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RESPONSES 2001-3 (March)

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Ciani writes...


I see complete sets taped off TV by people selling on ebay regularly. It's pricey though.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Rebecca O. writes...

I am extremely interested in finding out how I can purchase the entire series on videotape; from the very first episode aired to the very last.....do you know who I can contact to find this information out? Do I have to post my request to Disney themselves or is there someone else who may be able to answer my questions and fill my request? Is my request even possible? Thank you for any assistance you might be able to give me. If I was sure this request would be viewed by only you, I would include my e-mail address and ask you to e-mail your reply directly to me, but since it won't be, I will look for your reply in the questions answered archives. I am looking forward to seeing what you have to say.....and any future Gargoyles, or Gargoyles-related projects....again, thank you.

Greg responds...

Rebecca, if you had taken a look at that archive before posting you'd have seen that I don't know anything about how you can get the tapes, nor do I respond personally to questions posted here. This space is not a merchandise clearinghouse. Sorry.

I do know that many fans have recorded the series.

And I know that the first season was once upon a time available on video. If that info is useful, great.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Finally here…

City Of Stone Part Four

I expected Bronx to protect Elisa from Demona. Also liked hearing her tell Demona her plan the old villain gloating bit, but to someone who couldn't really stop her. I was concerned when she said she was going to shoot Bronx. I wonder if that was necessary, she could've used a good pet, or would Bronx always perceive her as an enemy?

I didn't expect Macbeth to step out from behind the tapestry either I must say. I expected him to show up, I just wasn't sure when. Nice touch on him not caring about the fate of the city, or our heroes for that matter. He's still a noble man, but extremely flawed.

Fade into the Flashback…

Another magnificent fight scene well animated, Demona was again magnificent, but the music really made it stand out. I wasn't surprised to see Canmore in the Hunter's mask leading an army; I knew that coming since the last episode. Also, I wonder why Demona's chosen weapon was a mace, it was the weapon that was used to shatter her clan. Was this a conscious decision on your part?

I love that moment between Demona and Macbeth, it's the happiest we've seen her since… ever. The two have really become good friends, and I especially liked Macbeth addressing her as "my Lady", clearly seeing Gargoyles as the noble beings they are, and Demona as she was before completely falling into darkness. I often wonder what would have happened had Demona not been eavesdropping in the next scene.

It is this scene in which Bodhe disgusts me more than any that have come before. While his position is understandable, he also has no idea what he is talking about. Canmore wasn't there to destroy the Gargoyles. I applauded Luach for dismissing the plan, and it was always clear to me that Macbeth had no intention of betraying Demona. If only Demona had eavesdropped for a little longer.

You're right, despite their age; Macbeth and Gruoch are still a sexy couple.

The battle is intense and brutal, but very well animated, and the music is great also.

I like the confrontation between Macbeth and Canmore, and the way Macbeth not recognizing Canmore ties in with Demona not recognizing Gillecomgain. Macbeth offering Canmore mercy was a nice touch, because in a small way he is justified, Duncan's crimes were not his crimes. Demona turning on Macbeth was predictable, she's always been one for revenge. It's a sad to their friendship end over a misunderstanding, I always believed that Macbeth would never betray her, so did other people I showed this episode to.

Canmore loses any and all credibility the instant he stabs Macbeth in the back. The ultimate act of cowardice. Of course Demona falls down dead as well, and with Gruoch crying over her husband's body, it made for a very dramatic scene. Then we learn that Canmore destroyed Demona's clan, I don't know who's worse, Gillecomgain, Duncan or Canmore. Also, the soldier with Canmore is not MacDuff, doesn't look at all like him. Canmore spares Gruoch because he has no quarrel with her, but I wonder how much longer she lived. Speaking of Canmore's quarrels, I wonder why Demona became an object of his hatred and that of his descendents. One would think it would be Macbeth.

I like Luach's reaction to finding his father dead, and his declaration of justice. Like you, I also like to think that Bodhe died a hero's death. He's not a bad man, but a flawed one just trying to survive.

I like the way the Sisters call this "the fate Demona has made for herself" because that's exactly what it is. Upon first watching this, I knew that Demona believed Gruoch that this was her own fault, just wouldn't admit it verbally, she admitted by sparing Gruoch as you said.

The revelation over what the terms of the spell were was a good one. I figured out most of it, but the fact that one must slay the other for both to die, well it was quite heavy and dramatic. I know Demona has no intention of slaying Macbeth, but I wonder how long it took for Macbeth to become suicidal.

The final farewell between Macbeth and Gruoch is one of the most emotional things I ever saw, and still is today. It very nicely parallels their breakup in Part 2, only with no hope of reconciliation. The sun rising behind them as Macbeth walked away was a nice touch, usually the dawn of a new day is supposed to bring hope, but here it only adds to the tragedy.

Fade back to the Present…

Macbeth's "I have hunted you through the centuries for my vengeance" was delivered extremely well by John Rhys-Davies, the man was perfect for the role. And Demona expresses a sentiment I felt since Part 1. "Take off that mask, you aren't fooling anyone. Macbeth."

You'll be pleased to know that they fixed the mistake of the mouth on Xanatos's helmet moving as he speaks. I taped "City" from a later airing.

I'm really fond of Demona and Macbeth's exchange. "You blame me, I blame you. Aren't you tired of talking about it?" Leads to some questions, did they ever fight before, I'm sure they encountered each other a few times since 1057. Also like Macbeth's "revenge is a dish best eaten cold" line. Very nicely done. They're fight is also fun to watch, particularly them fighting over the gun. I agree that the collapsing floor could've looked better, but I like it.

I like Xanatos's this is bad line, it was delivered really well by Jonathan. Nice under current of fear which we don't normally get from him. My initial reaction to X saying that Demona was the only one who could save the city was "well you're screwed."

I also really liked watching Goliath trying to stop Mac & D's fight, and them both turning around and punching him. The second fall was done really well. Nice touch having Goliath help Xanatos during the fall.

The scene with Macbeth rising to his feet and lifting Demona into his arms prepared to impale her is great. Goliath stops him to save the city, but also because I think he still has feelings for her, more on this in the next paragraph or so. The Sisters also play a nice part here, even though they're full of it, still nice. Macbeth's "I'm just so tired" line is great, and nicely sums Macbeth current feelings quite well.

I like the next scene, Demona just keeps trying to avoid the questions by the Sisters, but they're breaking her down, just as they need to. Goliath also plays a nice role, begging her to end the cycle of vengeance, because I don't think he's yet given up on her. And of course, "the access code is alone", is probably my favorite scene in the entire series, it speaks volumes. Powerful stuff. I could go on about this one part forever… and extremely regret not participating in that contest.

The Xanatos scene is great, nice seeing him break a sweat, and I like his remark towards Bronx. Some very well placed humor.

Demona comes out of her trance and has not changed. Goliath's "you have learned nothing" line speaks volumes, and here was where I thought that Goliath finally gave up on her as opposed to "Vows", I think he would have come to forgive her eventually had she admitted she was wrong and had her epiphany here. I didn't think it was too late for them, but it finally was.

I also got a chuckle out of Demona being overpowered by children, I knew they weren't children, but it was still a funny image.

I love the Sisters' "they are our children" line, and the scene with them leaving with Demona and Macbeth was well done. It left me wanting to know more about them, and going crazy waiting three months to find out. I guess Hudson was right about impatience being the curse of youth.

I liked the affect of the sky being set ablaze, Xanatos speaks for me when he says "Magnificent" here.

The reunion between Elisa and the clan was touching, very nice. I also liked Xanatos shaking Owen's hand, very nice. The two always struck me as friends more or less.

I liked the final exchange between Goliath and Xanatos, very nice. Though I always figured that's why Xanatos kept them around, he's not a wasteful man. Great character. They're all great characters.

Well, what else can I say about this 4-parter. Well, it was "City Of Stone" that finally got be addicted to "Gargoyles", I watched it regularly before because I knew the show was very good, but this 4-parter made me into a fan. So it holds a very special place with me, and still continues to be my favorite of the "Gargoyles" tales.

Great job to you and all other's involved.

I'll do my rambles for "High Noon" and "Outfoxed" tomorrow.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank you.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

My ramble-response to "Outfoxed".

Truth to tell, I honestly don't recall now (and again, this is kind of embarrassing) what my initial response was to Vogel. In fact, I may not even have really noticed the fact that he does look rather like Owen with dark hair until the two of them were standing in the same room in "The Gathering Part One".

I don't think that I really caught on to the possibility of Fox being Renard's daughter until they came out and said it at the end of the episode, but I did like it, and looking back over the episode in later showings, I did see that it was foreshadowed. Renard's name, for example (I'm amazed that that didn't set off the little warning bells in my head). And the way that Fox was talking about Renard in the karate sequence; she was showing familiarity with the man which indicated that he definitely wasn't just a professional rival. And, of course, Renard's mention of Jeanine and Anastasia.

I very much liked the scene between Goliath and Renard; it was well-written, and, oddly enough, mildly amused me in a sense. Yes, I know that it's really a serious one, but what I found half-amusing about it was this: Renard comes face to face with a living gargoyle, a being straight out of myth and legend, and proceeds to lecture it as though it was a human. It would be like Bigfoot crashing into somebody's house and the person living inside telling Bigfoot off for not wiping its feet on the mat or something of that nature. Obviously Renard's strong beliefs about personal responsibility were enough to make him forget that Goliath wasn't an everyday kind of being the moment that he heard the "not my fault" speech.

I also found the revelation that Owen and Sevarius had once worked for Cyberbiotics an intriguing one, and liked the "we are friends" part at the end; I found it quite moving. I also very much enjoyed (and agree with) Goliath's comments on robots and how they can know only what they're programmed to know; I'll say more about that on another occasion (when we get to "Walkabout" and I give my ramble-response to it).

I didn't have any problem with Vogel's change of heart, by the way; it did make sense, given his respect for Renard (particularly his uncomfortableness aboout betraying an employer who had always respected his privacy).

The big revelation that got my attention: Fox being expectant. I definitely knew that I wanted to see what her and Xanatos's son would be like. Of course, I wasn't even expecting the developments that Alex would be getting in "The Gathering".

And I didn't mind the flashbacks, either (actually, I did enjoy them a little, because of what they meant: an acknowledgement of past events in the series).

Greg responds...

Glad it all worked for you. But at that point, how'd you know they'd be having a son?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

City Of Stone Part Three

Ok, so Elisa is facing in the wrong direction, oh well. Every masterpiece has at least one flaw or two.

I like when Owen becomes flesh again, the animation is beautiful as he quickly examines the phone and even more quickly regains his composure. "Good morning". I also like Xanatos's "then we'll just have to set the sky ablaze" line. It's the delivery by Jonathan Frakes, as well as the animation, which shows the confidence Xanatos has. He isn't even concerned over whether or not he can find away. I don't know if that's arrogance or what, but it's a great moment.

The scene with Travis Marshal and that woman is great. I just love the way Travis reacts to her statement about never watching television. She's probably one of those people who blames television for everything that has gone wrong in society.

Flashback to Scotland 1040…

The scene between Macbeth and Duncan is great. Duncan especially seems to believe that Macbeth is not disloyal when Mac saves his life. It's sad though, because it seemed like Duncan was willing to bury whatever grudge he bore Macbeth right then and there.

Of course, Duncan is still every bit the jerk that he's always been, about to destroy several sleeping Gargoyles like that for no real reason, but what else can be expected from one who took the mask of the Hunter. Macbeth of course begs him to spare them and any thanks Duncan has for Macbeth seems to go out the window. I wonder what led to his hatred of Gargoyles.

The scene with the Weird Sisters is great, nice to see an element from Shakespeare's play in the story. The scene was animated beautifully as well. Duncan again disgusts me. While it would be easy to blame the Sisters for Duncan's later actions, I think that is letting him off too easy. Your daughter pegged Duncan perfectly, paranoid and stupid.

Of course we have another slaughter of sleeping Gargoyles. Duncan is a complete coward, to slaughter Gargoyles that have done nothing to him. I liked Demona's "this cave will be your tomb" line. Kind of wish it were. I like Demona's little speech as the escape from the cave, well written, poetic sounding, and Marina did a great job with the vocals as always.

The scene with Macbeth and Bodhe is very well done. I often don't know what to make of Bodhe, he's not a bad person, he's just a coward, but he means well. Macbeth's good bye to Gruoch and Luach is very touching, especially his "the journey will be brief" line. Macbeth is as noble a character as any other.

Demona and Macbeth have another great scene together. They play off each other so well, as if they were destined to fight side by side. I don't blame Demona for being extremely hesitant. But at least she recognizes that Macbeth is an exception to her rule by not killing him, which says a lot for her.

Enter the Weird Sisters. This is another beautiful scene. The spell they placed on Mac & D was extremely well animated, I figured out what the spell mostly did. I knew this was where they became immortal, it was obvious. Though I forgot those brief scenes in Part 2 where they felt each other's pain. It was also great to see Macbeth learn the truth about his father's murder.

I thought Gruoch's "I hope you have not made a bad bargain" line was pretty clear. It would have been nice to see her run a finger through his hair as you wanted, but the message wasn't lost. Wasn't lost at all. Also, Demona looks good as she enters Macbeth's tent. Another nice moment between Macbeth and Gruoch, made even nicer by Demona eavesdropping. It was a very romantic scene, and I could easily tell she was thinking about herself and Goliath… and as you said, with herself in Macbeth's place. Demona wore the pants in that relationship… so to speak ;)

The battle is very nicely done. Makes me think of "Braveheart". I especially liked when the Gargoyles showed up and helped Clan Moray deal with Duncan's troops. Demona herself was magnificent there. I cracked a smile at Macbeth's "you fight like a demon line", I knew it was only a matter of time now till she was named. He was correct to. Demona is definitely someone I'd want to take into battle to fight at my side.

