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cyber-Xanatos writes...

hey i was wondering how would you describe oberon's relationship with the avalon clan amicable respectfully or professionally distant
also does boudicca like oberon at all

Greg responds...

1. All of the above.

2. Sure. He gives her treats.

Response recorded on January 31, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I would like to know something about the rookery of the Avalon Clan for Liberty Clan. At Avalon, by the year 2188, only about 8 years have passed and the gargoyles my bill be 45 years old. So that they are even younger than the other gargoyles lay their first egg? In general, it would already be the year 2308, before they are 50 and really should place their first egg.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry. Maybe it's the typos, but I'm not following you.

Also, my timeline doesn't go as far as 2308.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Derek writes...

You mentioned that Angela was raised christan, to an extent anyway by Katherine but was not necessarily bapitised.

I read a book about "monsters" in medieval art and apparently St Augustine claimed that even "monsters" were worthy of salvation but only if they were descended from man. Apparently Augustine's comments were very important to missionaries and their work. Could this have been a reason that Katherine didn't bapitise the Gargoyles as they weren't descended from man? Or was it a more literal, no priest on Avalon king of thing?

Greg responds...

I'd have to do some research, I guess.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

I just re-read The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw. It's a book I mentioned in a much earlier question to you, one about a changeling girl who is half human and half fae, and the weirdness and difficulty she has fitting in with either because she is different from both species. (It's even set in medieval Scotland.) It prompted me to ask you how different or similar, emotionally and psychologically, the Third Race are to humans, because the depiction in this book is of quite inhuman fae who really can't relate to humans. You have consistently answered that the Third Race are quite similar to humans, emotionally and psychologically -- that the main difference is that of great power without great responsibility, of never growing old or having to work, and of being able to look however they want on a whim. You've even said that a human could imagine what it is like to be such a being by imagining what life for one of us would be like with those benefits.

Reading The Moorchild again got me to wondering about what it is like growing up as a hybrid (in a family of non-hybrids), or as a non-hybrid changeling raised by another species, in the Gargoyles universe. The personality differences don't seem nearly as pronounced between humans and Third Race as they are between humans and fae in The Moorchild, so it seems like fewer problems should arise, although physically there seems to be quite a lot of difference between mortals and the Children even when they look human. Clearly a half-mortal child like Fox can grow up without ever figuring it out, or learning magic. But did she ever feel different from the mortal children around her? Did other humans notice anything different about her? Or was there nothing really out of the ordinary, no noticeable outward signs of her magical heritage?

And what about Morgan le Fay, who according to what you have revealed is a purely Third Race changeling. Was it strange for her to grow up among humans? I assume she looked human, but did she feel human, or did she feel different from those around her? Did she seem unusual to her human parents and siblings, or did they never really notice anything out of the ordinary, personality-wise or physically? Did she just seem like a regular human being to them?

As for Nimue, well, she can't have helped but notice she was different, not having the same nearly-effortless magical abilities and shapechanging that the Third Race have. That and not being made of pure magic, along with whatever that entails.

I imagine a slightly different dynamic for the Avalon Clan, since there was no human society around them and they actually outnumbered their foster parents 11-to-1, but I'm sure that was at least somewhat weird, especially for the humans.

Greg responds...

I guess if the question is: "Did they feel different?" then the answer is a resounding "YES!". Because, I'm pretty sure I'm not a magical hybrid and I felt different. Doesn't everyone?

Response recorded on December 22, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about the Avalon Clan. The male gargoyles are generally named after angels, with Gabriel and canon-in-training names like Michael and Raphael, and the female Angela also has an angel-themed name. But as far as I can figure out Gabriel is the only angel name in Christianity that's ever considered female, and Gabriel is already used for a male gargoyle.

So my question is, what sorts of names do most of the Avalon Clan females have? Is there a theme for the female names, like the angel theme for the males? If there is a theme for the female names, what is it? (I'm not asking for individual names because I know you don't want to share those outside of an actual comic.)

Thank you again for answering so many fan questions!

Greg responds...

ALL the eggs (male and female) were named for angels, except for the Beasts, who were named for warriors.

Response recorded on December 03, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about Avalon. In the past you have stated several times that it is always summer on Avalon, "unless Oberon decrees otherwise," and that Avalon is "a summer place -- by decree."

So I'm curious: what was the climate and weather like on Avalon during Mab's reign?

Thank you, as always, for answering so many questions.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2010

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Matt writes...

Hey Greg.

So a few years back we had talked about the two other beasts on Avalon (besides Boudicca) and how they are male and female and mates. We seemed to come to the conclusion that if the math is correct they should have already mated and laid an egg as of 1996, though it has not hatched yet. I believe you agreed the math worked out correctly, but didn't commit to the idea that this had actually occurred and put it tentatively in the canon-in-training category (which is how it continues to be labeled on the GargWiki).

I just want to get some confirmation from you that this has not happened after all. Since Angela commented in "Phoenix" that she had never seen a gargoyle egg before, I suppose the two beasts on Avalon have yet to parent one, right?

