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Young Justice: Outsiders

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Some Guy writes...

1. How long has Katana been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
2. How long has Steel been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?

Greg responds...

1. About six months.

2. Same.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Some Guy writes...

1. How long has Aquaman (Kaldur’ahm) been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
2. How long has Batwoman been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
3. How long has Fire been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
4. How long has Hardware been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?
5. How long has Ice been a member of the Justice League as of July 3rd, Team Year Eight?

Greg responds...

1. About six months.

2. Same.

3. Same.

4. Same.

5. Same.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

While Halo's powers allow her to recover from fatal injuries more than a few viewers find it disturbing that she is specifically and repeatedly subject to getting injured or killed in gruesome ways in spite of her powers, especially as a young Muslim teenage girl (Violence against PoC be it on the news or in fiction tends to be taken less seriously than violence against white people). Had the writing team considered the implications of this when writing the action scenes Halo is involved in?

Greg responds...

Clearly, we did not.

We thought of her like Wolverine, healing from impossible things. But we also wanted to show her journey of strength from victim to hero.

Best laid plans, and all.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

If Vandal Savage was the father of Nabu, then why has Nabu not mentioned this relationship to anyone? Also, has Nabu ever encountered Vandal Savage again at any point between his death and the present day?

Greg responds...

1. How do you know he hasn't?

2. Inevitably, yes.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In known history, Genghis Khan began the seeds if his empire due to his family connections via his father's clan. Given Vandal Savage of course didnt have a mongol chief as his dad, how did he start the start of his empire?

Greg responds...

He might have had a mongol chief as his adoptive father/blood-brother.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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MarylandSwimmer writes...

Just wondering, is the Owings Mills in young justice 3x09 the same from Owings Mills, MD?

Greg responds...

The Earth-16 version, yes.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

How does Jefferson get along with John Stewart after the divorce from Lynn?

Greg responds...

Pretty well.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

How old is Lois Lane?
How old is Jon Kent?
How old is Red Tornado’s daughter?
Is Red Tornado’s daughter Traya Sutton?
How old is Lady Shiva?

Greg responds...

Red Tornado's daughter is Traya Smith.

As of the END of TEAM YEAR EIGHT...

Lady Shiva is 37.

Lois Lane is 36.

Traya Smith is 11.

Jonny Kent is 1.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

Great episodes this week!

How old is Livewire?
How old is Mist?
How old is Shade?
How old is Mad Hatter?
How old is Simon Stagg?

Greg responds...

As of the END of TEAM YEAR SEVEN...

Livewire is 15.

Mist is 13.

Shade is biologically 48.

Mad Hatter is 59.

Simon Stagg is 63.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Seeing Lady Shiva on "Young Justice: Outsiders," is her real name spelled out as Sandra Woosan OR Sandra Wu-San?

Greg responds...

Sandra Wu-San.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

So Deathstroke, Ultra-Humanite, and Lady Shiva are officially members of the Light, but what are there designation numbers?

Greg responds...

Lady Shiva is their enforcer, taking Sportsmaster and Deathstroke's place. She's not a member of the Light.

The Light doesn't use designations the way the League and the Team do.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Since two years have passed between Seasons Two and Three of Young Justice, what happened to Wally's parents?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I just watched Young Justice Outsiders episode 4 and was wondering if the scene with Superboy & Brion fixing that bike was inspired by the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig?

Greg responds...

To a degree, yes. Maybe influenced is a better word than inspired?

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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B writes...

We now know that Troia is Troia's given name, per the UN, as you pointed out on your Twitter. Given that you once referred to her as "the Earth-16 Donna Troy" (in an answer where you said ""But the short answer is that the Earth-16 Donna Troy was TROIA. Never Wonder Girl""), is Donna Troy an alias she has used in civilian life (like Wonder Woman's Diana Prince during WWII), or did you just mean she is the Earth-16 equivalent of Donna Troy?

Greg responds...

I meant the latter. Doesn't preclude the former, though that would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Lea1997 writes...

Can you please give a full description of Superman and Superboy's relationship with the Kent family in Young Justice.

Greg responds...

I could. But I won't. I'd rather show than tell.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Haley writes...

Hi Greg. Thanks for all the work you, Brandon, Phil, and many others put into making a third season of Young Justice. I've been very impressed and can't wait for more episodes!

Q: We see that M'Gann faced oppression as a white Martian by greens, but since they're all shapeshifters, is it possible for them to change form so that they resemble a green Martian, or would other Martians see through that?

Thank you!

Greg responds...

As we established back in Season One, since Martians are all psychic, changing shape doesn't fool them.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Pablo Torres writes...

Hey, Greig, first, big fan of the show, the comic and the game. I love this universe and it always fill me with joy when it expands. And I love that we finally got season 3.
Now my question is about Traci Thurston aka Thirteen
1) How old is she?
2) I know she’s based on Traci 13, but is she also based on Jinx from Teen Titans as well, given she has magical bad luck
3) Is she dating Blue Beetle, or will she start dating Blue in the series? (I loved their relationship in the comics, before the New 52, and I know in Rebirth she was made into an LGBT character, but I always prefer Traci with Jaime)

Greg responds...

1. At the END of TEAM YEAR NINE, Traci is 17.

2. I'm not that familiar with Jinx. So that wasn't in my head. Maybe it was in Brandon's.

3. They're dating throughout Season Three, which doesn't meant she isn't LGBTQ+.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Tyler writes...

Hey Greg!
I had a few questions regarding Bette Kane and the Kane family:

1. Is Martha Wayne's maiden name is still Kane in this universe?

2. Would Bette be from the same Kane family as Martha, or is that all just a big coincidence?

3. If #2 is a yes, does that mean that Bette has a cousin named Kate somewhere out there in Gotham?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. They're related.

3. They're related.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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ReyMonoArdilla writes...

Since we just saw that Traci 13's magic appears to be based on bad luck, I had a few questions about it (and tangentially about Earth-16 magic).

1. Since there are Lords of Order and Lords of Chaos on Earth-16, is magic separated into opposing forces of Chaos Magic and Order magic (like the Light and Dark sides of the Force, or positive and negative electrical charges) or is magic simply a neutral energy that can be used freely for either chaotic or orderly purposes?