At last it was time for the confrontation I was waiting to see. Macbeth and Duncan's fight was also great. I clapped when Demona grabbed MacDuff and bashed him into the mountainside. I always assumed she killed him there, I don't remember him being in part 4. I'll check when I get to it.

The death of Duncan was well done, I know you couldn't show Macbeth run him through, but burning like that seemed worse, I hope it took him a while to die. As you can tell, I hate him.

Demona standing on that cliff with Macbeth as they were cheered was another nice moment. She seemed glad to be at Macbeth's side there. Too bad it didn't last.

Bodhe advising Macbeth to slay Canmore was despicable at best, but he was right about him eventually being trouble. Macbeth had to be aware that banishing him to England was a bad idea as well. There was no easy way to handle that situation either. Who was it that said, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions."? Demona showed commendable restraint in not killing him, for I am sure if she did kill him, she would not have been reprimanded. But I wonder, today would she kill a child? We know she's perfectly willing, able and eager to kill. But would she kill a child?

The coronation scene was perfect. Macbeth wanted to deliver a golden age between human and gargoyle, meant it, and I'm sure was successful for the next seventeen years. I knew Macbeth was going to name her here, and was glad Demona liked her name… I'm rather fond of it as well. The crowd cheering her nice, it seemed like she was ready to drop her grudge against humanity once and for all. Though I'm surprised we didn't see Macbeth crown Gruoch queen. Was she ever even crowned queen?

Nice touch throwing the Sisters into the police station. I liked how they were everywhere.

The Elisa-Owen scene was fun, reminded me of when Owen wouldn't let her into the building back in "The Edge". Nice position they were frozen in.

The scene between the Gargoyles and Xanatos is also very good. X's plan makes sense and seems quite logical. The distrust on Goliath's face is priceless, but who can blame him for not trusting Xanatos. I thought it was obvious that Demona was standing behind the tapestry I have to say. I also like Goliath's concern for Elisa as they depart the castle.

Demona is magnificent as she steps out into the Great Hall mace in hand. There's just a certain air about her, the confidence, the power she's radiating. Of course, I find it hard to believe that there are secrets that Xanatos doesn't know about the castle considering he took it apart and rebuilt it piece by piece, but hey, I don't mind.

The cliffhanger is a very good one, and left me extremely excited for the conclusion of this great multi-parter.

End Part Three

Greg responds...

Yeah, Gruouch was Queen.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

City Of Stone Part Two

Time to pick up where I left off. I'm watching my tape of the episode and pausing to write my responses.

Xanatos has a really good scene as he saves his and Fox's life. Wonder how he explained the helicopter in the middle of the street. His reaction to seeing all those people turned to stone was priceless. I don't think we've ever seen him gasp before. On the plus side, the city is safer for a billionare like him to take a stroll through without getting mugged… though I'd almost feel sorry for any mugger that tried to take him on ;)

"The nose is all wrong." Wonder where exactly Brooklyn was looking whenever he and Elisa were in the vicinity of each other ;). Love that line though.

Goliath has good instincts. And it's nice to see Hudson out of the Clock Tower. I noticed that Broadway has no speaking lines throughout the entire four-parter. Was Bill Fagerbakke unavailable?

It's nice to see Jeffrey Robbins again. I always liked him, and wished we'd gotten to see more of him. I wonder what Hudson told him later about the events. Goliath shows some fast thinking by having Lexington turn off the sound on Robbins' TV set, which is nice to see. He's not as slow as some people think.

Impatience is the curse of youth eh? I suppose that is true. Okay, I confess, I'm somewhat impatient myself.

I liked the explanation on needing to see and hear magic in order to be affected. But that makes me wonder, is it like that with all magic? If say the Archmage were to throw a bolt of lightning at Robbins, would he be immune?

Brooklyn was being quite rash, but it was understandable, this was one of Demona's more horrific schemes. Though Goliath was smart to keep Brooklyn by his side. Had Brooklyn went after Demona by himself here, I think he would have been killed.

I have to admit, I really enjoyed the scene with Demona smashing those statues. I guess I'm a little sadistic, but hey, I have a sick sense of humor. One of my favorite lines was; "Another human bites the dust, or rather turns to dust." When she blasted the statue's arms, well let's just say I wouldn't want to see the result come sun rise. Also, I enjoyed her smug attitude when she was leaning on the statue of Margot Yale's brunette look-a-like.

Now we fade into the flashback…

The battle between Demona and the Hunter is pretty good. Demona looks younger here than in the flashbacks in part 1. Though I can tell from the way she's fighting that she's older. She's still very good, but I think if this was 994, she'd have taken him easily. Or am I underestimating the Hunter?

Bodhe does come off as a coward here, but I can understand where he's coming from. I wonder why Duncan ordered the marriage… probably to piss off Macbeth. I wonder why he hates him, Macbeth never displayed any disloyalty.

The scene between Macbeth and Gruoch at Lunfanan Hill is of course priceless. I can tell just how much they both love each other. Gruoch is willing to risk Duncan's wrath to be with the man she loves, and Macbeth willing to break his own heart to protect her. There are no easy answers to this dilemma, but that's one reason why I love this show. There are no easy answers.

The wedding between Gillecomgain and Gruoch is beautifully directed. Duncan being the first to cheer before everyone else does, and the fact that Duncan is the only one that is smiling is amusing. Macbeth isn't the only one who didn't want to see them together. The music is extremely well edited as Macbeth leaves the Great Hall and Duncan gives his evil smirk. It's right here where I'd really like to punch him in the face, and I think it's safe to say that I'm not alone here ;)

I do like the scene between Duncan and Gillecomgain here. Though the guy is scum, I cannot help but almost mentally cheer Gillecomgain for his last remark to Duncan. "Think well before you risk my defiance Prince Duncan." Sort of like supporting the lesser of two evils, not that I support Gillecomgain though. Okay, next subject…

Duncan's scene with Macbeth is a good one. You're right, he is such a manipulative bastard. "Gargoyles" certainly has no shortage of them. This guy will do whatever he has to do to get what he wants. Once again, I'd like someone to knock his teeth out. Preferably Macbeth.

I like the scene between the Sisters and Demona, nicely parallels the first one, and ties back in with her alliance with the Captain quite nicely.

The rose scene is also one of my favorite moments, it's simple, but it has a lot of weight to it at the same time.

The fight between Macbeth and Gillecomgain is well done, though Gille himself should have learned not to get overconfident. Though using Gruoch as a human shield is probably one of the most despicable acts I've ever seen one of the series' villains commit. But it works, Gille has Macbeth pegged.

I really like the fight between Demona and the Hunter, very well done, and Demona proves how resourceful she is, especially when she uses the torch as a weapon. And then comes one of my favorie scenes…

Gillecomgain: Tis your handy work. Done when I was but a boy. Remember?

Demona: No.

I love that scene. Takes the high and mighty ego-maniac Gillecomgain, and reduces him to an insignificant spec. And also takes the most important event of his life and reduces it to nothing. Which is what Gillecomgain always was. He was a peasant and a pawn of Duncan, nothing more, nothing less. The only significance that came from him was the mask of the Hunter. The mask is significant, however he is not.

I also liked seeing Macbeth save Demona, and seeing her actually thank him and be sincere about it. The two of them work well together, lots of chemistry, whether as friends or enemies.

The wedding between Macbeth and Gruoch, something everyone except Duncan was happy to see, and a real celebration, nice contrast to the earlier wedding. Nice to hear here referred to as Lady Macbeth, kind of wish she was referred by that title more often.

The scene with Duncan in the tower is good. I wonder, did he pull the mask of the Hunter off of Gillecomgain's corpse, or did Gille have another one in his sock drawer? But this scene was good foreshadowing of things to come.

Fade back to the present.

The scene with Goliath and Brooklyn finding the shattered pieces of the people was wonderfully eerie, made more so by the appearance of the Weird Sisters. I was able to tell that Goliath was talking about killing Demona here. But I wonder if he would ever have gone through with it, had the Sisters not given him that lecture.

The fight scene between Demona and Xanatos was good, though I bet Xanatos wishes he has his armor on here. Would've given him an edge. Also liked seeing X toss his weapon aside to save Owen. Of course he was practically throwing his own life away also, as I'm sure Demona was about to finish him off before Macbeth burst in. Looks like Xanatos owes Macbeth his life.

I did raise an eyebrow when Mac shot Demona and felt her pain. Was unsure of what to make of it, but quickly forgot about it and enjoyed the fight scene between Mac & D. Very nice, especially watching Mac ride on top of her.

I'll confess, I didn't get that Xanatos thought he'd be able to break Demona's spell by shutting off the broadcast. I got that on my third viewing of it. Of course now, I've seen "City" a hundred times and it seems clear to me.

Mac & D were both extremely well animated as he continued to ride her, and she tried to lose him. I love Demona's war-cry. Wish we heard it more often ;)

I love the scene between Xanatos and Goliath. X is so smug and in control, while Goliath is furious and considers killing him. "Do you want vengeance or a solution?" I love that line. Xanatos seems to come off as the hero of this 4-parter. Seeing him and Goliath shake hands was weird, but made sense. I'm sure it did from Xanatos's POV. Though for Goliath, it must have been like making a deal with the devil himself.

Greg responds...

Budgets occasionally forced us to save money by not giving lines to a character who was present but didn't really have anything valuable to add.

But didn't Broadway have lines in Part One and Part Four?

Robbins would not be immune to Archmage lightning, because the magic creates the lightning. Once created it's free to zap as many blind men as it can.

Duncan wasn't trying to piss of Mac in marrying Gruoch to Gille so much as he was (or so he thought) securing Gille's loyalty and reducing Mac's political clout. Pissing Mac off Mac a side benefit.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Here's my own "City Of Stone" ramble. I decided to wait till you were done rambling about all 4 parts and do mine together. I'm also watching the 4-parter as I type this. This is, IMO, the best multi-parter, and story told in all sixty-six episodes of "Gargoyles". It is an extremely powerful and dramatic story.

Here we go…

"City of Stone Part One"

First that title, it is a very powerful and dramatic title, just like the story it is attached to. While it doesn't really cover the flashbacks, I don't think it really needs to. It still sets the mood quite well. Also, I agree that it does sound like a movie title.

The opening scene works quite well. Matt does make a good negotiator, I wonder if does that often in hostage situations, or they bring in someone else. Nice use you make of Brendan and Margot, though I'm surprised there aren't more hostages in a building like that. It is New York after all. I've always been a little curious about the terrorists' cause, but I understood that this was not the place to tell us. Here's hoping you're able to tell us here soon, or show it to us in the show's revival, or in one of the Spin-offs.

Of course the Gargoyles bust in, and you have a great battle scene… though I think it would have benefited with better animation of course. I was quite disgusted with Brendan and Margot in this scene (among their other scenes on other episodes), being more afraid of the Gargoyles, than the woman who had them tied up with guns to their heads. But I love Brooklyn's line to them. Very appropriate indeed.

Ah the Sisters. They did appear to be rather odd here, but they were supposed to. I wasn't sure what to make of them, but I decided to let time tell. I was able to easily figure out that they were talking about Demona…

Fade to the next scene, and we see her. I like the way she was drawn and animated here. There's a lot of beauty and grace here. I love Demona as you know, so be prepared for a lot of compliments to her throughout my own ramble.

It's nice to see what the Captain and Demona discussed after Goliath left them, and didn't feel stuck in at all. I like the Captain and always thought that he was a good man, though he has made mistakes… haven't we all. I did notice what you talked about way back when I first watched it that the animators messed up on Demona a few times. It's particularly obvious when she grabs the Captain. But she looks normal again, and we get that gorgeous shot of her profile with the moon glowing behind her.

And then there's the scene with Othello and Desdemona. Another nice scene, and it makes me wonder how close Demona was to them as opposed to her other rookery siblings and clan members, because it seems like she was deliberately seeking them out. Also, I would have expected Iago to be perching near them, since his parts also get mixed up with theirs leading to Coldstone. This is also a powerful scene for Demona, since she's no in control of the situation anymore. Damned if she did, and damned if she didn't. I often wonder how I would have handled it.

The scene where Demona turns to stone on the beach with the tear running down her face was beautiful.

The next scene is also quite powerful. Demona's returning to the castle where we already know what's happened, but the massacre is still as horrific as it was in "Awakening", perhaps even more so now. I think even Demona realized what had happened but was in denial. She wouldn't have hid if otherwise.

Of course she can't face Goliath, but I wonder how different things would have been had she the courage to face him there. Goliath's "angel of the night" scene is not as dramatic because there should have been more flames animated in the castle like in "Awakening part 1 and 2", so when the stock footage is inserted, it looks out of place.

I wonder what Demona was doing while Goliath and the others were battling the Vikings.

Ah yes, the infamous "What have I… what have they done to you!?" Perhaps the single defining quote of who Demona has become. It is perfect; it was also perfect for Jon Canmore, but more on that when we get to "Hunter's Moon".

I also wonder why she didn't take the eggs from the Princess, the Magus and Tom. I'm sure it would have been easy enough to accomplish. My guess is that it was out of shame. For when they hatched, each time she looked at those hatchlings, she'd see the clan she left to die.

