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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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gaiachild writes...

It isn't really much of a question, but all in all, I just wanted to say "Thank you". Thank you for all the high quality shows you produced that enriched my childhood and still give me intelligent and gripping entertainment in my favorite media, animated shows, as an adult.
Most off all, I also wanted to express my admiration for your resolve. While privately I may often joke bitterly about the "Weisman curse" whenever one of your shows gets unfairly canceled way too soon despite (arguably) having the best quality in the entire program. You will always have my gratitude for continuing to produce great shows despite all the stones placed in your way.

As for questions:
1. If you had the means to, would you do a Young Justice/Gargoyles Crossover?
2. Sorry to bring up this unfairly missed opportunity gain, but if you had remained on the staff for "The Roswell Conspiracies", do you think that show would at some point crossed over with Gargoyles?
3. In the spirit of question one, do you think Demona would make a good Red Lantern?

In any case, once again, thank you. Thank you for raising the quality and complexity of the already great W.I.T.C.H. cartoon, thank you for producing the best animated Spider-Man series to date, thank you for bringing Starshiptroopers to the screen in the way it should have been in the first place, thank you for doing such a great job with Max Steel, thank you for doing a huge part in keeping animated DC material extremely high quality, especially at the moment, and of course, thank you for Gargoyles, probably my favorite franchise ever, and I am rooting for you to one day get it back and do more wonders with it.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. Maybe as a radio play. But I don't see the two universes as being particularly compatible.

2. No. Two different companies.

3. See, this kinda thing doesn't interest me much. If you think so, great.

Thanks for all your kind words.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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alternate writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm a big fan of the show and I had a brief question that hopefully does not delve into spoilers.

In the Mount Justice memorial grotto, is there any pattern to the size and location of the holograms relative to each other?

More specifically, are the holograms placed in the order they died? I'm not asking when anyone actually died, if that helps.

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

No and no.

The sizes are all the same relatively, although perspective (and maybe some flawed animation) may occasionally make it look otherwise.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Guy writes...

Are the light is kind of secret society

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Guy writes...

What made the asteroid of the justice league wtachtower

Greg responds...

What made the asteroid? I dunno. God? Physics?

If you want to know more about the Watchtower, look here: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/

Brandon did a substantial post about it.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Just A Nightwing/Oracle Fan writes...

Sorry, I forgot to ask you.

In the episode Coldhearted, when Batman was assigning them on the mission, is my ears deceiving me, or did the BATMAN just sigh? It's just shocking if he did. From what I know, Batman never sighs.

Greg responds...

If we're talking about the same moment, we called it an "<annoyed exhale>" in the script. But I'm not sure where you got the idea that Batman NEVER sighs.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Just A Nightwing/Oracle Fan writes...

I've got a few questions... hope you don't mind.
1. In the episode Before The Dawn, you know the scene where Batgirl passes Bumblebee to Nightwing and said that he needed to make a fast exit? Yeah, is that really happening in the comics? Cause if it did, I'd like to read the issue.

2. When did Miss Martian started making people into catatonic states? I'm curious.

3. In the episode Homefront in season 1, was Barbara jealous? At least a little spark of Dick/Babs.

Oh, and representing some other authors and myself from FanFiction.Net who likes Nightwing and Batgirl, we are very thrilled that you made Batgirl hold Nightwing's hand. Just that scene, and we're jumping.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know what you mean. It happened on screen. Obviously, you saw it. So...

2. On screen, during Season One.

3. Yes.

4. I honestly don't know what scene you're referring to.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Chip writes...

Dear Greg,

I simply wished to thank you for posting the Series Bible for Stargate: The Hunted. It pleases me to no end, and makes me declare with the utmost sincerity 'WHY WAS THIS NOT MADE?' (Rhetorical) Good luck in all of your future projects.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Glad you liked it.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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btgr writes...

In YJ, who was created first? Superheroes or the unarmed Metropolitan Police Service

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Sowmya writes...

I was wondering how old Dick Grayson was when Bruce became his ward?

Greg responds...

That never happened. Bruce is too old to be Dick's ward.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Klarion is a Lord of Chaos how does he maintain long term goals or relationships? Such things would seem to fly in the face of the concept that he the lord of(or a physical representation of)

Greg responds...

Teekl helps keep him on track, more or less. There's a little order in all chaos, and a little chaos in all order.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Simon writes...

Dear Greg.