2. If Earth-16 magic comes in separate Order and Chaos flavours, is Traci's bad luck magic a type of Chaos Magic?

3. If the previous answer is true, how does Doctor Fate--being a Lord of Order--feel about being allied with a user of Chaos Magic?

Greg responds...

1. I lean toward the latter.

2. See 1.

3. See 2.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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DD writes...

So was that definitely Damian Wayne we saw in the Rescue Op episode of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. But figure there have to be hundreds of babies on Infinity Island, right? So it could be anyone. ;)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Phil writes...

Alright first off I'm a huge fan. Have been since Gargoyles (though I didn't know it at the time). Congrats on season 3 and I hope to see more of your work in the future, be it Young Justice or anything else.

As for the questions:

1. Is Statics identity public? I never see him wear a mask
2. Are Superboy's shirts lighter now due to multiple washings or was that just an aesthetic choice?
3. Did Kaldur always know he would be Aquaman someday?
4. Which episode of season 3 is your favorite?

Thanks a bunch!

Greg responds...

1. You never see Superman wear a mask either.

2. The former.

3. Wasn't a guarantee, but that was always King Orin's plan.

4. Oh. That's hard. I like all of 'em. But I guess I'd go with either "Nightmare Monkeys" or "Overwhelmed."

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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luke writes...

it probably doesn't it matter but in young justice s3 e3 garfield was in paris with queen perita my question is does perita know about the team because gar had to use a zeta beam to get to paris

Greg responds...

Not for that reason.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

After eight years, Zatara appeared to look terrible; whether it is his age catching up to him or the strain of wearing the Helmet of Nabu for such a long time appears to be unclear. As such, why has Nabu not yet found a successor to wear the helmet? How long must Zatanna go through the grief of only seeing her father briefly before quickly losing him again every year?

Greg responds...

I wouldn't say he looks terrible. He just looks like he's aged dramatically.

But to answer your question: NO SPOILERS!

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Can you reveal who A08, A09, and A14 are?

Greg responds...

Yes, I could.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Fabian Martinez writes...

Hi Greg. So I've been trying to Google this to find the answer but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I haven't read the comics so I don't know if it's in there or if you have answered it in here but why does Miss Martian have this new form in S3?

Greg responds...

It's the form she chose. I'll leave the why to your interpretation. (Personally, I think the answer is obvious, but your mileage may vary.)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Gordhan Rajani writes...

Does the public know, that Garfield used to be Beast Boy, before he went on to become an actor? I doubt there's that many Metas with green skin and shapeshifting, and I like to think, that someone must've noticed the similarities.

Greg responds...

Who ever saw him?

I mean, a few people certainly did on Team missions. But the Team's covert. Beast Boy wasn't a public hero until he stepped up to form the Outsiders.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Thomas writes...

As I assume you are avoiding real countries in show, what R.l Countries in the YJverse restrict J.L access to a prohibitive level?

Greg responds...

I guess it depends on how you define "prohibitive". But in any case, I'm not going to pull out a list of countries and go through them all to create a list for you. But some obvious ones include Russia and China, North Korea and United Rhelasia, Greater Bialya and Santa Prisca, etc.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Reed writes...

Given that the character is known for his intelligence, is there a guarantee that we will be seeing at least more consistent examples of Virgil's overall smarts and intelligence on YJ this season?



Greg responds...

I'm not sure I'm understanding the links. I'm not familiar with reddit, or how it works.

But I think we show Virgil as intelligent. Not all-knowing, but intelligent. I'll leave it to your interpretation to decide if we got it right.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Is the Markovian language based on any real languages, like Atlantean is based on ancient Greek?

Greg responds...

It's based on Latvian.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Chris writes...

Okay, Kaldur is B27 and Steel is B36; so what are the designations for Batwoman, Hardware, Ice and Katana?

Greg responds...

My policy is not to pre-reveal designations before the show (or the comic) reveals them. I made an exception at the end of Season Two, because we didn't have a serious hope of a Season Three back then.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Chris writes...

During the UN Meta-Human Summit, Troia mentioned that Bialya was trying to pass off "wanted criminals" as their local heroes. Anyone we know; Psimon? Mammoth? Shimmer? Devastation?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. How old is Earth-16 Anissa Pierce?
2. How old is Earth-16 Jennifer Pierce?

Greg responds...


Anissa is 6, and Jennifer is 4.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the "Young Justice" cartoon series:

1. What are the exact requirements for a member of the Justice League to be elected as its leader?

2. From 2003 to 2018, who was elected to become leader of the Justice League, when exactly did their term began and when exactly did it ended?

Greg responds...

1. A majority of votes from the membership.

2. No spoilers. You know that Batman was leader during Season One; Captain Atom, during Season Two, with Black Canary taking over in the last episode. Aquaman (i.e. Kaldur'ahm) and Wonder Woman were co-chairs during Season Three, until the last episode, when they stepped down, and Black Lighting took over.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Chris B writes...

Hey Greg, loved the first three episodes of season 3. My only question is was a different animation studio used this season? It looks a little different than some episodes in seasons 1 and 2.

Greg responds...

Our two studios for Season One and Two were MOI Animation and Lotto Animation.

We used three studios in Season Three: DR Movie, Digital eMation and Studio Mir.

Our only studio for Season Four is Studio Mir.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Black Lightning mentioned "Batman Incorporated." Now I do know what that name means and what its purpose was in the comics, but the big question is this: Is "Batman Incorporated" a real thing or not on "Young Jusitce: Outsiders"

Greg responds...

Depends what you mean by "real thing," I guess.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

"Young Justice: Oustiders" Questions:

1. So the Outsiders on this show is essentially the DC equivalent of Marvel's Secret Avengers...?

2. Barbara is now Oracle; that means "The Killing Joke" happened, right? No point in denying it... Anyway, hope Barbara will be able to recover and walk again...

3. Why is the Roy Harper clone going by the name Will now...? Did you get this idea from Star Trek: The Next Generation; more specifically, William Riker and his duplicate Thomas Riker?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not familiar with Marvel's Secret Avengers.

2. Something happened.

3. Will is Roy's middle name. It's a logical choice for him to give Roy full possession of the "Roy" name. I've seen those Thomas Riker episodes of the Trek franchise, but I don't think we really borrowed it from there. Just the same logic.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Nick writes...

Hi Greg! Today was the day, congrats!