Her farewell to Goliath is very emotional, and the tear on the stone works well again.

The scene where we meet Gillecomgain is a great one, and it works well with Demona. We saw her just two seconds ago mourning, and now we see her in a mad rage. One small, action creating a thousand year legacy. Sad but true.

And we fade back to the present with another gorgeous shot of Demona gliding, and the look on her face is not the look of someone who is going to turn the city's population to stone, and massacre innocent people, but rather a look of sadness. In that one brief scene, she looks sadder than any other time we saw her. Including the aftermath of the massacre. Her silence speaks much louder than her sobs and her tears.

The spell casting scene was great. Sure you cheated a little in having Demona trap Owen, but I don't care. It would have messed up the tone of the scene and it's pacing. I hope I'm correct in assuming that the wire Demona used to bind Owen was iron.

The Sisters themselves get a good scene; I of course was wondering what it was they were waiting for. I also wonder what people made of Demona. Eccentric woman in a Halloween costume perhaps? Wonder how PackMedia explained that later.

The second flashback. The scene where he Gargoyles break into the mill is especially dark, and when Demona raises her mace and kills them, well… what can I say. I do think the animators made Demona look too old here. She looks younger in the flashbacks in part 2. But I imagine that the years have been miserable and stressful to say the least.

Is it just me, or to the other Gargoyles seem terrified of Demona. I sometimes wish we got to know some of them better. Did Demona call any of them friends? And the Sisters show up and are quite mysterious. I like the way Luna is animated, ever the mystic. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer's" Drusilla sometime reminds me of Luna in that scene when she has a vision and acts all mystical. Again I think Demona's age was overdone, especially with that close-up right before the commercial.

I like the scene with Findlaech, Bodhe, Gruoch and young Macbeth. Truly love at first sight, it's rare but it happens. You described Bodhe's actions in this scene far better than I ever could.

The Hunter was introduced magnificently. He definitely came off as dramatic and powerful (I know I keep using those words in my descriptions, but that's what the whole of CoS is), and the fight scene is great… "City" is full of great action scenes. Findlaech's death did not shock me, since it seemed obvious her was going to die. Don't know why, it just felt right. I wasn't even well versed in history and Shakespeare back then. Demona looked quite frightening when she advanced on the Hunter. I enjoyed seeing her save Macbeth and Gruoch, nice to see she hasn't fallen completely into darkness yet. The more I think about it, the more I think you're description of her as a romantic makes sense. She's a character full of passion.

Duncan comes off as a real bastard, and only becomes more of one as "City Of Stone" progresses. I was not at all surprised to see that Gillecomgain was under that mask. Knew it the second I first saw the Hunter. Also liked how the Sisters just seemed to be everywhere.

Fade back to the present with Macbeth donning the mask of the Hunter. Demona will express my sentiments for me about this in Part 4. But I was wondering why he was wearing it.

The scene with David and Fox in the helicopter was nice. Always good to see those two together. Does she always fly him around, or does he have a personal pilot. Also, Fox sounded a little different. Was that Laura doing her voice in this episode? Also, I liked the scenario you presented if Demona had been telling the truth, and would David do anything to give her back that one-minute when she died. It's moot, but it's a dramatic scenario anyway.

I rather liked Owen's urgency. Nice to see him kind of losing it.

As for why Elisa's facing the wrong way… I don't care. It's still a good cliffhanger.

End Part One.

Need to take a break, I'll do the other parts a little later.

Greg responds...

Yes, that was Laura doing Fox.

Great ramble, Greg. Looking forward to the rest.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Derek! writes...

My personal favorite Smart-ass response:
How weak is angela?

How weak are YOU?

Greg responds...

That was less funny than deserving, you know?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Cassandra writes...

Comments on "High Noon"

Recognizing Demona and MacBeth> I didn't the first time watching, but you knew something was fishy. The handcuffs, the expressions.

I wasn't as worried that our heroes wouldn't survive as to why Demona and MacBeth were working together. And whether Coldstone was going to realize that he couldn't bury his head in the sand.

No, Elisa wouldn't bury her head in the sand. She voices the option because it does exist but she knows she won't give into it.

Michael Dorn is a great voice actor.

Recognizing Demona in Dominique> I didn't until MacBeth called her Demona. And I can understand Elisa not recognizing her. Uniform blindness (the situation where all the person notices is the uniform) and then she knocked out. But I also buy Elisa almost recognizing her. It's the opposite of what happened in the "Mirror". Demona recognized the gargoyle Elisa right off the bat.

This episode was one of the best animated. I love Goliath tapping the camera with his wing. And Elisa's tired eyes.

Demona's sexpot poses> Not exactly in her character, but they work in a "I'm a better-looking human than you" way.

Desdemona being taken over by the Weird Sisters. That confused me because of the hair. If the animators hadn't gotten the colors right, I wouldn't have been confused. But going back and rewatching it and listening to how the dialouge is phrased, it becomes more obvious.

Elisa and Demona's catfight is great! <G> The gals one-on-one, Goliath's life on the line, and that whole "I'm going to beat the crap out of you" attitude.

The jogger> I love the continuity stuff. It sets Gargoyles apart from other cartoons. And I love that guy. I used him in my first Gargoyles fanfic in similiar circumstances--wandering on something in the Park and having no idea what's really going on.

Elisa is a hero and I'm glad you gave her a chance to show it.


Greg responds...

Anytime, Cassandra.

[I hope all of you know that just because I don't comment on your comments doesn't mean I'm not interested in reading them. I'm fascinated with them. But they don't often leave me with anything much to add. Garg fans are so INSIGHTFUL!!]

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...


the second i saw the title i knew this one was going to be different then most episodes, which are predominantly at night. i was really excited about the teaming up of the two gargoyles who've betrayed the clan, Demona and Iago, i figured that these two together could really cause the clan some trouble, if only Iago could get rid of Othello and Desdemona, well thats a story for another day...
when Macbeth and Demona made their first appearence i recognized Demona and was excited that we'd finally see the clans reaction to her humanity, but i oddly didn't recognize Macbeth until a minute or two later. its probably because Demona sends that glare at Elisa and so i know its her, but why would she be with Macbeth?! of course i didn't expect them together.
i really did wonder how those two knew about the Clocktower, but their stealing Coldstone was as much a distraction to me as it was to the gargs. since Coldstone had been shown i figured they were taking him but i didn't think of the magical artifacts in the closet, which i should have, if they hadn't taken them i'd be here right now typing: "why didn't Demona and Macbeth take those artifacts when the were there?"
i love the battle at Macbeth's. its great to see the whole clan together in battle, not just Goliath and the trio. i think Goliath does a great job of spliting everyone into pairs, his second with Bronx, the oldest with the next strongest and himself with the tech wiz, they all compliment each other in those pairs. i did shake my head at Brooklyn for not paying more attention to what Bronx was sniffing and scratching at, especially after "City of Stone"! and i noticed how Lex never seems to trust Coldstone very much, warning Goliath about bringing him to the Clocktower in "Legion", cautioning Goliath against freeing him here, and being the only one not to volunteer for soul transference in "Possessions" later on. i wonder what Lex has against Coldstone? but, Lex was right, neat trap, got the whole clan with one button...
i picked up on this episode being Elisa and Othello's episode, but i think you kinda forgot about Desdemona, i think her heroism was as important to the outcome as Elisa's! she comes through with the message that its not about being a hero, its about doing whats right, i really like Desdemona, she's such a good person and friend. oh, and when she is holding down Iago so Othello can take control, i think Iago is barely trying cuz he's enjoying it, but that's my theory!
finally, as for the coming battle line by the Wierd Sisters, i didn't know what that meant but i knew that would be a cool episode. actually, after this episode i was still looking at the Wierd Sisters at good guys and they were going to use the artifacts against something evil or something. little did i know...

Greg responds...

Good guys tend to ask not steal. But I'm quibling.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Oscar - writes...

Greg -

I was just curious of your opinion of Michael Reaves. I love the man's writing style and imagination. I have a friend who thinks his writing is like, godly. She found his website and e-mail him.

He took about 3 mouths to respond to one of her E-mail and honestly it was kinda rude, nothing insightful. I don't know the man and know how he is. I was just wondering what your opinion is.


Greg responds...

Well, first off, Michael is an extremely talented writer.

Three months to respond sounds pretty good to me. I'm only a month behind here now, but God knows I've been as much as six to eight months behind in the past. I'd say it's nice that he responded at all. He has to earn a living, raise three kids, etc.

As to the tenor of his response, well, I haven't read what he wrote or what was written to him in the first place to generate that response. I'm not going to take your word for it that he was rude, which I find unlikely. I will say that expecting someone to be insightful on demand is kinda unfair.

And not to be rude to you, but what the hell are you doing asking this here? What do you hope to accomplish?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Ciani writes...

Stupid Movie. . .
Greg, I totally agree with you on Castaway. I thought it was completely silly. The only good part was Wilson. *laugh* I went with my brother and mother and my bro and I laughed at it the whole way through. Did you notice how Tom Hanks had a severe problem with turning around? When Wilson went missing he stared every which way but behind him - when the huge ship passed him he was staring the other way for the longest time... it was so stupid. And then there was the mysterious water splash - in every few scenes he'd be splashed by water from a really weird angle that wasn't possible according to the normal laws of physics... *laugh* Anyway, Tim - my bro - and I found all of this very amusing. Personally I think a fast moving transfer truck in the last scene would have been the BEST ending ever. Tim thought that would be pretty funny too.... gah... I watch way too much Southpark.

Greg responds...

More power to you, Ciani.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

ithink at some time in the series, maybe in that same scene Goliath says something like, "What humans don't understand, they fear. And what they fear they often seek to destroy."
so you are definitly right in your examples, but remember those all are instances within and between our species. look how humans often treat animals and plants we don't understand, in fear that we may be in danger, so we attempt to destroy it! i think its the same and would be even worse between gargs, New Olympians, whatever and humans.

Greg responds...

Yeah, that too. (It does help to have the full quotation.)

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In the episode Heritage Goliath tells Angela "What humans fear they seek to destroy" Throughout recoded history fear has never been the cause of racism, arrogance has. Hitler's arrogance about a master race has led to the deaths of millions of innocent Jews of whom he saw as inferior. Hitler wasn't scared of Jews but he was jealous of their wealth. The Ku Klux Klan has a long history of terrorizing black people living in the deep south, but they did it out of their misguided arrogance of the belief that white people are superior, they didn't do it out of fear. Besides in reality if humanity ever discovered another race living on earth beside our own, the overwealming majority of humans would be curious not fearful.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't agree with you. I'm not saying arrogance doesn't play a part. But mostly I think it IS fear. Fear of what's different. Fear that if I don't blame "the other" than I will be blamed. The examples you choose smack of scapegoating. (And that's an understatement.) Scapegoating is more a result of fear than arrogance.

As for curiosity overcoming fear? I only hope you're right. But somehow I doubt it.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Blaise writes...


Well, now that you mention it, I suppose the title doesn't adequately capture the full impact of the multi-parter (especially the flashbacks), but I never noticed it before. And it is still pretty cool.

Yeah, it always did bug me that Elisa was facing the wrong way and began talking when she reverted back (not only that, but her eyes somehow closed while she was still stone--and Owen somehow managed to stand straight up).

Owen's "awakening". Very rarely do we get that much emotion out of him. ;) And I love the look he has when he sees the phone cord is broken.
And then there's his line as he surveys the "clear signs of a struggle" in the studio--"You've managed to stop the broadcast I see." Or something like that.
It wasn't until after THE GATHERING that I knew what Xanatos was meant when he mentioned "mixing magics." Before that, I had always wondered what he had been referring to with that line. The spell seemed like it was of the Grimorum. But I let it slide until all was revealed, and then I marveled at how early this seed was planted.

The news scene is indeed quite fun. Wasn't that "I never watch television" woman the one from the Diamond Exchange back in HER BROTHER'S KEEPER? Who did her voice in this ep?

It's very hard for me to watch Macbeth, Duncan and their sons on their outing--especially how quickly Duncan seems to forget that Macbeth saved his life. Neil Dickson does some very good voice acting, as you have pointed out. It's especially good with some of the more inventive touches of writing, such as Duncan switching to the use of the "royal plural" when Macbeth pleads on behalf of Demona and the other gargoyles.

Ah, the Weird Sisters as the Witches. Y'know, I actually heard about a production of the play in which the Witches actually DID appear throughout the play in different guises--most noticably as three Nurses in the "Out, out damned spot" scene. It adds an extra power to their presence--especially in this four-parter. And I too like Luna's incredulous "You would lecture US on Fate?" Kath Soucie does some incredible voice-work throughout this series.

It took me a couple viewings before I could pick out Macduff, but it was fun once I did. I think he had a scar on his face...but I can't be sure.
One thing that bothers me about the "gargoyle smashing" sequence is that the animators can't seem to keep track of which gargoyle(s) was(were) smashed. Oh well, Demona's Second still makes a good impression. I just love the look he gives Demona when she says there's no one else fit to lead the last of the gargoyles. Talk about insulting!

Once again, Bodhe suggests the submissive action and once again Macbeth follows it. Says his good-byes (yes, it is quite touching, and the fear in Grouch's voice when she says "Husband?" after Macbeth's "Know that I will always love you" is quite good).
Macbeth's interchange with Demona and the Weird Sisters' spell...what can I say. It's well animated, well acted, and a wonderful sequence. I did indeed understand that the Wierd Sisters appeared differently to D and M, and I figured out most of the aspects of the spell that were revealed in Part Four (and may I just say, that the spell has rules the crueler side of me tends to revel in).

