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POSTS 2015-07 (Jul)

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Harlan of the Ghosts writes...

A few questions about Spirits of Ash and Foam (which I loved, by the way).

1. Who were the two characters who demanded a bigger presence as you were writing Spirits of Ash and Foam?

2. Ghosts have a similar affinity for the night that gargoyles do (in that day is pretty much a no go for them). Do you have your own affinity for the night, or do you see a bit of thematic overlap between ghosts and gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Renée and Cash. (Did you guess this? Was it who you thought?)

2. I am nocturnal, but otherwise, I think this is mostly coincidental. The gargoyles night/day thing came from us extrapolating on the (very limited) legends associated with gargoyles, and in any case we came up with it years before Rain was even a glimmer in my eye. The ghost night/day thing in Rain and Spirits comes directly from Taino mythology, which had very specific rules for ghosts that I'm trying to honor in these stories.

Response recorded on July 31, 2015

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Mara writes...

When I visited Puerto Rico last fall (October of 2013) we went on a tour of the cave system in Camuy- which is awesome. On the tour, our guide commented that normally, human settlements only exist in caves that have a clear entrance and exit that face east and west- so that there is light in the cave during the day. For that reason, caves with north/south facings would be avoided.

Anyway, my question is- did pre-bronze age gargoyles tend to have settlements in cave systems over other areas- since their eggs need thermal energy access anyway?

Greg responds...

Rookeries tended to be in underground caves.

Response recorded on July 31, 2015

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Mara writes...

Do gargoyles, as a race, have an common origin myth?

Greg responds...

Generally, yes. But the clans over time became so spread out and isolated, variations abound.

Response recorded on July 31, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

You've said that you and the production team created a bible of sorts for future story lines and character arcs of Young Justice.

1. Would it be legal to publish it?

2. Would you consider publishing it?

Greg responds...

1. Never been too clear on that. But it would probably require permission from Warner Bros.

2. No. No spoilers, don't you know.

Response recorded on July 31, 2015

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Todd Jensen writes...

I read "Spirits of Ash and Foam" over the weekend. Here are my thoughts on it.


I really enjoyed it. You continued the story of Rain's quest, had her seek out the second zumi, but added some variety by having the quest revolve as much around rescuing the Kimlets and learning the sad story of Aycayia the Cursed as around the second zumi itself - but with Aycayia's story being linked to the second zumi - and the subplot of Miranda becoming part of the group.

I don't know much about the Taino myths and legends, but your book certainly encouraged me to find out more about them, if I can (just as the quest within the story has encouraged Rain to learn more - complete with surprising her teacher in a good way with her report on them). I liked the touch of the Taino vampire being linked to mosquitos rather than bats (and it certainly makes sense, when you think about it), and also Rain's discovery of the true story of Aycayia as a grieving mother rather than a temptress - not to mention the revelation that the true villain of the story is also the hurricane Julia (which was a good way, I thought, of tying things in together). we also got references to legends I was more familiar with, such as the notion of manatees being the origin of mermaid myths and about selkies.

The style of the legends themselves reminded me of the "Panther Queen" story in "Mark of the Panther" - more in the general atmosphere than in the details - I could even imagine that, if this was animation, the legends would have had their own animation style, different from that of the main story, just as the "Panther Queen" story did. I especially liked the touch of everything in the legends being "First [insert noun here]", emphasizing how they're set at the world's beginning.

A few other parts I particularly enjoyed were Rain, Charlie, and Miranda discussing the Kimlets' first names (and I could see why you named them after characters from "Peter Pan" as the story progressed), Rain's reading list for English class including "The Tempest" (how appropriate) and "To Kill a Mockingbird" (that one brought back memories; it was the first book on my 8th grade English class's reading list as well), and this bit from page 122: "[Rain] put [the book] back on the shelf. (And Charlie moved it back to where it *belonged* on the shelf.)" I work as a shelver at the library, and those two sentences rang true to me after so many times I'd found a book in the wrong place on the shelf and restored it to its rightful position.

Thanks for sharing this second book with us. I hope you get to have the other seven books published. (This time, the local bookstore had "Spirits of Ash and Foam" on the shelf; I didn't have to specially order it as I had to last time. That may be a good sign.)