A few questions.
How old is Troia?
How old is Steel?
How old is Ice?
How old is Hardware?
How old was Tara Markov when she disappeared?

Greg responds...

As of the END of TEAM YEAR NINE...

Troia is biologically 20. Chronologically 78.

Steel is 29.

Ice is 22.

Hardware is 36.

Tara Markov is 16. She was abducted at age 13.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Given that there didn't seem to be an repercussions for Black Lightning's accidental killing of a 14 year-old girl, is it fair to surmise that the league found him responsible but not blameworthy for her death?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Heidi writes...

Hello! Apologies if this question has been asked before. Do you know where I can watch Young Justice season 3 if I don't live in the United States? I am from Finland.
Thank you. Have a lovely day.

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know. So sorry.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Alexandra writes...

Dear Greg,
I don't have any questions,but I needed to tell you this.Young Justice was the show of my childhood and it helped grow into the person I am today.Wally's death destroyed me and all I wanted to say is that it would be the perfect gift for a huge fan.Also,I need supermartian back.Tha k you!

Greg responds...

Wally's death is the perfect gift for a huge fan? If you say so.

Glad you love the show!

In any case, by now you know that supermartian is back. At least in Season Three. No spoilers for Season Four.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions:

1. When the Appellaxian invasion occurred on Earth in February 2003, where specifically did the fight between them and the Justice League occurred? Did it happen in Metropolis, Gotham City, or some other location...?

2. In the "Reach Apocalypse" future timeline which Bart Allen came from, was the Light ultimately betrayed by the Reach; thus this would be the reason why humanity was enslaved by the Reach?

3. Will "Young Justice: Outsiders" possibly explain why the timeline did not change the way that the 2056 version of Neutron (Nathaniel Tryon) had expected it to be?

4. What were the exact circumstances of the unspecified disgrace that led to Ocean Master's expulsion from the Light..? Was it because Aquaman had somehow found out that his half-brother was Ocean Master, or was it another reason...?

5. After the events of the second season (especially after defeating his father, Black Manta, in combat) and now becoming the new Aquaman in the third season, will Kaldur'ahm face any difficulties in his new position and will he eventually be able to find a new love interest?

Greg responds...

1. We haven't locked this down. We'd probably refer back to the original JLA comics and keep as much as I could.

2. This isn't something we worked out in any detail.

3. He assumed that Mount Justice would be rendered whole. But we know why it was not.

4. No spoilers.

5. By now, you should know the answers to this. If I had answered it at the time, I would have said: No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Based on trailers and some images I've seen on the internet, it seems that most (if not all) of the Justice League members on "Young Justice: Outsiders" appear to be wearing costumes that are exactly the same OR near-similar to those worn by their counterparts from the "DC Animated Movie Universe" (which began with "Justice League: War"). Is there an in-universe explanation for the costume changes that occured between Seasons 2 and 3...?

Greg responds...

One hero updated, and then they all realized they could stand for a change.

(How's that?)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Wild Cobra writes...

Which women have Dick Grayson slept with? Are there any other, besides Zatanna and Barbara?

Greg responds...

A gentleman never tells. Now, if you had asked whom he dated, I might have answered.

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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Jacob Levy writes...

Hello Greg,

Congrats on your amazing work on Spectacular Spider-Man, Garoyles, and upcoming season of YJ.

In Spectacular Spider-Man, Uncle Ben dies in the late spring/early summer. Since Season 3 would have taken place during that time period, were there plans either to acknowledge or have an episode centered around the one-year anniversary of Uncle Ben's death.

Thanks again for creating a fantastic series that will hopefully return someday and best of luck with Young Justice.


Greg responds...

Thank you.

1. Sure.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Hello :) writes...

Hi Greg. Want to keep this short and simply but I do have to congratulate you and your team for season 3 of Young Justice.

1) And will we, the fans, are going to see all of the team member's origins similar to the comic, Campfire Secrets and Rabbit Holes? I would love to see Batgirl, Troia, Robin II, Beast Boy, Bumblebee....basically the members that join after 2011 but before 2016 (Wonder Girl and Blue Beetle are the exception of course).

2) And this one is just a random question but, does Barbara Gordon have a close relationship with her mom?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...


1. Someday, I hope.

2. Her late mom?

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, Do you know if the new young justice season is going to be dubbed in any other language than english?

Greg responds...

I do not know. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Paige writes...

Hi Greg,

I am such a huge fan of Young Justice that I can't even put it into words. This show has literally changed my life. I've watched it so many times I've lost count and can't help finding something new to love every time I watch it. This being said, I got to thinking and had some questions about Bart (who is my favorite character in the show; I was super stoked to see him in the trailers for S3) I was hoping you could answer.

1. Was it just Bart and Nathaniel that worked on the time machine, or did they get help from others also wishing to change the time stream?

2. In the flashback in "Bloodlines" Bart is seen without an inhibitor collar, while Nathaniel still has his on and it is activated. Just out of curiosity, how was Bart able to disable his and get his off in order to go back to the past? I'm sure the Reach would have been monitoring both him and Nathaniel, especially since they'd taken the time to put the inhibitor collars on in the first place. How were Bart and Nathaniel able to sneak under the Reach's radar and pull everything off?

3. Were "crash" and "mode" always the lingo you'd had in mind for Bart, or were other words also considered?

4. How do you think Wally would interpret Bart taking on his role as Kid Flash? Do you believe Wally would see it as Bart "honoring his memory" as Artemis puts it, or would Wally see him as more of a fraud like Bart believes?

Thank you so much for everything! Continue to make awesome life-changing works like this one. I can't wait to see what S3 has in store. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.

Greg responds...

1. For now, at least, let's assume it was just those two.

2. It's not hard for SOMEONE ELSE to disable and remove an Inhibitor collar. Nathaniel could remove Bart's, assuming he ever had one.

2a. With difficulty.

3. "Feel the mode" and "moded" were always my plan for bad stuff, based on slang I used in junior high school. Crash came a bit later, but it seemed to fit.

4. The former. He wanted Bart to put on the yellow & red, as you may recall from "Summit."

Thanks for all the kind words. I'm truly gratified (if not awed) that the show meant so much to you.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Ano-Name-Ous writes...

Alanna told Superboy that a shapeshifter like M'gann would be a perfect match for him, does that mean that M'gann makes herself look physically 16 whilst 53 in chronological years and 18 in human biological years?