I always wondered what Demona was thinking when she saw Macbeth and Gruoch together--her face shifted from one emotion to the next (a far more guarded look) so quickly. Maybe that was her intent.

Love the battle, though I do wish we saw Macbeth putting up a better fight against Duncan. He probably would have--if Macduff hadn't tried to blind-side him. "Treacherous human" is right!
The globe was a cheat, yes. But its effect on Duncan remains one of my two favorite death scenes in GARGOYLES. How can you beat fire shooting out of a man's head and mouth?
Ed Gilbert sure read a great "THE NIGHT IS WON!" line. I don't know why, but it's appealing in a funny sort of way (maybe the crack in the voice).

Canmore proves that he inherited a bit of his father's mean streak--and deviousness. The mask of the Hunter passes on.
Meanwhile, Macbeth is crowned, and Demona named (and cheered by the humans). This is another of those "heart-breaking" scenes because I know that eventually things just have to fall apart. Still, it is nice to see everyone happy for this brief moment. And if you look in the crowd scene, you'll see a brunette-woman who shares Princess Katharine's fashion sense. ;)

I recognized the Sisters as Police officers (and liked it).
I picked up on the "semi-running gag" of "That's one way to end an argument" when Elisa and Owen turn to stone mid-struggle.

One of my favorite exchanges:
GOLIATH: What is Elisa doing here?
BROOKLYN: She doesn't look happy.
XANATOS: Owen sometimes has that effect on people.
It's just so fun.

I figured there was something behind the tapestry when so much emphasis was placed on Bronx clawing it. And I knew Bronx was going to save Elisa as soon as the cliff-hanger happened. I still didn't like having to wait for the next episode, though.

Multi-parter's coming to an eventful end, sure enough.

Greg responds...

I don't think it was the same woman from the Diamond Exchange. The voice here was Rachel Ticotin's.

And Ed Gilbert was just great. He's sorely missed.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Maxy Steel writes...

Okay, hi there again...

1. Was Kat a part of your universe?

Catch ya later! Luv ya all!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

No. At least not that I can recall. Again, I only did the first 13 episodes. If the character didn't appear in the first 13 than you gotta figure he or she ain't one of mine.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Cassandra writes...

My vote on favorite sarcastic reply from Greg.

Jim R. writes...
How long would a gargoyle last in college? And would he be able to afford it? :)

Greg responds...

That would depend on the gargoyle. And the financial aid package.

recorded on 02-15-01

Greg responds...

Eh, that's okay, I guess.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Siren writes...

Seeing as many gargoyle collectors call them "ugly" or "stone" angels, did you ever consider placing heavenly angels into the show?

Greg responds...

Eventually, everything.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Siren writes...

You brought in a few religions and cultures into the show, did you ever consider using Wicca?

Greg responds...

Eventually, everything.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

Greg: Did any of your personal views -IE) something you were really opposed to- come out in any way on the show?

Greg responds...


I'm opposed to illiteracy. Does that count?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

You walked out of Meet the Parents. If this was your second time, what was your first?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Dan M writes...

My dog's name is Norman too.

Greg responds...


My dog's name is actually Air Commander Bentley Norman. (It's a long story.) We usually just call him Normie.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

i was surprised that you said that had the Wyvern massacre not happened Brooklyn would probably still have been chosen as a future leader of the clan. i guess i always thought that Goliath chose Brooklyn out of lack of other options, that he was the best among the trio, i suppose his leadership qualities would've shown up in any event, huh?

Greg responds...

Why not?

But I'm not big on hypotheticals.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

when the clan moves into the clocktower, the clock doesn't work and later on it does, i'm assuming because Lex fixed it like he said he could. what did the people of New York think when suddenly the clock was working again, wouldn't someone go up there to investigate at least?
i realize its another stupid question, but i figured i'd ask anyway...

Greg responds...

Lex was constantly fixing the clock. It was constantly breaking down. (You'll notice that sometimes the time on the face made sense. Sometimes it made no sense.) Before Lex, workmen did the same thing but had largely given up due to municipal budget cuts. No one noticed that it continued to be inconsistent.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

More Illuminati questions:

1-Membership simbols: Xanatos and Matt have pins, the Ambassador had a ring, and Mace Malone a hand tatoo. Is this a pattern? There are other simbols?

2a-Xanatos, a rich, smart guy, is a low-rank member. This bores him?
2b-When happened his filliation?
2c-What was his fee?

3-Do you have something _good_ to say about the Illuminati?

4-Do you have something _good_ to say about Duval/Percival?

Greg responds...

1. The symbol remains the same. There are many ways to express it. Tatoos were in favor for awhile, but it became obvious that they presented a denial problem.

2a. What bores him? What does boredom have to do with anything?

2b. Don't have that info handy.

2c. Fee?

3. They're persistent.

4. He meant well.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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MR writes...

Where are reruns of Gargoyles shown in New York City?

Greg responds...

Toon Disney, maybe?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Wouldn't it be cool if gargoyles was done in amine?

Greg responds...

Do you mean "anime" or maybe "mime"?

And what exactly do you mean by that? Do you want bigger eyes?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

while reading Greg Bishansky's great rambles on "CoS" i thought of a question, or rather, a comment: was it me or were there an awful lot of people outside, on the street, driving around, etc. at dawn when they all turned to stone? i can't imagine people would be shopping and whatever so early, oh, well... maybe i'm wrong.

Greg responds...

New York. The city that never sleeps.

But you have it backwards. Those people were out at Dusk, not Dawn. They turned to stone at NIGHT. Sundown. Not sunrise.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

In the episode, "The Mirror", why did Elisa act as if Goliath had turned back into a gargoyle when he already was one of course, whenever she was transformed into one? Vise versa when the clan was transformed into humans, why did they act as if they always had been humans? What I mean to say and what I always got confused about is, that Puck's spell shouldn't have made them forget what they were. When Elisa was transformed I would have expected her to be a little shocked at first, and then calm whenever she realized that she and Goliath were now of the same species, but she would still long to become human again deep inside.

Greg responds...


I mean why are you setting limits on Puck?

The whole point was that NOBODY noticed the transformation. When all of Manhattan was transformed, the former humans didn't run around panicked and screaming over their new bodies. The transformation was so complete they thought they had always been that way. Same with Elisa and the gargs until logic forced them to take a closer look at it.

Anyway, it worked fine for me. If it makes you feel any better a lot of my staff originally agreed with you. They thought I was nuts. But most vindicated me later.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

when the Magus died on the bed of the Sleeping King, did they just leave him there? i can't imagine they would unless there was some sort of magic there that would keep the Magus from decomposing, which would be kinda gross. so if they left him there, will he decompose or not?

Greg responds...

It seemed a fitting resting place. And crypts aren't that unusual. But I'm guessing they sealed off the Hill.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Entity writes...

High Noon responses:

I always noticed the "sense of smell" error in the cyberspace scene. I'm gratified, as I've been with a lot of the revelations found in your episode-by-episode commentaries, that this not pure neglect or that at least it is recognized after the fact and has an explanation, in real life or in theory. Thanks.

On stealing Coldstone, I always wondered why Macbeth and Demona needed to sneak into the precinct house through the front door. Since they escaped in a hovercraft, couldn't they have landed from one directly atop the clocktower?

That's about all. I'm sure everyone else will cover the other bases.

Greg responds...

They didn't have the Grimorum UNTIL they snuck in, so they couldn't mask the hovercraft until after they stole the Grimorum.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Aaron writes...

City of Stone, 1-4 mini-ramble.

There so much to address here, I should really dig out my tapes before attacking it, but...

A few things still stick out.

I remember the first time I watched it, and thinking something didn't quite add up with what Demona was saying. Before the advent of mass media, exactly how would Demona get enough people together to make a spell like the one she sold Xanatos on worthwhile?

I remember being really impressed with the scene where MacBeth goes skysurfing, or whatever you want to call it, with the line wrapped around Demona's leg. Really good showcase of exactly how determined, not to say completely mental, MacBeth is at this point. Can you imagine how much it would hurt if Demona did succeed in shaking him off? Even if you're immortal that's gotta suck.

And of course, I did love the double punch D&M give Goliath. (But then, I'm a Demona fan, so watching the big purple guy take one usually amuses me)

Greg responds...

I think the idea of the lie in the past was that Demona just stole massive quantities of youth from a few individuals. This was a way to do it so that NO ONE could possibly notice or miss the time. At least, that's what she told X.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Heritage", does Raven call Natsilane a bratty Chief, as in a brat, or a Bradi Chief, as in the name of Natsilane's tribe when he says, "If the B.... Chief won't fight me, the island is mine!" i can see why Raven would say both, but i'm leaning toward the latter.

Greg responds...

Bratty, I'm pretty sure, if those are my only two choices. Because the name of the tribe was Haida, not Bradi. I don't know where Bradi came from. (Sounds like another mistake by the gang that did the close captioning. Why they didn't refer to the written scripts is beyond me.)

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Do gargoyles need to bathe, or are body odours etc disposed of via stone sleep?

Greg responds...

Bathing helps periodically.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

I'm still a little baffled about Timedancing Brooklyn and the story behind him. You state that when Goliath threw the Phoenix gate into itself without a mind to guide it, it would be forever lost in the time stream. Then you went on to say that it lands in front of Brooklyn.
1. Why did you choose Brooklyn?
2. When does it land in front of him, in what time?
I was reading through the archived responses about this, and you say that he never lays a finger on the gate.
3. But how is it possible for him to travel forty years leaping in and out of random time shifts the gate creates? The gate is just a talisman, without a mind or the incantation it really can't go anywhere, which leads me to my next question.
4. If Brooklyn is susceptable to random time shifts, how long does he or can he stay, in one time?
5. Why couldn't he lay a finger on the gate? I mean surely he would eventually find out how the gate works in some time, grab it, speak the incantation, and boom! he's back home again in his own time exactly when he left. Brooklyn isn't that stupid, he surely would have had some pre-existing knowledge from Goliath about the dangers of the gate.

Please. Maybe you could explain this whole Timedancer mess in better detail or in a nutshell, or at least point me out someplace online I could go to read more about it in further detail.

Greg responds...

No, I stated that Goliath threw the Phoenix Gate into the Timestream -- not itself.

1. He chose me largely. He was ready for the next step in his character's evolution. And I felt he could carry a series.

2. In "the present". Originally, that meant 1996. I'm not sure now. I'm leaning toward '97 though. Not 2001.

3. No, it goes everywhere and everywhen. It seems to be random. But the timestream itself may have currents and eddies guiding it.

4. There's no consistent rule.

5. He can never get to it in time.

The only place I can point you for more detailed info is the TimeDancer archive here at ASK GREG. (This doesn't seem that complicated to me, however. I certainly wouldn't call it a 'mess'.)

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

you've said before that unless their bodies are destroyed that the Coldtrio will live forever, so will any or all of them be around in 2198?

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

i just want you to confirm that Gabriel is definetly Othello and Desdemona's biological child, cuz lately there has been talk of Iago having a child on Avalon and Gabriel has some features, the large brow ridges and the small horns on his chin, that we've only see in one other gargoyle, Iago. so, if Iago has a biological child on Avalon, its not Gabriel, right?

Greg responds...

Gabriel is Othello and Desdemona's biological child.

You heard it here first.

About four years ago.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Slow writes...

Re: High Noon

I have to say that I was very confused about the three Desdemonas. Until someone mentioned it in Ask Greg I just figured it was the writer wanting to do strange and surreal stuff inside Coldstone's head. The animation was so good I never would've noticed the colour mistake. If it wasn't for this venue, I'd never have known.

"This is diverting." "You don't know the half of it."

Sure, I laughed when I first heard the line accompanied by the expression on Coldstone's face. But when I watched the episode again a few years later, I thought that Macbeth's response may have been a hint (subconsciously, maybe) that the entire situation was a diversion (staged to get the talismans). Am I wrong to think that Mac may not have been as interested in the girl-fight as it sounded?

Greg responds...

Nah. It works both ways.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Erin Peretti writes...

I am absolutely fascinated with your comment that Gargoyle's MacBeth was more historically accurate than Shakespeare's (obviously ommitting Demona and immortality).

What parts were more accurate?

I know this is a pain, but would you happen to know where I could find some historically accurate accounts of Macbeth? His home, his full name, whether Duncan was the perfect king potrayed in the play, etc....

What research materials did you use when writing Mac for Gargoyles?

Is Glamis castle in Scotland really Mac's castle, as I have been told?

Thanks so much!!!

Greg responds...

Most of the research on Macbeth was done by Monique Beatty and Tuppence Macintyre. I did little or none myself. (I didn't have time.) Monique was my assistant (and is now a producer in her own right). Tup is a close friend and a Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney.

I know Holinshed was of some use. But I don't know what other books they used specifically.

Almost everything we did -- minus the gargs and Weird Sisters and the Mask of the Hunter -- was more accurate historically than Shaekespeare. (Not better, just more accurate.) Duncan and his father hired Gillecomgain to assassinate Mac's father. They rewarded him with Mac's title and with Gruouch. Mac eventually killed Gille and married Gruoch, adopting her boy Lulach as his own. There were some rumours that Lulach WAS his child.

Mac killed Duncan in battle, not while Duncan was a guest in his house. Mac ruled wisely for seventeen years and was overthrown by Malcolm Canmore, who was backed by the English. Etc.