Greg responds...

Zemi not zumi. And, yes, I think there's definitely some Panther Queen influence in there.

Glad you liked it!

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I wanted to let you know that I was just looking over the DC Comics solicitations for October 2014 on the Internet on this link here:


Do you see where it says "The Multiversity: The Just #1"?

Unless my eyes were deceiving me, the description about this title is suggesting that this is EARTH-16 in the NEW 52 DC multiverse.

Does that mean the "Young Justice" universe that you set up in 2011 is no longer Earth-16 and is that why the show ended prematurely when it did? Did Grant Morrison NOT know that Earth-16 was already handpicked and used by you as you saw fit or is something else going on here?! If this is fate's way of saying that "Young Justice' is pretty much gone, I can imagine that a lot "Young Justice" fans are probably going to be REALLY angry!

Greg responds...

1. I have no inside info, but reading that release, it does seem like they've wiped out our Earth-16 for this one.

2. This had nothing at all to do with Young Justice not being picked up for a third season. Nothing. Trust me.

3. I have no clue if Grant knew about our Earth-16 or not. You'd have to ask him. (I admire his work, but I've never met the guy.)

4. To be honest, this is just a technicality. If DC and/or WB and/or CN decide to bring YJ back in some form or another, this won't make much of a difference. If not, this still won't make much of a difference. Our stories still exist, are still out there. Whatever they do with their "Earth-16" won't change that.

It's also worth noting that - although we asked for an unused Earth and DC said, "Take Earth-16." - it turned out that Earth-16 was NOT unused prior to us. So we had to ignore prior Earth-16 continuity. For all I know this version of Earth-16 is the original, and we were the usurpers.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Veronica writes...

I know the show didn't explore Rocket's character much, but was she a teen mom like she was in the comics? I noticed in S2, they mentioned a pic of Amistad.
Was her boyfriend Noble and the robbery was how she met Icon?
Did the Team find out?

Greg responds...

So, we didn't mention Amistad in Season 2. But we did mention him in the companion comics.

Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Does Batman keep trophies inside the Batcave?

Greg responds...

Which series we talking about? I've done at least five with Batman in it.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

I've always been a big fan of Babylonian Mythology so I got a big kick out of all the references in Young Justice Legacy, Marduk, Tiamat, the Tablet of Destiny ect...

1) On Earth-16, is Nabu also the Babylonian God of Wisdom of the same name?

2) If so, what was his relationship to Marduk?

Greg responds...

1. I'd have to do more research to answer that. (You clearly know more about the Babylonian pantheon than I do.)

2. See the answer to Question 1.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Jim Zittlaw writes...

Hi Greg. I've got a question about Spec Spidey.

In a few different responses, you've acknowledged that your Eddie Brock is partly an original creation, with some influence from the Ultimate version. You've said that the show's Eddie Brock is "a little more revisionist" compared to the adaptations of other characters, and when asked if you like Venom, you've said that you "like [Spec Spidey's] Venom."

I find the great difference in the show's Venom is the complete posing of him as a dark mirror to Peter/Spider-Man - as you've put it, Venom has a "dark reaction to the [same] tragedies that Peter faced." Spec Spidey's characterization of Eddie Brock/Venom was the first time Venom worked for me.

Naturally I'm very curious about the show's Venom, as the characterization was unprecedented in some ways. So here comes my question, and I don't mean to ask for spoilers here: Do you see Eddie as a redemptive figure? By that, I'm not hoping to learn whether or not Eddie would have gotten some kind of happy ending. I just wonder if your vision of Eddie is a vision of someone who could have been saved from the darkness. If you'd prefer leaving that to interpretation, that's cool, of course.

Greg responds...

Mostly, I'll leave it to your interpretation, but the short answer is that, yes, redemption is at least possible. Doesn't mean it'll happen.

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Gotham Academy have a football team?

2. What are they called?

3. Does Keystone High School have a football team?

4. What are they called?

5. What are Keystone High School's school colors?

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. I feel like we did come up with the mascot name, but I honestly cannot remember.