Greg responds...

Honestly, Alanna was just guessing. But I'd say that Conner can pass for 18, maybe even a young-looking 21. M'gann keeps her appearance in that early twenties range. At least for now.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Mike writes...

Yo Greg what's up with Wonder Woman's outfit? I don't mind you guys borrowing costumes from the New 52 movies but putting a girdle on her, she's Wonder Woman not Xena, that's why DC has the Justice League action show.

Greg responds...

We thought her costume was in definite need of an upgrade. We like our current version of her costume. As always, it shouldn't surprise you that we liked our choices. That's why we made them.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Pan writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

I'm not going to ask about any specific character, as that would be a spoiler. Nor am I going to phrase it as a general question, for the same reason. From what I've read, it appears that the reason you couldn't depict any LGBT characters or relationship on-screen during the first two seasons of ''Young Justice'' is because Cartoon Network wouldn't allow it. Now, as I said earlier, I'm not going to ask if XYZ character is LGBT, or whether the third season will include any LGBT representation. But I am curious, if you wanted to include LGBT characters / representation in any future seasons of the show, and depict it on-screen, ''could'' you? Or has DC Universe, similarly to Cartoon Network, enforced a "gay embargo" preventing you from doing so?

Kind regards

P.S. I hope the italics work.

Greg responds...

We were allowed to, for the most part. Though there was one character that we were not allowed to depict as LGBT+.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

My question is: why the Outsiders? There are a lot of characters and stories you could have delved into like the Teen Titans, Young Justice, the Justice Society, or even the Legion. So, why did you pick this particular group of characters to work with? Did it have anything to with the fact that the Outsiders had never really been used before?

Greg responds...

The title Outsiders fit with the flow of our story. Jumping back to the Justice Society or forward to the Legion at that stage made no sense, and we've basically been doing our versions of Teen Titans and Young Justice all along.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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Rawan Farouk writes...

1-Will young justice season 3 have comicbooks like the last 2 season?
2-I can't ofcourse ask you if Wally is returning or not but I want to tell you if he didn't return the fans will be disappointed

Greg responds...

1. They just had Chris Jones and I do one two-part online comic, which has since been reprinted in the latest trade paperback release.

2. Will they?

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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QueerGuy writes...

Big fan of your work. Not really a question, but I felt the need to clarify after seeing your response to another question regarding queer-baiting.

In your response, you (respectfully) provide some push-back against the concept, while expressing a willingness to learn more. I had a few quick responses to your comments I wanted to share.

You talk about some of the examples given in the Wikipedia entry for queer-baiting to be unfair, citing Sherlock Holmes and John Watson as an example. To be clear, in both the Wikipedia article and in popular usage of this example, people refer to Holmes and Watson as they are depicted in the BBC series, "Sherlock", and not (necessarily) in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original stories or other adaptations.

Queer-baiting refers to creators of media actively misleading a fan-base with hints or indications of "queerness" without any intent of follow-through. NOT -- as you indicated in your prior comment -- a fan-base misinterpreting close same-sex friendships and sexual. "Sherlock" (the BBC series) is a famous example of queer-baiting, as the series very often hints at homoerotic attraction between the two leads in the series' writing, the performances of the lead actors, and in the ways that other characters in series refer to their relationship. I won't go into specific details and examples from the series, but if you are interested in examples there are scores of them documented and easily locateable on the internet.

The key aspect of queer-baiting is the attempt to take advantage of queer fans by providing the bare minimum of queer(ish) interactions, without ever following through for fear of alienating a non-queer audience. This is very different from both presenting close same-sex friendships without any romantic or sexual relationship developing between the two characters, and the presentation of queer characters without the ability to actively show examples of their queerness due to external factors, such as network interference (such as Lexington in "Gargoyles" or Korra in "The Legend of Korra"). These are non-malicious and do not seek to mislead a queer audience.

To be clear, I don't think you have been guilty of queer-baiting in any of your work. I simply wanted to clarify the concept a bit more so that you can hopefully understand where the concern of the initial comment came from. Looking forward to "Young Justice" season three!

Greg responds...

I get the concern. I do.

And my response probably shows my (relative) queer blindness. I've seen every episode of "Sherlock," and never noticed any significant difference between how John and Sherlock are depicted here than in other versions.

I don't want to be defensive; I want to be open. But as you indicated, I've never intentionally queer-baited. Lex was gay to the extent allowed at the time (which was not at all). Some fans read a homo-erotic charge into the Dick/Wally relationship and the Bart/Jaime relationship, but that was never our intention - and I sincerely don't think we were trying to fool anyone. (Though one of those four characters is gay, in our minds, at least. But not in the minds of TPTB, even though TPTB did allow us to be objective about other characters on the show, starting with Season Three.)

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Coolest Aunt Ever? writes...

Hello Greg,

I wanted to thank you for defending the very real LGBT+ fans of pop culture & comics. My niece is one of those; I’ve always known she was on the spectrum and recently she came out. She loves action cartoons with prominent female characters (a rarity still do this day) and she loves watching those with me. Now she is too young for twitter but you better believe that I’m there searching high and low for children’s media where she can finally see herself represented. I really hope your show can provide that for her and viewers dying to see themselves in their heroes in more than just lip-service. My searches in twitter only ever brought promised LGBT+ representation leading to the usual bare-boned minimum. I wouldn’t mind so much, after all those shows are not about romantic development and characters don’t need relationships to be interesting or have enriched stories. Then I see the disproportion; it’s not fair when almost all the non-LGBT+ characters in said shows get to have tender moments, explicit development and definitive romantic intimacy. It’s harsh to tell a whole group of people that their feelings are problematic to explore yet it’s perfectly “natural” for another group. I’m not sure about DC’s protocol but I doubt you would settle for them telling you that the only way you can have a POC character is if you make sure their costume covers any indication of skin-tone and/or facial features and that their superhero name in no way draws attention to their ethnic background… also never remove the costume or use their real name. So please tell me that you will give your LGBT+ audience the same importance in the fight for diverse visibility in your non-adult media; please allow my niece to see herself reflected with the same fleshed-out, emotional connections that straight kids have the privilege of experiencing everywhere.

P.S. I’m not asking for spoilers, just no false promises to young viewers. Thanks again for defending your fans and their humanity!

Greg responds...