I'm not 100% sure about Glamis, but I believe Macbeth's historical home was Castle Moray (also called Murray).

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about Xanatos as portrayed in "Future Tense". This was the last episode in the series where Xanatos was the antagonist (even though it may not count as such, given that it turned out that it wasn't really Xanatos). And what recently struck me about it was that here Xanatos, for once, was acting in a manner more like a conventional cliched cartoon villain than he did anywhere else in the series. He took over Manhattan by force, enslaved the population and plunged them into poverty and misery, had the city patrolled by Mutate soldiers on the ground and Steel Clan robots in the air, murdered his own son without even an ounce of pity or remorse, and was plotting to seize control over the entire planet. All very evocative of the stereotypical super-villain that one would expect to find in a more conventional animated series.

Also, in this episode, Goliath did (momentarily) "destroy" Xanatos (or the Xanatos Program masquerading as him) in the cyberspace battle (just before it turned out that it was really Lexington operating the Xanatos Program behind the scenes), in what could count as their final battle.

So, was "Future Tense" designed, in part, to trick the audience into thinking that "Gargoyles" was going to end with a more conventional showdown between Goliath and Xanatos, a more stereotypical "final battle", before going on to reveal, almost immediately afterwards (given that "The Gathering" was the story that came immediately after "Future Tense"), the real manner in which the Goliath/Xanatos conflict came to an end (through the two making peace after the gargs helped Xanatos against Oberon)? A kind of "tricking the audience raised on more conventional adventure cartoon series" method similar to that used in "Leader of the Pack" (where it initially seems as if Xanatos is out for revenge, but it turns out that it wasn't the real Xanatos and that the real one had very different and much more practical goals)?

Greg responds...

Yep. I mean that wasn't the only thing going on, but we did so love to play with and against expectations.

But it's also fun, even if it's a fantasy within our fantasy, to see such opposites go at it to the death. I knew that wasn't they're true destiny, so it was nice to slip a version of it in.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Monsters", was Sevarius working for Xanatos or himself when he was at Loch Ness? He had the Xanatos Goon Squad along with him to help him out, but nothing that he said really confirmed that he was working for Xanatos; he appeared to be after the Loch Ness Monsters more to satisfy his own personal interest in genetic tinkering than from any interests that Xanatos had.

Greg responds...

For Xanatos, though X gave him fairly free reign to keep him happily employed.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Yadira writes...


In this episode, one of the key things we learned is that Fox is pregnant and she breaks the news to her father, Renard. What we don't see is how she breaks the news to her husband. If you had time to explore this, how did Fox tell Xanatos about her delicate condition and what did she feel might be Xanatos' reaction. How did Xanatos truly react at first upon hearing her news.

Greg responds...

He was thrilled. I believe she told him as soon as she got off the phone.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Did Mab have parents?

Greg responds...

One way or another.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1) What has Mab been doing all those eons in confinement? Even prisoners must do something with their time. I assume the solitary confinement has worked wonders on her sanity.

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Oberon writes...

Where did you get the name Grimourum Arcanorum

Greg responds...

Michael Reaves came up with that. But I think it's simply Latin for "magic book".

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Vic writes...

I'm just wondering if you know anything about the fabled Gargoyles movie project. Last i heard it was mired in development hell. Has it moved up to purgatory or down to something more hopeless, like ohio?

Greg responds...

I hear they have a script they like. But I haven't seen it. I don't know anything else, but hope to have more info for the Gathering.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

what are some of the other names of gargoyles on Avalon? i'd imagine most biblical angel names were used, but Opheila, Angela, and Boibekka all have other types of names, what were some of these?, if you know any

Greg responds...

Boudicca, not Boibekka.

I've answered this. I believe that Katharine did attempt at least to use all the standard Angelic names...

Gabriel, Michael, Azrael, Raphael, Uriel, etc.

Plus some variations like Angela.

But they had more gargs than angels.

So we get Ophelia, etc.

Anyway, I don't plan on tying my hand by naming a bunch of characters I haven't yet explored.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

Hello there.

I have a simple, small question regarding garg culture.

What goes into the average gargoyle commitment ceremony?

That's it. You don't have to include any fun geographic-cultural variations of the thing, just outline the basics-- if there are basics. If there are no basics, that'd be good to know too.

And you know what? Even in California it's cold in February. I wish the computer with Net access weren't in the garage-- I'm reezing my fass off out here!

Greg responds...

Sorry, Mary, I hate to make you reeze your fass for nothing, but I'm saving those details for now.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Elisa Maza for a human is extremely beautiful and attractive. Do you think that the New Olympians when they first saw her saw her as a very beautiful organism since some of the New Olympians looked extremly ugly.

Greg responds...

Eye of the beholder, my friend.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

1a) How are the majority of New Olympians educated? Are they forced to have an education? Up to what level (relative to our own system) have most of them been to? (highschool? college? post-grad?) Do they all understand advanced calculus, for example? b) Are any (if not all) NO gargoyles similarly educated?

2a) Is the majority of the NO population educated well enough to understand their island's technology? b) Roughly how many people are in charge of research and development and maintaining this technology? (tens? hundreds? thousands?). c) Would this group include any gargoyles?

3a) While I'm at it, roughly how many people live on NO? (hundreds? thousands? millions?) b) Roughly how many full-blooded NO gargates are there? c) Roughly how many NO are of gargoyle descent?

4) How will the NO clan be discovered by the outside world?

Greg responds...

1a. Forced? In the sense that kids have to go to school? I guess. But they aren't conscribed into education. Most want a good education. Most get it.

1b. Some are, yes.

2a. A good chunk.

2b. I don't know.

2c. Potentially.

3a. The low thousands.

3b. About 100 or so.

3c. Huh?

4. They will reveal themselves in front of the United Nations Building.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Vanity writes...

I have been reading Macbeth and Demona responses and the above mentioned for "High Noon" where questions were asked why Macbeth didn't feel the pain when Elisa and Demona where in combat. And I think people are putting too much emphasis on the fact that Macbeth could prepare for the blows. Couldn't it be that, and if you watch the fight scene; Elisa didn't really "hurt" Demona enough to evoke the spell? Granted Demona ran head-first into a statue but that might not of hurt too much.

Greg responds...

A combination of all of the above -- including that we screwed up a bit.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Aaron writes...

High Noon

<<Anyway, Demona's in atypical dress and species. Who knew it was her?>>

(raises hand) Aw c'mon Greg, not even human form and frumpy clothing can hide the radiant beauty that is Demona. ;) But seriously, who else has hair like that?

Random observation: When human-form Demona leaves her hair alone, instead of putting it up in that dreadful restrained thing she wears as Domonique Destine, she looks like a red-haired Puma sister. (Dominion Tank Police, in case you didn't get the ref)

Greg responds...

I still don't get the ref.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Just a quick comment. Actually, Demona's"sexpot posing at the clock tower when she confronts Elisa did seem in character to me. I always imagined her smugly suggesting, See, even as a human I'm better looking than you. Her subconscious jealousy of Elisa and Goliath's "connection"
and her "I'm better than you are attitude, contirbute to her flagrantly exhibiting herself." Or in the words of the immortal and unknown, "When you've got it flaunt it." Got to love the Japanese animators on this one.

Greg responds...

Works for me too.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

does Demona have to sleep? i figure that when she is human her garg side sleeps and when she is gargoyle her human side sleeps. if this is true where does she get the solar energy from to support her gargoyle form?

Greg responds...

Magic compensates to some degree, but she does sleep as a human periodically.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

My "High Noon" ramble.

It's hard to be certain what my original thoughts were when seeing this one for the first time (given that that was back in 1995), but I feel pretty certain that I didn't recognize Demona in her human form until the dialogue actually named her. (And given that, as you'd pointed out, up till then, I'd only seen her as a human briefly at the end of "The Mirror", it was easy enough not to recognize her).

I don't recall now what I'd thought of the Demona/Macbeth team-up or where the Weird Sisters were all this time when I first saw the episode, though. Maybe I was just accepting the story as it went along without asking that many questions.

I very much liked Hudson's question about the "hit the sack" idiom, and the bit where Hudson and Broadway were reading the newspaper as the link back to "Lighthouse in the Sea of Time". Both struck me as very enjoyable touches.

I sometimes wonder if Officer Morgan will ever realize just how helpful he was to Elisa in helping her gain the strength to face Demona at Belvedere Castle. This may very well count as his biggest moment in the series to date.

The revelation at the end that the Sisters were behind it all, and - more importantly - that the real targets were the Grimorum, the Eye of Odin, and the Phoenix Gate definitely surprised me. One thing that I do remember from my first time seeing the episode was this: for some odd reason, I was under the impression that "the coming battle" that the Sisters mentioned was something slated for the end of the season (Episode 65 or close to it), a grand finale conflict of some sort. Well, it was a big battle, but it took place in "Gargoyles" a lot sooner than I was expecting.

(One little thing that I must admit: a good thing for Demona that she was using the Grimorum to shield herself from prying eyes during the day. I don't think that she would have been too appreciative of the way that male humans might have been looking at her in that outfit as a human if they could have seen her :)

Greg responds...

Except I don't think she was shielding THAT. She hailed a cab in that outfit, after all. (Which amuses me to no end. Hey, it's NYC!)

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In the episode high noon Elisa was waiting for her gargoyles to return because it is nearly dawn and she was worried for their safety but instead the only gargoyle that came around was Demona, Demona transformed into a human when the sun came up but when downstairs and hailed a cab. My question is was Demona carrying any money with her when she got into the cab or did she just got out when the ride was over and not pay at all?

Greg responds...

She was probably carrying money. Or she made Macbeth pay.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

I was wondering, how will Demona react when she discover that the Clan - and specially Angela - are back to the castle and living with Xanatos? That they sold themselves?

Greg responds...

Sold themselves? Huh?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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One writes...

1) What are your personal feelings regarding Demona? Do you see her as a tragic victim of humanity's fear, the weird sister's machinations, etc? Just a mad gargoyle who can't let go of the past and refuses to accept responsibility for her own actions? What's your take on her?

2) In your opinion, which character of the series is most like you? Why?

3) If you had to go through everything Demona went through... how do you think that would have changed you? What would you be like?

Greg responds...

1. She is complex. She contains multitudes. I'm fond of her in a strange way. But that fondness doesn't mitigate her actions as far as I'm concerned. On the other hand, I've always been fascinated with the idea of redemption. So who knows?

2. None really. Or all of them put together. Or Vinnie, because I'm often hapless. Without hap.

3. A puddle.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

was Angela nervous upon meeting the Manhatten Clan? i noticed that she stayed back in the shadows a bit at first. if she was, i can understand why. first of all, she probably felt like a hatchling among them. Avalon was not only where she lived her childhood, but it seems to be a place of eternal childhood, for mortals anyway. even Tom, Katherine, and the Magus said they all lived like children even as they all grew older. and when Goliath came to the island he was the oldest gargoyle (biologically and chronologically) that the Avalon clan had ever seen! than she gets to Manhatten and there's an even older gargoyle, Hudson. then of course, if i was Angela, i would feel very nervous about being raised by humans, even though they did a great job. the Manhatten gargs all hatched in the Wyvern rookery, grew up in the castle raised by gargs and had maintained almost entirely gargoyle-gargoyle relationships with the exception of Elisa, Matt, and some villains. Angela probably felt like, "I wonder if there is some gargoyle custom i'm not aware of.", or, "Am I doing something only humans do?" among her brothers and sisters all this was ok since they were all raised the same. actually out of all the NY gargs i think Angela was probably most intimidated by Hudson, am i right about any of this?
ok, just another ramble from matt...

Greg responds...

I'd say she was a bit nervous, yes.

I don't know if Hudson made her that nervous, specifically. He was very welcoming, and she's fairly self-possessed. But the situation was nerve-wracking, for many of the reasons you describe.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Cassandra writes...

Cassandra writes...
Since stroking hair is gargoyle equilvant to a kiss, all the times Goliath touched Elisa's hair was a kiss? And how long would it take him to get used to kissing with lips?

Just feeling a trifle silly with that thought. But I seem to remember Goliath touching her hair fondly before they noticed or decided to act on the feelings they have for each other.

Greg responds...

Kissing is special, particularly romantic kissing. I'm not sure one wants to "get used to it" ever. It will always be special to Goliath.

And yes, everytime he touched her hair in any intimate way (as opposed to by accident or incidentally) it was the basic equivalent of a kiss. But by the way, it wasn't often.

recorded on 02-15-01

Okay, to clarify what I was talking about I think I was remembering the end of "Deadly Force". Goliath brushes Elisa's hair back when he tells her to sleep.

I didn't mean "getting used to it" to equal "become blaise about it". More like kissing is a feels-great-still-weird-but-I-like-it situation and Goliath would feel more comfortable with gargoyle display's of affection.

I know they're both mature adults and both of them realize there is going to be a lot of compromising and explaining in their relationship. It's just a quirky idea that popped in my head.

Greg responds...

And an interesting one. But yes, that Deadly Force moment was to Goliath, a kiss equivalent. Not necessarily a romantic kiss. But a caring one.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Cleo writes...

Do you think Gargoyles will ever come back on the air?and if so will there be more episodes on the Goliath-Elisa relationship? P.S.Gargoyles ROCK!

Greg responds...

Yes, I hope so, and yes, I hope so.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Aaron writes...

I'm probably thinking too human on this, but there is one thing that has always bugged me.

Goliath takes such issue to being Angela's parent, but he was ready to adopt Thailog as his son?