Also, as a side note, I find it interesting that during the time spent at Ishimura and ChacIxChel (and to a lesser extent London since Goliath and Co probably didn't visit Knight's Spur), Angela never got a peak of the Ishimuran or Mayan rookeries. Is this something private to a clan and not something they'd put on the tour or did it just not come up due to lack of time or whatnot?

Thanks, Greg!

Greg responds...


The latter question is easier to answer. I don't think there was time for Angela to see a rookery. And it didn't occur to her to ask for a special tour.

The former question... I guess she hasn't seen one.

Response recorded on May 21, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Greetings Greg,

I have a quick question about one of the gargoyle models in The Gathering. Since you have revealed some interesting tidbits about the City of Stone and comics models it seems like the time to ask this:

There is a female gargoyle model who appears in the throne room scene in The Gathering, seen on the left in this scene next to a gorgon-like Child of Oberon: http://gargoyles.dracandros.com/Image:The_Gathering2.jpg

There are some gargoyles in the scene serving as Honor Guard, but this female is not, and from the way she seems to be chatting with the Child of Oberon, and since the Third Race can look however they want, I have never been confident I know what she is.

Was she intended to be a gargoyle, or a Child of Oberon who is in a gargoyle shape?


Greg responds...

I'd probably need to watch the episode again for context to tell you for certain, but based on that picture, she appears to just be a gargoyle, presumably one of Princess Katharine's Eggs.

Response recorded on January 14, 2010

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Ms Marvel writes...

On the garg wiki page for the Avalon Clan you have pics of fourteen different gargoyles? I love their designs particularly the aquatic looking blue male. Any chance you could assign them names? I know you have named at least five of them already you just haven't stated which gargoyles the names belong to?

Greg responds...

They all have names, including those not yet pictured. But I'd rather reveal them in the context of a story than just spew them out here.

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Brenden Thoreson writes...

Hello Greg, long time fan of gargoyles, and most of my questions about the Gargoyles universe have been answered by browsing the archives but these questions.
I see from the archives that Angela and Broadway will raise their children in the traditional gargoyles fashion, and I am assuming that Brooklyn and Katana will try to do the same. But this has led me to some interesting questions about the relationships between generations of gargoyles in the same clan.

I have seen that from the first episode that gargoyles from the same rookery generation call one another rookery brother or rookery sister, or if there are close bonds just brother and sister. So my first question is do gargoyles have the same endearing names for an older or younger generation with in the clan, for example rookery mother, rookery father, rookery son, rookery daughter, or some other term like those? Yes I do know that Goliath's generation calls Hudson My Mentor, I am assuming that is so only because he was the leader and teacher of the clan before Goliath.

Another is I have noticed that Hudson has a stronger relationship with Goliath then any other of Goliath's rookery siblings, or at least just the ones we have met so far. I am assuming this is do to, that Hudson saw Goliath's potential as a successor and paid special attention to him to prepare him for the role. I have also noticed that gargoyles in one generation develop strong ties with a few siblings like Coldstone's and Goliath's relationship. My next question is do stronger relationships develop between certain hatchlings and certain members of the parenting generation or members of another older generation of gargoyles?

But in Mark of the Panther Goliath, who is having trouble dealing and even understanding Angela's unusual need for parents and her attachment to him after she finds that she is his biological daughter, says to Elisa's mother Diane "gargoyle hatchlings belong to the whole clan, I cannot hold one hatchling over the others." So are these kinds of relationships, I have asked about in the previous paragraph, taboo, shunned, frowned upon, or generally accepted as a part of the growing up process of young gargoyles, or are they just Goliath's personal words do to the fact that he is the clan leader?

Thanks for even putting up a general questions website, not many writers do that or post the site on there publications. I apologize for my long winded questions but it just the way I write. Just to let you know Gargoyles has been a huge influence in my own stories and don't worry I have absolutely no fan fictions of Gargoyles and I have never understood why people have to do them, they don't make sense to me any ways.
I can't wait for Brooklyn's little trip, especially the clan's reactions when he gets back five minutes later, they will be priceless. I might have to scan the images in and use them as a desktop. I just can't see Time Dancer done in six issues like I heard the spin offs will be done in, too much happening from what I have found on Ask Greg. Well I guess that is why it is third in line and thanks again.

Greg responds...

Some gargoyles will develop stronger relationships with some. With that many parents, siblings, children, etc. running around, it's natural. But neither "shunned, frowned upon, or generally accepted" fits the bill to my mind. Amd citing Hudson/Goliath hardly proves anything. Hudson's pre-massacre relationship with anyone else in Goliath's generation has not been explored. Nor has Goliath's relationship with anyone else from Hudson's generation even been touched on.

In Panther, Goliath is NOT having trouble with Angela's "unusal need for parents". He's concerned about what her specific need to acknowledge their BIOLOGICAL relationship might mean... both in terms of his relationship to the rest of the Avalon Clan and especially HER relationship to her biological mother.

Not all of Brooklyn's TimeDancer adventures are designed to fit into one six episode mini. Just one six-part story. I could tell TimeDancer adventures for forty years. And I hope I get that chance.

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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