My question is regarding the W.I.T.C.H. series and it would be greatly appreciated if you would take your time and answer my question. I will try to keep my questions as short as possible.

1. First of all, I loved the W.I.T.C.H. as a youth, it teached me important and valuable things in life. I would hope future generation can have the same opportunity to watch series like this. I think the series came to an abrupt end, when instead it was set for a new season, given introductionen of the new teacher. Why did it end like this?

2. Is there any chance that the series will see a resurrection?

3. What can I do as a fan, to affect the possibility of a resurrection?

4. Can you do anything to get all of us who wish that our dreams of a season, not just remain a dream, but a reality? If not, who can?

Once again, if you would answer, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Greg responds...

1. It wasn't picked up for new episodes. I'm assuming because of low ratings, but no one ever gives me a definitive answer on this sort of thing.

2. ANY chance? Sure. But I see no indication of it currently, and I have no reason to expect it.

3. Honestly, at this stage: nothing. It's way too long after the fact. I mean, you can try to generate a groundswell by gathering a LOT of likeminded fans, but when I say a LOT, I mean a LOT!!!!

4. All I can really do is say that if they do bring it back, I'd love to produce more episodes.

4a. In theory, someone at Disney. But I have no idea who.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Mark B. writes...

Hi, I'd like to ask a few Wolf related questions, if I may.

In the wild gray wolves live for around 8-13 years (a bit more in captivity). Since Wolf appeared to be the leader of his pack in "Alpha Male" (the title being a hint!), that would suggest he was a fully grown adult (3+ years) at the time. That would mean Wolf would be physically quite old by Season Two, but he doesn't appear to have aged.

1) How old is Wolf?
2a) Does Wolf not show his age and/or have an extended lifespan as a result of the Brain's experiments on him?
2b) If yes, is the same true of humans or other animals enhanced with Kobra-Venom?

In this interview (http://www.aquamanshrine.com/2012/09/aquaman-shrine-interview-with-greg.html) you mentioned that Wolf was Earth-16's version of Krypto, and that you considered naming him Krypto. That would seem to imply there is no "real" Kryptonian Krypto. But in "Alpha Male", when KF suggested that name, M'gann said it was taken.

3) Is there a Krypto on Earth-16? If not, what was M'gann referring to?

4) Was Wolf linked into the telepathic simulation in "Failsafe", or was he just in the room?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Well, by your own calculations, he's at least eight or nine - assuming we buy into your calculations.

2a. We'll have to wait and see.

2b. We'll have to wait and see.


3a. She didn't SAY it was taken, she ASKED if it was taken.

4. He was not linked.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Kat writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In a previous answer you said M'gann gave Garfield his suit and that it is Martian, like her own.
1. Does that mean it can change its appearance like M'gann's clothing can?
2. If yes then can Garfield willingly change the look of his suit?

Greg responds...

1. In theory, yes, but in practice, Gar doesn't have that kind of control over it. Miss Martian has basically pre-set it with two forms: his uniform and the collar version it reduces down to when he morphs into a beast.

2. He can change it back and forth from collar to uniform. That's all.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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IF writes...

I have two questions about the T.O. Morrow:
1.How old was he when you created your android?
2.In 2016 he alive?
I have two questions about the hawks:
3. How old is Hawkman?
4. Why the name of Shayera is Shayera Thal, not Shayera Hol, since she is married with Kater Hol?
They have children, or protege?
Thanks for your time. I love YJ hopefully have a third and fourth season, and why not a fifth?

Greg responds...

1. All this can be inferred by comparing his age to the ages of his androids. If you don't feel like looking up the ages here and doing the math, I recommend checking out the Young Justice wiki, where they have, in essence, done the work for you: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki


3. By the end of Season One, Hawkman was 39.

4. You're assuming the customs on Thanagar are the same as on Earth?

4a. They have no children, which I'm only answering because it's dead obvious.


5. Why not?

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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curious writes...

1. For green lanterns in general, does the yellow/wood/beavers weakness where rings cannot effect certain things for unexplained reasons still apply?

2. Does the Young Justice comic have looser guidelines than what the cartoon possesses? I ask because a few people asked questions regarding things like character sexuality and you stated your general views on the matter but added that if you pushed these things to be included in the cartoon it would risk being pulled.
So do the same rules apply for both?

Greg responds...