I presume he meant in the rookery father sense, although the language seemed a bit off. Maybe because I'd regard a clone, particularily one who was as physically mature as me, as a brother rather then a son. But again, that's just me.

Greg responds...

Adopt is a strong word. He simply was ready to take responsibility and try to bring him into the fold, in the rookery sense.

Cary Bates agreed with you. Wanted to view Thailog as a brother, not a son. But that didn't match up either with the biology or with Goliath's mindset. At least not in my mind.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Tazz writes...

Hi, Greg, I first wanna say that I think you did a wonderful job with Gargoyles. The plots were wonderful for the whole family--not just kids. It's an educational experience for sure! So thank you for bringing it to life and sharing it with all of us. And my question is this--I looked in the archives, but couldn't find where someone has asked this, so I really hope I looked hard enough, but I was wondering where I could view an the original drafts of Goliath--for example, you said that Mr. Guurr(sp?) had made the basis for Goliath's form. Is there any way to see it? I'm very curious how Goliath originally was drawn, and how he evolved into the person we see now. Thanks so much, Mr. Weismann, and I hope I haven't annoyed you. Thanks! Tazz.

Greg responds...

Not annoyed, but I don't have any of that old development art. Disney has it. Sorry. Maybe if you come to the Gathering in L.A., will try to give it all a holiday from the archives for a bit.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Chapter XXVIII: "Revelations"

Time to Ramble...

Fueled by (what I perceived in my own mind to be) the success of "City of Stone", I began to get more daring in my story structure. In Revelations, Cary and I utilized the time-honored tradition of "in medias res", where a story starts in the middle and catches the viewer up along the way. (Thanks, Homer.)

We also used voice over narration for the first time. It's interesting because Matt just seemed like a perfect character to do that kind of Philip Marlowe naration. But at the same time, it was daring, because of course, Matt is not a regular. The audience didn't know him that well. I think it showed the strength of our supporting cast that Matt could carry a show like this. Of course, having the massively talented Tom Wilson playing Matt helped. I knew he could handle it. And he did. Tom is terrific and VERY funny in the booth. I hope someday he gets his own tv show. (I also loved him as Coach Fredericks on Freaks & Geeks.)

The basic springboard for this episode came from four sources.

1. The notion that eventually Matt would have to find out about the Gargoyles. We didn't want to just throw it away or constantly come up with new excuses why he had "just missed them" or whatever.

2. Matt's pursuit of the Illuminati. What began as a Michael Reaves throwaway line in "The Edge" had evolved into its own subplot. Cary's "Silver Falcon" had taken us to the next level of hearsay. It was time to finally bring the Society into the series.

3. Disney's desire to do a cross-over event with their new "TOWER OF TERROR" ride down in Orlando. Unfortunately, they had wanted this much earlier -- in 1994. We had piggy-backed our World Premiere Screening of Gargoyles down in Florida in September of 1994 with the press event for the Tower's Grand Opening. (That's how Keith David, Marina Sirtis, Salli Richardson, Gary Krisel and I wound up riding the Tower of Terror together on the night before it opened to the general public.) But this was the soonest we could fit the notion into our continuity. You'll see in the memo that I just posted previous to this ramble, that when we were at the outline stage, I was still trying to more firmly tie the two properties together. Partway through the script process, someone at Disney changed their mind. They didn't want the tie-in anymore. I shrugged, I think. And the HOLLYWOOD TOWER became the HOTEL CABAL.

4. An episode of the British TV series, THE AVENGERS, called something like "The House That Jack Built". This was a classic that we ripped off shamelessly. (Wait, wait, I mean we paid it homage shamelessly.) It was about this nutty house designed, I believe, to trap spies inside and drive them bonkers and break them. Sound familiar? John Steed and Emma Peel redone as Goliath and Matt. Didn't you notice the resemblance?

(Gee, so far I've credited Raymond Chandler, Homer and THE AVENGERS as influences. What a fun episode.)

We reintroduced Hacker, mostly so that we could bookend him at the end as Matt's new Illuminati contact. This was something that Cary and I planned as far back as Silver Falcon. We always had to keep Hacker's agenda straight. Make sure any info he gave Matt was a wild goose chase, at least as far as Hacker knew.

In this episode, and only in this episode, Maria Chavez is played by the talented Elisa Gabrielli (also known as Obsidiana). Rachel Ticotin, our usual Chavez, was just unavailable. So Elisa filled in. She has a lighter sound. But I think it works. Did anyone notice? Both Elisa and Rachel are great. I used Elisa as the Doll Demon in 3x3 Eyes (now available on VHS and DVD).

My 3 year old son Ben, who at this point is used to me writing down what he and his older sister says during these viewings told me to write down the following: "When it's night, Demona's a gargoyle. When it's day, she's a human. He likes it when Demona's a human." This had absolutely nothing to do with this episode, but hey, who cares?

I really loved what Ed Asner did with the throwaway character of Jack Dane. "Tell him he's a bum." Dane was so much fun, I brought him back for TURF later.


Matt climbs into the clock tower and finds the TV he helped Elisa with on the day they met. That was fun. This whole episode ties back to Matt's Illuminati musings in "The Edge". It was nice to find another connection. Also, Elisa's been lying to him as long as they've known each other. Nice to remind the audience of that as well.

I like the "family of gorillas" line.

"The Dental Plan" line is vintage Cary Bates.

Elisa: "Matt, you haven't said three words all night..."
Matt: "Let me drive." HEY! THREE WORDS! :) This is fun because, I always thought of Elisa as someone who was such a control freak, she never let her partner drive her car. A big part of this episode, though it could easily sneak past you what with everything else going on, is revealing more facets of Elisa's personality. We learn much more about her and she grows here too.

It's fun to establish Xanatos as "a lower eschelon member". Immediately makes the Illuminati impressive, if Xanatos barely registers on their scale. Also sets up eventual conflicts with him.

First act cliffhanger: Here the threat is Matt. Again, how well did you all think you knew Matt? Here we're inside his point of view -- his narration. But we still try to play him edgy enough that we don't know if he'll kill them both. It helps that we opened with the shocker that he betrayed Goliath to Mace. How many people bought that? Thought Matt was the Judas that Mace said he was?

Anyway, I really like this scene. Elisa yelling at Matt. Matt getting out of the car and yelling at... no one. And Elisa's quiet revelation that Matt isn't crazy... "They don't follow me everywhere." Again, this line was as important for Elisa as for Matt. Sure she can count on the Gargoyles for help. But I never wanted it to seem like Lois and Superman. Like he was always around or would here her with super-senses everytime she screamed. Most of the time, Elisa's on her own.

"This time I'll drive."

Fun to see the gargoyles reactions when Matt is introduced. Goliath's not upset. He appreciates that Elisa has a loyal partner and probably gave her permission to bring Matt in from the cold long before. The truth is they know Matt already.

Elisa: "better late than never".

And then immediately Goliath is suspicious. "Trust is not... to be bartered."

As creators, we were playing both ends here. Omitting pieces of conversation. Trying to get the audience to believe that Matt might in fact be betraying G. But also making it believable that in hindsight, he wasn't. Not cheating, in other words.

At this point, my six year old daughter Erin said: "I don't like Bluestone in this one. He's usually very nice. But in this one he's mean." That's how she saw him. Not righteously angry with Elisa for the lies. Just mean.

It took remarkably more effort than I'd have expected to get things to hook up with our Teaser from the beginning of the act. To help, I reused a couple of Mace's line as prompts to the audience.

It's fun to hear Tom Wilson playing Matt playing at being a bad guy.

I like all the hotel references. "Check out time" etc.

Mace falls down the shaft and grabs the cables with his bare hands. One hundred years old or not, that's gotta hoit.

I like Matt using his coat as a parachute. That wouldn't be necessary except for that darn Gallileo. If it weren't for him, Goliath, being heavier, could have fallen faster than Matt to catch up to him. :)

And of course, I enjoy the irony of Mace being trapped in a Hell of his own making. And i like the notion that the Illuminati just left him there to rot. He had outlived his usefulness. A non-member had found him thanks to his annoying sentimental habit of visiting Pine Lawn. AND he had failed to hold the Gargoyle in the Cabal. Breaking a perfect record. Woops.

Goliath refers to Bluestone as his friend. That's to make sure the audience is clear that Goliath was in on the plan from the beginning. Later, I gathered, some people still didn't get that.

We have a great Turning to Stone sequence here. Every once in a while it's nice to remind the audience that this is unique and special. Seeing it through a new characrer's eyes is a great way to do that.

I love Elisa and Matt's conversation. Elisa reveals that she's subconsciously been keeping the gargs to herself because it made her feel special. Explains a lot about "Her Brother's Keeper", doesn't it? And Matt admits to something similar. I think we all do little things to help ourselves stand out, even if no one notices them but us.

Maria then helps us see that Matt and Elisa are going to be okay.

And finally, our Hacker tag. (This episode had like six tags.) Matt gets his pin. I thought that was kinda cool...

What say all of you....

Bookmark Link

Back to the pilot...

On July 6th, 1993, Writer Eric Luke turned in an outline for the pilot. It still had the Pack, and introduced the concept of the Gargoyle Eggs. Here were our notes on that outline, as we sent him to script.

To: Eric Luke Date: 7-15-93

From: Greg Weisman Ext.: (818)-754-7436

Subject: Notes on 7/6 Gargoyle Outline

Ta Da!! Let's go to script....with notes...sorry. Actually, we're real happy with the outline, we just want to send you forward with a few things in mind.

One general note comes from Gary, who's pretty much decided that the Gargoyles cannot fly like birds, but rather can glide like flying squirrels. We're going to take a lot of liberties with this. Play a lot with updrafts and downdrafts, i.e. cheat a lot, but the big basic no-no is the idea that they can start at ground level and just muscle themselves into the air with their wings. Gary doesn't want to just make this a rule, he wants to make use of it in the script as a vulnerability for the gargoyles. For example, if Goliath and Elisa are surrounded by the Pack, he can't just pick her up and fly away. He's trapped, unless he can get some height to get some air. Another thought comes earlier when Goliath saves Elisa's life at their first meeting. Maybe he grabs her in mid-air and then arcs up to re-land on the castle ramparts. And maybe he can't quite make it to the top and has to grab hold of the building and use his talons to claw his way back up to the landing, with her holding on to him for dear life. (These are just examples that occur to me...use, embellish, come up with your own as it fits the script.) Anyway, you get the idea.

I think we can heighten the drama of the opening by referring to the original beat outline depicting Robby and his Mom desperately running up the hill to the castle w/the Marauders close behind. It's sunset. Cole and crew don't have long to wait for it to get too dark for the archers to target them.

Re: the Wizard. The scariest thing about Goliath's looks is his tremendous threatening bulk, claws and teeth. His non-human appearance, wings and skin color play into the wizard's fears as well. But it's the potential physical threat that's the most frightening. I'm not sure that this will specifically come out in dialogue, but...

Teen 'goyles should probably be doing minor mischief until Robby's mother refers to them as monsters. This pisses them off (particularly Brooklyn) and they decide that if they're gonna be treated like Monsters they might as well act like monsters, and perhaps they do something that is flat-out malicious. Goliath comes in while they're "acting like monsters", doesn't know why and banishes them from the courtyard. They feel bigtime jipped.

Eggs in the rookery really intrigues us. It raises HUGE questions. Do Gargoyles lay eggs? What do they look like? Gary pictures rough spheres like cannonballs made of stone. Do the eggs survive Cole? I guess they must since Bronx and the trio do. Do they survive the centuries? What's the gestation period of a gargoyle egg? Did Demona gather up the eggs? Were they effected by the wizard's spell? When Xavier moves the castle to Manhattan, is the Rookery, eggs and all, left in tact in Scotland? None of these questions need to be answered in the pilot. It's just a great seed to plant for future episodes, so don't make too big a deal of it here; we want careful viewers to be curious, but most to be unconcerned, since they won't get the answers to these questions in this movie.

Was Broadway raised in the Rookery? Or has it been out of use for decades? If he was, we need to be careful that our trio aren't telling each other things that they all already know.

Again, in the final battle against the Captain, Cole and his marauders, refer to the original beat outline for choreography. We need Cole and the Captain to drag the queen away from the battlefield, luring Goliath away too, alone. We need the Wizard left alone, believing the Queen is dead, w/only one remaining spellbook to confront the rest of the 'goyles and turn them to stone, etc.

Perhaps when the Pack first attacks, Goliath and company jump to defend the castle without any request from Xavier. It's that instinctive. Afterwards, (p.6), Xavier asks for their continued protection, and Goliath agrees, largely because at this point, he's already got one foot in the water, so-to-speak.

We still have the three night structure, but we've lost Elisa asking Goliath to give her three nights to show him all that her world has to offer. That always struck me as a nice moment. Was there a reason we took it out? I'm not saying we need it back in, I'm just curious.

Adrienne Bello is our executive here in charge of Standards and Practices. We showed the final version of the outline to her, and she had a concern here regarding our depiction of latchkey kids. Basically, it's a weighty issue, and we really don't have the space to do it justice here. That gave me a thought. Another (easily-solved) problem in the scene is that Goliath doesn't seem to be a participant. No one reacts to him. If we change that, we can see a number of kids (maybe out on the stoop, early evening) reacting differently to him. All should be scared at first, but some are quickly reassured and think Goliath (and Bronx) are way cool. Littler kids might still be frightened, and Goliath sees Elisa comfort and reassure them. Teaching them not to be prejudiced, in essence. Or something. We don't have to make them latchkey kids. Taggers? Just neighborhood kids w/no crime involved? Maybe we create a 20th century counterpart to Robby? Anyway, give it some thought.

