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VELATIONS 2013-11 (Nov)

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Andrew writes...

It was brought to my attention that you guys had outlined, or at least planned for, a three season story, with each season building off the next. Yet I'm learning that your reception of only twenty episodes for season 2 instead of the desired 26 led to a condensing of content and story; ie. less screen time for certain characters, deleted scenes or dialogues, etc.

I was curious, now that season 2's finale has aired, if you'd be willing to share any episode ideas or deleted scenes from season 2 that didn't get to make the cut due to time constraint or different priorities, much like you did with the Endgame cut lines.

And, because it needs to be said, awesome job on the show guys. Easily the best DC animated show since JLU, and easily in the top five best superhero shows to date. A travesty that it's been cancelled, but I'm grateful we got to see what we did, even if it was cut short.

Greg responds...

I've shared everything significant that was created for Season Two and was actually scripted but got cut for time in an individual episode. It's not like we thought we had 26 while we were making the season. We knew the pickup was for 20 from the moment we got picked up. (Or, more accurately, the original pickup was only a guarantee of 10, but with a likely increase to 20. So we planned for 20.)

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Guy writes...

Did Aqualad renew his frienship with Red Arrow after Aqualad ended his undercover mission?

If season 2 is the last season did Wally ever talk to Red Arrow again after Red Arrow got his life back on track?

Do the four original sidekicks consider eachother their closest seuperhero friends?

Great show, you and Brandon Vietti have done a great job!

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he did.

2. I'm sure he did.

3. They were all close. But Roy and Kaldur were closer to each other than to the other two. And, of course, so were Wally and Dick.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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j writes...

I have a question about the Reach.

Why exactly do they refer to Humams as "meat"?

Are any of these theories correct?

my own theory:
a) they are insectisoid with exoskeitons, therefore they dont have internal muscles, or "meat" themselves?

possible theory based on Mongul telling Captian Atom (paraphrasing here) "your lucky im killing you now...you dont know what they plan to
do to you":
b) They were going to eat people.

c) Are both of these true?

or d) is it a mistranslation of a word they use in their native language, but has no english equivilent?


Greg responds...

Mostly a. Maybe some b, although that wasn't a priority. So maybe some c. And maybe a little d, while we're at it. But mostly a.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Finister2 writes...

1) What became of Despero and Mongal after Savage commandeered the Warworld?
2) Clark Kent is not present at the Daily Planet in Superboy's implanted memory. Why is this?
3) What is the "Serpent", the "Garden", and "Eden" that Ra's refers to in "The Pit..."?
4) Why did Ocean-Master want to rob Queen Mera of her powers?
5) Where was Doctor Fate during "Players"?

Greg responds...


2. He was in the Men's Room.


4. If you were a villain, wouldn't YOU want her power? And at the very least, wouldn't you want to make sure SHE didn't have them?


Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Finister2 writes...

1) What did Superboy mean when he said he could "relate" to the Appellaxian husk wanting to "end its pain"?
2) Why is Blue Beetle's Scarab incompatible with Apokoliptan tech?
3) How did Psimon know about Batman being "out of the picture" during "Beneath"?
4) Why wasn't Impulse's apocalyptic future completely subverted after what he accomplished in the present?
5) Why did Black Manta want to destroy the Earth-Mars communications satellite?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. Bad mojo?

3. Because he's working for the Light, which had the inside scoop on what was up on Rimbor.


5. The Light wanted it destroyed because it didn't want to further Earth/Mars relations, which might complicate their plan.

Response recorded on November 14, 2013

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Finister2 writes...

1) How long had Tseng been replaced with the Krolotean robot seen in "Happy New Year"?
2) Why did Miss Martian hug Beast Boy so enthusiastically in "Earthlings"?
3) How is Icon familiar with intergalactic trial law?
4) How did Black Manta father Kaldur'ahm with Sha'lain'a?
5) How did the Light learn of Rimbor, and why did they choose those specific six Leaguers to rampage there?

Greg responds...

1. I don't have access to my timeline here at my Disney office. But I'm not sure I set an exact date for this anyway.

2. She loves him. Plus he's very huggable.

3. He's (a) a lawyer and (b) from outer space.

4. HOW?


5b. Maximum Impact.

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

so does Dick Grayson still have feelings for Zatanna

Greg responds...

Depending on your definition, yes.

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...


Greg responds...

This threw me for a second until I remembered it was written back in March. Me - here in November - just finished celebrating Wally's birthday!

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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Kate writes...

What's the story about Ocean Master getting replaced by Black Manta? I'm curious if you had plans for him that were derailed.

Greg responds...

No plans were derailed. Not all of our plans were revealed. And I'm not revealing them now either. Sorry.

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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Alleluia00 writes...

Good evening sir, I am on here not to ask a question, but because I have some things I want to say. Firstly I would like to apologize. You see I had left two comments on this board asking the same question, why is not important it was still rude of me. Secondly I would like to congratulate you on the ingenious way you and your team ended YJ's second season. I could not have thought of a better ending if I tried, and I know because I did and I failed. Whether this is merely the end of a season or the end of the show it was brilliant.

Greg responds...

Thanks a lot!!

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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