1. Beavers?

2. Yes. If anything, I'd say the comic seems a little stricter. But just a little.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

After "Revelations" do Elisa and the gargoyles now believe in the existence of the Illuminati?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Kenneth writes...

Knowing that the Guardians of the Universe exist in Earth-16, how many of them are there?

Greg responds...

I haven't counted. More than five, less than twenty.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What is David Xanatos's favorite literary genre?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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It's official. I am now in the habit of talking to myself out-loud in front of other human beings. That's not a good sign, is it?

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Nicole writes...

Troll means to purposely do something mean for your own enjoyment. When people on this site call you a troll, they pretty much mean that they love the emotional roller coster you put them in when they watch Young Justice. I noticed on some responses that you became frustrated wen people called you a troll. Just wanted you to know that you're amazing and thank you for bringing us Young Justice. Congrats to you and your team! :)

Greg responds...

Hmmm. I thought to troll meant to try to create strife - which I do NOT think that I do. I also don't think I'm ever trying to be mean, certainly not with the show and not even on this site. I can get mischievous. I can be a smartass. And, God knows, I can get annoyed as hell. But I still don't see how any of that rises to the level of trolling. So thanks for the kind words, but I still object to the term being applied to me.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Surely this would not be a spoiler question, but if it is, I apologize. When Garth and Tula joined the Team, did they wear their outfits from Downtime/ comic appearances, or something different?

Greg responds...

They wore the outfits you've seen.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

I'd like to thank you for recently sharing with us the series bible for the "Stargate" series you had worked on but which never got made. I've only skimmed it so far, unfortunately, but it looked appealing, especially with its use of Egyptian mythology (and the hint of Norse mythology with the mention of "Asgardians", though I know, of course, that both elements were part of the "Stargate" property before you had the opportunity to write for it).

Greg responds...

You're welcome. Let me know what you think after you've read it.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Catherine writes...

Hello Greg

Just had a few comments I would like to submit, given my love of both the YJ cartoon and the ongoing comic book series. Given the hiatus as of late on the cartoon, I love that I have the comics to tide me over, even more so that there are little instances in them that are unknown otherwise (at least so far) I really love the way the different issues intertwine with each other, as well as the television series.You can really tell all the thoughts and effort you and your team put into it.

As for the television series, I really do love it, though not every aspect of it. I must admit I am not overly fond of the portrayal of Kid Flash, though I am a very biased Flash-family fan. The voice acting is great and I love the animation, plus his characterization in Season One I adored. I just really don't understand why he was given such a short end of the stick power-wise. Again, this may be because I am a big fan of the comics, but it really seems that he was sold short here. I understand you do not like over-powered super heroes and I certainly can agree on that aspect.

However, Wally within the comic books achieved so much: overcoming his own personal emotional barriers, breaking through the limits that his mentor could not surpass, managing to make peace with some of the rogues and maintaining that superhero level while married and raising two kids. (I'll admit I'm partial to the comics where Wally outran death but that certainly falls into the overpowered scenerio)

It just seems like the Wally in Season Two has truly been left behind in the dust, particularily with the introduction of Impulse (though, I do love the way you have handled that character) As much as Bloodlines was an awesome episode, especially given my love of the Flash family, it is almost painful for me to watch. Wally's relationship with Barry is something that ran strong in the comics and I loved the references to it you made in the comics and the cartoon, though briefly. Comic Number 16 remains one of my favorites for this reason. This episode seemed to just rip that to shreds. I really felt for Wally, felt like he had been replaced, especially with Bart's "You don;t have the Allen family eyes." Though, this emotional response MAY have been the point but I digress.

However, none of your other projects have ever disappointed me and given the role that has been building up in Season Two, I am extremely interested in what Wally's involvement with Artemis and Kaldur/Dick's plan will turn out to be. He has not seemed to have much involvement thus far, aside from being connected to Artemis and I sincerely hope that changes but I shall wait patiently and see what twists and turns your team has planned.

That said though, I do like your team's handling of pretty much everyone else. Like I said, I admit to being Flash biased (and given Wally's extinction thus far in the DC Comics 52, I guess I can be a bit over the top with my favorite Flash) but I adore how you have developed Miss Martian and Superboy especially.