This could play into the attack by the Pack. Perhaps our Robby-counterpart witnesses it. And the noise brings more people. They root for the Pack to win out over the "Monster" Goliath. They think the Pack is saving them. Our "Robby-counterpart" could really be confused as to who's good and who's bad. Maybe the crowd helps the Pack? (The right thing to do, as they perceive it, but unfortunately, they've picked the wrong side to help.) Elisa may try to flash her badge, and is knocked aside/out before she can identify herself as a cop. What Fox says to Goliath in the clinches, doesn't have to be heard by the crowd. Maybe the Pack even pretends to try to rescue Elisa from Goliath, making it clear to Goliath and our audience, though not the crowd, that if they get her away from him (and Bronx) she's doomed. [Again, though Bronx is largely a comic relief character, he can be helpful in a fight. Just as Goliath--though basically a dramatic character--has a sense of humor, and can be used in lighter, comic situations.] Goliath has little choice but to retreat with Elisa, with the crowd thinking he's the villain getting away w/a victim (or perhaps accomplice). Then he expresses his frustration that humans could so confuse the heroes and villains, based solely on appearances. If Elisa's conscious at this point, she might try to argue with him.

It's unclear why Goliath thinks the Pack is bent on revenge. What does he think they have to revenge? So far, they've been basically successful in both encounters. At worst, you could say they've fought to a draw.

If Xavier spotted Demona in a book, it was probably an art book, not a history book. Gargoyles didn't make the history books. I know this is just a story Xavier tells Goliath, but we might as well make it as realistic as possible.

Also Demona does not "seem" to be "genuinely pleased" to see the gargoyles; she IS genuinely pleased to see them.

Xavier should claim that the disks will benefit all mankind AND ALL GARGOYLES as well.

Xavier should make his contingency plans w/Owen. That way, we don't have to have him talking to himself, or reveal that he and Demona are in cahoots.

Goliath should probably find Elisa at her place, (maybe he followed her from the police station). As opposed to just happening to spot her on the streets.

Also want to make sure I have all the corporate names straight. XAVIER ENTERPRISES (XE) is Xavier's big conglomerate. SCARAB CORP. is the robotic and cybernetic arm of XE. PACK INC. is the "marketing firm" that handles the Pack, which is owned by a company, which up the ladder is eventually owned by XE. CYBERCORP is Xavier's basically honest competitor and the creators of the anti-grav technology that's on the disks.

The idea of Goliath just sitting on the disks for a night in a warehouse still strikes us as artificial. Maybe Xavier asks Goliath to deliver the disks to someone, at the warehouse or wherever, and then arranges for Elisa to be there.

Angelica/Demona's statement about "If you'd only taken the others away..." isn't enough of a tip-off to make Goliath suspicious. It doesn't sound like she knows something, it sounds like she's using 20-20 hindsight to make him feel bad. At any rate, that would be the natural thing for him to think. Maybe it begins with this, but she takes it a step farther, and that tips Goliath off.

In her explanation of what went wrong, we need to include the notion that the Captain promised her he'd protect the gargoyles, but at the last minute she panicked and left.

We're also unclear how all this has led her to join up with Xavier. Maybe she sees the destruction of humanity in his evil, and she's anxious to help. Or maybe he plans on conquering humanity, and then she plans to take the reins of power from him. Lots of possibilities; we just need to clarify.

Did Xavier send anyone besides Demona (and Elisa) to the "loyalty test". Maybe Owen has been watching from the shadows.

The reason Xavier didn't take Goliath out immediately after the loyalty test can probably be tied to Xavier's intelligence. He knows that the best time to attack the Gargoyle's is during the day, when they're frozen. I think we should make use of this. Have a scene where the Pack (carrying sledgehammers) searches for the Gargoyles in daylight. Elisa hides the gargoyles and/or protects them, and/or lures the Pack away from their location at great personal risk. Now she and Goliath have saved each other. A human he can count on. Etc. At this point, Xavier doesn't want to leave the loose ends untied for too long. He's confident in his new robot creations. (Perhaps there's one that's specifically been modeled after Goliath.) He decides to just get the battle over with. Or maybe it's Goliath and the gargoyles who decides to take the castle back, (with Elisa's help). They attack Xavier. Demona, the steel gargoyles AND the Pack (and Xavier, for that matter) are there to defend the castle. That's kinda ironic and cool.

And that's it. Give me a call if you have any questions. I'd also like to get an approximate target date when you think we'd have the first draft screenplay. Despite all the notes, we're getting really psyched. Good luck.

cc: Gary Krisel, Bruce Cranston, Paul Lacy

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

Illuminati questions:

1-You once said that they regard Demona as a loose cannon. How they know her _so_ well?

2a-When Percival/Duval born?
2b-How old he looks?
2c-Is he _always_ at Castle Carbonek?

3-The Illuminati was created in 642. Arthur 'died' in 542. This mean something?

4-Are you pushing to make them the main villains of Gargs? They will be villains in near all the spin-offs. And in 2198, they literally _sold_ the mankind to the space-spawn.

5a-The 'Norman Ambassador' being a Illuminatus and the escort of Elena - coincidence?
5b-If _a_ is 'no', then _why_ should the Illuminati create trouble to Wyvern? You hinted this.

Greg responds...

1. Experience.

2a. I don't have an exact date for that at this time. Sixth Century, however.

2b. Not saying.

2c. Not saying.

3. Yes.

4. It depends what you mean by "main". I certainly want them to be ubiquitous. And I want them to have a bit more presence than they had in the first 65 episodes. But there a background force largely.

5a. I'm not sure what you mean. That's like asking if it's a coincidence that my first name is Greg and my last name is Weisman...

5b. Huh?

Response recorded on March 12, 2001

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Ducks in a row...

Disney's Japanese Studio was collectively the true unsung heroes of the first season of Gargoyles. This is a memo from Mr. Tokunaga, who was the head of that studio. It mentions the Little Mermaid episode that they were currently animating, but is mostly about recommending certain individuals on their staff to be creative forces for the Gargoyles series.




DATE: July 10,1993
TO: Ms. Lenora Hume
FROM: Motoyoshi Tokunaga cc. Shin Matsumoto/Sheri Shimada
RE: Gargoyles

Dear Lenora,

Yesterday, I have asked several animators to try on rough designs for this projects characters. We will need one week to finish this work. Therefore. we will be able to tax you these drawings on 7/17. Also, we have sent you the followings together with Take-l's workprint for the Mermaid show #015.

1) Storyboards
*Gadget - storyboarded by Saburo Hashimoto.
*Reporter Blues - storyboarded by Kazuo Terada.
*Soccer Boy - storyboarded by Kazuo Terada.
As a reminder, in Japan we set the maximum number of cels that the show can spend before we start the production. And directors should draw storyboards within this limitation. Since these storyboards were drawn under these circumstances, I fear they might not give you the insight into the artists' creative aspects.

2) Videos
*Ulysis 31: This was produced 12 years ago and directed by Terada.
I hope you could use this as a reference of how he divided the scenes and
the camera angles. But, please do not refer to the animation.

*Batman; which was animation directed by Kazuyoshi Takeuohi.
We have sent this to you because we would like to know if you are thinking of any certain level of animation quality and timing. Please let us know if this is the kind of animation you expect from us for Gargoyles series.

Beat regards,

Motoyoshi Tokunaga

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Sapphire writes...

Gargoyles 2198

74: honorable

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Gargoyles 2198

519: mechanisms

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Tom writes...

Why in genisis undone wasn't Elisa there?
I mean surely Delilah would have needed some of her D.N.A. to stay alive. Or wasn't she there because she hasn't met Delilah yet and you were trying to keep it to a one episode show?

Greg responds...

I had nothing to do with that episode of Goliath Chronicles. I have no idea.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

A little thought I've had for some time, inspired by the occasional protests from this "Gargoyles" fan or that who wanted to see Angela pair up with Brooklyn rather than with Broadway. I've never had any problem with Angela choosing Broadway, and actually think that it works very nicely (not to mention that I don't think that Brooklyn would really have been all that happy with Angela - for one thing, there's the way that he feels about her mother). But there is one thing about this business that has amused me.

Although I've seen a number of protests about Brooklyn not becoming Angela's mate, I haven't seen one case of a "Gargoyles" fan, to date, who wanted Lexington to become Angela's mate. Looks as though Lex doesn't have that much of a fan club :)

Greg responds...

Don't tell that to Lexy! Or Thom Adcox for that matter!

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Justin> You seem to think that "fat" and "obese" are one and the same. They are *not*. Trust me on this, Broadway isn't obese, not by any definition of the word...

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Not to be rude, but I read some of your rambles about stuff. What are they SUPPOSED to MEAN?! I can't make heads or tails as to what you're talking about or where you're going with these alternative outcomes...Whatever you're rambling about, trust me, you're beginning to make me think of parallel outcomes for everything I saw in Gargoyles which is MORE like something I'd watch on Star Trek. Now, don't scare me. (And you said you tried to avoid such unstrict storylines which Star Trek producers are famous for.)

Greg responds...


I don't know what you are talking about.

Are you talking about my rambles on individual episodes?

Can you give me an example? What alternative outcomes?

Honestly, this post stumps me.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

3. The similarities between Xanatos and Sisyphus: a Theseus/Gawain-Rory/Cuchullain situation, a descendant (Xanatos comes from Greece after all), or simply the coincidental repetition of an archetype?

(I don't think the above are story ideas, but I'll understand if Todd decides to cut them away...)

Greg responds...

I did think of Xanatos as an archetypal character -- a human trickster (as opposed to a Trickster-God like Anansi or Loki). As noted in the previous post, my lack of casual familiarity with the Sis-Myth prevented him from being a specific influence. But Odysseus was in my head. "Xavier" was designed to look like the classic hero of myth. (In contrast to the monstrous 'goyles.) When I changed the name, the Greek association brought Odysseus to mind.

Odysseus is a tricky fellow, who'll use nearly any means to justify his end. He's pragmatic but also curious. (See how he deals with the Sirens.) Immortality appeals to him. But family is ultimately more important. He's also smart as hell. Handsome, strong. A fierce warrior who uses force as a last resort. Sounds fairly Xanatosian to me. What do you think?

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Jon writes...

Favorite smart-ass remark:

Faieq writes...
In the Gargoyles Universe, how much truth is there in fortune cookies?

Greg responds...

All cookies are true. Especially Peanut Butter cookies.

(Personally, I've known a few disingenuous peanut butter cookies in my time, so I'm not sure I can back you on this one, Greg)

Good luck regaining your edge!

Greg responds...

Yeah, a few of you have picked that. It's one of my favorites too.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Siren writes...

Seeing as you had a little cryptzoology in your show, such as Nessie. Did you consider other cryptids like Mokele-mbembe (Brachiasaurs in Africa), Bigfoot, Big Cats of United Kingdom, Chupacabras, etc.

Greg responds...

All things are true...

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

The majority of the world's people believe in a creator, from the Semetic peoples of the middle east to the indigious
peoples of the Americas. I was wondering in the gargoyles universe is the god that the Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship a fay or is he truely the god of the universe?

Greg responds...

God. The one true God of the Universe is not, in my mind, a fey. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm going to equate him with the God of Abrahamic trio of religions either. I'm looking for something bigger still. Something that includes but is not limited by those faiths.

Just my opinion, mind you.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Next ramble - Xanatos and Gilgamesh:

As I said my first thought was Gilgamesh, since he also had the wish to find immortality - yet above all because Gilgamesh is the mythological hero whose mortality is an integral part of him: the same thing that you said about Xanatos... Both have had dealings with immortals, yet both are hopelessly mortal...

Other than that, admittedly they don't seem to have any other point of similarity... Perhaps (though a bit far-fetched) that Gilgamesh also starts like a bit of a villain until he discovers friendship. But comparisons between Enkidu and Goliath seem even more farfetched and I decided to stop that train of thought.

The Gilgamesh story is among my very favourite ones... And I love characters such as Utnapishtim (the survivor of the Great Flood - the gods turned him and his wife immortal). In fact I find Utnapishtim's version of the story far more fascinating than that of Noah or Deucalion - two stories which for me are so sketchy as to be really *dull*.

1. Do you have any plans about Gilgamesh or Utnapishtim which are more specific than "Eventually everything?"
2. Since Utnapishtim was turned immortal - do you think he's still around? :-)

Greg responds...

Sure Noah wound up a boring drunk. And Deucalion was a bit of a stiff. But wouldn't you like to see Utnapishtim, Noah and Deucalion all sitting at one of these new post-Flood coffee houses, having a beer together, reminiscing about old times? How singers could really sing pre-Flood and how the smell nearly killed them on those damn arcs?

1. Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Utnapishtim (as well as Noah and Deucalion) all figured into my plans. Vaguely. That is, I have a few ideas for all of these characters. But they have not as yet fully coalesced in the old (and getting older) brain. But I will say that Jeff Robbins is involved with my Gilgamesh notions. (FYI - I never really made a Gil-Xanatos connection.)

2. Duh. :)

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Mel. Celestial writes...

Since you don't have the characters' specific age with you now, care to arrange them according from Hudson(he's the oldest, no?)to baby Alex? A-Z? Thanks!

Greg responds...