3. I'm sure they do.

4. I don't think we ever came up with that.

5. No memory of this at all, which may mean we didn't come up with this either.

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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Just a Nerd writes...

Wow. I was going to preface this with other questions, but upon searching the unanswered queue, all of the other questions had been asked, one by myself. So, I'm just gonna dive in.
2. Would you please, please, oh great and powerful and wise man (sorry for the terrible pun (wise man, Weisman)) tell us one, some or all of the owners of designations 27, 28, A06, A07, A08, and A09?

... Yeah, I didn't think you would. Thanks anyway. Can't wait to read Spirits of Ash and Foam!

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember. And I don't have my YJ files here at Nickelodeon. And, in any case, if I haven't already revealed this, I'm unlikely to now.

But I hope by now, you've read and enjoyed Spirits of Ash and Foam!

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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EXALT writes...

At the Blue Mug Convergence 2014 Panel, you have stated that Mac and Demona had lots of sex while they were engaged. Didn't you previously state that "Dominique" had presented herself as a good catholic french girl, presumably to avoid having sex with him?
One of the two was a mistake, you changed your mind, or what?
(By the way, I must admit that, if you did change your mind, I liked the original version more.)

Greg responds...

All things are true. Few things are accurate.

Or put another way, don't take a Blue Mug TOO seriously.

I think the original answer is better too.

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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Quindar writes...

At CONvergence, you mentioned that you have a written list of things to keep in mind while writing scenes for Rain of the Ghosts: what music Rain is hearing, what's the light source, what's the weather, etc. Would you mind posting the complete list?

Greg responds...

The "Cheat Sheet" for Rain of the Ghosts wound up being about 27 pages long, by the time I was done.

In contrast, the "Cheat Sheet" for the third novel in the series, "Masque of Bones" is already 98 pages long, and I've barely scratched the surface in terms of research and planning.

I don't have the Cheat Sheet for Spirits of Ash and Foam handy, but I have a vague memory it was about 180+ pages.

Anyway, I'm not going to post a 27 page document here. But I will cut and paste the first page, which (in extra large font) I kept right in front of me to keep things in mind as I wrote:

What all characters look like:
--Skin color,
--Hair length, style and color.
--eye color, eye shape?
--Build, height, weight. Etc.

--Weather or PENDING weather. MOON status.

Sights. Smells.

Sounds. Soundtrack.


Plant Life Animal Life

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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Misamisa writes...

Why were Artemis and M'gann so much more effective in hurting Black Beetle in any manner in Summit than Wonder Girl and Superboy who both have super strength in Before the Dawn when all they did was hit him with a sword a few times?

Greg responds...

Honestly, I'd have to watch the episodes again. But I'm not sure they were effective. They just had more experience by that time and knew how to keep him at bay more effectively.

Response recorded on July 28, 2015

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Larry writes...

What year did Aquagirl join the team?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 28, 2015

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Gray Dickson writes...

So from a strictly nerd stance, does spidey in your show rely on spider sense to web swing? I ask this because your spider sense abilities were so clearly defined.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I know what you mean by "rely". I'm sure it helps.

Response recorded on July 28, 2015

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Mara writes...

Was there ever a Wind Ceremony for the gargoyles at Castle Wyvern?

Greg responds...

If you mean the gargoyles massacred there by Hakon, then, no. Sad, right?

Response recorded on July 28, 2015

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Katlyn writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman!
I hope you've been having a good day. I just have a few questions regarding the three main members of the Reach that have been bugging me for a while. I really hope you will answer these.

1. What is the average Reach (the original species) lifespan?
2. What is the height and age of the Reach Ambassador?
3. What is the height and age of the Reach Scientist?
4. What is the height and age of Black Beetle?

Have a good day, sir!

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Haven't worked that out.

2. Ditto.

3. Ditto.

4. Ditto.

Sorry. But better to admit my ignorance than to pretend otherwise.

Response recorded on July 28, 2015

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Jenna writes...

hey Greg, i've been a fan of Gargoyles since i was 11 yrs old, i was wondering, how did you come up with the distinct roars, growls and snarls for each clan member? (you can include Demona if you want)

Greg responds...

