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Mark writes...

1. Is Aqualad as strong as Aquaman or is he just as strong as the average Atlantean?
2. Can Aqualad or any other Atlantean who uses sorcery do what Lagoon Boy's sub skill of inflating himself? Would it manifest the same way or different for the more humanoid Atlanteans?
3. Does Blubber have a speciality in Atlantean sorcery or is hard water constructs that is the norm?
4. Does King Shark use sorcery or he just stronger than average?
5. Not looking for a hard number but do you know how many Atlanteans there are in terms of population? Is it in the thousands, hundred thousands, millions, etc...
6. Not a question just wanted to say thanks for creating Young Justice, best animated show of all time!

Greg responds...

1. Kaldur trains, so he's probably stronger than "AVERAGE" - but basically the latter. But what makes you think that Orin is THAT much stronger than the average Atlantean?

2. Kaldur cannot. But I'm sure someone else can.

2a. How "human" one looks isn't relevant.

3. Hard-water constructs are a pretty basic skill. Blubber's specialized in techno-sorcery.

4. Both.

5. Across ALL of Atlantis? Millions.

6. Brandon and I thank you.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Mark writes...

1. Do the League of Shadows masks with three dots on one side one on the other have any functions depending on what eye it is on? If not they still look really cool.
2. Is Ra's Al Ghul's name actually his or is it just a title?
3. Is League of Shadows also known as the League of Assassins on Earth 16?
4. When was the League of Shadows formed on Earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. There is. A variety of built-in cameras/lenses. (And we think it looks cool, too.)

2. It was originally a title. But it's been his only name for so long, it's the only thing most people (including his daughter) know him as.

3. Not as a name. Too obvious.

4. I haven't nailed that down. Long ago.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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M. writes...

Hi Greg! I've been loving s3 so far, especially "Exceptional Human Beings". I noticed that there's something off with Jade in that episode, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what's gonna happen in the second half of the season. Anyway, I just wanted to know:
1) After Jade helped Will to find Roy, and did other good things for her sister (like helping her with the intel) and him, Do you think Cheshire should be considered an anti-hero instead of villain?
2) Did she give Will the idea to start a company or help him in any way?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Kid_Argentum writes...

Hey Greg! I was wondering what is up with Mento's accent/speech impediment? Is this just the way he talks or is there something else to it?

Greg responds...

It's neither an accent nor a speech impediment. It's just how he talks.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Gardita4Ever writes...

I love the Gardita relationship!! Thank you so much for creating such nice couple between two incredibly loved characters! I love them very much! Please don't let anything bad happen to this couple. You already destroyed my biggest OTP (One True Pairing) Spitfire D> Don't let Gardita suffer please!!!
What's Perdita and Garfield's birthdays if you don't mind asking?
How long have been Gar and Perdita together?
I'm really hoping they'll get married one day.

Greg responds...

1. I don't set actual birth dates unless there's a story reason. At the end of Team Year Eight, Perdita is 18 and Garfield is 16.

2. They met at Wally's funeral.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg,

Having watched the first half of season 3, I can honestly say that the writing on Young Justice is as sharp as ever. As always, some episodes like "Evolution" and "Nightmare Monkeys" are better than others, but that's going to be true of any show.

However, I recently re-watched "Depths" from season 2, and I have to say that the quality of the animation on Outsiders is just not at the level of the animation on seasons one and two. What would account for this? Is your budget smaller? Did you switch animation houses? Or, do you not agree with the premise of my question?

Don't get me wrong. I think the animation is okay. It's just not as good as prior seasons.

Greg responds...

Our budgets are technically higher, but are (with inflation) more or less the same. We did switch animation houses. But we had to. The world has changed. There's way more production in Seoul than there used to be. It's way more competitive for studios and artists over there.

But basically, I don't agree with the premise of your question. We've had mixed animation success in every season, with strong episodes and weak episodes and everything in between. I'd put the animation on "Nightmare Monkeys" up against anything we did in Seasons One or Two. And there are episodes in all three seasons that had us pulling our hair out over the animation. In the end, however, I think they all cleaned up respectably.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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John writes...

Was it batman who created the special eye contacts like in the like did the new 52? And isn't batman the most dangerous man in the world and one of the smartest?

Greg responds...

1. <shrug> I haven't given any thought as to who created the contacts. And I never read any of New 52.

2. I don't think of Batman as "dangerous." He's a badass, without a doubt. But I don't subscribe to the notion that Batman is the pinnacle of humanity. That seems to go against one of the core ideas of the character. So, is he smart? Yeah, duh. But is he the smartest? No. And though he knows a lot about a lot, as any detective should, there are many people who are experts in many subjects that he's not equal to.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Dan writes...

Did Garfield fell out of place being with the doom patrol because he had no powers at that time ?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "fell out of place"...? Is that a typo for "feel out of place"? Cuz if so, I don't think he did feel out of place.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

What the hell happened to the Terror Twins? They look so old.

Greg responds...

They continue to mutate.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Havok writes...

1. How old is Mongul ?
2. How old is Lobo ?
3. How old was Olympia Savage ?
4. How old is Steel
5. How old is Metamorpho ?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Team Year Eight...

1. Mongul is biologically 52.

2. Lobo is biologically 46.

3. Asked and answered.

4. Steel is 28.

5. Metamorpho is 35.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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