I'm not making false promises. We're just doing what we can, as we can. And we have a long-term goal to steadily increase LGBTQA+ representation on YJ, and we're working toward that. TPTB have been much more cooperative for Seasons Three and Four (though still not 100% cooperative) than they were for the first two seasons.

Believe me, I have very personal stakes in this fight. This MATTERS to me.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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John B writes...

In the season 3 of Young Justice trailer I noticed Static does not have a mask on. What happened to his secret identity? That's an important part of his character

Greg responds...

He still has a secret identity. So does Superman. Not every hero feels the need to wear a mask.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Mr_Oof2000 writes...

1. What is your favorite episode so far from season three?
2. What episode from season three do you think fans will enjoy the most?

Greg responds...

1. I feel really good about them all. I think the best episode is "Evolution". But my favorite is "Overwhelmed".

2. I hope you guys enjoyed them all. But I'm guessing that "Nightmare Monkeys" was a crowd-pleaser.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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mastermarvel1080 writes...

Oliver has tried to improve his relationship with Arsenal?

Greg responds...

I think he has.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Fred Flinstone writes...

Good day, Sir.

This is more of a question regarding your policy than one regarding your shows. Your policy regarding not spoiling the details regarding future seasons/episodes of your shows is well documented. But I'm wondering whether or not you feel a freedom to discuss details that haven't yet been depicted on-screen but that have already transpired in-universe and that you likely won't revisit. For example, in between Young Justice Seasons 1-2, there was a substantial time gap in which plenty of untold (to viewers) story unfolded. Viewers got a hint regarding some of what happened, and some more was explicitly stated. But do you feel a freedom to--if asked--go into detail regarding events that occurred during that period but that will clearly never be depicted on-screen or even in the comics (especially considering that Young Justice season 3 looks like it'll occur after yet another time gap)? Do those details count as 'spoilers,' considering that they won't be relevant to future episodes and will likely never be depicted in future seasons?

As always, glad to see the Young Justice comeback and hoping for a season four too.

Greg responds...

You're assuming those things will never be depicted. But, well... FLASHBACKS HAPPEN. So, yeah... SPOILERS.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Mahir writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm so glad YJ is coming back for a Season 3 (Outsiders) I'm just wondering one thing, as of S2, are the Injustice League active (or still a thing) as no mention of them were in Season 2?

Greg responds...

Not as a regular thing.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Ellie writes...

Hi Greg! First of all, congrats on Season 3! I'm hyped beyond imagination. Full honesty, I've kind of arrived to this party very very late since I literally binge-watched the entire show for the first time only last month. I know, I know, like "Hello, self! Why not watch it before?"

Anyway, the absolute thing I adore the most (you probs get this one a lot) is Wally and Artemis' pairing. They work so well with each other and they are the purest things in my life. This show has brought a huge smile to my face during one of my hardest times, and I am beyond grateful to you and all the YJ team for this. My gushing aside, I really wish we'd gotten to see more of their relationship before what happened in the finale with him, and to me, the simple thought that while everyone else in the team grew over the time skip from seasons 1 to 2, they grew together. I have literally no words for how much I adore them. Fine, here comes the questions:

1. Is there anything, any little teeny tiny breadcrumbs of their relationship that you guys developed in regards of their relationship that weren't shown onscreen? i.e why they decided to get Brucely, something, anything please humor me on this one.

2. What are your opinions on them as a couple? Did you and the writers prepare it beforehand or did it just 'happen' as you went along?

3. Did you guys at the studio use Dick's made up words (like aster, traught, whelmed, etc)? Because I do, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the fandom does as well.

4. What is the thing you as a creator missed the most about writing this show?

Bye! And again, thank you so much, Mr. Weissman. For everything. Really. <3

Greg responds...

1. There are a lot of stories in my head.

2. We saw it coming before they did.

3. Sometimes. Whelmed, in particular.

4. Spending time with our voice cast.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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YoungJustice4evs writes...

Why are Nightwings eyes so dark in Young Justice Outsiders? I literally thought they were black at first...doesnt fit continuity with his eyes being lighter when he was shown w/o a mask as robin in the first season. Just wondering bc I think thats what threw me off when I first saw him in the trailer for he looked a little wierd to me

Greg responds...

I don't understand. Nightwing's eyes are solid white inside his mask.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman,

Just saw the trailer for Young Justice: Outsiders and I thought it was awesome. However, is it just my imagination, or does it appear like the artwork style for the new season seem to somewhat resemble the artwork style from the films of the DC Animated Movie Universe more closely in comparison to the previous two seasons of Young Justice...?

Greg responds...

It might have. Character Designer and Outsider's Art Director Phil Bourassa worked on both.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Darksuperboy writes...

Hi Mr Weisman firstly thank you for doing all these q&as for your fans on this site. it shows you really care and I for one am very glad you do it.

Here are my questions

1a) without saying who or what. have you seen heard or read any fan speculation that have got the up coming Outsiders season right. 1b) if so could you give us a fraction. 1c) how to you feel when you see someone make an accurate depiction of a season/episode yet to come out?

2)why do ship designs from Star Trek keep showing up in the series and tie in comics (Cornered episode Face your fears comic tie in)

thank you for you time regards and utmost respect from

p.s I did search the 17 entries for tie in questions for this answer but I might of missed it in the 19,000 invasion entries so sorry if you've answered this already.

Greg responds...

1a. Any? Yes.

1b. You want ME to give you a fraction of fan speculation? No. Sorry. Aside from the fact that this was from years ago, I don't see that as my role.

1c. Mostly, one shrugs. Sometimes one shake one's fist.

2. Are you talking about Space Trek 3016 ships?

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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tom writes...

why was young justice push back to 2019

Greg responds...

Was it pushed back? I can't remember now.

I'm pretty sure Outsiders wasn't all done in 2018. But all the final decisions on when episodes dropped were made by DC Universe. WAY above my paygrade.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Vievin writes...

Hello Greg! (And Greg's moderator team!) I love Young Justice and I'm so happy for Season 3. My favourite character by far is Bart Allen aka Impulse aka Kid Flash II, and I'm absolutely elated that he's looking to be a major character in Season 3. That being said, there's not much to know about him, so I decided to ask you about him and the show in general.

1. I read in an earlier response that the Garricks enrolled him to school when he moved in with them. How much formal education had he received before he came to the past?