Miss Martian's rationalization of what she's doing is extremely intriguing and given her consequences to it in the last episode, I'm wondering what that has done to her psyche and her spirit. You left us very much at a cliffhanger, as your team is so good at doing. You certainly surprised us with the break up within the 5 year time split but I like how Conner and M'gann have still managed to work together. it gives them a lot of props for remaining "professional" and their little interactions away from the others, in particular when they discussed their reasons for ending the relationship, gave a lot of depth and development to their characters.

I also find this version of Tim to very interesting, though he has not said much as of yet. Thank you for not combining Jason and Tim into one character because they really are important separate characters. Most seem too afraid to touch Jason with a ten foot stick, usually making Tim a watered down mix of 90% Jason and 10% Tim. So, I really am interested in what you plan for Tim in this season. His interactions with Dick are intriguing as well, given their brother-type status. When you pulled Batman out of the picture mid-way through, this became even more thought provoking and I look forward to seeing Tim's development and use in this season.

Your version of Oliver Queen is also one of the first I can truly say I like. Usually, he comes off as being an arrogant jerk but I find him very human(for lack of a better word) and realistic here. I especially loved his reactions to the original Roy returning and Artemis' "death." It really put into perspective that he does have a link with his proteges, something that is not addressed a lot. I applaud you and your team for these great character arcs. Given that Artemis is in fact alive, Oliver's realization of this, if it ever comes, will be fascinating to see play out...though I wonder if he knows Red Arrow Roy has a daughter with an ex-villain...

I do have one question; I have looked through the archives and hope that I have not missed it already being asked. If it has, please excuse me for missing that.

Q1: What is your favorite type of villain to create? Some people like power-hungry emotionally neutral, some like physically strong obsessed, some like manipulative, intelligent schemers(those are my personal favorites) and I was wondering if you had a preference to the ones you like to create.

Well, thank you for listening to my ramblings. I truly do love the world you have created for Young Justice and I look forward to learning more about it.

Greg responds...

1. My favorite villain is one that acts as a counterpoint to some aspect of the hero.

As for Wally, I like him BETTER because he's doing the heroic thing with less power to back it up. What I like about him is his HUMANITY. I think we've shown that. I don't think "Bloodlines" was a tragic moment for him at all. He wasn't replaced in the least. Rather, he was shown to be part of a grand tradition from Jay to Barry to Wally to Bart. Don't take a stray comment here and there from either Wally or Bart to indicate actual hostility. They tease. It's family stuff.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey greg

I wanted to ask on why npbody cared about superboy's birthday besides Megan and Wendy.

Does he have close relationship with their team at all or they are just teammates?

Did superman ever went to his birthday parties?

Greg responds...

1. It wasn't about caring, it was about this MASSIVE distraction: ARTEMIS' DEATH. Look, I occasionally forget my good friends' birthdays even when I don't have a huge tragic excuse. So I think his friends can be forgiven for not celebrating in this case. Especially since in the past, M'gann set it up for them, and they were always given a reminder. Besides, you don't know what happened after that scene with Wendy. Others may have wished him a happy birthday later in the day. And finally, you also need to keep in mind that Superboy always claimed to HATE celebrating his birthday.

2. He's close with most of them, especially the ones he's known the longest, i.e. Dick, Wally, Artemis, Zatanna, Raquel, Mal, Karen, Garfield and Barbara. For obvious reasons, he and La'gaan aren't exactly good buddies, and there is likewise obvious tension these days between Conner and M'gann. But Conner gets along well with Tim, Cassie, Jaime and Bart; he just doesn't know them as well. He even gets along about as well with Roy (Red Arrow) as anyone. (And frankly, even the tension with La'gaan is, I think, exaggerated by the fandom. I don't think Conner and La'gaan dislike each other, so much as La'gaan feels like he must compete with Conner, and Conner still has issues with M'gann.)

3. Yes, always. But it's hard to do when you're on trial on Rimbor.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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C writes...

Hi Greg! I'm loving Young Justice so far. Season 2 looks like it's going to be really interesting. I've only got a few questions, most of them about La'gaan. I don't see why he gets so much hate. He's hilarious, and I'm very glad he'll be getting some more character development in the future.

1. How close were Kaldur and La'gaan back when they both lived in Atlantis?

2. What city-state is La'gaan from?

3. What do La'gaan's parents think about him working with the king on the surface? Are they proud?

Greg responds...

1. They were friends. Not best friends. Kaldur's best friend was Garth. La'gaan's is Blubber. But they were pretty good friends, when one takes the age difference into account.

2. I haven't nailed that down yet.


Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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