I'm at MY office today, so I do have some access. My timeline isn't yet fully REWORKED, so all of the following is tentative. But as of 12-31-95, here are the ages of many of our cast:

King Arthur 1510 (57).
Hudson 1117 (59).
Demona 1057 (35).
Goliath 1057 (29).
Coldstone 1057 (28).
Trio 1037 (19).
Magus dead at 1029 (71)
Katharine 1019 (61).
Bronx 1017 (9).
Tom 1009 (54).
Macbeth 990 (52).
Ang, Gab, Oph, Boud 917 (19).
Fiona 107.
Mace Malone dead at 100.
Leo, Una, Kai 97 (49).
Dominic 93.
Zaf, Obsid 77 (39).
Dane 76.
Jade, Turq, Yama 57 (29).
Peter 53.
Diane 49.
Xanatos 40.
Sora 37 (19).
Jason, Matt 31.
Fox, Robyn 29.
Elisa 27.
Talon, Dracon 25.
Jon 23.
Beth 20.
Thailog 1 (29).

Note, the numbers in parentheses represent biological age when it differs from their actual chronological age.

Alex was not yet born at that time. My current thinking pegs his birthdate as 7-9-96, a Tuesday.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

What language is the Grimorum written in? I imagine the spells are in Latin, but what language did the Magus use to recount the story of the gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Most (but not all) of the Grimorum is in Latin. The Magus used Latin as well, which was in those days the language of scholars.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...


I thought the skiff was blown up at first, but i remembered that only happened in the "Future Tense" episode, which I suppose wasn't real to Goliath. But no one could accidently go to Avalon, because one would first have to recite the Latin to reach it. I got you on this one buddy. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

Thanks for giving my comments about AWAKENING (the portrayel of the Trio and the cut prologue) a fair explanation. (I'm glad to hear that you would've preferred the prologue, too -- maybe I just wanted to know it wasn't cut for quality reasons.)

I understand the usage of the Next Time and Last Time segments better now, too. Though I have to ask: Is the quantity of bad animation you got back on GARGOYLES typical of an animated show?

Greg responds...

No. Actually, on the whole, I'd say Gargoyles got much BETTER animation than the average tv show. For starters, many of our episodes were done by Walt Disney TV Animation Japan. Those guys kicked ass.

And we also did very well by our Korean sub-contractors. Not every time. But often enough that I don't want to complain. Well, to be honest, there were always things to complain about. From every studio. That's the nature of tv production. But we got pretty lucky over all.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in "The Gathering" when Goliath and co. arrived in New York what happened to the Avalon Skiff? did it sink as Arthur's skiff had done in London? if the just left the skiff in the lake or river could anyone have gotten in it and accidently gone to Avalon?

Greg responds...

It sank. But even if it hadn't, you need to know the incantation to get to Avalon.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Durax writes...

City of Stone scenelet>> When Gil crushed the rose, I thought this was to tel the audience that, the scars on his face did more than damage his looks. I thought he had lost his sense of smell too. In my mind this provided even greater cause for him to grow more and more embittered against Demona. I don't think this is what you were intending though, not anymore.

Greg responds...

Hmmm. Interesting. Maybe I wasn't intending it. But maybe it's still true. Hmmm.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

you've said numerous times that Bronx mated and will mate again with Boidekka, but since Bronx was born a generation after the trio wouldn't he be way to young to mate? if the fertility cycle is different for beasts than can they mate and concieve more often in life than the standard gargoyles? i understand that Boidekka, being older than Bronx, is probably able to concieve, but Bronx just seems too young. does it matter that he is male, as in males can mate and concieve earlier in life than females?

Greg responds...

Again, it depends how you're defining "mated". Do you mean "take a mate"? Do you mean "produce offspring"? Do you mean "have intercourse"?

Boudicca is older than Bronx. But Beasts mature faster than Gargoyles. The cycle is the same, but the maturity rate is different. Bronx is an adult and has been for years.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

i have a question about when a gargoyle wakes up. in many times throughout the series we would see the gargs' eyes glow shortly before they would shed their stone skin and that makes sense to me because you've said that at sunset their entire body reverts to flesh except a thin layer over their skin, their eyes probably don't have this layer since that would probably be kinda painful to have stone flying out of your eyes. so we see the eyes first because it doesn't have to break out of a stone shell. am i at least roughly correct on this?

Greg responds...

Roughly, but no, not really. There is a thin membrane of "organic-stone" over the eyes as well. The glow sometimes shines through the membrane. Or if the eyes were closed, they blink open first, and tiny bits of stone fall away to reveal the glow. Or something like that.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Justin writes...

A few weeks ago Anonymous writes
<Are there any female gargoyles who are obese? How about muscular or extremely skinny? Are any females bow-legged?
Are there gargoyles with differnent wing and ear types than the types that were shown on the series?
You know how some gargoyles have a sharp elbow or knee spike that juts out, I was wondering if any gargoyles have them on both knees and elbows because it was always on or the other.>

To which you replied...
<Obese? Not likely, but possible, I guess.

Look, it's all sounding possible.>

Now why is not likely for a gargoyle woman to be obese? Must all of them be fairly skinny like Demona? I don't know man, it seems like a sexist notion of what the female form is supposed to be! Sorry if offends you but with the gargoyles anatomy being similar on the surface, this might boys the neanderthal idea of what female beauty is supposed to be, and girls an impossible standard to live up to. Now don't get me wrong I love the show. Another thing that yerked me. You have mentioned that the original Broadway was going to be a girl. But you changed your minds out of fear of feminist groups being concerned about the evil/fat issue among the two female characters.

Now I would think that feminist groups with all sorts of "agendas" as you put it would love to see a none picture perfect woman in the series. Trust me having the two main female gargoyles in the series model thing didn't exactly endear the show to them I'm sure ;)

Sorry if this sounds like a rant. I just wanted your honest thought on what I've said.

Thank you

Greg responds...

I didn't mean to say that garg FEMALES aren't likely to be obese. I was trying to say that gargs as a whole aren't likely to be obese. Broadway and Hudson may be overweight, but neither are obese. I said it was possible, and I meant it, but given the lifestyle that most gargs have, obesity isn't likely.

Sorry for the confusion.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Mel. Celestial writes...

Fox and her son has Faeye blood in them; so does that mean that they are able to age slower or become immortal?

Greg responds...

Either are theoretically possible, though it does depend on how one define's immortality.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

More of a ramble (or two) than a question but here goes:
I believe that someone here in Ask Greg compared Xanatos to Prospero- both having magical assistants... Anyway I was thinking around the same lines, trying to compare Xanatos with characters from mythology:

My first thought was Gilgamesh (I'll ramble about him next) but then I thought an even better match: namely Sisyphus. And, god, this guy seems the most Xanatosian character I know (I even imagine him played by Frakes). He's *very* intelligent (him and Ulysses are pretty much the two clever men of Greek mythology); something of a trickster; he's considered to be something of a villain; and finally in certain stories he has even tried to find a way to defeat death. Two times in fact. One of them involved binding Thanatos (or Hades - not sure which) pretty similar to what the Emir did in 'Grief'...

So questions:
1. Any thoughts on the above? :-)
2. Sisyphus was punished pretty severely for what was seen as villainy (namely his trying to cheat death and angering Zeus in general)... Other than the brief (though admittedly great) scare that Oberon gave to Xanatos, do you think that Xanatos will get a comeuppance for his crimes? He's done worse than Sisyphus I think...
3. There's a third question but I'll post it serarately in case Todd thinks it a story idea...

Greg responds...

1. Interesting. I can't claim to have been thinking along those lines specifically. Though Odysseus did come to mind, more than once. I guess, I'm just not quite as familiar with Sisyphus' legends...

2. Of course the thing I remember most about Sis is the final punishment. The Sisyphusian task of pushing that boulder up the hill. Xanatos will, on occasion, continue to get his comeuppance. But I can't picture him standing for that kind of punishment -- even in Hell.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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One writes...

1) Most of the fae in their "natural" (so we believe) forms have pointy ears, is there any particular reason for this? Bean Sidhe, Titania, Puck (especially Puck), the Weird Sisters, Oberon, Raven, Grandmother.

2) If a fae created a wall of stone (or any other dense material) to block a cold iron spear being thrown at them, what would happen to the wall? It's said the fae magick cannot resist cold iron but what of things created from fae magick? Say Puck created a golem would that golem be very vulnerable to cold iron?

3) How do you think Oberon would react if Titania was to be killed, hypothetically?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe it comes naturally. Who told you to have round ears?

2. It all depends on method and execution.

3. How do YOU think, hypothetically? Geez.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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One writes...

1) Is there any particular reason why Grandmother chooses to look like an aged native american woman and possess the mannerisms thereof? Most fae we've seen in the series perfer a youthful or mature adult form, usually not children or the elderly. Puck, Oberon, Titania, the Wyrd Sisters, Bean Sidhe, etc.

2) Who are among the eldest of the Fae race? Oberon? Titania? Mab?

3) Is Cold Iron the only way to kill a fae, if not, what other ways are there?

Greg responds...

1. The Weird Sisters took many forms. Some very young, some very old. Grandmother is comfortable in that form. (And also as Thunderbird or the Sea Monster.) Why shouldn't she be?

2. Mab certainly.

3. If I told you, Oberon would have to kill you.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

What nationality is Titania's human form supposed to be?

I find it very cool that you have so much ethinic/racial diversity in the human cast, from Elisa's Native American/African background to Xanatos's half Greek. It's such a fresh change from other cartoon characters with no heritage at all.

I myself am French-American, and I LOVE it that Fox, one of my favorite characters, is half French-American. Thanks, Greg!

Greg responds...

Xanatos isn't half-Greek. He's 100% Greek-American. I also like mixing up the ethnic backgrounds of our characters.

As for Anastasia, however, you need to remember that the identity was a fiction. Her first name suggests a Russian background, but her voice suggests that she's lived in the U.S. all her life. And we don't know her maiden name. So I don't really know how to answer this question.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

A note to Greg:

'Horae' is the plural of the Greek word 'hora' or fairy/goddess of a season. To the Greeks, there were only three seasons, spring, summer, and winter. So I can see why that person might have thought that the Weird Sisters could be the horae.

Greg responds...


Then I tend to think NO. Because at some point we pull in a fourth season at a minimum. And there's no fourth sister. (Living in SoCal, I've always felt that there are five very subtle seasons here.)

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Oberon writes...

The horae were the three female guardians of olympus in greek mythology, I thought they might be the weird sisters because the weird sisters guarded Avalon. So were the Weird Sisters the Horae

Greg responds...

So the Horae aren't the "Hours"?

Tentatively, I'll answer yes. But I really have to do more research first.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

among the British gargs would a female gargoyle that has the lion genes still have the mane that Leo has? i would think she would because Leo is not a lion and while he looks like one probably shares very few of the same characteristics of a lion.
i've also noticed that Maggie the Cat has lion genes and is the only mutate with hair and i assume this is because of the animal she was mutated from but of course Leo wasn't created from a lion...

Greg responds...

There is a chameleonesque characteristic (metaphorically) to the various superficial gargoyle differences that seem so pronounced. That might suggest a female of Leo's type might look lioness-esque as opposed to Lion-esque. But it might not. I hate to tie my hand frankly, or rather I hate to tie the artists hands in advance.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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matt writes...

Faieq, Goliath said, "I grow tired of this, take whats left of your men and begone!" i think he meant he was tired of that particular battle and i doubt there had been previous encounters with Hakon.

Greg responds...

Yeah. That sounds more like it.

Thanks, matt.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Faieq writes...

In Awakening Part one, the Vikings or at least Hakon, are convinced that the gargoyles are just stone statues. This suggests that this is the first time Hakon has attacked Castle Wyvern. But when Goliath awakens he says something like, "I grow tired of these attacks." That means that the attack was only a middle of a series of attacks by the Vikings. Was the battle at the beggining of Awakening part one, the vikings first battle with Castle Wyvern. Or had another party of Vikings been attacking Wyvern and had moved on, leaving Hakon's army in charge of that area.

Greg responds...

Well, Hakon had never been there before. But you're quoting something that Goliath said in the MIDDLE of the battle. So he may have been talking about the fact that Hakon's crowd was still fighting. Or he may have been refering to the fact that Wyvern's isolated location often made them targets of attack. From other Vikings, etc.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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michael regan writes...

Dear Greg
can you answer this,cause their is no scientific way about it(maybe magic,anyway)
a gargoyles flesh and bone turns to stone in the day,but how is it their clothing does as well?

Greg responds...

The clothes thing is magic. Part of a modesty spell cast in the year 10 A.D.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Cherubique writes...

Okay, maybe you won't reveal Lex's mate, but will you tell us if he has any childrens>?

Greg responds...

Sure, all the eggs of certain generations would be children to every member of the Clan including Lex.


Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Spore-chan writes...

Ok, I've got a question on gargoyle suicide, and I can't find the answer in the archives, but feel free to give me a smart-ass response if I have missed it. Let's say a gargoyle slshes their wrists, and does not bleed to death before sunrise. Would the fact that they do not want to be healed have any effect on the sun healing them? And how would a clan regard suicide anyways? As a crime? A cry for help? Something else?

Greg responds...

I don't feel right about being a smart-ass when the topic is suicide.

A simple cut on the wrist would heel over the course of a day. Mindset might effect a more devastating injury. Of course the scary thing is how easy it is for a less-than-devastating injury to have devastating results.

I think garg suicide is fairly rare. Gargoyles are a primal race in many ways, and the will to live is VERY PRIMAL. But I suppose it's not unheard of. Most gargs would regard it as a MASSIVE cry for help. And they would certainly attempt to prevent their clanmate from taking his or her own life.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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