2. I actually loved the character so much that I read the Impulse comics from 1998 and I noticed that his Impulse costume is slightly different in the cartoon, this sorta arrowed line thing instead of a lightning bolt thing. His hair is also much shorter. Is there any reason behind the change?

3. With Wally's death, was his designation in the Zeta computer deleted or disabled in any way? Especially since his hero handle is now being used by Bart.

4. Speaking of Zeta designations, in season 1 Speedy/Red Arrow just ordered the computer to "update" his designation. Is it really that easy to change your designation, or was he just making a point and had to later update it officially?

5. Secret aka Greta Hayes was a main member of the comic version of Young Justice, but in the cartoon, she's just a one-episode wonder. Is there any reason behind the change?

I'm glad you're doing such wonderful work with Young Justice and I'm looking forward to season 3.

Greg responds...

1. Formal? Not much. You know, with the Reach Apocalypse and all.

2. You'd have to ask character designer Phil Bourassa.

3. Designations don't transfer. They can go inactive and be retired.

4. It's that easy to update YOUR OWN designation. Identity is very personal.

5. She wasn't part of our larger plans.

6. Thanks!

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

1) Was the decision to have season 3 feature the Outsiders solely yours and Brandon's decision? Or, did your bosses give you a mandate?

2) Did management give you any kind of mandate about anything in season 3 or were and Brandon given carte blanche?

3) Are you allowed to talk about this? Or, would this be covered by a non-disclosure agreement?

Greg responds...

1. Just us. No mandates.

2. Essentially carte blanche. No mandates.

3. There's nothing to hide.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Gia writes...

Congrats on Young Justice being continued. Always great if fans fighting for the favorite shows succeed.
I really liked Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam. Will you write Masque of Bones now things are going well again? The book series is as good as Gargoyles was both in quality, imagination and depth of characters and story arc... books so brillant should be continued. PLEASE!

Greg responds...

Thank you.

I still plan to get back to Masque of Bones and the Rain series someday, but unfortunately I just can't afford to do it now. I need to make a living, and with no one interested in publishing and paying me to write the book, I need to focus on other (paid) work instead. Sometimes real life is uncooperative.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Does Black Lightning's prominence in Outsiders have anything to do with you or your bosses wanting to create some synergy with WB's Black Lightning series? Or, was it part of your plan all along to make BL an important player in season 3? Is the fact that there is now a live action Black Lightning series just a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. I don't know about "all along" - but definitely by the end of Season Two.

3. Yep.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Does the Light really believe it can play Darkseid the way they played the Reach? The very thought brings a smile to my face.

Greg responds...

They have no intention of "playing" Darkseid, as I assume you know from watching Season Three.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

Saw the promotional poster for Young Justice: Outsiders, but I'm surprised the poster did not have the logo on it...

Greg responds...

Don't know what poster you saw, but it does seem odd that there was no logo on it.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Let's talk Hawkgirl writes...

Hey, Greg I'm really excited about Young Justice: Outsiders. I loved the first two seasons and I'm a big fan of Hawkwoman. I would love for her to get more development in this season. My question is: What made you choose to put Shayera Thal as the Hawkwoman in your series and not the popular Shayera Hol? Have a nice day!

Greg responds...

We decided that Thanagarians don't change their names when they marry. (We try to do little things to differentiate cultures, here and there.) So "Thal" is, in essence, the equivalent Shayera's "maiden name". But the character we've chosen is basically the Shayera who was Hawkman's wife when the Thanagarian versions of both Katar and Shayera were both first introduced way back when.

Hawkwoman did get a bit more screen time in Outsiders. I hope you enjoyed it.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I'm going to ask for a spoiler only because it is a spoiler you have already given us.

Years ago, you said that a villain from the YJ:Legacy would play a role in season 3 - if it ever happened. Is that still the case? (I'm guessing you were referring to Tiamat as she is the only villain specific to Legacy.)

Also, is the general plan you had for season 3 the same as it was when you completed season 2? I guess you'll be able to talk more freely about this after Outsiders has aired.

Greg responds...

1. There were a number of villains that Legacy and Outsiders had in common. I no longer remember who specifically I might have been referring to.

2. The general plan for the entire series (including S3) hasn't changed.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

I always imagined Wally and Jade liking each other for some reason, and then it hit me: Jade is like a darker, nastier, sultrier version of Artemis. So, my questions are:

1) Do Wally and Jade like each other?

2) Was it your intention to have the two sisters mirror each others personalities to some extent? Or, am I imposing my own interpretation after the fact?

Greg responds...

1. They don't have much of a relationship, honestly, i.e. haven't spent a ton of time together. But I think they had good days and bad.

2. Both.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Dylan writes...

Hi there Greg in regards to Young Justice, since the cancellation in 2013 and the revival now, have major ideas changed since then? Anything that would be considered a spoiler that you've decided against/change it?

Greg responds...

Our basic gameplan never changed.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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dude writes...

Hope this isn't complicating, but I wanted to ask: So Red Tornado was building an android for himself "to party" as Rocket puts it. We get glimpses of other androids like the one for Secretary Tseng. Is there a reason Red's androids look much more,,,unrealistic? I'm probably just picking at random irrelevant details, but I just noticed that the other androids seen always look real.

Greg responds...

John Smith wasn't finished. Then it was partially destroyed. But by Season Three, I think it looked very realistic.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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roni writes...

hey greg! gotta ask:

1. How have you been? :)
2. So, what's your opinion on Voltron: Legendary Defender, the one currently airing on Netflix made by Dreamworks? Have you watched it, or worked with anyone who has also worked on it?
3. I wish you knew how excited I am for YJS3, because can't explain in words. :')))
hope you have a good day!

Greg responds...

1. Really good, actually. Got through the pandemic largely unscathed personally. My family stayed healthy, and we all stayed employed. I can't complain. (I mean, I DO complain all the time, but really I shouldn't.) Young Justice: Phantoms is going great guns through Post-Production. So all is well.

2. Haven't seen it, so I have no opinion, but I know a bunch of people who worked on it, and they're all great, so I imagine the show must be great, too.

