is the day before my 25th birthday), I woke up early in the morning with the anticipation of watching the newest episode of Young Justice. I do not watch it on TV because I do not have cable. However, I usually watch it after it is posted on the internet; this is the only way I am able to watch the show due to the lack of having cable television, as I mentioned before.

Being that I live in California, the sad news hit me when I looked into the AskGreg website to see if people from the East Coast were asking questions about this week's episode (since they would normally watch it first). Apparently, Young Justice never aired (as indicated by people asking questions about what happened). Cartoon Network threw a bombshell at us by celebrating its 20th anniversary or something and showing completely different cartoons.

I have to say that this was pretty poor timing on Cartoon Network's part. However, I am in no way blaming you, since you'd probably have no idea what the heck just happened. After I found out what Cartoon Network did, naturally, I was extremely disappointed.

The first announcement by Cartoon Network implied that Young Justice: Invasion was been held off until November. At the time, I wasn't worried. I figured since I learned that episode 19 and 20 were the only ones that weren't ready to be aired, I thought in my own mind that perhaps DC Nation was eventually going to do something special and throw some kind of 90-minute or 2-hour season finale for Young Justice: Invasion to compensate for the weeks in which the show was supposed to air.

THEN, sometime after 3 pm, more unfortunate news came in which Cartoon Network made an announcement that DC Nation would resume on JANUARY 2013. While I feel that this was an injustice, I did my best to maintain my cool. I'd imagine, however, that fans of your show throughout the country are probably throwing fits or are crying to their parents (all depending on their ages).

I have waited three months of the summer for Young Justice: Invasion to come back and I was happy that it did. However, after only seeing TWO episodes and having forced to go through ANOTHER hiatus, I feel that we, the fans, should be given some kind of compensation. I REFUSE to wait out another three months, just when the show was about to get exciting and we were about to see some kind of resolution after the "Darkest" episode…

Thanks for hearing me out,

Greg responds...

"Compensation"? Really?

And please do not "REFUSE to wait out another three months". That helps no one. We're coming back, that much I can guarantee. I think you'll like what you see when we do. So hold tight.

Meanwhile, I've convinced Cartoon Network to send a check for twelve cents to every fan of Young Justice: Invasion, who's home address was registered with the United Nations Cartoon Liberation Foundation. The Man from U.N.C.L.F. should be contacting you soon.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Another reason for me to get even more upset: There will be NO new shows until January 2013.... Cartoon Network has made the most heart-breaking screw-up ever!!!! Now we'll never find out what happens on the next episode of Young Justice!

Read this if you don't believe me: http://www.nickandmore.com/2012/10/13/dc-nation-has-been-replaced/

Greg responds...

"Never" does not equate with "January". Please have patience. We're almost there.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Emma writes...

I just wanted to thank you for Young Justice. During the first season, the characters grabbed my heart and wouldn't let go. And, though I was initially surprised at all the change in season 2, I'm so excited for how it is turning out. Every Saturday I wake up early (my mom says that you do in a half an hour what she couldn't throughout my whole life; make me wake up before noon on a weekend ;D )to watch it, and every weekend I love the show more and more. Dick Grayson and Wally West are my favorites, and I love their interactions (be they best bros or fighting.) I'm sorry that Cartoon Network cut Young Justice out - I'm boycotting them until they bring it back. Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know how much I love the show, and that I'm firmly against CN for taking it down. Keep on being awesome.

Greg responds...

We'll try, thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Robert writes...

Hi, Greg

This really isn't a question. More just offering my condolences to you and the whole YJ team. It's obvious that you guys have put forth a lot of effort into creating an absolutely MAGNIFICENT show for people to enjoy...
And yet, for all your hard work and dedication, Cartoon Network decides to pull this kind of nonsense. It's shameful, really.
As of now, there hasn't been any official statement or any sort of explanation as to why the DC Nation block was removed for the foreseeable future. It seems to me that the respectful thing would have been to air previously aired episodes of both YJ and GL -- but to replace these shows with Dragon Riders (or whatever it's called) is just rude: it shows a complete lack of respect for those involved in the making of YJ and GL, as well as those who wake up early every Saturday/Sunday morning to watch. In my case, I was up at around THREE O'CLOCK. Seriously. That's how excited I was. I just couldn't sleep! And it was virtually the same last weekend and the weekend before that.
I really am sorry that CN shows you and others so much disrespect. They owe everyone an explanation and an apology -- especially to you and the whole YJ team.