We worked them out on two levels. First with the various actors and voice director Jamie Thomason. Then with our sound effects editor Paca Thomas at Advantage Audio.

FYI - Advantage Audio is also where we did The Spectacular Spider-Man and where we are currently posting the Rain of the Ghosts AudioPlay.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did Hal Jordan get his ring?

2. Why did Martian Manhunter chose to stay on Earth?

3. Before becoming Green Arrow did Oliver Queen ever wash up (shore) on the island?

4. Under what circumstances did Black Canary's mother die?

Greg responds...

1. His origin is basically the same. Details differ into spoilerish territory.

2. At what point? (Different reasons at different times in his life.)

3. "wash up (shore) on the island"??? Not sure what this means. But as with Hal, his basic origin is unchanged. Details differ.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Where does Hal Jordan live?

2. Where does John Stewart live?

3. Where does Guy Gardener live?

Greg responds...

1. Coast City.

2. I honestly don't remember. I'd have to do a little research. First into YJ materials to see if we ever made that decision. And if not, I'd have to do some research.

3. Ditto.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. On Earth-16 what hero had a sidekick during the 40's?

2. What was the sidekicks name?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Bruce begin an investigation into Superman's secret ID as soon as Superman first appeared on the scene in 1998?

2. In Independence Day what or who was Robin referring to when he said that the Batcave was already crowded enough?

3. Is any member of the Bat Family trained in judo, ninjutsu, parkour, scuba, or sword fighting?

4. Dick had circular birdarangs, Tim uses a different type of birdarang. Do all Robins have their own type (style) of birdarangs?

5. On Earth-16 is Bruce Wayne a playboy?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

2. He was just being flip.

3. I'm going to say... yes.

4. I'm going to say... yes. (Although Dick had at least two styles that we used.)

5. In theory.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Were false documents made to provide an explanation for the fact that there are two Roy Harpers, and the existence of Bart Allen eventhough Barry Allen does not yet have children?

Greg responds...

I suppose. Though they might not have been false. It's the DC Universe after all. S--t like that must happen all the time. They've probably got a bureaucracy all set up.

Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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Kirsten writes...

Hey Greg! I just got home from CONvergence, but I wanted to say thank you for inviting us (the fans) to a watch all those great promotional videos and pitches last night/early this morning. It was an honor and a privilege to have that opportunity to see those videos, including "The Last". The fact that you took the time to share that with us (and hang put with us till 2am) was the icing on the cake for me. Many thanks to you and Frank for helping to make my first convention so very awesome.

Greg responds...

Glad you had fun! I really did too! Hope to do it again some time...

Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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Avi writes...

How is eveything Greg? I am currently in an X-Men mood, with the new movie out so I felt like asking a few X-Men questions.
1. What is your opinion on X-Men First Class? It's one of my favorite comic book films so I wanted to ask.
1A. I remember you saying in your X-Men movie ramble you would rather the black leather suits over the comic book costumes translated to the big screen. In First Class, we got yellow and blue costumes that worked, for me at least. In a post-Avengers world, do you think the X-Men costumes can be adapted on the big screen? Or at least a variation of them, ala First Class?
2. What is your opinion on X-Men Days of Future Past (The film)?
3. Do you like Joss Whedon's X-Men run?
4. What is the X-Men story or run that you enjoyed the most?
5. Since your dropped the X-Men comic book long before dropping comics in general, has that tainted your love of the X-Men? What I mean is, if offered by Marvel and Disney, would you like to be involved in the making of an X-Men series?
Oh and, Long live Gargoyles! It's the best animated series I have ever watched. I'm on Pendragon. I got out of it because of school work but I'm gonna definitely get back into it. Thanks for your amazing work! Hope everything is "crash"!

Greg responds...

1. I love the milieu, the ambience, and the acting of the leads. But I thought the story was borderline nonsensical. And I wasn't wild about some of the character choices.

1a. A variation. Depending on the variation.

2. I liked it, in general. They pulled off telling one of the most significant comic book stories of my life. There are plenty of little things I could object to, but overall, great work.