3. Hope you liked it and are now equally excited for YJS4

You have a good day, too!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

Hi Greg, I was looking back through the material released from SDCC last year (or, from 2017 - who knows if this'll make it through the queue before 2019!) and I noticed that, while the male characters in the promo images have a wide variety of body types and face structures, but the female characters still have the exact same hourglass figure, and pretty similar faces - small pointed chin, upturned nose, clearly wearing makeup. I really think you should be working on having female designs that are as varied as your male ones - if you put Wonder Girl and Arrowette in identical hoodies with their hair hidden, I'm not sure anyone would be able to tell which was which. Why not have female heroes who are built like real-life Olympic weightlifters, with bigger, broader bodies?

I still enjoy the show very much, but looking at what's out so far - I think that you can do better.

Greg responds...

We've started doing that. Halo, for example, has a much more pear-shaped figure, though I'll admit the animators were inconsistent about portraying her that way. But we are trying, I promise.

Having said that, I don't agree with your specific example. Wonder Girl has a more muscular body type than Arrowette. It's subtle, I suppose. But no more subtle than the differences between Nightwing and Kaldur.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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A Fan writes...

Just wanted to preface this with how much I enjoy your work and admiration to the comic world! I sincerely love everything you do. That being said..
Are you underwhelmed, whelmed, or overwhelmed for the new season of Young Justice? :)

Greg responds...

At this stage, none of the above. I assume - back in 2018 - you were talking about Outsiders. I'm thrilled with how it turned out and generally thrilled with fan response to it.

As for the coming Phantoms, we're in the home stretch finishing it up. Put episode 414 in the can last night. So I'm not overwhelmed with work. But I'm very excited about it dropping and seeing what the fans think of it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jillian writes...

Hi Greg! These are a bit of odd questions, but, I figured they might be fun for you to answer:

1. Does the average speedster need a lot more alcohol to get drunk than a normal human would?

2. What college majors are Conner, M'gann, Dick, and/or Karen going for?

3. Even though I doubt you could actually show it on-screen or in the tie-in comic, do things like the Pokémon franchise, the McDonald's restaurant chain, and Marvel Comics exist on Earth-16?

4. Does the United States (or any other given country) have a department dedicated to superhero/supervillain clean-up on Earth-16? Do some insurance plans cover a certain Man of Steel's heat vision accidently frying a chunk of your car, or a stray Green Arrow's arrow littering the facade of a building?

5. Are November 5th and/or 6th mourned (due to the separate adult and children worlds, where you've confirmed lots and lots of people died) on the same level as September 11th, or December 7th?

Hope you liked these! Have an amazing day/night!

Greg responds...

1. I would think so.

2. Karen is studying under Ray Palmer. So that's um... Physics? Megan double-majored in Psychology and Education. Dick majored in... um... International Relations (maybe). Conner, in Engineering, I think. Having said all that, I won't be bound by any of it. Story in execution will always trump questions at Ask Greg

3. Sure.

4a. Probably.

4b. Probably.

5. Probably.

Pretty fun! Thanks!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

There have been many superhero stories about killing vs. not killing. (My personal favorite is Geoff John's Black Reign in JSA.) On the one side are heroes like Batman who say that taking a life is never justified even if the result would be good. On the other side are heroes like Wonder Woman who say sometimes the consequences of not killing would be so catastrophically bad that taking a life is sometimes necessary. Taking this further, you have anti-heroes like classic Wolverine who feels that anybody who uses lethal force against him should expect the same in return.

You touched upon the question as to whether the ends justifies the means in M'Gann's character arc in Invasion. But CN and other traditional media are usually very very leery about even saying the words "die" or "kill" in a cartoon directed at a young audience. Certainly, you could not have done a story like Black Reign while YJ was on CN. I mean... you COULD have but it probably would have been dumb because you could not have addressed the issue of murder in an open and honest manner.

So, the question is...

Are the standards of the DC streaming service permissive enough for you to address this issue in season 3 or future seasons? Or, would this kind of subject matter still be prohibited?

I hope you don't think I'm fishing for spoilers because I'm not. I just want to find out what kind of themes and subject matter would be acceptable for your new venue.

Greg responds...

We don't seem to have the same kind of limitations on Seasons Three and Four that we had on Seasons One and Two.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Chronos Typhoon writes...

Hey Greg,
Which animation studio(s) will be providing the animation services for Young Justice S3? Will MOI and Lotto provide the services this time around again?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure MOI and Lotto exist in the same way that they did back during Seasons One and Two.

Animation for Season Three was largely split between eMation and DR Movie, with Studio Mir doing a couple episodes.

Season Four is being entirely animated by Studio Mir.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

It seems to me that you have become more forthcoming about answering questions about the team's sex lives. For example, I believe you confirmed that Wally and Artemis were sexually active. It seems to me that you would never have answered such a question while YJ was on Cartoon Network. Is this new openness because of the change in broadcasters? Will the DC streaming service have less stringent guidelines about depicting sex and sexuality? Or, do you not agree with the premise of my question.

Greg responds...

I think by now you've seen that we did have more freedom in Season Three than we had in the past.

And to be clear, I think I was saying that Wally and Artemis were sexually active in college with each other in a committed relationship. Before that... I'm not confirming or denying anything.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

So, one of the complaints I've seen come up in discussions about Young Justice is that the villains are too well-prepared for any contingency, beyond what anyone could plan for, and it's hard to root for heroes when they can't make any progress against the villains' plans. And then I realized - well, why are we trusting a bunch of career liars and manipulators to actual say when something's caused them trouble? They'd do everything in their power to make it look like they're in control, always one step ahead, but looking at the actual evidence, we get a different story entirely.

Take Bereft - Superboy escapes capture, the League gets a heads-up that someone in Bialya is messing around with zeta-beams, Sphere is lost, and the Light's top telepath is soundly beaten, and yet none of that matters, because the delivery system was successfully tested... But who ever said the delivery system needed to be tested? It's a boom tube, which the New Gods have been using for centuries, tech that's as tried-and-true to them as anything, and there doesn't seem to be any reason to expect boom tubes to not work if they're being sent to Earth. Saying that it doesn't matter if they lost Sphere because the delivery system works is like saying it doesn't matter if someone breaks into your house and steals your new laptop, because you now know that the postal service that delivered it works fine. But no one in the Light would ever say something like that - they've all been spreading around a reputation of being masterminds, with goals and strategies as inevitable as the tides, so saying anything that would hint at doubt would never happen!