Greg responds...

Well, technically what's "owed" and what's "politic" are probably two different things. But thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Aubrey writes...

Hey. This isn't really a question so much as an apology.
I know that your ask box is probably getting flooded with angry asks about why the DC Nation block was suddenly pulled, leaving us Young Justice-less. I also know it's not your fault, and I'm sorry that this wonderful, gorgeous show that you guys have worked so hard on and that we love so much has been mysteriously pulled for the month of October.

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all that you and Brandon do, and that I love your show. Thank you so much. :)

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Honeysuckle writes...

Hiya, Greg. I just wanted to tell you that i'm a really big fan of Young Justice and I think what Cartoon Newtwork is doing is really unfair. They shouldn't just change the scheduel last minute like that when fans are waking up just to watch the show. Anyways, I really love and admire you. I hope things get straightened out soon.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry about Cartoon Network pulling this on you. We're still supporting you guys so no worries. Just....try to stop breaking my heart every week.

Greg responds...

What exactly is breaking your heart? The content of the show? Or the lack of content when the show doesn't air?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Catie writes...

Hello, Greg.

I just wanted...to give my condolences. It's not fair, and I'm not sure if it's true that you found out about the cancellation from the fans of Young Justice, but if it is I am extremely sorry!

With love,
Someone who understands it's not your fault.

Greg responds...

Thanks. (But... was someone suggesting it IS my fault?)

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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young justice fan610 writes...

On young justice invasion episode 7 why did night wing keep that picture of him and Artemis all those years and when Artemis and wally kissed at the end night wing looked away does night wing love artemis

Greg responds...

1. Why wouldn't he?

2. Not in the way you're implying.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Ember C. writes...

Hey Greg! First, I'd like to say sorry about what CN did with DC Nation! So rude...! Anyway, my questions:
1. Is there any other network you guys can have air your shows (YJ and Green Lantern) or is it just Cartoon Network?
2. What the heck happened to Tommy Terror!? He went from a blonde, punk version of Superboy... To a snorlax with blonde hair and piercings. Did he take too much cobra venom? Or did he eat too many small children?

Greg responds...

1. Well, there's BOOMERANG. In fact, reruns of YJ:I (specifically "Alienated" and "Salvage") will be airing this weekend and for the foreseeable future.

2. I like your second answer. But mainly, I think when we met him previously, he just wasn't done growing yet.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I was looking forward to seeing a new episode of Young Justice this week for the resolution coming out of last week's episode, and Cartoon Network has the nerve to pull off a last-minute stunt like this?! The reason I'm in a bad mood is because I just found out about this news on worldsfinestonline.com

Greg responds...

Okay. And the reason you posted was...?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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colton writes...

cartoon network better not cancel young justice,or we'll all be feeling the mode.

not crash cn,not crash

Greg responds...

I'm sure we'll be back. Most likely in January.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Erica writes...

So by your update on the status of the airing of "Before the Dawn" I'm guessing that you weren't informed of DC Nation being inexplicably cancelled either?

Greg responds...

Not in advance, no.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Philip Chatham writes...

Hey Greg,

The new episode of YJ did not show today...WHAT UP WITH THAT?

I was SOOO looking forward to seeing what happened after you guys blew up mount justice and kidnapped Beetle, Impulse, and Beast Boy. So tell me...what happened?

Greg responds...

No comment. But I'm told we're back in January.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Peter writes...

hello grieg i would like to ask you just a few questions
1.why did you chose "Spectacular Spider-Man" instead of "Amazing Spider-Man"?
2.it seems like you you building up to the Peter & Mary jane relationship if you don't mind may i please get your thoughts on that?
3.and the origanal con.jupiter suit was built by Tony Stark dose Stark and Earth's mightiest heroes have a place here and is this inline with Chris Yosts Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes? oh and by the way you and chris yost are big time geniuses thank you the both of you.

Greg responds...

1. Actually, that was Marvel's decision. Our original plan was to call it Amazing, but Marvel told us to change it to Spectacular. The reasons for the change were above my paygrade. But I'm not sorry about it. I like the alliteration, and it gave us our great theme song.