3. Mostly.

4. Probably the Claremont stuff from the 80s before things got out of control. Ironically, though I loved "Days of Future Past," it led to exactly the kind of stuff that made me give up reading the X-titles.

5. I still love those characters. If any company wanted me aboard an X-project, I'd leap at the chance.

Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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GAvillain writes...

Hey Greg, I just wanted to say right off the bat that I really appreciate your inclusion of a homosexual character (Lexington) in Gargoyles. I really appreciate that as a viewer and fan of your show.

Secondly, I really appreciate the work you did over in Spectacular Spider-Man. Definitely my favorite Spider-Man adaptation. I just wanted to ask you if there were any characters in Spectacular Spider-Man that you particularly viewed as being homosexual or bisexual.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Wonder Woman called into question Batman's motives for training Robin in Agendas.

1. Did she question Batman's motives for training Jason as well?

2. Did Wonder Woman object to the training of Tim because of what happened to Jason?

3. Did Alfred?

4. Did Kid Flash ever refuse to call Jason Robin because Dick had been Robin and his closest friend?

5. Do the members of the Team that knew (fought beside) Jason treat Tim differently because of what happened to Jason?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Batgirl Batman's second protégée?

2. Who taught Batgirl to fly a plane, and is she a licensed pilot?

3. It's been stated in a previous post that a parent or legal guardian must give consent for inclusion of a new member. Does Commissioner Gordon know Barbara is Batgirl, is she the exception to the rule, or was the rule put in place after she joined the Team?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2a. Haven't thought about that yet.

2b. Probably.

3. She's not the exception to the rule. But I'm not answering your Commissioner Gordon question one way or another. Don't take anything for granted that you didn't actually see in the show or our companion comic.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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B writes...

Tom states that he returned from Avalon every 100 years to see if Goliath and the others had awakened. Considering he later tells Elisa that "Avalon sends you where you need to be." did he end up in various places when he traveled back and forth from Avalon as they did during their World Tour? If so does that mean that he had his own adventures on which he learned the skills we seem him with when he finds Goliath or did that come from the Princess and the Magus and/or improvising of some sort? Also, either way, that would mean he's aged more than the other two since arriving on Avalon, right?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. All of the above.

3. Indeed, he has.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Commissioner Gordon know that Nightwing was the first Robin, and that the second is deceased?

2. On Earth 16 do all Robin's go through 6 months of training prior to taking up the mantle of Robin?

3. Do Commissioner Gordon, and the people of Gotham, know that there is a Batgirl?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm not going to put a fixed amount of time on the training. But they all go through training. On an ongoing basis, too.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How does Black Canary protect her secret identity without wearing a mask?
2. Miss Martian addressed Nightwing as Dick in The Hunt, and Aqualad did the same in Endgame. Did Miss Martian learn Nightwing's secret ID during a psychic link on a mission?
3. Do Red Arrow, Artemis, Zatanna, or Rocket know that Dick Grayson is Nightwing?

Greg responds...

1. With a wig, maybe? I never really decided to be perfectly honest.

2. No.

3. Artemis, Zatanna and Rocket do. As for Red Arrow, no spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,
I have two questions about Red Arrow and Cheshire.
1.I know they used to live in Washington D.C before Jade left, but now that they're back together where do they reside?
2.Also if Roy is a full time dad, what does Jade do?

I hope you can answer those questions. Oh and also I wanted to say I really appreciate that you answer fans' questions. It's really nice of you ;)

Greg responds...

Thanks. I hope you still appreciate me after this. ;)

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

What were all of the magic/psyhic superheroes during golden age of superheroes in young justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did Vandal Savage seeked the other members of the light or was it the other way around?

2. How did villains have access to the power shutdown collars?

3. Did superheroes of the 40's have their own radio show?

4. Did world war 2 happened 1939-1945 and were fictional nations like rhelasia involved in world war 2?

5. If the main seven of the justice league and other superheroes were actived by the year 2000 and superheroes were actived in the 40's. How did events like 9/11 and pearl harbor happened on earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. Vandal started the Light with Ra's, if that's what you mean.