Or, let's look at Downtime and Misplaced. To hear the Light talk about it, getting the entire Starro organism is about the same as getting the sample from the lab, in terms of their plans, so Aqualad didn't really hurt their plans all that much. But looking at it long-term - one member of the Team, on his day off, forced the Light to adjust their plans from 'acquire a nearly endless supply of Starro-samples in one night while no Justice Leaguers are able to interfere, then begin combining it with the Fog, then spend the time until Red Arrow's induction fine-tuning the Starro-tech' to 'wait and plan for months, carry out a massive ritual that draws the attention of every superhero in the world, and in the process bring back the only mystic being that can match Klarion and lose 4 of the Light's top mystic muscle to him, all to acquire a tiny fraction of the original biomass.' Even if in the end they still got the Starro-sample, they still had to go to a lot more trouble and pay a higher price for it.

The Light is a threat, yes, but they're not omnipotent or omniscient, much as they'd like to convince their minions, their enemies, and we the audience otherwise. And I really can't wait to see S3, where they finally have to deal with a Team that can plan and scheme as well as they can.

Greg responds...

Well, I never thought they were omnipotent or omniscient. They're all flawed individuals. But they play a good game, don't you think?

Hope you liked Season Three, and hope that you tune in for Season Four, as well.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Adlan Varayev writes...

Can the Young Justice Beast Boy change into a whale ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jeff Bell writes...

Does the young justice invasion hero Wonder Girl have a longer lifespan a normal human because her father is a god ?

Greg responds...

No way to know yet. She's aging normally, so far.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Strathairm writes...

Why did Tim Drake not have a problem with the idea of dating Cassie when he knows her dad is a god ?

Greg responds...

Why would he?

I swear I JUST answered this exact question in the exact same way.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg,
Regarding Young Justice:
1-Who gets to name the episodes? You, Brandon or the script writer?
2-Is it a team effort?
3-What's the general process? And what exceptions have been made?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mix of the three of us.

2. Yes.

3. It's changed over the years. It used to be more me pushing for one-word titles unless someone had a really good idea that superseded that. During Season Three, because we knew what letter had to start each title, and because we had arcs within the series that each - in theory - had their own title scheme, it was more about the three of us, i.e. myself, Brandon and the writer of the individual script, coming up with the best title of any length that (a) had resonance for the episode, (b) began with the correct letter of the alphabet, and (c) fit the title scheme for the individual three or four episode arc that the episode was part of.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Catherine writes...

Well, this is more of a thank you for Young Justice, I am SUPER stoked it's coming back, it is a really amazing program and helped me through some tough times when I was a teen, and I remember thinking, "things might be bad, but at least I don't have to save the world as well". And now, I'm enlisting into the US Army as a combat engineer and am thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life. The excitement of Young Justice will definitely motivate me through Basic. And thanks again for this show.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank YOU for your service! Glad we could be part of your life!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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won writes...

this isnt really a question but. im still blown away that after so long, y'all were finally able to make a season 3 of yj!!! the fact that you and brandon made a world full of characters we all got so sucked into, are still invested in and excited for almost a decade later is amazing. i cant wait to see where outsiders takes us. best wishes to you, brandon and the rest of the cast and crew moving forward!

Greg responds...

Thanks!! By now, hopefully, you've seen Young Justice: Outsiders, and are looking forward to Young Justice: Phantoms (i.e. YJS4), which is coming soon.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, I'm a massive fan of yours and I was wondering if there would ever be a possibility of you bringing back the tv series W.I.T.C.H? So many people adored the show and would love if it was brought back to TV.I know you were a producer and it seems like a very long shot, but there is actually a petition with nearly 3000 supporters that are willing to do anything we can to help bring back the show. The show had and still has so many supporters of it and if you could do anything to bring us a third season we would be eternally grateful to you please respond!

Greg responds...

There's nothing I can do, I'm afraid. I'd be happy to produce more episodes, but that's really up to Disney, not me.

Is W.I.T.C.H. available on Disney+? If it is, that's a way for the fans to try to get the show back. Petitions are nice and all, but have little effect these days. But by subscribing to Disney+ and voting with your wallet by rewatching a series over and over again, the chances of success are greater.

In essence, that's what brought YJ back.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Do you still consider the original five living team members to be leads in YJ season 3?

Greg responds...

Generally, across the season.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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YJ Fan writes...

Why are most of the questions here about Garfield? He's not even an OG character, I would like to know what jobs Artemis and Wally were going to get after their degrees. He was studying Physics and she was doing a double-major in Human Biology and Comparative Literature. What were they trying to get into with those degrees?

Greg responds...

1. I dunno.

2. By now, you probably know that Artemis is studying to be a Comp Lit professor. Wally might have been a professor, too, in Physics. Certainly, Artemis thought that might be the direction he might head.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Kimberly writes...

Why does tim drake not have a problem with dating his teammate wonder girl knowing she has super powers and tim drake does not ?

Greg responds...

Why would he?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Ameera writes...

Will the Young Justice theme song for season 3 have any words? Also, how many episodes have already been recorded for Young Justice season 3??

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. 26.

3. 26 have also been fully recorded for Season Four. We have thirteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production. The last six are being animated by Studio Mir now. Pre-production is virtually complete, except for a little bit of color on the last episode.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Vegeta fan writes...

When Miss Martian visit Garfield after mom died was it orphanage or foster home Garfield was living at the time ?

Greg responds...

He was living with Rita Farr.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Hayden writes...

Will the complete young justice timeline be revel if all future seasons of the young justice you Mister Greg plan for the show to have are produce ?

Greg responds...

Never. Cuz we'll never run out of ideas for future seasons, and the timeline is constantly growing. Right now it's 694 pages on my desktop computer and 609 pages on my laptop. (I have no explanation for the discrepancy. It's the exact same document. My desktop is much older than my laptop.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is David Hyde the real name of Black Manta in the Young Justice cartoon...?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Finkel writes...

Did Garfield replace the destroy picture of his mother that was lost when mount just blew up if how ?

Greg responds...

Yes. He got another one.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Chuck writes...

Did Garfield have many friends his age play with at the place he live at were MISS MARTIAN visit him after his mom died or did he keep to himself ? Did Garfield relive the event of finding his dead mom like he did in episode Earthlings ?

Greg responds...

1. I think he largely hung out with the Doom Patrol, but he might have had some friends his own age.

2. Ever? Almost definitely.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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