2. No, you may not. At least not at this time.

3. We weren't in continuity with any other series, period. We had our own plans for how the rest of the Marvel Universe fit into our Spectacular corner, but since we weren't allowed to use any non-Spidey related characters, those ideas were largely moot. But if you check the archives you can get a taste of them.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At the end of "Performance," Jack Haly suspected two things:

A. He knew Dan Danger was actually Dick Grayson (for certain).

B. He suspects that Dick Grayson might have had something to do with saving the reputation of the circus (but not quite certain)

Judging by this, I'm wondering if Jack Haly somehow knows that Dick Grayson was Robin at that time? If he ever did, and considering the fact that Jack was the closest thing to a grandfather to Dick, how would Jack feel about the fact that Dick Grayson is a superhero?

Greg responds...

I don't know why Jack would have any idea of Robin's involvement. Do you really think Agent Faraday was in the mood to share?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I'm not sure if the comic will eventually answer this question or not, but I wanted to hear your opinion about it.

During the five-year gap, why did Superman chose to specifically call Superboy by the Kryptonian name, Kon-El?

The reason why I asked this particular question is because of this: In the New 52, Superboy's Kryptonian name is not one of honor in the House of El anymore as it was before the events of Flashpoint. In Superboy #6, Superboy had an encounter with Supergirl, and when Supergirl learned he was a clone, she attacked him and called him by his Kryptonian name, which she translates as "Abomination of the House of El." The reason such as translation given is explained Superboy #0, which told the story of a renegade Kryptonian clone named "Kon."

So, while I assume that Superboy's Kryptonian name might be something that honors that House of El on Earth-16, I want to hear your opinion on how Kryptonian naming works on Earth-16.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Depths, Lagoon Boy said that it was his first time fighting alongside Artemis. But in the Young Justice: Legacy game, both of them are on the Team, are they not? I read that Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy are on the Team at the time of Legacy but are on another mission or something. In any case, if L'gaan joined the Team before Artemis and Wally quit, why didn't she go on any missions with him in that time?

Greg responds...

It was a big team, and they only overlapped for a short time - and the luck of the draw had it that they never happened to be on the same squad. There's no story to it. It's just what happened.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.)How old is Adam Strange?
2.)a-Is Felix Faust a normal human?
b-If so,how old is Felix Faust?
3.)How old was Ted Kord when he died?

Thank you so much for your time and keep doing your awesome work!

Greg responds...

1. Adam Strange was 26 at the start of Season Two.

2a. No.

3. 32.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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F.H. writes...

I've seen the novel The Mysteries of Udolpho pop up multiple times in the series (Young Justice), and I've scanned the Wikipedia page (I would read it, but Outlaws of the Marsh isn't something you flick through in an afternoon, and my to-read list is long enough already), and I can't see anything tying it to the plot outside of a girl with a bad father, which would be Artemis, I guess?

1) Is there reason or rhyme to this, or is it just you showing off your literary power level, as you're known to do (which we all love, by the way).

And another question on a similar idea:

2) Where's the Shakespeare, man? Your name on a show promises Shakespeare, and YJ remains bardless. Bring a little of him back from Oregon for the team, wont you?

Greg responds...

1. It's kinda the original gothic novel.

2. Stuff has to fit, you know? If I just wedge it in artificially, how does that help anyone? And I find it hard to believe there have been NO Shakespeare references at all. That seems unlikely.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

If Starro-tech allows The Light to gain access to the memories of the people that are affected by it, then when it was used on the Justice League in Season One, were the secret identities of certain Justice League members compromised and does The Light now know who each of those Justice League members really are?!


Greg responds...

Yeah, pretty much.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Tasha writes...

Do you have a complete list of all the things you have worked on? Also you have a great talent and I hope you keep doing what you do and that you enjoy your work :)

Greg responds...

I think I do.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Bruce Wayne started his crime-fighting career as Batman at age 21 (which is PRETTY young, considering a person of such an age would be just out of college or something), exactly how old was he when Joe Chill killed his parents and how many years did it take for him to learn his skills (ie. Martial arts, detective skills, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Bruce's parents were killed the year he turned eight. Beyond that, you can do the math.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

How was Cadmus able to make a clone of Superman (Superboy) but they didn't take any of his limbs like they did for the original Roy Harper?

Greg responds...

They didn't need an entire limb - not for Superman or Roy.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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