2. It helped that the Belle Reve prison warden was their mole.

3. Haven't thought about it.

4a. Yes.

4b. Probably.

5. There's some odd notion that the existence of super-heroes would mean tragedy would cease. But no one - not even Superman and the Flash - can be everywhere at one time. Nor is all evil predictable.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Were they supervillians in Gotham during the 90's before batman appearance?

2. Is Heaven for real on earth 16?

3. Was Alan Scott the most powerful superheroes of the 40's if not who was?

4. What magical creatures are more powerful than an lord of chaos?

5. Did the U.S government enforce the superhero ban from 50's to 90's?

Greg responds...

1. Not going to give a blanket answer to this.

2. No spoilers.

3. Depends on how you define powerful.

4. <Shrug>.

5. Not exactly a ban.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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B writes...

Why does Demona and MacBeth's pact make it where they can only die by each other's hand's?

I understand that neither can die while the other lives, but wouldn't that just mean that they would both have to be killed at the same time? And if the one killing the other isn't physically hurt by the same action why does that supersede the "when one lives, both shall live" rule.

Also, what happens if they're decapitated or if Demona had been destroyed during the day when she still turned to stone?

Greg responds...

The pact is what the Weird Sisters declared it was. That was one of their conditions. They could have chosen a different condition, but they didn't.

The "when one lives, both shall live" condition means specifically that no one else can kill them. Because as long as one of them is alive, the curse will drag the "dead" one back into life, as you saw in multiple episodes.

And if Demona kills Macbeth or vice versa, the other is hurt - in fact killed by the action. So it supersedes the other rule because that's what the Witches declared.

As for the what happens if question, it's moot. Because it's a hypothetical question that hasn't/didn't/pretty much won't ever occur, because Luna is the Weird Sister of fate and knows.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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B writes...

In "M.I.A.", after Goliath appears in the past and Griff saves him from the plane, Douglas asks "Clive, did you see that?" and Clive seemingly didn't. This greatly resembles the opening scene to the "Batman: The Animated Series" premiere episode, "On Leather Wings" (though it was obviously Man-Bat and not a Gargoyle in that case), which was then mirrored later in the DC Animated Universe as well as other shows.

My question is: Was that intentional here?

It always seemed ironic to me that the pilot being asked if he saw anything was named Clive when that's the name of the actor who played the pilot in the same position in the Batman episode (as well as Alfred for the first few episodes). Also, the "On Leather Wings" name and the humanoid bat in the episode seemed like a similar enough concept and Elisa does reference Superman in the previous episode, "Sanctuary": "This is a job for the Gargoyles."

Greg responds...

No. Not intentional. Of course, I had seen the episode, so maybe it was floating around in my subconscious. But frankly, even that's a bit of a stretch. The name Clive was chosen because it's quintessentially British. Otherwise, most of what you're describing is purely situational.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I understand this is an unusual question, but I'm wondering if you know how to contact Brynne Chandler. My husband and I saw her in the Phoenix Comicon 2014, but didn't get a chance to say thank you or ask for her signature. Do you know if she does any other events?

Thank you for your time, and for creating this website. This is an extraordinary series.


Greg responds...

I know longer have an active email address or other contact info for Brynne. Sorry. Although I've run into her a couple of times, we haven't worked together since 1996.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Peridottie writes...

Hi Greg. I have some questions about Rocket/Raquel if you don't mind me asking. Forgive me if any are "spoiler-ish"

1) Did you ever have plans to explore Rocket and Icon's differing economic/social beliefs in future seasons/comics? I understand that it would've probably been difficult since those are potentially controversial topics for a children's network, but I feel like you're savvy enough to have explored it discretely.
2)What team member would you say Raquel was closest to after joining the team? I always subconsciously imagined Artemis since to me they seem to have similar personalities and economic backgrounds. But then she's also in the "new girl" boat with Zatanna
3)When first joining the team, did Raquel have trouble adjusting? Seeing as she joined at the height of activity with the Light and dynamics within the team were already established, it seems like it would be easy to feel a little like the odd man out if I were her.
4)I try not to assume that everything canon in DC comics is automatically canon in the show, so I was wondering if Virgil and Raquel actually knew each other before his abduction? Did you ever have plans for them to interact in season 2 before the episodes got cut to 20?

Thanks loads for answering our questions and creating Young Justice in the first place. I'm rewatching it on Netflix for the millionth time and buying comics and dvds when I can, just 'cause I like it that much. And good luck with your books!

Greg responds...

1. Given enough issues and/or episodes, sure. But it wasn't a priority. (Though it interests me a lot.)

2. I'll leave that to your imagination, based on the little bits of evidence you have. But I think its clear that she and Zatanna wound up being close. And she was clearly interested in Aqualad.

3. Again, you saw how she was adjusting. She was definitely playing catch-up, but she seemed to fit in pretty well and integrated pretty darn quickly.

4. They're both from Dakota City. I'm not going to reveal whether they knew each other. There were no specific plans to have them interact in season two.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Sal writes...

Hi, Greg
The Justice League seems to have much political association with various global and international organizations in order to operate and abide by the law as they do. Given that much, if not all, of their members hail from or have ties/connections to the United States, has this caused tension between other countries? I understand that perhaps they don't view the American government directly responsible or even maintaining these superheroes, but has it ever raised paranoia or suspicion across other nations? Are there some governments that are not very accepting of the League, such as Biala(Though that nation was operating under Queen Bee)?

Greg responds...

Yes, the Justice League operates under a U.N. charter. Yes, many if not most of the characters are U.S. Citizens. Yes, that makes some nations suspicious of them. Yes, certain nations, including Bialya have declared the League unwelcome.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Hi thank you so much for answering questions and I am sorry if these are spoilers

1.What is Blue Devils Civilian name?
2.Is Blue Devil A Member Of The Justice League?

Greg responds...

1. Dan Cassidy.

2. Not during our series. Whether he'd eventually join is a spoiler request.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Jen writes...

Would you be terribly offended/against me using your likeness in a joke article? I'm dressing up as Luna Lovegood and I'm handing out fake copy of the Quibbler.

It's 100% free. I won't be selling this for money!

If you're against it lemme know and I will put something else in.

Greg responds...

Well... a year has passed. This is probably the type of quick yes or no question that would work on twitter, where my handle is @greg_weisman.

Anyway, the answer is probably, "Sure, go ahead." Though please don't put offensive ideas in my mouth, so to speak.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Sai writes...

What would be your preferred medium to bring back some of your work? Comics, animated TV/movie/mini-series, live action, etc?

Greg responds...

It would depend on parameters. Whichever would give ME PERSONALLY the most creative freedom and authority.

Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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Al writes...

Recently you answered this question that I asked:

"Are Demona and Desdemona biologically related, either as sisters or cousins? I ask not only because of the obvious similar names (almost like a "family name" - although I know that could not apply to them for various reasons in-universe), but also because, personality wise, they are similar - for example, they both have interests in higher powers uncommon for Gargoyles (Demona with magic and Desdemona being somewhat spiritual), they both seem verry passionate, and also they are both attracted to big muscular men."

You responed:
"Eh. For starters, "Desdemona" isn't her name and never has been. It's what we used in the credits to identify her. Originally, she had no name. Now, she's Coldfire. I think Demona's interest in magic for the sake of power has little in common with Coldfire's spirituality. And if we assumed that everyone who's passionate and/or every female attracted to big strong males were related then I think that would presume that something like 50% of the human female population are sisters or cousins. They are Rookery Sisters, of course."

I guess my question got a little rambley & I wasn't asking it clearly enough.

I know that Coldfire never had a previous name (hence the "I know that could not apply to them for various reasons in-universe" insert)...what I ment by that part of the question was: By giving them similer sounding names (even if it was just in the credits), were you giving the two a behind-the-scenes biologic connection, like you did with Brooklin and Brooksbro (I am aware that is also not his name)?

Also, about the part where I compared Demona's interest in magic to Coldfire's (I'll use that name from now on, as to avoid more confusion) interest in spirituality, I was comparing their "interests in higher powers uncommon for Gargoyles," not trying to equate those interests...again, sorry for the confusion.

I guess I was stretching the similarities between the two with the part about them being attracted to big muscular men, but since male Gargolyes come in such a vastly wider variety than human males, I took a leap and assumed two females would have to be, at least a little, on the same page when it came to choosing a mate...I guess I was wrong and they all choose them like a human female would

Anyway, I guess the answer to my question is "no" - especially the biological sisters part, if nothing else than becauss since posting my question I came accross an archived post where you said that no Rookery Siblings are ever biological siblings, but that they could be cousins - I'm now presuming that is not the case with Demona and Coldfire, or you would have said either, at best, "yes, cousins," or at worst "spoiler request, no comment" instead of talking down to me.

Greg responds...

1. No. The Desdemona name came from her role in the Othello-esque conflict we created between, Coldstone (Othello), Coldsteel (Iago), Coldfire (Desdemona) and Goliath (Cassio). Demona's name, of course, predated any thought of using Othello or Desdemona. So any similarities in their names is pure coincidence.

2. I guess I don't understand how you're defining "Higher Powers". For Demona, it's just about POWER. For Coldfire, in theory, she does believe in a higher power.

3. I don't think we've seen an unmuscular gargoyle ever. Even Lex is pretty darn muscly. But, yeah, not as big. But it still doesn't prove or demonstrate anything at all.

4. Didn't mean to talk down to you. Sorry if I gave that impression. I just didn't/don't agree with your analysis or conclusions. As for whether their cousins, I don't see any indication of it. But I suppose it's possible. I haven't done a full genealogy of every gargoyle ever. If you prefer to think of them as cousins, that's fine with me.

Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I just recently watched all of Young Justice on a friend's recommendation and I am so enamoured with the world and the characters you and the rest of the YJ team developed, so thank you for that. I especially loved Artemis and her family, so I wanted to ask you a few questions about them:

1. What kind of mother is Paula? Obviously, after serving her sentence she's retired from crime and is a good parent to Artemis, but before her jail time, was she much the same or more like Sportsmaster? Did she also train Artemis and Jade to fight or do crime, or did she try to leave them out of it?

2. Were Artemis and Jade close before the year their mother was arrested and Jade left?

3. While she was in prison, did Paula keep in contact with Artemis or anyone else (through letters or visits)?

4. Did she already know any of the Leaguers when they approached her about Artemis from her villain days?

5. After season 2, does she see Artemis and Jade (and Roy) regularly? What about Sportsmaster?

Thanks for answering fan questions like this. It's a really cool thing to do.

Greg responds...

1. Mostly, I want to answer this with a NO SPOILERS statement. But I'm in the mood, so I will say that Paula was less emotionally abusive but had no problem with Crusher's desire to train the girls for combat, and in fact participated in that training.

2. Yes and no. Artemis was close to Jade. Jade pretended she wasn't close to Artemis, which meant to a large degree, she wasn't.

3. Yes.

4. Those she had fought, yes.


Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Assuming they were in a place where they were both at full power, were both not holding back, and there was no chance of peace, who do you think would win between Oberon and Earth-16 Dr. Fate?

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Here's hoping you're in a sharing mood. From your timeline, you have revealed vague events that line up with a Gathering date and a character played by one of the special guests... so I was wondering if you now had one for ConVergence as it is the Gathering Reunion in 2014, and if so, if you would mind sharing it? :)

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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Kasei writes...

Hey there Greg! It's been a long time since I asked a question, so I am super glad to see that you still keep up this site. :) I love how you interact with your fans. This is why we love you....well, that and your stories are awesome!

1)I was wondering if it will ever be time to answer your (least)favorite question about Gargoyles...what did Titania whisper to Fox before she left with Oberon in "The Gathering Part 2" episode? I accept that you probably won't answer, but I figured I'd give it a shot since your condition of 500 attendees at a Gathering sadly cannot come true. :(

2)Does Titania actually love Fox? I wondered if her time as a human maybe influenced her to empathize with them more. Or is she incapable of love as we know it?

Greg responds...

1. No comment for reasons stated over and over. See Archives.

2. Yes, of course she loves her daughter.

Response recorded on July 10, 2015

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